BF New Races Supplement r2

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New Races

Release 2
Copyright © 2009, 2018 R. Kevin Smoot
All Rights Reserved
Distributed under the terms of the Open
A Basic Fantasy RPG Supplement Game License version 1.0a
Artwork: Cory "Shonuff" Gelnett,
Andrew Hartmann
Basic Fantasy Website:

This supplement provides information for adding a few new races to the Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game rule system.
If you do not already have a copy of the Basic Fantasy RPG Core Rules, please visit the website and download a
copy. Additional stats for these races, if used as NPCs and/or opponents, can be found in the Basic Fantasy RPG
Field Guide 1.

Part I: NEW CHARACTER RACES they do suffer several penalties to roguish abilities). A
Bisren character must have minimum Strength and
Constitution scores of 11. Not particularly bright or
Bisren dexterous, Bisren are limited to 17 in both Dexterity and
Intelligence. Bisren may wear human-sized armor, albeit
often adjusted slightly to account for their size. Their
cloven-hoof feet may not wear typical footwear, unless
specially produced for Bisren. Specially-constructed
helmets are likewise needed to fit their horned heads.
Special Abilities: Bisren roll hit dice one size larger than
normal; a d4 would become a d6, a d6 to d8, etc. Bisren
are never truly unarmed, as they can gore for 1d6
damage with their horns. Bisren often charge into battle
with a gore attack (+2 to hit with double damage,
following all normal charging rules) and then switch to
weaponry for the remainder of the fight. They must
choose whether to attack with weapons or to gore; they
cannot do both in a round. Bisren get an additional +1
bonus on feats of strength such as opening doors due to
their great size.
Thief Ability Adjustments: Roguish Bisren have a -10%
penalty to Open Locks, Removing Traps, and Picking
Pockets. Stealth checks (Moving Silently and Hiding) for
Bisren are made normally, although in non-wilderness
areas such as indoors, underground (dungeons), or in
Description: The Bisren are a race descended from the urban areas they suffer a -20% penalty to their chance to
great Minotaurs of legend. Normally peaceful, Bisren succeed. Outdoor traps, such as hunting snares or dead-
enjoy nature and keep a semi-nomadic lifestyle in regions falls, do not apply the above penalty and instead are
that other races call wild. When threatened, Bisren can made at +10% bonus.
become quite dangerous, much like their warrior Saving Throws: Bisren gain no special bonuses to their
ancestors. Bisren are impressively muscled and generally saving throw rolls.
average 7’ tall, with some individuals reaching almost 8’
in height.
Restrictions: Bisren prefer professions associated with
their nature-oriented lifestyles and may become Fighters
or Clerics (often choosing Ranger or Druid if those
optional classes are available). While it is rare to find a
Bisren Thief, they are not barred from the class (although

Caneins penalties associated with combating such foes is halved

for the Canein. For instance, a Canein suffers only a -2
penalty when attacking an invisible pixie. All Caneins can
track as a Ranger of equivalent level, and an actual
Canein Ranger (if the class is allowed by the GM) gets a
bonus of +20% on Tracking rolls.
Caneins have +2 on any reaction rolls involving other
canine creatures. However, Caneins do not like vile
beasts such as werewolves, hellhounds, and the like,
despite any similarities.
Saving Throws: Caneins save at +2 vs. Death Ray or
Poison as well as vs. Paralysis and Petrification effects.


Description: A legend exists that there was a wizard who

loved his dogs. This mage kept dogs as pets, trained
them to guard his estate, and even used them in magical
experiments to enhance their ability to serve. They were
gifted with greater intelligence and a more humanoid
stature. It is unknown whether the legend is entirely true
or not, but it is generally assumed to be the genesis of the
Caneins are a race of dog-like humanoids, known for
their extreme sense of loyalty whether to liege, friend, or
family. There is a great deal of physical variance among
the individual Caneins, with some short and stocky,
others leanly-muscled, and variations in the colorations of
their coats. However, all Caneins share a similar facial
structure similar to the various bulldog or boxer-type dog Description: Inhabiting river and lake regions, Chelonian
breeds, having jowls and squat features. Caneins vary in are a race of reptilian humanoids bearing some
their height, but are rarely larger than the average human. semblance to turtles. They are normally content to
Caneins often form almost knight-like codes and attitudes, remain within their own societies, but on occasion a more
often serving a patron in exactly that capacity. adventurous individual can be found. They are protected
by thick scaly skin as well as a shell-like growth that
Restrictions: Caneins can be any class, although they covers their backside. Chelonian are seldom taller than 5’
seldom become Thieves. Even when a Canein Thief is or so.
found, it typically uses the skills of that profession in more
honorable ways than the typical rogue. A Canein must Restrictions: Chelonian may become members of any
have a minimum Constitution of 9, and is limited to a class. A Chelonian must have a minimum Constitution
maximum Intelligence of 17. score of 11, and is limited to a maximum Dexterity score
of 17.
Special Abilities: Caneins have a keen sense of smell,
able to identify individuals by their scent alone. This
power olfactory sense allows the Canein to determine the
presence of concealed or invisible creatures, and any


Normal armors will not fit the physique of a Chelonian goat. One can find Fauns with other small features
and they normally use only shields to enhance their reminisce of goats such as small horns or large ears.
defenses. Specially-constructed armors can be acquired, Fauns share the Halfling love of simple agrarian life,
costing substantially more than listed prices and requiring especially with respect to vineyards, as they prize wine
extra time to create. (among other brews) above most things in life. Fauns
love frivolity and are often quite adept at musical pursuits.
Special Abilities: A Chelonian's thick skin grants it a base
AC of 13 (equivalent to leather armor), and a Chelonian's Restrictions: Fauns can choose any class. A Faun will
back is especially tough with an AC of 17 (equivalent to typically follow the tenets of nature deities, and Clerics
plate mail only for rear attacks). Use these figures unless and Druids (if allowed by the GM) can be found equally
any armor worn grants better AC, then use the armor’s in their societies. A Faun must have a minimum
AC. A shield will be still effective in either case. Constitution score of 9, and is limited to a maximum
Charisma score of 15, generally accounted to overly
Chelonian swim no better than other humanoid races, but gregarious personalities and lack of inhibitions. Fauns
they can hold their breath twice as long. In addition, their may not wear typical human-style footwear.
underwater vision is also twice as good as normal.
Special Abilities: Fauns have Darkvision out to 30’.
Saving Throws: Chelonian save at +2 vs. Poison. They are resistant to charm-like effects from fey beings,
getting a +4 bonus on relevant saves. This includes
Faun charms of dryads, nixies, and similar beings (GM’s
decision when necessary).
Saving Throws: Like Dwarves, Fauns save at +4 vs.
Death Ray or Poison, Magic Wands, Paralysis or Petrify,
and Spells, and at +3 vs. Dragon Breath.

Description: Fauns are a fey-related race that resemble a

sort of strange cross of goat with that of a small human or
elf-like being. Standing only about 4’ to 5’ tall, they have
a human-like torso and head, but the legs and feet of a


Phaerim sometimes butterflies. For unknown reasons, there are at

least twice as many Phaerim females as there are males.
Phaerim stand no taller than the average Halfling (3’) but
have a more slight build, seldom being heavier than 40
Restrictions: Phaerim can be any class but generally
gravitate to magical classes. If allowed by the GM,
Phaerim will be more likely to pursue classes associated
with nature than the standard fare. Thus Rangers and
Druids are more common than Fighters and Clerics.
Phaerim are required to have a minimum Dexterity score
of 9. Phaerim are quite captivating, and must also have a
minimum Charisma score of 11. Due to their very small
stature, they may not have a Strength score higher than
15. Also size related, Phaerim roll hit dice one size
smaller than normal; a d8 would become a d6, a d6 to
d4, and a d4 would instead be d3 (d6, 1-2=1, 3-4=2, 5-
6=3). Phaerim may not use Large weapons, and must
wield Medium weapons with both hands.
Special Abilities: Phaerim normally walk like other races,
but their most remarkable ability is limited flight while
unencumbered (at double the normal movement rates).
Phaerim can fly up to 10 rounds, but must remain
grounded an equivalent amount of time after any flight.
A lightly-encumbered Phaerim can fly up to 5 rounds but
must rest for twice as many rounds as those flown (for
instance, a lightly-encumbered flight of 4 rounds requires
8 rounds grounded). Phaerim take half-damage from falls
due to their reduced weight and wings.
Similar to Halflings, Phaerim are able to hide very
effectively; so long as they remain still there is only a 10%
chance they will be detected outdoors in forested
environments. Even indoors, in dungeons, or in non-
preferred terrain they are able to hide such that there is
only a 30% chance of detection. Note that a Phaerim
Thief will roll for hiding attempts only once, using either
Description: The beautiful Phaerim are related to fey the Thief ability or the Phaerim ability, whichever is
such as booka, pixies, or similar faeries. Phaerim appear better.
to be smaller than normal Elf-like folk, except that they
Saving Throws: Like Elves, Phaerim save at +1 vs.
have a pair of wings resembling those of dragonflies or
Paralysis or Petrify and +2 vs. Magic Wands and Spells.


Open Game License

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New Races: A Basic Fantasy Supplement (hereinafter “the Supplement”) is
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agreement. Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich Baker, Andy Collins,
David Noonan, Rich Redman, Bruce R. Cordell, John D. Rateliff, Thomas Reid,
2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains James Wyatt, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
a notice indicating that the Open Game Content may only be Used under
and in terms of this License. You must affix such a notice to any Open Game Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game Copyright © 2006-2016 Chris Gonnerman.
New Races Copyright © 2009, 2018 R. Kevin Smoot

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