Coulson Problems

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The document discusses different types of evaporators and their design considerations like heating surface area, temperature differences, and steam consumption. It also covers topics like liquid mixing, centrifugal separation, and jet boosters.

Evaporators are used to concentrate solutions by removing water via evaporation. Their design considers factors like heating surface area, temperature differences between steam and boiling liquid, steam pressure, and feed properties which affect steam consumption. Multiple effect evaporators improve efficiency.

A centrifuge separates particles based on size by spinning a liquid-particle mixture at high speeds. Heavier and larger particles are pushed outward to the centrifuge walls, while lighter and smaller particles remain suspended in the liquid discharged through a central outlet.


A single-effect evaporator is used to concentrate 7 kg/s of a solution from 10 to 50 per cent solids.
14.1 Steam is available at 205 kN/m2 and evaporation takes place at 13.5 kN/m2… estimate the heating
surface required and the amount of steam used…
4 kg/s (14.4 tonne/hour) of a liquor containing 10 per cent solids is fed at 294 K to the first effect of a
14.2A triple-effect unit… Saturated dry steam at 205 kN/m2 is fed to the heating element of the first effect…
Estimate the area, the temperature differences and the steam consumption...
(Same with 14.2A now backward feed)
Saturated steam leaving an evaporator at atmospheric pressure is compressed by means of saturated
steam at 1135 kN/m2 in a steam jet to a pressure of 135 kN/m2… comment on the efficiency of the
14.3 compressor.

Distilled water is produced from sea water by evaporation in a single-effect evaporator working on
14.4 the vapour compression system... Using the following data, calculate the quantity of additional steam
required in kg/s.

An evaporator operating on the thermo-recompression principle employs a steam ejector to maintain

atmospheric pressure over the boiling liquid. The ejector uses 0.14 kg/s of steam at 650 kN/m2 and
superheated by 100 deg K… What is the capacity and economy of the system and how could the
14.5 economy be improved?

In an evaporator handling an aqueous salt solution, the overall coefficient U (kW/m2 deg K) is
given by a form of equation… the heat transfer area is 40 m2, the temperature driving force is 40 deg
14.7 K and the latent heat of vaporisation of water is 2300 kJ/kg... estimate the optimum boiling times to
give a) maximum throughput and b) minimum cost.

EVAPORATION (Sample Problems)

It is claimed that a jet booster requires 0.06 kg/s of dry and saturated steam at 700 kN/m2
to compress 0.125 kg/s of dry and saturated vapour from 3.5 kN/m to 14.0 kN/m2. Is this
14.6 claim reasonable?

A forward-feed double-effect evaporator, having 10 m2 of heating surface in each effect, is used to

concentrate 0.4 kg/s of caustic soda solution from 10 to 50 per cent by mass. During a particular run,
14.7 when the feed is at 328 K, the pressures in the two calandrias are 375 and 180 kN/m2 respectively...

A forward-feed double-effect standard vertical evaporator with equal heating areas in each effect is
fed with 5 kg/s of a liquor of specific heat capacity of 4.18 kJ/kgK, and with no boiling-point rise…
14.9 Steam is fed at 395 K and the boiling-point in the second effect is 373 K. ...what will be the change in
the steam consumption of the evaporator unit?

A liquor containing 15 per cent solids is concentrated to 55 per cent solids in a doubleeffect
evaporator operating at a pressure of 18 kN/m2 in the second effect. The feedrate is 2.5 kg/s at a
14.10 temperature of 375 K with a specific heat capacity of 3.75 kJ/kgK. The boiling-point rise of the
concentrated liquor is 6 degK...
1.25 kg/s of a solution is concentrated from 10 to 50 per cent solids in a triple-effect evaporator using
steam at 393 K, and a vacuum such that the boiling point in the last effect is 325 K… what is the
14.12 steam consumption, the temperature distribution in the system and the heat transfer area in each
effect, each effect being identical?

A liquid with no appreciable elevation of boiling-point is concentrated in a triple-effect evaporator. If

the temperature of the steam to the first effect is 395 K and vacuum is applied to the third effect so
14.13 that the boiling-point is 325 K, what are the approximate boiling-points in the three effects?

A three-stage evaporator is fed with 1.25 kg/s of a liquor which is concentrated from 10 to
40 per cent solids. The heat transfer coefficients may be taken as 3.1, 2.5, and 1.7 kW/m2 K
in each effect respectively…

A single-effect evaporator is used to concentrate 0.075 kg/s of a 10 per cent caustic soda liquor to 30
14.16 per cent… If the overall heat transfer coefficient is 1.75 kW/m2 K, how many tubes should be used,
and what material of construction would be specified for the evaporator?
A triple-effect backward-feed evaporator concentrates 5 kg/s of liquor from 10 per cent
to 50 per cent solids. Steam is available at 375 kN/m2 and the condenser operates at
14.18 13.5 kN/m2. What is the area required in each effect, assumed identical, and the economy
of the unit?

A double-effect climbing-film evaporator is connected so that the feed… The temperature of the feed
14.19 is initially 289 K, 348 K after the first heater and 383 K after the second heater… What is the economy
of the unit if the evaporation rate is 0.125 kg/s?
A triple-effect evaporator is fed with 5 kg/s of a liquor containing 15 per cent solids. The
concentration in the last effect, which operates at 13.5 kN/m2, is 60 per cent solids… determine the
14.20 temperature distribution and the area of heating surface required in each effect? ...What is the
economy and what is the heat load on the condenser?

A double-effect forward-feed evaporator is required to give a product which contains

14.21 50 per cent by mass of solids. Each effect has 10 m2 of heating surface… What is the maximum
permissible feed rate if the feed contains 10 per cent solids and is at 310 K?
A double-effect forward-feed evaporator is required to give a product consisting of 30 per cent
14.23 crystals and a mother liquor containing 40 per cent by mass of dissolved solids… Dry saturated steam
is supplied at 375 kN/m2 and the condenser operates at 13.5 kN/m2.
1.9 kg/s of a liquid containing 10 per cent by mass of dissolved solids is fed at 338 K to
14.24 a forward-feed double-effect evaporator… The mother liquor exhibits a boiling point rise of 6 deg K…

2.5 kg/s of a solution at 288 K containing 10 per cent of dissolved solids is fed to a forward-feed
14.25 double-effect evaporator, operating at 14 kN/m2 in the last effect… It may be assumed that the
concentrated solution exhibits a boiling-point rise of 5 deg K...
A salt solution at 293 K is fed at the rate of 6.3 kg/s to a forward-feed triple-effect evaporator and is
concentrated from 2 per cent to 10 per cent of solids. Saturated steam at 170 kN/m2 is introduced
14.26 into the calandria of the first effect and a pressure of 34 kN/m2 is maintained in the last effect...

A single-effect evaporator with a heating surface area of 10 m2 is used to concentrate a

14.27 NaOH solution flowing at 0.38 kg/s from 10 per cent to 33.3 per cent. The feed enters at
338 K and its specific heat capacity is 3.2 kJ/kg K…
An evaporator, working at atmospheric pressure, is used to concentrate a solution from 5 per cent to
14.28 20 per cent solids at the rate of 1.25 kg/s. The solution, which has a specific heat capacity of 4.18
kJ/kg K, is fed to the evaporator at 295 K and boils at 380 K...
Steam required Heat transfer area
6.47 kg/s 68.6 m2

Steam required Economy

1.56 kg/s 2 kg/kg

2.3 kg/kg

Additional Steam
0.014 kg/s

Steam required Economy How to improve?

0.239 kg/s 1.53 kg/kg - operating with a higher live-steam
- inc. the pressure in the vapor space
- using the vapor (not returned to the
ejector) to preheat feed solution

Maximum throughput Minimum cost time Throughput to give min. cost

28.1 ks (7.8 h) 52.8 ks (14.7 h) 0.45 kg/s
Cost of one cycle
0.0512 £/kg

79% (reasonable kay
efficiences should be around

Condenser Load Economy OHTCs

0.15 kg/s 1.57 kg/kg 1st effect: 2.53 kW/m2 K
2nd effect: 1.84 kW/m2 K

Change in Steam Consumption

0.12 kg/s
(from 1.21 kg/s to 1.33 kg/s)

Area for each effect

67.5 m2
Steam required Area for each effect Temperature in each effect
0.432 kg/s 18 m2 T1: 374 K
T2: 350 K
T3: 325 K

Temperature in each effect

T1: 381.5 K
T2: 363.2 K
T3: 325 K

Feed is 294 K Feed is 355 K

Steam required: 0.472 kg/s Steam required: 0.472 kg/s
Temperature in each effect Temperature in each effect
T1: 368 K T1: 371 K
T2: 351 K T2: 353 K
T3: 325 K T3: 325 K

Number of tubes required:


Economy Area for each effect

2.52 kg/kg 57 m2

1.5 kg/kg

Economy Area for each effect Temperature in each effect

2 kg/kg 89 m2 T1: 369 K
Condenser heat load T2: 354 K
31.8 kW T3: 325 K

Feed rate
0.83 kg/s

Area for each effect Pressure in 1st effect is

5.06 m2 atmospheric

Area for each effect

47.5 m2

Steam is dry and saturated at

376.5 K at a pressure of 115
Area for each effect
218 m2

OHTC w/o BPR OHTC w/ BPR OHTC when liquid height is 1.5m
1.28 kW/m2 K 2.21 kW/m2 K w/o BPR: 1.89 kW/m2 K
w/ BPR: 1.43 kN/m2 K
Steam required Area for each effect
1.17 kg/s 58.5 m2
DRYING (Examples)
A wet solid is dried from 25 to 10 per cent moisture under constant drying conditions in 15 ks (4.17
h). If the critical and the equilibrium moisture contents are 15 and 5 per cent respectively, how long
16.1 will it take to dry the solid from 30 to 8 per cent moisture under the same conditions?

Strips of a material 10 mm thick are dried under constant drying conditions from 28 per cent to 13
16.2 per cent moisture in 25 ks… what is the time taken to dry 60 mm planks from 22 to 10 percent
moisture under the same conditions…?
A granular material containing 40 per cent moisture is fed to a countercurrent rotary dryer at a
temperature of 295 K and is withdrawn at 305 K, containing 5 per cent moisture… Assuming that
radiation losses amount to 20 kJ/kg dry air used, determine the mass flowrate of dry air supplied to
the dryer and the humidity of the exit air.


A 100 kg batch of granular solids containing 30 per cent moisture is to be dried in a tray drier to
15.5 per cent of moisture by passing a current of air at 350 K tangentially across its surface at a
16.4 velocity of 1.8 m/s… calculate the approximate drying time.

A flow of 0.35 kg/s of a solid is to be dried from 15 per cent to 0.5 per cent moisture on a dry basis.
The mean heat capacity of the solids is 2.2 kJ/kg deg K and it is proposed that a co-current adiabatic
dryer should be used with the solids entering at 300 K... What diameter and length should be
specified for the proposed dryer?


A granular material of density 5000 kg/m3 is to be dried in a fluidised bed dryer using directly
16.6 heated air at 811 K. The particle size is 0.5 mm and 1.26 kg/s of water is to be removed from
12.6 kg/s of solid feed at 293 K. What diameter of bed should be specified?

DRYING (Sample Problems)

1 Mg of dry mass of a non-porous solid is dried under constant drying conditions in an air stream
flowing at 0.75 m/s. The area of surface drying is 55 m2. If the initial rate of drying is 0.3 g/m2s, how
long will it take to dry the material from 0.15 to 0.025 kg water/kg dry solid?...


0.126 kg/s of a solid product containing 4 per cent water is produced in a dryer from a wet feed
containing 42 per cent water on a wet basis. Ambient air at 294 K and of 40 per cent relative
humidity is heated to 366 K in a preheater before entering the dryer from which it leaves at 60 per
cent relative humidity... what must be the flowrate of air to the preheater and how much heat must
be added to the preheater? How will these values be affected if the air enters the dryer at 340 K and
sufficient heat is supplied within the dryer so that the air again leaves at 340 K with a relative
humidity of 60 per cent?


A wet solid is dried from 40 to 8 per cent moisture in 20 ks. If the critical and the equilibrium
16.8 moisture contents are 15 and 4 per cent respectively, how long will it take to dry the solid to 5 per
cent moisture under the some drying conditions? All moisture contents are on a dry basis.
A solid is to be dried from 1 kg water/kg dry solids to 0.01 kg water/kg dry solids in a tray dryer
consisting of a single tier of 50 trays, each 0.02 m deep and 0.7 m square completely filled with wet
material… Assuming that the drying is by convection from the top surface of the trays only, what is
the drying time?

Skeins of a synthetic fibre are dried from 46 per cent to 8.5 per cent moisture on a wet basis in a 10
m long tunnel dryer by a countercurrent flow of hot air… At what velocity should the skeins be
16.10 passed through the dryer?
Rate of Drying in 1st Period 0.113 kg/s
Falling rate in the 2nd period 0.03 kg/kg
Total drying time 23.9 ks (6.65 hrs)

For 10 mm strips, k = 0.52

t = 1090 ks (12.6 days)

Entering stream:
mass flowrate of water 0.05 kg/s
mass flowrate of solid 0.075 kg/s
heat content of wet solid entering 6.05 kW

Leaving the dryer:

water in dried solids leaving 0.0036 kg/s
Water evaporated into the gas stream 0.0464 kg/s
heat in water vapor 119.3 kW
heat of dried solids leaving 2.59 kW

Mass flowrate of dry air (G) 2.07 kg/s

water in outlet air stream 0.0588 kg/s
Humidity of exit air 0.0284 kg/kg dry air

water in the product 12.8 kg

surface area available for drying 2.1 m2
rate of drying during constant rate period 0.00147 kg/s
time of drying 11.7 ks (3.25 h)

wet bulb temperature 312 K

outlet air temperature 331.5 K
mass of water evaporated 0.0508 kg/s
mass of dry air (G) 2.05 kg/s, kung air including moisture
then 2.07 kg/s
humidity of oulet air 0.0347 kg/kg
Dryer diameter 1.67 m
Length of diameter 10.1 m

humidity at 811 K 0.036 kg/kg

diameter of bed 4.60 m
Rate of drying during the constant rate period 0.0003
Falling rate period 0.125 kg/kg
Mass flow rate of dry solid 0.003 kg/m2s kg dry solid
Total drying time 10.96 ks (3 h)

if air velocity was inc. to 4 m/s

Mass flow rate of dry solid (1.15 × 10−5) kg water/m2s Mg
dry solid
Total drying time 8.10 ks (2.25 h)

humidity at 294 K and 40% RH 0.006 kg/kg

at 60% RH humidity is 0.028 kg/kg, Tdb is 312 K
Water evaporated 0.6833 kg/kg dry solids
throughput of dry solids 0.121 kg/s
Rate of water evaporated 0.0825 kg/s
required air throughput 3.76 kg/s
volume of air required 3.16 m3/s
heat required in preheater 276 kW

For second case:

Volume of air required 0.66 m3/s
Heat required in preheater 31 kW
Total heat to be supplied 242 kW

total drying time 28.48 ks (7.9 h)

mass velocity (G) 1.88 kg/m2s

convective heat transfer coefficient 23.8 W/m2 K
drying rate during constant period 0.00816 kg/s
Rc during constant period 1.133 × 10−7 kg water/m2s kg
dry solid
mass of dry solid 3.78 × 10−7

total drying time 619 ks (172 h)

velocity 0.05 m/s

The size analysis of a powdered material on a mass basis is represented by a straight line from 0 per
1.1 cent mass at 1 μm particle size to 100 per cent mass at 101 μm particle size as shown in Figure 1.7.
Calculate the surface mean diameter of the particles constituting the system.
A mixture of quartz and galena of a size range from 0.015 mm to 0.065 mm is to be separated into
two pure fractions using a hindered settling process. What is the minimum apparent density of the
1.4 fluid that will give this separation? The density of galena is 7500 kg/m3 and the density of quartz is
2650 kg/m3.

The collection efficiency of a cyclone is 45 per cent over the size range 0–5 μm, 80 per cent over the
size range 5–10 μm, and 96 per cent for particles exceeding 10 μm. Calculate the efficiency of
1.5 collection for a dust with a mass distribution of 50 per cent 0–5 μm, 30 per cent 5–10 μm and 20 per
cent above 10 μm.

The size distribution by mass of the dust carried in a gas, together with the efficiency of collection
over each size range, is as follows… Calculate the overall efficiency of the collector, and the
1.6 percentage by mass of the emitted dust that is smaller than 20 μm in diameter...

A cyclone separator, 0.3 m in diameter and 1.2 m long, has a circular inlet 75 mm in diameter and
an outlet of the same size. If the gas enters at a velocity of 1.5 m/s, at what particle size will the
theoretical cut occur?...


In a mixture of quartz of density 2650 kg/m3 and galena of density 7500 kg/m3, the sizes of the
1.4 particles range from 0.0052 to 0.025 mm… What are the ranges of sizes of particles of the two
substances in the original mixture?
ds = 21.7 μm

Between 1196 and 2377 kg/m3 (stokes and netwon's

law applied)

Overall efficiency 65.7%

Overall efficiency 73.5%

Dust < 20 μm emitted 90.1%
Mass emitted 1.43 × 10−3 kg/s (0.12 tonne/day)

mass flow of gas, G = 8.62 × 10−3 kg/s

terminal velocity of the sallest particle, Uo = 3.83 × 10−4

diameter of particle 2.17 × 10−6 m or 2.17 μm

0.0103–0.0126 mm
LEACHING (Examples)
In a pilot scale test using a vessel 1 m3 in volume, a solute was leached from an inert solid and the
10.1 water was 75 per cent saturated in 100 s… how long will it take for all the solute to dissolve,
assuming conditions are equivalent to those in the pilot scale vessel?
A plant produces 8640 tonnes per day (100 kg/s) of titanium dioxide pigment which must be 99.9
per cent pure when dried. The pigment is produced by precipitation and the material, as prepared, is
10.3 contaminated with 1 kg of salt solution, containing 0.55 kg of salt/kg of pigment... What will be the
required number of thickeners?

Seeds, containing 20 per cent by mass of oil, are extracted in a countercurrent plant, and 90 per
10.4 cent of the oil is recovered in a solution containing 50 per cent by mass of oil… how many ideal
stages are required?
Halibut oil is extracted from granulated halibut livers in a countercurrent multi-batch arrangement
10.5 using ether as the solvent. The solids charge contains 0.35 kg oil/kg exhausted livers… How many
theoretical stages are required if 50 kg ether is used/100 kg untreated solids?

LEACHING (Sample Problems)

0.4 kg/s of dry sea-shore sand, containing 1 per cent by mass of salt, is to be washed with 0.4 kg/s
of fresh water running countercurrently to the sand through two classifiers in series… If the washed
10.1 sand is dried in a kiln dryer, what percentage of salt will it retain? What wash rate would be required
in a single classifier in order to wash the sand to the same extent?

Caustic soda is manufactured by the lime-soda process. A solution of sodium carbonate in water,
containing 0.25 kg/s Na2CO3, is treated with the theoretical requirement of lime, and after the
reaction is complete the CaCO3 sludge… Calculate the necessary rate of feed of neutral water to the
10.2 thickeners so that the calcium carbonate, on drying, contains only 1 per cent of sodium hydroxide.

How many stages are required for a 98 per cent extraction of a material containing 18 per cent of
extractable matter of density 2700 kg/m3 and which requires 200 volumes of liquid/100 volumes
10.3 of solid for it to be capable of being pumped to the next stage? The strong solution is to have a
concentration of 100 kg/m3.

Soda ash is mixed with lime and the liquor from the second of three thickeners and passed to the
first thickener where separation is effected. The quantity of this caustic solution leaving the first
thickener is such as to yield 10 Mg of caustic soda per day of 24 hours...

It is desired to recover precipitated chalk from the causticising of soda ash. After decanting the
liquor from the precipitators the sludge has the composition 5 per cent CaCO3, 0.1 per cent NaOH
10.6 and the balance water… Calculate the net percentage of CaCO3 in the product after drying.

Barium carbonate is to be made by reacting sodium carbonate and barium sulphide. The quantities
fed to the reaction agitators per 24 hours are 20 Mg of barium sulphide dissolved in 60 Mg of water…
10.7 How much sodium sulphide will remain in the dried barium carbonate precipitate?

In the production of caustic soda by the action of calcium hydroxide on sodium carbonate, 1 kg/s of
sodium carbonate is treated with the theoretical quantity of lime… How many thickeners must be
10.8 arranged in series so that not more than 1 per cent of the sodium hydroxide discharged with the
solid from the first thickener is wasted?
A plant produces 100 kg/s of titanium dioxide pigment which must be 99 per cent pure when
10.9 dried… How many thickeners will be required if water is added at the rate of 200 kg/s and the solid
discharged from each thickeners removes 0.5 kg of solvent/kg of pigment?...
Prepared cottonseed meats containing 35 per cent of extractable oil are fed to a continuous
10.10 countercurrent extractor of the intermittent drainage type using hexane as the solvent… What will be
the oil concentration in the outflowing solvent…?
Seeds containing 25 per cent by mass of oil are extracted in a countercurrent plant and 90 per cent
10.11 of the oil is to be recovered in a solution containing 50 per cent of oil… If the seeds are extracted
with fresh solvent, how many ideal stages are required?
t = 591 s (9.9 min)

4 thickeners

5 thickeners

3 ideal stages

Salt in dried sand that retains 0.249%

Salt in underflow discharge 0.001 kg/s
Salt in overflow discharge 0.003 kg/s
Wash rate 0.8 kg/s

Actual water required 0.23 kg/s

3 thickeners

Mass of CaCO3 in sludge 13.7 Mg/day

Mass of water to third thickener 129 Mg/day
Concentration of caustic in sludge leaving:
Thickener 1 4.34 per cent
Thickener 2 0.47 per cent
Thickener 3 0.05 per cent

CaCO3 in solid product 99.96%

5.7 per cent sodium sulphide

5 washing thickeners
4 washing thickeners, total of 5 thickeners

Follow up question: 4 thickeners

27.8 per cent

4 ideal stages
It is required to store 1 kmol of methane at 320 K and 60 MN/m2. Using the following methods,
estimate the volume of the vessel which must be provided…

Water leaves the 25 mm diameter nozzle of a fire hose at a velocity of 25 m/s. What will be the
2.3 reaction force at the nozzle which the fireman will need to counterbalance?

Water is flowing at 5 m/s in a 50 mm diameter pipe which incorporates a 90° bend. What is the
2.4 additional force to which a retaining bracket will be subjected, as a result of the momentum changes
in the liquid, if it is arranged symmetrically in the pipe bend?
Water flows from a tap at a pressure of 250 kN/m2 above atmospheric. What is the velocity of the jet
2.5 if frictional effects are neglected?
Water is contained in the basket of a centrifuge of 0.5 m internal diameter, rotating at 50 revolutions
2.6 per second. If the inner radius of the liquid is 0.15 m, what is the pressure at the walls of the basket?

FLOW OF FLUIDS (Sample Problems)

Calculate the ideal available energy produced by the discharge to atmosphere through a
2.1 nozzle of air stored in a cylinder of capacity 0.1 m3 at a pressure of 5 MN/m2. The initial
temperature of the air is 290 K and the ratio of the specific heats is 1.4.
2.3 Calculate the energy stored in 1000 cm3 of gas at 80 MN/m2 at 290 K using STP as the datum.
Ideal Gas Law V = 0.0443 m3
Van der Waals V = 0.066 m3
Generalized Compressibility-Factor Chart
V = 0.0589 m3

Mass rate of discharge of water, G = 12.27 kg/s

Rate of change of momentum (Reaction force) 307 N

Resultant force 69.4 N

v2 = 22.4 m/s

Pressure at the walls 1.97 x 106 N/m2

Work -0.139 x 106 J/kg

Internal Energy Change, dU 0.84 x 106 J or 840 kJ

dU = W = -47.7 kJ
In a test on a centrifuge all particles of a mineral of density 2800 kg/m3 and of size 5 μm, equivalent
spherical diameter, were separated from suspension in water fed at a volumetric throughput rate of
9.1 0.25 m3/s. Calculate the value of the capacity factor Z...

When an aqueous slurry is filtered in a plate and frame press, fitted with two 50 mm thick frames
each 150 mm square, operating with a pressure difference of 350 kN/m2, the frames are filled in
3600 s (1 hr). How long will it take to produce the same volume of filtrate as is obtained from a single
9.3 cycle when using a centrifuge with a perforated basket, 300 mm diameter and 200 mm deep?...

CENTRIFUGATION (Sample Problems)

If a centrifuge is 0.9 m diameter and rotates at 20 Hz, at what speed should a laboratory centrifuge of
9.1 150 mm diameter be run if it is to duplicate the performance of the large unit?
An aqueous suspension consisting of particles of density 2500 kg/m3 in the size range 1–10 μm is
introduced into a centrifuge with a basket 450 mm diameter rotating at 80 Hz. If the suspension
9.2 forms a layer 75 mm thick in the basket, approximately how long will it take for the smallest particle
to settle out?

A centrifuge basket 600 mm long and 100 mm internal diameter has a discharge weir 25 mm
diameter. What is the maximum volumetric flow of liquid through the centrifuge such that, when the
9.3 basket is rotated at 200 Hz, all particles of diameter greater than 1 μm are retained on the centrifuge

A centrifuge with a phosphor bronze basket, 380 mm in diameter, is to be run at 67 Hz with a 75 mm

layer of liquid of density 1200 kg/m3 in the basket. What thickness of walls are required in the
9.5 basket? The density of phosphor bronze is 8900 kg/m3 and the maximum safe stress for phosphor
bronze is 87.6 MN/m2.
terminal velocity, Uo = 2.45 × 10−5 m/s
Z = 1.02 × 104 m2
for coal and oil mixture, 3.92 × 10−6 m/s
diameter 4.0 × 10−6 m or 4 μm

time taken 254 s or 4.25 min

Speed of Rotation 49 Hz (2940 rpm)

particle velocity 0.46 m/s

time 19.3 s

Q = 1.03 × 10−3 m3/s (1 cm3/s)

Pressure at the walls, Pc = 2.43 × 106 N/m2

Thickness of wall 1.51 × 102 m or 15.1 mm
A reaction is to be carried out in an agitated vessel. Pilot plant experiments were performed under
fully turbulent conditions in a tank 0.6 m in diameter, fitted with baffles and provided with a flat-
bladed turbine. It was found that satisfactory mixing was obtained at a rotor speed of 4 Hz, when the
7.3 power consumption was 0.15 kW and the Reynolds number was 160,000... if scale of equipment is
increased by a factor of 6, then...

A solution of sodium hydroxide of density 1650 kg/m3 and viscosity 50 mN s/m2 is agitated by a
propeller mixer of 0.5 m diameter in a tank of 2.28 m diameter, and the liquid depth is 2.28 m. The
7.2 propeller is situated 0.5 m above the bottom of the tank. What is the power which the propeller
must impart to the liquid for a rotational speed of 2 Hz?

LIQUID MIXING (Sample Problems)

A three-bladed propeller is used to mix a fluid in the laminar region. The stirrer is 0.3 m in diameter
and is rotated at 1.5 Hz. Due to corrosion, the propeller has to be replaced by a flat two-bladed
7.2 paddle, 0.75 m in diameter. If the same motor is used, at what speed should the paddle rotate?

Compare the capital and operating costs of a three-bladed propeller with those of a constant
speed six-bladed turbine, both constructed from mild steel. The impeller diameters are
7.3 0.3 and 0.45 m respectively and both stirrers are driven by a 1 kW motor. What is the
recommended speed of rotation in each case?...

In a leaching operation, the rate at which solute goes into solution is given by… If 300 kg of a solid
containing 28% by mass of a water soluble solid is agitated with 100 m3 of water, how long will it take
7.4 for all the solute to dissolve assuming conditions are the same as in the pilot unit?

Tests on a small scale tank 0.3 m diameter (Rushton impeller, diameter 0.1 m) have shown that a
blending process between two miscible liquids (aqueous solutions, properties approximately the
same as water, i.e. viscosity 1 mN s/m2, density 1000 kg/m3) is satisfactorily completed after 1
7.7 minute using an impeller speed of 250 rev/min. It is decided to scale up the process to a tank of 2.5
m diameter using the criterion of constant tip-speed.

An agitated tank with a standard Rushton impeller is required to disperse gas in a solution of
properties similar to those of water. The tank will be 3 m diameter (1 m diameter impeller). A power
level of 0.8 kW/m3 is chosen…
Rotor Speed 0.66 Hz
Power Consumption 5.25 kW
Reynolds number 950,000

Power 206 W

Power of Propeller 119.3 W

Speed of Paddle 0.403 Hz (24 rpm)

For the propeller 13.5 Hz (810 rpm)

For the turbine 2.54 Hz (152 rpm)

t = 297 s

Speed of larger impeller 0.346 Hz

(20.8 rpm)
Power required 9.8 W
Blend time in large tank 1.15 min

Power of impeller 17 kW
Speed of impeller 2.90 Hz (173 rpm)
Speed of impeller for pilot scale tank
13.57 Hz (807 rpm)

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