Influence of Azelaic and Mandelic Acid Peels On Sebum

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Original paper

Influence of azelaic and mandelic acid peels on sebum

secretion in ageing women

Aneta Wójcik, Marlena Kubiak, Helena Rotsztejn

Department of Cosmetology, Medical University of Lodz, Poland

Head: Prof. Ryszard Glinka MD, PhD
Postep Derm Alergol 2013; XXX, 3: 140–145
DOI: 10.5114/pdia.2013.35614

Introduction: Azelaic acid and mandelic acid are superficial peels commonly applied in people of various age groups.
As they are mild and do not cause any side effects, they are also often used in elderly people.
Aim: To compare the influence of azelaic and mandelic acid peels on facial sebum secretion in mature women aged
49-71 years.
Material and methods: The level of secreted sebum was measured in 28 women. Eleven women were treated with
azelaic acid peel and 17 with mandelic acid peel. Each of the peels was applied five times with 2-week intervals. The
measurements were made on the cheeks and chin with the use of Sebumeter SM 15 (Courage & Khazaka, Germany).
The last measurement, i.e. the sixth one, was made 2 weeks after the treatment.
Results: We observed a significant increase in sebum secretion in the U-zone after the application of 20% azelaic
peel and 40% mandelic peel. Neither peel significantly affected sebum secretion in the T-zone.
Conclusions: Peels with 20% azelaic acid and 40% mandelic acid might be considered treatments which contribute
to an increase in sebum secretion in ageing women.
Key words: azelaic peel, mandelic peel, ageing, sebumeter.

Introduction onic acid and new collagen fibres production grows. It stim-
With time skin loses its elasticity; it becomes thin and ulates the natural regeneration processes in the skin, lead-
dry. Wrinkles and discoloration are clearly visible. This results ing to the improvement of its physiological properties [1-4].
from the fact that reaction sites are not activated any more There are not many studies on effects of different peels
as the level of sex hormones, especially estrogens, is low. on sebum secretion in ageing women.
The chronological ageing is accompanied by photoaging,
which additionally impairs the skin functions [1-3]. Chem- Aim
ical peels are applied to assist in the elimination of the
effects of skin ageing. They make cells proliferate and be- The aim of the study was to evaluate the influence of
come metabolically more active as well as influence the azelaic or mandelic acid superficial peels on the skin of per-
skin lipids. The last factor keeps the skin in good condition imenopausal women and their effects on minimising the
[4]. Acid peels applied to the skin activate specific mech- discomfort connected with dryness, desquamation and
anisms, both chemical – amide bond hydrolysis and bio- sometimes burning of the skin.
chemical – inflammatory reaction. The chemical mecha-
nism involves removing the existing epidermal cell Material and methods
structures and replacing them with the new ones, after an
earlier release of cytokines and mediators by keratinocytes. Patient population
Interleukin-1α induces the release of interleukin-6, which The study group consisted of 28 women. Eleven
stimulates fibroblasts to increase the production of matrix women were treated with 20% azelaic acid peel and 17 with
metalloproteinases (MMPs). They are involved in the con- 40% mandelic acid peel. The patients were aged 49-71
nective tissue remodelling process during which hyalur- (mean age ± SD: 60.4 ±6.4). The skin types of our patients

Address for correspondence: Prof. Helena Rotsztejn, Department of Cosmetology, Medical University of Lodz, 1 Muszynskiego St,
90-151 Lodz, Poland, phone: +48 604 180 044, fax: +48 42 677 91 14, e-mail: [email protected]
Received: 18.10.2012, accepted: 10.02.2013.

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Influence of azelaic and mandelic acid peels on sebum secretion in ageing women

Table 1. Age of the patients according to the peel

Peel N Min. Max. Median Mean SD SEM CV% Value of p
Total N 28 49.0 71.0 61.5 60.4 6.4 1.2 10.6
Azelaic (A) 11 49.0 66.0 58.0 58.5 5.6 1.7 9.5
> 0.05
Mandelaic (M) 17 49.0 71.0 62.0 61.5 6.8 1.6 11.0
N – number of patients

were FitzPatrick types II and III, Glogau photoaging scale index. The peel was neutralized with 10% sodium bicarbonate
types III and IV. in water solution. Next, the face was washed twice, dried
Each of the subjects was informed about the method and moisturizing cream was applied. The patients were sent
of performing the study and the way of home skin care. home and asked to apply moisturizing cream twice a day
Patients were instructed to apply a moisturizing cream twice and avoid exposing to the sun. All patients were strongly
a day for a week, to avoid sun exposure, and to use sun- encouraged to use a sunscreen.
screens daily. None of the patients changed skin care cos-
metics in the period in which the study was conducted and Statistical analysis
they had not taken antibiotics or retinoids or hormonal ther- Statistical analysis was conducted with Statistica 5. For
apy for 6 months before the treatment. Patients with a his- the data expressed in the interval scale, we calculated min-
tory of hypertrophic scarring, keloids, active or recurrent imum and maximum, mean, median, standard deviation,
herpes and oral isotretinoin therapy within the previous standard error of the mean as well as 95% coefficient inter-
6 months were excluded from the study (Table 1). vals for the means. Normal distribution was checked with
Shapiro-Wilk test.
Procedure T Student test for independent samples was used to
The measurements were made on the skin of the face make comparisons between independent groups in which
parameters did not significantly differ from the normal dis-
tribution (with an adopted significance level α = 0.05). If
– the forehead, left and right cheek and chin with the use
of a diagnostic device – Sebumeter SM 15 (Courage & Khaz-
aka, Germany). To evaluate the level of sebum we used a spe- the hypothesis of normal distribution or parameters in the
cial cassette with a parchment tape. It was pressed to select- rank scale was rejected, we used U Mann-Whitney test.
ed areas of the face with a force of 4 N for a period of 30 s The comparison of dependent samples (sebum con-
(according to the manufacturer’s instructions). Next, the tape centration at the time point) was made with a single-fac-
soaked with sebum was photometrically analyzed in the tor variance analysis. If it turned out to be unreliable, the
probe of MP 15 device [5-7]. The area of the skin was divid- authors replaced it with non-parametric equivalent, i.e.
ed into two zones – one where the sebum was secreted more Friedman’s test. Next, to evaluate differences between
intensively (T-zone: the forehead, chin) and the other selected time points, t Student test for independent sam-
where the secretion was less active (U-zone: the left and right ples was used. If it appeared to be unsuccessful, Wilcox-
cheek) [8-10]. The data were gathered and stored in the data on test was applied.
base. All the measurements were made in the same room The diagrams present mean values with 95% coeffi-
at temp. 20°C and humidity 40-60%. The study consisted cient intervals and significant differences between the val-
of 5 treatment sessions performed every 2 weeks. The sebum ues of the base level and the remaining levels at subse-
level was measured during the first visit before the appli- quent time points for azelaic and mandelic peels.
cation of the peel. The same procedures were repeated dur-
ing each visit. The last measurement was made 2 weeks after Results
completing the study. In total the patients’ sebum level was
measured six times. Before the application of the selected Eleven women were treated with azelaic acid peel and
kind of peel, the facial skin was cleansed with water with 17 with mandelic acid peel. All 28 patients completed the
mild soap, dried and left without applying any cream. Next, study. The diagrams show a detailed activity of the two
5 h later, we measured the level of sebum on the forehead, peels at particular time points as a mean value with 95%
chin, left and right cheek. Before the treatment the skin was coefficient intervals.
degreased with 70% isopropyl alcohol and thoroughly
dried. A surgical cap was used to pull back the hair and cov- Azelaic peel
er the ears, while the eye, nostrils and mouth areas were Before the application of azelaic peel, the mean level
protected with Vaseline. During the procedure, azelaic or of sebum secretion on the left cheek for the base mea-
mandelic acids were applied on the whole face for 5 min surement was 31.45 ±33.27 µg/cm2. A statistically signif-
to 10 min. The treatment time depended on the intensity icant increase, up to 51.82 ±30.89 µg/cm2, was observed
of the clinical response, skin type and the Glogau-Fitzpatrick after the fifth procedure (p < 0.05) and it was equal to

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Aneta Wójcik, Marlena Kubiak, Helena Rotsztejn

80 110
Level of sebum secretion [µg/cm ]

Level of sebum secretion [µg/cm ]


60 A 80 < 0.05
< 0.05 < 0.05
50 70

< 0.001 M 60
50 < 0.001 M
< 0.001 M < 0.001 M
30 40
< 0.05 M < 0.05 M
< 0.05 M
20 30
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
Time [weeks] Time [weeks]
Azelaic Azelaic
Mandelic Mandelic

Fig. 1. Levels of sebum secretion measured on the left che- Fig. 2. Levels of sebum secretion measured on the right
ek at time points for azelaic and mandelic peels cheek at time points for azelaic and mandelic peels

110 140
100 130
Level of sebum secretion [µg/cm ]

Level of sebum secretion [µg/cm ]


80 100
70 90
60 80
40 50
30 40
10 10
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
Time [weeks] Time [weeks]
Azelaic Azelaic
Mandelic Mandelic

Fig. 3. Levels of sebum secretion measured on the chin at Fig. 4. Levels of sebum secretion measured on the forehe-
time points for azelaic and mandelic peels ad measured at time points for azelaic and mandelic peels

164.7% of the base level (Figure 1). A similar observation analysis confirmed a significant difference between lev-
was noted on the right cheek, where azelaic peel was sig- el measurements at particular time points for azelaic peel
nificantly effective as early as after the fourth procedure. on the right cheek p < 0.05 and on the left cheek – p < 0.05.
Then, the base level was 48.27 ±59.89 µg/cm2 and the final No statistical difference was observed for azelaic peel
level – 75.82 ±38.93 µg/cm2, which represented 57.1% of applied on the chin or the forehead (p > 0.05).
the base value (Figure 2). Azelaic acid contributed to a 44.5% Having applied four treatment sessions with azelaic acid
increase in the secretion of sebum on the chin and every 2 weeks, we noted a statistically significant increase
a 18.6% secretion on the forehead, which in both cases was in sebum secretion in the U-zone. The mean value grew
not statistically significant (Figures 3 and 4). The variance from 39.86 ±48.06 µg/cm2 to 63.82 ±36.42 µg/cm2, which

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Influence of azelaic and mandelic acid peels on sebum secretion in ageing women

110 110
100 100
Level of sebum secretion [µg/cm ]

Level of sebum secretion [µg/cm ]

90 90

80 80
70 70
60 < 0.001 60
U < 0.001
50 U 50
< 0.05
40 40 U < 0.01
30 30 U < 0.01
U < 0.001 U < 0.005
20 20
10 10
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
Time [weeks] Time [weeks]
U-Zone U-Zone
T-Zone T-Zone

Fig. 5. Levels of sebum secretion for U and T zones mea- Fig. 6. Levels of sebum secretion for U and T zones mea-
sured at time points for azelaic peel sured at time points for mandelic peel

signified an increase by 60.1% in comparison with the ini- levels measured at the studied time points for mandelic peel
tial measurement. With regard to the T-zone, an increase on the right and left cheek (p < 0.001).
was observed after five treatment sessions, so after the Mandelic peel did not contribute much to sebum secre-
whole treatment period (10 weeks) the final level grew by tion in the T-zone (by 2%; p > 0.05 NS). In the U-zone sig-
28.9% in comparison to the initial level. Figure 5 presents nificant differences were observed already after 2 weeks.
statistically significant values They remained until the end of the treatment (p < 0.001)
The variance analysis confirmed a statistically signif- (Figure 6).
icant difference between the levels measured at the The variance analysis confirmed a statistically signifi-
studied time points for azelaic peel in the U-zone (p < 0.001). cant difference between the levels measured at the stud-
In the T-zone no statistically significant differences were ied time points for mandelic peel in the U-zone (p < 0.001).
observed. In the T-zone no statistically significant differences were
Mandelic acid
Mandelic acid showed an increase in sebum secretion Discussion
on the left cheek by 168.1%. The mean value of sebum secre-
tion before the first treatment session was 16.59 ±16.63 Azelaic acid is an important therapeutic agent applied
µg/cm2 and after 10 weeks – it was 44.47 ±38.70 µg/cm2. not only in common acne, but also in skin discolorations,
The results confirmed a significant increase in sebum secre- mainly in melasma and acne rosacea – the disorders com-
tion already after the first session (p < 0.05), where in the mon for ageing women [11-15]. By inhibiting the activi-
final measurement, the peel appeared to be significant- ty of neutrophils, it inhibits the production of free radi-
ly effective in comparison with the initial measurement cals and serves as their scavenger. Thus, it has anti-ageing
(p < 0.001). properties [11]. By blocking oxidoreductive mitochondr-
Two weeks following the first session a statistically sig- ial enzymes and inhibiting the synthesis of DNA and bac-
nificant increase in sebum secretion was observed on the teria cellular proteins, azelaic acid acts bacteriostatical-
right cheek (p < 0.05). An increase in the mean value of sebum ly on Propionibacterium acnes, Staphylococcus aureus and
secretion was noted 2 weeks after the completion of the treat- Staphylococcus epidermidis [13, 14, 16]. By inhibiting 5α-
ment. It grew from 32.65 ±2652 µg/cm2 to 54.41 ±39.29 reductase – the enzyme catalyzing the reaction of chang-
µg/cm2, which means an increase by 66.7%, with the adopt- ing testosterone to its active form – dihydrotestos-
ed significance (p < 0.001). The application of mandelic peels terone it decreases lipogenesis. Thus, it has comedolytic
on the chin did not contribute to changes in the level of the properties [13]. However, the influence of azelaic acid has
secreted sebum. An increase on the forehead by 12.6% not been fully determined [17]. Physical and chemical prop-
appeared to be statistically insignificant (p > 0.05). The vari- erties of mandelic acid, slow penetration and therefore,
ance analysis showed a significant difference between the a more effective control of the process of penetration dur-

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Aneta Wójcik, Marlena Kubiak, Helena Rotsztejn

ing a procedure and the fact that it is well tolerated by In other studies, the authors evaluated the relationship
patients with sensitive skin, contributed to the popularity between sebostatic effectiveness, tolerance and activity
of the acid. It is commonly used in dermatology and aes- of three topical drugs: azelaic acid, benzoyl peroxide, ada-
thetic medicine, in treating various kinds of acne, tanning palene in treating mild and moderate acne. All the three
discolorations as well as in anti-wrinkle procedures. An drugs appeared to bring good therapeutic effects and
aromatic ring in the structure of mandelic acid makes it caused hardly any side effects. Their activity, however, does
a compound of lipophilic properties. In acidic environment not seem to be correlated with sebostatic activity [25].
it demonstrates bacteriostatic and bactericidal proper- Our study confirmed that in the group of ageing wo-
ties, especially for the following bacteria strains: Staphy- men, azelaic and mandelic peels contribute to an increase
lococcus aureus, Bacillus proteus, Escherichia coli and Aer- in sebum secretion in the U-zone. In the T-zone no signif-
obacter aerogenes [18]. icant differences were observed. The level of sebum
There are not many studies on the application of super- secretion depends on the area of the face. It is topogra-
ficial peels such as: α-hydroxyacid (30% glycolic acid), Jass- phically dependent. It is commonly known that sebum
ner solution, β-hydroxyacid (30% salicylic acid), 50% secretion is higher in the T-zone rather than in the U-zone
pyruvic acid and their effect on sebum secretion. The influ- [9, 10]. In the studied group, the increase appeared on some
ence of superficial peels – on sebum secretion, especial- face parts – the left and right cheek, where the initial lev-
ly in ageing women has not been fully elucidated. el of sebum secretion was lower than the level of sebum
Lee et al. studied the influence of superficial peels – secretion on the forehead and the chin. Both peels, with
30% glycolic acid and Jassner solution on sebum secretion azelaic and mandelic acids, significantly contributed to
in patients with acne. The results confirmed that both peels sebum secretion on both cheeks. With regard to mandel-
did not considerably contribute to a decrease in sebum ic acid, there was an increase already after 2 weeks following
secretion in the studied group [19]. Lee et al. studied an the first treatment session, both on the left and right cheek.
influence of 30% salicylic peel on the improvement of ther- After the application of azelaic acid, an increase was ob-
apeutic effects in common acne. The results proved that served after 8 weeks, i.e. after the fourth treatment ses-
salicylic acid brought positive effects in the treatment of sion (the right cheek) and after 10 weeks, i.e. after the fifth
disorders in the mentioned group. The researchers did not treatment session (the left cheek). There were no signif-
analyze any relationships with sebum secretion [20]. icant differences between the two chemical peels with
In addition, Ahn and Kim showed salicylic acid to have regard to sebum secretion in the T-zone, from the initial
a whitening effect on the skin [21]. This effect was seen in level to the end of the study.
the study of Garg and Sinha, too, with patients reporting Chemical peels with azelaic and mandelic acids were
diffuse lightening of their facial complexion. Mandelic acid well tolerated by the whole studied group. No immediate
has also been shown to be effective in clearing hyper- or long-term side effects were observed. After the appli-
pigmentation in patients who were resistant to other con- cation of mandelic acid, slight exfoliation was observed. It
ventional modalities [22]. remained for seven up to 10 days and was eliminated by
Kessler et al. conducted a randomized double blind tri- using moisturizing creams.
al. It aimed at comparing the efficacy of chemical peels, Although both of the agents led to a subtle increase
α- and β-hydroxyacids, in treating mild and moderate com- in the sebum secretion in ageing women, the difference
mon acne. Both peels, α- and β-hydroxyacids, appeared between the two did not appear to be clinically significant.
to be efficient agents in treating acne. However, the authors Because both of the peeling agents are superficial peels,
did not analyze any relationships with sebum secretion [23]. they only serve to resurface the upper layers of the epi-
Based on instrumental evaluation, using corneometer, dermis. Through an indirect, yet unknown, mechanism they
cutometer, mexameter and visioscan, Berardesca et al. stud- both stimulate the dermal fibroblasts to deposit more col-
ied the effects of 50% pyruvic acid after four treatment lagen, elastin and GAGs in the papillary dermis and also
sessions performed once in 2 weeks. The results showed stimulate production of sebum in ageing women.
a significant reduction in the degree of pigmentation in pa-
tients with melasma, a significant increase in skin elasticity Conclusions
and a reduction of wrinkles in all the patients [24].
We can say that peels with azelaic and mandelic acids
Garg et al. compared the therapeutic efficacy and tol-
may be considered an effective, safe and well-tolerated
erability of 35% glycolic acid and 20% salicylic-10% man-
method in ageing women. They can reduce effects of age-
delic acid peels in active acne and post acne scarring and
ing processes, especially in dryness by regulating sebum
hyperpigmentation. In this study, salicylic-mandelic acid
secretion in the areas where it is considerably reduced.
combination peels (SMPs) were seen to be significantly bet-
ter than glycolic acid peels in the treatment of non-inflam-
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