Special Issue Inception

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Special Issue

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Incep on 2018 is the Annual Installa on Ceremony
of the TeamN for the Leois c year 2018/19.
TeamN is the combina on of
Leo club of Nawala Metro,
Leo club of Ananda College, Leo club of Mahanama
College, Leo club of Carey College, Leo Club of NSBM
and Leo club of Thurstan College. We are the clubs
parented by the Lions Club of Nawala.

TeamN signifies that we are one big family

in the Leo Community.
Leo club of Nawala metro is proud to celebrate our glorious
sixth anniversary in the leos c year 2018/19
with numerous victories, uneven achievements and
with recogni on from the interna onal Leo movement
as well as Lion’s clubs organiza on. Path to where
we stand today wasn’t built of flower beds.

So we faced many obstacles, overcame various

boundaries and also we had to be strong at failures
and rise up at fall backs too. We made history.
Names of people who have dedicated to the process of
crea ng that history, were wri en in golden le ers.
We have a lot more years to go as well.
We’ll make today ours and also,
the future may also be jeweled by us, Metros.
Join with us to own the fame.
Movements of Incep on 2018,
stay with us…


We are extremely proud and delighted to step foot into the 6 th year of
our victorious journey. Contempla ng the journey the club has come so
far, it is quite obvious that the Leo Club of Nawala Metro has become a
renowned club in the Leo District 306 C2, Sri Lanka. It was installed by
Leo District 306 C2 Sri Lanka and sponsored by the Lions Club of
Nawala in 2013. It is a collabora ve effort of young men and women
from different social, cultural, academic and professional backgrounds
with the same mo ve of volunteering.

Since our incep on, we have been able to render tremendous service
to the community by being engaged in a wide variety of community
services and other social service work. Apart from the praiseworthy
work that Metros do towards the be erment of the community, we are
also well known for our innova veness and the passion to do things
our way.

As a result of hard work, dedica on and out of the box a tude

towards serving the country, we were able to achieve tles as,

v The Most Outstanding New Leo Club in

District 306 C2 in 2013/14
v The Most Outstanding New Leo Club in
Sri Lanka in 2013/14
v The Most Outstanding New Leo Club in
District 306 C2 in 2014/15
v The Most Outstanding Leo Club in
Sri Lanka in 2014/15
v The Most Outstanding New Leo Club in
District 306 C2 in 2016/17
v The Most outstanding Leo Club in
Sri Lanka 2nd runner Up in 2016/17
v The Most Outstanding New Leo Club in
District 306 C2 in 2017/18
v The Most Outstanding Leo Club in
Sri Lanka 2nd runner Up in 2017/18


As we are celebra ng the joy, annual ceremony of recrui ng new members and establishing the Board of
Officials, Incep on 2018 was held gracefully on 24 th of September 2018 at Carey College Auditorium.
Incep on is the joint installa on ceremony of six Leo Clubs of TeamN viz. Leo Club of Ananda College, Leo
Club of Carey College, Leo Club of Mahanama College, Leo Club of Nawala Metro, Leo Club of NSBM and Leo
Club of Thurston College. It’s the proud moment which all the six clubs officially start their new year with
shining new badges and smiles on their faces. District Governor Lion Nimal Ranawaka MJF and District
President Leo Vishan Gunaratne added grace to the event with their honorable par cipa on as the Chief
Guest and the Guest of Honor, respec vely. Leo Pasindu Kavinda who’s the Vice-President of the Leo Club of
Nawala Metro had successfully and elegantly organized this huge event. Simply it was amazing! CHEERS to
the chief organizer and his dedica on.

President of Leo club of Nawala Metro President of Leo Club of Mahanama College

Leo Dulanjaya Nadeeshan Leo Achala Shanuka

2018/19 2018/19

President of Leo club of Ananda College President of Leo Club of Carey College

Leo Sunera Naveed Leo Abdul Qadhir

2018/19 2018/19

President of Leo club of NSBM President of Leo Club of Thurstan College

Leo Sanhindi Fonseka Leo Shashindu Lakshan

2018/19 2018/19

Best wishes for a bright and a shining new year in Leoism as a leader of leaders.
May you all be blessed to bring your club to the greatest peaks!
Congratula ons to all new office bearers of TeamN and felicita ons to all the members of
all six clubs in the incep on of the Leois c year 2018/19.


Leo Dulanjaya Nadeeshan

Immediate Past President

Leo Achini Samaraweera

Vice President
Leo Pasindu Kavinda

Leo Medhavi Amarasekara

Leo Thiloka Dakshina

Assistant Secretary
Leo Kosala Rupasinghe

Assistant Treasurer
Leo Osinda Viraj


“Leoism is about bonds, Friendship, experiences and memories for a better day in future” says the newly
installed President of Leo Club of Nawala Metro. This handsome, tall personality has been in Leo movement for
more than five years at the moment. He has been with the Leo Club of Nawala Metro since the very beginning
and he is the hands-down favourite of all. Dulanjaya received his primary and secondary education from
Isipathana College, Colombo 05. Then he realized his passion for flying and entered into the Skyline
Aeronautical Engineering Training Academy. He successfully completed his education at the academy and
currently providing his service to Sri Lankan Air Lines.

By all means Dulanjaya is a successful LEO with a clear mind and a congenial heart. He has held many
responsibilities in Club level, District Level and in Multiple Level as well. Dulanjaya was the Vice President of
Leo Club of Nawala Metro Last year. Eventually he earned the Presidency of the club. Dulanjaya once became
the Most Popular Leo of the District 306 C2 and proved his motto of, "people and faith" are the best resources
one can gain.

He always gives his best to the job he’s involved in and brings out the best of it. Most admirable characteristics
of his are courage and resourcefulness. He never gives up even in situations where nobody else sees any good
luck. Leo Dulanjaya imparts his gratitude to his key pillars of the success viz. his parents, fellow Leos and
previous great Presidents of the Leo Club of Nawala metro Leo Sahan, Leo Vishan, Leo Kalana, Leo Pasan and
Leo Achini whose footsteps he has followed and all his friends in Leoism and outside. Finally he’s wishing good
luck and best regard to members of Leo Club of Nawala metro and all the other Leos. Congratulations and best
wishes to Leo Dulanjaya Nadeeshan for a magnificent and dazzling future from all of us, Nawala Metros.

“I believe in People. They are the treasures I’ve earned… “


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