Mimi's Corner: Message From University Club President Amy Kramer

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November 2018

Message from Mimi’s Corner Prof. Johnson will discuss the

University Club As I approach my first anniver- opera houses of Rome, Flor-
President sary here at the University ence, Mantua, and Venice,
Amy Kramer Club I reflect on what an amaz- among others.
Dear University Club Members ing year it has been and how
unbelievably grateful I am to This event is co-sponsored by
Looking at the Club’s offerings have the opportunity to be a the University Club Foundation
for the last months of 2018, the days part of this amazing club and and is open to the public. There
ahead offer opportunities for every be surrounded by wonderful is no cost to participate but res-
member to enjoy. people on a daily basis. ervations are requested (online
In particular, I urge you to take ad- or contact the Club).
vantage of our regular events offered I have had many wonderful
exclusively for Club members and career opportunities but this by
your guests.
Alexis de Tocqueville’s
far is the most unique experi-
ence and I am thrilled to come Democracy in America
If you have not participated our No- here every day and be a part of A Series of Conversations
vember “Duck Dinner” tradition, or this historic club. with Giacomo Calabria
if it’s been a while since you’ve
Wednesday evenings
thrown a turkey on the floor… you I would like to thank the Board
must join us! At 110-years young, November 7-December 12
of Directors who have all been 5:30-7:30 p.m.
the gathering is livelier than ever! so welcoming and kind through
this first year and especially to
Although we all loathe to think
about the Holiday Season before
Amy Kramer and Teresa Casey
Thanksgiving, please mark your cal- who have taught and guided
endars for the Club’s Family Holi- me through the transition and
day Brunch event on Sunday, Dec. all its challenges. And of
2. 11:30am-2:00pm The Club is of- course, thanks to Office Man-
fering this afternoon of sumptuous ager Dean Karlaftis, my partner What better time than now to
fare and festivities complimentary to in all of this! dust off your “Western Civ”
Members. (sign for drinks).
As in the great song by David copy of Democracy in A merica,
There is no better way to put your- Naughton, we are Makin’ It! the classic text that described
self in the holiday spirit and wel- our young country from the per-
come the season. Inventing the spective of an outsider?
Opera House Giacomo Calabria (aka novelist
Additionally, members are encour- A Book Talk
aged to stop in the Club for a warm- and Cracked contributor Jacopo
with della Quercia) charmed and ex-
ing and delicious lunch or dinner
with family, friends, or colleagues to E.J. Johnson cited participants in his last se-
enjoy Chef Don’s creations. My November 5 ries of conversations at the
waistline will tell you that sampling 5:30-7:30 p.m. UClub on the Federalist Papers.
Chef’s new dishes served at the Club
is currently my favorite benefit of The Society of Architectural This series will invite partici-
membership! Historians presents Inventing pants to examine, discuss, and
the Opera House, a talk by enjoy the history of the United
Looking forward to seeing you, Williams College Professor E. States through the writings of
Amy J. Johnson on his new book of one of its greatest European vis-
, the same title. itors: Alexis de Tocqueville.
Participants will read and dis- Duck Dinner Torch Club
cuss both volumes of Tocque- Thursday, November Special Presentation
ville’s Democracy in America, 8 on the Elections
learn background history, com- 6:00-9:00 p.m. November 12 5:30-
pare his theories to the modern 8:00 p.m.
era, and ultimately use his writ- On Thursday, No-
ing to better appreciate and un- vember 8, the Uni- Professor Clifford Brown will be
derstand the world we live in versity Club will welcome members speaking on the mid-term election.
today. and guests to one of its longest- Mr. Brown, is the Robert Porter
standing traditions: the annual Duck Patterson Professor of Government
The program is designed to be
Dinner. 110 years ago a group of at Union College, where he has
interactive and engage individ- taught since 1978. He earned his
Club members created the event,
uals of all backgrounds. PhD at Harvard in 1970. Among his
on which The Albany Evening Jour-
Each evening’s program will nal once reported that there was areas of interest are the US Presi-
begin with a light-fare recep- something doing “from sunset and dency, Campaign Finance, and Pres-
tion at 5:30 p.m., and the talk evening star till the last schooner idential Elections.
will run from 6:00-7:30 p.m. slipped over the bar.”
Professor Brown has given talks in
The program will run as fol- Prior to 1935, wild duck was provid- the past on the Midterm elections,
lows: ed by Club member Dr. Martin Van and is teaching a lifelong learning
Loan, but this year diners will have course at Union on this Midterm
11/7: Introduction: Alexis de their choice of farm-raised Roast cycle. By the time he presents to
Tocqueville & Democracy in Duck, Prime Rib, or Salmon. Albany Torch, we will (probably)
America (Volume I) know the outcome, and Prof Brown
11/14: Influence of Democracy Duck Dinner traditions have evolved will discuss what happened, what
on the Action of Intellect in the over the years, but you’re still cer- will happen, and its relevance.
U.S. (Volume II, Section 1)
tain to see people in “fowl” attire
Thanksgiving Week: No Session
and hear the The social hour begins at 5:30 p.m.,
11/ 28: Influence of Democracy
on the Feelings of Americans sound of turkey calls echoing down with the presentation beginning at
(Volume II, Section 2) the Club’s historic corridors. Guests 6:00 p.m. and dinner at 7:00 p.m.
12/ 5: Influence of Democracy may purchase chances to win a fro- To reserve visit
on Manners Properly so Called zen turkey - or three and drop them www.albanytorchclub.org
(Volume II, Section 3) accordingly.
12/12: Influence of Democratic Albany Roundtable
Ideas & Feelings on Political So- The event will begin at 6:00 p.m. Welcomes Assemblyman John
ciety (Volume II, Section 4) with a raw bar and cocktails (sign) in McDonald
the Living Room, and dinner will November 14 noon-1:00 p.m.
Cost will be $12 per session or follow at 7:00 p.m. The cost will be
$50 for the full series. Reserva- $35 and will include wine with din- Opioid abuse is by far the fastest
tions are requested (online or con- ner. growing crisis across New York
tact the Club).
State. Addiction can happen to any-
Reservations are required by Mon- one, in any family, at any time.
day, November 6th NYS Assemblyman John McDonald
and may be made by contacting will talk with the Albany
the Club. Roundtable about his efforts to ad-
dress the opioid crisis on Wednes-
day, November 14 at the Club.
The cost for the luncheon, which
will include a hot and cold buf- Second Members Monthly Prohibition Distillery
fet, is $20, which may be paid at Luncheon: Book Talk and Talk and Tasting
the door or in advance at Signing with November 27 6:00-7:30 p.m.
www.albanyroundtable.com. Edward G. Robert Mack from Prohibition
Lengel Distillery in Roscoe, New York,
Book Talk and Signing with will be in the Grille Room Tues-
Never in Finer
David Pietrusza: day, November 27 from 6:00-
Company: The
TR's Last 7:30 p.m. for a talk and a tasting
Men of the
War: The- of Prohibition’s Bootlegger 21
Great War’s
odore Roo- line of spirits..
sevelt, the Lost Battalion
November 16 Come hear about how Prohibi-
Great War,
noon-1:00 p.m. tion Distillery is on the forefront
and a
Continuing a new series of mem- of the craft distilling revolution,
Journey of
bers monthly luncheons, author and taste why it is one of New
and historian Edward G. Len- York's most recognized brands in
and Trage-
gel will speak and sign copies of the spirit world.
his book, released just last This event is for members and
November 15 5:30-7:30 p.m
month, Never in Finer Company: their guests. There is no charge
David Pietrusza, noted author and The Men of the Great War’s Lost
but reservations are requested.
historian, will present a talk on his Battalion, at the Club on Friday,
latest book, TR's Last War: Theo- November 16 from noon to 1:00
dore Roosevelt, the Great War, and p.m.
a Journey of Triumph and Tragedy, Award-winning historian Lengel Member Appreciation Family
at the Club on Thursday, November presently serves as 2018 Revolu- Friendly
15 at 6:00 p.m., with a reception tionary in Residence at Colonial
beginning at 5:30 p.m. Williamsburg, and has served as Holiday Brunch
TR’s Last War is a riveting new Chief Historian of the White Sunday Dec. 2 11:30–2:00
account of Theodore Roosevelt’s House Historical Association and
impassioned crusade for military
Professor and Director of the
preparedness as America fitfully
stumbles into World War I. The University of Virginia, Washing-
book unveils a sweeping epic not of ton Papers.
a lion in winter, but a Bull Moose He has authored numerous
bellowing at a blazing global infer- books, including First Entrepre-
no’s very gates—and ready for one neur: How George Washington
final stampede in. Built His—and the Nation’s—
Prosperity, and Thunder and
Author Michael Malice said of the Flames: How Americans in the In a new twist on a traditional
book, "David Pietrusza has that rare Crucible of Combat, 1917-1918, Club event, we will hold a com-
gift of having history read like a plimentary brunch for Club
which won the Army Historical members and guests on Sunday,
novel. The insults, the egos, the
Foundation’s Outstanding Book December 2 from 11:30a.m.—
triumphs are all there as we read 2:00 p.m.
about the most colorful of all presi- Award.
dents." Lengel is a faculty member of The day will feature a delicious
America’s History LLC, the his- buffet brunch, truffle-making
This event is sponsored by the tory travel company owned by with CIA-trained pastry chef
UClub Foundation and open to
Club member Bruce Venter. Meaghan McGugart , cookie
members of the public. There is no decorating for the kids, and a
charge but reservations are request- This event will cost $20 and in- whiskey tasting for the grown-
ed. clude a hot lunch. Reservations
are required.

University Club Board of

Save the dates!

Directors 2018-2019 Teresa Casey
Amy Kramer: President Jeffrey Hill
Jim Davies: Vice President Geoffrey Hoderath Sunday, December 2
Chuck Seifert: Treasurer Michael Lieberman Complimentary Member Appre-
David Hochfelder: (acting) Bob Sheehan ciation Holiday brunch
Secretary (see article in this newsletter)
Damon Stewart
Rob Crudden: Secretary (on Tim Varney
Tuesday, December 4
Beer history talk and tasting
Nate Maloney: Past Presi- with local amateur brewer
dent Mark Miller

Tuesday, December 11

November 2018
Wreath making event with Arts
Center of the Capital Region

Wednesdays Nov. 7—Dec. 12

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Giacomo Calabria series on
Alexis de
1 Lunch/ 2 3 Club Tocqueville's
Dinner Lunch closed Democracy in America
(see article in this newsletter)

4 Club 5 Lunch/ 6 Lunch/ 7 Lunch/ 8 Lunch/ 9Lunch 10 Club

closed Dinner Dinner Dinner/ Dinner/ closed
Saturday, December 29
The Opera Giacomo Duck Din- Parallel Lives, A play presented
House- Calabria ner by Creative License
11 Club 12 Lunch/ 13 Lunch/ 14 Lunch/ 15 Lunch/ 16 Lunch/ 17 Club
closed Dinner Dinner Dinner/ Dinner/ Ed Lengel closed Friday, January 25
Giacomo David Pie- Book Talk The Burns Supper
Calabria trusza 12-1pm
5:30-7:30 5:30-7:30
Watch for dates for these
18 Club 19 Lunch/ 20 Lunch/ 21 Lunch/ 22 Closed 23 Lunch 24 Club
closed Dinner Dinner Dinner Thanksgiv- closed events still in development:
Wine Spectator dinner and tast-
25 Club 26 Lunch/ 27 Lunch/ 28 Lunch/ 29 Lunch/ 30 1 Club ing coming in January
closed Dinner Dinner/ Dinner/ Dinner/ Lunch closed
Robert Giacomo
Mack Calabria Game of Thrones evening to gear
Whiskey 5:30-7:30
up for the new season
Cheese tasting

As a reminder, the Grille Room is routinely open Monday-Thursday from 11:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. for lunch, dinner, and
happy hour. On Fridays the Grille Room is open for lunch from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. The Grille Room may be open at
other times for special events. The Clubhouse is open all day Monday through Friday if you want to come by and work, re-
lax, or socialize (or even shoot pool or bowl a few frames)!

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