Gfa-2123 Controls Server Datasheet v8
Gfa-2123 Controls Server Datasheet v8
Gfa-2123 Controls Server Datasheet v8
Control Server
Advanced optimizing control
Designed for Real-world servers with high performance solid
Demands state drives (SSD). The Control Server
can be supplied in a rack-based
The Control Server, part of GE’s Industrial cabinet with redundant power feeds
Internet Control System, is an integrated and roof mounted cooling fans with
computing platform designed to optimize ample space for network switches,
plant and asset performance, enhance patch panels, and other equipment.
control system security, and simplify
the maintenance of traditional SCADA Industrial Internet
computers. Utilizing a centralized server-
Enabled Key Benefits
based architecture, the Control Server
integrates multiple functions traditionally The Control Server includes GE's Virtual Optimized Business Outcomes. Virtual
provided by discrete workstations into a Field Agent, our highest capacity edge- Field Agent technology handles your Big
server-based platform using virtualization computing platform with IIoT capabilities Data or Big Analytics, either at the edge or
technologies. Customers can securely from GE’s Predix analytics platform. Virtual pushed securely to the cloud, providing
design, deploy, and maintain their Field Agent technology allows for Big Data insight into assets and system operations.
entire plant control system from one analytics to occur at the edge or to be Optimizing controls with decisions based
securely pushed to the Predix cloud. Using on business data advise how to run assets.
central location.
VFA, the Control Server has the capability
The Control Server’s modular design Secure. A reduced attack surface with
to run many large and complex applications
includes a Thin Client HMI Module for fewer network connections and machines
focused on optimizing plant asset
Engineering & Operator Workstations, reduces the risk of cyber threat due to the
operations. Quickly apply GE’s OEM asset
Historians, and Communication Gateways, Control Server’s centralized architecture.
optimizing applications or build your own
a Domain Services Module providing The same centralized architecture allows
applications to improve operations, and
services for user authentication and for security and antivirus protection to be
thus profitability, of your plant. easily implemented. Primary and
certificate management, and Virtual Field
Agent* which enables complex model secondary domain VM controllers provide
based optimization and control
Built with Security in Mind better user and password management of
Domain Services, delivered with the the system.
applications using GE’s Predix* engine.
Control Server, implement policies to
Improved Lifecycle Management. GE
Scalable harden the control server, minimizing the
provides a validated system that assures
attack surface against cyber threats.
Several configurations of Simplex (single hardware and software work seamlessly
Primary and secondary domain VM together in the control network.
server) and High Availability (redundant
controllers provide role based access Virtualization and thin client technologies
servers) fit your application specific needs,
control to all aspects of the Control Server replace traditional PC based Workstations
offering easy expansion by adding client
platform, thin client terminals, and other with a server class machine, extending
terminals or server hardware as needed.
thick client PCs on the control network. lifecycles, simplifying maintenance, making
Server-based architecture and small
Certificate Authority provides security upgrades easier, and improving security.
footprint of the client hardware allows for The high availability option assures reliable
certificates for placing controllers into
easy installation and maintenance. The uptime for all functions.
secure mode.
platform hardware uses rack mounted
Thin Client Workstations
Application Server
Management VM
Operator Station
Operator Station
Domain Control
Security Services
Field Agent
Predix Predix
ControlST Machine ControlST Machine
Real-time Controllers
The base system elements use commercial off the shelf (COTS) parts and are available in both Simplex, as a single server,
and High Availability with redundant server configurations.
The following functions are available based on site specific application needs:
Domain Controllers Manages user profiles for system wide access control
Certificate Authority Security certificates enabling secure communications with controllers
Virtual Field Agent Cloud connect services, advanced analytics, and optimizing control based on Predix
Engineering Workstation Configuration tools and services for maintaining your MarkVIe system
Operator Workstation Access through thin client terminals to operator screens
Communication Gateway Communication to 3rd party devices through various protocols
Historian Store and view of historical data
Application Server Dedicated server for Configuration Management (CMS), Alarm Server, or Device Management
Maintenance VM Default tools necessary to manage and troubleshoot the Control Server
GE Energy Connections
Automation & Controls
2500 Austin Dr GE's Energy Connections business is a subsidiary of General Electric. The GE brand and logo are
Charlottesville, VA 22911 trademarks of General Electric. © 2017 General Electric. * Trademark of General Electric. Field Agent is a
trademark of Automation & Controls, a part of GE's Energy Connections business. All other trademarks are
1-800-433-2682 or 1-434-978-5100 the property of their respective owners. Specifications are subject to change without notice. 1.17 GFA-2123