Lesson Plan Design: Shirley Rehkopf

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Lesson Plan Design

Subject: Mathematics
Grade: Third
Lesson Topic: Creating equations
Candidates Name: Heather Coates
ID #: 023071160
Site Supervisor: Holly Hibbert
NU Supervisor: Shirley Rehkopf
Date: February 23, 2016
1. Introduction: (Identify Grade Level K12 Academic Content Standard(s),
rationale, focus learner, create bridges from past learning, behavior expectations)
California Common Core State Standards
Operations and Algebraic Thinking
CA.CC.3.OA.3: Use multiplication and
division within 100 to solve word problems in
situations involving equal groups, arrays, and
measurement quantities, e.g., by using
drawings and equations with a symbol for the
unknown number to represent the problem.
CA.CC.3.OA.8: Solve two-step word
problems using the four operations. Represent
these problems using equations with a letter
standing for the unknown quantity. Assess the
reasonableness of answers using mental
computation and estimation strategies
including rounding
Prior Learning:
Students have previously done different things
with measurement. The students have
measured their height and jumping distances.
We have also read If you Hopped Like a Frog
by David Schwartz.
Focus Learner/Behavior Expectations:
This class is well behaved and very intelligent.
There is not necessarily a focus learner as
these are all gate students. One student works
very slow and therefore I will check on him.
Another student is very talkative and therefore
I will stand by him if he is talking during
instruction or unable to focus during the
activity. While I read the story, I expect the
students to remain quiet and focused. I utilize
the countdown to get the students back on
track or as a transition. During the rest of the
activity, I will allow students to quietly work

The California Common Core State
Standards for Mathematics I have chosen
go along with the unit that we are
currently in. The standards align with the
unit and this portion of the unit will fulfill
the common core standards for third
Since the students have measured
themselves and their jumping distance,
they will be able to utilize this information
during the lesson. Having read If you
Hopped Like a Frog to the class will be
the core of furthering the unit.
I would like to focus on the slow worker
to make sure that he stays with the pace of
the rest of the class and doesnt feel like
he is getting behind. The student who
tends to be very talkative can be
distracting to his tablemates and cause
him to not get his own work done. I
expect the students to be quiet and
focused during the story so that all
students can listen and hear the different
facts about the animals. I will allow
student to work in partners as this activity
can be challenging to understand. I do
want the students to stay relatively quiet
so that students who cant work when
others are talking are able to get their
work done.

and work in pairs if they need it. However, I

will explain that they need to keep their voices
at a low volume so that they dont distract
2. Learner Outcome(s)/Objective(s): (What will students learn from this
lesson? How will you measure mastery of the outcome?)
At the end of this lesson students
will be able to:
Create their own equation
relating an animal fact to
how it would effect a human.
Apply their knowledge of
creating an equation to the

Measure of Mastery of Outcome:

I will measure the mastery of the
outcome by having students post
a padlet response of their created
equation allowing the rest of the
class to attempt to solve the

Students will be able to create their own equation, and
then solve it the following day. This will allow
students to work with the numbers and four different
operations. Students will be able to create an equation
that will provide them with the ability to use
multiplication, division, addition, or subtraction.
I chose to have the students post their equations on a
padlet post the following day so that we are able to
review each equation and solve the equations as a
class. This will allow students to receive verbal
feedback on what they did well with solving the
equation and what they should work on for next time.

3. Pre-assessment Activity: (Determine students abilities to achieve the learner

outcome and prescribe instruction accordingly. Consider: linguistic background,
academic language abilities, content knowledge, cultural and health considerations,
interests and aspirations, physical development, social development, emotional
development. )
I am aware of the students ability when it
comes to the four operations as I have reviewed
their work from previous lessons. These are the
highest third grade students and therefore they
are very developed. I will review, with students,
on Monday the book If you Hopped Like a Frog
so that they are aware of the activity we will be
doing on Tuesday and how it relates to the story.
I will have students create their own equations
using non numeral options. I will assess the
students on their ability to create a sample

Asking the students to create a sample
equation much like the one from If you
Hopped Like a Frog, will allow me to
assess the students understanding of
creating an equation relating animal
characteristics to what a human would

4. Differentiation, Adaptation and Accommodation Strategies: (Based on the preassessments, modify Learning Activities based on learner characteristics to meet the
needs of ELL & special needs students, highly achieving students and low achieving
All students in this class are higher
achieving students. Therefore I will include
different strategies for the different types
of learners. I will supply students with the
opportunity to work individually or in
pairs. I will provide students the
opportunity to utilize an iPad, or one of the
books as a means for research. I will model
one of the problems for the students as
well. I will also provide students with
research books about animals.

Although all students are higher achieving in
this class, they still learn in different ways.
Providing students with opportunities to
complete this activity in the way that best
suites them will allow them to be more
successful. Some students thrive when they
work independently and others can feel
reassured theyre doing the work correctly if
they can work in partners. I will challenge
students to come up with their own equation
using a different animal than their partner so
that I am able to measure their individual
understanding. Students will be required to
show all of their work in addition. Some
students work well with iPads and enjoy
doing research on them. This can allow these
students to feel excited to partake in the
activity. Other students may have less of an
interest in using the iPads and therefore want
to resort to one of the two books to obtain
their facts about an animal. I will either check
out several research books for students to
utilize or use some books Holly has. Some
students are able to use hard copies of books
to find research and this allows them to stay
more focused on the activity. Some students
prefer hard copies of things over iPads and
therefore this will be beneficial for those

5. Resources: (Identify materials needed for this lesson accounting for varying
degrees of skill level)
1. If you Hopped Like a Frog by David
2. Actual Size by Steve Jenkins
3. If you Hopped Like a Frog Worksheet
4. iPads
a. Worldbook Kids
World of Animals
World book Instruction

Since this lesson is based off of the
story If you Hopped Like a Frog by
David Schwartz, I will have it
available in case students would like to
refer to the text throughout the
activity. I will be reading Actual Size
by Steve Jenkins to the students prior
to our activity so that some students

5. Research books about animals

6. DocUcam

can hear different animal facts and

fully understand what I mean when I
am asking them to find a numeral fact
about an animal. I will allow students
to use facts from this book if they have
a difficult time finding any
information on an animal. I have
created a worksheet for students so
that this lesson is very planned out.
This topic can be difficult to grasp and
therefore I want students to follow a
certain order in their work so that they
are successful. The iPads will allow
students to do research about an
animal for their equation. PUSD has
an account with the site World book
for Kids. With access to this site,
students are able to compare animals
or simply view an exhibit about the
animal in which they can view facts of
the animal. I will walk students
through website before we begin the
worksheet so that all students are able
to see at once where I would like them
to go on the site. I have created an
instruction sheet I can display if I feel
as though I need to or if students are
seeming confused. Research books
will give students another avenue in
which they can find out numeral facts
about an animal. The docucam will
allow me to model a problem for the
students to see. I dont anticipate these
students needing a model but I would
like to ensure there is no confusion.

6. Learning Activities: Explicit Teacher Instruction - (Explain, model,

demonstrate, check for understanding)
This lesson will begin with the reading of
Actual Size by Steve Jenkins. This will be
related to If you Hopped Like a Frog and the
entire lesson.
Next, I will discuss with students, taking
numeral facts about animals and comparing
them to what it would be like if a human had
the same characteristic.

Reading Actual Size before I begin the
lesson will allow students to hear
different animal facts allowing them to
get an idea of which animal they would
like to use for their equation.
Reviewing the entire worksheet with the
students will allow reduced questions and

I will review the entire worksheet with students

prior to handing them out so that I know
students are not distracted or working ahead.
I will ask for three examples of facts about
animals from the book Actual Size, and write
them down on my sample paper for modeling.
We will complete question number two as a
group; I will ask students to raise their hand if
they are able to explain to me how to solve the
first portion of how many times its body length
the frog is jumping.
I will explain that I am 5 7, I will ask students
what I need to do to figure out how many
inches tall I am. This will assist them with
finding out their height in inches when they
receive their own paper.
Next, I will ask them if a frog jumps 20 times
its body length, and I jumped like a frog, how
far could I jump. This will have students figure
out the problem as it pertains to me, assisting
them when they receive their own papers.
Next, I will walk through the worksheet, I will
explain questions three and four are similar to
number two. I will explain that question
number five will be different for many
students, I will write down my three favorite
I will explain that question number six will
require students to use iPads, research books, or
the two books we read. I will open Actual Size
to the last page, and show them the details
about a siberian tiger.
I will write down on my sample paper
14 feet long
Weigh up to 700 pounds
Can leap 30 feet
I will ask for volunteers to help me write my
own equation using the above information. I
will write down at least one example.
I will explain that students are able to begin
solving their equation in the space of number
I will inform students that we will post padlet
answers on another day to compare equations
and help our friends solve their equations.
Check for Understanding:

a higher rate of success. Therefore I will

go through each portion of the worksheet
with the class. I will allow students to
come up and see the worksheet if they
are having trouble with a portion when
they are working on their own worksheet.
Having students go through the math and
work of transitioning feet to inches will
allow students who will have a hard time
to understand what they should be doing.

I will be checking for understanding throughout

my entire modeling. I will utilize this to
informally observe students. I will let students
know that I will randomly call on students to
answer questions so all students should be
ready to help. This will allow me to check for
understanding if I believe a student is either not
understanding or falling behind.
7. Learning Activities: Guided Practice/ Collaborative Practice (Check for
understanding and provide feedback and re-teaching)
The guided practice will be the above in
which I model for the students the worksheet
they will be completing. This will allow all
students to follow along and have the
opportunity to ask any questions about what
is confusing.
The collaborative practice will be when
students are working on their worksheets.
They will be able to work with their peers to
complete the worksheet. The only
requirement is that all students must show
their work. I will not force students to work in
partners, but it will be an option for students
who thrive when working with peers.
Check for Understanding:
I will check for understanding by walking
throughout the classroom and asking students
questions about their work. I will informally
observe students work as I walk throughout
the class.

The guided practice will instruct students
as to what they should be doing. The
guided practice will allow me to show
students what I expect of them while they
complete their work.
The collaborative practice is a choice as
not all students work well with other, also
not also students enjoy working with
someone else as it can be distracting. I
have found in this class some students only
enjoy working with another student if they
stay at the same pace and actually help
them understand areas of confusion.
I will question and use informal
observation so that I can check for
understanding of each student without any
pressure on the students. I will make it as
though I am curious about their work
instead of assessing them so that they feel
comfortable explaining their work to me.

8. Independent Practice: (Provide practice that supports the learning

outcome. Note: Independent activities are assigned assuming that students understand
the concept well enough to work on their own.)
The independent practice will be
when students are creating their own
equation. Since students cannot use
the same animal as their partner, the
students will be working
Check for Understanding:
I will check for understanding by
reviewing each students equation
that they created.

Although the students will be able to quietly talk
with their peers, I want students to form their own
equation independently so that I am able to use this
as a form of assessment when the lesson is done. I
will check for understanding individually in
students when they turn in their worksheet. This
will allow me to pull students aside who had a
difficult time and further understand the overall

9. Assessment and Evaluation: (Describe how you will assess and/or evaluate the
students learning. Describe differentiating assessment strategies you will use for
ELL, special needs students, highly achieving students and low achieving students.)
I will assess students by reviewing their
worksheets that they hand in. This math
class does not have any ELL students,
special needs students, or low achieving
students. I will inform students that the
worksheet is due before math is over. If they
do not finish it will be homework due the
next day. I will assess each students
worksheet and decide if I need to further the
lesson or if we are able to go on with the
unit. If there are only one or two students
who have a difficult time, I will pull them
aside the next day to discuss their worksheet
and what they had a difficult time
understanding. Since this is not the end of
the unit, I will not conduct an evaluation yet.

I want to see each students work allowing
me to assess their overall understanding. I
have chosen this method as my overall
assessment of this lesson so that I am able to
either conclude the lesson and move along
in the unit, or plan a follow up lesson to
further develop the understanding of the
students. If a majority of the class does not
do well on their worksheet, this will allow
me to review the worksheets and have
students share their work so that I can give
verbal feedback which will assist all

10. Closure: (Describe how students will reflect on what they have learned.)
Students will reflect on what they have
learned on the following day when I have
them post a padlet response. This will
allow students to see what their peers did,
it will also allow me to give verbal
feedback of what the students did well as
a whole and individually, and what they
need to work on.

Having the students post a padlet response on
Wednesday will allow each student to share
their work with their peers. This will allow me
to give verbal feedback as to equations that
were written well. I will also be able to ask the
students if they are able to help their friends
who may not have written the equation out
correctly. The students are very respectful of
each other, therefore allowing a student to
assist in correcting the equation will allow both
children to learn; it will also allow the teaching
student to further develop and master their

11. Lesson Reflection/Assessment: (Collect student learning data to

determine: What went well? What needs to be changed? Were learning outcomes
met? What activities will you add, change, modify in the future? What can be done
to follow up on the learning from this lesson? Who needs additional help? Who
needs enrichment or higher level work?)
I will collect the worksheets from each student. I will give written feedback on each
worksheet for correct and incorrect answers. I will hand the worksheets back so that
students are able to see how they did, however I will collect them after Wednesday so that
I can compare this worksheet to future work the students will do in this unit.

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