How To Pray by Swami Paramarthananda

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New Year Lecture by Swami Paramarthananda

Transcribed by Sri VLN Prasad

Published by :

Arsha Avinash Foundation

104 Third Street, Tatabad, Coimbatore 641012, India
Phone: +91 9487373635
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General Talks How to Pray

How to Pray
sadāsiva samārambhām sankarāchārya madhyamām
asmad āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām

We have got many New Years in India - English New Year, Tamil New
Year, Malayalam, Kannada, Telugu etc. That we have got many New
Years itself indicates that the New Year is a relative idea. We need not
be too much bothered about any particular New Year. Any New Year is
The purpose of having a New Year function in our tradition is just to
take stock of our life and also see what is happening to our life. Because
mahatā punya panyēna krītēyam kāyanau stwayā pāram dukhō dadhēr
gantum tarayāvanna bhidhyate. You have a got human life because you
have paid a very big prize for that in the form of lot of Punyam.
mahatā punya panyēna – Panyam means currency. By paying the
special currency called Punyam which is much more valuable than the
Dollars and Rubles and Dinars, we have somehow got the physical body
to accomplish the greatest. pāram dukhō dadhēr gantum tarayāvanna
bhidhyate -
So before losing this opportunity, accomplish the highest that can be
accomplished. Therefore, we have to remind this particular thing off and
on or the life can become mechanical. Therefore just see whether we are
growing or not.
We are not bothered about the rate of growth, we are not bothered about
the pace of growth, we are only bothered about the fact that we should
be growing. Just as different plants got different rates of growth. We all
have got our own pace. They say that bamboo is the plant or a type of
grass which has got the maximum growth of 30 cm a day or so.

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But all the plants and trees are not going grow in the same pace. It is
inbuilt in the system. Similarly, we all have got different rates of
growth. Therefore, we are not going to compare ourselves with others,
we are not going to develop complex and we are not going to become
But we are going to make sure that we are growing in our own pace.
That is the goal of life. Physical growth, Emotional growth, Intellectual
growth or Spiritual growth at all levels. We make sure that we do not
feel guilty or frustrated or we don’t develop inferiority complex. We
keep growing.
When we decide to grow, avoid stagnation and going back. You know
that we require the support of Ēshwara Anugraha also even though our
effort is very important. The grace of the Lord also is equally important.
So we generally trend to go to one extreme. There are some people who
attribute everything to the Lord.
The fatalistic people say that everything is God’s will and nothing is in
our hands. We are simple puppet. They never take responsibility for
their life. That is an irresponsible approach. It is not devotion. In the
name of devotion and the Sharanāgati, we cannot behave irresponsibly.
The Lord condemns in the Gita - uddharēt ātmanātmānam.
At the same time, we cannot be too arrogant claiming that I can
accomplish anything that I want. That also is dangerous because pride
goes before a fall. mākuru dhana jana yavvana garvam harati nimēshā
kala sarvam. One day one can be the CM and the other day one can be
in prison also. We don’t know.
Therefore, I cannot say that everything is in my hand and I cannot say
nothing is in my hand. I should accept my role and I should accept the
role of Ēshwara’s grace also. Therefore, any New Year I celebrate, I

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take responsibility for my future and I also seek the grace of the Lord
through some kind of prayer or the other.
It can be in the form of Pūja, it can be in the form of visiting some
temple or any such method. When we pray to the Lord, we should
remember some rules of prayer. We cannot blindly pray for anything
and everything. We can only pray for those things which are possible.
Even though Bhagawān is omnipotent, remember that Bhagawān also
can fulfill only those prayers which will fall within the possible linit.
Omnipotent does not mean that Bhagawān can do everything or
anything. Especially, in the Puranās also, you will find that Rākshasās
will be doing tapas and the Lord will appear (Brahma or Vishnu or
Once the Lord appears and asks what Varam they want (in the standard
format). And the standard prayer by the Rākshasās will be standard
shāga varam vendum. That is the standard prayer. And Bhagawān has
got the standard answer ad tara mudiyād. Then, you may ask the
question, if Bhagawān cannot fulfill all the wishes, how can he be called
We say, you should know the definition of omnipotence. The definition
of omnipotence is, one who can do everything that is possible.
Therefore, if you ask impossible things, boons from the Lord, we are
going to utterly fail in our prayers. And not only that, we will begin to
doubt the very efficacy of prayer.
Through that, we may begin doubt the very existence of Ēshwara.
Therefore, before we start our prayer we should know what the
impossible things are so that we will not ask for wrong things. So that
our expectations will be sane expectations and the sane expectation
means there is no scope for disappointment.

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So, some of the impossible things - there are many but some of them at
least, we will be very clear about so that we don’t live in fools’ paradise.
One thing in life is that as long as we live, we have to be active
physically and mentally. Krishna says in the Bhagavad-Gita - nahi
kaschit kshanamapi jātu tishtati akarma krit.
So, a person cannot remain free from duties or actions even for a
second. Therefore, the body is meant to be active and the mind is meant
to be active. When we learn in the scriptures that aham akarta, we
should remember that freedom from activity is only for Ātma. We
should never try to be out of activity. We can never afford to get bored
with our duties and responsibilities.
Therefore, O Lord save me from these boring activities is a wrong
prayer because even if you stop one set of duties, it will be replaced by
some other duties. So, if I live alone without the presence of children
around, I will have to take care of all my activities because children are
not around.
To avoid this problem, if I decide to live with the children, I will get the
partial responsibilities of the children. I should be ready to babysit the
grand children. Therefore, if you are with the children, some of the
activities will be there. If you are without children, some other
activities will be there.
If you try to avoid both and settle in an Āshrama, Āshram duties will
come. If you get out of everything and become a moving Sanyāsi then
you will get the activities of every blessed person in the society. In fact,
whole world will become your family.
Therefore, our prayer cannot be rest. We can never pray for rest in life.
We have to be active till we breathe our last. We can only pray for
freedom from boredom. O Lord, let me do any activity with a cheerful
mind. Let me be inspired in whatever activity I am in.
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It may be the most monotonous activity of putting the signature
somewhere. It may be monotonous activity of cooking in the house.
Any activity, let me be inspired, let me be free from boredom, let me
enjoy the activity at physical and mental level. That prayer will work.
Let me free myself from activity is an impossible prayer. Now the
second impossibility is this - the future is never under my control. I can
never control the future whether it is my own future, whether it is future
of my children, or whether it is the future of my company, or whether it
is the future of the world in general, I have no control over the future.
Therefore, any prayer in which I indicate that control, that is going to be
a wrong prayer. If I say, let me have success all the time. When I am
seeking success all the time, indirectly I am hoping to control the future.
Let me have profit all the time - indirectly I am seeking control over the
Let my children get such and such, I am indirectly hoping to control
their future. Therefore, any type of prayer in which I am indicating
some kind of control over the future is going to miserably fail.
Because the law or the rule is, I cannot control the future. The only
possible thing is that I can contribute to the future.
Therefore I don’t want to be a controller but I want to be a contributor to
the growth of the children, a contributor for my own financial or family
well being, a contributor to the national well being. I can only pray for
maximum contribution on my part.
Therefore, let me not include in my prayer anything, in which I hope to
control the future. Tt will be utter disappointment and failure. When I
contribute, I can learn to do that contribution with cheerfulness and
enthusiasm. I enthusiastically contribute without hoping to control.
Krishna also, even though he was Bhagawān, he could not control the
force of Mahabharata. His contribution was the maximum but even
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though Krishna wanted to control many things, he could not stop the
very war itself. He could not stop the destruction. When avatārams
could not do that, we small flies, what are we hoping to control!
Therefore, it is a ridiculous prayer. Therefore, O Lord, let me contribute
my best and let me enjoy that contribution. That is why I said the first
prayer is - whatever I do let me have cheerfulness and enthusiasm. This
Bhagawān happily fulfill.
The third impossible – It is very important especially, for family people
or any person who is living with others. I cannot change another person.
I cannot change any person in the world. Even Lord has failed in
changing Duryodhana; Rama failed trying to change Rāvana.
So, when Bhagawāns and Avatāras have failed in changing, if I hope to
change, improve other people, I am going to be utterly frustrated. My
life is going to be a burden, a Mahā misery. But that does not again
mean that I should be an irresponsible person not bothering about
We may be parents and the children or dependent on us, therefore what
we say is, instead of struggling to change others, there also I hope to
contribute my maximum for the others’ growth. I can have my life and
language in such a way that it will influence the other person positively.
I influence others in two ways. One is my life and more importantly my
language (what I speak). Therefore, as a parent, as a boss, as a ruler,
whatever higher position I have, I can only contribute through my life
and language for the growth of other person. I can influence, I can
And if the other person wants help from me, if and when he wants I can
help also. If I hope to change the other person, it is going to be
frustration. First of all, we do not know whether the other person

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requires change or not. A husband and wife whet to the doctor with
insomnia problem.
Husband was not able to sleep. And therefore, both of them went to the
doctor and the doctor gave a pill. The wife asked when I should give
this pill to the husband (twice or thrice). He said, you have to take it.
Husband doesn’t have any problem. If you stop nagging and creating
problem, he can happily sleep.
So, the wives don’t mistake me, it can be the other way also. I read the
joke in this manner therefore, I repeated. The joke can be the other way
round also. Now the question is who is to decide who requires the
change. I always study other people subjectively and how do I know my
Judgment is the right Judgment?
Every one requires growth. I also require growth and the other person
also requires. I do not know what type of change is required. Often, we
find in every family that while one member is expecting change from
the other member, the other member is equally, strongly expecting
change from this member.
Therefore, there is a constant struggle. Each one manipulating and it is
only a chain reaction and there is a total disharmony. Therefore, I have
to decide to change. And when I decide to change, I can seek help from
others and when the other person decides to change, and if he wants
help, I can give.
But I can influence others through my life and my language. Therefore
the third prayer is - not O Lord, improve the other people but O Lord let
me contribute to others’ growth. Let me influence other people
positively so that it will help in the growth of others, in the maturity of
I use the word influence because sometimes, the influence is indirect.
You cannot verbally influence the others. In fact, most people you
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cannot influence verbally because nobody listens. The most difficult
thing in the creation is listening. We think that when we are talking, the
other person listening.
In fact, when we are talking, the other person is planning his reply. If
you really very carefully observe, you can find that the other person is
planning his reply. And when he is replying, do you think that you are
listening? You are planning your counter reply. That is called argument,
that is called quarrel and that is called disharmony, nothing happens.
Therefore, only when the other person wants to listen, I can help
through language. If the other person doesn’t want to listen, my
influence has to be only indirect and the indirect influence is my own
living. We can pray, O Lord give me the strength to put up with the non
-changing people. That is a wonderful prayer that Bhagawān can fulfill.
And remember, whenever I am saying that I should be able to put up
with others, remember that the other person also requires Bhagawān’s
help to put up with us. Because when we say, I should be able to put up
with other people, we have got a sense that they are useless people and I
am only great and I have to put up.
Remember that everybody has to put up with everybody’s weakness.
Therefore O Lord, give me the strength to accept the future. Give me the
strength to live harmoniously with those people who are changing or
who are changing for the worse, or who are changing for the better or
who refuse the change. This is the third impossible.
Then the next impossible is, we can never get total satisfaction and
security through any set up. No set up in life, even the best set up in life,
can ever give total satisfaction and security. Therefore, as long as we are
looking for the ideal set up in which I will be totally satisfied with zero
complaints and total security with no insecurity, if you are looking for
that set up, we are going to miserably fail.
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Even if such a set up is there, that set up is not going to remain the same
all the time. Any set up can get upset. When the set up becomes ulta
(upside down) we become upset. And even if the set up does not
change, we are worried.
When set up is fine we can never enjoy because we are all the time
worried - husband is nice, wife is nice, total harmony, and children are
gems, one male and one female, correct in the gap also, good salary,
number of cars, a few houses extra also. We are worried that it might
catch some Drushti.
Therefore, there is no ideal set up and even if there is ideal set up, it is
not permanent. Even if you going to be there for long time, we will just
we worried about its loss. Therefore, security and satisfaction O Lord let
me discover in myself whatever may be the set up.
O Lord, give me that strength or that wisdom to discover security and
satisfaction with any set up that is available. In fact, if we complain that
the set up is not fine, I tell you even Bhagawān can complain about the
set up. In fact, most dissatisfied person must be Bhagawān.
In his order harmony is there, he has created human being, and he has
also taught us what is Dharma and we are busy violating every law of
the Lord. If Bhagawān had to complain, I tell you Bhagawān has to give
the biggest complaint. The most dissatisfied person must be Bhagawān.
Therefore, Dayānanda Swāmiji used to tell - we all complain that
nobody understands me. Bhagawān also has to make the same
complaint that nobody understands me. Therefore O Lord, give me the
wisdom to discover satisfaction and security within myself whatever be
the set up that I have.
At the same time, as a responsible person, I will be contributing my best
cheerfully, enthusiastically for the growth of myself, for the people
around and for the nation. Therefore, what are the four prayers now?
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Let me be cheerfully, enthusiastically active throughout enjoying
whatever I do.
Secondly, let me contribute to the future and let me not hope to control
the future. On the other hand, let me have strength to accept the future.
The third payer is, let me influence other people positively through my
life and language but let me not hope to change the other people which
depends upon so many unknown factors (the hidden variables).
The fourthly and finally, let me have the wisdom to discover satisfaction
and security within myself whatever be the set up. If I have such
prayers, Bhagawān will happily co-operate. If I have got foolish prayers,
I will miserably fail and loose faith in prayer and faith in God also.
Therefore, let us have the prayer and with the grace of the Lord, let us
grow and let us contribute our best to the surrounding. With these, I
conclude and I wish you all a Happy New Year.

Poornamadah Poornamidam Poornaath Poornam Udachyathe

Poornasya Poornamaadaaya Poornameva Vasishyathe

Om shanti shanti shantihi

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