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ATROPINE anticholinergic or decreases oral and binds to and Observe IV site
1mg/ml antiparasympathetic respiratory inhibit for signs of
Amp(Atropan) (parasympatholytic) secretions, treats muscarinic extravasation.
-BRAND NAME: sinus bradycardia acetylcholine
Isopto Atropine and heart block, receptors, Assess for signs
-GENERIC NAME: treatment of producing a of adverse effects.
ATROPINE bronchospasm wide range of Continuous
SULFATE- anticholinergic cardiorespiratory
OPHTHALMIC effects. monitoring.

CALCIUM Antidotes, Other; used to treat essential for the Assess for
GLUCONATE Calcium Salts conditions arising functional cutaneous burning
10mg/amp from calcium integrity of the sensations and
(euromed) deficiencies such nervous, peripheral
-BRAND NAMES: as hypocalcemic muscular, and vasodilation, with
Kalcinate, Cal-G, tetany, skeletal moderate fall in
Cal-GLU hypocalcemia systems. BP, during direct
-GENERIC NAME: IV injection.
Calcium Gluconate
DIAZEPAM benzodiazepine Alcohol Benzodiazepine Ensure that
10mg/2ml amp anticonvulsants, Withdrawal, s bind sustained release
(valium) benzodiazepines Anxiety, nonspecifically form is not
-BRAND NAME: Borderline to chewed or
Valium, Diastat, Personality benzodiazepine crushed. It MUST
Diazepam Intensol, Disorder, receptors which be swallowed
Diastat AcuDial Endoscopy or mediate sleep, whole.
-GENERIC NAME: Radiology affects muscle
valium Premedication, relaxation,
Hyperekplexia anticonvulsant
activity, motor
and memory.
DIGOXIN digitalis glycosides. treat arrhythmia inhibits the Na- Monitor apical
250mg/ml (irregular K-ATPase pulse for 1 full
(lanoxin) heartbeat) and membrane min before
-BRAND NAME: improve pump, resulting administering.
Lanoxin symptoms of in an increase in
-GENERIC NAME: fatigue caused by intracellular
digoxin (oral) heart failure. sodium
DIPHENHYDRA antihistamine treating allergic used for Monitor
MINE reactions treating allergic cardiovascular
50MG/AMPULE reactions. status especially
(HIZON) with pre-existing
BRAND NAME: cardiovascular
Benadryl, Sominex, disease.
Unisom, Nytol
EPINEPHRINE ADRENALIN indicated in the acts on alpha Monitor BP,
HCL 1MG/ML emergency and beta- pulse,
(HIZON) treatment of adrenergic respirations, and
-BRAND NAME: allergic reactions receptors urinary output and
Adrenalin, Auvi-Q, (Type I) including observe patient
EpiPen anaphylaxis to closely following
-GENERIC NAME: stinging insects IV administration.
FUROSEMIDE loop diuretics treatment of inhibits water Assess fluid
-BRAND NAME: edema associated reabsorption in status. Monitor
Lasix with congestive the nephron by BP and pulse
-GENERIC NAME: heart failure, blocking the before and during
furosemide cirrhosis of the sodium- administration.
liver, and renal potassium-
disease, including chloride
the nephrotic cotransporter
GELOFUSINE plasma substitute Prophylaxis and can result in Before infusion
EP 500 ML (B treatment of death within begins, establish
BRAUN) absolute and minutes due to baseline of vital
-BRAND NAME: relative the inhibition of signs, lung
Gelofusine®, hypovolaemia and cytochrome sounds, heart
Physiogel® of shock oxidase sounds and CVP.
-GENERIC NAME: Prophylaxis and resulting in
Sodium Chloride treatment of arrest of
hypotension cellular
HYDROCORT- steroids relief of the binds to the Establish baseline
ISONE inflammatory and cytosolic and continuing
250MG/VIAL pruritic glucocorticoid data on BP,
(GEOCORTIX) manifestations of receptor. weight, fluid and
-BRAND NAME: corticosteroid- electrolyte
Cortef, responsive balance, and
Hydrocortone dermatoses. blood glucose.
HYOSCINE N- Antispasmodics, Used to treat binds to Drug
BUTYL- Muscle Relaxant abdmoninal muscarinic M3 compatibility
BROMIDE cramping and pain receptors in the should be
20MG/VIAL gastrointestinal monitored closely
(SPANIL) tract in patients
-BRAND NAME: requiring
Buscopan adjunctive therapy
MANNITOL Osmotic Diuretic Acute oliguric increases Monitor the
20% SOLUTION renal failure, osmotic following:
VIAL 1G/50ML Toxic overdose, pressure
-BRAND NAME: Edema, (pressure 1. Vital signs
Osmitrol, Increased needed to stop 2. Intake and
Resectisol intracranial the absorption output
-GENERIC NAME: pressure (ICP), of something or 3. Central venous
mannitol Intraocular osmosis) of the pressure
pressure (IOP) glumerular Pulmonary artery
filtrate, pressure
METOCLOPRAM- gastrointestinal agent; treatment of inhibits gastric Report
IDE prokinetic agent gastroesophageal smooth muscle immediately the
10MG/AMP reflux disease relaxation onset of
(LIOTHYL) produced by restlessness,
-BRAND NAME: dopamine, involuntary
Clopra, Emex therefore movements, facial
-GENERIC NAME: increasing grimacing,
metoclopramide cholinergic rigidity, or
response of the tremors.
smooth muscle.
MIDAZOLAM central nervous indicated for mediated Inspect insertion
-BRAND NAME: system agent; preoperative through the site for redness,
Versed benzodiazepine sedation/anziolysi inhibitory pain, swelling,
-GENERIC NAME: anxiolytic; sedative- s/amnesia. neurotransmitte and other signs of
midazolam hypnotic r gamma- extravasation
aminobutyric during IV
acid (GABA), infusion.
which is one of
the major
rs in the brain.
MORPHINE opioid agonists Severe pain, specific CNS Monitor blood
SULFATE Pulmonary edema, opiate receptors pressure prior to
10MG/AMP Pain associated have been administration.
(HIZON) with MI, identified and Hold if systolic
-BRAND NAME: likely play a BP < 100 mm Hg
Arymo ER, role in the or 30 mm Hg
Kadian, expression of below baseline.
MorphaBond ER, analgesic
MS Contin effects.
PARACETAMOL Anti-pyretic Symptomatic increasing the Use liquid form
300MG/AMP (IV relief of pain and pain threshold for children and
PREPARATION) fever. by inhibiting patients who have
(AEKNIL) both isoforms difficulty
-BRAND NAME: of swallowing.
Biogesic cyclooxygenase
-GENERIC NAME: ,COX-1, COX- In children, don’t
Paracetamol 2, and COX-3 exceed five doses
enzymes in 24 hours.
involved in
(PG) synthesis.
POTASSIUM Alkalinizing Agents For use as an Supplemental Monitor I&O ratio
CHLORIDE electrolyte potassium in and pattern in
40MEQ/AMPULE replenisher and in the form of high patients receiving
(EUROMED) the treatment of potassium food the parenteral
-BRAND NAME: hypokalemia. or potassium drug. If oliguria
Kal Potassium 99, chloride may be occurs, stop
Klor-Con, K-Tab able to restore infusion promptly
-GENERIC NAME: normal and notify
potassium chloride potassium physician.
SALBUTAMOL Anticholinergic treatment of reduces Check inhaler
IPRATROPIUM Agent; Beta2 Agonist bronchospasm bronchospasm technique. Ensure
NEB. associated with through both that patients are
(AURA PLUS COPD in patients anticholinergic able to correctly
2.5MG/500MCG requiring more and use the delivery
PER 2.5ML) than one sympathomimet device for their
-BRAND NAME: bronchodilator. ic mechanisms. medication and
DuoNeb consider use of a
-GENERIC NAME: space if
IPRATROPIUM/A appropriate.
TRAMADOL central nervous treatment of Tramadol and Assess for level of
50MG/ML IV system (cns) agent; moderate to severe its Odesmethyl pain relief and
(TRAMAN) analgesic; narcotic pain. metabolite (M1) administer prn
-BRAND NAME: are selective, dose as needed
ConZip, Ultram weak OP3- but not to exceed
-GENERIC NAME: receptor the recommended
tramadol agonists. total daily dose.
TRANEXAMIC Anti-fibrinolytic, Treating heavy inhibits Unusual change in
ACID antihemorrhagic menstrual activation of bleeding pattern
100MG/ML AMP bleeding plasminogen should be
(ANEPTIL) Hemorrhage (via binding to immediately
-BRAND NAME: following dental the kringle reported to the
Cyklokapron and/or oral surgery domain), physician.
-GENERIC NAME: in patients with thereby , the medication
tranexamic acid hemophilia reducing should only be
conversion of taken during the
plasminogen to menstrual period.

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