PSHC R&D: Ndividual Evelopment LAN

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Employee: Gayathri Rajendran 12 Month Plan Starting: 18/07/2018

Current Manager: Sudha Rajaram
Current Job Title: Senior Engineer, QA Time in Current Job: 1 Month
Job Description: Testing

NOTE: See page 3 for Supplemental Information . . .

Section 1: Current Self-Assessment

Directions: What are your areas of strength and improvement desired in your current position? What work performance outcomes are
expected? How do these outcomes relate to Aptean business goals and values?

Resources to Consider: Performance review information for your current job, your educational background, general skills
(communication, decision-making, presentation, etc.), technical skills (specific to job function) and emerging technologies. Complete a
standard self-assessment for competencies relating to your current job and future job interests. Review specific certification requirements
needed in your position. Check job mapping details in Aptean.

Key Strengths
1) Quick learning of Product
2) Good Communication and Decision Making skill
3) Self-Motivated and Hardworking person
4) Good Testing skill

Current Areas for Improvement/Development

1) Learning C# to work on Test Complete
2) Interaction with onsite team members
3) To learn more about product modules
4) SQL Query

Section 2: Job/Career Goals

Directions: What is your next career goal? This can include job positions, areas of skill development, and/or job experiences.

Resources to Consider: Your interests, values, skills, business trends, and emerging technologies.

Job Goals for Next 2 Years

Good Product knowledge and C# scripting

Future Career Goals for Next 3-5 Years

To become Lead Engineer

IDP Template 1
Section 3: Action / Development Items Next 12 months
Directions: Identify your development priorities in support of Sections 1 and 2 for the next 12 months. List the actions you will take to
achieve these development priorities. Decide how you will measure your success in completing this action/activity and set target
completion dates.

Resources to Consider: Internal/external/web training, reading/research topics, mentor/coaching relationships, professional organizations,
conferences, vacation coverage, potential positions, on-the-job experience, job rotation programs, etc.

Development Areas Actions / Steps Measurement / Status Completion

Assessment Date
C# Learning Practicing coding
regularly for simple
Communication with Attending triage and
team meeting with onsite team
SQL Practice simple query to
complex one step by step

Section 4: Action / Development Items Next 12-36 months

Directions: Identify your development priorities in support of Sections 1 and 2 for the next 12-36 months. List the actions you will take
to achieve these development priorities. Decide how you will measure your success in completing this action/activity and set target
completion dates.

Resources to Consider: Internal/external/web training, reading/research topics, mentor/coaching relationships, professional organizations,
conferences, sabbatical/vacation coverage, potential positions, on-the-job experience, job rotation programs, etc.

Development Areas Actions / Steps Measurement / Status Completion

Assessment Date
Leadership Qualities Taking initiative on team
work and managing the

General Comments:

IDP Template 2
Supplemental Information

Section 1 Current Self-Assessment:

 Complete this section by listing your current, on-going major strengths and future growth
objectives. This will help you to cultivate and identify development goals.
 Next, identify the key competencies that you would like to improve/develop during the next
review period.
 Consider the performance expectations for your current job and the key competencies needed
for successful development.

Section 2 Career Goals:

 List three future career goals. These can be job titles, educational goals/degrees, new areas
of technology development, desired changes in your working conditions/environment,
additional on-the-job opportunities.

Section 3 Action Plan 0-12 months:

 Action items should be specific and measurable so that you will know when you have met
the expectation.
 Focus on actions or steps that can be completed within the next 12 months.
 Document how you plan to complete and measure these actions/activities
 Identify how this development will effect your performance on the job and promote Aptean
business goals and values

Section 4 Action Plan 12-36 months:

 Identify the competencies that you need to develop to improve your performance moving
 Document how you plan to complete and measure these actions/activities.
 Identify how this development will enable you to increase your performance on the job and
promote Aptean business goals and values
 Consider technology roadmaps, emerging technologies needed in the marketplace,
anticipated changes in Aptean’s business goals, and your future career goals.

NOTE: You should update the status of each action item during periodic development plan
reviews with your manager. Consult your manager to determine the frequency of these reviews
(quarterly / semi-annually).

Useful things to think about in determining the competencies to develop:

 What skills, knowledge, and abilities will provide the greatest short-term and long-term
results toward your goals?
 How might you adjust your current role and responsibilities to practice the competencies that
you have identified as development priorities?
 Make sure your expectations for your current job and level are clear so that you can set the
bar at the appropriate level for development activities.

IDP Template 3

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