Adventurers League Content Catalog V7.03a PDF
Adventurers League Content Catalog V7.03a PDF
Adventurers League Content Catalog V7.03a PDF
Content Catalog
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… and you!
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master’s Guide, D&D Adventurers League, all other Wizards
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D&D Adventurers League Content Catalog 1
D&D Adventurers League Catalogue
can’t really say that I met him, I suppose, as he was
drunk and fast asleep in Cousin Roffler’s back lawn – or
perhaps I should say ON Cousin Roffler’s back lawn. He
was a giant of an avatar, sprawled out and snoring. I
wonder how you get a god drunk?
—Jan, a thief, to Minsc, a barbarian
What is This?
The Dungeons and Dragons Adventurers League has
been around for a few years now, and a lot of content
has been created during that time. A number of high-
quality hardcover books, a huge array of PDFs, and a
whole slew of other play options have been
introduced – and this means that it can be a lot to
track, especially for the casual player!
To remedy this, we’ve decided to publish a listing of
all legal play options for our players and Dungeon
Masters. It’s been a lot of work getting our notes into
a readable format, but we’re committed to the vision:
expect an updated version of this document about
once per quarter.
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D&D Adventurers League Content Catalog 2
The Adventurers League
Did You Know?
The Forgotten Realms is a huge world, full of wild DM Quests are introduced in Season 4. DMs can take credit
adventures and exotic locales. Over the last 30-plus for these quests whenever they run an adventure from the
years, players and Dungeon Masters everywhere following categories:
have shared in the fantastic experiences that only • DDAL
Dungeons & Dragons can provide. • DDEX (this code is retired, but the adventures are not!)
With the release of 5th Edition, we here at the D&D • DDEP
Adventurers League wanted to continue the trend of • DDHC
crafting epic stories in this sprawling world. To that • DDIA
end, we created this group to become our play focus, • CCC (some quests)
our Organized Play venue, and our way of keeping Please note that some DM Quests require specific adventures
the community involved in sharing their heroic – to be run in order to gain credit. Ex: DDAL04 series, or DDHC-
and sometimes villainous! – tales. CoS.
No matter if you are a crafty Zhentarim agent, a
cunning Harper spy, a tough-as-nails arbiter of the Also…. Guild Adepts! This program serves to highlight some
Order of the Gauntlet, an enforcer of the Lords’ high-performing content contributors from
Alliance, or a hunter from the Emerald Enclave, this Not every submission into the Guild Adept program are valid
world and its groups now include you. for Adventurers League play, but every entry is intended to
promote the overall seasonal “feel” and flow for its
What will your legend be?
companion hardcover adventure. Guild Adept contributors
are selected by Wizards of the Coast directly.
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D&D Adventurers League Content Catalog 3
Author-Only Adventure List
DDAO-01 5-10, 11-16, 17-20 4 Window to the Past Alan Patrick published as DDAL00-01
DDAO-02 1-4, 5-10, 11-16 4 One Night in Luskan Bill Benham
DDAO-03 1-4, 5-10, 11-16 4 The Taming of Elisande Greg Marks
DDAO-04 1-4, 5-10, 11-16 4 Halruaa Rising Robert Adducci
DDAO-05 11-16 4 The Space Between the Spaces Travis Woodall
DDAO-06 1-4, 5-10 4 Enchantment Under the Sea Mike Mearls
DDAO-07 1-4, 5-10, 11-16 4 Holocaust Pursuit Chris Lindsay
DDAO-08 1-4, 5-10 4 Perkins Palooza! Chris Perkins
DDAO-09 5-10. 11-16 4 Lyceum Sepulchral Chris Lindsay
DDAO-10 1-4, 5-10, 11-16, 17-20 4 Across a Misty Tavern Yard Greg Marks
DDAO-11 11-16, 17-20 4 Those That Came Before Alan Patrick
DDAO-12 11-16 4 Dragons of Fire and Death Robert Adducci
DDAO-13 1-4, 5-10 4 Embers of Hate Travis Woodall
DDAO-14 1-4, 5-10 4 Act of Grace Bill Benham
DDAO-15 1-4, 5-10 4 Debts to be Paid Claire Hoffman
DDAO-16 1-4, 5-10 4 Wild Arcana Robert Adducci
DDAO-21 17-20 4 Trust & Understanding Alan Patrick
DDAO-EP01{a-h} 1-4 20+ Caves of Chaos Chris Lindsay A 9-part EPIC adventure. Parts 1-8 (a-h)
are 2 hours each, with a 4-hour interactive
conclusion. Based on Keep on the
Until such time as the adventure is released on, an AO adventure may only be run by the listed author. Some AO adventures may
eventually be published to (refer to example DDAO-01/ DDAL00-01 above), but some content is not eligible for publication due to
content, use of limited properties, or other reasoning as determined by the author, Wizards of the Coast, or both.
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D&D Adventurers League Content Catalog 4
Season “0”. Season-Agnostic Adventure List
DDAL00-01 5-10, 11-16, 17-20 4 Window to the Past Formerly DDAO-01
DDAL00-02{a-f}* 1-4, 5-10, 11-16, 17-20 12+ Lost Tales of Myth Drannor Collection of 6 adventures across all levels of play. Each adventure
is approximately 2 hours long. Originally given out for free at Gen
Con 2017. Adventures are tracked as DDAL00-02A through -02F.
DDAL-CGB^ 5-7 4 Cloud Giant’s Bargain Fathom Events exclusive print adventure; related to season 5
DDAL-OPEN-2016^ 1-4, 5-7, 8-10 8 D&D Open, 2016 Premiere at Origins 2016
DDAL-OPEN-2017^ 1-10 4 Lost Temples of Lake Luo Premiere at Origins 2017
DDHC-LMOP 1-4 16 Lost Mine of Phandelver the “starter box”; was previously “DDEP00-01” by accident (please
update accordingly)
DDIA-VOLO 1-5 4-8 In Volo’s Wake Released with Volo’s Guide to Monsters
Note: all of the above are potentially eligible for use with DM Quests and rewards
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D&D Adventurers League Content Catalog 5
Season 1. Tyranny of Dragons
Tyranny of Dragons Optional Supplements
The first season of Adventurers League play was AUDIENCE ITEM
debuted at Gen Con in 2014. Nearly 1,000 players All Player pack
turned out to participate in the very first Epic, All The state of Phlan
Corruption in Kryptgarden, and hundreds of other DM Rise of Tiamat web supplement
players experienced the trials and vile plots of the
Cult of the Dragon in Phlan, a city on the north shore
of the Moonsea. While the hardcover adventures
Hoard of the Dragon Queen and Rise of Tiamat Did You Know?
explored storyline events along the Sword Coast, the Phlan and the surrounding area is part of the “CCC”
Adventurers League players made their way through (Convention-Created Content) program, and as such is
Phlan, the Quivering Forest, and other similar places eligible for further development by gamedays and
along this northern inland sea in an attempt to conventions around the world.
prevent the… well, play the adventures and the truth
will become clear.
But be warned: not all ends well, I’m afraid!
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D&D Adventurers League Content Catalog 6
Season 1. Adventure List
DDEN1^ 1-4 16 Hoard of the Dragon Queen first few chapters of DDHC-HotDQ
(D&D Encounters version)
DDHC-HotDQ* 1-7 HC Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DDHC-RoT* 8-15 HC Rise of Tiamat
DDEP1^ 1-4, 5-10 4 Corruption in Kryptgarden Retired; takes place near the Sword Coast
DDEX1-1 1-2 5 1-hour mini-missions Defiance in Phlan
DDEX1-2 1-4 4 Secrets of Sokol Keep
DDEX1-3 1-4 4 Shadows Over the Moonsea
DDEX1-4 1-4 4 Dues for the Dead
DDEX1-5 1-4 4 The Courting of Fire
DDEX1-6 1-4 4 The Scroll Thief
DDEX1-7 1-4 4 Drums in the Marsh
DDEX1-8 1-4 4 Tales Trees Tell
DDEX1-9 1-4 4 Outlaws of the Iron Route
DDEX1-10 5-10 4 Tyranny in Phlan
DDEX1-11 5-10 8 Dark Pyramid of Sorcerers Isle
DDEX1-12 5-10 4 Raiders of the Twilight Marsh
DDEX1-13 5-10 4 Pool of Radiance Resurgent
DDEX1-14 5-10 4 Escape from Phlan
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D&D Adventurers League Content Catalog 7
Season 2. Elemental Evil
Elemental Evil Optional Supplements
The town of Mulmaster – often referred to as “the AUDIENCE ITEM
City of Danger” – has its own trouble brewing: the All Elemental Evil player & DM pack
crazed Elemental Cults are seeking to overturn the Player Official pregen characters
city entirely and open raw portals in an attempt to Player Mulmaster Bonds & Backgrounds
bring their vile Princes directly to Faerûn! With All Elemental Evil Player Companion
multiple new play options like the FREE Elemental All Joining the Cloaks
Evil Player’s Companion, how to join the Cloaks, and All Status of Mulmaster (before season)
the revised status of the city both before and after All Status of Mulmaster (after season)
the events of the season… the Moonsea will never be DM PotA & Orcsplitter (DM’s Option)
the same again!
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D&D Adventurers League Content Catalog 8
Season 2. Adventure List
DDEN2^ 1-4 16 Princes of the Apocalypse first few chapters of DDHC-PotA
(D&D Encounters version)
DDHC-PotA* 1-15 HC Princes of the Apocalypse
DDEP2^ 1-4, 5-10 4 Mulmaster Undone Retired; takes place after DDEX2-16
DDEX2-1 1-2 5 1-hour mini- City of Danger
DDEX2-2 1-4 4 Embers of Elmwood
DDEX2-3 5-10 4 The Drowned Tower
DDEX2-4 5-10 4 Mayhem in the Earthspur Mines
DDEX2-5 1-4 4 Flames of Kythorn
DDEX2-6 1-4 4 Breath of the Yellow Rose
DDEX2-7 1-4 4 Bounty in the Bog
DDEX2-8 1-4 4 Foulness Beneath Mulmaster
DDEX2-9 5-10 8 Eye of the Tempest
DDEX2-10 1-4 4 Cloaks and Shadows
DDEX2-11 1-4 2 Oubliette of Fort Iron
DDEX2-12 1-4 2 Dark Rites at Fort Dalton
DDEX2-13 5-10 4 The Howling Void
DDEX2-14 5-10 4 The Sword of Selfaril
DDEX2-15 5-10 4 Black Heart of Vengeance
DDEX2-16 1-4 4 Boltsmelter’s Book
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D&D Adventurers League Content Catalog 9
Season 3. Rage of Demons
Passions are heightened in Hillsfar. Refugees from
Did You Know?
both Phlan and Mulmaster are looking for a new
The madness mechanic from the DMG is used throughout
place to call home, and the city of Hillsfar isn’t
this season’s adventures. Thanks to the demon princes
exactly known for its love of non-human people. On
roaming the Underdark, this has spread like wildfire and will
top of this, there is an undercurrent of demonic be around for a long, long time. More information on
activity all around the region. Drow have been madness can be found in the Dungeon Master’s Guide.
sighted in the vicinity, and even the myconids are
acting strangely. What secrets bubble in the
Underdark? Rage of Demons Optional Supplements
All Rage of Demons player
Player Official pregen characters
All Status of Hillsfar
All Hillsfar Backgrounds & Bonds
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D&D Adventurers League Content Catalog 10
Season 3. Adventure List
DDEN3^ 1-4 16 Out of the Abyss first few chapters of DDHC-OotA
(D&D Encounters version)
DDHC-OotA* 1-15 HC Out of the Abyss
DDEP3^ 1-4, 5-10, 11-16 4 Blood Above, Blood Below Retired; takes place after DDEX3-4
DDEX3-1 1-2 5 1-hour mini- Harried in Hillsfar
DDEX3-2 1-4 4 Shackles of Blood
DDEX3-3 5-10 4 The Occupation of Szith Morcane
DDEX3-4 11-16 8 It’s All in the Blood
DDEX3-5 1-4 2 Bane of the Tradeways
DDEX3-6 1-4 2 No Foolish Matter
DDEX3-7 5-10 4 Herald of the Moon
DDEX3-8 5-10 4 The Malady of Elventree
DDEX3-9 5-10 4 The Waydown
DDEX3-10 1-4 4 Quelling the Horde
DDEX3-11 5-10 2 The Quest for Sporedome
DDEX3-12 1-4 2 Hillsfar Reclaimed
DDEX3-13 5-10 2 Writhing in the Dark
DDEX3-14 1-4 2 Death on the Wall
DDEX3-15 5-10 4 Szith Morcane Unbound
DDEX3-16 11-16 8 Assault on Maerimydra
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D&D Adventurers League Content Catalog 11
Season 4. Curse of Strahd
The atrocities committed by Vorgansharax, the Curse of Strahd Optional Supplements
Maimed Virulence, during his assault on the town of AUDIENCE ITEM
Phlan has caught the attention of other-worldly DM Curse of Strahd DDHC-CoS
powers: the Mists of Ravenloft. After a Amendment
supernaturally dense fog rolls into the area and the Player Curse of Strahd Backgrounds
region is plunged into an unseasonably cold winter, All Curse of Strahd Player & DM pack
the adventurers find themselves transported to Player Curse of Strahd Pregens
Barovia, a land with no joy, sun, or hope. Can they DM DM Quests
escape? All Escaping from Barovia; or, #BarExit
DM Expanded Dark Gifts Table
All The Mist & The Wood (Orasnou guide)
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D&D Adventurers League Content Catalog 12
Season 4. Adventure List
DDIA04^ 1-2 8 Death House adventure PDF was made available directly to
retailers, and is not otherwise legally available.
Previously used the code “DDLE4”. Covers the
Death House chapter of DDHC-CoS.
DDHC-CoS* 1-10 HC Curse of Strahd
DDEP04^ 1-4, 5-10, 4 Reclamation of Phlan Retired; takes place after DDEX1-14 and during
11-16 DDAL04-01
DDAL04-1 1-2 5 1-hour mini- Suits of the Mists
DDAL04-2 1-4 2 The Beast
DDAL04-3 1-4 2 The Executioner
DDAL04-4 1-4 4 The Marionette
DDAL04-5 1-4 2 The Seer
DDAL04-6 1-4 4 The Ghost
DDAL04-7 5-10 4 The Innocent
DDAL04-8 5-10 2 The Broken One
DDAL04-9 5-10 2 The Tempter
DDAL04-10 5-10 4 The Artifact
DDAL04-11 5-10 4 The Donjon
DDAL04-12 5-10 2 The Raven
DDAL04-13 5-10 2 The Horseman
DDAL04-14 5-10 4 The Dark Lord
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D&D Adventurers League Content Catalog 13
Season 5. Storm King’s
Storm King’s Thunder Optional Supplements
The Adventurers League moves to the Sword Coast! AUDIENCE ITEM
Player Storm King’s Thunder player pack
The Ordning – the political configuration that DM Storm King’s Thunder DM pack
determines who rules the various giant tribes – has DM DM Quests
been shattered! Chaos reigns as each tribe scrambles All Faction & DM Folders
to claim power, and the unwitting people of the
Sword Coast are caught in the mix. The adventurers Did You Know?
must face off against obese hill giants and cunning SEER is a title, not a name. And Hsing – SEER’s pseudodragon
cloud giants, and defeat the fire giant armies for the companion – is more than he appears to be. Expect further
protection of the entire region. development for them in upcoming seasons!
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D&D Adventurers League Content Catalog 14
Season 5. Adventure List
DDIA-05 1-5 16 A Great Upheaval the first chapter of DDAL-SKT
DDHC-SKT* 1-10 HC Storm King’s Thunder
DDEP05-01^ 1-4, 5-10 4 The Iron Baron
DDEP05-02^ 1-4, 5-10, 11-16 4 The Ark of the Mountains
DDAL05-1 1-2 5 adventures at 1 Treasures of the Broken Hoard
hour ea.
DDAL05-2 1-4 2 The Black Road
DDAL05-3 1-4 2 Uninvited Guests
DDAL05-4 5-10 2 In Dire Need
DDAL05-5 5-10 2 A Dish Best Served Cold
DDAL05-6 1-4 2 Beneath the Fetid Chelimber
DDAL05-7 1-4 2 Chelimber’s Descent
DDAL05-8 11-16 4 Durlag’s Tower
DDAL05-9 11-16 4 Durlag’s Tomb
DDAL05-10 1-4 2 Giant Diplomacy
DDAL05-11 5-10 4 Forgotten Traditions
DDAL05-12 1-4 2 Bad Business in Parnast
DDAL05-13 5-10 4 Jarl Rising
DDAL05-14 11-16 4 Reeducation
DDAL05-15 11-16 4 Reclamation
DDAL05-16 1-4 4 Parnast Under Siege
DDAL05-17 5-10 4 Hartkiller’s Horn
DDAL05-18 17-20 4 The Mysterious Isle
DDAL05-19 17-20 4 The Eye of Xxiphu
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D&D Adventurers League Content Catalog 15
Season 6. Tales from the Yawning Portal
Seven dungeons, classic and modern. Where will Yawning Portal Optional Supplements
adventure take you? AUDIENCE ITEM
Players New character sheets
• Sunless Citadel DMs Vials for Player’s Tears
• Forge of Fury All Soul-rending Oaths of Revenge
• Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan
• White Plume Mountain
• Dead in Thay Did You Know?
• Against the Giants Although the Yawning Portal is a very successful bar for
• Tomb of Horrors adventurers in Waterdeep, these dungeons and adventures
are scattered across Faerûn.
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D&D Adventurers League Content Catalog 16
Season 6. Adventure List
DDIA06-SUNLESSCITADEL 1 Variable The Sunless Citadel Intro adventure
DDHC-TYP* various HC Tales from the Yawning Portal 7 dungeons to drop into your ongoing campaigns or
other hardcover adventures!
DDEP06-01^ 1-4, 5-10 4 Relics of Kundrukar Best when played after DDAL06-01
DDEP06-02^ 5-10, 11-16 4 Return to White Plume Best when played after DDAL06-02
DDEP06-03^ 11-16, 17-20 4 Hecatomb Best when played after DDAL06-03
DDAL06-01 1-4 2 A Thousand Tiny Deaths Leads into Forge of Fury
DDAL06-02 5-10 2 The Redemption of Kelvan Leads into White Plume Mountain
DDAL06-03 17-20 2 Crypt of the Death Giants continues Against the Giants
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D&D Adventurers League Content Catalog 17
Season 7. Tomb of Annihilation
The dread lich Acererak has made a bid for the souls
of every creature in creation. His terrible plot begins
Tomb of Annihilation Optional Supplements
in the jungles of Chult in the far southern reaches of Players Surrogates (tier 1 --- tier 2)
Faerun and can be felt across every plane of Players Surrogate Logsheets
existence. Death is finally permanent; not even the Players Tomb of Annihilation Player’s Pack
gods can still his arcane plans. DMs Tomb of Annihilation DM’s Pack
Our heroes will brave dinosaurs, necromantic All Death Curse
wizards, strange goblins, and deathtraps galore as All Maps by Mike Schley
they unravel the mysteries of this ancient place. A All The Complete Tortle Package
place where the gods refuse to tread, and a place
where familiar faces long thought lost will appear.
Season 7 of the Adventurers League is a desperate Did You Know?
race against time as the recently resurrected find The lost language of Old Omuan is indeed that: lost. Not even
themselves succumbing to a wasting rot and the residents of Chult know how to speak it.
Acererak toys with powers from beyond our
understanding! The legend of Dendar the Night Serpent and her
prophecied final battle with Ubtao is woven into the cultures
of Chult – but it remains to be seen just what Acererak’s
plans for them may be. These are the only two deities of the
jungle peninsula; it is truly a place forgotten by the world,
and one where even the gods refuse to tread.
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D&D Adventurers League Content Catalog 18
Season 7. Adventure List
DDHC-TOA-1* 1-11 HC Tomb of Annihilation
DDHC-TOA-2 1-4 4 The Complete Tortle Package This counts as a hardcover chapter for Tomb of Annihilation, and
has a level range of 1-4. Characters outside this level range may
play the content but are unlikely to experience any significant
DDHC-TOA-3 n/a n/a Beasts of Jungle Rot Guild Adept content! Adds 37 new creatures to your Tomb of
Annihilation games; includes new options for dinosaur racing and
hunting in Chult
DDHC-TOA-4 1-4 HC Cellar of Death Guild Adept content! Intended for 1st level characters as an
introduction to Tomb of Annihilation
DDHC-TOA-5 1-11 HC Encounters in Port Nyanzaru Guild Adept content! A collection of short 90- to 120-minute game
sessions to help develop Port Nyanzaru.
DDHC-TOA-6 5-10 HC Heart of the Wild Guild Adept content! Features Artus Cimber.
DDHC-TOA-7 1-16 HC Ruins of Mezro Guild Adept content! Specific adventure tiers are detailed in
chapter 3 of this product.
DDHC-TOA-8 1-4 HC Return of the Lizard King Guild Adept content! The Tree Spirit Weapon and darkling
necklace are replaced with a +1 weapon and a cloak of elvenkind
for AL play, unless specific campaign documentation is acquired.
DDHC-TOA-9 5-10 HC Ruins of Matolo Guild Adept content! Undead themes
DDHC-TOA-10 11-16 HC Ruins of Hisari Guild Adept content! Yuan-ti themes
DDEP07-01^ 1-4, 5-10 4 Peril at the Port
DDEP07-02^ 1-4, 5-10, 4 TBA
11-16, 17-20
DDAL07-01 1-4 5 adventures at 1 A City on the Edge Designed for use as intro adventures for levels 1-4 (tier 1)
hour ea.
DDAL07-02 5-10 5 adventures at 1 Over the Edge Designed for use as intro adventures for levels 5-10 (tier 2)
hour ea.
DDAL07-03 1-4 2 A Day at the Races
DDAL07-04 1-4 2 A Walk in the Park
DDAL07-05 1-4 2 Whispers in the Dark
DDAL07-06 5-10 2 Fester and Burn
DDAL07-07 5-10 2 Rotting Roots
DDAL07-08 5-10 2 Putting the Dead to Rest
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D&D Adventurers League Content Catalog 19
More adventures are coming…
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D&D Adventurers League Content Catalog 20
Convention-Created Content
The Convention-Created Content – or “CCC” - project CCC Links
is something that we, the D&D Adventurers League AUDIENCE ITEM
administrators, feel very strongly about: it gives a Organizers CCC Requests & Agreement
measure of creative control of the Moonsea region Authors Facebook group for CCC authors
and a significant amount of personal ownership of Authors Templates and stock art
the campaign to the players and DMs that use this
content. Conventions are invited to apply for
permission to create and develop new CCC Did You Know?
adventures. This creates new play experiences for
The general vicinity of the Moonsea is eligible for CCC
people all over the world while driving attention to proposals, but you are not limited to only those cities, towns,
their own convention or event (and may make them and dungeons that are on the current maps – why not make
a little coin in the process). your own? Or craft a community-centric event as part of your
The CCC adventure design process is fairly open pitch? The Moonsea is a wild place, rife with change and
in that the AL administrators provide review for cultural shifts – base your adventure on those shores and let
major plot and thematic elements but only rarely your imagination run wild.
provide full critique of the submission. Some things
to keep in mind during your creation process: We offer communication avenues, official certificate
generation, resource and plot assistance, and more. Just
• adventures must be appropriate for all audiences; reach out!
some parental guidance is okay
The sky’s the limit, so let’s make this memorable for players
• CCC adventures aren’t eligible for some DM Quests
all over the world!
• adventures must be 2 or 4 hours in duration
• adventures must be based in the greater Moonsea This content list only reflects content that has been released
area; refer to the image below for a general sense to dmsguild or has been previously cited in this document.
of available places This list is not exhaustive.
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D&D Adventurers League Content Catalog 21
CCC Adventure List
CCC-BLD-11 1-4 2 Bleeding Gate: Pandemonium Gamestorm 2017
CCC-BLD-12 1-4 2 Bleeding Gate: Amalgamation Gamestorm 2017
CCC-BMG-01 1-4 4 CORE1-1 A Scream in the Night Origins 2016
CCC-BMG-02 1-4 4 CORE1-2 A Cog in the Wheel Origins 2016
CCC-BMG-03 1-4 4 CORE1-3 A Hole in the World Origins 2016
CCC-BMG-04 1-4 4 CORE2-1 Tales of Good & Evil Gen Con 2016
CCC-BMG-05 1-4 4 CORE2-2 Songs of Law & Chaos Gen Con 2016
CCC-BMG-06 1-4 4 CORE2-3 Edicts of Neutrality Gen Con 2016
CCC-BMG-07 5-10 4 HULB1-1 Hulburg Rebuilding Gen Con 2016
CCC-BMG-08 5-10 4 HULB1-2 Hulburg Burning Gen Con 2016
CCC-BMG-09 5-10 4 HULB1-3 Hulburg Rising Gen Con 2016
CCC-BMG-HULB1S^ 5-10 4 HULB1-S Extinction “Special”/ Interactive format
CCC-BMG-10 5-10 4 HILL1-1 Arrival Origins 2016
CCC-BMG-11 5-10 4 HILL1-2 Exodus Origins 2016
CCC-BMG-12 5-10 4 HILL1-3 Resurgence Origins 2016
CCC-BMG-HILL1S^ 5-10 4 HILL1-S Onslaught “Special”/ Interactive format
CCC-BMG-13 11-16 4 PHLAN1-1 Sepulture Gen Con 2016
CCC-BMG-14 11-16 4 PHLAN1-2 Enemy of my Enemy Gen Con 2016
CCC-BMG-15 11-16 4 PHLAN1-3 Subterfuge Gen Con 2016
CCC-BMG-PHLAN1S^ 11-16 4 PHLAN1-S Uprising “Special”/ Interactive format
CCC-BMG-16 5-10 4 ELM1-1 The Sage of Cormanthor Dragon Con 2016
CCC-BMG-17 5-10 4 ELM1-2 The Lost Sanctum Dragon Con 2016
CCC-BMG-18 5-10 4 ELM1-3 The Battle of Elmwood Dragon Con 2016
CCC-BMG-19 5-10 4 HULB2-1 Winter’s Frosty Kiss Winter Fantasy 2017
CCC-BMG-20 5-10 4 HULB2-2 Winter’s Frigid Wrath Winter Fantasy 2017
CCC-BMG-21 5-10 4 HULB2-3 Winter’s Sharp Bite Winter Fantasy 2017
CCC-BMG-HULB2S^ 5-10 4 HULB2-S Winter’s Feast “Special”/ Interactive format
CCC-BMG-22 11-16 4 PHLAN2-1 Hatemaster Winter Fantasy 2017
CCC-BMG-23 11-16 4 PHLAN2-2 Demagogue Winter Fantasy 2017
CCC-BMG-24 11-16 4 PHLAN2-3 The Royal We Winter Fantasy 2017
CCC-BMG-PHLAN2S^ 11-16 4 PHLAN2-S Damnation “Special”/ Interactive format
CCC-CIC-01 1-4 4 The Vault of the Devourer Milwaukee Summer Revel, July 2016
CCC-CIC-02 5-10 4 The Clockwork Laboratory Dan’s Con of the Vale, October 2016
CCC-CIC-03 5-10 4 The Desolate Undercroft Dan’s Con of the Vale, October 2016
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D&D Adventurers League Content Catalog 22
CCC-CIC-04 5-10 4 Best Friends Forever Conflagration, February 2017
CCC-DDSC-01 1-4 4 Murder at the Stop SoonerCon 2017
CCC-DDSC-02 1-4 2 A Fool and His Gold SoonerCon 2017
CCC-GARY-01 5-10 2 A Night to Remember GaryCon 2017
CCC-GARY-02 5-10 2 To Find a Way Out GaryCon 2017
CCC-GARY-03 5-10 2 Oh, We’re In It Now GaryCon 2017
CCC-GHC-01 5-10 2 Tharaera Lost Gamehole Con 2016
CCC-GHC-02 5-10 2 Skulljaw Hill Gamehole Con 2016
CCC-GHC-03 5-10 2 Facing the Dark Gamehole Con 2016
CCC-GHC-04 5-10 2 The Violet Affair Gamehole Con 2017
CCC-GHC-05 5-10 2 The Lavender Flight Gamehole Con 2017
CCC-GHC-06 5-10 2 The Lilac Assault Gamehole Con 2017
CCC-IFK-01 5-10 2 Shadow of Greed Chupacabra Con 2017
CCC-IFK-02 5-10 2 Shadow of the Weave Chupacabra Con 2017
CCC-IFK-03 5-10 4 Shadow of the Dusk Queen Role Play Rally II 2017
CCC-LINKS-01 5-10 4 Champion of the People LinksCon, June 2017
CCC-LINKS-02 11-16 4 The Secrets We Keep LinksCon, June 2017
CCC-ODFC-0101 1-4 4 Hammer and Anvil 1d4 Con 2017
CCC-PDXAGE-0101 1-4 2 The White Well PDXAGE
CCC-PDXAGE-0201 5-10 2 The Dark Hunt PDXAGE
CCC-QCC-2017 11-16 4 Delusions of Grandeur, Dreams of Revenge QCC 2017
CCC-ROZK-0101 11-16 4 Binder’s Torment Origins 2017; Druids & Dragons 2017
CCC-ROZK-0102 11-16 4 Zhentarim’s Lament Origins 2017; Druids & Dragons 2017
CCC-ROZK-0103 11-16 4 Necromancer’s Ascent Origins 2017; Druids & Dragons 2017
CCC-SALT-01-01 1-4 2 Rumors of Riches SaltCON 2017
CCC-SALT-01-02 1-4 2 Moor Trouble SaltCON 2017
CCC-SALT-01-03 1-4 4 Broken Halls of Goldahroud SaltCON 2017
CCC-SFBAY-0101 5-10 8 Plots in Motion KublaCon 2017
CCC-TRI-01 11-16 4 Into the Darkness TotalCon 2017
CCC-TRI-02 11-16 4 Impression Left Behind TotalCon 2017
CCC-UCON-01 5-10 4 Blood & Fog U-Con, November 2016
CCC-YLRA01-01 5-10 4 Her Dying Wish Strategicon 2017
CCC-YLRA01-02 5-10 4 Uneasy Lies the Head Strategicon 2017
CCC-YLRA01-03 5-10 4 Bound By Duty Strategicon 2017
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only.
D&D Adventurers League Content Catalog 23