ThinManager Full Profile v12.1 21

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manufacturing imagination.

Simplified delivery of centralized

applications and information to
virtually any device, user or location.

ThinManager Delivers
ThinManager allows you to easily manage the configuration
of end-user terminals and the delivery of all of your central-
ized applications and content to those terminals.

Ease of Use
ThinManager’s wizard-based configuration allows adminis-
trators to easily set up advanced functionality for end-user
devices such as PCs, thin clients and mobile devices. Thin-
Manager also makes it easy to customize the content deliv-
ered to the terminal based on who is logged in and what role
they play in your work environment.

A Complete Solution
Experience unparalleled flexibility
ThinManager is the only platform that manages both the for your industrial networks by
server side and the terminal side of modern computer net- centrally managing every thin client,
works offering full server failover and redundancy options
to keep your resources in an “always on” state, reducing
PC and mobile device from
downtime and lowering your Total Cost of Ownership. one powerful software platform.

ThinManager - Secure Content Delivery and Device Management

Content Types Configuration Delivery
CMMS Devices
User X
Users Group X
Terminal Role X

Web Management

Web Content
& Hardware
IP Cameras
USB Cameras
ThinManager provides secure configuration and delivery of content.
ThinManager 12 has added many new
features that will increase productivity,

VERSION 12.1 visualization, security & mobility.


VISUALIZATION Web Browser Display Client - Enhanced Images

Container Display Client™ can use ei- Containers can now be hosted on thin clients, using the
ther server or thin client resources required resources to run the web-based session to be
sourced from the designated thin client. Firefox or Chrome
Enhanced Container Images: Chrome, browsers can be launched by the Container Application. It is
Firefox, Citrix (Storefront support) recommended that a terminal have at least 8 GB of RAM to
host containers.
Container applications can also launch the Firefox or
Chrome browser with the capability to launch .ica files.
These are compatible with Citrix StoreFront.

SECURITY Change Existing DB Password

Allow user to change the database ThinManager Administrators can change te database pass-
word without knowing the previous set password. Users can
password in UI
also do a vacuum to reduce the database size upon start-up
or shutdown of the system.

MOBILITY Relevance User Manual Unlock

Relevance User manual unlock ThinManager relevance user accounts can be manually un-
locked in the Admin console using the Relevance User Con-
figuration wizard. This can be done at any time, regardless
of the Account Lockout Period duration.

MISC SysLog Compatible Recording

SysLog compatible reporting ThinManager events can now be viewed in SysLog Servers
Updates to expired subscription instead of only ThinManager interface’s Event Logging tab.
View events in the SysLog Event viewer based on what is
configured in the ThinManager Server Configuration wizard.

Updates to Expired Subscription

On an expired subscription, terminals will continue to boot
and receive configuration, however the design time environ-
ment will have limited functionality. Terminals booted with-
out a license will receive a renewal notification every 2 hours
that can be closed by clicking “OK”..
ThinManager 12 has added many new
features that will increase productivity,

VERSION 12 visualization, security & mobility.


• Inherited Display Clients • Device/Area/Location dependent PIN

• Localization Phase 2* Authentication
• Filter Display Clients during selection • Logging for administrative changes
• Add Active RDS Server Property to • Override authentication method at termi-
Productivity TermMon Security nal/location
• Custom Hotkeys based on terminal • Association of unknown badge at terminal
• VersaView 6300 Support
• Updated RDP Module*

• Web Browser Display Client • Localization – Phase 2*

• Portrait Mode* • Portrait Mode*
• Second VV5200 Monitor Reso-
Visualization lution Support

Web Browser Display Client secondary monitor can now have a resolution independent of the
The new Browser Display Client can run locally in the ThinManager main monitor.
thin client, removing the need for a server-side browser process to
be instantiated.
Add Active RDS Server Property to TermMon
If you have a terminal configuration for Failover, we expose which
User Display Client with inherited Display Clients is Primary. They might want to build a dashboard showing primary
Similar to nested locations, this feature aligns to the way Loca- and secondary servers, controllers that are online, current ses-
tions work with inherited Display Clients. sions IDs. Now can be part of an SE display.

Localization – Phase 2 Custom Hotkeys

Localization of all strings and on-terminal commands and prompts. Ability to assign a hotkey directly to a terminal. For example, an
administrator can assign a hotkey for entering a scan result at a
Device/Area/Location dependent PIN Authentication scanning station.
In addition to using a location to authenticate mobile devices, ad-
ministrators can also require a security PIN based on location. Override authentication method at Terminal/Location
Ability to override settings e.g. to select logged user at a terminal
Allow Filtering of Display Clients during selection instead of ThinManager.
Easily filter the list of display clients during configuration.
Association of unknown badge at terminal
Logging for Administrative Changes Prompt at the terminal for unknown user versus only being avail-
Additional log information available, e.g. changes to PXE configu- able in ThinManager console. Username and password must be
ration. known. Allows individual to register their own badge.
Second VV5200 Monitor Resolution Support Portrait Mode*
When connecting a second monitor to an integrated display, the Ability for ThinManager displays to be presented in portrait format.

* Some features were released under version 11.2 or in a subsequent firmware update, prior to the 12.0 launch.
ThinManager 11 added many new
features that increase productivity,

VERSION 11 visualization, security & mobility.


Updated RDP Module

More current technology, supports more complex control architectures (DMZs, TM-FTVSE integration and
etc.), RD gateway support enables future of the ThinManager gateway, plus im- Allen-Bradley hardware support
proved audio & video streaming over RDP. versions 10.0-12.0
VNC username & tunnel support New ThinManager commands
Encrypting the communication for client-server and shadowed terminals.
natively available in FTVSE
Additional ThinManager ActiveX events are now
Localization – Phase 1 native in FTVSE from the Function categories
Phase 1 of Localization will provide support for non-English keyboards. The On-
e.g. [Terminal Name] and [IP address]. More in-
Screen Keyboard (OSK) will be configurable for other languages as well. Prompts
formation available directly from FTVSE.
will be addressed in Phase 2 which will be included in version 12. There are no
plans to change the ThinManager Admin Console to other languages. It will re-
main in English. FT Activation/Common Installer
ThinManager 11.0 will provide an option to use
UEFI Support traditional Master Licensing or FactoryTalk
Prior to ThinManager version 11, the ThinManager firmware required a traditional Activation.
BIOS. Hardware manufacturers have started to drop support for Legacy BIOS. By
supporting UEFI, ThinManager will continue to be viable on the latest x86 thin/ FTVSE Licensing Benefits
zero clients. UEFI will also enable secure boot options for the VersaView 5200 With FactoryTalk View SE 11 and ThinManager
family in the future. 11, using FactoryTalk Activation, a single Fac-
toryTalk View SE Client license will enable the
Display Client Groups delivery of an unlimited number of SE Client ses-
Similar to other ThinManager objects, Display Client grouping will allow for better sions (MultiSession and/or Failover) to a terminal.
organization of Display Clients – especially for larger deployments.
Authentication Pass Through
More Flexible Touchscreen Navigation ThinManager can now pass Relevance User
USB touchscreen module will be configurable for touch and hold time period to credentials natively to supported HMI products
present Display Client selection and/or other ThinManager actions (i.e. Tile, Cali- using a token-based technology. FactoryTalk
brate, etc.) View SE will be the first HMI to support this.
Capability will be made available to other HMI
MultiMonitor Enhancements vendors in subsequent releases.
ThinManager now supports more monitors and an intuitive drag and drop configura-
tion interface. VersaView 5200, 6300 Support
Support for latest thin client hardware.
Freeform MultiMonitor
ThinManager now allows for custom layouts for your MultiMonitor displays instead
of a preconfigured layout. Our simple drag to place interface makes it a snap.

Automatic Reconfiguration of displays on lost monitor

After a boot, press any key to continue to boot with a bad monitor unless hard-
ware is set to automatically reconfigure.
Deliver multiple applications from

various sources and easily customize
every screen to display your content.

MultiSession is the core technology that allows ThinManager to
securely deliver user applications and content from multiple sources.
ThinManager’s MultiSession technology allows adminis- ThinManager easily manages these sessions allowing end
trators to deliver applications and resources from vari- users to have access to multiple applications through a
ous sources such as Remote Desktop Servers, IP and USB single terminal. Users no longer have to worry with applica-
cameras, other terminals, VMWare, Hyper-V and even Citrix tions that compete for resources on a single PC or working
servers to virtually any end-user device. ThinManager cre- on more than one PC at a time to compensate for power
ates unique sessions for each authorized user to access hungry programs. ThinManager can deliver everything you
centralized applications. need through a single thin client terminal.

Run multiple
sessions across
multiple monitors.
Drive multiple* 4K
monitors from a single
thin client. Assign
multiple applications and
screen configurations to
every monitor to ensure
everything in your plant
stays in view.
* Supports as many monitors as your selected hardware supports. Appropriate hardware required.
Up to 7 monitors are supported by the VersaView 5200 Multi 4K display from Allen-Bradley pictured above.

ThinManager’s MultiMonitor feature allows users to display with ThinManager. Now you can simply drag and drop your
multiple monitors attached to a single thin client*. The monitor arrangements to easily customize your plant floor
number of screens which can be configured is now limited view in minutes.
only to the hardware support. MultiMonitor can be used
to span sessions across monitors and/or run individual or MultiMonitor supports spanned resolutions up to 8192
multiple sessions on each monitor. Touch­screens are also x 8192 with 64K colors for MS Server 2012 and newer. MS
supported. Server 2008 and prior are limited to a spanned resolution
of 4096 x 2048. ThinManager supports 4k single monitors
The latest update to MultiMonitor completely recreates with up to 3840x2160 resolution (client device graphics
the configuration wizard for deploying multiple monitors must support 4k).
Increase security and accountability with

multiple user authentication options

Securely deliver applications and data to every user, device and location
Access to sensitive data and content facilities require additional solutions user’s role and/or their location in the
is one of the most important security to meet their industry-specific needs. facility. In addition, ThinManager sup-
concerns for modern industrial en- ThinManager’s centralized content ports multiple forms of user authen-
vironments. With new technologies management provides automation tication to ensure that only the right
like mobility and cloud computing be- administrator’s the ability to deliver person, in the right place, receives the
coming more common, automation productivity applications based on a intended content.

Windows® accounts are required to start sessions on the Remote Desktop Server. Each Terminal needs a
Active Directory unique Windows account. The current Active Directory integration allows the ThinManager administrator
to connect to the Active Directory, search for users, and reference an AD account as its Windows account.
Syncing This increases security, accelerates configuration and reduces naming errors.

Authentication Pass Through PIN Authentication

ThinManager can now pass Relevance User credentials na- Administrators can now set up and use a PIN instead of
tively to supported HMI products using a token-based tech- or in conjunction with a password. PINs can be revealed
nology. FactoryTalk View SE will be the first HMI to support or hidden when entered and PIN complexity requirements
this. Capability will be made available to other HMI vendors are adjustable. This method can be combined with badges,
in subsequent releases. biometrics and manual logins.

RFID Badge Readers Biometric - (Mountable)

RFID readers come in many form factors and are used in Fingerprint Reader Support
numerous applications and OEM solutions including: multi- Multiple fingerprint readers are supported from various
function printers, kiosks, building and door access, point- third party vendors.
of-sale and computer logon. This new USB badge reader
module will enable ThinManager to support a broader range Biometric - (Wearable)
of badge reader manufacturers. This particular module will Nymi Band Authentication Support Phase 1
work for badge readers that emulate a keyboard. Updated Smart Card Module will pass Nymi Band
identifier from NFC Reader to a smart card or a
Smart Card Reader Nymi-SDK-enabled application running in session
Faster than the traditional username and password, smart on a ThinManager terminal.
card readers allow for the user to swipe, tap, or insert a
smart card to prove the identity of that user. Handy for Password Caching/Rotation
touchscreen terminals where a keyboard might not be opti- Administrators can now configure a time period for password
mal. Card readers can also be used in part with a password caching. For example, users can enter a password at start
for even more security. ThinManager now supports NLA of shift, but then only use a badge for the remainder of their
(Network Level Authentication) policies depending on the shift. ThinManager can also rotate your password for AD users
configuration and desired method of use. if your IT security policy requires periodic password changes.
Create composite applications

with customized layouts on a
single hi-resolution monitor.


Design custom
screen layouts to
deliver applications
and content from
multiple sources.

Virtual Screens
Virtual Screens allow multiple sources of content to be ar-
ranged on the screen in almost any way imaginable. Admin-
istrators can create custom-sized screen overlays to de-
sign “composite applications” from available user content
on any terminal. Session Scaling
Session Scaling allows for applications to be auto-scaled to
Virtual Screens are set up in a very similar manner to cam- fit a particular layout or monitor resolution. Applications no
era overlays. As with most ThinManager features, Virtual longer have to be rewritten to accommodate varying reso-
Screens are easily created using the wizard-based config- lutions. Session Scaling is the perfect complement to Vir-
uration tool. Simply enter screen coordinates and overlay tual Screens as it will automatically fit your content into the
sizes, then assign applications and content into the spaces overlays created.
you choose.

Display your Virtual Screens on most mobile

4k Resolution
devices. Because Virtual Screens encourages adding even more
content to the operator experience, ThinManager supports
4K resolution* to enhance the clarity of additional content
and applications. This also allows for a single 4K monitor to
act as four physical monitors operating at 1920 x 1280 with-
out the additional costs of mounting and wiring four physi-
cal monitors.
* Appropriate hardware required.
CAMERAS, ThinManager offers a variety of ways to view
content from other thin clients as well as

PanelView Plus and PanelView 5000 EOIs.

Easy setup with multiple viewing options. Monitor HD H.264
video at 30fps with IP or USB cameras. Take advantage of IP or
USB cameras to expand your view.
Setup is Easy Manage the Bandwidth
Just configure the camera with an IP address to add it to If your thin client is equipped with dual Ethernet ports, it
your network, define it as a display server, and then de- is possible to directly connect an IP Camera into the 2nd
ploy it as a window or as part of a group of windows. Ethernet port on the thin client. This greatly decreases
network activity, instantly freeing up more bandwidth.
Multiple Viewing Options
Users have the option to choose a single camera display, Advantages
several cameras with multiple displays, or as an overlay in IP camera support gives users the ability to see around the
an existing application. Users can define their own cus- corner and through the walls. Use it to expand the line of vi-
tom layout of the camera overlays or choose from pre- sion in a production process or as a security tool to monitor
defined layouts. ThinManager also allows the ability to every part of a facility at the same time. ThinManager makes
choose whether or not the IP camera feeds are to be tiled. it easy to define and deploy a wide variety of cameras.

Administrative Shadowing
ThinManager administrators have the ability to shad-
ow every terminal directly from the ThinManager in- Shadowing allows an admin-
terface. Simply click the show tab after selecting the istrator, or a user, to view or
terminal you wish to shadow. You can even shadow
individual monitors connected to the terminal you are operate a terminal remotely.
VNC sources can be shadowed
Terminal to Terminal Shadowing and deployed to any terminal.
There are many times that a user needs to see what
is being displayed on another terminal. ThinManager’s
Display your Cameras, Shadows and VNC
Terminal to Terminal Shadow feature lets users eas- sources on your mobile devices.
ily view content from other sessions running on other
terminals. This feature alone makes troubleshooting
much less time-consuming.

VNC Viewing
VNC display clients also allow users, based on permis-
sions, to access content directly from other devices
like PanelView, PanelView Plus and PanelView 5000 as
well as any other device that has a VNC server built in.
Combined with Relevance, these features work on mo-
bile tablets as well.
Run existing applications

Apps - WinTMC™,
on mobile devices
without writing code.

iTMC™, aTMC™
WinTMC allows you to manage your WinTMC, iTMC and aTMC bring
PCs and host applications centrally, ThinManager functionality to
simplifying network-wide updates virtually any mobile device!
and significantly reducing your TCO. ThinManager provides a client app for Windows 10, Apple
iOS and Android OS devices allowing them to operate as
thin clients. These mobile apps let you deliver existing
WinTMC brings ThinManager Ready Client
content to mobile devices. Use your HMIs and other ap-
functionality to your Windows PC plications on the move without writing any code.
You can use versatile ThinManager functions such as
SmartSession™, MultiSession™, AppLink™, Instant Failover,
and other features on your Windows PC. You will now have
ThinManager moblie apps common
more options when managing, configuring, and designing functionality:
your entire Remote Desktop Server Network. • Relevance for Users
• The new Relevance location-based mobile platform
• ActiveX Control
Remotely Manage your PCs • Bar Code and QR Scanning
By centrally configuring WinTMC, you can also directly manage • MultiSession
all of your networked PCs directly from ThinManager. Network • Client to Client Shadowing
Administrators can use ThinManager’s shadowing capability • Instant Failover
to remotely view and control the PC’s desktop even when the • Full Display Client overrides (Resolution, Login, Color
user does not have an active terminal server session. Depth, etc).
• Disabling of Remote Desktop Servers
Run applications on your PC and/or Remote • USB and IP Camera Display Clients
Desktop Servers • Full range of function keys, special keys (e.g. control,
Some users may have the need to run local applications. With alt, F1, F2, etc).
WinTMC they can easily switch between applications running • Custom background settings for company logo, etc.
locally and WinTMC remote desktop server sessions.

WinTMC provides flexibility to upgrade over time Display your Virtual Screens, Tiled Sessions,
WinTMC can be configured to act just like a ThinManager Cameras, Shadows and VNC sources on most
Ready thin client. This is ideal for gradually moving from PCs mobile devices.
to dedicated ThinManager Ready thin clients, providing flex-
ibility in your IT budget to invest in new thin client hardware as

WinTMC & Tablets

ThinManager’s Windows® client application can be used
with tablets running full Windows 10 or higher to create
a thin mobile experience on a Surface Pro tablet or other
Windows 10 enabled device.
Use location resolver technology to manage
your modern mobile workforce. Securely deliver

RELEVANCE® content through user/role-based management.


Deliver your applications to Multiple authentication techniques

mobile devices* as easily as you and Active Directory syncing give
deliver them to PCs and thin clients. administrators full control over
Relevance provides the ability to deliver the right con- terminal and application access.
tent to the right person in the right place with location- Allow users to identify themselves at any terminal using a
based mobility. Applications and information can now standard login, an RFID proximity card, a USB flash key or
be delivered based on location. This allows your staff the a biometric security device. Increase security by layering
option to have information automatically become avail- multiple authentication methods.
able on mobile devices upon entering a defined location or
scanning a location ID. The information is removed from Relevance User Services can automatically deliver a user’s
the screen when the user leaves the defined location. content to any terminal they authenticate to. Allow pro-
ThinManager Relevance stores all data on servers—no data grams to “follow” users throughout the entire plant. Even if
is saved locally. If a device is lost or stolen, no information content is already assigned to the terminal, Relevance User
will be compromised. Services can deliver additional content, on the fly, based on
*Requires iTMC mobile client available from the Apple App Store or the WinTMC or aTMC mobile
the user’s role. Access and content can also be assigned at
client available from the ThinManager Downloads page. a group level. Use scheduling to limit a specific user to a
weekly, daily or hourly schedule or disable the terminal it-
self at any time you choose.

Drop the ActiveX control into your applications and you can
Use QR Codes, Bluetooth, WiFi and GPS to define locations and deliver content to mobile devices.
program terminal and user specific functionality including
session switching, event logging, and terminal status and
Relevance uses location resolver technologies that allow management.
you to define your workspace as a location-based mobile
facility. This allows administrators to secure tethered All sessions require a Window’s user account. Relevance
workstations and mobile devices by delivering applica- User Services can automatically sync with your Active Di-
tions and content only to specific areas where that con- rectory allowing system admins to maintain user network
tent is allowed to be accessed. security while allowing engineering and plant floor admin-
istrators to manage content delivery to the plant floor.
Location setup and configuration are easily managed us-
Relevance delivers your content to mobile
ing the ThinManager Relevance wizard-based setup tools. devices using secure, location-based solutions.
Administrators have full control over how locations and
users are defined.

Extend security by creating geofences. Geofences are

configured by combining two or more resolver technolo-
gies. For instance, by nesting a QR code within a specific
WiFi access point, administrators can deliver content
when that code is scanned from within the WiFi access
point and take away and/or deny access to the content
when a person leaves the WiFi access area.
Server Load Balancing. Auto-Configuration.

SMARTSESSION ™ Choose from a variety of notification

features to keep everyone informed.

SmartSession determines the best ThinManager provides multiple
server for each client session. notification options for administrators
Instant Failover runs sessions on a and users when certain events are ex-
secondary server to prevent downtime. ecuted within ThinManager’s network.


Send emails from the ThinManager
system directly to your authenticated
email systems or send important
notifications directly to an employee’s
mobile device.

SmartSession Authenticated email

Numerous applications require multiple Remote Desktop Authenticated email allows emails to be sent
Servers to support all of your thin clients. How do you de- directly from corporate mail servers without
cide which clients connect to which Remote Desktop Ser- the use of a proxy server.
vices servers? Why not let ThinManager decide for you?
SMS messages
When you use the SmartSession feature, you add the power SMS allows text messages to be sent to users’
of load balancing. SmartSession analyzes differing CPU levels, mobile devices for instant insight into opera-
memory levels, and current session information and automat- tional events.
ically calculates the best server for your next client session.
Terminal messages
If you add clients and require more server power to support Messages can also be sent directly from Thin-
them, simply drop another Remote Desktop Server onto your Manager to any terminal for real-time notifica-
SmartSession group and it will be balanced with the existing tions to operators.
group. Activate queuing to minimize the server stress and disk
trashing that can occur when many clients try to start ses- Reporting
sions simultaneously. Queuing brings clients on in an orderly Reporting allows historical documentation of
fashion and keeps your systems running smoothly. every device, user and location that is managed
within a ThinManager environment. Reports
Instant Failover can be scheduled and sent at regular intervals if
ThinManager also provides the added safety of instant server needed.
failover. If a server does go offline, ThinManager immediately
switches all clients to the backup without interruption.
Complete Platform.
Scalable Solution.

ROI Tools.

Unique hardware enabling technology. Scalable thin client solution.

Flexible Volume Licensing
ThinManager’s new flexible volume licensing (V-FLEX) allows users to purchase a single connection license or buy
in bulk to take advantage of built-in volume-based discounts. V-FLEX licensing can be used across your facilities and
domains as you see fit. We now offer two tiers of support coverage in our Software Maintenance packages – 8x5 and 24x7.
Better yet, the first year is included!

ThinManager can now be licensed by annual subscription. Whether you choose FactoryTalk™ Activation or ThinManager
Activation, we have you covered. If your organization prefers paying annually for software, we can now accommodate you.
This is the perfect option for any business that expects changes in the number of end-user seats needed year to year.

Feature TMA FTA

ThinManager Activation (TMA) or FactoryTalk Activation (FTA)
Beginning with ThinManager version 11 and FactoryTalk View SE version Supports Redundancy X X

11, users have a choice on how they wish to activate their licenses. They Available on the eCommerce Portal X
can choose traditional ThinManager Activation (TMA) or FactoryTalk Automatic Activation Updates Available X
Activation (FTA). For instructions on ThinManager Master License ac- Centralized or Remote License Hosting X
tivation please see If using Facto-
Ability to Rehost Activations within the Tool X
ryTalk Activation, you must change the Licensing Mode in ThinManager
by clicking the Install ribbon followed by the License Mode icon. You can Manage Activations Across the Enterprise Online X X
activate your license using the FactoryTalk Activation Manager from the Can be used to Activate Software on Offline Computer X X
machine where ThinManager is installed, if it has access to the Internet, Offered in Subscription and Perpetual + Maintenance X X
or from
Supports ThinManager Versions 10 and earlier X

Full-Redundancy uses a redundant pair of servers storing configurations on both
with a fully accessible ThinManager GUI. Taking measures to eliminate downtime
is crucial in today’s production and business environment. Now you can add re- Run the numbers...
dundancy to your ThinManager environment at a lower cost per license. download our ROI
Software Maintenance
We have created a tool to help you
Support for ThinManager software comes in two flavors—24x7 and 8x5, de- calculate the savings when converting
pending on the times and level of support you might need. All current Soft- to ThinManager thin client technology.
ware Maintenance subscribers receive complimentary version upgrades. Download the free tool today!
Using an older version of ThinManager? Not current on your Software Mainte-
nance plan? We offer a path to quickly get all of your ThinManager installations
up-to-date. For more information, please contact insidesales@thinmanager.
Purchase, Activate and Assign ThinManager

Connection Licenses, as needed,
Across Multiple Facilities and Geographies

with Volume Discounts.

Users now have the ability to purchase single ThinManager connection

licenses that have no network or location restrictions and provide for bulk
purchase discounts.
Deliver ThinManager client connections with maximum flexibility on an as-needed basis to any of your facilities around
the world. ThinManager V-FLEX licensing is a single ThinManager XLr individual terminal connection license that can be
purchased one at a time in any quantity and deployed over an unlimited number of ThinServer pairs (primary/backup) at an
unlimited number of locations on multiple networks.

Advantages of a V-FLEX licensing package:

• Central management of ThinManager client connections.
• Use across multiple facilities—no limitations on the number of locations, networks and servers.
• Ability to purchase and add additional licenses only when and where they are needed with volume discount pricing.
• Access to a private ThinManager license server portal for creating and distributing licenses for use.

A customer has 3 facilities with the following terminal counts:​

Facility A = 27, Facility B = 33, Facility C = 18​
Total terminal count = 27 + 33 + 18 = 78.​

• 78 terminal count falls into the 50-99 band which includes 8x5 Software Maintenance.​
• The customer decides to purchase 100 terminal connections instead. Now they have spare connections and receive the advantage
of the next pricing band which qualifies for an increased volume discount. Adding Redundancy would be an additional cost based on
the pricing band but would not increase initial or renewal Software Maintenance costs.
• Since the licensing is V-FLEX, the customer can deploy specific quantities at specific locations on as many independent ThinMan-
ager instances as needed up to the total quantity of terminal connections purchased.​
• At the extreme, in this example, 100 terminal connections could be deployed across 100 independent facilities (1 each) running re-
dundant ThinManager instances.​
• The annual 8x5 Software Maintenance renewal would be 20% of the base license price at the purchased pricing band. 24x7 Software
Maintenance is available at 30% of the base license price. Please contact your ThinManager channel partner for pricing.

Single New V-FLEX Purchase=100

The customer received a volume purchase discount
and was able to deploy licenses in exact counts
Atlanta, United States Toronto, Canada Mumbai, India needed. Now they have 22 additional connection li-

27 33 18
censes that can be deployed across existing or new
facilities without restriction.

Unrestricted Available V-FLEX=22

Allen-Bradley, Relevance and ThinManager are trademarks of Rockwell Automation, Inc.
Trademarks not belonging to Rockwell Automation are property of their respective companies.

Publication TM-PP001G-EN-P — October 2020 Copyright © 2020 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Printed in USA.

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