Quality Integration Setup

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Quality Integration Setup

A maintenance work order goes through various steps in its lifecycle (See: eAM Work
Order Statuses). One of the steps in the lifecycle is Completion. When completing a
maintenance work order, if the Asset Number has associated, mandatory quality
collection plans, you need to enter quality results for the work order. A list of quality
collection plans associated with the completion transaction appears during the
completion process.

While creating a collection plan, you have the option of adding collection triggers to the
plan. Triggers are restrictions that you define for a collection plan. For example, work
orders for assets that belong to the TRUCK Asset Group require the entry of quality
results for the collection plan. Data collection is initiated if all collection trigger
conditions are satisfied.

Quality Setup tasks for Enterprise Asset Management include the following:

 Creating Collection Elements

 Creating eAM Quality Collection Plans
 Creating eAM Quality Collection Plans for a Supplier

Creating Collection Elements

Collection elements are the basic building blocks of collection plans, the data structures
that you use to collect Quality results. Before you can collect quality data, you must first
create a collection plan. Begin by creating collection elements, which define the
characteristics of the product or process that you want to monitor, record, and analyze.
See: Overview of Collection Elements, Oracle Quality User's Guide.

When you define collection elements, you are creating data fields that you can use in
collection plans to collect quality results. After you create a collection element, it is
available as a selection on a list of values that you can choose from when you set up
collection plans. You can create an unlimited number of user-defined collection
elements, or you can use any of Quality's predefined collection elements (See:
Predefined Collection Elements, Oracle Quality User's Guide) in your collection plans; for
example, Asset Num, Asset Serial Number (Asset Serial Number was known as Asset
Number in previous releases), Asset Group, Activity, and Work Order. You can also
create collection elements by copying them from one collection plan to another.

To define collection elements

1. Navigate to the Collection Elements window.

Collection Elements
Note: The steps listed below describe how to define Collection Elements one-at-
a-time in the Collection Elements window. You can also define several collection
elements simultaneously using the Collection Elements Summary window. See:
Combination Blocks, Oracle Applications User's Guide.

Note: The following Collection Elements are included with Oracle Enterprise

Asset Management; you do not need to define them: Asset Group, Asset Num,
Asset Serial Number (the asset's Inventory Serial Number), Activity, Maintenance
Work Order, Maintenance Operation Sequence.

2. Select the Collection Element name.

The collection element can contain alphanumeric characters, spaces,

underscores, and single quotation marks. You cannot use words that are
reserved for column names, such as NAME, OCCURRENCE, and
ORGANIZATION_ID. See: Reserved Words, Oracle Quality User's Guide.

3. Select the Enabled checkbox to enable the collection element. You can add
enabled collection elements to collection plans.
4. Select its collection Element Type. See: Collection Element Types, Oracle Quality
User's Guide.
5. Enter text for the data entry Prompt.
The prompt is the label for the collection element field displayed in the Results
region of the Enter Quality Results window. Prompts also become the column
headings on reports and online inquiries. The default prompt is the name of the
collection element, but you can overwrite it.

6. Optionally enter a Hint.

Hints are additional text that appears in the message line, as you enter quality
results, to guide you during data entry. See: Message Line, Oracle Applications
User's Guide.

7. Select the collection element's Data Type.

You can select any data type, however, you cannot change it after you define
the collection element. The available data types are Character, Number, Date,
Comment, and Sequence.

Important: Oracle eAM Self-Service Applications do not support the use of

sequence data type collection elements.

8. Optionally select the Mandatory check box to indicate that a value must always
be entered for this collection element, when entering quality results. A
mandatory collection element can be redefined as non-mandatory when added to
a collection plan.
9. Enter the Reporting Length.

The reporting length specifies how much space is allocated for this collection
element's quality results values on reports, inquiries, and in the Enter Quality
Results window.

Note: The reporting length does not determine the amount of space used to
store quality results values in the quality data repository. Results values can be
up to 150 characters in length.

10.If the Data Type is Number, enter the Decimal Precision.

If you define specification limits for this collection element, entering the decimal
precision (refers to the number of places after the decimal point) here controls
the decimal precision of the specification limit values that you can define.

11.Optionally select a UOM. See: Overview of Units of Measure, Oracle Inventory

User's Guide. Units of measure can be entered for any collection element,
regardless of data type.
12.Optionally enter a Default Value for the collection element.
When you set a default value for the collection element (generally, the most
commonly used value for the collection element), it is automatically entered
when you enter quality results. You can overwrite this value. See: Default Value
Assignment Rules, Oracle Quality User's Guide.

13.Optionally enter the SQL Validation Statement.

This statement is used for validation when you enter quality data. You can base
a collection element's data validation on any table in the Oracle database. To do
this, you can define a SQL validation statement that Quality uses for validation
when you collect quality data. This SQL statement must be a SELECT statement
in which you select two columns. For example, if you have entered machine
numbers in the database table, you can cross-validate machine numbers entered
as you collect quality results against the numbers. See: SQL*Plus User's Guide
and Reference.

For example, to validate machine numbers from a table called

'machine_numbers' stored in the database, enter the following SQL validation

SELECT machine_number, machine_description

FROM machine_numbers

WHERE NVL(disable_date, SYSDATE+1) > SYSDATE

AND organization_id=:parameter.org_id

ORDER BY custom_machine_number

Note: To constrain the SQL Statement to the current organization, you can use
the variable, ':parameter.org_id' for the current organization id. To constrain the
SQL Statement to the current user's id, you can use the variable,
':parameter.user_id' for the current user's id.

If you define both a SQL validation statement and a list of collection element
values, the list of values is used for validation; the SQL validation statement is

Related Topics

Overview of Collection Elements, Oracle Quality User's Guide

Collection Element Types, Oracle Quality User's Guide

Predefined Collection Elements, Oracle Quality User's Guide

Collection Element Values, Oracle Quality User's Guide

Defining Collection Element Actions, Oracle Quality User's Guide

Defining Collection Element Alert Actions, Oracle Quality User's Guide

Viewing Collection Elements, Oracle Quality User's Guide

Creating eAM Quality Collection Plans

You create collection plans to identify the data that you want to collect, and what
actions you want to take based on the quality results that you collect. You can use
collection plans to model your test or inspection plans, and you can create an unlimited
number of plans to support your enterprise-wide quality data collection and analysis
needs. Collection plans are invoked manually for direct results entry, or automatically as
you complete a Work Order.

To collect quality data, you must set up a data collection structure called a collection
plan. Collection plans are composed of collection elements, their values and
specifications, and any actions that you want to initiate in response to quality results.
There are some considerations that you must make before you set up collection plans.
You first must create collection element types, then the individual collection elements
that comprise the plan.

You can attach illustrative or explanatory files to collection plans, in the form of text,
images, word processing documents, spreadsheets, or video. Attachments are used to
document instructions and corrective action procedures. They are viewed by operations
personnel during quality data collection. See: Attachments for Collection Plans,
Specifications, and Result Lines, Oracle Quality User's Guide and Viewing Attachments
Associated with Quality Results, Oracle Quality User's Guide.

To review a collection plan

1. Navigate to the Collection Plans window.

Collection Plans
Note: To assist you as you create collection plans, you can select the
Summary/Detail option from the View Menu, and run a query to view existing
collection plans in summary format. See: Combination Blocks, Oracle
Applications User's Guide.

2. Select a valid Collection Plan. To create a new collection plan, See: Creating
Collection Plans, Oracle Quality User's Guide.
3. Choose Transactions. You can create collection plans that are specifically used to
collect quality data during transactions performed in other applications (See:
Collection Plans for Transactions, Oracle Quality User's Guide).

Collection Transactions
4. Select EAM Work Order Completion or Asset Query from the Transaction
Description list of values.
o EAM Asset Query: Enables quality results collection for an asset,
independent from any transaction on the asset.
o EAM Operation Completions: Enables quality results collection for a Work
Order's operation pertaining to operation completion or during operation
completion (See: Operation Completion).
o EAM Work Order Completions: Enables quality results collection for a
Work Order pertaining to Work Order completion or during Work Order
completion (See: Work Order Completion).
o EAM Asset Check In Transaction: Enables you to record quality
information, describing the condition of the asset, during a Check In
procedure (See: Asset Tracking).
o EAM Asset Check Out Transaction: Enables you to record quality
information, describing the condition of the asset, during a Check Out
procedure (See: Asset Tracking.
5. Optionally indicate whether this collection plan requires the entry of quality
results at Work Order completion. If you select the Mandatory check box, you
must save at least one quality data record before saving the Work Order
completion transaction.

Note: eAM supports Quality collection during operation completion transactions,

as well as Standalone Asset Query. Valid Transaction Description values are EAM
Operation Completions and EAM Asset Query, respectively.

6. Optionally select the Background check box.

If you select this check box, you can collect quality results for context reference
elements (See: Reference Information Collection Element Type, Oracle Quality
User's Guide).

Note: The following Collection Elements are included with Oracle Enterprise

Asset Management; you do not need to define them: Asset Group, Asset
Number, Activity, Maintenance Work Order, Maintenance Operation Sequence.

Without invoking the Enter Quality Results window, background data collection is
initiated when you save the work order completion transaction.

The system then finds, selects, and initiates the appropriate collection plan or

If collection triggers are defined for background data collection, data collection is
initiated if all collection trigger conditions are satisfied (you define triggers for
transactional data collection in the Collection Transactions window).

Several collection plans can collect data in the background during the same

When this is the case, the results for context elements on all of these collection
plans are automatically saved when the parent transaction is saved.

7. Select the Enabled check box.

8. Optionally select a Trigger Name.

Valid trigger values are Activity, Asset Group, Asset Number, Asset Serial
Number, and Maintenance Work Order. Triggers are restrictions that you define
for this collection plan. In the above example, Work Orders for the JP1 asset
require the entry of quality results for the collection plan.

Note: If a trigger is not defined, then all work orders will require quality
collection results; the collection plan is applicable to all assets.

9. If you selected a Trigger Name, select a Condition.

10.Select a From value.

For example, if you selected Asset Group as the Trigger Name, Asset Groups are
available. Optionally you can enter a To value to create a range condition. For
example, if the trigger is Work Order, you might enter a range of Work Order

11.Save your work.

Related Topics

Adding Collection Plan Attachments

Triggering a Work Request

Collection Plans for Transactions, Oracle Quality User's Guide

Overview of Collection Plans, Oracle Quality User's Guide

Overview of Quality Self-Service, Oracle Quality User's Guide

Collection Plan Types, Oracle Quality User's Guide

Collection Plan and Import Results Database Views, Oracle Quality User's Guide

Collection Elements in Collection Plans, Oracle Quality User's Guide

Defining Collection Plan Element Values, Oracle Quality User's Guide

Associating Specification Types with Collection Plans, Oracle Quality User's Guide

Defining Collection Plan Element Actions, Oracle Quality User's Guide

Updating and Deleting Collection Plans, Oracle Quality User's Guide

Viewing Collection Plans, Oracle Quality User's Guide

Creating eAM Quality Collection Plans for a Supplier

eAM enables you to create Quality collection plans that are optionally mandatory for a
supplier to enter crucial Quality data, via iSupplier Portal, before the supplier can
complete an Outside Service Processing operation.

To create and eAM quality collection plan for a supplier

1. Navigate to the Collection Plans window.

Collection Plans
Note: To assist you as you create collection plans, you can select the
Summary/Detail option from the View Menu, and run a query to view existing
collection plans in summary format. See: Combination Blocks, Oracle
Applications User's Guide.

2. Select a valid Collection Plan. To create a new collection plan, See: Creating
Collection Plans, Oracle Quality User's Guide.
3. Choose Transactions. You can create collection plans that are specifically used to
collect quality data during transactions performed in other applications (See:
Collection Plans for Transactions, Oracle Quality User's Guide).

Collection Transactions
4. Select EAM Operation Completions from the Transaction Description list of
5. Optionally select the Mandatory check box to indicate that this collection plan
requires the entry of quality results at Operation completion. If this check box is
selected, the supplier must enter quality data before completing the Outside
Services operation.
6. Save your work.

Related Topics

Creating eAM Quality Collection Plans

Adding Collection Plan Attachments

Triggering a Work Request

Overview of Collection Plans, Oracle Quality User's Guide

Overview of Quality Self-Service, Oracle Quality User's Guide

Collection Plan Types, Oracle Quality User's Guide

Collection Plan and Import Results Database Views, Oracle Quality User's Guide

Collection Elements in Collection Plans, Oracle Quality User's Guide

Defining Collection Plan Element Values, Oracle Quality User's Guide

Associating Specification Types with Collection Plans, Oracle Quality User's Guide

Defining Collection Plan Element Actions, Oracle Quality User's Guide

Updating and Deleting Collection Plans, Oracle Quality User's Guide

Viewing Collection Plans, Oracle Quality User's Guide

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