2006-Ultimateflexural Strength Hollow Sections

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Reinforced concrete circular hollow sectionsare chiefly usedin water tanks, other tower structures, and chimneys are

are some
shaft type stagingfor supporting overheadwater tanks, other examples of structures which rely on strength of thin hollow
tower structures and chimneys. As per current Indian practice circular sections for their load resistance ability. These
structures are subjected to significantly large lateral loads
such sections are designed using working stress approach,
due to wind or earthquakes, in addition to direct compressive
which neither explicitly ensures safety against collapse nor
force which causesadditional flexural stresses.It is essential
results in economic design. Further, it is necessary that that thesestructural members are checkedat the ultimate-load
thesestructures are checkedfor the ultimate-load conditions conditions in view of large tensile stressescausedby horizontal
in view of large tensile stresses caused by horizontal loads loads due to earthquakes and wind, which is also stipulated
due to earthquake and strong wind conditions, which is in IS 456: 20001.
also stipulated in IS 456 : 2000. The analysis for ultimate
flexural strength involves selecting a position of neutral As per current Indian practice, for example, analysis of
axis in terms of an angle and calculating the ultimate axial the shaft type staging is performed in accordance with the
force and ultimate bending moment resisted by the resulting provisions of IS 11682 : 1985, which follows the Working
stress envelope of steel and concrete,for which IS 456 : 2000 StressDesign (WSD) approach, assuming elastic behaviour of
recommended material modelsfor limit state design method m~terials and use of permissible stresseson cracked section2.
Ho~ever, SectionB-4.3requires that such "members subjected
is used. Closed10rm expressions are presentedfor generating
tocombmed direct load and flexure shall be designed by limit
envelopesof ultimate flexural resistancein terms of axial force
statemethod". Even the earlier version IS 456 : 1978had similar
and bending moment interaction curve. For some commonly provision in its Section 46.3,where it required that "Members
occurring parameters, theseinteraction curves are also plotted . . . should be further checked for their strength under ultimate
in non-dimensional form, which can beeasily usedfor analysis load conditions to ensure the desired margin of safety, this
and design of thin RC hollow circular sections. check is especially necess:arywhen the bending moment is
due to horizontal loads.',3 For solid circular sections, many
Keywords: Hollow circular sections,ultimate strength,flexure, textbooks (such as by Dayaratnam) have provided necessary
P-M interaction. expressions to compute flexural strength in presenceof axial
loads as per Limit State Design (LSD) provisions4.
Hollow circular sections of reinforced concrete are often used Currently there are no Indian codesavailable for designing
for structural members that are to resist combined action of hollow circular sectionsby limit state design method and it has
axial and bending moments. Shaft type staging of elevated been a long felt need to develop such provisions, especially

December2006 The Indian Concrete Journal 39
as Part 2 of Indian chimney code, IS 4998: 19925. On the
other hand, internationally all major reinforced concrete
codes have addressed this issue and a detailed comparative Reinforcement in reinforcement in
study is reported elsewhere6.These codes primarily differ in compression
the description of concrete stress-strain curve that is used in
developing the strength estimates.

The primary objective of this paper is to provide an

ultimate flexure strength analysis for design of RC hollow
circular sections, using material models given in IS 456 : 2000
with appropriate partial safety factors. It should be noted
that the ultimate strength of the section is further affected by
the consideration of shear, ovaling effects (circumferential
stresses),thin shell buckling, temperature etc., which is not
considered in this paper. A combination of load factors
and strength reduction factors a.ppropriate to the particular
structure type may be further required for acceptablemargin
of sa£etyin design. For typical shell radius to thickness ratios
(5 to 50) used for such RC cylindrical structures, local buckling
of shell is rather improbable and therefore, is not usually
considered in strength calculations.

Ultimate flexure strength of circular

hollow section
A circular section of shaft of mean radius r and thickness
t with an opening subtending an angle 213at the centre is
shown in the Fig. 1. The ultimate flexure strength analysis of
the staging section involves the calculation of ultimate direct
force Puand ultimate bending momentMu that can be resisted
by the resulting stressenvelope of the steel and concrete. The
assumptions made in the analysis are:

Plane sections remain plane after bending which

implies that the strain distribution is linear across the

2. Thickness of staging wall is thin compared with its


3. Strength of concrete in tension is assumed zero.

Fig 1 Stress-strain curves for concrete and steel materials used
4. The stress-strain curves for concrete and reinforcing in the analysis as per IS 456:2000
steel are as shown in Fig. 1. Theseare' essentially' same
as those given in IS 456 : 2000for the factored strength
calculations with partial safety factors of 1.5 and 1.15
for concrete and steel, respectively.
strain curve is modified to account for partial safety factor for
5. The reinforcement in compression zone is taken in to ~trength of materials. The design stress-strain relationship of
account and the yield strength of the reinforcing steel concrete consists of parabolic curve rising to a stress of 0.45fck
is taken as 0.75Iv in compression. at a strain of 0.002and then continuing at the same stress to a
maximum strain of 0.0035.The design stress-straincurve for steel
The normal straight line stress-strainrelationship of WSD is is simplified by taking initial part of the curve corresponding
replaced by full elasto-plasticstress-strainrelationship for steel to a straight line of slope Esup to a constant value of 0.87fy in
and a combination of parabolic and straight line relationship tension and 0.75fyin compression. The assumed elasto-plastic
for concrete as s~ggestedin IS 456 : 2000for LSD. Further, in behaviour with definite yield point is representative of TMT
deriving geometric properties of the section, it is assumed that reinforcing bars which are now increasingly used. However,
the shell thicknessis smaIl in comparison to its radius and this results will differ only marginally with the curves for CTD
assumption introduces no appreciable error for typical shells bars as given in IS 456 : 2000. Above mentioned assumptions
with mean radius to thickness ratio greater than 10. The stress- are similar to those made by Pinfold while developing P-M

4U The Indian Concrete Journal" December2006

interaction curves using materials models of British concrete area), axial force and moment due to stressesin concrete are
code, CP1107,s.
dPuc= 0" ctr(l- p )fa. = 0"ctr da.
Similar to elastic analysis, two zones of neutral-axis
position are considered, one where it falls inside the section
and the other when it is outside on the same side away from
dM uc =0" ctr2cosa da
the opening.

Case 1: Neutral axis falls inside the section Similarly, the axial forces and moment due to stressesin
Assume that the neutral axis is located by angle Goand a1' a2' steel reinforcements are
and a3be the yield point angles:a1and a2corresponds to yield
strains of steel in compression and tension, respectively and dP lIS= pO"sIr da
a3corresponds to the concrete stain of 0.002at which concrete
reachesits peak strength. Consider an element da at an angle
a as shown in Fig 1. These angles can be expressed as under
dM us= pO",tr2cosa da (10)
cosa = (~ )
(cos13 - cosao)+ cosao (1)

Therefore,total axialforcePu can be obtained by summing

as follows
1 "
=2 CJctr.da +2f pCJ,tr.da (11)
p p
cosa2 =
The integrals of (11) can be computed using expressions
as follows:

cosa3 = ( - 0.002 ) (cosl3 -cosao)+cosao

0.0035 (4)
2fcrctrda =21
p p
where E5is Young's modulus of steel (200 GPa), and E is
strain in concrete in the element da,O"ysc and are yield O"ysc
stressesin steel in tension and compression, respectively, with
appropriate partial safety factors. Stresses in concrete and
reinforcing bars can be given as

~ )21 ao >a >a3
0.002 r (5)

<Xl ><X > 13

0' = <X2 ><X ><x, ] (6)
f i
2f pO",tr.da =2 pO"y,ctr.da +2 J pE,E,tr.da +
II II ",
<X2 ><X >n
2 fp(-O" y,t)tr.da (13)

The expressions for Mu and Pu are obtained as described

in the following: =2pcr YSctr(al- J3)+ 0.007 PEstr (
sina2 -sinal -'
The area of the segment is tr da and its moment of inertia is cosJ3-cosao (a2 -a, \-osa
Jo' 0,
tr2cosada. Therefore, if p be the amount of steelreinforcement
2pa y"tr(7t -a2)
in the shell section (expressed as ratio of total cross-sectional

December2006 The Indian Concrete Journal
Total bending moment Mil can be obtained by summing The integrals of (14) can be computed using expressions
as follows: as follows:

M. =M.c +M", 2 factr2cosa.da = 20.45fcktr2cosa.da +
uf " (14)
= 2 J 0 ctr2 cosa.da + 2 po ,tr2 cosa.da
9 I" tr2 da

42 The Indian Concrete Journal* December2006

= -2~.45 fck + pcr }"c )r2 sin p

The above equations can be easily programmed for

numerical computation of values Pu and Mu which defines the
interaction curve for a given thin hollow circular RC sectionwith
an opening. Interaction curves for typical values of pare plotted
for easyreferencein Fig 2, for various amount of reinforcement
of iy = 415 MPa. A computer program in FORTRAN language
was developed to generatethe interaction curves using above
equations with very small increments of variable Qo.However,
it should be noted that theseclosed-form equationsare immune
from typical errors associated with numerical integration.
The program calculates moment capacity of hollow circular
(15) section for various values of axial loads and given percentage
of longitudinal steel in shell. Interaction curves are drawn
by plotting several such points for different percentage of
longitudinal steel in the section.
" a,
2f pO",tr2 cosa.da = 2 f pO",tr2 cosa.da +
To illustrate the use of these interaction curves, consider
II II an example of a chimney section with the following details:
at " mean radius r = 3250 mm, thickness t = 210 mm, axial load
2 J pO",tr2 cosa.da + 2 pO" ,tr2 cosa.da P = 7,800 kN, bending moment due to lateral wind load M
a, a, = 22,000 kNm, irk = 25 MPa, iy = 415 MPa and p = 00. This
has been adapted from a solved example in Pinfold but with
2 pO" 21:. . A )+ 0.007pE,tr2 different material properties and load factors7.For load case
= y,ctr "smal-sm" x
ofO.9DL+1.5WL, factored loads are: axial load Pu = 0.9 x 7,800
COg j3-cosao
= 7,000kN, and moment Mu = 1.5 x 22,000= 33,000kNm. For
V.S«a2-al)+sina2 cosa2-sinal cosa\)} these axial load and bending moment, eccentricity, e = Mul Pu
0.007pE tr2 ff\ I: . .
'~.Scosal~ma2 -smal
) :t

- 2pO"ys,tr2sma2


The total moment capacity Mu can be obtained from

equations (14) to (16).For a given cross-section,various values
of Mu are obtained by varying ao which determines the location
of the neutral axis. For a given section the envelope of ultimate
resistancecan be presented in the form of an interaction plot
with Mu/ (t,llck) as abscissaand Pu / (trIck)as ordinate.

Case 2: Neutral axis outside the section

Under this condition the entire section is in compression and
neutral axis in this case has moved through ao= p to n and
further to produce a uniform concretestressblock. At ~ stage,
the stressin the concreteis 0.45/ckandthat in the reinforcement is
this caserelationship betweenM" / (tr1cJandP"I (trlcJ
can be assumed to be linear and thus the point given by a
uniform compressive stressblock is joined by a straight line to
the point corresponding to ao =180°,for which the Mu and Pu
are obtained as below:

=2(7t -13) rt (0.45hk + po


M. = -+[ (0.45Ict + pO"ysc)tr2 coscp dcp where <p < p


December2006 * The Indian Concrete Journal 43

= 4.7, which gives elr = 1.45, implying presenceof significant easily representing the permissible strength of such sections.
tensile stresses.Further, for P,lfcktr = 0.41,and M,lfcktr2 = 0.6, These curves have been generated and compared in Fig 4
p/fck is read as 0.001from Fig 2(a),which means that amount with those developed for ultimate (strength) conditions as
of longitudinal reinforcement that need to be provided in the described above for 'no opening' case(~ = 0°). The permissible
shell section is 0.25 percent. stressesfor concrete and steel were taken as 0.38fckand 0.57fy'
respectively, as specified in the code for load combination of
dead and wind loads. Additional curves were also developed
Validation of interaction curves in which yielding in steel reinforcement is permitted by not
For validation purposes, the P-M interaction curves developed limiting the permissible compressiveconcretestressasrequired
and presented above were compared with similar curves by IS 11628: 1985.
available in the literature. Two such studies have been chosen
for the comparison: (a) interaction curves developed by
For comparison, the ultimate strength curves of Fig 2(a)
Rumman which form the basis of American code ACI 307R
have been reduced by an average load factor of 1.5 to bring
for chimneys and (b) the interaction curves developed by
it to working load levels. As expected, the differences in no
Pinfold7 using material models ,of CP 1108,9,1°.As shown in
reinforcement caseis negligible for tension controlled region.
Fig 3, interaction curves are plotted for a casewith no opening
However, an increasedstrength for the WSD method is observed
and with three different longitudinal steel reinforcements.
in compression controlled region due to higher permissible
It is clear that the proposed curves have a good match with
concrete compressive stress,that is, 0.38fckin WSD against 0.3
those developed by Pinfold and Rummari. The simplified
fck (= 0.45fck/1.5) in LSD. However, for higher reinforcement
curves developed by Rumman are applicable for normalized
cases,the WSD curves provide lower strength especially in the
axial load (Pili fcktr) less than one which are typical for real
tension controlled region becauseof very low limit on the steel
life designs. The approximate expression of Rumman was
tensile strain. Asa result, the advantageof steelreinforcement is
modified for concrete cube strength from original cylinder
not fully utilised in estimating the strength, which, in contrast,
strength and a recommended strength reduction factor of 0.9
is appropriately accounted for in the LSD method.
was used.

Indian standard IS 11628: 1985 prescribes a procedure to Conclusion

checksafety of circular hollow sectionsunder combined action Thin hollow circular sections typically used for shaft type
of axial force and moment, which is based on the working staging of elevated tanks, other tower structure and chimneys
stress design method using a cracked section analysis. Using should be designed by ultimate strength (limit state design)
the code equations, P-M interaction curves can be developed method instead of currently used working stress method to
ensurehigher reliability against collapseand possible reduction
of overall cost. Moreover, the IS 456 : 2000 requires members
subjected to combined bending moment and axial force to
be designed l:>ylimit state method using appropriate load
factors. This becomeseven more necessarywhen the bending
moment is due to horizontal loads, such as earthquakes which
can res~lt in significantly large bending moment demands.
Ultimat~ flexural strength analysis of RC circular hollow
seCtionsdescribed in this paper can be followed for the purpose
of analysis, and for design purposes a suitable combination
of Joad 'factors and strength reduction factors need to be
considered to achieve an acceptablemargin of safety. In order
to ri1inimisecumbersomeand iterative calculations, the flexural
stre~gth of typical sections has beenpresented in form of non-
dimensio~al P..M interaction curves, which will be useful in
the design offices..The interaction curves have been verified by
comparing with those reported in the literature and developed
with working stress design philosophy.

Acknowledgement is due to Council of Scientific and Indusmal
Research, New Delhi for providing funds for this research
under its Extra Mural ResearchScheme.

1. _Code of practice.forplain and reinforcedconcrete,IS 456 : 2000,Bureau of
Indian Standards, New Delhi.

44 The Indian Concrete Journal- December2006

- Criteria for design ofRCC stagingfor Otlerheadloater tanks, IS 11682 : 1985,
Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi. Dr Durgesh C. Rai obtained his PhD from the
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA. Presently,
_Code of practice for plain arid reinforced concrete,Bureau of Indian he is an associate professor in the department of civil
Standards, IS 456 : 1978,New Delhi.
engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology
4. DAYARATNAM, P., Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures, Oxford and IBH, (IIT) Kanpur. His research interests include design
New Delhi, 2000. and behaviour of structures under earthquake loads,
experimental investigations, supplemental damping,
- Criteria for design of reinforced concrete chimneys, 154998 (Part1): 1992, seismic rehabilitation and seismic design codes.
Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi.
Mr. Kamlesh Kumar obtained his B.Tech in civil
6. RAo, P. S. and MENON,D., Ultimate strength of tubular RC tower sections engineering from lIT Kanpur. He is currently working as
under wind loading, 77zeIndian ConcreteJounla!, February1995,Vol. 69, structural engineer in Teng & AssociatesInc. in Chicago,
No.2, pp 117-123.
USA. His work involves planning and designof roadway
7. PINFOLO,G. M., Reillforced Collcrete Chimlleys alld Towers, Viewpoint structures for State Department of Transportation.
Publication, London, 1975.

Thestruc use of concrete, CP 110:1972, British Standards

Institute. Mr. Hemant B. Kaushik obtained his M. Tech in
structural engineering from Visvesvaraya National
9. RUMMAN, W., Reinforcedconcrelechirnneys, Handbookof ConcreteEngineering, Institute of Technology Nagpur, and is currently
Second edition, Edited by Finlel, M., CBS Publishers and Distributors, New
pursuing doctoral studies at lIT Kanpur. His areas of
Delhi 1986.
researchinclude earthquake resistant design of masonry
10._Design and construction of reinforced concretec/limneys, ACI 307-98, infilled RC frame buildings.
American Concrete Institute, USA.


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