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List of Scholarships For Undergrad 2022-2023

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Source: Scholarship for International Students in Japan 2022-2023 (JASSO 2022)

Please note the list and content is subject to change. For more details, visit their website or contact them or ask a university you wish to study. Complied by Study in Japan Global Network Project Regional Office in Sub-Saharan Africa in August 2022


*1 *2 *3
S : School Y=Plural grants permitted, D : Document, I : Interview,
Scholarships by Private Foundations F : Foundation N=Not permitted W: Written exam, O : Others
for undergraduate students
*1 Grantees/
*2 *3

Age Limit Applicatio
Name of Foundation Address/Phone/Fax/ Designated Designated Plural Contents Application Grantee
No. (at the Designated Additional Duration Selectio ns for the
Name of Scholarship Website(http://)/E-mail Schools in Fields of Grants (¥1,000) Period s Previous
start of Countries Requirements n
Japan Study and Year
Limits (¥
Citizen Environment Department Kitami
City Office,
Odori Nishi-3-Chome 1-1 Kitami- City,
Kitami City Hokkaido 090-8501
Kitami city, (Scholarship
1 Kitami City Scholarship for Foreign Tel 0157-25-1105 Fax 0157-25-1016 F F - - - N Kitami city residents 200/Y Late May D 15 15/26
Hokkaido payment in
Students www.city.kitami.lg.jp/
July and
Y 60/M Students interested in 10
Aina 5F, 1-7-1 Moriokaekinishitori,
intercultural activities 20/M (TBA)
Morioka, Iwate 020-0045 1y
2 Iwate International Association S S - - Iwate pref. - Recommendation from Mid Feb D, I 10/15
Tel 019-654-8900 Fax 019-654-8922 (TBA) (Apr.-Mar.)
designated schools
Ohtawara City Office, 1-4-1, Honcho, International U of University
Ohtawara-City, Tochigi 324-8641 Health and Welfare recommendation
Ohtawara-city Board of Education Tel 0287-23-3111 F
(Ohtawara City) required 1y
3 Ohtawara-city Foreign Student Fax 0287-23-3113 ・ S - - - Y 5/M Apr.-Mar. D About 30 23/23
Legally registered as (Apr.-Mar.)
Scholarship soumu-kyouiku@city.ohtawara. S residents of Ohtawara
tochigi.jp city
Privately financed
students in Shinjuku who 1y
Shinjuku City Office, 1-4-1, Kabuki- cho, F have studied at eligible (Scholarship
Shinjuku-ku Mid May- Late
4 Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-8484 Tel 03- ・ S - - Shinjuku City, Tokyo - Y schools for one year or 240/Y payment in D About 15 15/37
Foreign Student Scholarship May
5273-3504 Fax 03-5273-3590 S longer and are planning July and
to continue their studies Dec.)
for at least one year

*1 Grantees/
*2 *3

Age Limit Applicatio
Name of Foundation Address/Phone/Fax/ Designated Designated Plural Contents Application Grantee
No. (at the Designated Additional Duration Selectio ns for the
Name of Scholarship Website(http://)/E-mail Schools in Fields of Grants (¥1,000) Period s Previous
start of Countries Requirements n
Japan Study and Year
Limits (¥
Privately financed
students in Kawasaki.
Kawasaki International Association 2-2 School recommendation
Kawasaki International Kizuki, Gion-cho, Nakahara-ku, required.
Association Kawasaki-city, Kanagawa 211-0033 Kawasaki city, Student who resides and
5 Financial Assistance Program for Tel 044-435-7000 Fax 044-435-7010 S S - - - (N:MEX 100/Y 1y Apr.- Mid May D 24 30/35
Kanagawa can participate in the
Foreign Students www.kian.or.jp T international
kiankawasaki@kian.or.jp exchange activities in
Students who live in
Y Students living in Universities,
Toyama International Center Foundation less than Toyama prefecture who junior
10/M colleges, 143/143
Tower 111, 4th floor have completed the
5-5 Ushijimashin-machi, Toyama-city (First procedure of notification and ①10
Toyama International Center Year) N colleges of students
Toyama 930-0856 such as place of
Foundation (Second residence, enrollment of technology 1y Limited by
6 Toyama International Exchange Tel 076-444-2500 Fax 076-444-2600 F S - - Toyama pref. - Apr.- Late May D ②23
www.tic-toyama.or.jp/english/ Year) Japanese educational ① 10/M(1st (Apr.-Mar.) budgets
about/support_for_foreign_ institutions, those who year ③29
students.html are planning to go to students),
tic@tic-toyama.or.jp university or graduate ② 50/M
school (from
Students who have been
enrolled in a university in 1y
Y 20/M 20/M May 100 100/100
Ishikawa for less than (Apr.-Mar.)
one year

- - Ishikawa pref. - Y D
International Exchange Division, Those
Ishikawa-Pref. who have
Ishikawa Prefectural Government F Up to 21 m
1-1 Kuratsuki, Kanazawa-city,
7 Ishikawa Prefectural Scholarship ・ received a Students who are (July-Mar. of
for Privately Financed Foreign Ishikawa 920-8580
S scholarshi expected to graduate the following
June-Sep. of Within
Students Tel 076-225-1381 Fax 076-225-1383 from a university in year)
e200500@pref.ishikawa.lg.jp S p having 20 ~ 30/M the following budgetary (2020 ~ )
joined a Ishikawa the following Collective
year limits
company year and intend to work payment
following in Ishikawa after job
graduation offer

*1 Grantees/
*2 *3

Age Limit Applicatio
Name of Foundation Address/Phone/Fax/ Designated Designated Plural Contents Application Grantee
No. (at the Designated Additional Duration Selectio ns for the
Name of Scholarship Website(http://)/E-mail Schools in Fields of Grants (¥1,000) Period s Previous
start of Countries Requirements n
Japan Study and Year
Limits (¥
Piazza Omi 2F 1-1-20 Nionohama, Otsu-
city, Shiga 520-0801 F
Shiga Intercultural Association for Privately financed
8 Globalization Tel 077-526-0931 Fax 077-510-0601 ・ S - - Shiga pref. - Y 20/M 20/M 1y May-June D Not fixed 10/20
students in Shiga pref.
www.s-i-a.or.jp/en/projects/ multicultural S
Priority will be given to
Asta Kunizuka 1-Bankan South Building
1. 5 of 30 grantees of
Kobe International Community 4F
South East Asian
Center 5-3-1, Udezuka-cho, Nagata-ku, Kobe
9 Kobe International Students 653-0036, Hyogo S S - - Kobe city, Hyogo - N 2. 1 of 30 grantees of 80/M 1y Feb.- Mid Mar. D, I 30 30/106
Scholarship (Kobe/Sugawara Tel 078-742-8908 Fax 078-691-5553
Kobe・Tianjin city
Scholarship) www.kicc.jp/en/aboutus/shien
ryugakusei@kicc.jp friendship partnership
Himeji city, Hyogo Minimum
Himeji City Office 4-1 Yasuda, Himeji- years
10 city, Hyogo 670-8501 S S - - - Y 30/M required for Apr. D 2 1/1
Foreign Student Scholarship Tel 079-221-2596 graduation/
50 Yashiro, Kato-city, Hyogo 673- Students who live in
1493 F F Kato city and participate
11 Tel 0795-43-0388 Fax 0795-42-5055 ・ ・ - - - - N in the 15/M 1y Apr. -May D 4 4/4
Scholarship for Foreign Students www.city.kato.lg.jp international activities in
kokusaikoryu@city.kato.lg.jp a community
International Affairs Section, Kurashiki
Kurashiki-shi City Office 640 Nishi- nakashinden,
Kurashiki city, Students in Kurashiki depends on 26/26
12 Kurashiki City Financial Aid for Kurashiki-city, Okayama 710-8565 S S - - - Y 10/M 1y D variable
Okayama city university (2020)
Privately Financed Students Tel 086-426-3015 Fax 086-426-4095
Hiroshima Crystal Plaza 6F 8-18 Apr.- Mid May About 45 42/126
Hiroshima International Center Nakamachi, Naka-Ku, Hiroshima 730- Students who have                     
1y Apr.-
Scholarship Programs 0037 newly arrived from
13 S S - - Hiroshima pref. - N 30/M                      Mid May D
Scholarship for new and Tel 082-541-3777 Fax 082-243-2001 overseas or other
6m Oct.
transferring international students General Information 082-541-3888 prefectures
hic@hiroshima-ic.or.jp 20 16/22

1-5 Nakajima-cho, Naka-ku,

Hiroshima Peace Culture Hiroshima-city, Hiroshima 730-0811
Hiroshima city,
14 Foundation Tel 082-242-8879 Fax 082-242-7452 F S - - - N Hiroshima city residents 30/M 1y Apr. D 30 30/72
Hiroshima Scholarship https://h-ircd.jp

*1 Grantees/
*2 *3

Age Limit Applicatio
Name of Foundation Address/Phone/Fax/ Designated Designated Plural Contents Application Grantee
No. (at the Designated Additional Duration Selectio ns for the
Name of Scholarship Website(http://)/E-mail Schools in Fields of Grants (¥1,000) Period s Previous
start of Countries Requirements n
Japan Study and Year
Limits (¥

2301 Oosoneko, Nankoku-city, Kochi F

Nankoku-shi Students who live in
15 783-8501 ・ S - - Kochi pref. - N 9/M 1y June D 7 5/5
Nankoku City Scholarship Nankoku city
Tel 088-880-6553 Fax 088-863-1167 S

- - Y(The 1y
Fukuoka City International                                                        amount of as a general
Foundation Dependant Depend on Japanese rule 7
Yokatopia Scholarship for Fukuoka City International Center 1F, 4- on individual individual Governme (planned)
International Students 1, Tenyamachi, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka- F scholarship scholarship nt (MEXT) 1y as a
city, Fukuoka 812-0025 Fukuoka Scholarshi Students who want to                      general Apr.- Early
16 ・ S - D, I
Tel 092-262-1744 Fax 092-262-2700 Metropolitan Area p work in Fukuoka May
S 300-500/Y rule(possible 11 8/22
fcif.or.jp/en/en-money/ international- including for (planned
Future Development ( ※ only
student-scholarship/ this extension)
Scholarship for International new
scholarshi Dependant
Students applicants)
p) on individual
Y scholarship

Kurume Bureau of Tourism and

Kurumeria 6F 3-11 Mutsumon- machi,
International Exchange Selected,
Kurume, Fukuoka 830-0031 Tel 0942- - 100/Y 1y 30 28/28
17 Kurume Scholarship for Foreign 31-1717 Fax 0942-31-3210 F S - - Kurume, Fukuoka N (Nov.- Oct.
Students through
http://welcom-kurume.com/ Dec.) School
Kurume Encouragement ktie@ktarn.or.jp Japanese
10/Y 40 22/22
Subsidy for Foreign Students Language
International Policy Division, Oita - - -
Prefectural Government 3-1-1
18 Ohte-machi, Oita-city, Oita 870-8501 Tel S S Oita pref. N Students living in Oita 30/M 1y Apr.-May D 80 80/80
Foreign Student Scholarship 097-506-2045
Kagoshima Prefectural
10-1 Kamoike-shimmachi
Government Privately financed
Kagoshima-city 890-8577
19 The Scholarship for Privately S S - - Kagoshima pref. - N students 20/M 1y Apr.-May D 10 10/18
Tel 099-286-2306 Fax 099-286-5522
Financed Foreign Students in living in Kagoshima
Students who will enroll
3-22 Kanda-cho, Satsumasendai-city,
Satsuma sendai-shi at a school in
Kagoshima 895-8650 Satsumasendai city,
20 Satsumasendai City Scholarship S S - - - Y Satsumasendai for 1 10/M 1y At anytime D 10 1/10
Tel 0996-23-5111 (ext.5772) Kagoshima
for Foreign Students year, and live in

Scholarships by Private Foundations for undergraduate students
*1 Grantees/
*2 *3

Age Limit Applicatio
Name of Foundation Address/Phone/Fax/ Designated Designated Plural Contents Application Grantee
No. (at the Designated Additional Duration Selectio ns for the
Name of Scholarship Website(http://)/E-mail Schools in Fields of Grants (¥1,000) Period s Previous
start of Countries Requirements n
Japan Study and Year
Limits (¥
are available
Iizuka Takeshi Scholarship while in
1758 Tsuruta-cho, Utsunomiya-city, university
Iizuka Takeshi Scholarship 30 or Late Jan.- 5
21 Foundation Tochigi 320-8644 F S - Tochigi pref. - Y 50/M and can D, I 3/8
under Early Feb. students
Tel 028-649-2121 Fax 028-648-0700 continue
itsf@tkc.co.jp through
c/o D-Museum 1-22 Kamotsukicho,
Nakamura-ward, Nagoya-city, Aichi 453- F 1y
Ichihara International Scholarship Early July-
22 Foundation 0843 ・ S - - Aichi pref. - N 50/M (paid every 3 D 20 20/32
Oct. 15
Tel 052-413-6777 Fax 052-413-3838 S m)

Fields directly
related to 2000/Y,
Human 1500/Y,
3-2-27 Otedori, Chuo-ku, Osaka-city
Health(Medici 1000/Y 90
Otsuka Toshimi Scholarship Osaka 540-0021 about 45 designated Mar. 10 -
23 Foundation F F - ne, Dentistry, Y 1800/Y (in the case 1y D, I (expected 76/320
Tel 06-6105-0870 universities Apr.25
Pharmacology of plural number)
, Engineering), grants 500/
Business Y)

4-16-29 Sakae, Naka-ward, Nagoya-

Kamiyama Scholarship Mid Apr.- May
24 Foundation city, Aichi 460-0008 S S - - Aichi pref. - Y 200/Y 1y D, I 10 12/70
Tel 052-262-5031 Fax 052-262-5036

3-1-18 Kokubun-cho, Aoba-ward, less than
Academic advisor's years
Sendai-city, Miyagi 980-8583    70/M     50/M
25 Kamei Memorial Foundation S S - - Miyagi pref. - recommendation required for Apr.-May D, I Not fixed 3/7
Tel 022-264-6239 Fax 022-264-6011 Y
required graduation/
kmfo@kamei.co.jp less than

*1 Grantees/
*2 *3

Age Limit Applicatio
Name of Foundation Address/Phone/Fax/ Designated Designated Plural Contents Application Grantee
No. (at the Designated Additional Duration Selectio ns for the
Name of Scholarship Website(http://)/E-mail Schools in Fields of Grants (¥1,000) Period s Previous
start of Countries Requirements n
Japan Study and Year
Limits (¥
Focusing on
specialties that
will contribute
to the Please read “Application
development Guide,” to be updated
of developing and
countries/ uploaded to the official
The Secretarial Office for the Managing Developing website around the end Early Dec.
Committee, The Kubota Fund countries all through of November -Mid Jan.
c/o Nippon Koei Co., Ltd. the world, whose - early December, (Please refer
26 The Kubota Fund 5-4 Koujimachi, Chiyoda-ku, F F - GDP per capita - Engineering, Y carefully and thoroughly. 100/M 1y to the D 12 12/132
Tokyo 102-8539 must be less than If your application is “Application
www.kubota-fund.org/ US$ 7000/year found to have violated Guide” to
kubota-fund@bx.n-koei.co.jp (nominal price). Mechanical any terms of the Guide, confirm.)
Engineering, the application will be
Agricultural automatically rejected
from the selection
process of grantees.
Studies or
25/M 1y(Apr.- TBD 4/4
5-18 Nishinomaru-cho, Takamatsu- Recommendation from Mar.)
50/M Late May- Mid
27 Kuraoka Shogakukai Foundation city, Kagawa 760-0021 S S - - Kagawa pref. - Y university in Kagawa D, I 〃 0/4
Tel 087-811-0553 Fax 087-811-0563 pref.
100/M 〃 0/4

2-4-7-201 Nagata-cho, Chiyoda-ward,

International Kyowa Scholarship Schools in Tokyo 7
28 Foundation Tokyo 100-0014 F S - - - N 120/M Up to 2y Nov. D, I, O 5
and its environs (grantees)
Tel 03-3580-2469 Fax03-3580-6078

International Human resource Students/international

2-17-17, Nagata-chou, chiyoda-ku, Accept
students who follow the
29 Network Organization Foundation Tokyo 100-0014 F F - - Contact the school - N
rules of Article 19 of the
30/M 2y application at D 501/500
(IHNO) Tel 03-6550-8811 Fax 03-6550-8822 any time
Immigration Control Act

*1 Grantees/
*2 *3

Age Limit Applicatio
Name of Foundation Address/Phone/Fax/ Designated Designated Plural Contents Application Grantee
No. (at the Designated Additional Duration Selectio ns for the
Name of Scholarship Website(http://)/E-mail Schools in Fields of Grants (¥1,000) Period s Previous
start of Countries Requirements n
Japan Study and Year
Limits (¥
The Aichi Prefectural
U of Fine Arts, Kyoto
City U of Arts, Kyoto
U of the Arts, Joshibi
31-10 Daikyocho, Shinjuku-ward, U of Art and Design,
Tokyo 160-0015 Tokyo U of the Arts, Japanese
F Attendance at the
Sato International Cultural Tel 03-3358-6021 Fax 03-3358-6023 35 or Musashino Art U, Paintings, Oil 2y Apr.- Early
30 Scholarship Foundation ・ S - Y designated meetings 30/M D, I 10 10/66
http://sato-museum.la.coocan.jp/ under Tama Art U, U of Paintings, (Apr.-Mar.) May
S and events is required
english/ Tsukuba, Hiroshima Prints
sato-museum@nifty.com City U, Tohoku U of
Art and Design,
Kanazawa C of Art,
Tokyo Zokei U, Nihon

Hokkaido U, Tohoku U,
U of Tsukuba , U of
Tokyo, Tokyo I of
Hitotsubashi U, Waseda
2-1-1 Uchisaiwaicho , Chiyoda-ward, U, Keio U, Sophia U, School recommendation
Tokyo 100-8691 Yokohama National U, required 2y Apr. 1
31 Sojitz Foundation S S Under 30 - - N 70/M D 10-13 14/21
Tel 03-6871-2800 Fax 03-6871-5561 Nagoya U, Kyoto U, Japanese language (Maximum) -Mid May
sojitz-zaidan@sojitz.com Osaka U, Kobe U, ability required
Kyushu U, Ritsumeikan
Asia Pacific U, Chiba U,
Okayama U, Hiroshima
U, Kumamoto U,
International U. of Japan

1-10-9 Shimbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo

105-0004 1y(you can
Designated Y Recommended student
32 TAKASE Scholarship Foundation Tel 03-3571-9401 Fax 03-3571-4622 S S - - Y 100/M reapply for July-Late Aug. D 14-15 13/20
Universities 30/M by universities in Japan
www.takasesf.or.jp/english/ up to 2y)

Tsuzuki international Scholarship 24-5, Sakuragaoka, Shibuyaku,

Foundation Tokyo 150-0031 Jan.-
33 S S Under 30 - Kanto region - Y 50/M 60/M 1y D, W 2 3/15
International Student Tel 03-3464-0831 Fax 03-3464-0835 Mid Mar.
Scholarship www.tsuzuki.or.jp/category/info/

*1 Grantees/
*2 *3

Age Limit Applicatio
Name of Foundation Address/Phone/Fax/ Designated Designated Plural Contents Application Grantee
No. (at the Designated Additional Duration Selectio ns for the
Name of Scholarship Website(http://)/E-mail Schools in Fields of Grants (¥1,000) Period s Previous
start of Countries Requirements n
Japan Study and Year
Limits (¥

TOKYO YWCA 1-8-11, Kandasurugadai, Chiyodaku,

May 6 A few
34 “Japanese Mothers for Tokyo 101-0062 F F - - - - Y 360/Y 30/M 1y D, I 6/86
-May 12 number
International Students” Movement Tel 03-3293-5424 Fax 03-3293-5570

Science &
15-6 Nihonbashikabutocho, Chuo- S
JGC-S Scholarship Foundation (except
ku, Tokyo 103-0026 69 designated Please contact your
35 Grant for Post-Graduate Students Tel 03-3666-8020 Fax 03-3666-8021 ・ S - - Medical Y 300/Y 1y Apr.-Nov D TBD 80/80
universities school
from Abroad F Science,
, Dentistry)
4-year tuition
university: exemption
3-6-20, Kamiya, Kita-ku, Tokyo 115- 24 or (reduction
0043 under、 ),
Nitori International Scholarship check web site
36 Foundation Tel 03-3903-3593 Fax 03-6741-1291 F F - - - temporary 50-80/M 1y W,D,I Max 100 100
as needed
www.nitori-shougakuzaidan.com 6-year scholarshi
nitoriKSZ_09@nitori.jp university: ps, loan-
26 or type
under、 scholarshi

2-56 Suda-cho, Mizuho-ward,

NGK Foundation for International Nagoya, Aichi 467-8530 21/33
37 Students Tel 052-872-7399 Fax 052-872-7135 S S Under 35 - Aichi pref. - N 120/M 2y (Max) D, I 13 (including
NGK Scholarship www.ngk-insulators.com/en/ extension)
sustainability/philanthropy/index. html

*1 Grantees/
Age *2 *3

Name of Foundation Address/Phone/Fax/ Limit (at Designated Designated Plural Contents Application Grantee
No. Designated Additional Duration Selectio ns for the
Name of Scholarship Website(http://)/E-mail the start Schools in Fields of Grants (¥1,000) Period s Previous
Countries Requirements n
of Japan Study and Year
payment Limits (¥

Japan Educational Exchanges and 89

- - - - Y 50/M 40/M 2y Mar.-May D 78
Services(JEES) (Grantees)
JEES International
Scholarship(Study Support)
JEES International Students from
12F DLX building 1-13-1 Nishishinbashi,
Scholarship(Priority Countries) countries which 16
Minatoku, Tokyo 105-0003 - - - Y 50/M 50/M 2y Mar.-May D 15
send small number (Grantees)
Educational Exchanges and Services
of students to Japan
JEES International Educational Exchanges Division Student Designated schools
38 S S 72
Scholarship(Employment Services Department - - (Contact the - Y 50/M 30/M 1y Mar.-May D 75
Promotion) Tel 03-5454-5274 university)
JEES・Toyota Tsusho Fax 03-5454-5242
Humanities, 15
International Student www.jees.or.jp/
Designated schools Social (Grantees
Scholarship ix@jees.or.jp - - Y 50/M 100/M 2y Oct.-Nov. D 15
(Contact the school) Science,
(JEES Sponsor-Crowned )
International Scholarship Fund Pacific U(APU) (Grantees
- - - Y 50/M 100/M 2y Sep.-Jan. D 10
(JEES Sponsor-Crowned (Contact the )
Scholarship) school)
12F DLX building 1-13-1 Nishishinbashi, Minimum
Minatoku, Tokyo 105-0003 number of
Educational Exchanges and Services U:120/M years 46
Japan Educational Exchanges and Designated
Office remaining in (Grantees
38 Services(JEES) - - universities(Contact - N M・D:150/ Nov-Jan. D 50
Educational Exchanges Division Student the
Mitsubishi Corporation the university) M )
Services Department official
International Scholarship (JEES Tel 03-5454-5274 course
Sponsor-Crowned Scholarship) Fax 03-5454-5242 period
JEES・Jinnai International Designated schools
Understanding Scholarship 7
- - (Contact the - Y 50/M 50/M 1y-2y Oct.-Dec. D 16
(JEES Sponsor-Crowned (Grantees

Heiwa Nakajima Foundation

Early Sep.-
39 Scholarship for Foreign Students Please contact your school directly S S - - - - Y 30/M 100/M 1y D 40 40/319
End of Oct.
in Japan

*1 Grantees/
*2 *3

Age Limit Applicatio
Name of Foundation Address/Phone/Fax/ Designated Designated Plural Contents Application Grantee
No. (at the Designated Additional Duration Selectio ns for the
Name of Scholarship Website(http://)/E-mail Schools in Fields of Grants (¥1,000) Period s Previous
start of Countries Requirements n
Japan Study and Year
Limits (¥

2-1-1, Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, JAPAN STUDY 2

Y 100/Y
Benesse Corporation 163-0411 SUPPORT Scouting
Mar-May Aug.-
40 JAPAN STUDY SUPPORT www.jpss.jp/en/my/scholarship/ F F - - - - Function User who got 100/Y 1y D, I -
Scholarships application/ an offer from a university
inquiry@abk.or.jp Y 500/Y he/she enters

Technology, Up to 3 y Up
Saitama pref., 1000/Y
Please contact designated schools Agriculture, to Mid Feb.- Late
41 Honda Benjiro Shogaku Kikin S S - - Shizuoka pref., Mie N (paid every D 11 11/16
directly Forestry and graduation Apr.
pref. 4 months)
Marine /completion
Around Feb.
40/M Minimum
2-1-21 Hon-machi, Matsuyama, F (enrolled
University (Including years
Ehime 790-0811 students)
42 Miura Educational Foundation ・ F - - Ehime pref. - Y recommendation Advanced required for D 18 12/18
Tel 089-932-0020 Fax 089-932-1414 Around
S required Course of graduation/
www.miura-fdn.com/scholarship/ Apr. (new
CT ) completion
2-24-1, Nishisenbacho, Tokushima- city,
Tokushima Apr. 1-Early
43 Miki Takeo Kokusaiikuei Kikin S S - - Tokushima pref. - Y Residents in Tokushima 300/Y 1y D 1-4 5/19
770-8601 May
Tel 088-656-7739 Fax 088-623-3549
1-6-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku,
Social Science
Mizuho International Foudation Tel 03-5288-5906 Fax 03-5288-3134 35 or
44 S S - - or Humanities, N 100/M 2y May-June D, I 12 26/45
http://mizuhokokusai.la.coocan.jp/ under
16-1 Syowa-machi, Kanazawa-city, years
Mitani Scholarship Foundation 35 or Kanazawa U, Fukui Law, Not yet
45 Mitani Scholarship Ishikawa 920-0856 S S - Y 10/M 53/M required for Apr.-Early May D 7/30
under U, JAIST, Toyama U Economics, decided
Tel 076-233-2303 Fax 076-265-6880 graduation/
2-2-4 Nihombashi, Chuo-ward,
Tokyo 103-0027
Designated years
The Mitsubishi UFJ Trust Tel 03-3275-2215 Fax 03-3275-2409 31 or School recommendation Same as
46 Scholarship Foundation S S - schools(Refer to the - Y 70/M required for Mar.-May D 8/8
www.scholarship.or.jp/english/ under required last year
website) graduation/
program/contents/en_application. html

*1 Grantees/
*2 *3

Age Limit Applicatio
Name of Foundation Address/Phone/Fax/ Designated Designated Plural Contents Application Grantee
No. (at the Designated Additional Duration Selectio ns for the
Name of Scholarship Website(http://)/E-mail Schools in Fields of Grants (¥1,000) Period s Previous
start of Countries Requirements n
Japan Study and Year
Limits (¥
An athlete or a
prospective coach who 19(0)/
3-23-13 Yushima, Bunkyou-ku,
aims at the development 276(2)
Yonex Sports Foundation Tokyo 113-8543 Sports 1y
47 F F Under 30 - - Y of junior sports. Up to 50/M Oct. 1-Dec.20 D about 20 ( ) = No.
Scholarship Tel 03-3839-7195 Fax 03-3839-7196 Science, etc. (Apr.- Mar.)
Recommendation letters of Int'l
from school principal and students
sports coach required.

The designated
Under 45
Kokuryu-Shibakoen-bldg. 3F, 2-6-15 schools for next year
at the
Rotary Yoneyama Memorial Shiba Koen, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105- are Early Aug.- 638/
48 Foundation F S commen- - - N 100/M 1y or 2y D, I (W) about 600
0011 announced every Oct. 15 1428
cement of
Tel 03-3434-8681 Fax 03-3578-8281 Early August on the

Rohm Music Foundation 44 Nishimizosaki-cho, Saiin, Ukyo- ku, Attendance at Practical 1y or Up to

49 Rohm Music Foundation Kyoto-city, Kyoto 615-0046 F F - - - Music Y exam and Interview is 300/M graduation July-Sep. D, I, O About 30
Scholarship Tel 075-311-7710 Fax 075-311-0089 required. /completion

Notre Dame Seishin University 2-16-9

The Kazuko Watanabe Memorial May 7
Ifuku-cho, Kita-ward,
50 Scholarship Foundation of Notre S S - - Okayama pref. - N Travel expenses 45/M 1y (depends on D, I 22(total) 23/39
Okayama-city, Okayama 700-8516
Dame the school)
Tel 086-252-3024 Fax 086-252-3024

Scholarships to Study in Japan for the Applicants Residing Abroad for undergraduate students
*1 Grantees/
*2 *3

Age Limit Applicatio
Name of Foundation Address/Phone/Fax/ Designated Designated Plural Contents Application Grantee
No. (at the Designated Additional Duration Selectio ns for the
Name of Scholarship Website(http://)/E-mail Schools in Fields of Grants (¥1,000) Period s Previous
start of Countries Requirements n
Japan Study and Year
Limits (¥
Kyushu U, Kyushu
Sangyo U, Seinan
Gakuin U, amount of
Fukuoka City International Center 1F, 4- Japanese ・Students who want to
Nakamura Gakuen Minimum
Fukuoka City International 1, Tenyamachi, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka- F Governme work in Fukuoka
U, Fukuoka U, years
Foundation city, Fukuoka 812-0025 nt (MEXT) ・A person who holds at Apr.- Early
51 Fukuoka City International ・ S - - Fukuoka I of - 600/Y required for D, I 10 10/17
Tel 092-262-1744 Fax 092-262-2700 Scholarshi least N3 of JLPT May
S Technology, graduation/
Foundation Scholarship fcif.or.jp/en/en-money/ international- p or has equivalent to N3
Fukuoka Jo Gakuin completion
student-scholarship/ including level of Japanese ability
Fukuoka Women's this
U scholarshi
Kokuryu-Shibakoen-bldg. 3F, 2-6-15
Under 45 Application guide for
Shiba Koen, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-
Rotary Yoneyama Memorial at the next year is
0011 Early Aug. -
52 Foundation F F commen- - announced every - N 100/M 2y D(I) A few 10/65
Tel 03-3434-8681 Fax 03-3578-8281 Dec. 15
cement of Early August on the
payment website
*Applicants must take
the EJU and enroll as
Japan Student Services regular students in a 1,500
Organization(JASSO) university, a junior D (expected
International Scholarship Division number)
Reservation Program for college, college of Examinee
2-2-1 Aomi, Koto-ku, Tokyo 135-8630 Same as the
Monbukagakusho Honors technology or a s who *
Tel 03-5520-6030 Fax 03-5520-6031 application
53 Scholarship for Privately- F F - - - - Y professional training 48/M 6m or 1y achieve a including -
www.jasso.go.jp/en/ryugaku/ period of the
Financed International Students college in Japan during superior the
scholarship_j/shoreihi/yoyaku_eju/ EJU
(For examinees who achieve a the specified period. score on number of
superior score on the EJU) *Privately-financed the EJU reservatio
*Please see P.5 students who fulfill the n in Japan
/ condition for applying
Qualified Students
All countries that
accepted by Japanese
Student Exchange Support have diplomatic
school under the student Please contact
Program relations with Japan Y 5,000
www.jasso.go.jp/en/ryugaku/ exchange agreement or the home
54 (Scholarship for Short-term Study scholarship_j/ukeire.html S S (applicants from 80/m or 80/M 8d-12m - (expected
student exchange school outside
in Japan) Taiwan and less number)
arrangement with their Japan
*Please see P.6 Palestine are
home school for from 8
days to 1 year


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