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Oracle Cycle Count

Cycle Count in Oracle has four main activities at high level as following

1. Cycle Counting Defining

2. Generating Cycle Count Listing (seeded report used to get a list of items and then count
3. Entering Actual Entries (count entries )
4. Approving Adjustments (Posting to GL for adjustments)
*Pre-Requisite to Cycle counting is ABC classification and compilation

1. Cycle Counting Defining


Define new or open an existing one (to explain I am defining a new one)
Scope and Control
Late Days: This represents that after 5 days if counts are not updated in system they would be
treated as late counts, ideally 0 for daily, important to note here is nothing will happen on an
existing count. This is mainly for reporting purpose to provi de a visibility about how punctual the
warehouse is in terms of completing the counts.

Unscheduled Entries: Allows entering counts for items that are not scheduled to be counted
Display System Qty: Displays on-hand quantity when entering counts manually
Automatic Recounts: If yes out of tolerance will be counted in next run maximum number
defines how many times this should happen if out of tolerance can happen again after this
number say 5 adjustment has to be approved
Auto Schedule: Select to schedule this cycle count based on frequency selected, daily, and
weekly or by period, important to note system generates random item number for counts
depending upon frequency and class counts per year
The formula to get item count is attached here


Count Zero Quantity: Means system will automatically include item in count list if its on-hand is
Approval Required:
Never: Adjustments will be posted to GL (SLA) without approval
If Out of tolerance: Will need approval before posting if tolerances are defined and count is out
of tolerance
Always: Adjustments need approval all the time

ABC Initialization: Need to select an ABC group which is already defined for org and has items in
None: No change in items as defined in group
(Re)Initialize: Reload all items from ABC group used, (deletes existing changes/additions of
Update: Use ABC group to insert items not included in cycle count
Count per Year: Number represents how many times each item should be counted for that
class, so here every item in class A should be counted 300 times a year so roughly every day
You can enter more items here, delete items here or change their class
Finally from tools choose to schedule your cycle count

Once PKMS sends back counts these should be populated as:

As per counts adjustments would be posted

Approver needs to approve:

If approved status changes to completed else remains uncounted

Lastly if user want to submit a cycle count task for some specific items they can submit manual
request for counting you can have any items that are in the ABC group

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