Fitch 1963

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A Logical Analysis of Some Value Concepts

Author(s): Frederic B. Fitch

Source: The Journal of Symbolic Logic, Vol. 28, No. 2 (Jun., 1963), pp. 135-142
Published by: Association for Symbolic Logic
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Volume 28, Number 2, June 1963



The purpose of this paper is to provide a partial logical analysis of a few

concepts that may be classified as value concepts or as concepts that are
closely related to value concepts. Among the concepts that will be con-
sidered are striving for, doing, believing, knowing, desiring, ability to do,
obligation to do, and value for. Familiarity will be assumed with the concepts
of logical necessity, logical possibility, and strict implication as formalized
in standard systems of modal logic (such as S4), and with the concepts of
obligation and permission as formalized in systems of deontic logic.2 It
will also be assumed that quantifiers over propositions have been included
in extensions of these systems.3
There is no intention to provide exhaustive logical analyses, or to provide
logical analyses that reflect in detail the usage of so-called ordinary language.
This latter task seems impossible anyhow because of the ambiguities of
ordinary language and the obvious inconsistencies and irregularities of
usage in ordinary language. Furthermore, the term 'ordinary language' is
itself rather vague. Whose ordinary language? Should English be preferred
to Chinese? Various arguments that invoke English or Latin grammatical
usage are seen to be without foundation from the standpoint of Chinese.
Just as the concepts of necessity and possibility used in so-called ordinary
language correspond in some degree to the concepts of necessity and
possibility used in modal logic, so too it is to be hoped that the ordinary
language concepts of striving, doing, believing, desiring and knowing will
correspond in some degree to the concepts that we will partially formalize
here. Also, just as there are various slightly differing concepts of possibility

Received August 6, 1962.

1 An earlier draft of this paper was presented as a retiring presidential address to
the Association for Symbolic Logic; read before the Association at Atlantic City,
New Jersey, December 27, 1961.
2 For example see A. R. Anderson, The formal analysis of normative systems, Technical
Report No. 2, Contract No. SAR/Nonr-609(16), Office of Naval Research, Group
Psychology Branch, 1956; also, by the same author, A reduction of deontic logic to
alethic modal logic, Mind, n.s. vol. 67 (1958), pp. 100-103.
3 Such quantifiers can be introduced by methods analogous to those used in R. C.
Barcan (Marcus), A functional calculus of first order based on strict implication, this
JOURNAL, vol. 11 (1946), pp. 1-16; The deduction theorem in a functional calculus
of first order based on strict implication, ibid., pp. 115-118; and F. B. Fitch, Intu-
itionistic modal logic with quantifiers, Portugaliae mathematica, vol. 7 (1948), pp. 113-
118. See also, R. Carnap, Modalities and quantification, this JOURNAL, vol. 11 (1946),
pp. 33-64.


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and necessity corresponding to differing systems of modal logic, so too

there are presumably various slightly differing concepts of striving, doing,
believing, and knowing, having differing formalizations.
We begin by assuming that striving, doing, believing, and knowing all
have at least some fairly simple properties which will be described in what
follows, and we leave open the question as to what further properties they
First of all, we assume that striving, doing, believing, and knowing are
two-termed relations between an agent and a possible state of affairs.
It is convenient to treat these possible states of affairs as propositions, so
if I say that a strives for P, where p is a proposition, I mean that a strives
to bring about or realize the (possible) state of affairs expressed by the
proposition p. Similarly, if I say that a does P, where p is a proposition,
I mean that a brings about the (possible) state of affairs expressed by the
proposition p. We do not even have to restrict ourselves to possible states
of affairs, because impossible states of affairs can be expressed by propo-
sitions just as well as can possible states of affairs. In the case of believing
and knowing, there is surely no serious difficulty in regarding propositions
as the things believed and known. So we treat all these concepts as two-
termed relations between an agent and a proposition. In a similar way,
the concept of proving could also be regarded as a two-termed relation
between an agent and a proposition.
For purposes of simplification, the element of time will be ignored in
dealing with these various concepts. A more detailed treatment would
require that time be taken seriously. One method would be to treat these
concepts as a three-termed relation between an agent, a proposition, and
a time. Another method would be to avoid specifying times explicitly, but
rather to use a temporal ordering relation between states of affairs. This
latter method might be more in keeping with the theory of relativity, in
either its special or general form.
As a further step of simplification we will often ignore the agent and thus
treat each of the concepts under consideration as a class of propositions
rather than as a two-termed relation. For example, by 'striving' we will
mean the class of propositions striven for (that is, striven to be realized),
and by 'believing' we will mean the class of propositionsbelieved, relativizing
the whole treatment to some unspecified agent. But the agent can always
be specified if we wish to do so, and we can replace classes by two-termed
A class of propositions (in particular such classes of propositions as
striving, knowing, etc.) will be said to be closed with respect to conjunction
elimination if (necessarily) whenever the conjunction of two propositions
is in the class so are the two propositions themselves. For example, the
class of true propositions is closed with respect to conjunction elimination

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because (necessarily) if the conjunction of two propositions is true, so are

the propositions themselves. If a is a class closed with respect to conjunction
elimination, this fact about a can be expressed in logical symbolism by the
(p) (q) [(a[p & q]) -3 [(xp) & (aq)]],
where '-3' stands for strict implication.
We assume that the following concepts, viewed as classes of propositions,
are closed with respect to conjunction elimination:
striving (for),
For example, in the case of believing we assume:
(p)(q)[(believes [p & q]) -3 [(believes p) & (believes q)]].
Here are some further concepts which are evidently closed with respect
to conjunction elimination:
causal necessity (in the sense of Burks),4
causal possibility (in the sense of Burks),
(logical) necessity,
(logical) possibility,
obligation (deontic necessity),
permission (deontic possibility),
desire for.
A class of propositions will be said to be closed with respect to conjunction
introduction if (necessarily) whenever two propositions are in the class, so
is the conjunction of the two propositions. If a is a class closed with respect
to conjunction introduction, this fact about a can be expressed in logical
symbolism by the formula,
(p) (q)[[(ap) & (aq)] -3 (a p & qi)].
Except for causal, logical, and deontic possibility, all the concepts so far
regarded as closed with respect to conjunction elimination could perhaps
also be regarded as closed with respect to conjunction introduction, or some
varieties of them could. For present purposes, however, we do not need to
commit ourselves on this matter except to say that truth and causal, logical,
and deontic necessity are all indeed closed with respect to conjunction

4 A. W. Burks, The logic of causal propositious, Mind, n.s. vol. 60 (1951), pp. 363-382.

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A class of propositions will be said to be a truth class if (necessarily) every

member of it is true. If a is a truth class, this fact about a can be expressed
in logical symbolism by the formula, (p) [(p) -3 P]. The concepts truth,
causal necessity, and logical necessity are clearly truth classes. It also seems
reasonable to assume that doing, knowing, and proving are truth classes,
and so we make this assumption. Thus, whatever is true or causally or
logically necessary is true; and (as we assume) whatever is done, known,
or proved is also true.
The following two theorems about truth classes will be applied to some
of the above-mentioned truth classes in subsequent theorems.
THEOREM 1. If a is a truth class which is closed with respect to con-
junction elimination, then the proposition, [p & -,('(p)], which asserts that
p is true but not a member of a (where p is any proposition), is itself
necessarily not a member of a.
Proof. Suppose, on the contrary, that [p & '-'(ap)] is a member of a;
that is, suppose (a[p & '(o'()]). Since a is closed with respect to conjunction
elimination, the propositions p and -,.(p) must accordingly both be mem-
bers of a, so that the propositions (4ep)and (x('(4))) must both be true.
But from the fact that a is a truth class and has -.(/(p) as a member, we
conclude that '.'(ap) is true, and this contradicts the result that (4p) is true.
Thus from the assumption that [p & -.(/(p)] is a member of a we have
derived contradictory results. Hence that assumption is necessarily false.
THEOREM 2. If a is a truth class which is closed with respect to con-
junction elimination, and if p is any true proposition which is not a member
of a, then the proposition, [p & -.('(p)], is a true proposition which is
necessarily not a member of a.
Proof. The proposition [P & '(4)] is clearly true, and by Theorem 1 it
is necessarily not a member of a.
THEOREM 3. If an agent is all-powerful in the sense that for each
situation that is the case, it is logically possible that that situation was
brought about by that agent, then whatever is the case was brought about
(done) by that agent.
Proof. Suppose that p is the case but was not brought about by the
agent in question. Then, since doing is a truth class closed with respect to
conjunction elimination, we conclude from Theorem 2 that there is some
actual situation which could not have been brought about by that agent,
and hence that the agent is not all-powerful in the sense described.
THEOREM 4. For each agent who is not omniscient, there is a true
proposition which that agent cannot know.5

5 This theorem is essentially due to an anonymous referee of an earlier paper, in 1945,

that I did not publish. This earlier paper contained some of the ideas of the present

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Proof. Suppose that p is true but not known by the agent. Then, since
knowing is a truth class closed with respect to conjunction elimination,
we conclude from Theorem 2 that there is some true proposition which
cannot be known by the agent.
THEOREM 5. If there is some true proposition which nobody knows (or
has known or will know) to be true, then there is a true proposition which
nobody can know to be true.
Proof. Similar to proof of Theorem 4.
THEOREM 6. If there is some true proposition about proving that nobody
has ever proved or ever will prove, then there is some true proposition about
proving that nobody can prove.
Proof. Similar to the proof of Theorem 4, using the fact that if p is a
proposition about proving, so is [p & '(ap)].
This same sort of argument also applies to the class of logically necessary
propositions, since this is a truth class closed with respect to conjunction
elimination. Thus by Theorem 1 we have the result that every proposition
of the form [P & - FIP] is necessarily not logically necessary, and hence
necessarily possibly false, where 'El' denotes logical necessity. In other
words, the proposition D',.' FII[P& N oJp] is true for every proposition p.6
In particular, if p is a true proposition which is not necessarily true, then
[p & Nop] is a true proposition which is necessarily possibly false.
I now wish to describe a relation of causation, or more accurately, partial
causation, which will be used in giving a definition of doing in terms of
striving and a definition of knowing in terms of believing, as well as some
other definitions.
I will assume that partial causation, expressed by 'C', satisfies the
following axiom schemata Cl-C4:
Cl. [[p C q] & [q C r]] -3 [p C r]. (transitivity)
C2. [p & [p C q]] -3 q. (detachment)
C3. [p & [[p & q] C r]] -3 [q C r]. (strengthening)
C4. [[p C q] & [p C r]] [p C [q & r]]. (distribution)
Here 'p q' is defined as '[p -3 q] & [q -3 p]'.
I will also employ an identity relation among propositions and will
employ the following axiom schemata I1-I9 for this identity relation:7
6 This result in slightly different form is to be found in the two papers by Anderson
cited above. He uses it in constructing a model of deontic logic in alethic modal logic
and attributes it to W. T. Parry, Modalities in the survey system of strict implication,
this JOURNAL, vol. 4 (1939), pp. 137-154, Theorem 22.8.
7 It is interesting to observe that 12-I9 may be used to serve as postulates for an
algebra like Boolean algebra but somewhat weaker, provided that the identity symbol
is regarded as a symbol for equality in such an algebra and that (in place of I 1) there
are added postulates to the effect that equality is symmetrical and transitive, and that
the negates, conjuncts, and disjuncts of equal elements of the algebra are equal.

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II. [[p= q] & q....]3(... -

I2. pp.
I3. p=
I4. p [p&p].
I5. [p & q] = [q &p].
I6. [p&[q&r]] =[[p&q] &r].
I7. [p&[qVr]] =[[p&q] V [p&r]].
I8. p =[[p&q] Vp].
I9. u-P & a,] = upV q].
Notice that we do not have such theorems as p = [p & [q V '-.q]] and
P = [p V [q & -q]].
Only a few of the axiom schemata listed above will be directly relevant
in what follows. The ones most relevant are C2, C4, I 1, and I6. The property
expressed by C3 reflects the fact that C is only partial causation. If C were
total causation, then C3 would clearly by unacceptable. It should also be
remarked that C need not be regarded as restricted to relating states of
affairs that have space-time location, but may relate any state of affairs
(e.g., a mathematical truth) to other suitable states of affairs. Otherwise,
the sort of knowledge defined below would be knowledge only of states of
affairs that have space-time location.
Using the relation C, a definition of doing in terms of striving will now
be given. It is perhaps best to regard this definition merely as an axiom
schema that provides a necessary and sufficient condition for doing, and
similarly in subsequent definitions. As before, reference to the agent and
to time are omitted for simplicity.
DI. (does p) _ 3q[(strives for [p & q]) & [(strives for [p & q]) C P1].
This means that an agent does p if and only if there is some (possible or
impossible) situation q such that the agent strives for p and q, and a result
Also, there should be a postulate to the effect that there are at least two unequal
elements of the algebra. Such an algebra provides an algebraic formulation for the
Anderson-Belnap system of first degree entailments with quantifiers omitted (A. R.
Anderson and N. D. Belnap, Jr., First degree entailments, Technical Report No. 10,
ibid., 1961 , since the assertion that p entails q can be defined as the assertion that p
equals the conjunction of p with q, or equivalently as the assertion that q equals the
disjunction of q with p. This algebra was suggested to me by a list of theorems on
page 21 of my paper, A system of combinatory logic, Technical Report No. 9, ibid.,
1960, and in part also by some discussions with Anderson. It also bears a close relation
to the system of my paper, The system CA of combinatory logic, Technical Report
No. 13, ibid., 1962 (also forthcoming in this JOURNAL). The system of first degree
entailment including quantifiers was also arrived at independently by Miss Patricia
A. James and myself as a modified form of the system of my book Symbolic logic
(New York, 1952) prior to the Anderson-Belnap formulation of that system. This
alternative approach to the system of first degree entailment is sketched on p. vii
of Miss James's doctoral dissertation. Decidability in the logic of subordinate proofs
(Yale University, 1962).

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of this striving is that p takes place. Using II, I6, C4, and properties of
existence quantification, it is easy to show that this definition gives the
result that doing is closed with respect to conjunction elimination.
A definition of knowing in terms of believing is now given:
D2. (knows p) =3q[p & q & [[p & q] C (believes [p & q])]].
This means that an agent will be said to know p provided that p and
some (possibly other) situation q are both true, and provided that the fact
that they are both true causes the agent to believe the fact that they are
both true. Thus the known fact p must be causally efficacious (as part of
the conjunction [p & q]) in bringing about the agent's belief that [p & q]
is the case, and hence that p itself is the case, since belief is assumed closed
with respect to conjunction elimination. It is easy to show that knowing,
as thus defined, is a truth class closed with respect to conjunction elimi-
Ability to do can be defined in the following way:
D3. (can do p) 3q[(strives for [p & q]) C p].
This definition can be shown to give the result that ability to do is closed
with respect to conjunction elimination.
Obligation to do can be defined in terms of doing and the concept of
obligation as expressed by the operator '0' of deontic logic, as follows:
D4. (should do p) 0(does p).
Obligation to do, as thus defined, can be shown to be closed with respect
to conjunction elimination and also with respect to conjunction introduction.
I now wish to propose a definition of desire, as follows:
D5. (desires p) 3q[(believes (can do [p & q])) C (strives for [p & q])].
This means that an agent desires a situation p if his belief that he can
achieve the conjunction of p with some (possibly other) situation causes
him to strive for that conjunction of situations. Desire as thus defined can
be shown to be closed with respect to conjunction elimination.
A concept of value, which I now wish to consider, can be defined in the
following way:
D6. (value p) 3q3r[q & [(knows q) C (strives for [p & r])]].
This means that a situation p is a value for an agent if (and only if)
there is an actual situation q and situation r such that if the agent knows q
then he will strive for the conjunction of p and r. In knowing q the agent
may be supposed to have all the knowable relevant information concerned
with the effect of his striving for the conjunction of p and r, and if this
knowledge causes him to strive for this conjunction, it must be because
this conjunction, and in particular p itself, is of value to him. To see why q
may be supposed to contain all the knowable relevant information for the
purpose at hand, let us suppose, on the contrary, that q does not contain
all such relevant information. Then there might be some additional in-
formation s such that knowledge of the conjunction of q and s would cause

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the agent not to strive for any conjunction of the form [P & t]. But in the
hypothetical case that the agent knew [q & s], he would also know q because
of the fact that knowing is closed with respect to conjunction elimination,
and this knowledge of q, by assumption, would cause him to strive for
[p & r]. Thus he would be caused to strive for [P & r] and also caused not
to strive for [P & r], and the assumption that he could know such a propo-
sition as [q & s] leads to an absurdity. Hence q may be regardedas containing
all the knowable relevant information. It can be shown easily that value
as thus defined is closed with respect to conjunction elimination.
The objection might be raised against the above definition of value that
the agent must be assumed to be rational, since otherwise he might have
all the relevant knowledgeto enable him to make a choice in his own interest,
and yet, being irrational, he would be caused by this knowledge to make
some other choice and to strive for some outcome that would not be of value
to him. One way, and perhaps the only way, to attempt to meet this ob-
jection is to maintain that all irrationality is due to lack of sufficient
knowledge, so that the having of sufficient relevant knowledge already
rules out any relevant amount of irrationality. According to this view, any
sort of insanity would be curable simply by giving the patient sufficient
knowledge of himself and of the world around him. This view would not
deny that in practice there might be insuperable obstacles that prevent
the communication of this knowledge to the patient, but the existence of
such obstacles would not prove that irrationality was not essentially a
lack of knowledge.
This definition of value of course does not guarantee that there are any
values in this sense, though it seems to me not unreasonableto assume that
there may be values in this sense.
A more difficult problem is the problem of the comparison of values,
that is, the problem of greater and less among values. This problem will
not be dealt with here.

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