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Ⅴ . Scholarships to Study in Japan for the Applicants Residing Abroad

*1 *2 Qualifier JC : Junior College Students *3 Y=Plural grants permitted, N=not permitted *7 Y=Extendable, N=Not extendable *8 D : Document
S : School HS : High School Students A : Auditors (Undergraduate) *4 Y=Applicable , N=not applicable MYR : Minimum years required I : Interview
F : Foundation CT : College of Technology Students U : Undergraduate Students *5 Y=Reapplication permitted, N=not permitted for graduation/completion W : Written exam
PT : Professional Training College Students
R : Research Students (Graduate) *6 Y=Permitted(Offer of scholarship will be UTG : Up to graduation/completion O : Others
UJ : University Japanese Program Students
M : Master's Program Students cancelled if one fails a college entrance exam.)
JL : Japanese Language Institute Students
D : Doctoral Program Students N=not permitted
*1 *2 *3 *4 *5 *6 *7 *8


Name of Foundation Address/Phone/ Contents Extend- Applications
No. Qualifier Designated Designated Designated Plural Grants Non- Reappli- Application Duration Period/ Selection Grantees
Name of Scholarship Fax/Website(http://)/E-mail before Additional (¥1,000) able for the
(School) Age Limit and Limits Student cation School Deadline
Countries Schools in Japan Fields of Study (¥1,000) Visa Requirements Previous Year
Year) Admission
Aichi Prefectural Government International Affairs Division, Aichi R(1) Under 35 ASEAN Aichi pref. Same N N N N Living allowance 2.5y N Mar.-May D A few 3/6
愛知県 Prefectural Government 3-1-2 M(1-2) (As of member field as an (100/m), students
 Aichi Scholarship Program Sannomaru, Naka-ward, Nagoya, Apr 1) countries undergraduate Airfare,
Aichi 460-8501 major Academic
1 S S
Tel 052-954-6180 Fax 052-951-2590 expenses (entrance
www.pref.aichi.jp/kokusai/ exam fee,entrance
ryugakusei-portal/e/ukeire fee,tuition)
Okinawa International 4-2-16 Isa, Ginowan, Okinawa UJ Under 30 Okinawa pref. N N N Applicants are Living 1y N Aug. 3 D A few 11/49

Ⅴ . Scholarships to Study in Japan for the Applicants Residing Abroad

Exchange & Human 901-2221 JC selected at the Allowance -Nov. 9 students
Resources Development Tel 098-942-9215 Fax 098-942-9218 U recommendation 80/m and
Foundation www.oihf.or.jp of Overseas Travel
(財)沖縄県国際交流・人材 Okinawa Association Expense,
育成財団 (Kenjnkai) Tuition,
2  Okinawa Prefecture F F Non-Okinawa Boarding,
 International descents from an Welfare
 Student Program Asian country outside Expenses
Japan (Official
recommendation by
home country) is
INPEX Scholarship 34th Floor, Akasaka Biz Tower, No. M 30 Indonesia Natural N N Y Y Priority to students 160/m, Within N Aug. 1 D Less 3/37
Foundation 3-1, Akasaka 5-Chome, Minato-Ku, Science recommended by Tuition, 32m -Nov. 15 than 3
( 財)インペックス教育交流 Tokyo 107-6332, Japan the Indonesian Round-
財団 Tel 03-5572-0602 Government trip ticket,
3  INPEX Scholarship F F (SEKNEG) 6 months
Prestigious Japanese
university language
graduates school fee
GPA: more than 3.0
Kyoritsu International 2-18-8 Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ward, PT(1) Asia Refer to website N N Y 100/m 2y (Apr.-) N Nov.- Jan. D 15 15/279
Foundation Tokyo 101-0021 JC(1)
(一般財団法人)共立国際交 Tel 03-5295-0205 Fax 03-5295-0206 U(1-3)
流奨学財団 www.kif-org.com  M(1)
 Foundation Scholarship D(1,2)
4  Kyoritsu Maintenance S S JL(1) Y 60/m 1y (Apr.-) 25 25/238
 Scholarship JC(1-2) 50/m

Interchange Association Taipei Office 台北市慶城街 28 号號 R 35 Taiwan N N Y Y People who can 152-158/m MYR N Feb.-Mar. D, I, W 65 56/576
(財)交流協会 通泰商業大楼 M arrive in Japan in air ticket, (Research
(渡日前採用) Tel 02-2713-8000 Fax 02-2713-8787 D April Tuition, etc. student
5 F F
www.koryu.or.jp/taipei-tw/ period can
be added)

奨学金欧文p36-40.indd 36 11/04/11 9:22

Ⅴ . Scholarships to Study in Japan for the Applicants Residing Abroad


Name of Foundation Address/Phone/ Contents Extend- Applications
No. Qualifier Plural Grants Non- Reappli- Application Duration Period/ Selection Grantees
Name of Scholarship Fax/Website(http://)/E-mail Designated Designated Designated before Additional (¥1,000) able for the
(School) Age Limit and Limits Student cation School Deadline
Year) Countries Schools in Japan Fields of Study (¥1,000) Visa Requirements Previous Year
The Japan Foundation 4-4-1 Yotsutya, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo Doctoral 35 or All countries Humanities, N Y Y Ph.D. candidates 310/m, 4-14m N Sep.-Dec. D not fixed 83/147
国際交流基金 160-0004 candidates under that have Social (Cultural Residents abroad Airfare, etc. 1 (Nov 2
The Japan Foundation Tel 03-5369-6069 Fax 03-5369-6041 diplomatic Sciences Activities) or those who in US)
Japanese Studies www.jpf.go.jp/e/intel/study/ relations with have been in
6 F F
Fellowship program fellowship/ Japan Japan less than 1
(Doctoral Candidates) year as of Apr.1
of the year of the
Toka Kyoiku Bunka Koryu
8-2-12 Ginza, Chuo-ward, Tokyo 104- U(3-) China Y N N Y 80/m 1y Y Nov.30 D 10 12/265
Zaidan 0061 M (20/m)
7 (公財)東華教育文化交流財 Tel 03-3571-7613 Fax 03-3572-5943 F F D
団 www.donghua.or.jp
The Tokushukai  Dainichi-Kojimachi Bldg. 4-6-8 U Designated Those N N Y Y 100/m 1y N Oct. D, I 15 15/19
Scholarship Foundation Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102- schools(APU, majoring in -Dec. 15
(財)徳洲会国際奨学財団  0083 Waseda U, Tokyo medicine are
Tel 03-3238-2913 Fax 03-3238-2914 U, Osaka U, preferred
8 www.tokushukai.org S S Kokushikan U,
zaidan@tokushukai.org Tsukuba U, Kyoto
U, Osaka-Sangyo U,
Kyushu U, Tohoku
U and others)
Graduate School of Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464- M 35 or Asia International N N Y Y 1. National of 154/m 2y N May- D 6 to 7 6/26
Internationl Development 8601, Japan under Development Development ADB’s developing July/Mid.
Nagoya University Asia Fax 052-789-4921 Bank and Cooperatino member countries July
www.gsid.nagoya-u.ac.jp/global/ developing course 2. At leadt two
Development Bank-Japan
9 index-en.html S S member years of full-time
Scholaship Program countries
Japan Student Services Student Exchange Programs PT Y N Y Y Applicants must take 48/m 6m or 1y D
Organization(JASSO) Planning Division JC 48/m the EJU and need to
( 独 ) 日本学生支援機構 Student Exchange Department U mark a circle in the
Reservation Program Tel 03-5520-6030 Fax 03-5520-6031 appropriate box on
for Honors Scholarship www.jasso.go.jp/scholarship/ the EJU application
for Privately Financed yoyakuseido_e.html form
International Students Privately financed
students who fulfill
the eligibility/
condition for applying
for and receiving
*Please see P.9 Honors Scholarship
10 Student Exchange Support Please contact your school directly All countries Y Y Students accepted by not yet 3m-1y Please D, O not yet 1800
Program(Scholarship for that have 80/m 3y Japanese university determined contact determined (grantees)
Short-term Study in Japan) diplomatic later or graduate school the
relations with under the student attending
Japan exchange agreement university
on a short-term basis overseas.
S S An applicant from about three
who has months to one year
Japanese Applications must be
nationality at submitted through
the time of their school /
*Please see P.11 application is university
not eligible.


奨学金欧文p36-40.indd 37 11/04/11 9:22



Name of Foundation Address/Phone/ Contents Extend- Applications
No. Qualifier Plural Grants Non- Reappli- Application Duration Period/ Selection Grantees
Name of Scholarship Fax/Website(http://)/E-mail Designated Designated Designated before Additional (¥1,000) able for the
(School) Age Limit and Limits Student cation School Deadline
Year) Countries Schools in Japan Fields of Study (¥1,000) Visa Requirements Previous Year
Japan Educational Exchanges 4-5-29 Komaba, Meguro-ward, Tokyo M China Gunma Univ. Engineering N N Privately 80/m 1y Y Nov.-Dec. D 1 1/4
and Services(JEES) 153-8503 Manufacturing financed students
(財)日本国際教育支援協会 www.jees.or.jp (Monozukuri) (Consult the
Gunma University Monodukuri international
Human Resources HiKaLo student adviser.)
11 群馬大学ものづくり HiKaLo 奨
Docomo Int’l Student India, Yes Y N N Privately 120/m 2y N Mar. - D 6 22/47
Scholaship Bangkadesh, 80/m financed students Apr.
ドコモ留学生奨学金 Philippines
The Japan-United States Institute of International Education U:recent U.S.citizen Out-of-Tokyo N N N Applicants All expense 12m N May 1-Oct. 18 D 10 11/125
Educational Commission (IIE) 809 United Nations Plaza, university universities studying, of the (Total of
(Fulbright Program) New York, NY 10017, USA graduates conducting preceding all student
日米教育委員会 www.iie.org research, or year program
 Fulbright Grants been employed applicants)
12 F S in Japan are
M Humanities Y Y 15 10/125
D & Social ineligible Renewable (Total of
Science for up to all student

Ⅴ . Scholarships to Study in Japan for the Applicants Residing Abroad

fields 3m(for D program
only) applicants)
Japan Dental Association 4-1-20 Kudan Kita, Chiyoda-ward, U Asia-pacific Dentistry Y N Y 150/m 1-12m N June, D 3~4 4/8
13 (財)日本歯科医師会 Tokyo 102-0073 F F R nations Dec.
Tel 03-3262-9212 Fax 03-3262-9885 D

Panasonic Corporation Panasonic Corporation Panasonic R China, Taiwan, Overseas Science, N N N Y Refer to website R:150/m 3y (max) N Vary by D, I, O 26 24/About
 Panasonic Scholarship Scholarship Co., Ltd. 1006 Kadoma M Malaysia, application only Engineering & 4y university M:180/m (2y for country 1,700
Osaka, 571-8501 Indonesia, Technology graduates Preparatory M-course, and
14 Tel 06-6906-1647 Fax 06-6906-1571 F F Thailand, Allowance, 1y for region
panasonic.net/scholarship Philippines, Matriculation R-student)
Vietnam, India & Tuition fee
The Satoh Artcraft Research 5-9-39 Jomyoji, Kamakura-city, R Arts & Crafts N N Y School 80/m 1y-2y N Apr.-Dec. D, I, O 2 1/1
& Scholarship Foundation Kanagawa 248-0003 M (Pottery, recommendation
(財)美術工藝振興佐藤基金 Tel 03-3888-7512 Fax 03-3881-1409 D Glasswork, required
sekido-museum.jp  Metalwork,
15 F F Stonework,
Dyeing and
The Hitachi Scholarship 21F Akihabara UDX Building, 14-1, R Designated 15 Science & N N Y Y Nominated 180/m M 24-30m N June-Nov. D, I 5 5/15
Foundation Soto-Kanda 4-chome, Chiyoda-ward, (preparation Universities in Technology by designated Roundtrip D 36-42m
(財)日立国際奨学財団 Tokyo 101-8010 for M or D) Thailand(5), universities and airticket (including
 The Hitachi Scholarship Tel 03-3257-0853 Fax 03-3257-0854 Singapore(1), accepted by Tuition, research
16 www.hitachi-zaidan.org/global/ F S M 30 Indonesia(4), proposed professor Housing, student
scholarship/ Malaysia(2), in Japan assistance, period)
scholarship@hdq.hitachi.co.jp D 35 Philippines(1), others
Hirose International Zentoku Roppongi Build, East 5F, HS Asia Yes Y N N Y Recommendation 150/m 1y Y Jan.-Mar. D 21 21/21
Scholarship Foundation 1-7-27 Roppongi, Minato-ward Tokyo JL 50/m by designated (up to (including (including
17 (財)ヒロセ国際奨学財団 106-0032 S S U high schools 5.5y) extension) extension)
Pre-entrance Undergraduate Tel 03-3505-5082 Fax 03-3505-6790 required
Kounosuke Matsushita 1006, Kadoma, Kadoma City, Osaka M Under Asia International Humanities, N N Y 100/m- 2y N Recruited 8 8
Memorial Foundation 571-8501 30 University of Social 120/m and (grantees)
18 S S
松下幸之助記念財団 Japan (IUJ) Sciences selected
Scholarship by IUJ

奨学金欧文p36-40.indd 38 11/04/11 9:22

Ⅴ . Scholarships to Study in Japan for the Applicants Residing Abroad


Name of Foundation Address/Phone/ Contents Extend- Applications
No. Qualifier Plural Grants Non- Reappli- Application Duration Period/ Selection Grantees
Name of Scholarship Fax/Website(http://)/E-mail Designated Designated Designated before Additional (¥1,000) able for the
(School) Age Limit and Limits Student cation School Deadline
Year) Countries Schools in Japan Fields of Study (¥1,000) Visa Requirements Previous Year
Yoshida Scholarship YKK R&D CENTER 3-22-1 M(1) Under30 China, India, Tokyo, Tokyo Natural N N N Y Recommendation Tuition max 2y N Please D 10 10/10
Foundation Kamezawa, Sumida-ward, Tokyo Korea, ASEAN, Institute of Science or of designated 2,500, Travel Fee, contact
(財)吉田育英会 130-8521 Pakistan, Technology, Engineering schools in Japan Housing Allowance the
 Asia 100 Tel 03-5610-8103 Under35 Sri Lanka, Keio, Waseda, except Medical required within 40/m, designated
F S D(1) 3y
Fax 03-5610-8104 Bangladesh, Kyoto, Doshisha, Science, Stipend schools in
http://www.ysf.or.jp Nepal, Bhutan, Kwansei Gakuin Dentistry, 150/m, Spouse Japan
webmaster@ysf.or.jp Mongolia U, Nagoya, Veterinary Allowance
19 Osaka, Kyushu Science 20/m
 YKK Leaders21 M(1) Under30 West Asia, Tokyo, Tokyo N N N Y 2y N D 7 4/4
Central Asia, Institute of
Africa Technology, Nagoya,
D(1) Under35 Kyoto, Osaka, Keio, 3y

LOTTE International 3-20-1 Nishishinjuku, Shinjuku-ward JL Asia Yes N N N Y School For travel to up to 6m N D (I) a few a few
Scholarship Foundation Tokyo 160-0023 U recommendation Japan and
(財)ロッテ国際奨学財団 Tel 03-5388-5564 required lodging 180/m
Scholarship Assisting with Fax 03-3375-1293
Travel Expenses to Japan For travel in total
20 S S preparation
and school
fees 1080
Scholarship 4y
Lawson Scholarship East Tower, Gate City Osaki 1-11-2 UJ 20 and Vietnam Japanese N N Y Residents in Vietnam 130/m 1y Y (Admission D, I 5 3/40
ローソン奨学金 Osaki, Shinagawa-ward, Tokyo 141- JL under language schools, All selection process are in Oct.)
8643 U universities in done in Ho Chi Minh- Apr.-May
21 Tel 03-5435-1485 Fax 03-5759-6909 F F Tokyo City or Hanoi-City (Admission
lawson-scholarship.net/ Those having a incentive in Apr.)
info@lawson-scholarship.net to do part-time work at Sep.-Oct.
Lawson store
e8 505 de Maisonneuve Blvd. West, M DAC Fields Y N Y Y 1955/y up to 2y N Mar. D 11 11/510
Education for Sustainable Lobby Montréal (Québec), Canada List of ODA directly (US$ 23,000
Energy Development H3A 3C2 Recipients related to per year)
22 F F
[ESED] Tel +1-514-392-8876 Fax +1-514-392-8900 sustainable
www.e8.org energy
e8generalsecretariat@hydro.qc.ca development


奨学金欧文p36-40.indd 39 11/04/11 9:22

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