The Self-Confidence Mastery Program Workbook

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The Self-Confidence Mastery Program is the beginning of an exciting

journey you are about to take. Like all journeys which are properly planned and
completely enjoyed, you must have:

1. A clear understanding of where the journey begins;

2 Check points en route to help you stay on course;
3. A clear understanding of your destination.
4. A commitment to successfully complete the journey regardless of the detours
which you might encounter en route.

You will agree a person would be very foolish are presently in Atlanta,
Georgia and their destination in fact they were actually in Calgary, Alberta with
Dallas, Texas as their destination. Unbelievable as it may seem, this is the classical
error millions of people make philosophically with their life. They are not
completely honest with themselves when it comes to recognizing where they
presently are. Honest answers to every question us consideration to every
exercise and suggestion will clearly indicate:

1, Where your journey begins;

2 Mental adjustments that must be made;
3. Approximate time it will take to complete this journey.

Like the pendulum swing, whatever amount you put in will be the same amount
you get out.

So Where Are You Now?
It’s important to know where you are so you can define where you want to
be. This is how you are able to set a specific and measurable goal. To assist you in
figuring out where you are, you are going to be doing the ROSENBERG SELF-
ESTEEM SCALE analysis. The Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, a widely used self-
report instrument for evaluating individual self-esteem.

Below is a list of statements dealing with your general feelings about yourself.
Please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with each statement.

1. On the whole, I am satisfied with myself.

Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
2. At times I think I am no good at all.
Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
3. I feel that I have a number of good qualities.
Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
4. I am able to do things as well as most other people.
Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
5. I feel I do not have much to be proud of.
Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
6. I certainly feel useless at times.
Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
7. I feel that I'm a person of worth, at least on an equal plane with others.
Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

8. I wish I could have more respect for myself.
Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
9. All in all, I am inclined to feel that I am a failure.
Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
10. I take a positive attitude toward myself.
Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

Items 2, 5, 6, 8, 9 are reverse scored. Give “Strongly Disagree” 1 point, “Disagree”
2 points,
“Agree” 3 points, and “Strongly Agree” 4 points. Sum scores for all ten items.
Keep scores
on a continuous scale. Higher scores indicate higher self-esteem.

The results you are presently experiencing in your life are the physical
manifestation of the images in your sub-conscious mind which are directing your

Are you satisfied with your results?

Yes No

List the results you want to change.










Describe the kind of thoughts and ideas you would like your sub-conscious mind
to be conditioned with.

Make a written description of the person you are about to become.

Auto- Suggestion – Changing Your Programming For
Expressing Permanent Confidence.
Autosuggestion is the mode of impressing the subconscious mind with an
idea through feeling and constant, spaced repetition. Auto-suggestion is
essentially self-hypnosis. By repeating ideas over and over again, they become
your automatic way of thinking at the depths of your subconscious mind.

I hope you are not freaked out by the word hypnosis. The truth is, we are all
hypnotized in some way or another by the ideas in our environment. But now that
you understand how the mind operates, you MUST exercise your power of
volition to choose only to believe in ideas that intuitively feel right and are
supportive of your major definite goal.

The best time to program your subconscious mind to develop a new habit is
right before going to bed and right after you wake up.

This is when your brain waves are in an Alpha or Theta state and thus are
in a relaxed, drowsy state. In these states, your conscious mind is not able to
rationalize and choose, which makes this an ideal time to perform auto-
suggestions. During these times your mind will accept all suggestions made to it

In his best-selling book, author and earnest student of psychology,

Napoleon Hill states,
“It is a well-known fact that one comes, finally, to BELIEVE whatever one
repeats to one’s self, whether the statement be true or false. If a man repeats a
lie over and over, he will eventually accept the lie as truth. Moreover, he will
BELIEVE it to be the truth. Every man is what he is, because of the DOMINATING
THOUGHTS which he permits to occupy his mind.

Thoughts which a man deliberately places in his own mind, and encourages
with sympathy, and with which he mixes any one or more of the emotions,
constitute the motivating forces, which direct and control his every movement,
act, and deed!”

Please don’t miss the significance of the preceding statement.

Auto-suggestion strengthens faith. This will prove to be very helpful in
removing all traces of doubt and worry.

Once you know what you want and are determined to get it, petty issues
become a laughing matter.

Key #1: Self-Image Replacement

Your task is to read the description of the new self-image you desire every
night just before you go to sleep and in the morning right after you wake up with
EMOTION. At the end of each week, re-write the statement for your new self-

If you bring the Stick Person back into your mind, you will see that by
repeating this new image daily, you will be impressing it more and more on your
subconscious mind. In due time, you will find that the new image is becoming
more refined every time you re-write and repeat it; and your behaviour will start
to align more and more with this new image.

Key # 2: Obsession Card

On a small card, around the size of a business card, write down in 50 words
or less your major definite obsession for expressing more self-confidence.

Write it in the present tense and set a date to it like the following, “I am so
happy and grateful now that I am a expressing more and more confidence. By
January 1st 2016 I will be giving talks to major crowds of at least 20,000 people all
around the world sharing my ideas about life.” Make it as emotional as possible
but keep it to less than 50 words.

Your task is to read and carry this card on you at all times until your goal
manifests. Carry it in your pocket, in a purse or wallet, I tend to put it in my socks
as the pocket option is not always convenient. Go about your day, reading and re-
reading your card any chance you get. For example when in line at the bank,

waiting for the bus, during TV commercials, at a red light, while sitting on the
toilet, etc...

Read it as often as you can. Every time you read your goal card, read it with
lots of emotion and the attitude of expectation. The duration and intensity of
your reading of this card will determine how quickly the subconscious mind
accepts the idea to manifest your goal. You want to read this card as often as
possible and with INTENSE FEELING. Once the subconscious mind accepts the
idea, unshakable FAITH has been born. And you will know with absolute certainty
that your goal will be reached no matter what.

Key # 3: Visualization

Remember, the more you think/image the same thought, the more
habitual your thinking becomes and creates deep habitual grooves in your
subconscious mind.

The more habitual your imaging becomes the stronger and the deeper
these thoughts submerge in your subconscious mind. This then creates profound
habits at the roots of your subconscious mind which controls your actions
according to what you have been thinking most of the time.

In her best-selling and life changing book, Creative Visualization, Shakti

Gowain explains, “Creative visualization is the technique of using your
imagination to create what you want in your life. There is nothing at all new,
strange, or unusual about creative visualization. You are already using it every
day, every minute in fact. It is your natural power of imagination, the basic
creative energy of the universe, which you use constantly, whether or not you are
aware of it.”

Imagination is your ability to be creative. This mental faculty is perhaps the

most important to develop on your journey for a healthy, happy and successful
life. Napoleon Hill refers to the imagination as the “workshop of the mind.”
Through imagination man has created the telephone, air planes, electricity, and
the internet. It is through imagination that I created and still creating the life I

With a developed faculty for imagining, you will be able to create vivid
mental images in your head of the things you desire. This is the best thing you can
do as your mind cannot tell the difference between what’s real and what’s vividly
imagined. There are countless scientific experiments to prove the above

For example, Dr. Joe Dispenza, D.C mentions an experiment where

scientists would, “take a person and hook their brains up to certain pet scans or
computer technology and tell them to look at an object and then they would
watch certain areas of their brains light up, and then they would ask the person to
close their eyes and imagine that same object, and when they imagined that same
object, it produced the same areas of the brain to light up as if they were actually
physically seeing.

The brain can’t tell the difference between what’s real and what’s vividly
imagined. This makes you think, does the brain see or do the eyes see?

Raymond Holliwell in his phenomenal book, working with the Law states,
“Did you know that you don’t even see with your eyes? Your eyes are like a pair of
windows; at the back of the window there is a reflector and this reflector, in turn,
forms an image of what you see and sets up a wave current.

This wave current follows along thin wires called nerves. This relays the
image back to the brain. Here at the brain it is referred to the memory center. If
the picture is a common one, our memory accepts it readily, but if we are looking
upon some new picture, some new scene, our memory does not recognize it, and
then we must repeat the picture over and over many times until it makes a lasting
impression. Therefore we do not see with our eyes, we see with our mind.”

Another great example to demonstrate the power of our imagination is the

study conducted by Dr. Blaslotto at the University of Chicago where he divided
basketball players into three groups and tested each group on how many free
throws they could make.

He had the first group practice free thro0ws every day for an hour.

The second group just visualized themselves making free throws.

The third group did nothing. After 30 days, he tested them again.

The first group improved by 24%.

The second group improved by 23% without touching a basketball!

The third group did not improve which was expected.

Incredible isn’t it? Can you see how the power of imagination becomes of
great benefit when trying to manifest the health and fitness you desire?

The more intensely you are able to hold the picture in your head with as
much feeling and detail as possible, the faster your subconscious will fully accept
the idea and bring it to you as a real life condition.

Using the mental faculty of imagination, you can visualize exactly what you
want your life to look like, which is essentially your new self-image. By will power,
you can hold this image in your mind. The longer you hold this image of yourself
with emotion; that is with FAITH and PURPOSE, the more likely you are to impress
the desired image upon your subconscious mind and manifest the desired results
in your life.

Here is your exercise, for at least two to three times a day for periods of 10-
20 minutes. Before you go to sleep and right after you wake up, find a
comfortable place to sit or lie down, relax and visualize the new self-image you
wrote down.

Do the following:

 Visualize the person and the life you live as illustrated as your New Self
Image. Do this intensely, 3 times a day for 10-20 minutes. The keys to
your visualization are:

a) Relax: Observe your breath as it enters and leaves your nostrils for a
few minutes straight. Feel your body sink into the floor part by part.

b) Start to visualize, allow your desired image to float in your mind.
Don’t force the image; just let it appear in your mind just as a car passes
your field of view. You must actually see yourself at your goal.

Get in touch with the details in your visualization exercise. Engage your
five senses in the environment to add emotion to your images; touch
the objects, see the colours, taste the beverage, smell the fragrance in
the air, and hear the music.

The important thing here is to add a lot of emotion and hold the image
for as long as you can. This is how you get the image impressed on the
subconscious mind.

If you happen to visualize yourself lying out on a beach in Maui with

your shirt off, wearing a bikini or tight fitting clothes, notice the color of
the garment, your inner state of feeling, people complimenting you, feel
the sand under your feet. Really be there.

The more feeling you add to your visualization sessions, the deeper you
will drive the image in your subconscious mind and the quicker you will
attract it in your real life results.

3) Once your session is over. Take the next few minutes to act like the person you
desire to be. Initially, the images you create will be vague at best, but persistence
will be your best friend for success.

By persisting in this technique, you will soon start to notice a quiet confidence
building in your inner knowing that your goal will be attained. No if, ends or buts.


After using these tools for some time, you will notice that you will gain
much clarity on your goals. You will start to develop a burning obsession to
achieve your desires for health happiness and success.

However, and this is a big one, you must bridge this new found passion and
faith with ACTION, ACTION, ACTION. Without action, your results won’t change
much although you will be much clearer on what must be done.

It’s like having an idea for what to prepare for supper. You can paint up one
sweet gourmet dish in your mind but without getting off the couch and putting
together the ingredients to start making it, there will be no gourmet dish for you
to eat. Action is the connecting link for your thoughts to materialize as results in
your life.

In order to take effective action, you need to manage your daily activities.
The following exercise will help build your will power, discipline and keep yourself

Your Daily Activity Management Tool
1) Plan your week on Saturday or Sunday. (Fill in a weekly time table)

2) Make a to do list the night before on the six most important things you must

3) Discipline yourself to do everything on your to do list and move whatever is not

finished to the next day. A sense of urgency and concentration will be your best
friends if you are to be successful.

4) Always ask yourself during any of your activities the following question: Is this
the most valuable use of my time? You will know that it is if it aligns with helping
you reach your major definite goal.

These ideas will prove to be useless for you if you fail to use them. The
worst thing you can do now is to shelf this program in your memory.

Write a written and signed commitment to read complete the exercises in

this workbook, every day for the next 90 days. The first law of learning is
repetition. By watching this program over and over again and doing the exercises,
you are bound to be, do and have SELF-CONFIDENCE.

I____________ commit on this _______day of _______in the year

________ to read this book and complete the exercises in it every day for the next
ninety days. This is my word.


Resources – Please take the time to read these books to
help expand your consciousness about who YOU are.

-Man’s Search For Meaning by Victor Frankl

-Psycho Cybernetics by Dr. Maxwell Maltz
-Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
-As a Man Thinketh by James Allen
-Your Invisible Power by Genevieve Behrand
-Working with the Law by Raymond Holliwell

I’ll Be Happy to Answer Any Questions or Comments.

Please Send Them to My Personal Email @:
[email protected]


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