Apex Masonry Ebook Fence Design Guide CMAA PDF

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Concrete Masonry Association of Australia

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Concrete Masonry Association of Australia NSW 1590 www.cmaa.com.au


only and in no way replaces the service of professional consultants on particular projects, no liability can be accepted by the Association for its use.
Australia to provide information on the many uses of concrete masonry products. Since the information provided is intended for general guidance
Disclaimer: The Concrete Masonry Association of Australia Limited is a non-profit organisation sponsored by the concrete masonry industry in

Remember, when working with cement and concrete/mortar or manufactured or prefabricated concrete products, ALWAYS follow the manufacturer's
instructions and seek advice about working safely with the products from the manufacturer, your nearest WorkCover Authority or Worksafe Australia.

Reinforced concrete ht Reinforced concrete ht

FENCES There are many possible designs for masonry wall
r h bove masonry wall
r h bove
concrete masonry fences and boundary Cle all a H’ Cle all a H’
w ‘ w ‘
This data sheet is applicable to any of und, of und,
walls. Two common arrangements are gro gro
free-standing, cantilever fence or shown in Figures 1 and 2.
wall for residential or commercial
Reinforced concrete masonry wall on
1 INTRODUCTION reinforced concrete strip footings
This type of retaining wall (Figure 1) may
Free-standing concrete masonry fences D
be designed using the principles shown
and boundary walls must be designed below for reinforced concrete masonry B
Reinforced concrete
and constructed to withstand a range of wall with reinforced concrete piers footing
loads, and in particular, wind loads. This concrete piers,
(Figure 2), except that the resistance to B diameter, ‘d’
manual provides guidance to qualified overturning is provided by the combined
and experienced structural engineers weight of the wall acting about an
on the selection of pier dimensions assumed point of rotation close to the Figure 1 Reinforced Concrete Figure 2 Reinforced Concrete
and masonry details for free-standing toe of the footing. The distance from the Masonry Wall on Masonry Wall with
reinforced concrete masonry fences and Reinforced Concrete Reinforced Concrete
toe to the point of rotation depends on
walls, subject to a range of wind loads Strip Footings Piers
the bearing capacity of the foundation
and set in a variety of soils. soil, including its compaction. If the soil Reinforced concrete masonry wall reinforcing bar, set in 20.20 knock-out
is firm with a high bearing capacity, the with reinforced concrete piers bond beam blocks.
point of rotation will be close to the In most circumstances, the most ■ The wall is supported, at centres
toe. If the soil is soft with a low bearing economical form of construction for free- ranging from 1.8 m to 3.0 m, by
capacity, the point of roataion will move standing concrete masonry fences and 450 mm diameter reinforced concrete
closer to the centre of the footing. A boundary walls is as follows (Figure 2): piers, constructed in holes bored to
reasonably-conservative assumption is
How to Navigate this Data Sheet ■ The wall consists of 190-mm hollow the required depths and spacings.
that the point about which the footing
Any words in brown can be clicked to concrete blockwork, with a reinforced Table A sets out the recommended
rotates is approximately B/3 from the
take you to it. bond beam and capping block at depths of 450-mm piers, for various
toe of the footing, where B is the total
To return to where you were, click the the top and a reinforced bond beam combinations of pier spacing, soil type
footing width.
Previous View Button in your at the bottom. The bond beams (internal friction angle), wall heights
Acrobat Reader should include a single horizontal N16 and wind classifications.

DATA SHEET 5 Concrete Masonry Fences DECEMBER 2010

Each pier should include one (or Table 1 Wind Classification for Free-Standing Fences and Walls
more) reinforcing bar, which extends Ultimate free-stream Ultimate net wind
to the top bond beam and is grouted Design gust wind gust dynamic wind pressure on free-
into the 190-mm concrete blockwork. Wind speed at height ‘h’ pressure standing wall
■ The required number of vertical bars Classification Vzu (m/s) qzu (kPa) pnu (kPa)
depends on the spacing of the piers, N1f 34 0.69 0.83
the wall height and wind classification. Wind load H
N2f 40 0.96 1.15
Table B sets out the recommended
vertical reinforcement for 190-mm N3f C1f 50 1.50 1.80 Deflected
reinforced concrete masonry. N4f C2f 61 2.23 2.68
N5f C3f 74 3.29 3.94
N6f C4f 86 4.44 5.33 Ground level
Wind loads on free-standing concrete
Note: Design pressure is based on an aerodynamic shape factor, C fig, of 1.20
masonry fences and boundary walls
should be calculated using Passive
AS/NZS 1170.2. However, designers stress D
4 SOIL PROPERTIES Figure 3 shows the distribution of
often associate these structures with distribution
pressures resisting the overturning
the design of houses to AS 4055. Strictly Soil properties used to determine the
moments and Table 2 the assumed Reaction
speaking, boundary walls and fences are resistance to overturning of the piers for
forward movement of the pier .
outside the scope of AS 4055, although free-standing concrete masonry fences
Taking moments about pier base
the nomenclature used therein is useful and boundary walls should be based on Table 2 Assumed Forward of the stress distribution:
in classifying the wind exposure of reduction factors given in AS 4678 and Movement of Piers M = KKp ρbD3/6
housing sites for wind loads on such “cautious estimates of the mean” density,
internal friction angle and cohesion as Position Movement Figure 3 Distribution of
defined in AS 4678. Bottom Zero movement. There is a reactive Pressures Resisting the
The nomenclature used in this Data of pier force against the base “kicking Overturning Moments
Sheet for the “Wind Classification for 5 PIER RESISTANCE back” into the soil. The magnitude
Free-Standing Fences and Walls” (N1f to of the force is relatively large, and
C4f) has been adopted to differentiate it The resistance of piers of free-standing a function of the passive pressure
concrete masonry fences and boundary at the base of the pier. Although
from the corresponding nomenclature, spread over a small increment of
“Wind Classification for Housing” (N1 walls to overturning of the piers will
depth, it is assumed to be a point
to C4), which is set out in AS 4055 be based on the principles for laterally- reaction.
for houses. Although the resulting loaded piles set out in AS 2159. In 6 DESIGN TABLES
Mid-height Movement assumed to be same
ultimate free-stream gust dynamic wind particular, the resistance of a single Tables A and B set out the required
of pier as that which would occur under
pressures, designated qzu, are the same, isolated pier will be taken as three times a uniformly-distributed horizontal depths of 450 mm diameter piers for
their derivation is different. The worked the calculated passive resistance based force, equal in magnitude to the free-standing fences and walls and
example below demonstrates the on the factored mean internal angle of total passive resistance. required connection reinforcement
derivation for a “Wind Classification for friction. (Broms, BB 1964) between piers and 190-mm reinforced
Top of pier Movement assumed to be twice
Free-Standing Fences and Walls” of N1f. the movement at mid-height. concrete masonry respectively.

DATA SHEET 5 Concrete Masonry Fences DECEMBER 2010

Table A Required Depth of 450 mm Diameter Piers for Free-Standing Fences and Walls

Pier Soil Wall Required depth of piers, D (m), for wind loads Pier Soil Wall Required depth of piers, D (m), for wind loads
spacing, friction height, spacing, friction height,
B (m) angle H (m) N1f N2f N3f N4f N5f N6f B (m) angle H (m) N1f N2f N3f N4f N5f N6f
3.00 25° 1.80 1.01 1.20 1.50 1.80 2.13 2.40 1.80 25° 1.80 0.80 0.95 1.19 1.42 1.68 1.90
1.60 0.92 1.11 1.39 1.67 1.98 2.24 1.60 0.73 0.87 1.10 1.32 1.57 1.77
1.40 0.84 1.01 1.27 1.54 1.83 2.08 1.40 0.66 0.80 1.00 1.21 1.45 1.64
1.20 0.75 0.91 1.15 1.39 1.67 1.90 1.20 0.59 0.72 0.91 1.10 1.32 1.51
1.00 0.65 0.80 1.02 1.24 1.50 1.72 1.00 0.51 0.63 0.80 0.98 1.18 1.36
30° 1.80 0.94 1.11 1.39 1.67 1.97 2.22 30° 1.80 0.74 0.88 1.10 1.32 1.56 1.76
1.60 0.86 1.02 1.29 1.55 1.84 2.08 1.60 0.68 0.81 1.02 1.22 1.45 1.64
1.40 0.77 0.93 1.18 1.42 1.70 1.93 1.40 0.61 0.74 0.93 1.12 1.34 1.52
1.20 0.69 0.84 1.06 1.29 1.55 1.76 1.20 0.55 0.66 0.84 1.02 1.22 1.39
1.00 0.60 0.74 0.94 1.15 1.39 1.59 1.00 0.48 0.59 0.74 0.91 1.10 1.26
35° 1.80 0.87 1.03 1.29 1.54 1.83 2.06 35° 1.80 0.68 0.81 1.02 1.22 1.44 1.63
1.60 0.79 0.95 1.19 1.43 1.70 1.92 1.60 0.63 0.75 0.94 1.13 1.34 1.52
1.40 0.72 0.87 1.09 1.32 1.57 1.78 1.40 0.57 0.68 0.86 1.04 1.24 1.41
1.20 0.64 0.78 0.98 1.20 1.43 1.63 1.20 0.50 0.61 0.78 0.94 1.13 1.29
1.00 0.56 0.69 0.87 1.07 1.28 1.47 1.00 0.44 0.54 0.69 0.84 1.01 1.16
2.40 25° 1.80 0.91 1.08 1.35 1.62 1.92 2.16 Notes:
1.60 0.83 1.00 1.25 1.51 1.79 2.02 Calculations are based on 190 mm reinforced concrete masonry
1.40 0.75 0.91 1.14 1.38 1.65 1.87 Wall height is the clear height of the wall above ground surface.
1.20 0.67 0.82 1.03 1.26 1.50 1.72 Design pressure is based on an aerodynamic shape factor, Cfig, of 1.20
1.00 0.59 0.72 0.92 1.12 1.35 1.55
30° 1.80 0.84 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.78 2.00
1.60 0.77 0.92 1.16 1.39 1.66 1.87
1.40 0.70 0.84 1.06 1.28 1.53 1.73
1.20 0.62 0.76 0.96 1.16 1.39 1.59
1.00 0.54 0.67 0.85 1.04 1.25 1.43
35° 1.80 0.78 0.93 1.16 1.39 1.65 1.85
1.60 0.71 0.85 1.07 1.29 1.53 1.73
1.40 0.65 0.78 0.98 1.19 1.41 1.61
1.20 0.58 0.70 0.89 1.08 1.29 1.47
1.00 0.50 0.62 0.79 0.96 1.16 1.33

DATA SHEET 5 Concrete Masonry Fences DECEMBER 2010

Table B Required Vertical Reinforcement for Piers and 190-mm Reinforced Control joints at not more than twice the pier spacing Capping
Concrete Masonry for Free-Standing Fences and Walls
190-mm reinforced Top bond
Pier Wall Required number and size of vertical bars, per pier, concrete masonry fence beam with
for wind loads 1-N16 bar
spacing, height, Specified pier bars bent
into top bond beam Bottom bond
B (m) H (m) N1f N2f N3f N4f N5f N6f beam with
before grouting
3.00 1.80 1-N16 1-N16 1-N20 2-N20 3-N20 4-N20 1-N16 bar

1.60 1-N16 1-N16 1-N20 2-N20 3-N20 4-N20

450 dia. piers at
1.40 1-N16 1-N16 1-N16 2-N20 2-N20 3-N20 required depths
1.20 1-N16 1-N16 1-N16 2-N20 2-N20 3-N20 and spacing

1.00 1-N16 1-N16 1-N16 1-N20 2-N20 2-N20

Figure 4 Typical Reinforcement Details and Control Joint locations
2.40 1.80 1-N16 1-N16 1-N20 2-N20 2-N20 4-N20
1.60 1-N16 1-N16 1-N16 2-N20 2-N20 3-N20 External ‘post’ when
more than two bars
1.40 1-N16 1-N16 1-N16 1-N20 2N20 2-N20 are needed
1.20 1-N16 1-N16 1-N16 1-N20 2-N20 2-N20 7 TYPICAL DETAILS
1.00 1-N16 1-N16 1-N16 1-N20 2-N20 2-N20 The vertical bars between the piers and
1.80 1.80 1-N16 1-N16 1-N16 1-N20 2-N20 2-N20 190-mm reinforced concrete masonry
fence should be carried up to the top
1.60 1-N16 1-N16 1-N16 1-N20 2-N20 2-N20 bond beam and bent down before 190-mm concrete 450 dia.
1.40 1-N16 1-N16 1-N16 1-N16 2-N20 2-N20 grouting (Figure 4). masonry fence pier under

1.20 1-N16 1-N16 1-N16 1-N16 1-N20 2-N20 Where more than two bars are specified,
1.00 1-N16 1-N16 1-N16 1-N16 1-N20 2-N20 it may be preferable to use external Figure 5 External ‘Post’ Detail
‘posts’ rather than maintaining the ‘post’
Notes: within the 190-mm thickness of the wall 8 WORKED EXAMPLE
Calculations are based on 190 mm reinforced concrete masonry (Figure 5).
Height is the clear height of the wall above ground surface.
Set out following is a worked example,
It is recommended a control joint the purpose of which is to:
Design pressure is based on an aerodynamic shape factor, Cfig, of 1.20
be placed centrally between piers at n Demonstrate the method by which
Where more than two bars are specified, it may be preferable to use external ‘posts’ rather than
maintaining the ‘post’ within the 190-mm thickness of the wall. not more than twice the pier spacing free-standing concrete masonry
(Figure 4). fences and cantilever walls may be
designed for a particular wind and
soil; and
■ Serve as a test for any software
developed for designing concrete
masonry fences and cantilever walls.

DATA SHEET 5 Concrete Masonry Fences DECEMBER 2010

Design a 1.8 m high free-standing Terrain category multiplier Shielding multiplier Notes:
concrete masonry boundary wall Mz,cat = 0.91 For h < 3.0 m Ms = 0.830 Interpolated from This pressure is taken to represent a
located in a Sydney suburb, on a AS/NZS 1170.2 AS/NZS 1170.2 Table 4.3 Wind Classification for Free-Standing
gentle slope (with 60 metres upwind Table 4.1(A) Fences and Walls of N1f.
distance to the crest of a 4.0 m hill) Heigth of the hill, ridge or escarpment
and shielded by houses of 3.0 m roof Number of upwind shielding buildings H = 4.0 m The corresponding Wind Loads for
height and 7.0 m width. The piers will within a 45° sector of 20 h radius Housing (on the same site) can be
be set in “insitu” sandy-clay material, ns = 2 Horizontal distance upwind from the derived using AS 4055
with cautious estimates of the means crest of a hill, ridge or excarpment to Region
of density 20 kN/m3, internal angle of Average roof height of shielding a level half the height below the crest A AS 4055 Fig 2.1 For Sydney
friction 30° and cohesion 5.0 kPa. buildings Lu = 60.0 m
hs = 3.0 m Terrain Category
WIND LOAD USING Windward slope TC 3 AS 4055 Clause 2.3
AS/NZS 1170.2:2002 Average spacing of shielding H/2Lu = 4.0/(2 x 60.0) For numerous closely spaces
Region A buildings = 0.033 < 0.05 obstructions the size of houses
ls = h (10/ns + 5)
Degree of hazard 2 = 1.8([10/2] + 5) Topography multiplier Average slope
= 18.0 m Mt = 1.00 AS/NZS 1170.2 φs = 4 : 60
Location Non-cyclonic Clause 4.4.2 = 1 : 15
Average breadth of shielding
Design event for safety 1 in 500 buildings Ultimate design gust wind speed Topography
bs = 7.0 m Vzu = VR Md (Mz,cat Ms Mt) T1 For φs < 1 : 10
Regional wind speed = 45.0 x 1.0 x 0.91 x 0.830 x 1.0 AS 4055 Clause 2.4, Table 2.3
VR = 45 m/s AS/NZS 1170.2 Shielding parameter = 34.0 m/s
Table 3.1 s = ls/(hs bs)0.5 AS/NZS 1170.2 Shielding
Table 4.3.3 Ultimate free stream gust dynamic Partial Shielding (PS) AS 4055
Regional wind multiplier = 18.0/(3.0 x 7.0)0.5 wind pressure Clause 2.5
Md = 1.0 AS/NZS 1170.2 = 3.93 qzu = 0.0006 Vzu2 AS/NZS 1170.2 Classification
Clause 3.3.1 = 0.0006 x 34.02 Clause 2.4.1 N1 AS 4055 Clause 2.2, Table 2.2
= 0.694 kPa

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DATA SHEET 5 Concrete Masonry Fences DECEMBER 2010

Ultimate design gust wind speed Structure Geometry Wind loads
Vhu = 34.0 m/s AS 4055 Height of wall Net pressure coefficient
Clause 2.1, Table 2.1 h = 1.8 m Cpn = 1.3 + 0.5(0.3 + log10 (b/c]) (0.8 – c/h) AS/NZS 1170.2 Table D2(A)
= 1.3 + 0.5 (0.3 + log10 (5.0]) (0.8 – 1.0)
Ultimate free stream gust dynamic Solid height of wall = 1.20
wind pressure c = 1.8 m Note:
qzu = 0.0006 Vzu2 If b < 2c, Cpn will increase from 1.2 to 1.3
= 0.0006 x 34.02
= 0.694 kPa Total length of wall Aerodynamic shape factor
b = 9.0 m Cfig = Cpn Kp AS/NZS 1170.2 D1.4
Note = 1.20 x 1.0
For convenience, design tables will Length/solid height = 1.20
be prepared using the the ultimate b/c = 9.0 /1.8
design gust wind speed, Vhu, and = 5.0 Note
the resulting ultimate free-stream For convenience, design tables will be prepared using the aerodynamic shape
gust dynamic wind pressure, qzu, Solid height/total height factor, Cfig, of 1.20
determined using AS 4055. This will c/h = 1.8 /1.8 This may lead to small errors in the determination of pressure, but these are
enable the use of a wind classification = 1.0 not considered significant.
nomenclature similar to that used
in AS 4055. As indicated above, Angle of incident wind (Normal = 0) Ultimate net wind pressure on free-standing wall AS/NZS 1170.2
this may lead to small errors in the F=0 pnu = Cfig qzu Clause 2.4.1
determination of pressure, but these = 1.20 x 0.695
are not considered significant. Porosity reduction factor = 0.834 kPa
Kp = 1 – (1 – δ)2 AS/NZS 1170.2
= 1.0 Load factor on overturning wind pressure
Gw = 1.0
Length of wall between vertical
supports Load factor on restoring forces
B’ = 2.4 m Gr = 0.8

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DATA SHEET 5 Concrete Masonry Fences DECEMBER 2010

SHEAR FORCE AND BENDING Cohesion (cautious estimate of mean) PIER DETAILS Multiplier to account for lateral
MOMENTS AT THE BASE OF WALL cf = 5.0 kPa Total depth of pier resistance of piers pushing into a
Shear force at base support of exposed D = 0.900 m body of soil
wall Design properties of soil kpier = 3.0
Vb = γ pnu B’ h Foundation soil partial factor on Pier diameter
= 1.0 x 0.834 x 2.4 x 1.80 tan(φf) dpier = 0.450 m OVERTURNING ANALYSIS
= 3.60 kN Ftan(φf) = 0.85 As the horizontal force increases, the
Note wall support will rotate about its base,
Bending moment at base of support of Foundation soil partial factor on The following calculations convert pushing forward into the soil. The
exposed wall cohesion a circular pier to an equivalent movement will vary linearly from the
Mb = 0.5 Gw pnu B’ h2 F*cf = 0.70 square pier of the same overall cross- maximum at the ground surface to
= 0.5 x 1.0 x 0.834 x 2.4 x 1.802 sectional area. By using this effective zero at the bottom of the support.
= 3.22 kN.m Foundation soil design internal square section, the designer can have
friction angle confidence in the calculated weight The resistance to this movement is
FOUNDATION SOIL φ*f = tan-1[Ftan(φf) tan(φf)] of pier, and the effective horizontal provided by the passive resistance
The piers will be set in “insitu” sandy- = tan-1[0.85 tan(30°)] lever arms from an assumed point of of the soil in front of the support.
clay material with the following = 26.1° rotation. Under uniform movement, the passive
properties. pressure varies uniformly from zero at
Any over-excavation should be filled Foundation soil design cohesion Effective pier thickness perpendicular the surface to a maximum at the base
with compacted cement-stabilised c*f = Fcf cf to the wall of the support.
road base. = 0.70 x 5.0 Tp = (3.1416/ 4)0.5 dpier
Design will be to the principles set out = 3.5 kPa = (3.1416/ 4)0.5 x 0.450 Passive force over the total depth, D
in AS 4678. = 0.399 m Pp = Gr kpier Kp r Lp D2/ 3
Passive pressure coefficient of = 0.8 x 3.0 x 2.58 x 19.6 x 0.399
Density (cautious estimate of mean) foundation soil Effective pier length along the wall x 0.9002/ 3
rf = 20 kN/m3 1 + sin(φ*f ) Lp = (3.1416/ 4)0.5 dpier = 13.1 kN.m
Kp =
1 - sin(φ*f ) = (3.1416/ 4)0.5 x 0.450
Internal angle of friction (cautious 1 + sin(26.1°) = 0.399 m Lever arm of passive force
estimate of the mean) 1 - sin(26.1°) yp = D/ 2
φf = 30° = 2.58 = 0.900/ 2
= 0.450 m
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DATA SHEET 5 Concrete Masonry Fences DECEMBER 2010

Restoring moment about the base of Restoring moment about centroid due REINFORCED MASONRY ‘POSTS’ Masonry unit height
passive force to pier/footing weight • Concrete blocks: Width 190 mm, hb = 190 mm
Mp = Pp yp Mf = Pvf yf strength grade 15 MPa
= 13.1 x 0.450 = 2.69 x 0.133 • Blockwork will be built continuous Ratio of block to joint thickness
= 5.87 kN.m = 0.36 kN.m for a length of 2.4 m, with a pier hb/hj = 190/10
located at the centre and = 19.0
Factored weight of wall Total restoring moment articulation joints at each end.
Pvw = Gr rw h t b MR = Mp + Mw + Mf • Main reinforcement, 1-N16 bar in Block height factor
= 0.8 x 16.0 x 1.8 x 0.19 x 2.4 = 5.87 + 1.40 + 0.36 the centre of the pier kh = 1.3
= 10.5 kN = 7.63 kN.m
Masonry Properties Characteristic masonry strength
Lever arm of wall weight Bending moment at base of pier Masonry unit characteristic f’m = kh f’mb
yw = Tp (0.5 – 0.167) Mb = Gw pnu B’ h (h/2 + D) unconfined compressive strength = 1.3 x 6.20
= 0.399(0.5 -0.167) = 1.0 x 0.828 x 2.40 x 1.80 x f’uc = 15.0 MPa = 8.06 MPa
= 0.133 m (1.80 / 2 + 0.900)
= 6.48 kN.m Units are hollow Concrete Grout Properties
Restoring moment about centroid due < 7.63 kN.m OK Concrete grout specification:
to wall weight ie, wall is stable Block type factor Concrete grout shall comply with
Mw = Pvw yw km = 1.6 AS 3700 and have:
= 10.5 x 0.133 • minimum portland cement
= 1.40 kN.m Equivalent brickwork strength content of 300 kg/cubic metre;
f’mb = km (f’uc)0.5 • 10 mm maximum aggregate size;
Factored weight of pier/footing = 1.6 (15.0)0.5 • sufficient slump to completely fill
Pvf = Gr rf Tf Lf D = 6.20 MPa the cores; and
= 0.8 x 23.5 x 0.399 x 0.399 x 0.9 • minimum compressive cylinder
= 2.69 kN Mortar joint height strength of 20 MPa.
hj = 10 mm
Lever arm of pier/footing
yf = Tp (0.5 – 0.167)
= 0.399 (0.5 -0.167)
= 0.133 m
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DATA SHEET 5 Concrete Masonry Fences DECEMBER 2010

Specified characteristic grout cylinder Area of main reinforcment Main Reinforcement Fitments
strength Ast = Nt (3.1416 Ddia.t2/4) (approx) Effective depth of reinforcement There are no shear reinforcement
f’c = 20 MPa = 1 x 3.1416 x 162/4 For centrally located reinforcement: fitments required in this type of
> 12 MPa OK = 200 mm2 d = D/2 construction, which incorporates a
AS 3700 Clause 5.6 For reinforcement near one face shell: single vertical reinforcing bar
Dimensions d = D - d1 + Ddia.t /2
Design characteristic grout strength The most adverse loading is on the = 190/2 Fitment yield strength
f’cg = min[(1.3 x f’uc), 20.0] pier near the middle of the wall = 95 mm fsy.f = NA
AS 3700 Clause 3.5
= min[(1.3 x 15), 20.0] Width of pier (along the wall) Effective width of reinforced section Fitment area
= min[19.5, 20.0] B = 390 mm b = min(4D or Af = NA
= 19.5 MPa 2D + length to structural end)
Depth of pier (through the wall) = 4 x 190 Fitment spacing
Main Reinforcement Properties D = 190 mm = 760 mm s = NA
Main reinforcement yield strength
fsy = 500 MPa Density of reinforced concrete Shear width of reinforced section
masonry bv = 200 mm
Main reinforcement shear strength rmas = 2,200 kg/m3 Note: Only one core is grouted
(dowel action)
fsv = 17.5 MPa Modulus of elasticity Design area of main tensile
E = 1,000 f’m reinforcement
Number of main tensile reinforcing = 1,000 x 8.06 Asd = min[0.29(1.3f’m)b d/fsy, Ast]
bars = 8,060 MPa = min[(0.29 x 1.3 x 8.06 x 760
Nt = 1 x 95 / 500), 200]
Second moment of area of reinforced = min[462, 200]
Diameter of main tensile reinforcing concrete masonry pier = 200 mm2
bars I = B D3/12
Ddia.t = 16 mm = 390 x 1903/12
= 222.9 x 106 mm4

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DATA SHEET 5 Concrete Masonry Fences DECEMBER 2010

Reinforced Masonry Capacity Load capacity (limited by deflection)
Shear capacity WΔu = Δa E I/48 Lc4 B’)
φV = φ(f’vm bw d + fvs Ast + fsy.f Asv d/s) = 36 x 8,060 x 222.9 x 106/(48 x 1.8004 x 2.400)
= 0.75[(0.35 x 200 x 95) + (17.5 x 200) + 0]/1000 = 53.5 kPa
= 0.75(6.65 + 3.50 + 0)
= 7.61 kN Load capacity (limited by shear, bending moment or deflection)
Wlu = min(Wvu, Wmu, WΔu)
Bending Moment Capacity = min(1.76, 1.69, 53.5)
φM = φfsy Asd d[1 - 0.6 fsy Asd d/(1.3 f’m b d)] = 1.69 kPa
= 0.75 x 500 x 200 x 95[1 - (0.6 x 500 x 200)/(1.3 x 8.06 x 760 x 95)]/ > 0.834 kPa OK
= 6.56 kN.m

Height of cantilever wall above the piers

Lc = 1.800 m References

Limiting deflection The following set out the basis of this data sheet.
Δa = Lc /50 AS/NZS 1170.2-2002 Wind loads, Standards Australia
= 1,800/50 AS 4055-2006 Wind loads for housing, Standards Australia
= 36 mm
AS 4678-2002 Earth retaining structures, Standards Australia

Load capacity (limited by shear) AS 3700-2001 Masonry Structures, Standards Australia

Wvu = 1.0 φV/(B’ Lc) Broms, B.B., Lateral Resistance on Piles in Cohesive Soils, Journal of the Soil
= 1.0 x 7.61/(2.400 x 1.800) Mechanical and Foundations Division, Proceedings of the American Society of
Civil Engineers, pp 27-63, March 1964.
= 1.76 kPa
Broms, B.B., Lateral Resistance on Piles in Cohesionless Soils, Journal of the Soil
Load capacity (limited by bending moment) Mechanical and Foundations Division, Proceedings of the American Society of
Civil Engineers, pp 123-156, May 1964.
Wmu = 2 φM/B’ Lc2
= 2 x 6.56/(2.400 x 1.8002)
= 1.69 kPa

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DATA SHEET 5 Concrete Masonry Fences DECEMBER 2010

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