Chem111.1 Exer7 SampleCalc.v3

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Exercise 8 o Does not obey Newton’s law

VISCOSITY OF PURE LIQUIDS AND SOLUTIONS o Viscosity dependent on shear

Postlab Notes o e.g. blood
 Resistance of a liquid to flow Factors affecting Viscosity
 Unit: SI 1. Temperature
2. Pressure
CGS 3. Composition

Types of Fluid Hagen-Poiseuille Equation

1. Newtonian fluid
o Exhibits laminar flow (i.e. uninterrupted flow)
o Viscosity constant at constant temperature and independent of
viscosity gradient
2. Non-Newtonian fluid
o Exhibits turbulent flow
o Viscosity dependent on shear force (i.e. movement by sliding
from one part to another)

Newton’s Law of Viscosity for Laminar Flow Poiseuille Law

 Visualized as a fluid being stratified into layers of planes of molecules
wherein one plate is stationary and the other is moving parallel to it at
Where: and (A and B are capillary dimensions)
a certain velocity
 The moving plate drags a layer of liquid along transferring momentum
to it so this layer of fluid drags another layer along transferring
momentum to it and so on
 Due to frictional losses, the speed of each layer is a little slower than
the layer above it
 Each layer exerts frictional resistive force on the other which gives rise
to viscosity
(Modified) Eyring’s Theory
Types of Fluid Flow  Theory of Absolute Reaction Rates
1. Laminar flow - relates viscosity to temperature
o Exhibited by Newtonian fluids
o Uninterrupted flow of liquid
o Flow is constant at each region
2. Turbulent flow
o Not in smooth layers; movement in different directions

1 | C h e m 1 1 1 . 1 ( 1 L ) E x e r c i s e 8 VISCOSITY OF PURE LIQUIDS AND SOLUTIONS

2. Cannon-Fenske viscometers
o Has two bulbs ; allows the quantitative assessment of the effect
of shear stress on the viscosity of the solution
o Lower reservoir is directly below the upper reservoir ⟶ this
condition has been shown to give the minimum changes in
 Assuming enthalpy change for flow, , and entropy of activation, , pressure head resulting in the vertical alignment of the
to be independent of temperature viscometer
3. Ubbelohde viscometer
Plot: vs. o Constructed such that the pressure head of the suspended
Slope: liquid at the capillary outlet is independent of the liquid
y-int: originally introduced to the viscometer
o Used for very viscous solutions (e.g. polymers)
Methods of Determining Viscosity o Not calibrated because no constant is needed
1. Falling Ball method/Rising Bubble o Reverse Flow viscometers – for highly colored solutions
2. Capillary Flow method
3. Rotational method Experimental Procedure
4. Timed-fall of Piston method 1. Calibration of viscometer
5. Pressure drop thru Friction tube
6. Torque Viscometer
Plot: vs.
7. On-line process viscometer
8. Ultrasonic probe

Types of Viscometer Used for Capillary Flow Method


2. Determination of viscosities of pure liquids and solutions
a. Effect of increasing mole fraction
1) Calibration constants A and B

1. Ostwald viscometer Plot: vs.

o Dependent on the volume used since pressure area head will
vary with different solutions
o Has one bulb, thus the liquid is connected to the main reservoir
and affecting pressure

2 | C h e m 1 1 1 . 1 ( 1 L ) E x e r c i s e 8 VISCOSITY OF PURE LIQUIDS AND SOLUTIONS

Slope: Relationship is usually a curve
Association Homo > hetero
y-int: Dissociation Homo < hetero

2) Calculation of ρsolution o Stronger IMFA (between solute and solvent particles) in a

liquid will hinder flow resulting to a higher value of
o e.g. acetone and water
o Several conditions to be met for accurate
1) Flow characteristics of the liquid → Newtonian fluid
3) Calculation of ƞ at each mole fraction
(exhibits laminar flow)
2) Liquid must be pure and free from any impurity (may
clog capillary tube)
3) Temperature constancy → changes with
4) Pressure constancy

b. Effect of temperature
1) Calculation of ƞ at each temperature
Effect of increasing mole fraction on viscosity is
dependent on the type of binary solution and the IMFA present
between the solute and the solvent particles.

Case 1:
Solute-solute or

interaction 2) Calculation of for each temperature
(homogeneous) Modified Eyring’s equation:

(solute does not interact with the solvent, no dissolution)

Case 2:
Solute-solute or

Solute-solvent 3) Determination of and
(heterogeneous) Plot: vs.


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At higher temperature, there is higher kinetic energy that

disrupts IMFA between solute and solvent particles thereby
resulting to a decrease in .
* for NaCMC
3. Viscosity of NaCMC polymer
5) Molecular radius, r
 use of Ubbelohde viscometer
 Flow times of different polymer solutions were measured as
well as the flow time of the pure solvent (
 Polymers
o high molecular weight substances
o viscosity measurements give information on the size
and shape of the polymer molecule
1) Calculation of ƞsp 6) Root-mean-square end-to-end,
- derived from Kirkwood-Riseman equation

2) [ƞ]
 [ƞ] from ƞred
Plot: vs.


 [ƞ] from ƞinh

Plot: vs. Derived Viscosity Functions
Relative Viscosity:

3) Molecular weight,
Specific Viscosity:

Reduced Viscosity:

Inherent Viscosity:

4) Molecular size, s
Intrinsic viscosity:

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Mark-Houwink Equation

Well-coiled (tightly
Rigidly extended
 and can also be determined experimentally

Effect of Polymer Concentration on Viscosity

 ↑ [NaCMC], ↑
More polymer chains, stronger attraction

 ↑ [NaCl], ↓ “salting out”

o At low [NaCl], solvation effect increases causing uncoiling of
polymer. Thus, increase in molecular attractions between NaCMC
and water molecules.
o Competing interactions between NaCMC-NaCl and NaCMC-water
o Uncoiled polymer molecules has more area for interaction (unlike
the coiled polymer molecules) thus higher viscosity

Solvation of Polymer
GOOD solvent BAD solvent
hetero > homo hetero < homo
Uncoiled polymer Coiled polymer

energy not needed energy is needed to form solution

Increase in Decrease in
*Therefore, the better solvent is 0.001 M NaCl than 0.100 M NaCl

Possible Sources of Error

1. Temperature fluctuation
2. Drainage errors
3. Vertical alignment
4. Timing
5. Changes in sample composition
6. Assumption that flow is laminar
Notes from PLJA©2014

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