Summer Dateline 2016

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Volume 42
35 Number
Number2 4


CoGOLD Sponsors

Golf Outing
WIN $5,000

HA July 13, 2016Seminar



Location: Hillcrest Country Club,

6098 Fall Creek Road


Dr. WillinHine
Denta ducat
l A Blue &io
Co., LLC
IUSD ssistant W n:

nt StuLaboratory
dy Cl ps
nars Bank

Hill Endodontics, P.C.

Indiana Oral &
Maxillofacial Surgical
Stock Yards Bank
& Trust

1:00 PM Shotgun Start

$150 per Person

Includes golf cart, greens fee,
practice range & dinner
$50 Dinner Only

First Merchants Bank

Dentists OnlyA Chance to
Win a Grand Prize

$1,000 CASH!!


Plus all dentists playing

will be entered
to win a $250 CASH Prize.

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In This Issue
Presidents Message, Dr. Jason Flannagan.......................................................................3
Board of Directors Summary........................................................................................4
Fall General Membership Meeting................................................................................5
OSHA/CPR Workshops...............................................................................................6
IDDS Foundation Golf Outing....................................................................................7

Published four times a year

Indianapolis District Dental Society
8780 Purdue Road, Suite 8
Indianapolis, IN 46268-1173
Office Hours: 8:30a.m.-4:30p.m. Mon-Fri
317/471-8131 or 800-358-7715
317/471-8147 Fax

Spring General Membership Meeting...........................................................................8

Presidents Fall Workshop............................................................................................10
Welcome New and Returning Members.....................................................................15
IDDS Foundation Standish Fellows............................................................................17
IDDS Foundation Vintage Evening............................................................................19
Member News.............................................................................................................20


Jason Flannagan, D.D.S.

Matt Bojrab, D.D.S., M.S.D.
Wayne Kinney, D.D.S.
Sarah Herd, D.D.S., M.S.D.
Heather Maupin, D.D.S.
Immediate Past President
Dave Wolf, D.D.S.
IDA Trustee
Board of Directors
Chad Bailey, D.D.S.
Zach Bozic, D.D.S.
Tim Dudley, D.D.S.
Karen Ellis, D.D.S.
Evan Hiple, D.D.S.
John Jansen, D.D.S.
Edna Kemp, D.D.S.
John Loeffler, D.D.S.
Amanda Miller, D.D.S.
Renee Shirer, D.D.S.
Timothy Treat, D.D.S.
John Williams, D.M.D., M.B.A.
P. Bruce Easter, D.D.S.
3935 Eagle Creek Parkway, Suite A
Indianapolis, IN 46254
[email protected]
Managing/Design Editor
Carolyn Hansen, Executive Director
[email protected]
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed herein are
those of the author under whose name they appear
and are not to be regarded as representing the
views of the Indianapolis District Dental Society
unless so indicated.
DATELINE Summer 2016

Presidents Message

Jason Flannagan, D.D.S.

It is always amazing to see the kind

of dedication to organized dentistry given by our members. Whether they serve
on IDDS or IDA Committees, help with
events and projects, or give freely of their
financial resources, it is wonderful to
We have had numerous events
already this year: Leadership Reception,
Networking Seminar, Women Dentists
Seminar, Ethics, Spring General
Membership Meeting, and most recently,
the IDDS Foundations Vintage Evening.
All of these were successful and enjoyed
by those attending. I personally would
like to thank Carolyn and Paige for making these events happen.
The IDA Annual Session will see

several proposed resolutions related to

term limits and redistricting. That will
require a concentrated effort on behalf
of the entire delegation to discuss what
is best for the future of organized dentistry. Membership is decreasing nationwide, and we need to find a way to keep
our organization moving forward to
meet the challenges that will be faced by
future generations.
Please join us on July 13 for the
Foundations Golf Tournament. We have
a dedicated group of golfers who play
annually, and the $1,000 prize generously donated by First Merchants Bank
is just icing on the cake.
I invite you to my Presidents Fall
Workshop to be held on Thursday,
September 15 at The Garrison Center.
Speaker will be IDDS President-Elect,
Dr. Matt Bojrab who has an excellent
presentation on Stem Cells in Dentistry
that will make for an enlightened discussion.
Its been a Spring that is quickly
slipping into Summer, and its only just
begun; so, as the Indy 500 celebrates
its 100th Running, I invite you to fasten your seat belts and join IDDS for
another fast paced year. Thanks for your
membership and support of IDDS.

Board of Directors Summary

Executive Director Summary

The Board:
1) Selected Dr. Timothy Treat and Dr. Dave Wolf as our ADA
Delegate nominees.
2) Congratulated
Dr. Dave Wolf
for receiving
the IDA
Service Award
and Dr. Sue
Germain for
receiving the
IDDS Honor
Dr. Sue Germain
Dr. Dave Wolf
Dentist award. IDDS
also nominated Ms. Yvonne Baynham,
who received the IDAs Special Service
3) Approved assisting with Task Force on
Student Loans
4) Discussed the proposed Resolutions at
the IDA Annual Session related to term
limits and redistricting
5) Thanked Dr. Nichole Barnett for being
Ms. Yvonne Baynham
our IDDS Webmaster for the past three
years as an IDDS student, and welcomed Class of 2018
President, Christopher Dawson as our new IDDS Webmaster.

The IDDS Foundation Vintage Evening was a huge success

thanks to everyone who made it possible, especially the Indiana War
Memorial and the incredible staff.
Thank you to all of our members who contributed to the IDDS
Foundation when you paid your dues.
Please support the IDDS Foundations Golf Tournament on
July 13. All dentists are entered to win a $1,000 cash prize from
First Merchants Bank. The annual golf tournament, chaired by
Dr. Doug Spaulding, is the Foundations only annual fundraiser,
so your support is very much appreciated. Thank you to our Gold
Sponsors of this event: Blue & Co.; Camp Laboratory; First
Merchants Bank; Dr. Scott Hill; Dr. Will Hine; Indiana Oral
& Maxillofacial Surgery Associates; and Stock Yards Bank &
Stay connected with upcoming events by liking us on Facebook,
following us on Twitter, and visiting our website! Facebook:, Twitter:
IndyDentSociety, Website:
Thank you to the following for using ExtraDent/Claim X
for electronic claims processing. This helps support IDDS!!
Dr. Bryan Roy, Dr. Sue Germain, Martine Dental, Dr. Mark
Smith, Noblesville Family Dentistry, Northview Dental PC, Dr.
Wendy Parker, Plainfield Family Dental, Promise Dental, Dr.
Colleen Pool, RLI Dental DBA Simply Smile, Steckbeck Family
Carolyn Hansen

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4 Summer 2016

You Are Invited. . . IDDS Fall Membership Meeting

Make your reservations for your next General Membership Meeting Wednesday, October 5, 2016 at the
Blue Heron Ballroom, Garrison Conference Center at Fort Harrison State Park Inn, 6002 N. Post Road.
Reception.......................................................5:30 pm
Dinner...........................................................6:30 pm
IDDS Business .........................Jason Flannagan, D.D.S.
IDDS President

Dr. Jerome M. Adams, MD, MPH

Indiana State Health Commissioner

56th St.

An update on the health of Indianas citizens.

Post Road

Guest Speaker:

Conference Center

Fall General Membership Meeting

IDDS Presents

Dr. Jerome M. Adams

An update on the health of
Indianas citizens
Wednesday, October 5, 2016

q YES, I will attend the IDDS Membership Meeting (Meeting is worth 1 CE credit)
Dentist Name:______________________________________________________________
Name of Membership Meeting Attendee(s)________________________________________
Spouses and Nonmember Dentists = $35 per person

IDDS General
Wednesday, Oct. 5, 2016
Garrison Conference Center

Dinner:............................... 6:30p.m.
IDDS:................... Dr. Jason Flannagan,
IDDS President
Guest Speaker:
...................... Dr. Jerome M. Adams

Total amount enclosed for Membership Meeting $_________

_____I am paying by check (enclosed)
_____I am paying by credit card q Visa q MasterCard
Card #___________-____________-___________-___________

(Fax or mail this form to IDDS (471-8147) by Friday, September 23, 2016)
8780 Purdue Rd., Ste. 8, Indianapolis, IN 46268, or contact [email protected]
***Please Note: Since meal is catered, all reservations must be guaranteed.
Please return your registration prior to Friday, September 23, 2016.
Notice of cancellation must be received before 9 a.m. on Friday, September 23, 2016.
The courtesy of canceling your reservations in compliance with this deadline will
avoid your financial commitment.

Register: IDDS 317/471-8131 or Fax: 317/471-8147 or [email protected]

DATELINE Summer 2016

IDDS & IDA Present:

OSHA Compliance Training &

CPR Recertification Course

Our Process:
We provide financial and operational due diligence
for dentists who are considering an associateship,
starting or buying a practice.
Your Goal:
You are running your practice with confidence day one
clinically, financially and operationally.
Once you Own:
Our experienced team works with your team to
provide the on-going tax for the practice and doctor personally.
We also provide accounting and bookkeeping for the practice.
Amber C. Banks, Consultant
Mylene V. Egenolf, CPA
Wendy Day York, Accounting & Bookkeeping
3209 W. Smith Valley Road, Suite 253
Greenwood, IN 46142
Office Phone: (317) 884-3135

July 15, and October 14, 2016

at Hillcrest Country Club, 6098 Fall Creek Road

OSHA Compliance Issues 2 CE Credits

Check-in 8:30-9a.m. Course from 9-11a.m.
Instructor: Kay Maddox, R.N.
This OSHA review focuses on record keeping requirements,
training, exposure control, hazard communication, emergency action,
and general duty safety. Fee: $75

CPR Recertification 5 CE Credits

(Note: Indiana law limits hygienists to 2 CE credits for CPR

training and 5 CE for dentists.)
Check-in 11:15a.m. Course from 11:30-3:30p.m. approx.
Instructor: Kay Maddox, R.N.

This course, designed by the American Heart Association for health

care workers, includes two-person rescue adult CPR, child and infant
CPR, foreign body airway obstruction removal instruction and
Automated External Defibrillation instruction. Written and
practical tests will be administered. Fee: $75
To Register Contact
317/634-2610 or [email protected] Summer 2016

Please join IDDS Foundation for our annual golf outing on Wednesday, July 13, 2016 at
Hillcrest Country Club. This golf tournament will benefit IDDS Foundation
in its efforts to improve the oral health of the community.

GOLD Sponsors

Dr. Will Hine

Annual Golf Outing


Blue & Co., LLC

CAMP Laboratory
First Merchants Bank

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Location: Hillcrest Country Club, 6098 Fall Creek Road

Hill Endodontics, P.C.


Indiana Oral &

Maxillofacial Surgical

1:00 PM Shotgun Start

$150 per Person Includes golf cart, greens fee,

practice range & dinner

$50 Dinner Only

First Merchants Bank

Dentists OnlyA Chance to Win a Grand Prize of $1,000 CASH!!

Stock Yards Bank & Trust

SILVER Sponsors
Dr. Sue Germain

Plus all dentists playing Plinko will be entered

WIN $5,000

to win a $250 CASH Prize.

Dr. Bruce Wiland

Hurlow Wealth Management

Sponsorships Available:

Gold: $1,000 Includes 4 paid spots, dinner, recognition on course,

and in Dateline newsletter.
Silver: $500 Includes 2 paid spots, dinner and recognition on course
Hole: $300 Includes recognition on course
(Please contact Dr. Doug Spaulding at 317/845-0583 or IDDS
317/471-8131 for more information). Please - No refunds after June 30th

IDA Insurance Services

Integrated Planning & Wealth
MW Banks Consulting
Patterson Dental

Registration Form
Name of Contact: ____________________________________________________________________
Name of Company: ___________________________________________________________________
Daytime Phone: _________________________/ E-Mail:_____________________________________
Method of Payment: q Check Enclosed (Make check payable to IDDS Foundation)
Credit Card: q

CC Number : _____________________________________ Exp:__________

Names of Golfers: ____________________________



(Please print)


Please fax or mail this form to the IDDS Office: by June 30, 2016.
8780 Purdue Road, Suite 8 Indianapolis, IN 46268 Fax: 317-471-8147
email [email protected]
DATELINE Summer 2016

IDDS Spring
60 Year Honorees- Drs. Karl Glander, John Borkowski, Russel James, and Arden Christen

Dr. Jason Flannagan, IDDS President

55 Year Honorees- Drs. Ralph Walls, David Vandersall, Ron Bowman, Karl Gossweiler,
and Bob Walls

Dr. Megan Keck with new member

Dr. Krithika Rajkumar
45 Year Honorees- Drs. Tom Lapp, Virginia Crose, Robert Stokes, and Niles Hansen
8 Summer 2016

40 Year Honorees-Drs. Jim Nicholson, Phil Nicholson, Mark Mallatt, Mark Lund, Jay Rifkind, Robert Vote, and Mark Smith

35 Year Honorees- Robert Dickson, David Judy, Jennifer Taube, and James Gordon

30 Year Honorees- Drs. Bruce Wiland, Dave Wolf, Ty Campbell, Erik Grothouse, Merneatha Bazilio, Kurt VanWinkle, Larry Falender,
and Chip Rigsbee
DATELINE Summer 2016

IDDS Presidents Fall Workshop

(Dr. Jason Flannagan, President)

Dental Stem Cells: Preparing for the Future

By Matt Bojrab, DDS, MSD

Thursday, September 15, 2016

The Garrison Conference Center
6002 Post Road, Indianapolis

5:30-6:15 Social Hour

6:15-7:00 Buffet Dinner
7:00-8:30 Workshop

IDDS Presidents Fall Workshop

There is no charge for active members, but
For active (not retired) members only and you must pre-register to attend,
otherwise there will be a $50 charge.
5:30 Social Hour 6:15 Buffet Dinner 7:00 Workshop 2 CEs

___ YES I Plan to Attend Presidents Fall Workshop
on September 15, 2016

Conference Center


Post Road

56th St.

Dentist Name:_______________________________________
Email: _____________________________________________

Call IDDS at 317/471-8131 to Register by September 1

Or fax IDDS at 317/471-8147 by September 1.
Or send email to: [email protected] Summer 2016

IDDS Networking Seminar

Co-Chaired by Drs. Kara Czarkowski and John Jansen, this sixth year event was the most successful yet, bringing together dentists
statewide to help each other find new associates; sell/buy a practice; and meet the 4th year dental students. Thank you to our sponsors:
Blue & Co., ExtraDent/ClaimX; First Merchants Bank; Hurlow Wealth Management Group; IDA Insurance Services; MW Banks
Consultinig; Patterson Dental; PNC Bank; and Stock Yards Bank & Trust.

DATELINE Summer 2016


Women Dentists Seminar

Congratulations to Dr. Sue Germain as the recipient of this years IDDS Leaders & Mentors Award. Co-Chairs of the Membership
Committee, Drs. Karen Ellis and Katherine So, honored Dr. Germain at at the Women Dentists seminar for her contributions to others.

12 Summer 2016

Study Club Information

The Implant Restorative Study Club Prosthodontics of Central
Indiana- Dr. Christine Bishop and Dr. Savi Abey
Provides an opportunity to learn about the restorative aspects of
clinical implant therapy in a friendly, informal environment. Includes
2 hours of CE and dinner. Membership is $100 and is open to all
licensed dentists. Meetings are at 502 East Carmel Dr. from 6:008:00PM. Register at [email protected] or 317-574-0866.
Sept. 15- Replanning and Retreating of Failing Fixed Implant
Therapies, Speakers: Christine Bishop DDS MSD, Savi Abey DDS
MSD. November 10- Vendors Showcase
Pain Management in Dentistry Study Club Dr. Lana Berman
Yoga for Dental Professionals Practice Session. All levels for dentists and teams. Instructor is Ms. Joan OKane, Yoga and National
Exercise Trainers Association Pilates Instructor, experienced in using
yoga as a therapy model for patients after a stroke or traumatic
brain injury, military veterans. Meeting is on Thursday, July 28
from 6:30pm to 7:30pm at Village of West Clay in Carmel. Contact
Berman Endodontics 317-815-5552 or [email protected]
to register.
Spear Study Club Dr. Daniel Gomes, Dr. Dipesh Sitaram
Meetings are Sept. 19, Oct. 24 and Nov. 14, Mondays
6:30-8:30p.m. Address is 8235 Country Village Dr. Contact
317/299-4731 for more information and to register.

Westside Progressive Hygiene Study Club Dr. Daniel Gomes

Next meeting is Sept. 7. Contact 317/299-4731 for more
information and to register.
West Side Study Club Dr. Daniel Gomes
Next meeting is Sept. 21. Contact 317/299-4731 for more
information and to register.
Southside Study Club Dr. Tim Bacsa
Meet at Fireside Brewhouse - 997 E. County Line Road,
Greenwood, IN 46143. Social hour at 6pm, Dinner at 7pm.
Invitations to be mailed. Reservations contact Amber Banks at
MW Banks Consulting at 317.850.5178 or [email protected]
InDent Spear Study Club Dr. Chris Burns
Introducing 3 Study Clubs2 in Indy and 1 in Richmond.
National, local speakers, round table discussions and treatment
planning sessions. Now accepting applications for 2016-2017. $300
discount for early enrollment on or before May, 2016. Contact Patti
at 317/823-4260 or [email protected]
Office Managers 5 Star Study Club
Our local study club is an extension of the national association
of American Academy of Dental Office Managers (AADOM). The
goal is to provide opportunities for local networking and ce. More
info contact Kay Valentine at [email protected]

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you are out of the office for vacation, or you have had a
medical emergency of some kind? Turmoil and tragedy
happen to everyone.
When you are in need of someone to help you serve
your patients, IDDS has a list of associates who are willing
to sub, so contact us for more information.
This is a member benefit available to members only,
and is another example of your colleagues in organized
dentistry helping each other.
Contact us at 317-471-8131
or [email protected]

made in u.s.a. - fda registered

DATELINE Summer 2016


14 Summer 2016

IDDS Welcomes New and Returning Members

Dr. Kathleen Bradley
9885 E 116Th St Ste 100
Fishers, IN 46037
[email protected]
IUSD 2006
Dr. Shawn Cabbell
622 N. Madison Ave Ste 10
Greenwood, IN 46142
[email protected]
U of Maryland 2002
Dr. Kathryn Epkey
5237 Mount Pleasant Center St
Greenwood, IN 46142
[email protected]
West Virginia U 2015
Dr. Brett Finkelmeier
912 S. Rangeline Rd #120
Carmel, IN 46032
[email protected]
IUSD, 2014
Dr. William Grider
10 W Market St Ste 240
Indianapolis, IN 46204

[email protected]
IUSD 1982

Dr. Mallory Griffith

9002 N. Meridian St Ste 210
Indianapolis, IN 46260
[email protected]
IUSD 2011
Dr. Ronnie Jenkins
1338 S Lebanon St Ste 100
Lebanon, IN 46052

[email protected]
Augusta U 2014

Dr. Afaq Kheiri

4939 E 82nd St Ste 5000
Indianapolis, IN 46250
[email protected]
IUSD 2004
Dr. Jong-Raye Liang
10110 E Washington St. Ste E
Indianapolis, IN 46229
[email protected]
IUSD 2011
Dr. Steven Lenos
8906 Rockville Rd
Indianapolis, IN 46234
[email protected]
Loyola U of Chicago 1989
Dr. Esperanza Martinez-Mier
415 Lansing St
Indianapolis, IN 46202
[email protected]
Dr. Alex Mishel
6425 N. Keystone Ave
Indianapolis, IN 46220
[email protected]
IUSD 1991
Dr. William Neal
9893 N. Michigan Rd Ste 180
Carmel, IN 46032

[email protected]
IUSD 2003

Dr. Kenechi Okonkwo

8762 Bay Pointe Cir
Indianapolis, IN 46236
[email protected]
IUSD 2009
Dr. Brijesh Patel
4350 N. Franklin Rd.
Indianpaolis, IN 46226

Dr. Andrew Raber

15555 Sibley Lane
Noblesville, IN 46060

[email protected]
IUSD 2015

Dr. Krithika Rajkumar

8801 N. Meridian St. Ste 103
Indianapolis, IN 46260

[email protected]
IUSD 2015

Dr. John Retrum

9880 Westpoint, Dr. Ste 600
Indianapolis, IN 46256
[email protected]
Temple U 2011
Dr. Dean Stratman
7225 US 31 S. Ste G
Indianapolis, IN 46227
[email protected]
IUSD 1993
Dr. David Taler
9845 E 116th St Ste 400
Fishers, IN 46037
[email protected]
U of Maryland 2008
Dr. Todd Walters
4727 Lisborn Dr
Carmel, IN 46033

[email protected]
IUSD 1986

Dr. Ned Warner

1121 W. Michigan St.
Indianapolis, IN 46202
[email protected]
IUSD 1984

[email protected]
IUSD 2015
DATELINE Summer 2016


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16 Summer 2016

Welcome Standish
IDDS Foundation welcomes Dr. Elisabeth Nicholson,
as a Standish Fellow. Dr. Nicholson works with her father Dr.
Philip Nicholson at 150 N Indiana St. Mooresville, IN 46158,
and their office number is 317/831-4240. Thank you, Dr.
Nicholson, for your generosity!
IDDS Foundation welcomes
Dr. Kurt Van Winkle, as a Standish
Fellow. Dr. Van Winkle has his
practice at 8902 N Meridian St.
#138., Indianapolis, IN 46260, and
his office number is 317/844-2792.
Thank you, Dr. Van Winkle, for your

IDDS Foundation welcomes

Dr. John Williams, as a Standish
Fellow. Thank you, Dr. Williams, for
your generosity! Dr. Williams is the
Dean of IU School of Dentistry.

Northside Indianapolis
Dental Practice For Sale.
Four fully equipped ops with room for 2 more.
Open 3 days a week. Average collections
$275K per year.
Call (317) 513-7194 for information.

Non-traditional Dental Practice with

Concentration on Exodontia For Sale.
30 hours per week. $350,000 gross,
75% profit.
No building, staff, or insurance forms!
Contact Dr. Mark Williams at 317-626-6586.
DATELINE Summer 2016

Foundation Contributors
Dr. Keith Alvarez
Dr. Gary Bacon
Dr. Chad Bailey
Dr. Gary Bardonner
Dr. Merneatha Bazilio
Dr. Svetlana Berman
Dr. Julie Boyd
Dr. Ted Brauer
Dr. Jason Bunch
Dr. Diane Buyer
Dr. Timothy Carlson
Dr. Duane Compton
Dr. Karen Cottingham
Dr. Desiree Dimond
Dr. Kim Dunbar
Dr. Albert Dupont
Dr. P. Bruce Easter
Dr. Richard Ernsting
Dr. Scott Federspill
Dr. Karen Fischer
Dr. Jason Flannagan
Dr. Brent Garrison
Dr. Sue Germain
Dr. Mark Gleixner
Dr. Karl Gossweiler
Dr. Michael Gradeless
Dr. Steven Graham
Dr. Nancy Halsema
Dr. David Hennon
Dr. Will Hine
Dr. Evan Hiple
Dr. Robert Holloway
Dr. Joseph Hudson
Dr. Stacy Johnson
Dr. Samantha Jones-Davis
Dr. Todd Kaminski
Dr. Kenneth Kaneshiro
Dr. Megan Keck

Dr. Wayne Kinney

Dr. John Kirkpatrick
Dr. Brian Kirkwood
Dr. George Kirtley
Dr. Dwight Lee
Dr. John Loeffler
Dr. David Lux
Dr. Mark Mallatt
Dr. Bruce McDowell
Dr. Joseph Meek
Dr. Amanda Miller
Dr. James Miller
Dr. Matthew Miller
Dr. James Oldham
Dr. Kristen Pate
Dr. Douglas Peet
Dr. Mariam Razvi
Dr. Kirk Ripley
Dr. R K Rooney
Dr. James Schaefer
Dr. Michael Smith
Dr. Doug Spaulding
Dr. Pamela Steed
Dr. Charles Steffel
Dr. Dirk Sterley
Dr. Tonya Stewart
Dr. Kathryn Stuart
Dr. Stephen Towns
Dr. Kurt VanWinkle
Dr. Todd Walters
Dr. Gary Walton
Dr. Kevin Ward
Dr. Ned Warner
Dr. Curt Warren
Dr. John Williams
Dr. Michelle Wittler
Dr. Matthew Wittrig
Dr. Dave Wolf

Do You Have News?

Anything that interests our members is of
interest to IDDS. Call 317/471-8131 to let us know!
Also: In order to assist you, please report any changes in your
address, phone, or e-mail to IDDS. We need to keep your
information current!

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18 Summer 2016

IDDS Foundation Vintage Evening

DATELINE Summer 2016


Member News
Congratulations to:
Dr. James Jones, Professor and Chair
of Department of Pediatric Dentistry, is the
first recipient of the Dr. Paul. E. Starkey
Dental Research Professorship. This is the
first research professorship for pediatric
dentistry at Indiana University.

Dr. Greg Hardin, on his retirement

from active practice. Dr. Hardin is a 40 year
member of the IDDS.

Dr. Everett Hancock, on his retirement

from active practice. Dr. Hancock is a 49
year member of IDDS.

Dr. William Sauter, on his retirement

from active practice. Dr. Sauter is a 37 year
member of the IDDS.

Dr. Mandy Miller and her husband Les, on the birth of their
son Rory Easton Miller, 8.5 pounds and 21.5 inches tall born on
April 27th.

Dr. Anand Patel and his wife who were

married on May 21st.

Dr. Mark Thompson, on his retirement from active practice. Dr. Thompson is
a 36 year member of the IDDS.

Dr. Tim Treat, who was recently

elected to the American Dental Education
Association Board of Directors for a 1-year
term. Dr. Treat is a 2016 graduate of the IU
School of Dentistry.

Dr. Kevin Deardorf, on his retirement

from active practice. Dr. Deardorf is a 31
year member of IDDS.

Dr. Julian Gray, on her retirement

from active practice. Dr. Gray is a 30 year
member of the IDDS.


Congratulations to Dr. Kevin Ward, whose daughter, Molly, is

a student at U. of Indianapolis. Molly and her team are defending
their National Golf Championship in May. Molly will be a first year
dental student at IU School of Dentistry this fall.
Best wishes, Molly. Summer 2016

Member News
Dr. Jeff Platt, Associate Professor and
Interim Chair, Biomedical and Applied
Sciences, is 2015-2016 Vice-Chair of the
ADA Council on Scientific Affairs.
Dr. Platt served as Speaker of the IDA
House of Delegates and was the President of
IDDS in 2008.

Dr. Kelli Larrabee-Dewell, who was

the Second Place Winner for the IDDS
Dues Incentives prize. Dr. Larabee-Dewell
won her IDA and IDDS dues completely

Dr. Gabriel Hostalet, who was the

Grand Prize Winner for the IDDS Dues
Incentives prize. Dr. Hostalet won his ADA,
IDA, and IDDS dues completely reimbursed!!

Drs. Brett Barta, Joel Lanie, and

Gregg Mazonas, who were the lucky
winners of the IDDS Dues Incentives prize.
They each had their IDDS dues completely
Drs. Brett Barta

Dr. Dave Wolf, IDDS Trustee, set up a meeting with

Lieutenant Governor Sue Ellsperman for Dentists to meet and
discuss on Dental Day at the Capital.

DATELINE Summer 2016


IDDS extends its condolences:

of personal service

To the family of Dr. James H. Dirlam.

Dr. Dirlam passed away on January 7. He
was a 60 year member of IDDS.

To the family of Dr. Jerry Leer.

Dr. Leer passed away on March 5. He was a
57 year member and the 1971 President of
Dr. Katherine So, on the loss of her mother on January 14.
Dr. Samantha Lowe, on the loss of her husband, Jason, on
February 12.
Dr. Dave Wolf, on the loss of his mother on March 16.


To the family of Dr. Sybil Niemann.

Dr. Niemann passed away on May 12. She
was a 50 year member of the IDDS.

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IDDS Upcoming Events

June 2016

August 2016

June 3
Past Presidents Breakfast, Invitation

August 10
Retiree Breakfast, 9a.m.

June 6
Officers Mtg., 6:30p.m.

August 11
New Dentists Social at DuckPin
Bowling, 6:30p.m.

June 8
Retiree Breakfast

August 17
Peer Review Committee, 7p.m.

June 14
Foundation Board of Directors
Meeting, 6:30p.m.

August 19
MOM Meeting, 2p.m.

June 20
IDDS Board of Directors Meeting

July 2016
July 4
July 13
IDDS Foundation Golf Tournament,
Hillcrest CC
July 15
July 18-21
ADA Management Conference,
July 22
MOM Meeting, 2p.m.
July 29
Dateline Deadline for Fall Edition

August 29
Officers Meeting, 6:30p.m.
August 31
Nominations Deadline

September 2016

September 20
Dental Asst. Workshop
September 21
Peer Review Committee, 7p.m.
September 27
New Dentists Committee Mtg.,

October 2015
October 5
Fall GMM at The Garrison Conference
October 12
Retiree Breakfast, 9a.m.
October 12
Peer Review Committee, 7p.m.

September 5

October 14

September 12
IDDS Board Meeting, 6:30p.m.

October 15
Election Ballots Return Deadline

September 13
Membership Comm. Mtg., 6:30p.m.

October 20-25
ADA Annual Session, Denver

September 14
Retiree Breakfast, 9a.m.

October 21
MOM Meeting, 2p.m.

September 15
Presidents Fall Workshop

October 28
Dateline Deadline for Winter Edition

September 16
MOM Meeting, 2p.m. Summer 2016

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