PSHC R&D: Ndividual Evelopment LAN
PSHC R&D: Ndividual Evelopment LAN
PSHC R&D: Ndividual Evelopment LAN
Resources to Consider: Performance review information for your current job, your educational background, general skills
(communication, decision-making, presentation, etc.), technical skills (specific to job function) and emerging technologies. Complete a
standard self-assessment for competencies relating to your current job and future job interests. Review specific certification requirements
needed in your position. Check job mapping details in Aptean.
Key Strengths
1) Quick learning of Product
2) Good Communication and Decision Making skill
3) Self-Motivated and Hardworking person
4) Good Testing skill
Resources to Consider: Your interests, values, skills, business trends, and emerging technologies.
IDP Template 1
Section 3: Action / Development Items Next 12 months
Directions: Identify your development priorities in support of Sections 1 and 2 for the next 12 months. List the actions you will take to
achieve these development priorities. Decide how you will measure your success in completing this action/activity and set target
completion dates.
Resources to Consider: Internal/external/web training, reading/research topics, mentor/coaching relationships, professional organizations,
conferences, vacation coverage, potential positions, on-the-job experience, job rotation programs, etc.
Resources to Consider: Internal/external/web training, reading/research topics, mentor/coaching relationships, professional organizations,
conferences, sabbatical/vacation coverage, potential positions, on-the-job experience, job rotation programs, etc.
General Comments:
IDP Template 2
Supplemental Information
NOTE: You should update the status of each action item during periodic development plan
reviews with your manager. Consult your manager to determine the frequency of these reviews
(quarterly / semi-annually).
IDP Template 3