Marine Pollution

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Some of the main takeaways are that marine pollution occurs when harmful materials enter the oceans from various sources like land, air, shipping, etc. and can negatively impact marine life and ecosystems in many ways such as through toxins accumulating in food chains.

Some of the main causes of marine pollution discussed are agricultural and industrial runoff, atmospheric deposition, shipping waste disposal, nutrient pollution leading to eutrophication.

Marine pollution can cause harm to marine life through toxins accumulating in food webs and causing issues like mutations, diseases, and suppressed growth. It can also negatively impact ecosystems by causing things like loss of oxygen from anoxic estuaries.

Marine pollution

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While marine pollution can be obvious, as with the marine debris shown above, it is often the
pollutants that cannot be seen that cause most harm.

Marine pollution occurs when harmful effects result from the entry into the ocean of
chemicals, particles, industrial, agricultural, and residential waste, noise, or the spread
of invasive organisms. Eighty percent of marine pollution comes from land. Air pollution is
also a contributing factor by carrying off pesticides or dirt into the ocean. Land and air
pollution have proven to be harmful to marine life and its habitats.[1]
The pollution often comes from nonpoint sources such as agricultural runoff, wind-blown
debris, and dust. Nutrient pollution, a form of water pollution, refers to contamination by
excessive inputs of nutrients. It is a primary cause of eutrophication of surface waters, in
which excess nutrients, usually nitrates or phosphates, stimulate algae growth. Many
potentially toxic chemicals adhere to tiny particles which are then taken up
by plankton and benthic animals, most of which are either deposit feeders or filter feeders.
In this way, the toxins are concentrated upward within ocean food chains. Many particles
combine chemically in a manner highly depletive of oxygen, causing estuaries to
become anoxic.
When pesticides are incorporated into the marine ecosystem, they quickly become
absorbed into marine food webs. Once in the food webs, these pesticides can cause
mutations, as well as diseases, which can be harmful to humans as well as the entire food
web. Toxic metals can also be introduced into marine food webs. These can cause a
change to tissue matter, biochemistry, behaviour, reproduction, and suppress growth in
marine life. Also, many animal feeds have a high fish meal or fish hydrolysate content. In
this way, marine toxins can be transferred to land animals, and appear later in meat and
dairy products.
In order to protect the ocean from marine pollution, policies have been developed
internationally. There are different ways for the ocean to get polluted, therefore there have
been multiple laws, policies, and treaties put into place throughout history.


 1History
 2Pathways of pollution
o 2.1Direct discharge
o 2.2Land runoff
o 2.3Ship pollution
o 2.4Atmospheric pollution
o 2.5Deep sea mining
 3Types of pollution
o 3.1Acidification
o 3.2Eutrophication
o 3.3Plastic debris
o 3.4Toxins
o 3.5Underwater noise
 4Adaptation and mitigation
 5Laws and policies
 6See also
 7References
 8Further reading


Parties to the MARPOL 73/78 convention on marine pollution

Although marine pollution has a long history, significant international laws to counter it were
only enacted in the twentieth century. Marine pollution was a concern during several United
Nations Conventions on the Law of the Seabeginning in the 1950s. Most scientists believed
that the oceans were so vast that they had unlimited ability to dilute, and thus render
pollution harmless.
In the late 1950s and early 1960s, there were several controversies about dumping
radioactive waste off the coasts of the United States by companies licensed by the Atomic
Energy Commission, into the Irish Sea from the British reprocessing facility at Windscale,
and into the Mediterranean Sea by the French Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique. After
the Mediterranean Sea controversy, for example, Jacques Cousteau became a worldwide
figure in the campaign to stop marine pollution. Marine pollution made further international
headlines after the 1967 crash of the oil tanker Torrey Canyon, and after the 1969 Santa
Barbara oil spill off the coast of California.
Marine pollution was a major area of discussion during the 1972 United Nations
Conference on the Human Environment, held in Stockholm. That year also saw the signing
of the Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other
Matter, sometimes called the London Convention. The London Convention did not ban
marine pollution, but it established black and gray lists for substances to be banned (black)
or regulated by national authorities (gray). Cyanide and high-level radioactive waste, for
example, were put on the black list. The London Convention applied only to waste dumped
from ships, and thus did nothing to regulate waste discharged as liquids from pipelines.[2]

Pathways of pollution[edit]
See also: Water pollution

Septic river.

There are many ways to categorize and examine the inputs of pollution into our marine
ecosystems. Patin (n.d.) notes that generally there are three main types of inputs of
pollution into the ocean: direct discharge of waste into the oceans, runoff into the waters
due to rain, and pollutants released from the atmosphere.[3]
One common path of entry by contaminants to the sea are rivers. The evaporation of water
from oceans exceeds precipitation. The balance is restored by rain over the continents
entering rivers and then being returned to the sea. The Hudson in New York State and
the Raritan in New Jersey, which empty at the northern and southern ends of Staten Island,
are a source of mercury contamination of zooplankton (copepods) in the open ocean. The
highest concentration in the filter-feeding copepods is not at the mouths of these rivers but
70 miles (110 km) south, nearer Atlantic City, because water flows close to the coast. It
takes a few days before toxins are taken up by the plankton.[4]
Pollution is often classed as point source or nonpoint source pollution. Point source
pollution occurs when there is a single, identifiable, localized source of the pollution. An
example is directly discharging sewage and industrial waste into the ocean. Pollution such
as this occurs particularly in developing nations. Nonpoint source pollution occurs when the
pollution comes from ill-defined and diffuse sources. These can be difficult to regulate.
Agricultural runoff and wind blown debris are prime examples.
Direct discharge[edit]
Acid mine drainage in the Rio Tinto River.

See also: Sewerage, Industrial waste, and Environmental impact of mining

Pollutants enter rivers and the sea directly from urban sewerage and industrial
waste discharges, sometimes in the form of hazardous and toxic wastes.
Inland mining for copper, gold, etc., is another source of marine pollution. Most of the
pollution is simply soil, which ends up in rivers flowing to the sea. However, some minerals
discharged in the course of the mining can cause problems, such as copper, a common
industrial pollutant, which can interfere with the life history and development of coral
polyps.[5] Mining has a poor environmental track record. For example, according to
the United States Environmental Protection Agency, mining has contaminated portions of
the headwaters of over 40% of watersheds in the western continental US.[6] Much of this
pollution finishes up in the sea.
Land runoff[edit]
Main article: Surface runoff
See also: Urban runoff, Stormwater, and Nutrient pollution
Surface runoff from farming, as well as urban runoff and runoff from the construction of
roads, buildings, ports, channels, and harbours, can carry soil and particles laden with
carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and minerals. This nutrient-rich water can cause fleshy algae
and phytoplankton to thrive in coastal areas; known as algal blooms, which have the
potential to create hypoxic conditions by using all available oxygen. In the coast of
southwest Florida, harmful algal blooms have existed for over 100 years.[7] These algal
blooms have been a cause of species of fish, turtles, dolphins, and shrimp to die and cause
harmful effects on humans who swim in the water.[7]
Polluted runoff from roads and highways can be a significant source of water pollution in
coastal areas. About 75% of the toxic chemicals that flow into Puget Sound are carried
by stormwater that runs off paved roads and driveways, rooftops, yards and other
developed land.[8] In California, there are many rainstorms that runoff into the ocean. These
rainstorms occur from October to March, and these runoff waters contain petroleum, heavy
metals, pollutants from emissions, etc.[9]
In China, there is a large coastal population that pollutes the ocean through land runoff.
This includes sewage discharge and pollution from urbanization and land use. In 2001,
more than 66,795 mi² of the Chinese coastal ocean waters were rated less than Class I of
the Sea Water Quality Standard of China.[10] Much of this pollution came from Ag, Cu, Cd,
Pb, As, DDT, PCBs, etc., which occurred from contamination through land runoff.[10]
Ship pollution[edit]
Main article: Environmental impact of shipping
See also: Ballast water discharge and the environment
A cargo ship pumps ballast water over the side.

Ships can pollute waterways and oceans in many ways. Oil spills can have devastating
effects. While being toxic to marine life, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), found
in crude oil, are very difficult to clean up, and last for years in the sediment and marine
environment.[11][page needed]
Oil spills are probably the most emotive of marine pollution events. However, while a tanker
wreck may result in extensive newspaper headlines, much of the oil in the world's seas
comes from other smaller sources, such as tankers discharging ballast water from oil tanks
used on return ships, leaking pipelines or engine oil disposed of down sewers.[12][page needed]
Discharge of cargo residues from bulk carriers can pollute ports, waterways, and oceans. In
many instances vessels intentionally discharge illegal wastes despite foreign and domestic
regulation prohibiting such actions. An absence of national standards provides an incentive
for some cruise liners to dump waste in places where the penalties are inadequate.[13] It has
been estimated that container ships lose over 10,000 containers at sea each year (usually
during storms).[14] Ships also create noise pollution that disturbs natural wildlife, and water
from ballasttanks can spread harmful algae and other invasive species.[15]
Ballast water taken up at sea and released in port is a major source of unwanted exotic
marine life. The invasive freshwater zebra mussels, native to the Black, Caspian, and Azov
seas, were probably transported to the Great Lakes via ballast water from a transoceanic
vessel.[16]Meinesz believes that one of the worst cases of a single invasive species causing
harm to an ecosystem can be attributed to a seemingly harmless jellyfish. Mnemiopsis
leidyi, a species of comb jellyfish that spread so it now inhabits estuaries in many parts of
the world. It was first introduced in 1982, and thought to have been transported to the Black
Sea in a ship's ballast water. The population of the jellyfish grew exponentially and, by
1988, it was wreaking havoc upon the local fishing industry. "The anchovy catch fell from
204,000 tons in 1984 to 200 tons in 1993; sprat from 24,600 tons in 1984 to 12,000 tons in
1993; horse mackerel from 4,000 tons in 1984 to zero in 1993."[15] Now that the jellyfish
have exhausted the zooplankton, including fish larvae, their numbers have fallen
dramatically, yet they continue to maintain a stranglehold on the ecosystem.
Invasive species can take over once occupied areas, facilitate the spread of new diseases,
introduce new genetic material, alter underwater seascapes, and jeopardize the ability
of native species to obtain food. Invasive species are responsible for about $138 billion
annually in lost revenue and management costs in the US alone.[17]
Atmospheric pollution[edit]
A graph linking atmospheric dust to various coral deaths across the Caribbean Sea and Florida.[18]

Another pathway of pollution occurs through the atmosphere. Wind-blown dust and debris,
including plastic bags, are blown seaward from landfills and other areas. Dust from
the Sahara moving around the southern periphery of the subtropical ridge moves into
the Caribbeanand Florida during the warm season as the ridge builds and moves
northward through the subtropical Atlantic. Dust can also be attributed to a global transport
from the Gobi and Taklamakan deserts across Korea, Japan, and the Northern Pacific to
the Hawaiian Islands.[19]
Since 1970, dust outbreaks have worsened due to periods of drought in Africa. There is a
large variability in dust transport to the Caribbean and Florida from year to year;[20] however,
the flux is greater during positive phases of the North Atlantic Oscillation.[21] The USGS links
dust events to a decline in the health of coral reefs across the Caribbean and Florida,
primarily since the 1970s.[22]
Climate change is raising ocean temperatures[23] and raising levels of carbon dioxide in the
atmosphere. These rising levels of carbon dioxide are acidifying the oceans.[24] This, in turn,
is altering aquatic ecosystems and modifying fish distributions,[25] with impacts on
the sustainability of fisheries and the livelihoods of the communities that depend on them.
Healthy ocean ecosystems are also important for the mitigation of climate change.[26]
Deep sea mining[edit]
Main article: Deep sea mining
Deep sea mining is a relatively new mineral retrieval process that takes place on the ocean
floor. Ocean mining sites are usually around large areas of polymetallic nodules or active
and extinct hydrothermal vents at about 1,400 – 3,700 meters below the ocean's
surface.[27] The vents create sulfide deposits, which contain precious metals such
as silver, gold, copper, manganese, cobalt, and zinc.[28][29] The deposits are mined using
either hydraulic pumps or bucket systems that take ore to the surface to be processed. As
with all mining operations, deep sea mining raises questions about environmental damages
to the surrounding areas
Because deep sea mining is a relatively new field, the complete consequences of full-scale
mining operations are unknown. However, experts are certain that removal of parts of the
sea floor will result in disturbances to the benthic layer, increased toxicity of the water
column, and sediment plumes from tailings.[28] Removing parts of the sea floor disturbs the
habitat of benthic organisms, possibly, depending on the type of mining and location,
causing permanent disturbances.[27] Aside from direct impact of mining the area, leakage,
spills, and corrosion would alter the mining area's chemical makeup.
Among the impacts of deep sea mining, sediment plumes could have the greatest impact.
Plumes are caused when the tailings from mining (usually fine particles) are dumped back
into the ocean, creating a cloud of particles floating in the water. Two types of plumes
occur: near-bottom plumes and surface plumes.[27] Near-bottom plumes occur when the
tailings are pumped back down to the mining site. The floating particles increase
the turbidity, or cloudiness, of the water, clogging filter-feeding apparatuses used by
benthic organisms.[30] Surface plumes cause a more serious problem. Depending on the
size of the particles and water currents the plumes could spread over vast areas.[27][31] The
plumes could impact zooplankton and light penetration, in turn affecting the food web of the

Types of pollution[edit]
Main article: Ocean acidification

An island with a fringing reef in the Maldives. Coral reefs are dying around the world.[32]

The oceans are normally a natural carbon sink, absorbing carbon dioxide from the
atmosphere. Because the levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide are increasing, the oceans
are becoming more acidic.[33][34] The potential consequences of ocean acidification are not
fully understood, but there are concerns that structures made of calcium carbonate may
become vulnerable to dissolution, affecting corals and the ability of shellfish to form
Oceans and coastal ecosystems play an important role in the global carbon cycle and have
removed about 25% of the carbon dioxide emitted by human activities between 2000 and
2007 and about half the anthropogenic CO2 released since the start of the industrial
revolution. Rising ocean temperatures and ocean acidification means that the capacity of
the ocean carbon sink will gradually get weaker,[36] giving rise to global concerns expressed
in the Monaco[37] and Manado[38] Declarations.
A report from NOAA scientists published in the journal Science in May 2008 found that
large amounts of relatively acidified water are upwelling to within four miles of the
Pacific continental shelf area of North America. This area is a critical zone where most local
marine life lives or is born. While the paper dealt only with areas from Vancouver to
northern California, other continental shelf areas may be experiencing similar effects.[39]
A related issue is the methane clathrate reservoirs found under sediments on the ocean
floors. These trap large amounts of the greenhouse gas methane, which ocean warming
has the potential to release. In 2004 the global inventory of ocean methane clathrates was
estimated to occupy between one and five million cubic kilometres.[40] If all these clathrates
were to be spread uniformly across the ocean floor, this would translate to a thickness
between three and fourteen metres.[41] This estimate corresponds to 500–2500 gigatonnes
carbon (Gt C), and can be compared with the 5000 Gt C estimated for all other fossil fuel
Main article: Eutrophication
See also: Nutrient pollution
A polluted lagoon.

The effect of eutrophication on marine benthic life.

Eutrophication is an increase in chemical nutrients, typically compounds

containing nitrogen or phosphorus, in an ecosystem. It can result in an increase in the
ecosystem's primary productivity (excessive plant growth and decay), and further effects
including lack of oxygen and severe reductions in water quality, fish, and other animal
The biggest culprit are rivers that empty into the ocean, and with it the many chemicals
used as fertilizers in agriculture as well as waste from livestock and humans. An excess of
oxygen-depleting chemicals in the water can lead to hypoxia and the creation of a dead
Estuaries tend to be naturally eutrophic because land-derived nutrients are concentrated
where runoff enters the marine environment in a confined channel. The World Resources
Institute has identified 375 hypoxic coastal zones around the world, concentrated in coastal
areas in Western Europe, the Eastern and Southern coasts of the US, and East Asia,
particularly in Japan.[43] In the ocean, there are frequent red tide algae blooms[44] that kill fish
and marine mammals and cause respiratory problems in humans and some domestic
animals when the blooms reach close to shore.
In addition to land runoff, atmospheric anthropogenic fixed nitrogen can enter the open
ocean. A study in 2008 found that this could account for around one third of the ocean's
external (non-recycled) nitrogen supply and up to three per cent of the annual new marine
biological production.[45] It has been suggested that accumulating reactive nitrogen in the
environment may have consequences as serious as putting carbon dioxide in the
One proposed solution to eutrophication in estuaries is to restore shellfish populations,
such as oysters. Oyster reefs remove nitrogen from the water column and filter out
suspended solids, subsequently reducing the likelihood or extent of harmful algal blooms or
anoxic conditions.[47] Filter feeding activity is considered beneficial to water quality[48] by
controlling phytoplankton density and sequestering nutrients, which can be removed from
the system through shellfish harvest, buried in the sediments, or lost
through denitrification.[49][50]Foundational work toward the idea of improving marine water
quality through shellfish cultivation to was conducted by Odd Lindahl et al.,
using mussels in Sweden.[51]
Plastic debris[edit]
Main article: Marine debris
See also: Plastic pollution § Ocean

A mute swan builds a nest using plastic garbage.

Marine debris is mainly discarded human rubbish which floats on, or is suspended in the
ocean. Eighty percent of marine debris is plastic – a component that has been rapidly
accumulating since the end of World War II.[52] The mass of plastic in the oceans may be as
high as 100,000,000 tonnes (98,000,000 long tons; 110,000,000 short tons).[53]
Discarded plastic bags, six pack rings, cigarette butts and other forms of plastic waste
which finish up in the ocean present dangers to wildlife and fisheries.[54] Aquatic life can be
threatened through entanglement, suffocation, and ingestion.[55][56][57] Fishing nets, usually
made of plastic, can be left or lost in the ocean by fishermen. Known as ghost nets, these
entangle fish, dolphins, sea turtles, sharks, dugongs, crocodiles, seabirds, crabs, and other
creatures, restricting movement, causing starvation, laceration, infection, and, in those that
need to return to the surface to breathe, suffocation.[58]

The remains of an albatross containing ingested flotsam.

Many animals that live on or in the sea consume flotsam by mistake, as it often looks
similar to their natural prey.[59] Plastic debris, when bulky or tangled, is difficult to pass, and
may become permanently lodged in the digestive tracts of these animals. Especially when
evolutionary adaptions make it impossible for the likes of turtles to reject plastic bags,
which resemble jellyfish when immersed in water, as they have a system in their throat to
stop slippery foods from otherwise escaping.[60] Thereby blocking the passage of food and
causing death through starvation or infection.[61][62]
Plastics accumulate because they don't biodegrade in the way many other substances do.
They will photodegrade on exposure to the sun, but they do so properly only under dry
conditions, and water inhibits this process.[63] In marine environments, photodegraded
plastic disintegrates into ever-smaller pieces while remaining polymers, even down to
the molecular level. When floating plastic particles photodegrade down
to zooplankton sizes, jellyfish attempt to consume them, and in this way the plastic enters
the ocean food chain.[64][65]
Many of these long-lasting pieces end up in the stomachs of marine birds and
animals,[66] including sea turtles, and black-footed albatross.[67] In a 2008 Pacific Gyre
voyage, Algalita Marine Research Foundation researchers began finding that fish are
ingesting plastic fragments and debris. Of the 672 fish caught during that voyage, 35% had
ingested plastic pieces. [68]
Plastic debris tends to accumulate at the centre of ocean gyres. The North Pacific Gyre, for
example, has collected the so-called "Great Pacific Garbage Patch", which is now
estimated to be one to twenty times the size of Texas (approximately from 700,000 to
15,000,000 square kilometers). It has a very high level of plastic particulate suspended in
the upper water column. In samples taken in 1999, the mass of plastic exceeded that of
zooplankton (the dominant animal life in the area) by a factor of six.[52][69]
Midway Atoll, in common with all the Hawaiian Islands, receives substantial amounts of
debris from the garbage patch. Ninety percent plastic, this debris accumulates on the
beaches of Midway where it becomes a hazard to the bird population of the island. Midway
Atoll is home to two-thirds (1.5 million) of the global population of Laysan
albatross.[70]Nearly all of these albatross have plastic in their digestive system[71] and one-
third of their chicks die.[72]
Toxic additives used in the manufacture of plastic materials can leach out into their
surroundings when exposed to water. Waterborne hydrophobic pollutants collect and
magnify on the surface of plastic debris,[53] thus making plastic far more deadly in the ocean
than it would be on land.[52] Hydrophobic contaminants are also known to bioaccumulate in
fatty tissues, biomagnifying up the food chain and putting pressure on apex predators.
Some plastic additives are known to disrupt the endocrine system when consumed, others
can suppress the immune system or decrease reproductive rates.[69]
Floating debris can also absorb persistent organic pollutants from seawater,
including PCBs, DDT, and PAHs.[73] Aside from toxic effects,[74] when ingested some of
these affect animal brain cells similarly to estradiol, causing hormone disruption in the
affected wildlife.[67] Saido, a chemist with the College of Pharmacy, conducted a study in
Nihon University, Chiba, Japan, that discovered, when plastics eventually decompose, they
produce potentially toxic bisphenol A (BPA) and PS oligomer into the water.[75] These toxins
are believed to bring harm to the marine life living in the area.
A growing concern regarding plastic pollution in the marine ecosystem is the use
of microplastics. Microplastics are little beads of plastic less than 5 millimeters wide, and
they are commonly found in hand soaps, face cleansers, and other exfoliators. When these
products are used, the microplastics go through the water filtration system and into the
ocean, but because of their small size they are likely to escape capture by the preliminary
treatment screens on wastewater plants.[76] These beads are harmful to the organisms in
the ocean, especially filter feeders, because they can easily ingest the plastic and become
sick. The microplastics are such a concern because it is difficult to clean them up due to
their size, so humans can try to avoid using these harmful plastics by purchasing products
that use natural, environmentally safe exfoliates.
See also: Mercury in fish
Apart from plastics, there are particular problems with other toxins that do not disintegrate
rapidly in the marine environment. Examples of persistent
toxins are PCBs, DDT, TBT, pesticides, furans, dioxins, phenols, and radioactive
waste. Heavy metals are metallic chemical elements that have a relatively high density and
are toxic or poisonous at low concentrations. Examples are mercury, lead, nickel, arsenic,
and cadmium. Such toxins can accumulate in the tissues of many species of aquatic life in
a process called bioaccumulation. They are also known to accumulate in benthic
environments, such as estuaries and bay muds: a geological record of human activities of
the last century.
Specific examples
 Chinese and Russian industrial pollution such as phenols and heavy metals in
the Amur River have devastated fish stocks and damaged its estuary soil.[77]

 Wabamun Lake in Alberta, Canada, once the best whitefish lake in the area, now
has unacceptable levels of heavy metals in its sediment and fish.

 Acute and chronic pollution events have been shown to impact southern California
kelp forests, though the intensity of the impact seems to depend on both the nature
of the contaminants and duration of exposure.[78][79][80][81][82]

 Due to their high position in the food chain and the

subsequent accumulation of heavy metals from their diet, mercury levels can be
high in larger species such as bluefin and albacore. As a result, in March 2004
the United States FDA issued guidelines recommending that pregnant women,
nursing mothers and children limit their intake of tuna and other types of predatory

 Some shellfish and crabs can survive polluted environments, accumulating heavy
metals or toxins in their tissues. For example, mitten crabs have a remarkable
ability to survive in highly modified aquatic habitats, including polluted
waters.[84] The farming and harvesting of such species needs careful management
if they are to be used as a food.[85][86]

 Surface runoff of pesticides can alter the gender of fish species genetically,
transforming male into female fish.[87]

 Heavy metals enter the environment through oil spills – such as the Prestige oil
spill on the Galician coast – or from other natural or anthropogenic sources.

 In 2005, the 'Ndrangheta, an Italian mafia syndicate, was accused of sinking at

least 30 ships loaded with toxic waste, much of it radioactive. This has led to
widespread investigations into radioactive waste disposal rackets.[88]

 Since the end of World War II, various nations, including the Soviet Union, the
United Kingdom, the United States, and Germany, have disposed of chemical
weapons in the Baltic Sea, raising concerns of environmental contamination.[89][90]

 The damaging of the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant in 2011 caused
radioactive toxins to leak into the air and ocean. There are still many isotopes in
the ocean, which directly affects the benthic food web and also affects the whole
food chain. The concentration of 137Cs in the bottom sediment that was
contaminated by water with high concentrations in April–May 2011 remains quite
high and is showing signs of very slow decrease with time.[91]
Underwater noise[edit]
See also: Noise pollution, Acoustic ecology, The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life,
and Marine mammals and sonar
Marine life can be susceptible to noise or the sound pollution from sources such as
passing ships, oil exploration seismic surveys, and naval low-frequency active sonar.
Sound travels more rapidly and over larger distances in the sea than in the
atmosphere. Marine animals, such as cetaceans, often have weak eyesight, and live in
a world largely defined by acoustic information. This applies also to many deeper sea
fish, who live in a world of darkness.[92] Between 1950 and 1975, ambient noise at one
location in the Pacific Ocean increased by about ten decibels (that is a tenfold increase
in intensity).[93]
Noise also makes species communicate louder, which is called the Lombard vocal
response.[94] Whale songs are longer when submarine-detectors are on.[95] If creatures
don't "speak" loud enough, their voice can be masked by anthropogenic sounds. These
unheard voices might be warnings, finding of prey, or preparations of net-bubbling.
When one species begins speaking louder, it will mask other species voices, causing
the whole ecosystem to eventually speak louder.[96]
According to the oceanographer Sylvia Earle, "Undersea noise pollution is like the
death of a thousand cuts. Each sound in itself may not be a matter of critical concern,
but taken all together, the noise from shipping, seismic surveys, and military activity is
creating a totally different environment than existed even 50 years ago. That high level
of noise is bound to have a hard, sweeping impact on life in the sea."[97]
Noise from ships and human activity can damage Cnidarians and Ctenophora, which
are very important organisms in the marine ecosystem. They promote high diversity
and they are used as models for ecology and biology because of their simple
structures. When there is underwater noise, the vibrations in the water damage the cilia
hairs in the Coelenterates. In a study, the organisms were exposed to sound waves for
different numbers of times and the results showed that damaged hair cells were
extruded or missing or presented bent, flaccid or missed kinocilia and stereocilia.[98]

Adaptation and mitigation[edit]

An aerosol can pollute a beach.

Much anthropogenic pollution ends up in the ocean. The 2011 edition of the United
Nations Environment Programme Year Book identifies as the main emerging
environmental issues the loss to the oceans of massive amounts of phosphorus, "a
valuable fertilizer needed to feed a growing global population", and the impact billions
of pieces of plastic waste are having globally on the health of marine environments.[99]
Bjorn Jennssen (2003) notes in his article, "Anthropogenic pollution may reduce
biodiversity and productivity of marine ecosystems, resulting in reduction and depletion
of human marine food resources".[100] There are two ways the overall level of this
pollution can be mitigated: either the human population is reduced, or a way is found to
reduce the ecological footprint left behind by the average human. If the second way is
not adopted, then the first way may be imposed as the world ecosystems falter.
The second way is for humans, individually, to pollute less. That requires social and
political will, together with a shift in awareness so more people respect the environment
and are less disposed to abuse it.[101] At an operational level, regulations, and
international government participation is needed.[102] It is often very difficult to regulate
marine pollution because pollution spreads over international barriers, thus making
regulations hard to create as well as enforce.[103]
Without appropriate awareness of marine pollution, the necessary global will to
effectively address the issues may prove inadequate. Balanced information on the
sources and harmful effects of marine pollution need to become part of general public
awareness, and ongoing research is required to fully establish, and keep current, the
scope of the issues. As expressed in Daoji and Dag's research,[104] one of the reasons
why environmental concern is lacking among the Chinese is because the public
awareness is low and therefore should be targeted.
The amount of awareness on marine pollution is vital to the support of keeping the
prevention of trash from entering waterways and ending up in our oceans. The EPA
reports that in 2014 Americans generated about 258 million tons of waste, and only a
third was recycled or composted. In 2015, there was over 8 million tons of plastic that
made it into the ocean. Through more sustainable packing this could lead to;
eliminating toxic constituents, using fewer materials, making more readily available
recyclable plastic. However, awareness can only take these initiatives so far. The most
abundant plastic is PET (Polyethylene terephthalate) and is the most resistant to
biodegradables. Researchers have been making great strides in combating this
problem. In one way has been by adding a special polymer called a tetrablock
copolymer. The tetrablock copolymer acts as a laminate between the PE and iPP
which enables for an easier breakdown but still be tough. Through more awareness,
individuals will become more cognizant of their carbon footprints. Also, from research
and technology, more strides can be made to aid in the plastic pollution problem. [105][106]

Laws and policies[edit]

 In 1948, Harry Truman signed a law formerly known as the Federal Water Pollution
Control Act[107] that allowed the federal government to control marine pollution in
United States of America.
 In 1972, the Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act of 1972 was passed
by the Council on Environmental Quality which controls ocean dumping.[108][108]
 In 1973 and 1978, MARPOL 73/78 was a treaty written to control vessel pollution,
especially regarding oil. In 1983, the International Convention for the Prevention of
Pollution from Ships enforced the MARPOL 73/78 treaty internationally.[109]
 The 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) was
established to protect the marine environment by governing states to control their
pollution to the ocean. It put restrictions on the amount of toxins and pollutants that
come from all ships internationally.[110]

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