Fe Electrical and Computer Exam Preparation Planner

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The key takeaways are that the document outlines a 3-step pyramid approach for FE exam preparation focusing on mindset, planning, and execution. It also discusses benefits of obtaining a PE license.

The 3-step pyramid approach includes setting the right mindset as the foundation, planning the work as the crucial second step, and working the plan as the final and most important phase.

Some of the main benefits of obtaining a PE license include proof of commitment to the profession, career progression opportunities, ability to sign and seal engineering work, and job security.




“The journey of a
thousand miles begins
with a single step.”
Chinese Philosopher – Lao Tzu

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3-Step Pyramid Approach
The 3-Step Pyramid approach discussed here forms basis of most projects.
FE Electrical and Computer exam preparation shall be considered a project
because like any other project it requires investment of time, effort and
money. Project objective is to pass the exam in first attempt with most
efficient use of our resources.

1. Setting the right mindset forms foundation of this approach.

2. Planning the work is a crucial step.
3. Working the plan is the final and most important phase.




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Section #1 includes:
▪ Benefits of PE license
▪ FE Electrical & Computer exam overview
▪ FE Electrical & Computer exam challenges
▪ Playing to win attitude
▪ Leaving no stone unturned

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Benefits of PE license:
Why discuss benefits of PE license? What does it have to do with
the mindset. Well, it is important to fully appreciate the fact that
your project goal carries significant benefits. Otherwise, what is
the point of going through all the trouble?
There are many benefits of PE license and depending on one’s
preferences and priorities some of those benefits may be more
valuable than others. To maintain quality and high standards,
engineering boards in every state (and countries around the
world) have mandated that engineers meet specific licensing
requirements. Therefore, by becoming a licensed Professional
Engineer you demonstrate your competency and credibility to
employers, clients, colleagues and society.
Based on multiple surveys across the country, some of the most
important benefits of PE license include:
Proof of commitment to profession – The rigorous process of
obtaining PE license clearly demonstrates licensee’s commitment
to engineering profession. It serves as an obvious differentiator for
employers and clients.
Career Progression – PE license can open many doors, both
within and outside of your current job. It demonstrates your
willingness to take career ownership which translates into
increased confidence in your abilities on part of the employer. In
fact, many job positions specifically identify PE license as a
Ability to sign and seal – Only a PE have the authority to sign
and seal engineering design, plans and specifications. It is a
serious crime to call yourself a PE and act as such without having
authentic designation.
Job security – In present day’s fast changing economies, every
industry is undoing a revolution. Outsourcing is mainstream and
automation is the future. PE license not only provides greater job
security to licensees but also offers a competitive edge.
Higher Salary - PE license results in frequent promotions and
higher salary. Professional Engineers take additional
responsibilities which is recognized and compensated accordingly
in both public and private organizations.
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FE Electrical & Computer exam
It is important to discuss this topic briefly to educate ourselves
about the scope of this project. Fundamentals of Engineering (FE)
Electrical and Computer exam is focused on 4-year
undergraduate Electrical and Computer Engineering college
coursework. Technical competency of candidate is evaluated
through Computer-based Testing (CBT) exam which was
introduced in 2014.

The exam consists of 110 questions which can asked in the form
of multiple choice, fill in the blank, selecting a point of graph etc. It
is a timed test and candidates have 5 hours and 20 minutes to
complete the test. It gives the candidates approximately 2 minutes
and 54 seconds per question which includes the time to:

• Read the question ~ 30 seconds Timer – 00:30

• Review the options (if given) ~ 10 seconds Timer – 00:40
• Think about solution ~ 20 seconds Timer – 01:00
• Find equation/concept ~ 20 seconds Timer – 01:20
• Perform calculations ~ 40 seconds Timer – 02:00
• Select correct answer ~ 20 seconds Timer – 02:20

It can be observed that even under best case scenario, candidate

will be pressed for time. This doesn’t consider the fact that you will
have to undergo this process 110 times in 5 hours and 20 minutes
neither does it account for the stress, nervousness and fatigue
that is generally experienced during exams.

It can be observed that even under best case scenario, candidate

will be pressed for time. This doesn’t consider the fact that you will
have to undergo this process 110 times in 5 hours and 20 minutes
neither does it account for the stress, nervousness and fatigue
that is generally experienced during exams.

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FE Electrical & Computer exam
Are there any other challenges involved in FE exam? Yes, quite a
few as a matter of fact:

• The biggest challenge involved in FE exam preparation is the

breadth of topics. You are tested quite literally on all 4 years of
ECE undergraduate coursework.
• Typically, exam questions are relatively straightforward and
stretch problems are generally exception rather than norm
(especially when compared to PE exam). You may even come
across plug and play type of questions.
• Time management for FE exam preparation can be difficult.
The main reason is that individual sections of FE Electrical and
Computer CBT exam specification don't necessarily
complement each other. For instance, Digital Systems will
have little to no overlap with Signal Processing Similarly Circuit
Analysis will have little to no overlap with Electromagnetics. As
you progress through your exam preparation you will be
climbing lots of small mountains (each topic is a new
challenge) rather than climbing one big mountain.
• There is no substitute for studying hard and by putting in
conscious effort you will only increase you chance of success.
But equally important is studying smart. I've authored multiple
books for FE Electrical & Computer CBT exam and created
online course but even when I was preparing for FE exam I
strategically allocated my time and effort towards different
sections to maximize my chance of success.

Recent graduates/final year students generally find FE exam

preparation easier while working professional (especially those in
design engineering) will probably find PE exam preparation
easier. So, what is the solution to these immense challenges?
The answer is simple but not easy “110% commitment, focus and
excellent planning and execution”.

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Playing to win attitude
Ideally, we all want to pass every test in first attempt whether it is
driving license (failed three times to before I got driver’s license)
or PE license for obvious reasons. However, failures are
encountered along the way before reaching goals by every
successful individual or company. The important thing to
remember is that, with every attempt you are getting closer to the
finish line. Hopefully very soon you will find that the time and
efforts spent were worth your while in the long run.

If you’ve done well in school will help you in reviewing key

knowledge areas much faster than others who struggled in core
courses. To fully capitalize on past performance, practice as many
questions as you can to gain complete proficiency in solving
problems on FE exam.

There is a significant difference between ‘Playing to Win’ and

‘Playing not to lose’ mindset. The former is characterized with a
sense of fearlessness and fighting instinct where all your mental
and physical faculties are actively rising to the challenge. The
latter is characterized by sense of fear and flight instinct where all
your mental and physical faculties are trying to escape the

Constantly thinking about failure avoidance during the exam can

be distracting and draining. It is important that you maintain your
composure even in the face of most difficult problems during
exam because if you are finding questions brutal then chances
are that others are finding it as such too.

Based on the year statistics published by NCEES®, failure rates

among second time FE and PE exam takers are quite high but in
my opinion, through proper planning and utilization of right
resources chances of passing the exam can be greatly improved
regardless of your past failures.

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Leaving no stone unturned
Half-hearted approach towards FE exam is most likely going to
result in disappointment. If you have made the decision to take
this exam and pursue the goal of PE license then it is strongly
recommended to leave no stone unturned in your quest.

Even a partial exam preparation effort will cost you significant time
and hard costs (such as exam fees, books) and maybe optional
costs (such as courses, tutoring etc.). The fact is that anything
less than a 100% commitment will simply increase the odds
against you. As discussed earlier, it is worth noting that according
to the statistics available at www.ncees.org second attempters
have a higher failing rate for both FE and PE exam.

It is not difficult to get stuck in a vicious cycle of self-doubt and

poor exam performance after a failed attempt even though as
explained earlier past attempt should help improve future
performance however broadly speaking that’s not what the stats

Leaving no stone unturned means giving your 100% effort. It does

not imply using all resources in the world to pass this exam but
being able to assure yourself that you are making best use of
whatever is available to you towards your goal.

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Keep this work sheet around your study area to help you
stay focused and motivated.

List the ideal employers that will be willing to hire you after obtaining PE

What will be your job title after obtaining PE license?

Research your expected annual salary after becoming PE?

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“By failing to plan, you are
planning to fail.”
Benjamin Franklin

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Section #2 includes:
▪ The 4-month schedule
▪ Synergies between sections
▪ Significance of Practice Exams

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The 4-month schedule:
It took me approximately 3-4 months to prepare for FE Electrical
exam. Having said that, please take a deep dive into FE exam
preparation and ascertain the timeline based on your own
judgment. I averaged around 10 hours per week for first 2 months
and 20 hours per week for the last 2 months.

It needs to be pointed out that this timeline shall be used as

reference only which can change depending on factors such as
number of years you have been out of school, time availability,
your starting point, experience with similar exams computer-
based testing exams such as GRE, GMAT etc. and most
importantly level of commitment. You may be able to reduce this
4-month preparation schedule by:

• Streamlining exam preparation (discussed in this section)

• Staying organized (discussed in next section)
• Maintaining momentum (discussed in next section)

4-month exam preparation formula is given in the form of 4

monthly calendars on following pages. Each day carries action
items based on FE Electrical and Computer exam specification.
Daily tasks fall into one of three categories:

• Reviewing theoretical concepts

• Practicing relevant problems
• Attempting practice exams

Hopefully, by following this schedule you will be able to approach

exam preparation is systematic manner and avoid being
overwhelmed by enormity of this challenging project.

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Synergies between sections
In case you are not bothered by non-sequential approach, it may
be possible to further improve your exam preparation strategy by
studying some sections in groups of 3 or 4 to make use of internal
synergies between such sections. For instance, following sections
can be looked as individual blocks:

• • Block # 1 - Math, Probability and Statistics, Engineering

Economics, Ethics
• • Block # 2 - Properties of Electrical Materials, Engineering
• • Block # 3 - Circuit Analysis, Electronics, Linear Systems
• • Block # 4 - Power, Electromagnetics
• • Block # 5 - Signal Processing, Communications
• • Block # 6 -Computer Networks, Computer Systems,
Software Development

You can observe that Block # 1 carries the largest weight (close to
25%) as an individual aggregate. As such, my recommendation
would be to invest proportional efforts in that area.
ECE is a very diverse engineering discipline (which is part of the
challenge in preparing for FE exam).

For us to pass this exam, we must stay as close to average in

each section as possible while trying for perfect scores in areas of
strength. To do so, I suggest categorizing each FE section into
one of following areas:

• High Competency
• Moderate Competency
• Low Competency

One general strategy can involve adopting synergy blocks

approach as suggested above.

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Significance of Practice Exams
Practice exams will help you establish your exam readiness. They
form a very important component of overall exam preparation
strategy. I hope that my full-length practice exams for FE
Electrical and Computer engineering exam based on latest
specification will provide you additional practice.

Having said that, NCEES practice exam

(https://account.ncees.org/exam-prep/store/category/FE) is the
closest thing to actual FE exam that you can find. It is for this
reason that I have recommended allocation of about a week for
NCEES practice exam in the study plan.

It is hoped that once you go through multiple practice exams and

review weak areas thoroughly, you will be able to:

• Fine tune your revision plan

• Develop greater confidence going into the exam
• Convert weaknesses into strengths

Practice exams will also help you develop the skill of attempting
problems from different sections quickly in exam like setting. Once
you have attempted practice exams and reviewed all weak areas,
you would have consolidated most knowledge areas which is
extremely important skill for passing exam

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Complete this exercise to develop your own schedule
based on answers to following questions.

How many hours you are willing to spend on exam preparation each week?
Multiply this number by 4 to obtain hours per month (4-month schedule given
above is based on 15 hours per week average)

When do you plan on taking the exam?

Divide 250 by your estimated exam preparation hours per month to

calculate typical exam preparation time based on your study hours per
week. Then compare this number with your planned exam date.

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“If you cannot measure it,
you cannot manage it.”
Presidential Medal of Freedom winner –
Peter Drucker

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Section #3 includes:
▪ Maintaining momentum
▪ Managing time and energy
▪ Staying organized
▪ Exam week strategy
▪ Exam taking strategy

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Maintaining momentum:
“I do not think that there is any other quality so essential to
success of any kind as the quality of perseverance. It overcomes
almost everything, even nature.”
John D. Rockefeller

Perseverance in the context of FE exam preparation is all about

maintaining your momentum. It is an investment of your time,
money and effort. Candidates take this exam in final year of their
study, upon graduation or after working in industry for some time.
In these cases, they are pressed for time unless you take a break
from other commitments such as final year studying, job search
after graduation or full-time job, you will inevitably have to prepare
for this exam on part-time basis with some full-time commitment.
It means that throughout FE exam preparation, you will be faced
with conflicting priorities in the shape of work, personal life and
exam preparation. Therefore, maintaining a consistent study
routine while addressing other aspects of your life is quite
challenging ordeal.

Here are some tips that can help you sustain your momentum:

• Dedicate at least 15 minutes daily on FE exam preparation

even during your rest days. It will ensure that you stay in
touch with the project. You may even find yourself studying
over an hour.
• Measure your progress on weekly and monthly basis.
• Frequently remind yourself of your goal. It will help you
keep your eyes on the prize,
• Reward yourself on achieving mini-milestones along the

Hopefully, by adopting such techniques you will be able to sustain

your momentum during the entire lifecycle of this project.

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Managing time and energy
“Time is what we want most, but what we spend worst.”
William Penn

If you have started FE exam preparation then you can relate to

the never-ending sense of timelessness and if you’ve not started
exam preparation you will soon find out that it’s a fact. I have
included time and energy management in same sentence
because one is incomplete without other.

3 hours of study time after a 9-5 grind at work are not the same as
3 hours of study time on a weekend morning. Although we are
talking about same amount of time but you would probably agree
that the actual efficiency will be very different. The missing piece
of the puzzle is ‘energy’. In the first example, we will most likely
fail at accomplishing any significant progress during our study
session because our energy is already drained by a tough day at
work. However, in the second example, we are more likely to
achieve great progress due to higher energy level.

In previous section we discussed the importance of sustaining

momentum during exam preparation and putting in hours on daily
basis. It must be pointed out that simply putting in hours and not
being able to see progress can be very counterproductive. It can
lead to self-doubt and lack of confidence. Therefore, it is
extremely important to make every hour count by combining it
with high energy. Here are some tips that can help you sustain
your momentum:
• Get better at monitoring your energy level.
• Increase energy through rest, healthy diet and exercise.
• Develop a consistent routine.
• Minimize distractions during study session.

Time Management VS Energy Management is a relatively recent

topic of research and discussion (like Emotional Quotient VS
Intelligence Quotient) and there is plenty of research highlighting
importance of both time and energy management.
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Staying organized
Being disciplined and organized are great qualities to have at any
time and any place. But in the case of FE exam it is particularly
important to stay organized for exam preparation. FE Electrical
and Computer exam contains 18 sections and approximately 200
sub-sections. Retain knowledge from each of these topics and
readily applying them during exam is very challenging. Moreover,
for an exam of this magnitude you must be able to gain a good
understanding of your areas of strength, mediocrity and
weakness. This will allow you to develop and maintain a
competency framework during exam.

I’ve included some tips that can help you stay organized and
focused throughout this process:
• Keep a good record of questions and concepts that you
find difficult as you go progress from one section to
another. At the end of this section, you will find a checklist
containing all specification sections and subsection. It will
allow you to review them much more efficiently later.
• Avoid cluttering your study space with unnecessary items.
Cluttering is known to cause stress and distraction.
Arrange your workspace so that all exam relevant items
are within your arms reach. These include:
o Calculator
o Copy of FE Electrical and Computer specification
o Stationery
o 1-2 exam preparation books
• Similarly, another reason for allocating 1 week for sample
exams is to allow you to understand the 'concepts' behind
questions that you get wrong so that you can successfully
answer similar questions on actual exam. Time yourself
while solving problems.
• Develop a habit of adding bookmarks, comments and
notes that can save time in future.

Hopefully, by adopting such techniques you will be able to

decrease time wastage and frustration during exam preparation.
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Exam week strategy
It is quite common to become tentative and start questioning
exam readiness few days before actual exam. In my opinion, your
game plan for exam week should be as follows:

• Solve all three Practice Exams (including NCEES Sample

Exam) again and address weak areas
• Go through relevant sections of NCEES FE Reference
Handbook Version 9.4 especially the new sections i.e.
Computer Networks/Systems and Software Development.
• Revisit Study Guide (assuming you also use it) and solve
the questions that you found challenging one last time
• Review general areas Math, Engineering Economics,
Probability and Ethics.
• Lastly, if you’ve reviewed all sections, attempted practice
exams and addressed your weak areas and decided to
take this exam then go in with full confidence, otherwise
reschedule it for a later date.

Also, if you are finding certain aspects of the exam (time

management, tough sections etc.) challenging chances are that
other exam candidates are feeling the same way.

The best thing you can do is believing in yourself and giving it

your best shot.

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Exam taking strategy
Strategy # 1 – Three round knock-out
• First Round - After reading the question classify it into one
of the following three categories: ‘Easy’, ‘Medium’, ‘Difficult
but solvable’ or ‘No clue’. If it is ‘Easy’ or ‘Medium’ solve it
right away otherwise flag it and move on. After completing
the first round you’ll be left with ‘Difficult but doable’ and
‘No clue’ questions.
• Second Round – Go through the list of flagged questions
and try to solve ‘Difficult but doable’ questions. Carefully
remove the flags from solved questions. After completing
the second round, you’ll have only ‘No clue’ questions left.
• Third Round – Depending on the amount of time left in
exam either try to solve the remaining questions or apply
elimination method.
Under no circumstances should you leave any question
unanswered. You should use remaining time rechecking the

Strategy # 2 – Relax, see and conquer

This strategy works best for bolder examinees.
The idea is to go through all questions from get go to gain big
picture view of the exam. It is advisable to flag all the difficult
questions during the sequential reading process but try not to
solve them right away. After skimming through the entire exam
section (there is a morning and afternoon portion to exam), you
will hopefully feel relaxed and confident since the fear of unknown
will subside. Now you should start solving non-flagged questions
followed by flagged questions. Any time remaining should be
spent rechecking your answers.

I adopted first strategy while taking FE CBT – Electrical and

Computer Engineering exam in October 2014 which and passed it
in first attempt. Strategy # 2 was adopted while taking PE – Power
Exam in April 2015 and I passed it in first attempt as well.

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Scroll through the list of all 18 sections of FE Electrical
and Computer specification given in NCEES® Reference
Handbook. Aim to convert all sections into your areas of

Identify sections that appear to have ‘Easy’ difficulty

Identify sections that appear to have ‘Medium’ difficulty

Identify sections that seem to have ‘Hard’ difficulty

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Study Guide for Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) Electrical and Computer CBT Exam
Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) Electrical and Computer – Practice Exam # 1
Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) Electrical and Computer – Practice Exam # 2
Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) Electrical and Computer – Practice Exam # 3
On-demand FE Electrical and Computer Exam Preparation Course

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