Bayesian Statistics For Data Science - Towards Data Science

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The key takeaways are that the blog post discusses the differences between frequentist and Bayesian statistics, explains Bayesian inference and how it works, and covers concepts like priors, likelihood functions and posterior distributions.

The main differences between frequentist and Bayesian statistics are that frequentist statistics tests for events occurring or not based on long-term experiments, while Bayesian statistics applies probabilities to update beliefs based on new evidence using Bayes' theorem.

Bayesian inference is a method of statistical inference that uses Bayes' theorem to update the probability of hypotheses as more evidence becomes available. It involves establishing parameters, models, priors and calculating the posterior distribution from the likelihood function and prior.

Ankit Rathi Follow

Data Science Architect | Kaggle Expert | Data Blogger | All views personal |
Aug 15 · 5 min read

Bayesian Statistics for Data Science

Bayesian Statistics for Data Science

This is the 5th post of blog post series ‘Probability & Statistics for Data
Science’, this post covers these topics related to Bayesian statistics and their
signi cance in data science.

• Frequentist Vs Bayesian Statistics

• Bayesian Inference

• Test for Signi cance

• Signi cance in Data Science

. . .

Frequentist Vs Bayesian Statistics

Frequentist Statistics tests whether an event (hypothesis) occurs or not.

It calculates the probability of an event in the long run of the
experiment. A very common aw found in frequentist approach i.e.
dependence of the result of an experiment on the number of times the
experiment is repeated.

Frequentist statistics su ered some great aws in its design and

interpretation which posed a serious concern in all real life problems:

1. p-value & Con dence Interval (C.I) depend heavily on the sample

2. Con dence Intervals (C.I) are not probability distributions

Bayesian statistics is a mathematical procedure that applies

probabilities to statistical problems. It provides people the tools to
update their beliefs in the evidence of new data.

Frequentist Vs Bayesian Statistics

Frequentist vs. Bayesian

Inference - The Basics of
Bayesian Statistics | Coursera
This course describes Bayesian
statistics, in which one's inferences
about parameters or hypotheses are
updated as…

Bayesian Inference

To understand Bayesian Inference, you need to understand Conditional

Probability & Bayes Theorem, if you want to review these concepts,
please refer my earlier post in this series.

Probability for Data Science

This is the 2nd post of blog post
series ‘Probability & Statistics for
Data Science’, this post covers these

Bayesian inference is a method of statistical inference in which Bayes’

theorem is used to update the probability for a hypothesis as more
evidence or information becomes available.

An important part of Bayesian Inference is the establishment of

parameters and models. Models are the mathematical formulation of
the observed events. Parameters are the factors in the models a ecting
the observed data. To de ne our model correctly , we need two
mathematical models before hand. One to represent the likelihood
function and the other for representing the distribution of prior beliefs .
The product of these two gives the posterior belief distribution.

How Bayes Theorem works

Likelihood Function

A likelihood function is a function of the parameters of a statistical

model, given speci c observed data. Probability describes the
plausibility of a random outcome, without reference to any observed
data while Likelihood describes the plausibility of a model parameter
value, given speci c observed data.

Likelihood function

Likelihood function - Wikipedia

In Bayesian inference, although one
can speak about the likelihood of
any proposition or random variable
given another…

Prior & Posterior Belief distribution

Prior Belief distribution is used to represent our strengths on beliefs

about the parameters based on the previous experience. Posterior Belief
distribution is derived from multiplication of likelihood function & Prior
Belief distribution.

As we collect more data, our posterior belief move towards prior belief
from likelihood:


(Pesky?) Priors
When I tell people I am learning
Bayesian statistics, I tend to get one
of two responses: either people look
at me…

Test for Signi cance

Bayes factor

Bayes factor is the equivalent of p-value in the Bayesian framework. The

null hypothesis in Bayesian framework assumes ∞ probability
distribution only at a particular value of a parameter (say θ=0.5) and a
zero probability else where. The alternative hypothesis is that all values
of θ are possible, hence a at curve representing the distribution.


Using Bayes Factor instead of p-values is more bene cial in many cases
since they are independent of intentions and sample size.

Replacing p-values with Bayes-

Factors: A Miracle Cure for the
Replicability Crisis in
How Science Should Work Lay
people, undergraduate students, and
textbook authors have a simple
model of science…
High Density Interval (HDI)

High Density Interval (HDI) or Credibility Interval is equivalent to

Con dence Interval (CI) in Bayesian framework. HDI is formed from the
posterior distribution after observing the new data.


Using High Density Interval (HDI) instead of Con dence Interval (CI) is
more bene cial since they are independent of intentions and sample

Con dence vs. Credibility

Tomorrow, for the nal lecture of the
Mathematical Statistics course, I will
try to illustrate - using Monte

Moreover, there is a nice article published on AnalyticsVidhya on this

which elaborate on these concepts with examples:

Bayesian Statistics explained to

Beginners in Simple English
Introduction Bayesian Statistics
continues to remain
incomprehensible in the ignited
minds of many analysts. Being…

Signi cance in Data Science

Bayesian statistics encompasses a speci c class of models that could be

used for Data Science. Typically, one draws on Bayesian models for one
or more of a variety of reasons, such as:

• having relatively few data points

• having strong prior intuitions

• having high levels of uncertainty

And there are scenarios where Bayesian statistics will perform

drastically, please read following discussion for details:
What's the relationship between
bayesian statistics and machine
Answer (1 of 2): Machine learning is a
broad eld that uses statistical
models and algorithms to
automatically learn…


Bayesian Methods for Hackers

The Bayesian method is the natural
approach to inference, yet it is
hidden from readers behind chapters
of slow…

Bayesian Statistics: From

Concept to Data Analysis |
About this course: This course
introduces the Bayesian approach to
statistics, starting with the concept
of probability…

. . .

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