Rrnns Mckay 2018

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Reversible Recurrent Neural Networks

Matthew MacKay, Paul Vicol, Jimmy Ba, Roger Grosse

University of Toronto
Vector Institute
{mmackay, pvicol, jba, rgrosse}@cs.toronto.edu
arXiv:1810.10999v1 [cs.LG] 25 Oct 2018


Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) provide state-of-the-art performance in pro-

cessing sequential data but are memory intensive to train, limiting the flexibility
of RNN models which can be trained. Reversible RNNs—RNNs for which the
hidden-to-hidden transition can be reversed—offer a path to reduce the memory
requirements of training, as hidden states need not be stored and instead can be
recomputed during backpropagation. We first show that perfectly reversible RNNs,
which require no storage of the hidden activations, are fundamentally limited be-
cause they cannot forget information from their hidden state. We then provide a
scheme for storing a small number of bits in order to allow perfect reversal with
forgetting. Our method achieves comparable performance to traditional models
while reducing the activation memory cost by a factor of 10–15. We extend our
technique to attention-based sequence-to-sequence models, where it maintains
performance while reducing activation memory cost by a factor of 5–10 in the
encoder, and a factor of 10–15 in the decoder.

1 Introduction
Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) have attained state-of-the-art performance on a variety of tasks,
including speech recognition [1], language modeling [2, 3], and machine translation [4, 5]. However,
RNNs are memory intensive to train. The standard training algorithm is truncated backpropagation
through time (TBPTT) [6, 7]. In this algorithm, the input sequence is divided into subsequences of
smaller length, say T . Each of these subsequences is processed and the gradient is backpropagated.
If H is the size of our model’s hidden state, the memory required for TBPTT is O(T H).
Decreasing the memory requirements of the TBPTT algorithm would allow us to increase the length
T of our truncated sequences, capturing dependencies over longer time scales. Alternatively, we could
increase the size H of our hidden state or use deeper input-to-hidden, hidden-to-hidden, or hidden-to-
output transitions, granting our model greater expressivity. Increasing the depth of these transitions
has been shown to increase performance in polyphonic music prediction, language modeling, and
neural machine translation (NMT) [8, 9, 10].
Reversible recurrent network architectures present an enticing way to reduce the memory requirements
of TBPTT. Reversible architectures enable the reconstruction of the hidden state at the current timestep
given the next hidden state and the current input, which would enable us to perform TBPTT without
storing the hidden states at each timestep. In exchange, we pay an increased computational cost to
reconstruct the hidden states during backpropagation.
We first present reversible analogues of the widely used Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) [11] and Long
Short-Term Memory (LSTM) [12] architectures. We then show that any perfectly reversible RNN
requiring no storage of hidden activations will fail on a simple one-step prediction task. This task is
trivial to solve even for vanilla RNNs, but perfectly reversible models fail since they need to memorize
the input sequence in order to solve the task. In light of this finding, we extend the memory-efficient

32nd Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS 2018), Montréal, Canada.
reversal method of Maclaurin et al. [13], storing a handful of bits per unit in order to allow perfect
reversal for architectures which forget information.
We evaluate the performance of these models on language modeling and neural machine translation
benchmarks. Depending on the task, dataset, and chosen architecture, reversible models (without
attention) achieve 10–15-fold memory savings over traditional models. Reversible models achieve
approximately equivalent performance to traditional LSTM and GRU models on word-level language
modeling on the Penn TreeBank dataset [14] and lag 2–5 perplexity points behind traditional models
on the WikiText-2 dataset [15].
Achieving comparable memory savings with attention-based recurrent sequence-to-sequence models
is difficult, since the encoder hidden states must be kept simultaneously in memory in order to
perform attention. We address this challenge by performing attention over a small subset of the
hidden state, concatenated with the word embedding. With this technique, our reversible models
succeed on neural machine translation tasks, outperforming baseline GRU and LSTM models on the
Multi30K dataset [16] and achieving competitive performance on the IWSLT 2016 [17] benchmark.
Applying our technique reduces memory cost by a factor of 10–15 in the decoder, and a factor of
5–10 in the encoder.1

2 Background
We begin by describing techniques to construct reversible neural network architectures, which we
then adapt to RNNs. Reversible networks were first motivated by the need for flexible probability
distributions with tractable likelihoods [18, 19, 20]. Each of these architectures defines a mapping
between probability distributions, one of which has a simple, known density. Because this mapping is
reversible with an easily computable Jacobian determinant, maximum likelihood training is efficient.
A recent paper, closely related to our work, showed that reversible network architectures can be
adapted to image classification tasks [21]. Their architecture, called the Reversible Residual Network
or RevNet, is composed of a series of reversible blocks. Each block takes an input x and produces
an output y of the same dimensionality. The input x is separated into two groups: x = [x1 ; x2 ], and
outputs are produced according to the following coupling rule:
y1 = x1 + F (x2 ) y2 = x2 + G(y1 ) (1)
where F and G are residual functions analogous to those in standard residual networks [22]. The
output y is formed by concatenating y1 and y2 , y = [y1 ; y2 ]. Each layer’s activations can be
reconstructed from the next layer’s activations as follows:
x2 = y2 − G(y1 ) x1 = y1 − F (x2 ) (2)
Because of this property, activations from the forward pass need not be stored for use in the back-
wards pass. Instead, starting from the last layer, activations of previous layers are reconstructed
during backpropagation2 . Because reversible backprop requires an additional computation of the
residual functions to reconstruct activations, it requires 33% more arithmetic operations than ordinary
backprop and is about 50% more expensive in practice. Full details of how to efficiently combine
reversibility with backpropagation may be found in Gomez et al. [21].

3 Reversible Recurrent Architectures

The techniques used to construct RevNets can be combined with traditional RNN models to produce
reversible RNNs. In this section, we propose reversible analogues of the GRU and the LSTM.
3.1 Reversible GRU
We start by recalling the GRU equations used to compute the next hidden state h(t+1) given the
current hidden state h(t) and the current input x(t) (omitting biases):
[z (t) ; r(t) ] = σ(W [x(t) ; h(t−1) ]) g (t) = tanh(U [x(t) ; r(t) h(t−1) ])
h(t) = z (t) h(t−1) + (1 − z (t) ) g (t)
Here, denotes elementwise multiplication. To make this update reversible, we separate the hidden
state h into two groups, h = [h1 ; h2 ]. These groups are updated using the following rules:
Code will be made available at https://github.com/matthewjmackay/reversible-rnn
The activations prior to a pooling step must still be saved, since this involves projection to a lower
dimensional space, and hence loss of information.

(t) (t) (t−1) (t) (t) (t)
[z1 ; r1 ] = σ(W1 [x(t) ; h2 ]) [z2 ; r2 ] = σ(W2 [x(t) ; h1 ])
(t) (t) (t−1) (t) (t) (t)
g1 = tanh(U1 [x(t) ; r1 h2 ]) (4) g2 = tanh(U2 [x(t) ; r2 h1 ]) (5)
(t) (t) (t−1) (t) (t) (t) (t) (t−1) (t) (t)
h1 = z1 h1 + (1 − z1 ) g1 h2 = z2 h2 + (1 − z2 ) g2

(t) (t−1) (t)

Note that h1 and not h1 is used to compute the update for h2 . We term this model the Reversible
Gated Recurrent Unit, or RevGRU. Note that zi 6= 0 for i = 1, 2 as it is the output of a sigmoid,
which maps to the open interval (0, 1). This means the RevGRU updates are reversible in exact
(t) (t) (t) (t) (t) (t)
arithmetic: given h(t) = [h1 ; h2 ], we can use h1 and x(t) to find z2 , r2 , and g2 by redoing
part of our forwards computation. Then we can find h2 using:
(t−1) (t) (t) (t) (t)
h2 = [h2 − (1 − z2 ) g2 ] 1/z2 (6)
h1 is reconstructed similarly. We address numerical issues which arise in practice in Section 3.3.

3.2 Reversible LSTM

We next construct a reversible LSTM. The LSTM separates the hidden state into an output state h
and a cell state c. The update equations are:
[f (t) , i(t) , o(t) ] = σ(W [x(t) , h(t−1) ]) (7) g (t) = tanh(U [x(t) , h(t−1) ]) (8)

c(t) = f (t) c(t−1) + i(t) g (t) (9) h(t) = o(t) tanh(c(t) ) (10)
We cannot straightforwardly apply our reversible techniques, as the update for h is not a non-zero
linear transformation of h(t−1) . Despite this, reversibility can be achieved using the equations:
(t) (t) (t) (t) (t−1) (t) (t−1)
[f1 , i1 , o1 , p1 ] = σ(W1 [x(t) , h2 ]) (11) g1 = tanh(U1 [x(t) , h2 ]) (12)
(t) (t) (t−1) (t) (t) (t) (t) (t−1) (t) (t)
c1 = f1 c1 + i1 g1 (13) h1 = p1 h1 + o1 tanh(c1 ) (14)
(t) (t)
We calculate the updates for c2 , h2 in an identical fashion to the above equations, using c1 and h1 .
We call this model the Reversible LSTM, or RevLSTM.

3.3 Reversibility in Finite Precision Arithmetic

We have defined RNNs which are reversible in exact arithmetic. In practice, the hidden states cannot
be perfectly reconstructed due to finite numerical precision. Consider the RevGRU equations 4 and
5. If the hidden state h is stored in fixed point, multiplication of h by z (whose entries are less than
1) destroys information, preventing perfect reconstruction. Multiplying a hidden unit by 1/2, for
example, corresponds to discarding its least-significant bit, whose value cannot be recovered in the
reverse computation. These errors from information loss accumulate exponentially over timesteps,
causing the initial hidden state obtained by reversal to be far from the true initial state. The same
issue also affects the reconstruction of the RevLSTM hidden states. Hence, we find that forgetting is
the main roadblock to constructing perfectly reversible recurrent architectures.
There are two possible avenues to address this limitation. The first is to remove the forgetting step.
(t) (t) (t) (t)
For the RevGRU, this means we compute zi , ri , and gi as before, and update hi using:
(t) (t−1) (t) (t)
hi = hi + (1 − zi ) gi (15)

We term this model the No-Forgetting RevGRU or NF-RevGRU. Because the updates of the NF-
RevGRU do not discard information, we need only store one hidden state in memory at a given time
during training. Similar steps can be taken to define a NF-RevLSTM.
The second avenue is to accept some memory usage and store the information forgotten from the
hidden state in the forward pass. We can then achieve perfect reconstruction by restoring this
information to our hidden state in the reverse computation. We discuss how to do so efficiently in
Section 5.


h(0) h(1) h(2) h(3) h(3) h(2) h(1) h(0)


Figure 1: Unrolling the reverse computation of an exactly reversible model on the repeat task yields a sequence-
to-sequence computation. Left: The repeat task itself, where the model repeats each input token. Right:
Unrolling the reversal. The model effectively uses the final hidden state to reconstruct all input tokens, implying
that the entire input sequence must be stored in the final hidden state.

4 Impossibility of No Forgetting
We have shown reversible RNNs in finite precision can be constructed by ensuring that no information
is discarded. We were unable to find such an architecture that achieved acceptable performance on
tasks such as language modeling3 . This is consistent with prior work which found forgetting to be
crucial to LSTM performance [23, 24]. In this section, we argue that this results from a fundamental
limitation of no-forgetting reversible models: if none of the hidden state can be forgotten, then the
hidden state at any given timestep must contain enough information to reconstruct all previous hidden
states. Thus, any information stored in the hidden state at one timestep must remain present at all
future timesteps to ensure exact reconstruction, overwhelming the storage capacity of the model.
We make this intuition concrete by considering an elementary sequence learning task, the repeat task.
In this task, an RNN is given a sequence of discrete tokens and must simply repeat each token at the
subsequent timestep. This task is trivially solvable by ordinary RNN models with only a handful of
hidden units, since it doesn’t require modeling long-distance dependencies. But consider how an
exactly reversible model would perform the repeat task. Unrolling the reverse computation, as shown
in Figure 1, reveals a sequence-to-sequence computation in which the encoder and decoder weights
are tied. The encoder takes in the tokens and produces a final hidden state. The decoder uses this
final hidden state to produce the input sequence in reverse sequential order.
Notice the relationship to another sequence learning task, the memorization task, used as part of
a curriculum learning strategy by Zaremba and Sutskever [25]. After an RNN observes an entire
sequence of input tokens, it is required to output the input sequence in reverse order. As shown in
Figure 1, the memorization task for an ordinary RNN reduces to the repeat task for an NF-RevRNN.
Hence, if the memorization task requires a hidden representation size that grows with the sequence
length, then so does the repeat task for NF-RevRNNs.
We confirmed experimentally that NF-RevGRU and NF-RevLSM networks with limited capacity
were unable to solve the repeat task4 . Interestingly, the NF-RevGRU was able to memorize input
sequences using considerably fewer hidden units than the ordinary GRU or LSTM, suggesting it may
be a useful architecture for tasks requiring memorization. Consistent with the results on the repeat
task, the NF-RevGRU and NF-RevLSTM were unable to match the performance of even vanilla
RNNs on word-level language modeling on the Penn TreeBank dataset [14].

5 Reversibility with Forgetting

The impossibility of zero forgetting leads us to explore the second possibility to achieve reversibility:
storing information lost from the hidden state during the forward computation, then restoring it in the
reverse computation. Initially, we investigated discrete forgetting, in which only an integral number
of bits are allowed to be forgotten. This leads to a simple implementation: if n bits are forgotten in
the forwards pass, we can store these n bits on a stack, to be popped off and restored to the hidden
state during reconstruction. However, restricting our model to forget only an integral number of
bits led to a substantial drop in performance compared to baseline models5 . For the remainder of

We discuss our failed attempts in Appendix A.
We include full results and details in Appendix B. The argument presented applies to idealized RNNs able
to implement any hidden-to-hidden transition and whose hidden units can store 32 bits each. We chose to use
the LSTM and the NF-RevGRU as approximations to these idealized models since they performed best at their
respective tasks.
Algorithmic details and experimental results for discrete forgetting are given in Appendix D.

Algorithm 1 Exactly reversible multiplication (Maclaurin et al. [13])
1: Input: Buffer integer B, hidden state h = 2−RH h∗ , forget value z = 2−RZ z ∗ with 0 < z ∗ < 2RZ
2: B ← B × 2RZ {make room for new information on buffer}
3: B ← B + (h∗ mod 2RZ ) {store lost information in buffer}
4: h∗ ← h∗ ÷ 2RZ {divide by denominator of z}
5: h∗ ← h∗ × z ∗ {multiply by numerator of z}
6: h∗ ← h∗ + (B mod z ∗ ) {add information to hidden state}
7: B ← B ÷ z ∗ {shorten information buffer}
8: return updated buffer B, updated value h = 2−RH h∗

this paper, we turn to fractional forgetting, in which a fractional number of bits are allowed to be
To allow forgetting of a fractional number of bits, we use a technique introduced by Maclaurin et al.
[13] to store lost information. To avoid cumbersome notation, we do away with super- and subscripts
and consider a single hidden unit h and its forget value z. We represent h and z as fixed-point
numbers (integers with an implied radix point). For clarity, we write h = 2−RH h∗ and z = 2−RZ z ∗ .
Hence, h∗ is the number stored on the computer and multiplication by 2−RH supplies the implied
radix point. In general, RH and RZ are distinct. Our goal is to multiply h by z, storing as few bits as
necessary to make this operation reversible.
The full process of reversible multiplication is shown in detail in Algorithm 1. The algorithm
maintains an integer information buffer which stores h∗ mod 2RZ at each timestep, so integer
division of h∗ by 2RZ is reversible. However, this requires enlarging the buffer by RZ bits at each
timestep. Maclaurin et al. [13] reduced this storage requirement by shifting information from the
buffer back onto the hidden state. Reversibility is preserved if the shifted information is small enough
so that it does not affect the reverse operation (integer division of h∗ by z ∗ ). We include a full review
of the algorithm of Maclaurin et al. [13] in Appendix C.1.
However, this trick introduces a new complication not discussed by Maclaurin et al. [13]: the
information shifted from the buffer could introduce significant noise into the hidden state. Shifting
information requires adding a positive value less than z ∗ to h∗ . Because z ∗ ∈ (0, 2RZ ) (z is the output
of a sigmoid function and z = 2−RZ z ∗ ), h = 2−RH h∗ may be altered by as much (2RZ − 1)/2RH .
If RZ ≥ RH , this can alter the hidden state h by 1 or more6 . This is substantial, as in practice we
observe |h| ≤ 16. Indeed, we observed severe performance drops for RH and RZ close to equal.
The solution is to limit the amount of information moved from the buffer to the hidden state by setting
RZ smaller than RH . We found RH = 23 and RZ = 10 to work well. The amount of noise added
onto the hidden state is bounded by 2RZ −RH , so with these values, the hidden state is altered by at
most 2−13 . While the precision of our forgetting value z is limited to 10 bits, previous work has
found that neural networks can be trained with precision as low as 10–15 bits and reach the same
performance as high precision networks [26, 27]. We find our situation to be similar.
Memory Savings To analyze the savings that are theoretically possible using the procedure above,
consider an idealized memory buffer which maintains dynamically resizing storage integers Bhi for
each hidden unit h in groups i = 1, 2 of the RevGRU model. Using the above procedure, at each
timestep the number of bits stored in each Bhi grows by:
∗ ∗
) = log2 2RZ /zi,h

RZ − log2 (zi,h = log2 (1/zi,h ) (16)
If the entries of zi,h are not close to zero, this compares favorably with the naïve cost of 32 bits
per timestep. The total storage cost of TBPTT for a RevGRU model with hidden state size H on a
sequence of length T will be 7 :
" T H #
(t) (t)
− log2 (z1,h ) + log2 (z2,h ) (17)
t=T h=1

Thus, in the idealized case, the number of bits stored equals the number of bits forgotten.
We illustrate this phenomenon with a concrete example in Appendix C.2.
7 (t) (t)
For the RevLSTM, we would sum over pi and fi terms.



... ...

Encoder Decoder
Figure 2: Attention mechanism for NMT. The word embeddings, encoder hidden states, and decoder hidden
states are color-coded orange, blue, and green, respectively; the striped regions of the encoder hidden states
represent the slices that are stored in memory for attention. The final vectors used to compute the context vector
are concatenations of the word embeddings and encoder hidden state slices.

5.1 GPU Considerations

For our method to be used as part of a practical training procedure, we must run it on a parallel
architecture such as a GPU. This introduces additional considerations which require modifications to
Algorithm 1: (1) we implement it with ordinary finite-bit integers, hence dealing with overflow, and
(2) for GPU efficiency, we ensure uniform memory access patterns across all hidden units.
Overflow. Consider the storage required for a single hidden unit. Algorithm 1 assumes unboundedly
large integers, and hence would need to be implemented using dynamically resizing integer types,
as was done by Maclaurin et al. [13]. But such data structures would require non-uniform memory
access patterns, limiting their efficiency on GPU architectures. Therefore, we modify the algorithm
to use ordinary finite integers. In particular, instead of a single integer, the buffer is represented
with a sequence of 64-bit integers (B0 , . . . , BD ). Whenever the last integer in our buffer is about to
overflow upon multiplication by 2RZ , as required by step 1 of Algorithm 1, we append a new integer
BD+1 to the sequence. Overflow will occur if BD > 264−RZ .
After appending a new integer BD+1 , we apply Algorithm 1 unmodified, using BD+1 in place of B.
It is possible that up to RZ − 1 bits of BD will not be used, incurring an additional penalty on storage
cost. We experimented with several ways of alleviating this penalty but found that none improved
significantly over the storage cost of the initial method.
Vectorization. Vectorization imposes an additional penalty on storage. For efficient computation,
we cannot maintain different size lists as buffers for each hidden unit in a minibatch. Rather, we must
store the buffer as a three-dimensional tensor, with dimensions corresponding to the minibatch size,
the hidden state size, and the length of the buffer list. This means each list of integers being used as a
buffer for a given hidden unit must be the same size. Whenever a buffer being used for any hidden
unit in the minibatch overflows, an extra integer must be added to the buffer list for every hidden unit
in the minibatch. Otherwise, the steps outlined above can still be followed.
We give the complete, revised algorithm in Appendix C.3. The compromises to address overflow and
vectorization entail additional overhead. We measure the size of this overhead in Section 6.
5.2 Memory Savings with Attention
Most modern architectures for neural machine translation make use of attention mechanisms [4, 5];
in this section, we describe the modifications that must be made to obtain memory savings when
using attention. We denote the source tokens by x(1) , x(2) , . . . , x(T ) , and the corresponding word
embeddings by e(1) , e(2) , . . . , e(T ) . We also use the following notation to denote vector slices: given
a vector v ∈ RD , we let v[: k] ∈ Rk denote the vector consisting of the first k dimensions of v.
Standard attention-based models for NMT perform attention over the encoder hidden states; this is
problematic from the standpoint of memory savings, because we must retain the hidden states in
memory to use them when computing attention. To remedy this, we explore several alternatives to
storing the full hidden state in memory. In particular, we consider performing attention over: 1) the
embeddings e(t) , which capture the semantics of individual words; 2) slices of the encoder hidden

Table 1: Validation perplexities (memory savings) on Penn TreeBank word-level language modeling. Results
shown when forgetting is restricted to 2, 3, and 5 bits per hidden unit per timestep and when there is no restriction.

Reversible Model 2 bit 3 bits 5 bits No limit Usual Model No limit

1 layer RevGRU 82.2 (13.8) 81.1 (10.8) 81.1 (7.4) 81.5 (6.4) 1 layer GRU 82.2
2 layer RevGRU 83.8 (14.8) 83.8 (12.0) 82.2 (9.4) 82.3 (4.9) 2 layer GRU 81.5
1 layer RevLSTM 79.8 (13.8) 79.4 (10.1) 78.4 (7.4) 78.2 (4.9) 1 layer LSTM 78.0
2 layer RevLSTM 74.7 (14.0) 72.8 (10.0) 72.9 (7.3) 72.9 (4.9) 2 layer LSTM 73.0

states, henc [: k] (where we consider k = 20 or 100); and 3) the concatenation of embeddings and
hidden state slices, [e(t) ; henc [: k]]. Since the embeddings are computed directly from the input
tokens, they don’t need to be stored. When we slice the hidden state, only the slices that are attended
to must be stored. We apply our memory-saving buffer technique to the remaining D − k dimensions.
In our NMT models, we make use of the global attention mechanism introduced by Luong et
al. [28], where each decoder hidden state hdec is modified by incorporating context from the source
annotations: a context vector c(t) is computed as a weighted sum of source annotations (with weights
(t) (t) (t)
αj ); hdec and c(t) are used to produce an attentional decoder hidden state hdec . Figure 2 illustrates
this attention mechanism, where attention is performed over the concatenated embeddings and hidden
state slices. Additional details on attention are provided in Appendix F.
5.3 Additional Considerations
Restricting forgetting. In order to guarantee memory savings, we may restrict the entries of zi
to lie in (a, 1) rather than (0, 1), for some a > 0. Setting a = 0.5, for example, forces our model to
forget at most one bit from each hidden unit per timestep. This restriction may be accomplished by
applying the linear transformation x 7→ (1 − a)x + a to zi after its initial computation8 .
Limitations. The main flaw of our method is the increased computational cost. We must reconstruct
hidden states during the backwards pass and manipulate the buffer at each timestep. We find that
each step of reversible backprop takes about 2-3 times as much computation as regular backprop. We
believe this overhead could be reduced through careful engineering. We did not observe a slowdown
in convergence in terms of number of iterations, so we only pay an increased per-iteration cost.
6 Experiments
We evaluated the performance of reversible models on two standard RNN tasks: language modeling
and machine translation. We wished to determine how much memory we could save using the
techniques we have developed, how these savings compare with those possible using an idealized
buffer, and whether these memory savings come at a cost in performance. We also evaluated our
proposed attention mechanism on machine translation tasks.
6.1 Language Modeling Experiments
We evaluated our one- and two-layer reversible models on word-level language modeling on the Penn
Treebank [14] and WikiText-2 [15] corpora. In the interest of a fair comparison, we kept architectural
and regularization hyperparameters the same between all models and datasets. We regularized the
hidden-to-hidden, hidden-to-output, and input-to-hidden connections, as well as the embedding
matrix, using various forms of dropout9 . We used the hyperparameters from Merity et al. [3]. Details
are provided in Appendix G.1. We include training/validation curves for all models in Appendix I.
6.1.1 Penn TreeBank Experiments
We conducted experiments on Penn TreeBank to understand the performance of our reversible models,
how much restrictions on forgetting affect performance, and what memory savings are achievable.
Performance. With no restriction on the amount forgotten, one- and two-layer RevGRU and
RevLSTM models obtained roughly equivalent validation performance10 compared to their non-
8 (t) (t)
For the RevLSTM, we would apply this transformation to pi and fi .
We discuss why dropout does not require additional storage in Appendix E.
Test perplexities exhibit similar patterns but are 3–5 perplexity points lower.

Table 2: Validation perplexities on WikiText-2 word-level language modeling. Results shown when forgetting is
restricted to 2, 3, and 5 bits per hidden unit per timestep and when there is no restriction.

Reversible Model 2 bits 3 bits 5 bits No limit Usual model No limit

1 layer RevGRU 97.7 97.2 96.3 97.1 1 layer GRU 97.8
2 layer RevGRU 95.2 94.7 95.3 95.0 2 layer GRU 93.6
1 layer RevLSTM 94.8 94.5 94.5 94.1 1 layer LSTM 89.3
2 layer RevLSTM 90.7 87.7 87.0 86.0 2 layer LSTM 82.2

reversible counterparts, as shown in Table 1. To determine how little could be forgotten without
affecting performance, we also experimented with restricting forgetting to at most 2, 3, or 5 bits per
hidden unit per timestep using the method of Section 5.3. Restricting the amount of forgetting to 2, 3,
or 5 bits from each hidden unit did not significantly impact performance.
Performance suffered once forgetting was restricted to at most 1 bit. This caused a 4–5 increase in
perplexity for the RevGRU. It also made the RevLSTM unstable for this task since its hidden state,
unlike the RevGRU’s, can grow unboundedly if not enough is forgotten. Hence, we do not include
these results.

Memory savings. We tracked the size of the information buffer throughout training and used this
to compare the memory required when using reversibility vs. storing all activations. As shown in
Appendix H, the buffer size remains roughly constant throughout training. Therefore, we show
the average ratio of memory requirements during training in Table 1. Overall, we can achieve a
10–15-fold reduction in memory when forgetting at most 2–3 bits, while maintaining comparable
performance to standard models. Using Equation 17, we also compared the actual memory savings
to the idealized memory savings possible with a perfect buffer. In general, we use about twice the
amount of memory as theoretically possible. Plots of memory savings for all models, both idealized
and actual, are given in Appendix H.

6.1.2 WikiText-2 Experiments

We conducted experiments on the WikiText-2 dataset (WT2) to see how reversible models fare on a
larger, more challenging dataset. We investigated various restrictions, as well as no restriction, on
forgetting and contrasted with baseline models as shown in Table 2. The RevGRU model closely
matched the performance of the baseline GRU model, even with forgetting restricted to 2 bits. The
RevLSTM lagged behind the baseline LSTM by about 5 perplexity points for one- and two-layer

6.2 Neural Machine Translation Experiments

We further evaluated our models on English-to-German neural machine translation (NMT). We used
a unidirectional encoder-decoder model and our novel attention mechanism described in Section
5.2. We experimented on two datasets: Multi30K [16], a dataset of ∼30,000 sentence pairs derived
from Flickr image captions, and IWSLT 2016 [17], a larger dataset of ∼180,000 pairs. Experimental
details are provided in Appendix G.2; training and validation curves are shown in Appendix I.3
(Multi30K) and I.4 (IWSLT); plots of memory savings during training are shown in Appendix H.2.
For Multi30K, we used single-layer RNNs with 300-dimensional hidden states and 300-dimensional
word embeddings for both the encoder and decoder. Our baseline GRU and LSTM models achieved
test BLEU scores of 32.60 and 37.06, respectively. The test BLEU scores and encoder memory
savings achieved by our reversible models are shown in Table 3, for several variants of attention
and restrictions on forgetting. For attention, we use Emb to denote word embeddings, xH for a
x-dimensional slice of the hidden state (300H denotes the whole hidden state), and Emb+xH to
denote the concatenation of the two. Overall, while Emb attention achieved the best memory savings,
Emb+20H achieved the best balance between performance and memory savings. The RevGRU with
Emb+20H attention and forgetting at most 2 bits achieved a test BLEU score of 34.41, outperforming
the standard GRU, while reducing activation memory requirements by 7.1× and 14.8× in the encoder
and decoder, respectively. The RevLSTM with Emb+20H attention and forgetting at most 3 bits
achieved a test BLEU score of 37.23, outperforming the standard LSTM, while reducing activation
memory requirements by 8.9× and 11.1× in the encoder and decoder respectively.

Table 3: Performance on the Multi30K dataset with different restrictions on forgetting. P denotes the test BLEU
scores; M denotes the average memory savings of the encoder during training.
Model Attention 1 bit 2 bit 3 bit 5 bit No Limit
20H 29.18 11.8 30.63 9.5 30.47 8.5 30.02 7.3 29.13 6.1
100H 27.90 4.9 35.43 4.3 36.03 4.0 35.75 3.7 34.96 3.5
RevLSTM 300H 26.44 1.0 36.10 1.0 37.05 1.0 37.30 1.0 36.80 1.0
Emb 31.92 20.0 31.98 15.1 31.60 13.9 31.42 10.7 31.45 10.1
Emb+20H 36.80 12.1 36.78 9.9 37.23 8.9 36.45 8.1 37.30 7.4
20H 26.52 7.2 26.86 7.2 28.26 6.8 27.71 6.5 27.86 5.7
100H 33.28 2.6 32.53 2.6 31.44 2.5 31.60 2.4 31.66 2.3
RevGRU 300H 34.86 1.0 33.49 1.0 33.01 1.0 33.03 1.0 33.08 1.0
Emb 28.51 13.2 28.76 13.2 28.86 12.9 27.93 12.8 28.59 12.9
Emb+20H 34.00 7.2 34.41 7.1 34.39 6.4 34.04 5.9 34.94 5.7

For IWSLT 2016, we used 2-layer RNNs with 600-dimensional hidden states and 600-dimensional
word embeddings for the encoder and decoder. We evaluated reversible models in which the decoder
used Emb+60H attention. The baseline GRU and LSTM models achieved test BLEU scores of 16.07
and 22.35, respectively. The RevGRU achieved a test BLEU score of 20.70, outperforming the GRU,
while saving 7.15× and 12.92× in the encoder and decoder, respectively. The RevLSTM achieved a
score of 22.34, competitive with the LSTM, while saving 8.32× and 6.57× memory in the encoder
and decoder, respectively. Both reversible models were restricted to forget at most 5 bits.

7 Related Work
Several approaches have been taken to reduce the memory requirements of RNNs. Frameworks
that use static computational graphs [29, 30] aim to allocate memory efficiently in the training
algorithms themselves. Checkpointing [31, 32, 33] is a frequently used method. In this strategy,
certain activations are stored as checkpoints throughout training and the remaining activations are
recomputed as needed in the backwards pass. Checkpointing has previously been used √ to train
recurrent neural networks on sequences of length T by storing the activations every d T e layers
[31]. Gruslys et al. [33] further developed this strategy by using dynamic programming to determine
which activations to store in order to minimize computation for a given storage budget.
Decoupled neural interfaces [34, 35] use auxilliary neural networks trained to produce the gradient of
a layer’s weight matrix given the layer’s activations as input, then use these predictions to train, rather
than the true gradient. This strategy depends on the quality of the gradient approximation produced
by the auxilliary network. Hidden activations must still be stored as in the usual backpropagation
algorithm to train the auxilliary networks, unlike our method.
Unitary recurrent neural networks [36, 37, 38] refine vanilla RNNs by parametrizing their transition
matrix to be unitary. These networks are reversible in exact arithmetic [36]: the conjugate transpose
of the transition matrix is its inverse, so the hidden-to-hidden transition is reversible. In practice, this
method would run into numerical precision issues as floating point errors accumulate over timesteps.
Our method, through storage of lost information, avoids these issues.

8 Conclusion
We have introduced reversible recurrent neural networks as a method to reduce the memory require-
ments of truncated backpropagation through time. We demonstrated the flaws of exactly reversible
RNNs, and developed methods to efficiently store information lost during the hidden-to-hidden
transition, allowing us to reverse the transition during backpropagation. Reversible models can
achieve roughly equivalent performance to standard models while reducing the memory requirements
by a factor of 5–15 during training. We believe reversible models offer a compelling path towards
constructing more flexible and expressive recurrent neural networks.

We thank Kyunghyun Cho for experimental advice and discussion. We also thank Aidan Gomez,
Mengye Ren, Gennady Pekhimenko, and David Duvenaud for helpful discussion. MM is supported
by an NSERC CGS-M award, and PV is supported by an NSERC PGS-D award.

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Here, we provide additional details about our models and results. This appendix is structured as

• We discuss no-forgetting failures in Sec. A.

• We present results for our toy memorization experiment in Sec. B.
• We provide details on reversible multiplication in Sec. C.
• We discuss discrete forgetting in Sec. D.
• We discuss reversibility with dropout in Sec. E.
• We provide details about the attention mechanism we use in Sec. F.
• We provide details on our language modeling (LM) and neural machine translation (NMT)
experiments in Sec. G.
• We plot the memory savings during training for many configurations of our RevGRU and
RevLSTM models on LM and NMT in Sec. H.
• We provide training and validation curves for each model on the Penn TreeBank and
WikiText2 language modeling task, and on the Multi30K and IWSLT-2016 NMT tasks in
Sec. I.

A No-Forgetting Failures
We tried training NF-RevGRU models on the Penn TreeBank dataset. Without regularization, the
training loss (not perplexity) of NF models blows up and remains above 100. This is because the
norm of the hidden state grows very quickly. We tried many techniques to remedy this, including: 1)
penalizing the hidden state norm; 2) using different optimizers; 3) using layer normalization; and 4)
using better initialization. The best-performing model we found reached 110 train perplexity on PTB
without any regularization; in contrast, even heavily regularized baseline models can reach 50 train

B Toy Task Experiment

We trained an LSTM on the memorization task and an NF-RevGRU on the repeat task on sequences
of length 20, 35, and 50. To vary the complexity of the tasks, we experimented with hidden state sizes
of 8, 16 and 32. We trained on randomly generated synthetic sequences consisting of 8 possible input
tokens. To evaluate performance, we generated an evaluation batch of 10, 000 randomly generated
sequences and report the average number of tokens correctly predicted over all sequences in this
batch. To ensure exact reversibility of the NF-RevGRU, we used a fixed point representation of the
hidden state, while activations were computed in floating point.
Each token was input to the model as a one-hot vector. For the remember task, we appended another
category to these one-hot vectors indicating whether the end of the input sequence has occurred.
This category was set to 0 before the input sequence terminated and was 1 afterwards. Models were
trained by a standard cross-entropy loss objective.
We used the Adam optimizer [39] with learning rate 0.001. We found that a large batch size of
20, 000 was needed to achieve the best performance. We noticed that performance continued to
improve, albeit slowly, over long periods of time, so we trained our models for 1 million batches. We
report the maximum number of tokens predicted correctly over the course of training, as there are
slight fluctuations in evaluation performance during training.
We found a surprisingly large difference in performance between the two tasks, as shown in Table 4.
In particular, the NF-RevGRU was able to correctly predict more tokens than expected, indicating
that it was able to store a surprising amount of information in its hidden state. We suspect that
the NF-RevGRU learns how to compress information more easily than an LSTM. The function
NF-RevGRU must learn for the repeat task is inherently local, in contrast to the function the LSTM
must learn for the remember task, which has long term dependencies.

Algorithm 2 Exactly reversible multiplication (Maclaurin et al. [13])
1: Input: Buffer integer B, hidden state h = 2−RH h∗ , forget value z = 2−RZ z ∗ with 0 < z ∗ < 2RZ
2: B ← B × 2RZ {make room for new information on buffer}
3: B ← B + (h∗ mod 2RZ ) {store lost information in buffer}
4: h∗ ← h∗ ÷ 2RZ {divide by denominator of z}
5: h∗ ← h∗ × z ∗ {multiply by numerator of z}
6: h∗ ← h∗ + (B mod z ∗ ) {add information to hidden state}
7: B ← B ÷ z ∗ {shorten information buffer}
8: return updated buffer B, updated value h = 2−RH h∗

Table 4: Number of correct predictions made by an exactly reversible model, which cannot forget, on the repeat
task and a traditional model, which can forget, on the memorization task. We expect these models to achieve
equivalent performance given the same hidden state size and sequence length. With random guessing, both
models would be expected to correctly predict Sequence Length/8 tokens. We also include the number of bits
stored per hidden unit, after subtracting out chance accuracy.
Repeat (NF-RevGRU) Memorization (LSTM)
Hidden Units Sequence Length
Tokens predicted Bits/units Tokens predicted Bits/unit
20 7.9 2.0 7.4 1.8
8 35 13.1 3.3 9.7 2.0
50 18.6 4.6 13.0 2.5
20 19.9 3.3 13.7 2.1
16 35 25.4 3.9 14.3 1.9
50 27.3 3.9 17.2 2.1
20 20.0 2.6 20.0 2.6
32 35 35.0 5.6 20.6 2.4
50 47.9 6.2 21.5 2.3

C Reversible Multiplication
C.1 Review of Algorithm of Maclaurin et al. [13]

We restate the algorithm of Maclaurin et al. [13] above for convenience. Recall the goal is to multiply
h = 2−RH h∗ by z = 2−RZ z ∗ , storing as few bits as necessary to make this operation reversible.
This multiplication is accomplished by first dividing h∗ by 2RZ then multiplying by z ∗ .
First, observe that integer division of h∗ by 2RZ can be made reversible through knowledge of
h∗ mod 2RZ :
h∗ = (h∗ ÷ 2RZ ) × 2RZ + (h∗ mod 2RZ ) (18)
Thus, the remainders at each timestep must be stored in order to ensure reversibility. The remainders
could be stored as separate integers, but this would entail 32 bits of storage at each timestep. Instead,
the remainders are stored in a single integer information buffer B, which is assumed to dynamically
resize upon overflow. At each timestep, the buffer’s size must be enlarged by RZ bits to make room:
B ← B × 2 RZ (19)
Then a new remainder can be added to the buffer:
B ← B + (h∗ mod 2RZ ) (20)
The storage cost has been reduced from 32 bits to RZ bits per timestep, but even further savings can be
realized. Upon multiplying h∗ by z ∗ , there is an opportunity to add an integer e ∈ {0, 1, . . . , z ∗ − 1}
to h∗ without affecting the reverse process (integer division by z ∗ ):
h∗ = (h∗ × z + e) ÷ z (21)
Maclaurin et al. [13] took advantage of this and moved information from the buffer B to h∗ by adding
B mod z ∗ to h∗ . This allows division B by z ∗ since this division can be reversed by knowledge of

Algorithm 3 Reverse process of Maclaurin et al. [13]’s Algorithm
1: Input: Updated buffer integer B, updated hidden state h = 2−RH h∗ , forget value z = 2−RZ z ∗ with
0 < z ∗ < 2 RZ
2: B ← B × z
3: B ← B + (h∗ mod z)
4: h∗ ← h∗ ÷ z
5: h∗ ← h∗ × 2RZ
6: h∗ ← h∗ + (B mod 2RZ )
7: B ← B ÷ 2RZ
8: return Original buffer B, original hidden state h = 2−RH h∗

the modulus B mod z ∗ , which can be recovered from h∗ in the reverse process:
h∗ ← h∗ + (B mod z ∗ ) (22)
B ←B÷z (23)
We give the complete reversal algorithm as Algorithm 3.

C.2 Noise in Buffer Computations

Suppose we have RH = RZ = 4, h∗ = 16, z ∗ = 17 and B = 1. We hope to compute the new value

∗ ∗
for h of h = 2hRH × 2zRZ = 17
16 = 1.0625. Executing Algorithm 1 we have:

B ← B × 2RZ = 16
B ← B + (h∗ mod 2RZ ) = 16
h∗ ← h∗ ÷ 2RZ = 1
h∗ ← h∗ × z ∗ = 17
h∗ ← h∗ + (B mod 17) = 33
B ← B ÷ z∗ = 0

At the conclusion of the algorithm, we have that h = 2hRZ = 16 33
= 2.0625. The addition of
information from the buffer onto the hidden state has altered it from its intended value.

C.3 Vectorized reversible multiplication

We let N denote the current minibatch size. Algorithm 4 shows the vectorized reversible multiplica-

Algorithm 4 Exactly reversible multiplication with overflow

1: Input: Hidden state h = 2−RH h∗ with dimensions (N, H); forget value z = 2−RZ z ∗ with 0 < z ∗ < 2RZ
and dimensions (N, H); current buffer B, an integer tensor with dimensions (N, H); past buffers Bpast ,
an integer tensor with dimensions (N, H, D)
2: if any entry of B is ≥ 264−RZ then
3: Bpast ← [Bpast , B] {Append B to end of Bpast }
4: B ← tensor of zeroes with dimensions (N, H) {Initialize new buffer}
5: end if
6: Execute Algorithm 1 unchanged
7: return updated buffer B, updated past buffers Bpast , updated value h

D Discrete Forgetting
D.1 Description

Here, we consider forgetting a discrete number of bits at each timestep. This is much easier to
implement than fractional forgetting, and it is interesting to explore whether fractional forgetting is
necessary or if discrete forgetting will suffice.

One layer Two layers
1 bit 2 bits 3 bits 5 bits No limit 1 bit 2 bits 3 bits 5 bits No limit
GRU - - - - 82.2 - - - - 81.5
DF-RevGRU 93.6 94.1 93.9 94.7 - 93.5 92.0 93.1 94.3 -
FF-RevGRU 86.0 82.2 81.1 81.1 81.5 87.0 83.8 83.8 82.2 82.3
LSTM - - - - 78.0 - - - - 73.0
DF-RevLSTM 85.4 85.1 86.1 86.8 - 78.1 78.3 79.1 78.6 -
FF-RevLSTM - 79.8 79.4 78.4 78.2 - 74.7 72.8 72.9 72.9
Table 5: Validation perplexities on Penn TreeBank word-level language modeling. Test perplexities exhibit a
similar pattern but are 3–5 perplexity points lower. DF denotes discrete forgetting and FF denotes fractional
forgetting. We show perplexities when forgetting is restricted to 1, 2, 3, and 5 bits per hidden unit and when
there is no limit placed on the amount forgotten.

Recall that the RevGRU updates proposed in Equations 4 and 5. If all entries of zi are non-positive
powers of 2, then multiplication by zi corresponds exactly to a right-shift of the bits of hi 11 . The
shifted off bits can be stored in a stack, to be popped off and restored in the reverse computation. We
enforce this condition by changing the equation computing zi . We first choose the largest negative
power of 2 that zi could possibly represent, say F . z1 is computed using12 :
(t) (t−1)
s1 [i, j] = ReLU(Q[x(t) , h2 ])[Hi + j] for 1 ≤ i ≤ H, 1 ≤ j ≤ F
(t) (t) (t) (t)
o1 = Softmax(SampleOneHot(s1 )) z1 = [1, 0.5, 0.25, . . . , 2−F ] · o1
(t) (t) (t)
The equations to calculate z2 are analogous. We use similar equations to compute fi , pi for
the RevLSTM. To train these models, we must use techniques to estimate gradients of functions of
discrete random variables. We used both the Straight-Through Categorical estimator [40] and the
Straight-Through Gumbel-Softmax estimator [41, 42]. In both these estimators, the forward pass is
discretized but gradients during backpropagation are computed as if a continuous sample were used.
The memory savings this represents over traditional models depends on the maximum number of
bits F allowed to be forgotten. Instead of storing 32 bits for hidden unit per timestep, we must
instead only store at most F bits. We do so by using a list of integers B = (B1 , B2 , . . . , BD ) as an
information buffer. To store n bits in B, we shift the bits of each Bi left by n, then add the n bits to
be stored onto B1 . We move the bits shifted off of Bi onto Bi+1 for i ∈ {1, . . . , D − 1}. If stored
bits are shifted off of BD , we must append another integer to B. In practice, we store F bits for each
hidden unit regardless of its corresponding forget value. This stores some extraneous bits but is much
easier to implement when vectorizing over the hidden unit dimension and the batch dimension on the
GPU, as is required for computational efficiency.

D.2 Experiments

For discrete forgetting, we found the Straight-Through Gumbel-Softmax gradient estimator to

consistently achieve results 2–3 perplexity better than the Straight-Through categorical estimator.
Hence, all discrete forgetting models whose results are reported were trained using the Straight-
Through Gumbel-Softmax estimator.

Discrete vs. Fractional Forgetting. We show complete results on Penn TreeBank validation
perplexity in Table 5. Overall, models which use discrete forgetting performed 4-10 perplexity points
worse on the validation set than their fractional forgetting counterparts. It could be the case that
the stochasticity of the samples used in discrete forgetting models already imposes a regularizing
effect, causing discrete models to be too heavily regularized. To check, we also ran experiments
using lower dropout rates and found that discrete forgetting models still lagged behind their fractional
counterparts. We conclude that information must be discarded from the hidden state in fine, not
coarse, quantities.

When hi is negative, we must perform an additional step of appending ones to the bit representation of hi
due to using two’s complement representation.
Note that the Softmax is computed over rows, so the first dimension of the matrix Q must be F H.

E Discussion of Dropout
First, consider dropping out elements of the input. If the same elements are dropped out at each step,
we simply store the single mask used, then apply it to the input at each step of our forwards and
reverse computation.
Applying dropout to the hidden state does not entail information loss (and hence additional storage),
since we can interpret dropout as masking out elements of the input/hidden-to-hidden matrices. If the
same dropout masks are used at each timestep, as is commonly done in RNNs, we store the single
weight mask used, then use the dropped-out matrix in the forward and reverse passes. If the same
rows of these matrices are dropped out (as in variational dropout), we need only store a mask the
same size as the hidden state.
If we wish to sample different dropout masks at each timestep, which is not commonly done in RNNs,
we would either need to store the mask used at each timestep, which is memory intensive, or devise
a way to recover the sampled mask in the reverse computation (e.g., using a reversible sampler, or
using a deterministic function to set the random seed at each step).

F Attention Details
In our NMT experiments, we use the global attention mechanism introduced by Luong et al. [28].
We consider attention performed over a set of source-side annotations {s(1) , . . . , s(T ) }, which can
be either: 1) the encoder hidden states, s(t) = henc ; 2) the source embeddings, s(t) = e(t) ; or 3) a
concatenation of the embeddings and k-dimensional slices of the hidden states, s(t) = [e(t) ; henc [: k]].
(1) (M )
When using global attention, the model first computes the decoder hidden states {hdec , . . . , hdec } as
in the standard encoder-decoder paradigm, and then it modifies each hdec by incorporating context
from the source annotations. A context vector c(t) is computed as a weighted sum of the source
c(t) = αj s(j) (25)
where the weights αj are computed by scoring the similarity between the “current” decoder hidden
state hdec and each of the encoder annotations:
(t) exp(score(hdec , s(j) ))
αj = PT (t)
(k) ))
k=1 exp(score(hdec , s

As the score function, we use the “general” formulation proposed by Luong et al.:
(t) (t)
score(hdec , s(j) ) = (hdec )> Wa s(j) (27)

Then, the original decoder hidden state hdec is modified via the context c(t) , to produce an attentional
hidden state hdec :
(t) (t)
hdec = tanh(Wc [c(t) ; hdec ]) (28)

Finally, the attentional hidden state hdec is passed into the softmax layer to produce the output
(t) (1) (t−1) (t)
p(y | y , . . . , y , x) = softmax Ws hdec (29)

G Experiment Details
All experiments were implemented using PyTorch [43]. Neural machine translation experiments were
implemented using OpenNMT [44].

Table 6: Total number of parameters in each model used for LM.

Model Total number of parameters

1 layer GRU 9.0M
1 layer RevGRU 8.4M
1 layer LSTM 9.9M
1 layer RevLSTM 9.7M
2 layer GRU 16.2M
2 layer RevGRU 13.6M
2 layer LSTM 19.5M
2 layer RevLSTM 18.4M

G.1 Language Modeling Experiments

We largely followed Merity et al. [3] in setting hyperparameters. All one-layer models used 650
hidden units and all two-layer models used 1150 hidden units in their first layer and 650 in their
second. We kept our embedding size constant at 650 through all experiments.
Notice that with a fixed hidden state size, a reversible architecture will have fewer parameters than
a standard architecture. If the total number of hidden units is H, the number of hidden-to-hidden
parameters is 2 × (H/2)2 = H 2 /2 in a reversible model, compared to H 2 for its non-reversible
counterpart. For the RevLSTM, there are extra hidden-to-hidden parameters due to the p gate needed
for reversibility. Each model also has additional parameters associated with the input-to-hidden
connections and embedding matrix.
We show the total number of parameters in each model, including embeddings, in Table 6.
We used DropConnect [45] with probability 0.5 to regularize all hidden-to-hidden matrices. We
applied variational dropout [46] on the inputs and outputs of the RNNs. The inputs to the first layer
were dropped out with probability 0.3. The outputs of each layer were dropped out with probability
0.4. As in Gal and Ghahramani [46], we used embedding dropout with probability 0.1. We also
applied weight decay with scalar factor 1.2 × 10−6 .
We used a learning rate of 20 for all models, clipping the norm of the gradients to be smaller than 0.1.
We decayed the learning rate by a factor of 4 once the nonmonotonic criterion introduced by Merity
et al. [3] was triggered and used the same non-monotone interval of 5 epochs. For discrete forgetting
models, we found that a learning rate decay factor of 2 worked better. Training was stopped once the
learning rate is below 10−2 .
Like Merity et al. [3], we used variable length backpropagation sequences. The base sequence length
was set to 70 with probability 0.95 and set to 35 otherwise. The actual sequence length used was
then computed by adding random noise from N (0, 5) to the base sequence length. We rescaled the
learning rate linearly based on the length of the truncated sequences, so for a given minibatch of
length T , the learning rate used was 20 × 70 .

G.2 Neural Machine Translation Experiments

Multi30K Experiments. The Multi30K dataset [16] contains English-German sentence pairs
derived from captions of Flickr images, and consists of 29,000 training, 1,015 validation, and 1,000
test sentence pairs. The average length of the source (English) sequences is 13 tokens, and the average
length of the target (German) sequences is 12.4 tokens.
We applied variational dropout with probability 0.4 to inputs and outputs. We trained on mini-
batches of size 64 using SGD. The learning rate was initialized to 0.2 for GRU and RevGRU, 0.5 for
RevLSTM, and 1 for the standard LSTM—these values were chosen to optimize the performance
of each model. The learning rate was decayed by a factor of 2 each epoch when the validation loss
failed to improve from the previous epoch. Training halted when the learning rate dropped below
0.001. Table 7 shows the validation BLEU scores of each RevGRU and RevLSTM variant.

Table 7: BLEU scores on the Multi30K validation set. For the attention type, Emb denotes word embeddings, xH
denotes a x-dimensional slice of the hidden state (300H corresponds to the whole hidden state), and Emb+xH
denotes the concatenation of the two.
Model Attention 1 bit 2 bit 3 bit 5 bit No Limit
20H 28.51 29.72 30.65 29.82 29.11
100H 28.10 35.52 36.13 34.97 35.14
RevLSTM 300H 26.46 36.73 37.04 37.32 37.27
Emb 31.27 30.96 31.41 31.31 31.95
Emb+20H 36.33 36.75 37.54 36.89 36.51
20H 25.96 25.86 27.25 27.13 26.96
100H 32.52 32.86 31.08 31.16 31.87
RevGRU 300H 34.26 34.00 33.02 33.08 32.24
Emb 27.57 27.59 28.03 27.24 28.07
Emb+20H 33.67 34.94 34.36 34.87 35.12

IWSLT-2016 Experiments. For both the encoder and decoder we used unidirectional, two-layer
RNNs with 600-dimensional hidden states and 600-dimensional word embeddings. We applied
variational dropout with probability 0.4 to the inputs and the output of each layer. The learning rates
were initialized to 0.2 for the GRU, RevGRU, and RevLSTM, and 1 for the LSTM. We used the same
learning rate decay and stopping criterion as for the Multi30K experiments.
The RevGRU with attention over the concatenation of embeddings and a 60-dimensional slice of the
hidden state and 5 bit forgetting achieved a BLEU score of 23.65 on the IWSLT validation set; the
RevLSTM with the same attention and forgetting configuration achieved a validation BLEU score
of 26.17. The baseline GRU achieved a validation BLEU score of 18.92, while the baseline LSTM
achieved 26.31.

H Memory Savings

H.1 Language modeling

1 layer RevGRU on Penn TreeBank

Ratio of memory used by storing discarded information in a buffer and using reversibility vs. storing all
activations naïvely. Left: Actual savings obtained by our method. Right: Idealized savings obtained by using a
perfect buffer.

35 1 bit 5 bits 70 1 bit 5 bits

2 bits No limit 2 bits No limit
30 3 bits 60 3 bits
25 50
Memory Ratio

Memory Ratio

20 40
15 30
10 20
5 10
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Number of Batches (x1000) Number of Batches (x1000)

2 layer RevGRU on Penn TreeBank

Ratio of memory used by storing discarded information in a buffer and using reversibility vs. storing all
activations naïvely. Left: Actual savings obtained by our method. Right: Idealized savings obtained by using a
perfect buffer.

40 1 bit 5 bits 1 bit 5 bits
2 bits No limit 70 2 bits No limit
35 3 bits 3 bits
Memory Ratio

Memory Ratio
25 50
20 40
15 30
10 20
5 10
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40
Number of Batches (x1000) Number of Batches (x1000)

1 layer RevLSTM on Penn TreeBank

Ratio of memory used by storing discarded information in a buffer and using reversibility vs. storing all
activations naïvely. Left: Actual savings obtained by our method. Right: Idealized savings obtained by using a
perfect buffer.

2 bits 5 bits 35 2 bits 5 bits

20 3 bits No limit 3 bits No limit
15 25
Memory Ratio

Memory Ratio

10 15
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Number of Batches (x1000) Number of Batches (x1000)

2 layer RevLSTM on Penn TreeBank

Ratio of memory used by storing discarded information in a buffer and using reversibility vs. storing all
activations naïvely. Left: Actual savings obtained by our method. Right: Idealized savings obtained by using a
perfect buffer.

2 bits 5 bits 35 2 bits 5 bits

20 3 bits No limit 3 bits No limit

10 15
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Number of Batches (x1000) Number of Batches (x1000)

H.2 Neural Machine Translation

In this section, we show the memory savings achieved by the encoder and decoder of our reversible
NMT models. The memory savings refer to the ratio of the amount of memory needed to store
discarded information in a buffer for reversibility, compared to storing all activations. Table 8 shows
the memory savings in the decoder for various RevGRU and RevLSTM models on Multi30K.

Table 8: Average memory savings in the decoder for NMT on the Multi30K dataset, during training. For
the attention type, Emb denotes word embeddings, xH denotes a x-dimensional slice of the hidden state, and
Emb+xH denotes the concatenation of the two.
Model Attention 1 bit 2 bit 3 bit 5 bit No Limit
20H 24.0 13.6 10.7 7.9 6.6
100H 24.1 13.9 10.1 8.0 5.5
RevLSTM 300H 24.7 13.4 10.7 8.3 6.5
Emb 24.1 13.5 10.5 8.0 6.7
Emb+20H 24.4 13.7 11.1 7.8 7.8
20H 24.1 13.5 11.1 8.8 7.9
100H 26.0 14.1 12.2 9.5 8.2
RevGRU 300H 26.1 14.8 13.0 10.0 9.8
Emb 25.9 14.1 12.5 9.8 8.3
Emb+20H 25.5 14.8 12.9 11.2 8.9

In sections H.2.1, H.2.2, and H.2.3, we plot the memory savings during training for RevGRU and
RevLSTM models on Multi30K and IWSLT-2016, using various levels of forgetting. In each plot, we
show the actual memory savings achieved by our method, as well as the idealized savings obtained
by using a perfect buffer.

H.2.1 RevGRU on Multi30K

Encoder Actual 30
70 Decoder Actual 35
Encoder Optimal 30 25
60 Decoder Optimal

Memory Ratio

Memory Ratio
Memory Ratio

50 25 Encoder Actual 20 Encoder Actual

20 Decoder Actual Decoder Actual
40 Encoder Optimal 15 Encoder Optimal
30 15 Decoder Optimal Decoder Optimal
20 10
10 5 5
0 0 0
0 4000 8000 12000 16000 20000 24000 0 4000 8000 12000 16000 20000 0 4000 8000 12000 16000 20000
Iteration Iteration Iteration

Figure 3: RevGRU 20H. From left to right: 1 bit, 3 bits, and no limit on forgetting.

35 30
60 30 25
Memory Ratio

Memory Ratio

Memory Ratio
50 Encoder Actual 25 Encoder Actual 20 Encoder Actual
Decoder Actual 20 Decoder Actual Decoder Actual
40 Encoder Optimal Encoder Optimal 15 Encoder Optimal
30 Decoder Optimal 15 Decoder Optimal Decoder Optimal
20 10
10 5 5
0 0 0
0 4000 8000 12000 16000 20000 0 4000 8000 12000 16000 20000 0 4000 8000 12000 16000 20000
Iteration Iteration Iteration

Figure 4: RevGRU 100H. From left to right, 1 bit, 3 bits, and no limit on forgetting.

70 35 30
60 30 25
Memory Ratio

Memory Ratio

Memory Ratio

50 Encoder Actual 25 Encoder Actual Encoder Actual

Decoder Actual 20 Decoder Actual Decoder Actual
40 Encoder Optimal Encoder Optimal Encoder Optimal
30 Decoder Optimal 15 Decoder Optimal Decoder Optimal
10 10
10 5 5
0 0 0
0 4000 8000 12000 16000 0 4000 8000 12000 16000 20000 0 4000 8000 12000 16000 20000
Iteration Iteration Iteration

Figure 5: RevGRU Emb+20H. From left to right: 1 bit, 3 bits, and no limit on forgetting.

H.2.2 RevLSTM on Multi30K

70 Encoder Actual Encoder Actual 30 Encoder Actual

Decoder Actual 30 Decoder Actual Decoder Actual
60 Encoder Optimal Encoder Optimal 25 Encoder Optimal
50 Decoder Optimal 25 Decoder Optimal Decoder Optimal
Memory Ratio

Memory Ratio

Memory Ratio

40 20
30 15
10 10
10 5 5

0 0 0
0 4000 8000 12000 16000 0 4000 8000 12000 16000 0 4000 8000 12000 16000
Iteration Iteration Iteration

Figure 6: RevLSTM 20H. From left to right: 1 bit, 3 bits, and no limit on forgetting.

35 30
Encoder Actual Encoder Actual Encoder Actual
60 Decoder Actual 30 Decoder Actual Decoder Actual
Encoder Optimal Encoder Optimal 25 Encoder Optimal
50 Decoder Optimal 25 Decoder Optimal Decoder Optimal

Memory Ratio

Memory Ratio

Memory Ratio
40 20
30 15
20 10
10 5 5

0 0 0
0 4000 8000 12000 16000 0 4000 8000 12000 16000 0 4000 8000 12000
Iteration Iteration Iteration

Figure 7: RevLSTM 100H. From left to right: 1 bit, 3 bits, and no limit on forgetting.

Encoder Actual 30 Encoder Actual

Encoder Actual
60 Decoder Actual 30 Decoder Actual Decoder Actual
Encoder Optimal Encoder Optimal 25 Encoder Optimal
50 Decoder Optimal 25 Decoder Optimal Decoder Optimal
Memory Ratio

Memory Ratio
Memory Ratio

40 20
30 15
20 10 10

10 5 5

0 0 0
0 4000 8000 12000 16000 0 4000 8000 12000 16000 0 4000 8000 12000
Iteration Iteration Iteration

Figure 8: RevLSTM Emb+20H. From left to right: 1 bit, 3 bits, and no limit on forgetting.

H.2.3 RevGRU and RevLSTM on IWSLT-2016

Here, we plot the memory savings achieved by our two-layer models on IWSLT-2016, as well as the
ideal memory savings, for both the encoder and decoder.

Encoder Actual Encoder Actual
30 Decoder Actual 25 Decoder Actual
Encoder Optimal Encoder Optimal
25 Decoder Optimal 20 Decoder Optimal
Memory Ratio

Memory Ratio

5 5

0 0
0 50000 100000 150000 200000 0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000
Iteration Iteration
Figure 9: Memory savings on IWSLT. Left: RevGRU. Right: RevLSTM. Both models use attention over the
concatenation of the word embeddings and a 60-dimensional slice of the hidden state.

I Training/Validation Curves

I.1 Penn TreeBank

1 layer RevGRU

Training/validation perplexity for a 1-layer RevGRU on Penn TreeBank with various restrictions on forgetting
and a baseline GRU model. Left: Perplexity on the training set. Right: Perplexity on the validation set.

120 150
1 bit 5 bits 1 bit 5 bits
110 2 bits No limit 140 2 bits No limit
100 3 bits GRU 130 3 bits GRU
90 120

80 Perplexity 110
70 100
60 90
50 80
40 70
30 60
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Number of Batches (x1000) Number of Batches (x1000)

2 layer RevGRU

Training/validation perplexity for a 2-layer RevGRU on Penn TreeBank with various restrictions on forgetting
and a baseline GRU model. Left: Perplexity on the training set. Right: Perplexity on the validation set.

120 150
1 bit 5 bits 1 bit 5 bits
110 2 bits No limit 140 2 bits No limit
100 3 bits GRU 130 3 bits GRU
90 120


80 110
70 100
60 90
50 80
40 70
30 60
0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40
Number of Batches (x1000) Number of Batches (x1000)

1 layer RevLSTM

Training/validation perplexity for a 1-layer RevLSTM on Penn TreeBank with various restrictions on forgetting
and a baseline LSTM model. Left: Perplexity on the training set. Right: Perplexity on the validation set.

140 150
2 bits No limit 2 bits No limit
3 bits LSTM 140 3 bits LSTM
120 5 bits 5 bits
100 120

80 100
40 70
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Number of Batches (x1000) Number of Batches (x1000)

2 layer RevLSTM

Training/validation perplexity for a 1-layer RevLSTM on Penn TreeBank with various restrictions on forgetting
and a baseline LSTM model. Left: Perplexity on the training set. Right: Perplexity on the validation set.

140 150
2 bits No limit 2 bits No limit
3 bits LSTM 140 3 bits LSTM
120 5 bits 5 bits
100 120


80 100
40 70
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Number of Batches (x1000) Number of Batches (x1000)

I.2 WikiText-2

1 layer RevGRU

Training/validation perplexity for a 1-layer RevGRU on WikiText-2 with various restrictions on forgetting and a
baseline GRU model. Left: Perplexity on the training set. Right: Perplexity on the validation set.

130 170
1 bit 5 bits 1 bit 5 bits
120 2 bits No limit 160 2 bits No limit
110 3 bits GRU 150 3 bits GRU
100 140

90 130
80 120
70 110
60 100
50 90
40 80
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Number of Batches (x1000) Number of Batches (x1000)

2 layer RevGRU

Training/validation perplexity for a 2-layer RevGRU on WikiText-2 with various restrictions on forgetting and a
baseline GRU model. Left: Perplexity on the training set. Right: Perplexity on the validation set.

130 170
1 bit 5 bits 1 bit 5 bits
120 2 bits No limit 160 2 bits No limit
110 3 bits GRU 150 3 bits GRU
100 140


90 130
80 120
70 110
60 100
50 90
40 80
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Number of Batches (x1000) Number of Batches (x1000)

1 layer RevLSTM

Training/validation perplexity for a 1-layer RevLSTM on WikiText-2 with various restrictions on forgetting and
a baseline LSTM model. Left: Perplexity on the training set. Right: Perplexity on the validation set.

140 150
2 bits No limit 2 bits No limit
3 bits LSTM 140 3 bits LSTM
120 5 bits 5 bits
100 120

80 100
40 70
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Number of Batches (x1000) Number of Batches (x1000)

2 layer RevLSTM

Training/validation perplexity for a 2-layer RevLSTM on WikiText-2 with various restrictions on forgetting and
a baseline LSTM model. Left: Perplexity on the training set. Right: Perplexity on the validation set.

140 150
2 bits No limit 2 bits No limit
3 bits LSTM 140 3 bits LSTM
120 5 bits 5 bits
100 120


80 100
40 70
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Number of Batches (x1000) Number of Batches (x1000)

I.3 Multi30K NMT

In this section we show the training and validation curves for the RevLSTM and RevGRU NMT
models with various types of attention (20H, 100H, 300H, Emb, and Emb+20H) and restrictions
on forgetting (1, 2, 3, and 5 bits, and no limit on forgetting). For Multi30K, both the encoder and
decoder are single-layer, unidirectional RNNs with 300 hidden units.

I.3.1 RevGRU

12 12.0
1 bit 11.5 1 bit
2 bits 2 bits
10 3 bits 11.0
Train Perplexity

3 bits

Val Perplexity
9 5 bits 10.5 5 bits
No limit 10.0 No limit
7 9.5
6 9.0
4000 8000 12000 16000 20000 24000 4000 8000 12000 16000 20000 24000
Number of Batches Number of Batches
Figure 10: RevGRU 20H (attention over a 20-dimensional slice of the hidden state).

12 12
11 1 bit 1 bit
2 bits 11 2 bits
3 bits 3 bits
Train Perplexity

Val Perplexity

9 5 bits 10 5 bits
8 No limit No limit
6 8
2000 6000 10000 14000 18000 22000 2000 6000 10000 14000 18000 22000
Number of Batches Number of Batches
Figure 11: RevGRU 100H (attention over a 100-dimensional slice of the hidden state).

12 12
11 1 bit 1 bit
2 bits 11 2 bits
3 bits 3 bits
Train Perplexity

Val Perplexity

9 5 bits 10 5 bits
8 No limit No limit
6 8
5 7
2000 6000 10000 14000 18000 22000 2000 6000 10000 14000 18000 22000
Number of Batches Number of Batches
Figure 12: RevGRU 300H (attention over the whole hidden state).

12 12.0
11 1 bit 1 bit
2 bits 11.5
2 bits
3 bits

Train Perplexity
11.0 3 bits

Val Perplexity
9 5 bits 10.5 5 bits
8 No limit No limit
5 9.0
4 8.5
4000 8000 12000 16000 20000 24000 4000 8000 12000 16000 20000 24000
Number of Batches Number of Batches
Figure 13: RevGRU Emb (attention over the input word embeddings).

12 12
11 1 bit 1 bit
2 bits 11 2 bits
3 bits 3 bits
Train Perplexity

Val Perplexity

9 10
5 bits 5 bits
8 No limit No limit
6 8
5 7
2000 6000 10000 14000 18000 22000 2000 6000 10000 14000 18000 22000
Number of Batches Number of Batches
Figure 14: RevGRU Emb+20H (attention over a concatenation of the word embeddings and a 20-dimensional
slice of the hidden state).

I.3.2 RevLSTM

16 16
1 bit 15 1 bit
14 2 bits 2 bits
3 bits 3 bits
Train Perplexity

Val Perplexity

5 bits 13 5 bits
10 No limit 12 No limit
8 11
6 9
4 8
0 4000 8000 12000 16000 0 4000 8000 12000 16000
Number of Batches Number of Batches
Figure 15: RevLSTM 20H (attention over a 20-dimensional slice of the hidden state).

16 16
1 bit 1 bit
14 2 bits 14 2 bits
3 bits 3 bits

Train Perplexity

Val Perplexity
5 bits 12 5 bits
10 No limit No limit
8 10
6 8
0 4000 8000 12000 16000 0 4000 8000 12000 16000
Number of Batches Number of Batches
Figure 16: RevLSTM 100H (attention over a 100-dimensional slice of the hidden state).

16 16
1 bit 1 bit
2 bits 14 2 bits
3 bits 3 bits
Train Perplexity

Val Perplexity

10 5 bits 12 5 bits
No limit No limit
8 10
6 8
2 6
0 4000 8000 12000 16000 0 4000 8000 12000 16000
Number of Batches Number of Batches
Figure 17: RevLSTM 300H (attention over the whole hidden state).

16 16
1 bit 15 1 bit
14 2 bits 2 bits
3 bits 3 bits
Train Perplexity

Val Perplexity

5 bits 13 5 bits
10 No limit 12 No limit
8 11
4 8
0 4000 8000 12000 16000 0 4000 8000 12000 16000
Number of Batches Number of Batches
Figure 18: RevLSTM Emb (attention over the input word embeddings).

16 16
1 bit 1 bit
14 2 bits 14 2 bits
3 bits 3 bits

Train Perplexity

Val Perplexity
10 5 bits 12 5 bits
No limit No limit
8 10
6 8
0 4000 8000 12000 16000 0 4000 8000 12000 16000
Number of Batches Number of Batches
Figure 19: RevLSTM Emb+20H (attention over a concatenation of the word embeddings and a 20-dimensional
slice of the hidden state).

I.4 IWSLT 2016

30 30
Train Train
25 Val 25 Val

20 Perplexity 20

15 15

10 10

5 5
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40
Epoch Epoch

Figure 20: Training/validation perplexity for a 2-layer, 600-hidden unit encoder-decoder architecture, with
attention over a 60-dimensional slice of the hidden state, and 5 bit forgetting. Left: RevGRU. Right: RevLSTM.


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