Effectiveness of E-Learning Activities

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Chapter I

1. Background of the Study:

At present, the involvement of technology in every student’s life grows as

rapidly as the speed of light. Logging on the internet will be the first thing they do

in the morning and logging off will be the last thing they do at night. Technology

has become such a big part of students’ life that cellular phones, personal

computers, portable media players, and others of their kind have become daily


In fact, an AC Nielsen 2002 survey describes the country’s interpret

population as urban, young, and sophisticated.

Foremost among these are young learners aged 12 to 19 who spend a lot of

time talking to their friends on their cell phones sending text messages, interacting

through social networking sites like Facebook, playing video games, and surfing

the World Wide Web.

Because of this, some people see technology as a source of distraction that

hampers the learning process; however, some people see it as a necessary tool that

can help educators in improving learning inside and outside of the classroom.

(Nielsen 2002)

In Basic Education schools, the use of PowerPoint presentations

and LCD projectors minimize the use of chalkboards for instructions, although the

latter are not completely disregarded (Orcino 2012).

Essays that were used to be handwritten are now encoded using word

processing software. References are no longer limited to books that can be found

in libraries. They are now extended to the vast sources of knowledge that can be

found on the internet. These include websites where lively discussions of lessons

that were videotaped and uploaded on the web so that students can watch the

lectures online when they sick or while they are busy doing other things.

This shows how much the use of technological applications in the

classroom can affect students’ daily learning experiences. “In today’s modern and

highly technological world, new and new information are coming out regularly

that it has become a precondition for coping with change to cope in learning. Even

the so called expert learns many things every day.”

Based on this, we can infer that Filipino learners have the necessary skills

to keep up with technology and that they can be used to target the students’

interests and improve their learning capabilities.

We cannot divorce technology in the learning process in the classroom

setting. The dynamic nature of the internet and computers; however, offers a future

of continual growth even beyond what can be imagined today. Even with the

understanding that the electronic learning materials that are being introduced to us

in the classroom may still be in its developmental infancy, English educators must

not ignore the vast amount of resources that the worldwide community can give.

Many admit that current teachers generally use the traditional approach used on

learners of the past, (those who were acquainted with linear, textual, and sequential


Considering the students’ general perception of English as a subject, it will

be hard for the teacher to encourage participation in the classroom discussion using

the old ways. Cases like students chatting with their seatmates to ease boredom,

students daydreaming or dozing off in the middle of the class, or students

completely ignoring their teacher will be inevitable.

These kinds of situations make the researcher – who has taken Educational

Technology 1 and 2 and Preparation and Evaluation of Instructional Materials --

realize that the students’ action is rooted from the lack of interest to listen – simply

focusing on memorizing lessons like what they usually did in the past instead –

making learning very limited at this point.

While traditional methods of teaching are not to be dismissed, activities in

English classes should be interactive and creative. Thus, there is a need for modern

English teachers to include information taken from digital resources to provide

students with constant and practically limitless access to knowledge.

This is evident in how the government gives importance on electronic

learning technologies in the field of education by supporting the promotion of e-

learning in developing a knowledge-based society.

This effort has been legalized and concretized in the passage of relevant

laws, regulation and policies. Specifically, in the creation of the Information

Technology E-Commerce Council (ITECC) which unifies all government and

private sector efforts in making the Philippines “an electronically enabled country,

capable of participating in and contributing to the global new economy.

They hoped to accomplish this by 1.) Creating an e-learning environment

by actively promoting it at all educational levels; 2.) Organizing a national

conference on e-learning; 3.) Enabling more schools to teach ICT courses and

encouraging the sharing of ICT faculty, libraries, computer facilities, etc. and; 4.)

Promoting the sharing of e-learning centers and the collaboration of the schools in

the development of e-learning programs and instructional materials.

With the said policies already being implemented by many educational

institutions, the researcher would like to use her study to find out if the use of e-

learning materials during English classes has any effect on the students’ academic

performance, the process with which she conducted it would be discussed and

detailed in the succeeding chapters.


1.2 Statement of the problem

This study aims to assess the effects of e-learning activities in teaching

English in the classroom. Specifically, this seeks to answer the following


1. What are the effects of E-learning activities on the performance of selected

Grade Nine (9) students of Calayan Educational Foundation Incorporated in their

English subject?

2. What is the difference between the pre-test and post-test performance of the:

2.1 Experimental group (Group exposed to E-learning activities)

2.2 controlled group (Group not exposed to E-learning Activities)

3. Is there a difference between the pre-test results of the Experimental Group and

the Controlled group

4. Is there a difference between the pre-test and post-test in the:

4.1. Experimental Group

4.2. Controlled Group

5. Is there any significant difference between the post-test results of the

Experimental Group and Controlled Group?


1.3 Significance of the Study:

Through the findings of the study, the researcher hopes to better understand

the impact of the implementation of electronic learning in classrooms. Hopefully,

the study can bridge the gap between the theoretical aspect of the use of e-learning

materials and their actual use in the classroom as well as provide her and other

aspiring educators like her with valuable insights on the use of e-learning materials

and activities once they have become a part of the academe themselves.

She also hopes that this study will let students, current educators, and

school administrators alike see the importance of taking advantage of available

technology in improving the learning process.

1.4 Scope and Delimitations:

For this study, the researcher chose fifty (40) third-year high school

teachers from Calayan Educational Foundation Incorporated.

Questionnaires were handed out and used to determine the perceived

effectiveness of the e-learning activities in teaching English.

The study used a cooperating teacher, the English teacher of the students, to

ensure that the quality of teaching was the same as what they experience on a daily

basis. The teacher tackled the same lesson that is scheduled for that week for both

groups. The researcher was hands-on in the integration of the e-learning materials

and activities in one of the groups and the restriction in the use of technology in

the other.

E-Learning is a catch all term that covers a wide range of instructional

materials that can be delivered on a CD ROM or DVD, over a local area network

(LAN) or on the internet a confusion for what e-learning activities this study it will

arise. It Includes computer based Training (CBT), WEB BASED Training (WBT),

Distance online learning and on online tutorials (Ron Kurtus, 2004); however, in

this study, the term e-learning is used to represent materials and activities that the

researcher integrated in her English teaching such as the following: 1. A personal

computer and LCD projector used to create and deliver a PowerPoint presentation.

2. A computer with access to the internet used for research purposes. 3. A wod

processing program used by the students to ___4. Electronic devices with access to

the internet which were used to send the students’ work to their teacher’s e-maill

address or Facebook account. 5. Electronic devices with access to the internet

which were used to access the Facebook group where discussions were continued

and additional instructions were given.

The fact that the school is a private institution may affect the findings of

the study for the obvious reason that the students have more access to the latest in

technology as compared to students from public schools.


This study was represented by the student in private school and may limit

the study to cover factors such as financial matter and lack of exposure to

technology compared if it was taken in public school.

1.5 Statement of the hypothesis:

1 The Students have negative perception in the effectiveness on of E-Learning

activities in the teaching of English in the selected grade 9 students of Calayan

Educational foundation Incorporated.

2. There is no increase of student’s motivation to learn English subject after the

exposure to e-materials/activities.

3. The use of e-learning activities has no significant effect in the improvement of

the student achievement in English class.

I.6 Conceptual Framework:

The researcher conceptualized that the learning will not be difficult for

the student if the teacher knows the student needs and abilities in order to adopt the

Learners way of acquiring knowledge, if the teachers fails to do so, the students

achievement will be affected.

The researcher believes that one important part of learning is the materials

and activities used that will improved learning. It will contribute to the effective

strategies that will promote development in the competency in English subject. E-

learning activities allow the students to work in an innovative dimension of


learning. It targets different way of learning such as self-learning, integrative and

individual learning. Through the advent of technologies, the opportunity for a

bigger space for learning is opening wide.

Electronic learning also establishes student’s positive perception in the

subject and the learning process. The main advantage of e-learning is that it

increases the engagement; attendance and motivation of students which are

requisite for learning. As a result, students score in examination may improve. The

illustration below shows two way arrow of how e-learning will affect the English

language learner and the students’ perception regarding the materials in English

point of view.

Research Paradigm

Student’s English
subject Achievement

Use Of E-learning
Activities in
teaching English

Student’s perception of
the E-learning activities
in teaching English

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

The research clearly illustrates the relationship between e-learning

activities, English language achievement of the student and Perceived effects in the

performance of the grade 9 students, the variables presented in using boxes. The

independent variable is the e-learning activity which is presented in the first box in

the left, considering that it will affect the English language achievement of the

student. The 2nd box in the upper right presents the dependent variable whereas the

student are expected to improve in English language learning that will be measure

through pretest and posttest after before and after the integration of e-learning

activities in English lessons inside and outside the classroom. Meanwhile, the 3rd

box in the lower right shows the effects of the e-learning activities according to the

students perception after the constant used of e-learning activities in the lesson. In

the illustration above, the arrow shows the two way connecting flow information

from one variable to another.

I.7 Definitions of terms:

For the vivid understanding of the study, key terms are operationally and

conceptually defined as follows:

E- Learning Activities refers to the developed instructional material used in

activity made for English teaching. It composed of different materials such as

power point presentation, use of internet as other source of information use of

computer software (Microsoft word) and electronic messaging in a classroom

setting integrating to the lesson created by the teacher (facilitator).


Effects is refers to desired increase of learning in English as a results of the used

of e-learning activities integrated to the classroom.

Posttest it refers to the test given to students after exposure to the developed e-

learning activities.

Validation the process of determining of the test measures what it intends to

measure. This is the process of measuring the validity of the developed e- learning

material and the questionnaire.

Pretest refers to the test prior to determine the knowledge level of students in

English before the use of the developed e-learning activities.

English language achievement refers to the learning achieve in a week of

exposure to the English lesson which is measured through the post test.

Chapter II


This chapter presents the review of related literature and related studies

considered by the researcher to help him in finding some important information

needed in the study through book readings, thesis reading and internet surfing.

Related Literature:

Local literature

Technology as an instructional tool Educational technology, if heard this

words today we will immediately think that it is the computer based instruction

and its peripherals like LCD which is the target of the researchers study. But

technology also includes the ingenious materials which have been used in the past

and which have been proven as reliable by the educator. Below is a graphic

representation that classification of educational technology according to Garo C.D.


According to Garo Educational Technology is divided into Material and

Non-material technology. The material technology the traditional (Lo-Tech) and

Modern Ones (Hi-Tech).The traditional instructional materials are the indigenous

materials usually real objects or those that are made of paper and cardboards such

as pictures, illustration, drawing, poster, graph, charts, maps etc. Realia or objects

and their edited version like models, mock ups, and specimen and like such.

High-tech material or the mediated in technology include those, which are

presented using media equipment or hardware. This includes the educational

technology television, motion pictures, overhead, opaque projector, slide projector

and more importantly the computer and it’s pheripherals like LCD, printer and


The most pervasive modern technology for teaching and learning in these

contemporary times is the computer and its various applications. In fact all

educational efforts are being geared towards its used. It’s effectiveness in teaching

have been widely recognized.

On the other hand, the Non-material educational technology includes the

theories, laws principle, methods and the learning strategies of teaching. They

involves the results of researches and studies in order to facilitate teaching and


Educational technology covers every part of this study. It will be a big help

to the researcher if there will be information regarding about the overview of the

classification of the different educational technology that we use in instruction. As

a part of technology in learning, it is a must to understand in which category the

electronic learning falls.


The 2nd National E-learning Conference defines e-learning as:

“technologically-supported learning, which includes the use of electronic

media such as the Internet, personal computers, phone bridging, audio and

videotape, video teleconferencing, satellite broadcast, mobile phones, personal

digital assistants, and other related technologies to enhance teaching and

learning.”( E-Learning is a catch up all term that covers a wide range of

instructional materials that can be delivered on a CD ROM or DVD, over a local

area network (LAN) or on the internet. It Includes computer based Training (CBT),

WEB BASED Training (WBT), Distance online learning and on online tutorials

(Ron Kurtus, 2004) E-learning provides the student with the information that can

be accessed in a setting free from the internet.

Technology helps student to:

* Research specific topic


* Communicate with faculty and classmate via-email collaborative in group


* Process data and report results in data based, Spreadsheet, PPT, word processing


* Use a variety of media and formats to communicate with classmate.

* Complete self-directed projects and reports I results.

* Build connections among various fields of learning.

* Use higher thinking skills regularly.

* Find alternative processing suited for individual styles

* Share multimedia experience with other learner.

Technology can be used for “information, images, interactions and inquiry

“(Quirk in Pollock 2007) To this end ISTE (2007) release of National Educational

Technology standard for student: the next generation indicates that to learn

effectively and live productively in an increasing digital world, student should

know and be able to use technology for creativity and innovation communication

and collaboration, research and information fluency, critical thinking problem

solving and decision making digital citizenship and technology education concept,

time and place constraints. He can also go through the lessons at his own space.

Lucido (2012) identify four phases of application of the educational

technology in teaching and learning namely: A.) Setting and learning objectives

B.) Designing specific learning experiences C.) Evaluating effectiveness of the

learning experience D.)Revision as needed of the whole teaching learning

process, or elements of it for further instructional activities.

The phase of application of the educational technology in teaching and

learning can be one of the bases of the process of creating e-learning experience

with the help of the teacher. It will be necessary to include it.

Abanador (2012) According to Thorndike Learning depends or improved

conduction of the device in the physical nervous system which came from his idea

of connectionism. His study downplayed the value of practice and repetition in

improving conduction. He felt that reward or punishment, success or failure,

satisfaction or annoyance following an action did more to strengthen or weakness

association. He begins to take account ideas of motivation, incentive, and

environment as they influence learning.

From this model of learning Thorndike proposed theory of instruction. He

advised teacher is to create learning environment in which students acquired

specific behavioral connection as part of large pattern. He felt teachers should

reward learner’s expression of desirable connection and create discomfort for

expressions of undesirable connection.


Thorndike prescribes five principles of teaching and learning:

1. Self-activity- means that the student must ultimately the initiator of all learning


2. Students interest or motivation

3. Preparation or mental set-It include reviewing past experience or what today

might activating prior experience.

4. Individualize instruction-Instructional situations or media should be tailored to

suit individual differences. Teacher should diagnosed individualized student

condition and prescribe activities accordingly.

5. Socialization –one of the most important factor and the instruction should take

place in the natural social setting.

Attested and provided by laureta L.C. (2013) his article, it is increasingly to

ignore the fact the use of ICT is part of our everyday life. One of the requirements

for newly qualified teachers of the national Curriculum is to be able to use ICT in

their teaching ( Crisan et. al. 2007).Skinner (1958) that the people can learn more

effectively in a well-controlled environment. And therefore the use of computers

was introduced as “teaching machines.” Computers can help student, including

those with special needs, to developed their independence and overcome

difficulties which might occur in the process of normal school work. One question

that needs to be asked, however is how teacher decides which software tools are

most appropriate to be used with their pupils but also what to make use them

.Forgasz H. and prince N.(2002) researched that the most popular content

application used were word-processing, spreadsheet, slide show type presentation


The importance of ICT researched carried out by Ofsted for the period

2005 to 2008 recorded a gradual increase of the used of ICT in secondary schools.

Pupils show progress in using the basic application: Spreadsheet, PowerPoint etc.

and they did not show and understanding of the computer’s programming

principles and structured.

In his ENGLISH IS POWER article Wright K.W. (2008) includes

availability of resources or and technological tools to which teaching

methodologies ultimately dependent number of learner-related factors. The

availability of technology and tools will immediately decide whether many

appropriate and proven e-learning program can be used by both teachers and

student alike. The absence of computers, audio systems, CD players and more

advanced equipment such as LCD-power point projectors can be lower quality of

teaching outcomes and can hinders accelerated learning.

In The Modern Teacher, Merculio (2013) emphasize a Multimedia learning

experience. According to him with the vast and prolific outputs mad from the

classroom lessons, students are now highly equipped to use the technical advances

of using different software in the digital environment for their requirements.


Students find this activity interesting, fun, and exciting in the exploration of skills

and resources in technology incorporated in other disciplines of learning.

Activities in English classes should interactive and creative. There is also a

need for then learners to achieve digital literacy in their learning in response to

continues expanse of changes in technology. At this point, English modern teacher

shall extend classroom activities to the world of digital works and information

where students are free to exchanges ideas and explore skills in taking

advancement of new software and application in the World Wide Web.

Opening perspective involving on how e-learning materials and new

technology is very important especially in teaching and learning process, in this

cases it was specifically raise in this journals. The researcher tried to gather up

write ups regarding the integration of technology and e-learning activities in

English. So, she decided to include this part.

Foreign literature

Technology (E-learning) and English language arts

Grabe Mark and Cindy (1998) categorize the application of technology to

instruction which often called Computer Based Instruction (CBI) or computer

assisted instruction (CAI).In traditional way it is the tutor, tool, and tutee model.

Magnifying this CBI via internet as the Tool for teacher and student will give as

another angle of learning, learning with connections all over the world. According

to Singh 2007 the proliferation of computers also means the increase of

programming and blogging technology which clearly offers powerful learning tool

that can be engaged student such as classroom management software.

Internet resource is one way to organize a discussion of the educational

value of the internet is to suggest access to other people, to file or store

information and programs that can be copied for personal use and to the

multicomputer interactive hypermedia resources referred as the World Wide Web.

The internet provides highly efficient access to variety of helpful and simulating

resources from the outset. Meanwhile, Cox (2008) stated that Student should be

actively engaged in a process of constructing meaning. Activities should be student

centered and contextualized through student’s interaction. Allowing student to surf

the net is not enough. Just as teacher assess, plan, and guide instruction using

books, discussion, graphic organizers and soon, they should provide classroom

experience using the internet following the same goals and strategies.

Cited by Bitter and Pierson (2005), research into the effect of technology

student achievement in language arts has widely resulted in widely disparate

findings. Six grade students who wrote composition in word processors showed

few differences in quality and complexity of compositions, as well as the accuracy

of grammar, from student who wrote composition with hand (Nichols,

1996).Teacher should understand the role of this software as a tool in writing

process not a substitute for process itself. In fact, first-graders, whose use of

computers resulted in longer writing including more words and more sentences,

improved in their writing abilities not because they like using computers, but

because specific aided software aided the writing process(Barrea, Rule, & Diemart

2001).On the side of the teacher word processing allows them to reevaluate

composition methods by viewing the writing process as a dynamic and recursive,

rather than linear as it frequently is when student use paper and pencil.

Technology allows student to enhance written words using multiple modalities

through which to communicate, such as through video, animation and sounds

affects methods.

The researchers included the studies from the book related to language

teaching and ICT software specifically word processing because not only abroad it

is observable that it is one of the most commonly used ICT software in the

Philippines. Based from this fact it will be part of e- learning instruction that will

be used in this study.

The Principles that extracted form Thorndike’s theory is one of the

foundations of educational technology that we have today. Another that aligned to

his theory is the constructivist theory which concerns the basic principles and

philosophical assumptions about knowledge and learning. It suggest that what a

person knows is not passively receives, but actively assembled by the learner. The

second principle is that learning serves an adaptive function that the role of

learning is to help individual operate within personal world. Learning is not the

“storage of truth”, but useful personal knowledge based from Grabe Mark & Cindy


Advocates of constructivism make recommendations regarding appropriate

classroom practice considering the considering the following general suggestion:

1. Emphasize on learning should be on reflective thinking and productivity.

The fundamental goal should be the ability to perform relevant tasks in exactly the

same way or acquire the same task relevant skill.

2. Students need rich context in learning. Learning should focus in

authentic activities, allow students collaboration to explore alternative perspective

and evaluate ideas, and provide learning experiences that encourage

communication learning experience that encourage communication and access real

world examples.

This theories are supported by John Dewey’s (1938) famous expression

“Learning by doing”, which means that we construct knowledge by actively

participating in learning events. Understanding constructivism was also

contributed by Piaget’s cognitive theory of learning development. Piaget explains

that all learning is an active process in which learner continually constructs

meaning (1973, 1977).He believes that children is able to construct a view of

reality that based on what they learn and experience as they mature. In other

words, they learn throughout their lives by exploring and discovering new things.

The researcher included this theory so there will be a supporting idea in

introducing e-learning as instructional tool in teaching English language. It will be

the main skeleton of the study.


(Brno 2011) E-learning can be approached from two basic angles – it can

be seen either as an “educational process” or as a “set of tools supporting the

educational process”. Consequently there is a wide range of definitions which may

differ according to organization and the way of e-learning usage. “E-learning is

understood as a multimedia support of educational process using modern

information and communication technologies usually implemented through

computer networks. Its main task is free and in time and space unlimited access to

knowledge”. “E-learning is the use of Internet technologies to create and deliver a

rich learning environment that includes a broad array of instruction and

information resources and solutions, the goal of which is to enhance individual and

organizational performance” (Rosenberg 72).

In these definitions a shared opinion is that e-learning is delivered through

modern information and communication technologies which create a rich learning

environment. The first definition describes the goal of e-learning as an unlimited

access to knowledge whereas the second definition says that the main goal is the

improvement of the learning output. It is possible to combine these goals and say

that thanks to the rich learning environment and the unlimited access to

information e-learning helps to achieve better results in an educational area.

Furthermore, Květoň sets the aim of e-learning to be higher access to education of

suitable quality and acceptable cost. As such, e-learning has without doubt its place

in modern education.

Forms of E-Learning

Education through e-learning can be held in several different ways.

Kopecký calls these ways “the basic forms of e-learning” . These, he further

divides into two categories:

Online e-learning

Online e-learning requires local or global computer net connection to

access the educational content. Offline e-learning Offline e-learning doesn’t

require Internet connection. Instead it works with media such as CDs or DVDs

containing educational content. Basically it is possible to say that these two forms

differ in the way of mediation of the educational content. More importantly, base

from Wikipedia, online learning is divided into two more forms: “synchronous”

and “asynchronous”. These two terms can be useful to be familiar with as they are

often mentioned in relation to e-learning tools in various sources. Synchronous

learning White describes synchronous learning as learning which “uses

technologies that allow for communication in „realtime‟, for example by telephone

or chat rooms. The time and opportunity for learners to participate is controlled”.

Asynchronous learning “Asynchronous delivery offers flexibility to learners in that

access to the course content or communication can take place at any time, and

from different places” (White 9).

Based on these definitions one can imagined asynchronous learning as e-

learning course participants accessing the online educational content at different

time and from different places, whereas synchronous learning offers to the

participants a real-time experience, which means that they can interact only as far

as they “meet” online at the same time. The concerned of this thesis was especially

the online form of e-learning using mostly asynchronous media.

Definitions of e-learning are broad and were dependent in how you are

going to use the technology. It is important that there is a clear classification of

terms that will help the researcher to distinguish terms and give picture of the

studies. As indicated above that there is two angles that can be viewed in e-

learning, this study bounded the proposed e-learning activities as a set of tools

supporting the educational process. It will be used both offline and online activities

technological materials. It uses the Asynchronous delivery which offers flexibility

to learners in that access to the course content or communication can take place at

any time and from different places. Together with the objective of the activities

that gave the students to accomplished the task individually or in a group in their

convenient time before the deadline of the activities as well as the teacher’s


Review of Related studies:

Local Studies:

( Oabel and Pauly 2005 ) In preparation of instructional materials teacher

must consider the interest of that can arouse the curiosity and sustain learning or

the clientele. Relevance of the material that can portray the experience provided by

the learning by the age is related to the learner’s personal needs or goals. Learners

are expected to succeed in the learning insist success when you used the

instructional material and the satisfaction of the learning in performing the task.

One of the factors of good instructional material is it arouse student

interest. Interested students challenge their existing knowledge and are more likely

to develop conceptual framework that integrate prior knowledge and new

information into understanding. Lack of interest is generally the number of reason

that the students give for learning mastery. By focusing on the students’ current

beliefs, you increase the probabilities that student will intrigued and explore their

understandings. Technologies can be effective tool to promote this interested and

active exploration.

As cited by Sumilang (2009) in his study, an education of realm of

communication manual for the communication arts. Instructional design is the

practice of creating instructional tool and content to help facilitate learning most

effectively by the process consist broadly of determining the current state and

needs of the learner defining goal of instruction and creating some intervention to

assist in the transition ideally the process infused with pedagogically tested

theories of learning and may take place in student, teacher led or community base

settings. The outcome of this instruction may be directly observable and

scientifically measured or completely hidden answer.

Recent technologies provide a powerful stimulus for the production of

range electronic materials for education. A number of products and prototype to

assist teaching and learning have been produced electronically, but it is unclear to

what extent, all of this is used to students and lecturer when it comes to real

teaching and learning. Looking in the examples of electronic tools indicates not

only the main reasons why electronic materials have not completely replaced the

physical counterpart, but more importantly suggest how to improve quality of

materials and tools currently available Lopez (2012).

The e-learning is not made to suggest of facing out of the traditional tool

of instruction and facilitator but rather for the development of both. E-learning is

opening another portal integration of learning.

Caberte, et. al. (2011) Media and modern technology has an effect in every

student in their study. It is also the material that can help them to do their

assignments, projects, reports, and everything that related to the study. There

different kinds of modern technology in our times today. Some of it may good or

bad for the students, it defends in how they were influence by it; there are also

some factors that influence the pupil by the media and in the improvement on their

communication skill.

As teacher’s we must be able to extract the good things from the activities

the student normally do to their computers or in the internet. The influence can be

reinforced by the teacher in integrating his technology in teaching and learning

process inside the classroom.

Albo C.G. et. Al. 2004 Computers is and other communication technology

is integrated in instruction in most school. The computers are potential tool for

discovery apart from being a mere discriminator of facts. As via pointed out the

computer creates people who demonstrated what they have learned. Further it

allows the student to investigate research questions about the natural ad physical

world. Student generated media is one of the most innovative education

development of our time. When computers become art of instruction the student

Students can be freed from constrained the linear pure word based reports, this

allowing them to express their mastery of subject through media of their own.

Paciῆos C.M. (2007) Utilizing Instructional material as the medium of all

learning tools shall continue to be strengthen as a tool for learning how to

improving global competitiveness.(Dep Ed order no. 35 section 2005). Learning is

often evaluated through students output based from the content of instructional

materials with this premises an ideal lesson is varied in many ways interactive in

learning situation. Furthermore, a lesson is equipped with its best tool aside from

effective strategies and method.

Ho (2006)as cited by panciῆos concretized in his study that instructional

materials revive the learning within and infuses greater creativity in carrying out

task both for the teacher as facilitator and the student as interactive learning that

meets the goal of quality of educational programs.

On the other hand the good use of English is important for all students but

particularly for those who are studying it. Communication alone is but a broad

sense which considers its essential elements to achieve a meaningful outcome.

Darwin C.P.(2013 ) after her study of the use of instructional materials in

improving the teaching and learning process of science in intermediate level

recommended a comprehensive of computer system media in teaching science and

the evaluative study and the effectiveness of using instructional materials in

different subject. When it comes to instructional materials Darwin stated the

factors which a teacher usually consider in selecting and using instructional

materials; 1.) Relevance -the use of the instructional materials must be related to

subject matter. 2.) Size- the instructional materials must be seen by the farthest

pupil. 3.) Novelty- The use of instructional materials must arouse the curiosity of

the learners for them to discover knowledge.


In Reason M.P.(2013) study of using e-learning activities as an aided tool

in world history he stated that , due to technological advancement, innovation of

instructional materials today is in the focus which helps to improve the academic

performance of the learners. As a part of changes in teaching, instructional material

in form of electronic learning activities was introduced to the learners where they

can find themselves that they can learn to the instructions which they can relate the

most and which can enhance their least-learned competencies. Electronic learning

activities are an independent unit of instruction with a primary focus on few well-

defined objectives. The material was guided the learner’s and allowing the learners

to proceed at his own pace with the assistance of teacher. This is a great help in

improving the abilities of the students in learning World History.

Foreign Studies

According to Magnussen (2008) in his study of Applying Principles of

significant learning in the E-learning Environment, E-learning technologies in

education use adult learning theories that view the educator as a facilitator of

learning and an assessor of outcomes. The change to this technology requires a

shift focus of course rom educator to subject. Where the educator is not a

distributor of con tent, but as a facilitator of learning and an assessor of learning

out comes (Ruiz et. al.2006).

Based from the constructivist theory, Sherman & Kurshan (2010) sated

that a frequent criticism of technological applications in classroom is that they are


little more than extraneous bells and whistles pointlessly tacked onto routine

instruction. The plash and splash of power point presentation may look good, but

many question the value added to student learning. Congruent to their study

“Using technology to support teaching for understanding”, they describe eight

effective learning environments consistent with modern constructivist theory;

Learner centered, Interesting, Real life, Social, Active, Time, Feedback and

Supportive, which directs and important implication of what we do in the


As they concluded, creating this environment is a daunting challenge and

requires considerable reconstructing of classroom routines and teaching practices.

Nobody denies the challenge is great and we don’t claim that technologies will

make the task easy. But, as we illustrated technologies can provide teaching tools

that you can genuinely integrate into the instructional fabric of classrooms. In

addition we can student to use technologies to meet their own responsibility to

became good learner and also use the technology as effective tools to content. The

goal of constructivism- teaching student so they know how and what to learn- is

the path to fuller and more relevant understanding of life important lessons.

Technology as we all know is a thing that makes everything easier. The

researcher include this study because it gives important to technology as teachers

partner in promoting learning .In line with my theory it is also proposed


constructivist theory as the basis of the teaching characteristic which was the

skeleton of the e-learning activities in English language.

Zamorshchikova, et.al (2011) concluded that ICT as tools of e-learning in

teaching EFL are becoming more widespread in higher educational institutions and

are meeting education quality requirements. E-learning in the academic curriculum

allows educators to effectively combine the elements of self-study and distant

education through software with the advantages of traditional classroom study and

teaching. E-learning provides unlimited opportunities for collaboration in

international and cross-cultural projects in learning EFL. In this regard, social

network services should be actively used in the learning process as they are

becoming increasingly popular among the younger generation.


Theoretical Framework and Research Methodology

This chapter presents and explains the theoretical framework and logical

procedures needed to come up with a good research. The description of the

methods that will be used in the study, as well as the sampling procedure will be

presented. Statistical treatment and measurement will also be explained for the

organization and tabulation of the results that will be gathered. Validation

techniques for the instrument and data gathering complete the procedure utilized.

Theoretical Framework

( Lucido 2011)We shall again look at the computer, but this time from

another perspective – the computer as a handy-tool. It can, in fact, support the

constructivist and social constructivist paradigms of constructivist learning.

Constructivism was introduced by Piaget (1981) and Bruner (1990). They stressed

discovery of new materials, concept, and principles in the learning process. Various

strategies have been suggested to foster knowledge discovery, among these is

making students engaged in gathering unorganized knowledge and information

from which they can induce ideas and principles. Students are also asked to apply

discovered knowledge to new situations, as process for making their knowledge

applicable to real life situations.

Given its present day speed, flexibility, and sophistication, the computer

and other e-learning tools can provide access, foster creative social knowledge-

building, and enhance communication inside and outside the classroom. Without e-

learning activities, learning today may still involve the tedious task of memorizing,

nonstop talking, and low –level information gathering/building. Use of e-learning

activities is aligned to the constructivist approach where learning is viewed is an

active process that results from self-constructed meanings. A meaningful

connection is established between prior knowledge and the present day learning


While knowledge is being constructed by the individual learner, knowledge

can also be socially constructed. Social constructivism is an effort to show that the

construction of knowledge is governed by social, historical, and cultural context.

In effect, this is to say that the learner who interprets knowledge has a

predetermined point of view according to the social perspective of the community

or society he lives in. So, the learner’s interest and ability to learn will be affected

by what was happening in their social life, in their family, friends, and society. The

psychologist Vygotsky stressed that learning is affected by social influences. He

therefore suggested the interactive process in learning. The more capable adult

(teacher or parent) or classmate can aid or complement what the learner saw in the

given project.

In addition, Dewey sees language a medium for social coordination and

adaptation. For Dewey, human learning is really human language that occurs when

students socially share, build, and agree upon meanings or knowledge.


From the model of learning, Thorndike proposed the Theory of Instruction

where five principles are involved. He advised teachers to create a learning

environment where students can acquire specific behavioral connection as part of a

large pattern. He felt teachers should reward learners’ expression of desirable

connection and create discomfort for expressions of undesirable connection.

Thorndike prescribes five principles of teaching and learning. (1.) Self-

activity means that the student must ultimately become the initiator of all learning

activities. In the term of constructivism, it is the learning by doing, and it can be

easily achieved by integrating e-learning activities in students’ daily classroom


(2.) Students’ interest or motivation is one of the keys in the success of the

teaching and learning process. Dull and boring classrooms will never be conducive

to learning. If the learning process will not be fun for the students, learning will be

a problem. In the digital world we have today, e-learning materials are one of the

techniques that can be used to capture their interest.

(3.) Preparation or mental setting. It includes reviewing past experiences or

what today may activate prior experience. Like what constructivism says, there are

no two students who will create exactly the same set of meaning because all of us

have different experiences and prior knowledge.


(4.) Individualized instruction. Instructional situations or media should be

tailored to suit individual differences. Teachers should diagnose individualized

student conditions and prescribe activities accordingly.

(5.) Socialization. One of the most important factors in instruction and

should take place in the natural social setting. Today, the natural environment of

the students covers internet and social networking sites. Laptops and cellphones

became part of their daily lives, so the researcher believes that it is now part of

their natural social setting. We can use these facts to get a better understanding of

our students which will foster better learning.

E-learning is an applicable and a valid tool for learners as proven by

different authors in their study. Likewise, it supports the theories above. This

provides insight and important information on how teachers and students can

enhance their effective involvement in the teaching and learning process.


Research Methodology

Research Design

The researcher utilized the combination of quasi-experimental method and

descriptive method of research. This kind of study was termed as the Mixed

Method Approach ( Tejero 2011). The study focused on how the E-learning

activities can affect English learners’ performance. The study will use a group of

English learners handled by one English teacher .They will be divided equally into

two groups which will be based on their English pre-test results grade. The first

group will be exposed to e-learning materials/activities in the process of teaching

and learning English. The second group will be taught without any use of e-

learning tools or activities. The lesson that will be presented will be the same in

both groups. The data will be obtained from the pre-test and post-test in each of the

lessons. It will be used to measure the students’ performance in the given lessons.

The researcher also decided to use the descriptive method in the form of a

questionnaire used to measure the perceived effectiveness of the e-learning

activities in teaching English after being exposed to the e-materials. It will be used

as a reinforcement to gauge the effectiveness of e-learning activities along with the

results of the pre-test and post-test.


Research Variables and Their Measures

The independent variable in this study is the e-learning activities that were

used in teaching English while the dependent variable of the study was the

performance of the students in their English class.

Research Universe

The research setting chosen for this study was Calayan Educational

Foundation Incorporated, High school Department. The researcher decided to use

third-year classes (sections Santos and Joaquin) due to the availability of materials

such as LCD projectors and computers. The respondents also have access to the

internet inside and outside of the school as they own gadgets and computers at

home. The school, respondents, and the teacher can be easily accessed by the

researcher. The age of the respondents is also in the middle of the 45% of the

internet users in the Philippines ( Neilsen 2002). They are the students who are

already exposed to the gadgets and other electronic devices that will be used in the


Research Sample

The total number of respondents used in the study is composed of forty

(40) third-year high school students (sections Santos and Joaquin) from Calayan

Educational Foundation Incorporated that were divided into two groups.


The gender distribution was half of each, twenty (20) were females and

twenty (20) were males. An English Language teacher was involved in choosing

the e-learning activities and validating the results. Since, the research is about the

effectiveness of e-learning materials, it will be necessary to discriminate. In

choosing the research sample, the students’ English pre-test results were the basis

of the groupings. The equal distribution of heterogeneous academic English

language ability will be maintained.

Sources of Data

The data will be taken from the information provided in the questionnaire.

With the help of the coordinating teacher, the researcher devised pre-test and post-

test questionnaires based on the lesson which became the basis of the students’

performance and level of comprehension. Another questionnaire was created to

measure the students’ perception of learning English through the regular use of e-

learning materials.

Data Gathering Instrument

The researcher went through three phases of data gathering. First was the

selection and the creation of e-learning activities that were used in the first group.

Second part was the lesson proper where the pre-test and post-test was given to the

group that was exposed to e-learning activities and the group that was not.

The third part was the measurement of the students’ perception of the

effectiveness of e-learning in their academic performance.

The time coverage of the experimentation and data gathering were seven

(7) days.

For the first group, the cooperating teacher taught the lesson with the use of

e-learning materials or activities in the motivation, lesson proper, and assessment.

On the first meeting, a pre-test was conducted and a succeeding post-test

was given at the end of the week. It was composed of twenty (25) items.

For the second group, the same lesson was introduced; however, the

traditional board work and lectures were utilized using the same lesson and

difficulty of activities that was used for the first group. Like the first part, the pre-

test and post-test were given before and after the English lessons.

The third part was a checklist composed of questions that measure the

students exposed to the e-learning activities’ perception of their effectiveness.

Construction of Data Gathering Instrument

The researcher asked the teacher what activities and e-learning materials

may be used in her class. It will depend on the availability of the materials in

school. The researcher asked the teacher in advance what the lesson for the week

would be before the researcher conduct the study so the cooperating teacher and

her will be able to come up with varied e-learning activities. The duration of the

class and the particular lesson that the teacher discussed were considered to

construct an appropriate pre-test and post-test that were later validated by

professionals. A dry run was also conducted so the questionnaire will be tested.

The checklist that was used to measure the student’s perception of the

effects of the e-learning activities after the exposure to e-learning materials was

based on studies that the researcher used as references for her related literature. It

was used to reinforce the results of the post-test of the student.

Organization and Analysis of the Data

Before the administration of the study, the researcher asked permission

from the principal and the chairperson to allow her to validate the electronic

learning activities of the students. When the approval was granted, the letter of

approval for the validation and implementation of the e-learning activities was

given to the English Language teacher. After that, the data were tallied, tabulated,

and analyzed.

Statistical Treatment

The researchers used the actual value scale of the respondents in the

pre-test and post-test. The following formula was used to address the sub-problems

and will contribute to the overall results of the study.


Mean: X=

Where Ʃx =the sum of all data

n =the number of data items in the sample

Standard Deviation :

Ʃ= sum of

x =each score

x= mean of all score

n= Number of each score

T-test for dependent sample:

t =;df=n-1

t = t-value

ƌ = mean of the difference

d= standard deviation of the difference

n = number of cases in the sample

df= degrees of freedom

T-test for two independent variable:

; df = n1+n2-2

X1=Mean of the first sample

X2= Mean of the second sample

n1=Number of cases of the first sample

n2 =number of cases of the second sample

=variance of the first sample

=Variance of the second sample

df=degrees of freedom
To determine the level of interest of students on the developed electronic

material, which will lead to the sub problem number three, the formula for average

weighted mean was used by researcher, the formula is:

Where: WM = weighted arithmetic mean

f = Frequency Distribution

N = Number of Respondents

The scale below was used to determine the ratings of the perceived effects of e- learning

material of the students:

Point Score Interval Descriptive Rating

4 3.51-4.00 Strongly Agree (SA) Very Effective (VE)
3 2.50-3.50 Agree (A) Effective (E)
2 1.51-2.50 disagree (D) Not Effective (NE)
1 1.00-1.50 Strongly Disagree Very Ineffective (VUE)

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