MANE 2nd Edition

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MANE Pany Thay) ‘THE OFFICIAL BULLETIN OF LEO CLUB OF NAWALA METRO LIYARA MALMI BS ayes CHAMP MINI WORLD'S END LONDON iibic a PLease INCEPTION ‘22 Con Peer ean Titer 1926 -2022 SILNAWACA METRO a TS EWC bah neon > he Fo} 7 eB 2a is heFo) Bil tute) ial LONDON BRIDGE HAS FALLEN! TALK WITH METROS oem AY [stag WHERE THE FOCUS BEGINS? PROJECT DIARIES NAJANAJA METRAENGMES “” i y 4 ae = = O oO EDITOR'S NOTE al aes LEO OF THE MONTH a" Leo Vihara Jayaweera A Mi SCOR CRE cen mca rr Ger cues oe ce Mu ecg] MWorked hard with dedication during this month's pfojects. We are proud to have you being an De eke erg eet GCs Une a Ree a caso) long way to go in this journey. So being appointed as the Leo of the month for the month of COTES ue ULC Uo Ch uaa gece - 7] aT all rs Pr 4 = mt rr EI @ 7 z ° a Fs 3 cy care) | > Fe Ee eee Cra een en Tree naar tte tae ranean _~ was far from a fairytale. Only three years later the second World War broke out. And ‘At age 14, she delivered the first of her radio broadcasts, Addressing the children who had been evacuated from their homes. “To you, living in new surroundings, we send a message of true sympathy” During her speech, Elizabeth showed her calm and steadfast personality. And that was just the beginning of her-iong service to her country. At 16, Princess Elizabeth was appointed Colonel of the Grenadier Guards.This meant she began to accompany her parents on official visits within Britain. And two years latershe made the decision to join the armed eee aC eee ee ec eee ce Rn) become an expert driver and mechanic:The newsreel of her driving a truck and finding with an engine showed Elizabeth's en es On her twenty-first birthday, she broadcast another message to the nation, sharing her feelings and hopes for the future "| declare before you all that my whole lfe whether it be long or short shall be devoted to your service" Even Though she was just twenty-one when she sald this, she never failed to complete her duty as the Queen of England in cera ‘She has indeed been an inspiration for many women in many respects. She was driving trucks at a time when women were labeled as stay-at-home women. She lived through so many generations. She proved that being a woman doesn't mean you should live in a corner. She ruled so many countries and has visited most of the countries in the world. Her majesty is indeed a huge icon to everyone all around the world. Re een eee eee a eee Leo Dulmini chamoodya card TALK WITH METROS CN een nee er eee task. Today we are talking to an amazing figure on the national basketball and netball teams. She played a huge role in this Pee ee eae eas POON crocs Eee ea ae) Bandaranayake Vidyalaya and currently I'm doing my higher studies and working at Hatton Nation Bank. And I'm a player in eee cots een Oe ee cae eee eed Poo eee} Soe eh started playing Basketball and Netball is my Parents. Ceaser ene ee Seog eos ie wi Pee es ee test te Cee Ree ee td See CO aT oe hee athletic, Swimming and Cricket back in school. ™m also a part of eo one? 4, We all know itis a backbreaking journey. What went through ‘your mind after getting selected to the national team? fete Ce ee aoe ene ene cal ee eee Cree a cues irs acca er ee Ce this year as one of the youngest players in the team? Ce ae ne etme entities eee ec eee a ee neat team supported me and guided me. To be honest, we never thought we would win, but our hard work and commitment led us there. It made me so happy and proud when we won, CC LL ee peers ed Re ec) They always guided me, taught me, and supported me. They are my strength. They are the reason that 'm here today. | am really grateful to them for everything they have done for me. | used to love watch them Pee eee es 7. You have already become a role model for all the youngsters and ‘specially for girls, so can you say some words that will inspire all the Peer erucen Cn ne eR Ce Pe Seen eee ey Cee eee as anyone else to take control of you! BE YOU and DO WHAT YOU LOVE TO Pl |) ) ASIA | NETBALL NU NetBau | cxatronsnine sons SINGAPO! CHAMPIONS | PAGE 06 LOST IN WANDERLUST TRAVEL DIARY OF A YOUNG ENTHUSIAST In this edition, I'm talking about one of the most, scenic journeys from my collection, expedition to Madulsima also known as the mini world’s end. It was, an admirable journey to me. | went with two of my friends for a-night at Madulsima where we had a camping experience. We spent some time to purchase all the necessities that was needed for camping. There was a small summer hut at the last bus stand, and we had to walk for 1.1km to reach our destination. We were glad because only us were there to witness this jaw-dropping scenery which amazed my sight. cae We prepared for the night by adjusting the tent. It was a chilly night that made us eat hot with the cold climate; hot tea with a spicy noodle bowl was the best. Me and my friends couldn't wait a second to capture all these astonishing landscapes. We explored the area by following the trials which ended up with more natural sights that caught my eye. Next morning, we were lucky to wake up to this heavenly scenery and thought of heading back. On the way back, our bus had to change its tyres due to an unexpected accident and we had to wait some time tillit gets fixed. r ———— (a SEs oA U ea ue uic as el eee een oe tera Cen es oa Re ea eR ae cua a Oren ne Tea M UU RU Aol melt (eo eee) | PAGE 10 WHERE THE FOCUS BEGINS? “i WN Bi SLANE Way XN OQ SAM 7] LA ¢ J Lee Cae ve ADK AO Om NOW CD <) Qi What exactly do you do during meditation? While there are many different forms of meditation and ways to practice, learning a basic meditation for beginners isa great place to begin. First you should choose a quiet spot that's free of distractions. You should turn off your phone, television, and other distractions If you choose to play quiet music, select something calm and repetitive, ‘Then you have to set a time limit. I you are just getting started, it’s better to stick to shorter sessions of about $ to 10 minutes in length. Pay attention to your body and get comfortable with your surroundings. You can sit cross-legged on the floor or in a chair as long as you feel that you can sit comfortably for several minutes ata time. ‘You have to focus on your breathing and try taking deep breaths that expand your belly then slowly exhale. Pay attention to how each breath feels. Notice your thoughts. The purpose of meditation Is not to clear your mind - your mind is inevitably ‘going to wander. Instead, focus on gently bringing your attention back to your breath whenever you natice your thoughts are drifting. Don't judge your thoughts or try to analyze them; simply direct your mind back to your deep breathing, Research has shown that meditation can have both physiological and psychological effects. Some positive physiological effects include a lowered state of physical arousal, reduced respiration rate, decreased heart rate, changes in brain wave patterns, and lowered stress Improved immunity, reduces headaches, improved emotional well-being to face challenges, and increased self-awareness to have a better understanding of your essentials and nonessential. This practice provides a great empathy towards yourself and to others who are close to you. Leo Vihara Jayaweera NMED Oo INES SAGE YA, ee Aig ie | PAGE 12 PROJECT DIARIES aaNet) pt Tg POO at INCEPTION’22 See geen Ce eee Ce et eo eco ee We showed our gratitude to all the previous board members for the amazing Leostic year 21/22. All the responsibilities and authorities were trasfered to the newly appointed board members with honour. 2nd Vice District Governor Lion Ranjith Fernando joined as the chief guest and Leo Lion Indunil Palihawadana joined as the guest of honour. roy = ance Pen cg J NAWALA METRO Y Eo) M21 me M a Cllrs Project Thuru Mawatha was successfully held with our hard working members of Nawala Metro Leos, on the 17th of September 2022. ee eee ee tee eee eee eee een erg Sti Lanka, the town of Koggala sits by the edge of a lagoon, surrounded by mangroves. As we all know, mangroves are an important part cof our ecosystem, We metros take the importance of our environment seriously, hence our trip to Koggala on a journey to witness its pee We all had the honor of having a very interactive experience and getting to know all about Mangrove was such a marvelous experience to see al the stages of Mangrove planting thanks to the local guides and especially Mr. Ohammika Mahanama. Finishing up Seo Cee on en eae eee Lacy project, while having spent a productive day with the sense of unity and team work with our fellow Leos. ce rom ta etd bd [cote eed Serpents have been a symbol of fertility life, healing, and rebirth. So even though many are afraid of the these creatures one can say they are magnificent and a unique set of living wonders, The Leo clubs of Nawala Metro and Thurstan college understood this perfectly, and that is the reason they carried out an interesting joint project named’ Into The Serpent Kingdom to uplift the knowledge about these serpents in the minds of the people.This project was successfully chaired by Leo Kusal Avishka in the National Zoological Garden, Dehiwala on 24th September 2022 with the help and the participation of the supportive club aed ‘The participants got many opportunities to learn numerous new things about these fearsome yet interesting creatures. They had a theoretical discussion session with Senior Lecturer of the Young Zoological Association Mr. Mahesh Cathuranga De Silva. And also they had a practical session where they were able to feel the touch of the serpents and Learn the Safety precautions to be followed in an event of a serpent attack or a related event. ceed ‘Naja Naja’ Ce TO eo ee Cec Ce La eee [eee oe re en Oe eee eC e cry eee ane TORR RCW ee eee ee eR eee ee eee POC AU Dau Ue eC UL Cu eer cer rd are responsible for the most snakebite cases in India. SO RE eee oC on CC a relatively large and quite impressive hood, which expands when threatened. SO Ree eee Pree ae erietaie nin a care as nie er Dee Ree CoC eC Eee LCE Cas Indian cobras are oviparous and lay their eggs between the months of April and July. The female snake usually lays between 10 and 30 eggs in rat holes of termite mounds and the eggs hatch 48 to 69 days later. Perr mo rd ceed Metraénigmes a Nie ce Tee 3. Scientific name of Indian cobras CO ee nce Ueno 5. Charmingly or irresistibly appealing PA dy Day De eee PaO ec or eM teu Cou og Teg aes Fill the puzzle and stand a chance to win a personal pizza from Pizza hut! All you have to do is send your answers along with your name and contact number to dulminichamoodyal AO Roa CC ee | PAGE 19 EDITOR’S NOTE Leo Dulmini Wickramarachchi Editor-in-chief Leo Club of Nawala Metro We proudly present you the 2nd Edition of the official bulletin of the Leo Club of Nawala Metro for the Leostic year 22/23. In this edition we bring you one of the youngest members of Sri Lanka's National Netball team who witnessed a huge role in the winning of Asian Netball Championship this year. My editorial team, Leo Isuru Egodawela, Leo Vihara Jayaweera and Leo Rushen Rahul worked tirelessly to make this edition a success.And | also want to thank Leo Thameena and our Assistant Secretary Leo Thamadi Kulanya and our dearest friend Leo Vihindu and his family for their support. hope our dearest readers will enjoy this edition and be kind enough to give us their feedback. suru Egodawela Leo Vihara Jayaweera Leo Rushen Rahul Bulletin chief Designer Bulletin Editor ‘Bulletin Editor Leo Club of Nawala Metro Leo Club of Nawala Metro Leo Club of Nawala Metro NAW 7 wt AMETRO {| Wass rict WA Ti) LA

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