Cattle Feed Manufacturing and Processing Unit

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Establishment of

Cattle Feed Manufacturing

and Processing Unit

Agro and Food

Government of Gujarat

Project Concept 3
Market Potential 7
Growth Drivers 8
Gujarat – Competitive Advantage 9
Project Information 10
- Location/ Size
- Infrastructure Availability/ Connectivity
- Machinery suppliers/ Manpower
- Plant & Machinery/ Raw Materials
- Leading Players/ Key Considerations
- Potential Collaboration Opportunities
Project Financials 16
Approvals & Incentives 18
Key Department Contacts 20

Page 2
Project Concept

The concept
The project aims to establish a manufacturing and processing unit for Cattle Feed in Gujarat. Given
abundance in terms of dairy processing unit in Gujarat there is high demand for the quality product.

. and poultry sector in India
Livestock production and agriculture are intrinsically linked, each being dependent on the other, and
crucial for overall food security. According to estimates of the Central Statistics Office (CSO), the
gross value added from livestock sector at current prices was about INR4 trillion during 2013-14
which is about 21.58% of the gross value added from total agriculture, forestry and fishing sector at
current prices and 22.75% at constant prices (2011-12). The livestock sector is contributing about
3.88% of total gross value added of the country at current prices and about 3.92% at constant prices

Livestock sector is an important sub-sector of the agriculture of Indian economy. It forms an

important livelihood activity for most of the farmers, supporting agriculture in the form of critical
inputs, contributing to the health and nutrition of the household, supplementing incomes and offering
employment opportunities. According to NSSO 66th Round Survey (July 2009–June 2010), total
number of workers in farming of animals is 20.5 millions as per usual status*. Farmers of marginal,
small and semi-medium operational holdings (area less than 4 ha) own about 87.7% of the
livestock. Hence development of livestock sector would be more inclusive.

India has vast resource of livestock and poultry, which pay a vital role in improving the socio-
economic conditions of rural masses. There are about 300.00 million bovines, 65.07 million sheep,
135.2 million goats and about 10.3 million pigs as per 19th Livestock Census in the country. The
species wise population of animals in Livestock and Poultry population during the 2012 Censuses is
given in the table below.
Livestock and Poultry Population
SN Species Livestock Census Livestock Census Growth Rate (%)
2003 (million) 2012 (million) 2003-12
1 Cattle 79.75 99.83 25.17%
2 Buffalo 87.73 103.85 14.14%
3 Yaks 0.1 0.1 0.0%
4 Mithuns 0.3 0.3 0.0%
5 Total Bovines 283.4 300 5.9%
6 Sheep 61.5 65.0 5.8%
7 Goat 124.4 135.2 8.7%
8 Pigs 13.5 10.3 -23.7%
9 Other animals 2.2 1.48 -32.7%
10 Total Livestock 485 512.0 5.6%
11 Poultry 489 729.2 49.1%

Page 3 *principal status plus subsidiaries status irrespective their principal activity status
Project Concept

The global feed and fodder industry

► Feed and Fodder play an important role in the food industry globally in terms of economic
production of animal proteins. Feed is the largest and crucial element to ensure safe, abundant
and affordable animal proteins throughout the world.
Global feed tonnage
(million MT) Global commercial feed
annual turnover
960 ► Across 130

400 billion ► Employs over 25%
of a million
2014 2015
Source: Alltech 2015 Global Feed Survey

► The UN Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) estimates that the world will have to produce
60% more food by 2050 and that animal protein production will grow even more – meats will
double, as well as dairy, and fish production will almost triple by 2050.

Top countries Total tonnage Region No. of feed Total tonnage

(million tons) mills (million tons)
China 182.7 Africa 1,150 34.6

US 172.5 Asia 13,736 350.5

Brazil 66.2 Europe 5,165 232.6

Mexico 30.7 Latin America 3,914 144.8

India 29.4 Middle East 288 24.8

Spain 29.2 North America 6,790 192.8

Total globally 980 Total 31,043 980

Source: Alltech 2015 Global Feed Survey

Feed and fodder industry in India

► Market size: According to the report — The Indian Feed Industry – Revitalising Nutritional
Security Knowledge — publishes by Yes Bank in 2015, India’s animal feed industry, which
includes poultry, aqua and meat, is expected to double to reach US$30 billion in the next five
years from the current US$15 billion in order to meet the growing feed and fodder requirement
of the country.

► Current consumption: As per the report, in India, cattle currently accounts for 7.5 million
tonnes of the feed, aqua industry consumes 1 MT, while the poultry industry consumes around
13 MT, with soy meal and corn being the prime consumables.

Page 4
Market Potential

Feed requirement in India

Type Requirement

Compound feed requirement 80 million tonnes/year

Requirement for dairy animals 30 million tonnes

Present market for compound dairy feed 5.5 million tonnes/year

Private feed sector 1.2 million tonnes

Dairy cooperatives 2.5 million tonnes

Unorganized sector 1.8 million tonnes

Source: CLFMA 2013; AHI Analysis

Market Potential:

► India has witnessed a 10% increase in feed production to 29.4 million tons over 2013 tonnage,
essentially due to good weather conditions and improving farming methods and technology.

► However, the current feed requirement in the country is huge at nearly 80 MT per year, so
there’s a severe shortage. The demand for animal protein and dairy products in expected to
increase the compound feed consumption to 28 million tonnes by FY18.

Feed and Fodder gap in India

SN Type of Fodder Demand (Million Availability Gap (Million
Tonne) (Million Tonne) Tonne)
1 Dry Fodder 416 253 163 (40%)

2 Green Fodder 222 143 79 (36%)

3 Concentrate 53 23 30 (57%)

Source: Annual Report - Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries (14-15)

Page 5
Market Potential

Scope for feed industry in India primarily stems for its shortage and
high demand

According to NDDB, only NABARD estimates show an

about 40,000 tonne of fodder overall shortage of about 60%
seeds were produced in 2012 in India – green fodder at 36%,
in the country against a dry fodder at 40%, and feed
demand of 5.4 lakh tonne concentrates at 57%

Domestic demand
for compound feed Shortage due to
is more than 70 MT overgrazing in the
and is growing Severe limited area under
nearly at 25% fodder crops, lack
CAGR annually,
of quality seeds of
which is
and high improved varieties
substantially demand for and hybrids
higher than the concentrate
supply feed

Large size farm manufacture

India constitutes about 2.29%
their own feed, while the
of the world’s land area and is
smaller farmers are still
maintaining approximately
feeding broken grains, cakes,
10.71% of the livestock
salt, etc. by mixing at home

Page 6
Growth drivers

► The demand for feed has risen on account of Increasing

Increasing awareness about the use of cost effective and nutrition rich
awareness and compound.
► Growing trend towards contract farming (Vertical Integration)
better farming has also been driving demand for feed in India, as buyer
practices companies offer high quality supplies including feed,
medications and veterinary supplies to farmers.

► Raising awareness and increasing middle class population

Health will encourage higher discretionary spending and changing
awareness and food consumption patterns in the country.
demand for ► The organic food market in India is growing at a rate of 25-
30% per annum and is estimated to reach approximately
organic food US$1.36 billion by 2020.

► The Livestock sector expanded by 5.5% during 2013-14

Growth of against the total agriculture, forestry and fishing sectors
growth of 3.7% during the same period at 2011-12 prices.
livestock ► To keep pace with the country's livestock GDP, the feed
industry industry is expected to grow by 8% to 40 million tonnes in
2020 from 28 million tonnes in 2014-15.

► Poultry feed accounts for about 60% of the total feed market
High demand in India with an estimated demand of 21-23 million tonnes
and is forecasted to grow at a CAGR of around 15% during
in poultry feed 2015–2020.
sector ► Entry of more organized players, higher integration and
stable feed prices are driving the demand for poultry feed.

► Government of India has recently relaxed the norms of

animal husbandry by doing away with the requirement of
Government’s ‘controlled conditions’, which has restricted multinational R&D
FDI promotion agencies from entering India.
initiatives ► This is expected to invite leading bio-genetics firms to
introduce their technology to improve animal breeds and thus
increase yield for farmers and milk producers.

Page 7
Gujarat - Competitive
► Strong push by the Government of Gujarat (GoG) in the agri and animal
husbandry sector and related services

Sector contribution to state GDP Total Population

Livestock 5-5.5% Livestock 27,128,200
Agriculture & allied 25%
sector Poultry 15005751

Dairy industry FY04 FY15

Milk production (in lakh tones) 64.2 161.91

Per capita availability of milk (in gram/day) 333 492

Source: Directorate of Animal Husbandry, Gujarat

► Gujarat has a remarkable position in the country as far as livestock wealth and development
concerned. Central programs like National Dairy Plan, National Dairy Mission, ASCAD, FMD-
CP, Fodder Development Programs, NADRES are also contributing significantly in the Animal
Husbandry sector of State.
► Gujarat’s leading organization in dairy industry, Gujarat Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation
Ltd. (GCMMF) is the largest producer of cattle feed in India with 12 cattle feed plants and a
combined production capacity of more than 7000 MT per day.

Cattle and Buffalo Development in Fodder Development in Gujarat FY15

Gujarat FY15
Regional Station for Foarge Production 1
Cattle Breeding Farm 4
Foarge Research Station 1
Buffalo Breeding Farm 1
Fodder Seed Production Farms 2
Gasushalas 667
Village Fodder Production Farm 6
Panjarapoles 269
Demonstration Plots/Minikits 7000
Intensive Cattle Development Distributed
Health Package Minikits Distributed 7500
Blocks 23 Krishi Mahotsav Minikits Distributed 183,100
Sub-Centres 1042 Chaff Cutter subsidised Distributed 3146

Source: Directorate of Animal Husbandry, Gujarat

Page 8
Project Information

Project at a Glance
Project Name Cattle feed manufacturing unit

Location Mehsana, Gujarat

Area of the Estate 4394 sq. kms

Focus Sector Feed, fodder, agriculture & allied activities, food processing

Amul, Gujarat Ambuja, United Fodder, Gopaljee, Hindustan

Target Audience
Animal Feeds, Godrej Agrovet, Gokul

Proposed location site – Mehsana (Gujarat)

282,945 cows
538,269 buffaloes
102,697 goats

► Located in North Gujarat, about 75 km from Ahmedabad, and is divided into nine talukas.
► Major crops of Mehsana are wheat, cotton, castor seeds, brinjal, potatoes, tomatoes, okra,
mango, citrus, sapota, fennel seed, psyllium and cumin.
► Asia’s second largest dairy ‘Dudhsagar Milk Cooperative Dairy’ and largest market yard
‘Unjha’ is located in Mehsana.
► There is a huge potential of new MSMEs in
► Agro based industries: cotton, mini oil mill, cotton ginning & pressing, cattle feed and
poultry farm, groundnut farming & processing, cotton seed & absorbent cotton and
surgical cotton bandage.
► Livestock based industries: leather footwear and leather good, bone meal, cattle, poultry,
garments and sports good, leather tanning and dairy.

Sources: Development Commissioner Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises; Global Gujarat

Page 9
Project Information

Infrastructure availability

Logistics & Connectivity

Rail Road

• The total length of railway lines in the • Out of the total road length of 79,755
State as on 31st March 2014 was kilometres., the length of surfaced roads
5,258.49 route kilometres (~9% of India) was 77,725 kilometres. (97.45%) in 2015
• India’s first bullet train to run between • National Highways – 3,884 kilometre
Mumbai and Ahmedabad by 2023 • State Highways – 18,017 kilometre
• IRI (International Roughness Index) for
Gujarat is less than 4 meters/kilometre,

Air Port

• 9 operational domestic airports • 46 ports along 1,600 kilometre coastline,

• 1 International airport – Ahmedabad including 1 major port at Kandla and 45
minor ports
• 6 new airstrips are being developed in
Ankleshwar, Dahej, Palitana, Ambaji, Morbi • Gujarat leads in project clearance in coastal
and Dwarka areas with a success rate of 93%


Water Power

• An extensive water grid network of 75,000 • 2nd largest state in terms of installed
kilometre for irrigation and drinking power capacity after Maharashtra
• Currently, the Gujarat Water Supply and • Power generation capacity : 29,431.13
Sewerage Board (GWSSB) is providing MW
water to 490 villages in 22 districts • Per capita power consumption was 1,839
units in 2014-15 against the national
average of 1010 units

Gujarat has the longest surfaced road network in the country and is a power surplus state
with the longest coastline and the largest number of air strips in the country

Page 10
Page 11
Feed Ingredients Precision Weighing

Feed Ingredient Handling And Processing

Feed Ingredient Grinding

Product Manufacturing Process
Project Information

Feed Ingredient Mixing

Feed-mix Packing

Project Information

List of Feed Plant Machinery Suppliers

Ashok Engineering Works, Hubli Khare Engineering Industries, Miraj
B I Industries, Hyderabad Kiran Engineering Works, Batala
B K Allied Industries, Punjab Paragon Enterprise Industries, Baroda Dist.
Buhler (India) Ltd., Mumbai Power Tech, Baroda
Cremach Designs, Baroda Precision Products, Ahmedabad
Forms and Gears, Madras Shakti Engineering Works, Batala
Hard case Engineering Works Ltd., Sri Guru Siddheshwar Engineering Works,
Secunderabad Hubli
Indian Fabricators, Ahmedabad Spectoms Engineering Pvt Ltd., Baroda
Jaspal Steels & Allied Industries, Chandigarh Standard Equipment Co., Amritsar
Jaymes Engineering Co.Ltd., Mumbai Troika Processes Ltd., Mumbai
Sources: NABARD

Manpower requirement
Responsibility Number
Manager 1
Accounts Officer 1
Maintenance Engineer 1
Sales Officer 1
Chemists 2
Floor supervisors 3
Operators 3
Stores Supervisor 1
Assistant Accountants 1
Electrical Supervisor 1
Mechanical Supervisor 1
Skilled workers 21
Total 37
Incentives and Perks (30% of the salary) -
Total monthly payments -

Sources: NABARD

Page 12
Project Information

Raw material availability in Gujarat

Food Grains and Oilseed- Planning [Area in lakh ha; Prod. in lakh MT; Yield in Kg/ha.

2014-15 2015-16 2016-17

Group Area Prod. Yield Area Prod. Yield Area Prod. Yield

1 Cereals 42.67 119.26 2795 44.08 131.89 2992 45.58 145.70 3197

2 Pulses 9.84 9.90 1006 10.12 10.74 1061 10.40 11.63 1118

Total food
52.51 129.16 2460 54.20 142.63 2632 55.98 157.33 2810

3 Oilseed 33.88 63.69 1880 34.71 67.75 1952 35.57 72.21 2030

Tri-annum Average
(2010-11 to 2012-13)
Area Prod. Yield Area Prod. Yield
(000 ha) (000 MT) (kg/ha) (000 ha) (000 MT) (kg/ha)
Rice 782 1666 2131 787 1616 2054
Wheat 1321 4010 3035 1500 4800 3200
Bajara 779 1386 1778 693 1295 1868
Jowar 110 129 1172 128 165 1293
Maize 513 852 1660 461 692 1502
Ragi 17 14 821 14 14 984
Mung 210 100 477 183 103 564
Math 27 13 491 30 18 595
Udad 102 67 660 91 60 655
Tur 250 267 1068 210 239 1137
Gram 184 202 1099 247 284 1150

Total Food grain 4294.1 8705 2027.2 4344 9286 2137.7

Source: Agriculture & Cooperation Department, Govt. of Gujarat

Page 13
Project Information

Equipment and machinery requirement

Machine Quantity Cost (INR lakhs)
Intake and grinding section 1 7.33
Mixing section 1 2.32
Bagging and services 1 3.4
Electricals 1 1.64
Steel structures 1 2.97
Erecting and commissioning Lumpsum 0.95
Hopper speed control and hopper & misc. equipment Lumpsum 1.8
Transportation, insurance Lumpsum 3.55
Boiler 1 3.1
Pellet Mill 1 18.34
Lab equipments Lumpsum 7.5
Weighing machine Lumpsum 7.5
Office furniture and computers Lumpsum 7.5
Total 67.94
Sources: NABARD

Raw material requirement

Poultry Feed Cattle Feed
Maize, Jowar Deoiled Cakes (cotton seed, sunflower, corngluten, etc.)
Rice Polish, Rice Kani Deoiled Cakes (cotton seed, sunflower, corngluten, etc.)
DEO Rice Polish, DEO Groundnut Deoiled rice bran
cake, DEO Soyabean meal
Sunflower meal/extract Tapioca Products
Limestone powder Salt
Dicalcium Phosphate Mineral (bone ash, lime, etc.)
Salt Pure, Shell Grit/Marble Grit Molasses
Poultry Mineral Mixture Urea
Vitamin & Probiotics Mix

D.L. Methionine, L.Lysine

Sources: NABARD

Page 14
Project Information

Leading players

Avanti Feeds Ltd. Gujarat Ambuja Exports Ltd Godrej Agrovet Ltd.

Gopaljee Dairy Hindustan Animal Feeds Dudhsagar Dairy

Kerala Solvent Extractions SKM Animal Feeds & Foods Gujarat Co-operative Milk
Ltd. (India) Ltd Marketing Federation Ltd

Uninterrupt Good
Low energy quality raw
ed power
costs materials


Higher Reduction
degree of Price in
technical sensitivity operating
skill wastages

Potential collaboration opportunities

• National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development: NABARD serves as a apex
refinancing agency for the institutions providing investment and production credit in India.
• Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations: FAO in India goes beyond the
realm of food production, covering issues like access to food and nutrition, livelihoods, rural
development and sustainable agriculture.
• The International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics: ICRISAT takes a
catalyst role to help rural communities develop their own solutions and engage the actors
needed to bring the vision to reality.

Page 15
Project Financials

Estimated Project Cost for feed plant with 100 MT capacity

S. Total cost
Cost parameters Quantity Unit Unit cost
No (INR Crore)
1 Land 7 acres 50,000/acre 0.035
Land and site
a. Land levelling 70,000 cuft 2/cuft 0.014
b. Barbed wire fencing 850 r.mts. 1000/r.mts. 0.0128
c. Internal roads 300,000 lumpsum - 0.030
d. Gate 50 r.mts. 1000 r.mts. 0.005
e. Security cabin 30 Sq.mts. 3,000/sq.mts. 0.009
Sub total 0.106
3 Civil structures 1.343
4 Plant and Machinery 0.454
5 Misc. fixed assets 0.225
6 Vehicles 0.080
7 Electricals (including generator, transformer, and external lighting etc.) 0.200
8 Water supply system 0.025
Total 2.539
9 Preliminary and pre-operative expenses
Company formation
a. 2.5% of item no.1-8 0.152
b. Capitalisation of interest 0
Margin money on 25 % of total working capital
10 0
working capital requirement
MARGIN MONEY 25 % of the project cost 0.400

Page 16
Project Financials

Calculation of working capital requirements (in INR lakhs)


Cost (INR/t
Particulars Period 1* 2 3 4
Capacity Utilisation --- --- 70 80 90 100
Raw materials
consumption including
70.7 80.8 90.9 101
wastage (tonnes per

Raw materials inventory 45days 5433 172.85 197.54 224.24 246.93

Work in progress 1 day 5937 4.2 4.8 5.4 6

Packing material 30days 305 6.47 7.39 8.32 9.24

Power and Fuel 15days 160 1.7 1.94 2.18 2.42

Finished goods inventory 7 days 6193 30.65 35.03 39.41 43.79

Sundry debtors 7 days 6908 33.85 38.68 43.52 48.36

Less : Sundry creditors 7 days 5433 26.62 30.42 34.23 38.03

Total working capital

223.09 254.96 286.83 318.7

Margin money on
55.77 63.74 71.7 79.67
working capital

Incremental margin on
7.97 7.96 7.97
working capital

Working capital loan 167.32 191.22 215.13 239.03

Interest on working
capital loan (@18% per 15.06 34.42 38.72 43.03

* During first year the plant will be operated for 6 months only

Page 17
Approvals &

► For approvals, the project report should be submitted to respective District Industries Centres
(DICs). DIC will forward the proposal to Industries Commissioner who will submit the report to
State Level Approver Committee (SLAC) for final approval.

► Additionally, The proposed unit will have to register itself with Secretariat of Industrial Approvals
(SIA), Ministry of Industries and Government of India, by filing Industrial Entrepreneur’s
Memorandum (IEM), as it will have plant and machinery investment of more than INR 10 million.

► Since it will be an export oriented unit, the peanut butter needs to be approved by food
authorities of exporting countries, apart from registration with Indian and state food

► Bureau of Indian Standards has laid the quality norms in their standards and it is obligatory to
meet provisions under the PFA act for all ingredients and quality aspects for marketing the
product in the Indian market.

Incentives/ Initiatives from Government of Gujarat

Gujarat government announced its Agri Business Policy – 2016 with emphasis on promoting
agro and food processing industry by developing the entire value chain of exporting locally grown
farm produces.

► Capital investment subsidy at 25% of eligible project cost subject to maximum INR50 million for
cold chain, food irradiation processing plants and packaging houses

► Back ended interest subsidy at 7.5% on term loan with maximum amount of INR40 million for a
period of 5 years for setting up infrastructure project in Agro & Food Processing sector (including
packaging houses)

PROPOSED: The Government of Gujarat is proposing to establish Agri Export Zones (AEZ) for
Groundnut, and few other agricultural products. The main objective of AEZ is to provide higher
returns to the farmers by enhancing their accessibility to export and extending their capacity to
produce export specific quality products.

Page 18
Approvals &
Incentives from Government of India
The National Livestock Mission was launched in FY15
with an approved outlay of INR28 billion during the 12th Five Year Plan.

Launched a sub-mission on Feed and Fodder Development

to overcome the shortage of feed and fodder and to improve the nutritive value in the country.

Under the National Livestock Mission there are Eight Regional Fodder Stations
located in different agro-climatic zones of the country, including one in Gujarat. These stations
have produced 315.28 tonnes of fodder seeds, conducted 9,660 demonstrations, and organized
149 training programmes and 139 farmers fairs/field days during FY14.

The GoI is in the process of formulating a National Policy on Feed and Fodder to increase feed
and fodder production in various parts the country by providing financial assistance to the States
and UTs

Incentives from Government of Gujarat

91 fodder depots distribute fodder
at the concessional rate of INR2 per kg

Assistance of INR25 per animal

per day to every Gaushala and cattle feeding houses managed by NGO/trusts in scarcity-hit areas.

Provide an incentive of INR5000 per hectare for the cultivation of fodder.

A special allocation of INR75 crore has been approved for providing free-of-cost seeds and
fertiliser kits to the farmers with 2 acres of land.

Page 19
Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries
Gujarat Livestock Development Board
National Rainfed Area Authority (NRAA)
Agriculture and Co-operation Department

Gujarat Industrial Development Corporation

Industries Commissionerate

This project profile is based on preliminary study to facilitate prospective entrepreneurs to assess a prima facie scope.
It is, however, advisable to get a detailed feasibility study prepared before taking a final investment decision.

Directorate of Animal Husbandry

Agriculture and Co-operation Department
Sector - 10 A, CH Road, Krishi Bhavan,
Gandhinagar.– 382010, Gujarat, India
Phone / Fax : 079-232-56141
Email: [email protected]

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