Estimation of Gonado-Somatic Index and Fecundity of Chagunius

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J. Env. Bio-Sci., 2014: Vol.

28 (2): 337-340 ISSN 0973-6913 (Print), ISSN 0976-3384 (On Line)


Raghvendra Singh, V. K. Tiwari, N. N. Pandey1, Monika Gupta, Babitha Rani A.M. and Chandra Prakash
Central Institute of Fisheries Education, Versova, Mumbai-400 061
Directorate of Coldwater Fisheries Research, Bhimtal-263 136
email: [email protected]

Received: 04-08-2014 Accepted: 26-11-2014

An attempt was made to assess the Gonadosomatic Index (GSI) and Fecundity of an indigenous cyprinid, Chagunius chagunio
distributed in Brahmaputra and Ganga drainages along the Himalayan foot hills. This species has good food value with fair market
demand. Recorded GSI in captive reared females were ranging from 3.27 to 17.59 with a highest value during May-June (16.17±1.09
and 15.41±0.95) and August-September (14.72±1.56 and 14.11±1.07). In wild females GSI was in range of 2.17 % to 19.59 % and two
peaks were recorded during April- May (17.17±2.13 and 16.41±1.97) and August- September (15.62±1.03 and 15.11±0.83). Based
on GSI two possible breeding seasons can be predicted as April-June and August- September. Asynchronous type of ovarian
development indicates the batch spawning behavior of the fish. Lowest and highest batch fecundity was 271.34 and 339.12 ova per
gram ovary weight respectively while average value was recorded as 302.55±23.39 ova per gram ovary weight. The present study
is the first report on these biological indices for C. Chagunio and also reveals that the fish is able to attain ovarian maturity under

Today's time of rapidly growing aquaculture sector demands Himalayan foot hills 7. In Kumaon Himalayan region, C.
more and more fish species to be incorporated for its chagunio is locally called as "Chippan" have high consumer
diversification. Availability of brood stock and good management preference and fetch very good market price of about Rs. 300/
practices are the key factors leading to success or failure of kg. Estimation of GSI and fecundity of C. chagunio will be very
seed production and culture of any fish species. For the much useful to get more information about its reproduction
production of healthy fish seeds normal gonadal development potential as well as prove as a mile stone for its incorporation
is essential. Normal development of gonads can easily be as a new candidate species in hill aquaculture.
assessed by the gonad's weight which is expressed as
Scanning of previous literature about C. chagunio indicates
Gonadosomatic index (GSI). GSI not only gives the idea about
that no research has been conducted on any aspect of
the maturity level of fish but also helpful for estimating the
reproductive biology of this fish. Therefore, the present
breeding season of a fish. It is reported that the GSI act as an
investigation was undertaken to record the GSI and fecundity
indicator of gonadal status1. Records on the study of the GSI
of C. chagunio under captive and wild conditions.
and fecundity in Anabas testudineus2 and Labeo rohita3 are
also available. Labeo dyocheilus, an important hill stream MATERIALS AND METHODS
cyprinid can achieve normal development of gonads kept under
Experiment was carried out at Directorate of Coldwater
captivity in coldwater conditions 4,5. Attaining full gonadal
Fisheries Research (DCFR) Bhimtal, Uttarakhand, India
maturity under captivity is undoubtedly a major challenge for
(Latitude 29021´ N, Longitude 79034´ E, altitude 1370 m MSL).
developing the complete package of practice of any fish species.
Live fishes of C. chagunio weighing from 57-143 g and length
According to a report, captive reared females of amberjack,
ranging from 17.80 to 23.50 cm were collected from the River
Seriola dumerilii failed not only to spawn, but also to complete
Kosi Ramnagar, Uttarakhand (29° 29.038' N latitude, 79.08777'
vitellogenesis and oocyte maturation6.
E longitude and altitude 410 m MSL) during year 2013 and
Chagunius chagunio, belongs to family cyprinidae commonly stocked in cemented ponds at DCFR, Bhimtal. To simulate a
known as "Chaguni" is one of the economically important semi-natural environment to the fishes, few medium sized
indigenous fish of Indian Himalayan region. In India this species boulders were kept at the pond bottom facilitating periphyton
is distributed in Brahmaputra and Ganga drainages along the growth. Fishes were fed daily with conventional feed @ 2-3%
Estimation of Gonado-somatic Index and Fecundity of Chagunius (338)

Table-1. GSI value of female C. chagunio kept under captivity.

Table-2. GSI value of female C. chagunio collected wild.

Fig. 1. Monthly variation in GSI value of female C. Fig. 2. Monthly variation in GSI value of female C.
chagunio kept under captivity chagunio collected wild
(339) Saikia, Bhattacharjee and Dutta

of their body weight. Wild fishes were purchased from fish market have been recorded by different researchers and even for the
Ramnagar to study the desired biological indices. GSI was same species different reports are available describing different
recorded monthly for complete one year and fecundity was breeding seasons at different locations11.
estimated during March-September. The body weight of each Examination of ovarian eggs shows occurrence of variable
fish was measured by means of an electronic balance. size of ova present at particular period of time. This gives an
Fecundity was estimated by standard protocol8 from wild fishes indication that the ovarian development of C. chagunio follow
only, as fecundity estimation requires a large number of fish asynchronous type of pattern and the fish spawn in batches
samples which was not manageable in captivity. GSI was even within the same breeding season. It is reported that Tor
estimated using following formula.. putitora is a batch spawner and multiplicity of spawning may
depend on the environmental conditions12. In present study
Weight of gonad (g)
GSI   100 recorded lowest and highest batch fecundity was 271.34 and
total body weight (g) 339.12 ova per gram ovary weight with an average of
302.55±23.39 ova per gram ovary weight. Similar to our findings
Various data were recorded and analyzed using Microsoft Office
many other workers reported the fecundity of other important
Excel, 2007.
cold water cyprinids. Reported batch fecundity of T. tor is
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 6400 eggs for a fish of 546 mm total length13. Total fecundity
of T. putitora recorded in a range from 3987 to 7320 in the
The GSI values of C. chagunio were ranging from 3.27 % to fishes of size range 190 to 250 mm total length at Bhimtal14.
17.59 % in captive reared females. Average GSI value increased According to a study in Kashmir Himalayas the fecundity of
gradually from month of December (05.12±0.91) attained a peak Schizothorax niger ranged between 15000 to 18000 eggs kg-
in May (16.17±1.09) and a sharp fall was recorded in July 1 body weight15.
(04.84±1.47). Again in the months of August and September
Present findings highlight the reproductive potential of C.
high values (14.72±1.56 and 14.12±1.07) of GSI were recorded
chagunio which has got good market value not only in foot
with a decreasing trend up to November (04.17±1.17). It was
hills of Kumaon but also contributes a major share of inland
observed that many females were freely oozing eggs on applying
fishery of North-East states of India especially in Arunachal
gentle pressure on belly during May- June and August-
Pradesh. Present investigation and information about GSI and
fecundity is the first report on these biological indices of C.
In wild collection GSI values of females were ranging from 2.17% chagunio which will be very helpful for the development of
to 19.59%. Mean GSI value increased gradually from the month culture and fishery of this species.
of December (05.49±0.39), attained highest value in April
(17.17±2.13) and a sharp fall was recorded in June (06.84±0.84)
and July (2.52±0.23). Further in August and September greater The authors are thankful to Dr. A.K. Singh, Director, Directorate
values (15.62±1.03 and 14.12±0.83) of GSI were recorded with of Coldwater Fisheries Research (DCFR), Bhimtal, and Dr.
a decreasing trend up to November (4.67±0.61). As compare W.S. Lakra, Director, Central Institute of Fisheries Education,
to captive reared ones wild females were found freely oozing Mumbai for providing the opportunity to carry out this work
eggs in April-May and August-September. along with their valuable guidance, useful suggestions and
facilities during the research. Authors are immensely thankful
Greater value of GSI reflects the ovarian maturity in the fish9.
to Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India for
GSI can not only be used to predict the breeding season but
providing research fellowship under INSPIRE Fellowship
also indicate the maturity status and periodicity of spawning of
a fish10. Fig. 1&2 shows that C. chagunio in wild has possibly
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