Notes For The Deft: Goodlands - Ca

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Weapon Damage Weight Special Range RoF Cost Armor AC Weight Cost

Axe/Sword 1d6+1 6 10 Cloth 1 10 10

Club 1d6-2 3 Can be improvised � Leather 2 15 15
Crossbow 1d6+1 8 Two handed 70 ½ 30 Studded Leather 3 20 20
Dagger 1d6-2 1 15 1 3 Chainmail 4 40 30
Darts 1 HP ⅓ 20 3 1 Splint Mail 5 50 40
Flail 1d6 9 Ignore shield AC 8 Full Plate 6 60 50
Greatsword/Battle Axe 1d6+2 15 Two handed 15 Shield +1 10 5
Halberd/Pole Arm 1d6+1 20 Two handed, Reach 10 ft 10
Javelin 1d6 2 d6-2 dmg in melee 40 1 2 NOTES FOR THE DEFT
Longbow 1d6 5 Two handed 70 1 40
-� AV with non-attuned two-handed melee weap-
Mace/Warhammer 1d6 10 +1 AV vs. metal armor 5 ons, but gets +1 to damage and AC from an off-
Morning Star 1d6 20 Same as above, x3 crit dmg 8 hand weapon if she has a combat oriented voca-
Musket 1d6+2 10 Two handed 30 ¼ 150 tion.
Pistol 1d6+1 3 20 ⅓ 100
While wearing shields or armor heavier than
Quarterstaff 1d6-1 4 Two handed, reach 10 ft 1 studded leather, she loses her slot abilities and
Scimitar 1d6 5 +1 AV while riding 8 the option to switch positive double rolls to dou-
ble damage.
Shortbow 1d6-1 4 Two handed, ride & use 50 1 25
Shortsword 1d6-1 3 8
Sling 1d6-2 ½ Use with regular stones 30 1 2
Spear 1d6 8 Reach 10ft 2 -� AV when using two-handed melee or missle
Throwing Knife/Axe 1d6-2 1 -1 AV in melee 25 1 2 weapons, except the quarterstaff, the crossbow
and the musket.
Unarmed 1 HP � Grapple (p. 18) �
While wearing shields or armor heavier than
Burden (lbs) Human or Elf Halfling, Dwarf or Goblin leather, wise characters pay double for all their
0-75 30 25 miracles.
76-100 25 20
101-150 20 15
151+ 15 10
Gear Cost Gear Cost
Backpack (30 lbs. Capacity) 5 Mule 20
Bandages (5) 2 Oil (lamp), 1 pint 2
Boat 60 Pole, 10 ft 10
Bottle (wine), glass 1 Raft 1
Cart 50 Rations, dried (day) 3
Case (map or scroll) 3 Rations, trail (day) 1
Checkers (game) 5 Rope, elven (50 ft) 70
Compass 50 Rope, hemp (50 ft) 1
Crowbar 5 Sack (30 lbs capacity) 1
Dice 2 Saddle bags 10
Flint & steel 5 Saddle 10
Grappling hook 5 Scroll, empty 5
Hammer & wooden stakes 3 Shovel 5
Helmet 10 Skiing gear 15
Holy symbol, wooden 2 Sled 20
Holy Symbol, silver 25 Sleeping bag 2
Holy water, small vial 15 Snare 1
Horse (riding) 60 Spell book (blank) 100
Horse (battle trained) 120 Spike, iron 1
Laboratory (portable) 130 Tent 15
Lantern 10 Tinderbox 10
Lockpicks 20 Torch (bundle of 6) 1
Map 20 Waterskin 3
Mirror (small steel) 5 Wolvesbane & Garlic 10

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