2018 Dateline Winter

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1878 Volume
Volume 44
35 Number
Number4 4 Winter2009
Winter 2018

Denta ducat
IUSD ssistant W n:
Stude o
New nt Stu rkshops
Denti d
st Se y Club

2 Days, 2,000 Patients, 1,000+ Volunteers
/ C PR Seminar
Three Ways to Participate
OS HA Volunteer volunteers also contribute financially to the
It takes hundreds of volunteers to pull event, but people who cannot volunteer in
off treating approximately 2,000 patients person can still be part of this good work by
in a couple of days. There’s a need for financially contributing. To donate to the
dentists, hygienists, assistants, lab staff and May 17-18, 2019 Indiana MoM event, visit
Dentists Care general volunteers. There are many different
places to serve from direct dental care, to
Thousands of Hoosiers have hit hard
moving patients and supplies from one
times and cannot afford dental care. Oral
area to another. Everybody who volunteers
Provide Follow-up care
Health literacy is at an all time low. In 2013, With just two days to help people, we
comes with a heart to serve and help. To
a concerned group of dentists and others know we cannot solve every problem. In
participate, take off May 17 and 18, 2019
recognized this problem and acted to address some patients’ cases, we see a PRESORTED
need for a little
and sign up at www.indianamom.org.
the oral health needs in Indiana, by starting more help and have local community
the Indiana Mission of Mercy (MoM). The and dental clinics who help with followPAID
goal: to improve the oral health of children Donate care. If you would be willing PERMIT #337
to volunteer for
and adults in Indiana. IndianaMoM increases Indiana MoM may be free dental care follow up care, contact the Indiana Dental
awareness to the public, policy makers and for patients, but there is a cost for putting Association at 800-562-5646.
legislators about the importance of regular on such a large event. It costs approximately Thank you in advance for participat-
dental care for overall health. IndianaMOM $200,000 for facilities, equipment, supplies, ing. If you have any questions about the
promotes and advocates for long-term instruments, computers, follow up care, program, or participation, email
solutions that provide quality dental care for etc., to put on a successful event. We seek contact@ indianamom.org or call
all Hoosiers. major gifts as well as $10 donations. Many 800-562-5646.
What can YOU do in 2-3 weeks?
Give a patient a brighter smile?
Take a much needed extended vacation?
What WE can do in 2-3 weeks...

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Established in 1967, Shamrock Builders provides commercial

real estate solutions to the medical and dental community.
Call for a confidential consultation.

Greg O’Herren - 317.558.8754 - [email protected]

In This Issue
President’s Message, Dr. Wayne T. Kinney................................................................... 3
Executive Director Summary....................................................................................... 4
Ethics Seminar..............................................................................................................5
Fall General Membership Meeting...............................................................................6
OSHA/BLS Workshops............................................................................................... 9
Dental Networking Seminar.......................................................................................11
Membership Dues Drawing........................................................................................12
Welcome New & Returning Members....................................................................... 13
Published four times a year
Indianapolis District Dental Society Women Dentist Social................................................................................................23
8780 Purdue Road, Suite 8 Member News.............................................................................................................26
Indianapolis, IN 46268-1173

Office Hours: 8:30a.m.-4:30p.m. Mon-Fri

317/471-8131 or 800-358-7715 President’s Message
317/471-8147 Fax
www.IndyDentalSociety.org in business without an MBA. I am
thankful that we were able to provide these
Officers opportunities for our membership.
Wayne Kinney, D.D.S.
Dr. Dave Wolf, IDDS Foundation
Sarah Herd, D.D.S., M.S.D. President, led us through another successful
President-Elect year of fundraising including “Vintage
Karen Ellis, D.D.S. Evening” at the Ray Skillman Classic
Vice-President Car Museum. Along with this was the
Amanda Miller, D.D.S. Foundation’s Annual Golf Outing, (and a
Treasurer special thank you to Dr. Doug Spaulding
Matt Bojrab, D.D.S., M.S.D. and the Foundation Board members,
Dr. Wayne T. Kinney, D.D.S.
Immediate Past President including Angie Zirkelbach of Blue and Co.)
Will Hine, D.D.S. My term as President comes to an end, which benefitted the IDDS Foundation in
IDA Trustee and I am realizing how quickly the year its efforts to improve the oral health of the
Board of Directors goes. We have accomplished a great deal, community.
Chad Bailey, D.D.S. and I am excited to see where Dr. Sarah Thank you to our Executive Director,
Gabrielle Caron, D.D.S. Herd takes us in 2019. Carolyn Hansen, and her assistant, Paige
Evan Hiple, D.D.S. Our events would not be possible
John Jansen, D.D.S. Becker, who make everything operate for
John Loeffler, D.D.S. without the efforts of our committees. I our Society and all our members smoothly
Anand Patel, D.D.S., M.S.D. want to thank Drs. Krupa Desai, Jake and effortlessly. We are especially thankful
Renee Shirer, D.D.S. Long and Lauren Long, and the members to keep Carolyn for a few more years.
Josiah Smith, IUSD 2019 of the New Dentist Committee, for their We are fortunate to have continuing
Leah Stetzel, IUSD 2020 efforts this year, and we look forward to
Tim Treat, D.D.S. leadership of our Society in the upcoming
John Williams, D.M.D., M.B.A. seeing your continued leadership in 2019. years by Dr. Sarah Herd, who will be
Dr. Stacey Rochman and Dr. Jenna followed by Dr. Karen Ellis in 2020, and
Editor Voegele and the Membership Committee
Tyler Thomas, D.M.D., M.S.D. Dr. Amanda Miller in 2021. They all have
370 Medical Dr Ste B continue to be an instrumental part of that passionate and generous spirit that
Carmel, IN 46032 our Society, and we thank you all for your will allow them to lead our Society into a
317/844-4155 dedication. I would also like to give a brighter future.
[email protected] special thanks to Dr. Katy Patton and the I want to thank you all for allowing me
Managing/Design Editor members of the Peer Review Committee. the honor of serving as President of IDDS.
Carolyn Hansen, Executive Director You are the unsung heroes of our Society Now is the time of year for reflection and
[email protected] and your hard work and dedication do not resolutions. I want to challenge each of you
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed herein are go unnoticed. to go one step farther as we enter 2019. Join
those of the author under whose name they appear Our General Membership Meetings a committee, volunteer at an organization,
and are not to be regarded as representing the
views of the Indianapolis District Dental Society
introduced our members to talented get involved in your community. Here’s
unless so indicated. speakers and topics---Dr. Timothy Kelly to a very Merry Christmas and a Happy,
talking about the opioid crisis; and Dr. Healthy and Prosperous New Year.
John Lechleiter, sharing how to succeed
DATELINE – Winter 2018 3
Executive Director Summary Thank you to the following for using ExtraDent/
Claim X for electronic claims processing. This helps support
IDDS is celebrating 140 years and I’m proud to be part IDDS!! Brown Dentistry; Campus Family Dental; Dr. Sue
of this wonderful organization. Thank you to Dr. Wayne Germain; Dr. Usha Hecht; Dr. Derrick Johnston; Dr. Gary
Kinney, President for his year of leadership. He represents Martine; Dr. Bryan Roy; Dr. Mark Smith; Dr. Thomas
a proud tradition of distinguished history for IDDS. Thank Steckbeck; Dr. Juanita Taylor; Dr. Robert Taylor; Dr.
you to Dr. John Loeffler whose Board term expires this year. Timothy Williams, and Dr. Virginia Young.
The Chairs and Co-Chairs of our IDDS committees deserve
praise for all of their dedication: Drs. Krupa Desai, Jake and
Lauren Long, Katy Patton, Stacey Rochman and Jenna
Voegele. To the IDDS Foundation Board members and Dr.
Dave Wolf, President—thank you for raising the funds that the
Subs? Associates?
Are you thinking of adding an associate?
Foundation gives to worthy causes. Dr. Doug Spaulding has
chaired our Foundation’s annual golf tournament for the past 13 Are you thinking of retiring?
years and his success is immeasurable. Thank you to Dr. Tyler Maybe IDDS can help!
Thomas for stepping into the role as Editor of DATELINE,
Are you in need of someone to substitute for you when you
and participating in all of our projects. To the Retired Dentists
are out of the office for vacation, or you have had a medical
who attend the monthly breakfasts—thank you for continuing
emergency of some kind? Turmoil and tragedy happen to
to include IDDS as part of your lives. Congratulations to Paige
everyone. When you are in need of someone to help you serve
Becker for earning her Master’s Degree in Student Affairs—
your patients, IDDS has a list of associates who are willing
she may leave us next year, but her organizational skills and
to sub, so contact us for more information. This is a member
motivation have helped increase value for our IDDS members.
benefit available to members only, and is another example of your
To all of the Past IDDS Presidents who were able to attend the
colleagues in organized dentistry helping each other.
picture taking event—thank you for finding time to be part of
your membership organization. Best wishes to all of our IDDS Contact us at 317-471-8131 or
members for good health in 2019. [email protected]
— Carolyn Hansen

4 IndyDentalSociety.org – Winter 2018

Winter Ethics Seminar
Dentists and
Friday, February 1, May 3, October 4, 2019 Hygienists
A Seminar featuring Jay Dziwlik, MBA, CAE
Assistant Executive Director, Indiana Dental Association

Ethics, Leadership,
and the Law
Learn new techniques to enhance your leadership
skills. Acquaint and update yourself with the latest
changes in the Indiana dental law. Understand how
you can be ethical and professional as you direct the
needs of your patients.
Ethics is required as follows:
Jay Dziwlik Effective for the license period March 2, 2018 to March 1, 2020,
dentists and dental hygienists must receive 2 continuing education
Hillcrest Country Club
credits which shall cover each of the following subjects: 1)Ethics
6098 Fall Creek Road 2)Professional responsibility 3)Indiana statutes and Indiana adminis-
trative rules governing the licensure and practice of dentists and dental
Registration: 8:30-9 a.m. hygienists.
Lecture: 9-11a.m. (2 CE)
Fulfills Ethics Requirements

$10 per Person Please select which course you plan to attend: q Feb. 1 q May 3 q Oct. 4
q YES, I will attend the Continuing Education Seminar. Seminar is worth 2 CE credits

Dentist Name: ___________________________________________________________

Dentist Phone:__________________________ Email: ___________________________

Names of Seminar Attendee(s) _______________________________________________

Seminar Cost is $10 per person x ________ (# attending) = $ _______________________

Total amount enclosed for Seminar $__________

_____I am paying by check (enclosed)

_____I am paying by credit card q Visa q MasterCard

Card #___________-____________-___________-___________ Expires______/______

Name as it appears on the card _______________________________________________

No Refunds
IDDS, 8780 Purdue Rd., 46268 • 317/ 471-8131 • Fax 317/471-8147
[email protected]

DATELINE – Winter 2018 5

IDDS Fall GMM Meeting
5 Year Members:

Drs. Anand Patel, Stacey Rochman (Membership Committee Co-Chair), and Blake Dr. John Williams, Dean
Prather with Membership Committee co-chair Dr. Jenna Voegele. IU School of Dentistry

10 Year Members:

Drs. Nia Bigby, Julie Combs, Joel Lainie, and Christina Popoviciu with MembershipCommittee co-chairs Dr. Stacey Rochman (l) and
Dr. Jenna Voegele (r).

New Members:

Membership Committee Co-chairs Dr. Stacey Rochman (l) and Dr. Jenna Vogele (r) with new members Drs. Melanie Jones, Audrey Kyle,
Priya Cunningham, Jillian Joyce and Rachel Black.
6 IndyDentalSociety.org – Winter 2018
IDDS President, Dr. Wane Kinney Dr. John Lechleiter, Chair Emeritus, Dr. Dan Fridh,
Eli Lilly & Co. Indiana Dental Association President

Drs. Kenneth Miller (1996), Joseph Heidelman (1998) Darlene Vaughan (1991), Wayne T. Kinney (2018), Desiree Dimond (2004),
Jason Flannagan (2016), Sue Germain (2009) Charles Steffel (1990), Rebecca De La Rosa (2006), George Vail (1983), Will Hine (2014),
Dave Wolf (2000), and Randall Long (1982). IDDS Past President, Oct. 3, 2018

Dr. Dave Wolf, IDDS Foundation

President, presenting Dr. Wayne Kinney,
IDDS President, with his Foundation
Standish Fellow pin.
DATELINE – Winter 2018 7
Do you need a deaf interpreter for your patients?
If so, you can call Deaf Community Services at

8 IndyDentalSociety.org – Winter 2018

IDDS & IDA Present:
OSHA Compliance Training &
BLS Recertification Course
January 18, March 8, and July 19
at Hillcrest Country Club, 6098 Fall Creek Road
OSHA Compliance Issues — 2 CE Credits
Check-in 8:30-9a.m. Course from 9-11a.m.
Instructor: Kay Maddox, R.N.
This OSHA review focuses on record keeping requirements,
training, exposure control, hazard communication, emergency action,
and general duty safety. Fee: $85
CPR Recertification — 5 CE Credits
(Note: Indiana law limits hygienists to 2 CE credits for CPR
training and 5 CE for dentists.)
Check-in 11:15a.m. Course from 11:30-3:30p.m. approx.
Instructor: Kay Maddox, R.N.
This course, designed by the American Heart Association for health
care workers, includes two-person rescue adult CPR, child and
infant CPR, foreign body airway obstruction removal instruction
and Automated External Defibrillation instruction. Written and
practical tests will be administered. Fee: $85
To Register Contact www.INDental.org/oc
317/634-2610 or [email protected]

25-General-OUTPUT.indd 2 6/9/2010 5:25:08 PM


Call us at 317.885.7600

Your Professional Payroll People

DATELINE – Winter 2018 9
10 IndyDentalSociety.org – Winter 2018
Dear Colleagues:

The Indianapolis District Dental Society cordially invites our members to our Ninth


Saturday, February 16, 2019
10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Indiana Convention Center Wabash Ballroom
100 South Capitol Avenue
Indianapolis, IN
Great Door Prizes—Win a iPad or a iPad Mini, plus other wonderful prizes!
An environment for Indiana dentists and 4th year dental students to meet and exchange
information emphasizing career and business possibilities.

This seminar is meant to be beneficial to:

· New dentists and 4th Year dental students who want to join or buy dental practices in
· IDA & IDDS members looking for part-time or full-time associates, partners, or potential

**A dedicated space will be provided for dentists

to socialize and network in a friendly atmosphere**

A large exhibit area will be open to advertising by a variety of dental supply, financial, and business
management companies. We encourage you to ask questions of these experts so that they may help
you in your practice. Premiere Sponsors include:

Blue & Co., LLC

First Merchants Bank
Hurlow Wealth Management
IDA Insurance Services
MW Banks Consulting
Patterson Dental
STAR Financial Bank
Stock Yards Bank & Trust

Door prizes. Refreshments. No charge for this seminar, but registration is required.
Anyone who is not registered will not be allowed to enter.
To register, please contact the Indianapolis District Dental Society at 317/471-8131 or
email [email protected] by February 6, 2019.

Hosted by the New Dentist Committee of the Indianapolis District Dental Society

Drs. Krupa Desai, Jake Long, and Lauren Long—Co-Chairs

Dr. Leslie Bryant Dr. Patrick Kelly Dr. Krithika Rajkumar
Dr. Sarah Condra Dr. Audrey Kyle Dr. Tyler Thomas
Dr. Tara Emerick Dr. Amanda Miller Dr. Neelam Vachhani
Dr. John Jansen Dr. Clarisa Oliveira Dr. Virginia Young
Dr. Bill Johnson Dr. Syrah Quraishi

DATELINE – Winter 2018 11
Indianapolis District Dental Society


(Brought to you by the Indianapolis District Dental Society Membership Committee)
Pay your 2019 membership dues in full by December 31, 2018
and you will be entered to win one of the following prizes
Don’t delay—Send your dues TODAY!
(Members Who Use Monthly Dues Plans Are Also Included)


Total amount could be as much as $1,304



Total amount could be as much as $750


Total amount could be as much as $250
Thanks to the IDDS Membership Committee for bringing this opportunity to you. We appreciate their volunteer service
on this important committee, whose purpose is to find ways to increase value. If you’re interested in working on this and other
projects with the Membership Committee, please call IDDS at 317/471-8131 or [email protected]. Network with your

IDDS Membership Committee

Dr. Stacey Rochman and Dr. Jenna Voegele, Co-Chairs
Dr. Olivia Benson Dr. Kevin Flannagan
Dr. Leslie Bryant Dr. Bill Johnson
Dr. Gabrielle Caron Dr. Megan Keck
Dr. Tatiana de Bedout Dr. Syrah Quraishi
Dr. Krupa Desai Dr. Krithika Rajkumar
Dr. Tara Emerick Dr. Katherine So

The Indianapolis District Dental Society is your local component of The Indiana Dental Association and The American Dental Association.
Serving Our Members in Hamilton, Hancock, Hendricks, Marion, Morgan, Johnson, Shelby, and Tipton Counties.

12 IndyDentalSociety.org – Winter 2018

IDDS Welcomes New and Returning Members
Dr. Norah Almajed Dr. Kevin Cash Dr. Kenneth Lau Dr. Jeffrey Schweppe
[email protected] [email protected] 210 E Water St Pediatric
IUSD 2021 Marquette U, 2014 PO Box 206 [email protected]
Pendleton, IN 46064
Dr. Lamya Almejrad Dr. Priya Cunningham O: 765-778-3332 Dr. Reece Townsend
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 1810 Broad Ripple Ave Ste 5
IUSD 2020 Nova Southeastern U 2012 IUSD 1974 Indianapolis, IN 46220
O: 317-255-1638
Dr. Abdulellah Almudahi Dr. Loan Anh Do Dr. Richard Morris IUSD 1960
C: 317-902-4466 [email protected] 5430 E Washington St
[email protected] IUSD 2018 Indianapolis, IN 46219 Dr. Morgan Williams
IUSD 2020 [email protected] 9126 Technology Ln Ste 100
Dr. Elizabeth Dyer U of Southern CA, 2017 Fishers, IN 46038
Dr. Akshay Bangale Pediatric 2020 [email protected]
4930 Lafayette Rd [email protected] Dr. Katherine Pauly U of Louisville 2015
Indianapolis, IN 46254 Baylor 2015 Endodontics 2020
O: 317-399-5771 [email protected] Dr. Corey Wilson
[email protected] Dr. Takahiro Fujii Marquette 2016 2017 S Western Ave
U of Mississippi 2018 [email protected] Marion, IN 46953
IUSD 2021 Dr. Orey Pence [email protected]
Dr. John Bixler [email protected] Midwestern U 2017
7440 N Shadeland Ave Ste 212 Dr. Thrya Gadall IUSD 2018
Indianapolis, IN 46250 [email protected] Dr. Andrew Power Dr. Haifeng Xu
[email protected] IUSD 2020 [email protected] 29 E Mccarty St Ste 200
IUSD 2018 IUSD 2018 Indianapolis, IN 46225
Dr. Mallory Griffith [email protected]
Dr. Rachel Black 9002 N Meridian St Ste 210 Dr. Angela Ritchie Nova Southeastern U 2012
Periodontics Indianapolis, IN 46260 OMP
3003 E 98Th St Ste 200 [email protected] 1121 W Michigan St Rm S121
Indianapolis, IN 46280 IUSD 2011 Indianapolis, IN 46202
O: 317-843-1281 [email protected]
[email protected] Dr. Michael Hoabgurg U of Michigan 2011
Rutgers, 2015 [email protected]
IUSD 2018
Dr. Megan Booher
7800 E Us Highway 36 Dr. Upasna Janu
Avon, IN 46123 Periodontics (2021)
O: 317-272-2700 [email protected]
[email protected] IUSD 2021

Dr. Cratisa Caldwell Dr. Jillian Joyce

8151 East 21st St. 2802 Lafayette Rd Ste 33
Indianapolis, IN 46219 Indianapolis, IN 46222
[email protected] [email protected]
IUSD 2016 IUSD 2018

Dr. Zachary Campano Dr. Maurine Kingori Do You Have News?

3001 Meridian Meadows Rd [email protected] Anything that interests our members is of interest to
Greenwood, IN 46142 IUSD 2018 IDDS. Call 317/471-8131 to let us know!
O: 317-865-3733 Also: In order to assist you, please report any changes in your
[email protected] Dr. Trent Kirkwood
address, phone, or e-mail to IDDS. We need to keep your
IUSD 2011 [email protected]
IUSD 2018
information current!

DATELINE – Winter 2018 13

What’s your practice worth?
Volunteer Opportunities:
Gennesaret Free Clinic
725 N. Pennsylvania St.
Indianapolis, IN 46204
(317) 955-0217
Dental Lifeline-Indiana Donated Dental Services
Adrienne Walker-Bell – DDS Program Coordinator
(317) 733-0585
Hope Healthcare Services
107 Park Place Blvd
Avon, IN 46123
(317) 272-0708
Trinity Free Clinic
1045 W. 146th St.
Carmel, IN 46032
(317) 819-0772
Wheeler Mission Dental Clinic
245 N. Delaware St.
Indianapolis, IN 46204
(317) 469-9933
Receive a free market value analysis today.
www.AFTCO.net | 800.232.3826

14 IndyDentalSociety.org – Winter 2018

DATELINE – Winter 2018 15
16 IndyDentalSociety.org – Winter 2018
Study Club Information
The Implant Restorative Study Club (IRSC)
WE ARE – Dr. Christine Bishop and Dr. Savi Abey
DENTAL New members welcome! General dentists and specialists
ACCOUNTING learn about the restorative aspects of clinical implant therapy in
a friendly, informal environment. Each meeting includes 2 hours
of CE credit and dinner. Membership is $100 per year and is
open to all licensed dentists. Meetings are at 502 East Carmel Dr.
from 6:00 – 8:00 PM. To join, please contact us at prc@teethin.
At Blue & Co., LLC we’re focused on the needs of dentists.
com or call our office at (317) 574-0866. 2018 Meeting Schedule:
Our insightful, dental industry-tailored, proactive solutions November 8
• Accounting & Assurance Southside Study Club – Dr. Tim Bacsa
• Tax Preparation & Consulting February 21, 2019 Meet at Stone Creek Dining Company –
• Retirement Plan Services
911 N. State Road 135, Greenwood, IN 46143. Time: 6pm–9pm.
• Business Valuation
Invitations to be mailed. Reservations contact Amber Banks at
• Practice Management Services & Solutions
MW Banks Consulting [email protected].
Kam McQuay, CPA
InDent Indy and InDent Richmond Study Clubs
p/f: 317.713.7933
[email protected] – Dr. Chris Burns
www.blueandco.com Angie Zirkelbach, CPA “Treatment Planning the Spear Way” Accepting New Members
500 N. Meridian St., Ste. 200 p/f: 317.713.7961 for 2018-2019. Reasonable dues/Payment Plan. CE Credits.
Indianapolis, IN 46204 [email protected] Monthly meetings September- April . Dinner included. Contact
Patti Troutman at (317) 823-4260 or [email protected]
450+ Professionals | 13 Offices | 4 States

DATELINE – Winter 2018 17

18 IndyDentalSociety.org – Winter 2018
DATELINE – Winter 2018 19
Congratulations to our
Friends at the IDDS on
140 Years!

Our Process:
We provide financial and operational due diligence

Get the whole

for dentists who are considering an associateship,
starting or buying a practice.
Your Goal:

financial picture.
You are running your practice with confidence day one
clinically, financially and operationally.
Once you Own:
Are financial concerns taking too much time away from
Our experienced team works with your team to
your practice? The STAR Bank Private Banking team has provide the on-going tax for the practice and doctor personally.
broad experience serving the unique needs of the dentalWe also provide accounting and bookkeeping for the practice.
and medical community. We offer complete banking,
insurance and wealth management services to assist with
practice start-ups, equipment purchases, buy-ins, real Amber C. Banks, Consultant
estate, debt consolidation and more. Contact Robert to
get started today.
Mylene V. Egenolf, CPA
Wendy Day York, Accounting & Bookkeeping

3209 W. Smith Valley Road, Suite 253

Practice Banking Greenwood, IN 46142
Robert Bartley www.mwbanks.com
317-566-7322 Office Phone: (317) 884-3135
[email protected]
NMLS# 572542


20 IndyDentalSociety.org – Winter 2018

DATELINE – Winter 2018 21
22 IndyDentalSociety.org – Winter 2018
Indianapolis District Dental Society
In recognition of International Women’s Day on March 8,
you are cordially invited to join your dental colleagues

IDDS District Social

At The District Tap
(All Are Welcome!)

And, recognizing our Women in Dentistry

Leaders & Mentors Award Recipients:

Dr. Tonya Stewart, Dr. Darlene Vaughan

and Dr. Darlene West

Thursday, February 28, 2019

The Game Room at The District Tap
3720 E 82nd St. (East of the Green Bridge)

Registration 6:00pm
Networking Social 6:30 – 9:00pm
$25 for IDDS members. All others $50.
Registration is required by February 15, 2019.
Please contact the Indianapolis District Dental Society
at 317/471-8131 or email [email protected].

We invite you to be part of this sixth year event.

Network with your peers about the unique challenges of dentists.
Share your concerns and your ideas for success.

Blue & Co.
First Merchants Bank
Leap Managed I.T.
MW Banks Consulting
STAR Financial Bank

DATELINE – Winter 2018 23

In Your Waiting Room
The ADA and PBHS, Inc. have launched ADA TV, a
Our OurProcess:
Process: broadcasting system for patients in waiting rooms “comprised of a
We provide financial and
We provide financial and operational operational due due
diligence variety of content that is specific to – and controlled by – the dental
for dentists who are considering an associateship, practice.” ADA TV includes “the ADA’s Toothflix patient education
for dentists who are orconsidering
starting an associateship,
buying a practice. video series, clinical videos, real time localized news, weather,
starting orYour Goal:
buying a practice. sports, entertainment clips and specific practice content.”
You are running your practice with confidence day one For more information on the ADA TV system, which is
Your Goal:
clinically, financially and operationally. endorsed by ADA Member Advantage, visit ADA.org/tv or call
You are running your Oncepractice
you Own:with confidence day one
clinically, financially andwith
Our experienced team works your team to
provide the on-going tax for the practice and doctor personally.
Once you
We also provide accounting Own: for the practice.
and bookkeeping
Our experienced team works with your team to
provide the on-going C. Banks,
tax for Consultant
the practice and doctor personally.
Mylene V. Egenolf, CPA
We also provide accounting
Wendy Day and bookkeeping
York, Accounting for the practice.
& Bookkeeping

698 Oldefield Commons Drive, Suite 4

Amber C. Banks, Consultant
Greenwood, IN 46142
Mylene V. Egenolf, CPA
Wendy Day Phone:
York, (317) 851-9356
Accounting & Bookkeeping

3209 W. Smith Valley Road, Suite 253 Instead of sleeping while waiting, patients can be educated.
Greenwood, IN 46142
Office Phone: (317) 884-3135

on 140 years IDDS!

Looking forward
to many more!

Our network of dentists and other entrepreneurs seek

hassle-free investment opportunities in real estate producing
extraordinary returns.

Come visit our website and learn about passive investments

in real estate.

24 IndyDentalSociety.org – Winter 2018
DATELINE – Winter 2018 25
Member News
Congratulations to Dr. Jeanette
IDDS sends its condolences to: Sabir-Holloway, who received the
2018 Lucy Hobbs Award. The award,
The family of Dr. Ralph E Walls, who passed away on named after Lucy Hobbs Taylor, the
August 8. Dr. Walls was a 56 year IDDS member. first American woman to earn a degree
in dentistry, celebrates the extraordinary
The family of Dr. Joseph Shoemaker, who passed on accomplishments of women in the ever-
October 3. Dr. Shoemaker was a 53 year member of IDDS.. changing dental profession. Dr. Holloway
is the recipient of the Mentor Award for her
work growing diversity within the dental field through the non-
Congratulations to: profit she founded and directs, Increasing Diversity in Dentistry
(IDID). Congratulations Dr. Holloway!

Congratulations to Dr. LaQuia

Vinson, who was recognized as the IU
School of Dentistry Outstanding Teacher of
the Year!

Dr. Ashwani Dr. Erin Phillips


Retirement best wishes to:

Dr. Diane Buyer on her retirement.
Dr. Buyer is a 36 year IDDS member.

Dr. Brett Dr. Doug Peet Dr. Jody Wilson


Membership Committee congratulates our Dr. Diane Buyer

2018 Dues Incentives Winners!
Dr. Ashwani Sharma, who was the Grand Prize Winner for Dr. Richard Coffman, who is a 46 year member of IDDS.
the IDDS Dues Incentives prize. Dr. Sharma won his ADA, IDA,
and IDDS dues completely reimbursed!!
Dr. Erin Phillips, who was the Second Place Winner for the
IDDS Dues Incentives prize. Dr. Phillips won her IDA and IDDS
dues completely reimbursed!! Dr. Robert Lucus on his retirement.
Drs. Brett Finkelmeier, Doug Peet, and Jody Wilson, who Dr. Lucus is a 50 year IDDS member.
were the lucky winners of the IDDS Dues Incentives prize. They
each had their IDDS dues completely reimbursed!!

Dr. Robert Lucus

Congratulations to
Dr. Kurt Rupenthal
Dr. Phil Nicholson, who is a 42 year
who was named Rotarian
IDDS member.
of the year!

26 IndyDentalSociety.org – Winter 2018

Dr. Rachel Black Dr. Jay Beagle

Congratulations to Dr. Rachel Black and Dr. Jay Beagle who

are now collaborating under the name BlackBeagle. Their office is
located at 3003 East 98th St. Ste 200, Indianapolis 46280.
Congratulations on 140 years of
helping Indianapolis
District dentists!

Dr. Sarah Herd DDS, MSD

4725 Statesmen Dr Ste F
Indianapolis, IN 46250
Office (317) 436-7162

DATELINE – Winter 2018 27


PRESORTED Nonprofit Org

Indianapolis IN Permit 1324

IDDS Upcoming Events

November January 18 March 13
OSHA-BLS at Hillcrest CC Retiree Breakfast, 9a.m. LePeep
November 12
IDDS Board of Directors Mtg.
January 28 March 13
IDDS Board of Directors Mtg., Spring GMM at The Garrison
November 14 6:30p.m.
Retiree Breakfast, 9a.m. LePeep April 2019
January 31
November 22-23 4th Year Students Transitions Workshop April 10
Holiday Retiree Breakfast, 9a.m. LePeep

February 2019 April 15

December IDDS Board of Directors Mtg.,
December 21 February 1 6:30p.m.
Dateline Deadline for Spring Edition Ethics Seminar, 9-11a.m., HCC
April 19
December 24-31 February 13 Dateline Deadline for Summer Edition
Holiday Retiree Breakfast, 9a.m. LePeep

February 16 May 2019

January 2019
Networking Seminar at Indiana May 3
January 1 Convention Center Ethics Seminar at HCC 9-11a.m.
February 28 May 8
January 9 Women Dentists Social at Retiree Breakfast, 9a.m. LePeep
Retiree Breakfast, 9a.m. LePeep The District Tap
May 17-18
January 14 Indiana Mission of Mercy,
Officers Mtg., 6:30p.m. March 2019
Fort Wayne War Memorial Coliseum
March 4
January 17 Officers Mtg., 6:30p.m.
2018 Leadership Reception at
Skyline Club March 8
OSHA-BLS at Hillcrest CC

28 IndyDentalSociety.org – Winter 2018

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