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The document discusses various Excel formulas and functions for calculations and data analysis. It also lists tube materials and their thermal conductivities.

Formulas mentioned include functions for rounding, ceiling, absolute value, dates, logarithms, trigonometric functions, and more.

Methods mentioned for data analysis include correlation, exponential smoothing, histograms, Fourier analysis, moving average, rank and percentile, and regression.


2 Pitched blade (P-4)

1 Copy above figure

2 Click right on above arrow, Formate Cotrol
3 Enter input rangeof the column (where name in column is given)
4 In drop down list give number of line you want to include , say 18

Result Box (Cell) : enter 1.37 Np

VLOOK(line number , Table cell top left :Table cell bottom right,column number )
Alternatively use
LOOKUP(Line number,Tablecell range first column,Table cell range result column)
1 Propeller (3 blade) 0.32 0.5
2 Pitched blade (P-4) 1.37 0.678
3 Pitched blade (P-6)(w=0.25D) 1.7 0.69
4 Pitched blade(P-6)(w=0.3d) 1.9 0.69
5 Disc type (D-6)(Rustom) 5.5 0.72
6 Curved blade (P-6) 4.8 0.65-0.85 Depends on D/T
and W/D Ratio
7 Narrow Hydrofoil 0.29 0.53
8 Wide Hydrofoil 1.03 0.63
9 Chemineer HE3 0.25 0.47
10 2 straight flat Blade-Paddle (P-2 1.7 0.03
11 4 Straight Blade-Paddle(W/D =0 2.96 0.03
12 6 Straight Blade-Paddle (W/D = 3.86 0.03
13 Anchor, RPM<50, D/T =0.8 5 0.05
14 Anchor + Paddle, RPM<50, D/T =0.8 5 0.07


NEAREST NUMBER ( in multipal of 5, 10 etc ) =CEILING(Cell number,10)

here multiple number selected is 10
ROUND NUMBER =ROUND(Cell number,0)


EVEN NUMBER =EVEN(Cell number)

ROUNDUP of data : say 22.98

ROUNDUP(E45,0) 23

Limit between =IF(AND(Cell number >?,Cell number < ? =IF(AND(273.16<=G3,G3<=30

Two amounts IF(AND(300<=G3,G3<=600),IN
Correlation Applicable IF(AND(600<=G3,G3<=647.3)
MROUND(E45,1) #N/A =IF(AND(0.01<=E3,E3<=370),
ENTER TODAY DATE 11/17/2018 10:26 11/17/2018


to get analysis of Data in text :
1) Correlation
2) Exponential smoothing
Fourier Analysis
Moving average
Rank & Percentile

To incert Microsoft Chart or Equation :

Click range of Data
Select MS chart
or MS Equation

How to Calculate Sinø, Cos ø, Tanø

How to Calculate Radians of ø
Radians = (π/180)*ø


To permit circular references,
choose Tools..Options... Calculation...
and click on the box for Iterations.
Click on the "Background" tab to learn more about circular references.

Meeting two different Criteria - =IF(C69<C37,"Thickness Not Suitable-Change Dish thickness "," SE
Meeting three different Criteria - IF(D21<=2000,D35,IF(D21>=10000,D38,D41))
Meeting three different Criteria - IF(E47<=0.3,"Mild",IF(E47>=0.7,"High", "Moderate"))
Meeting Four different Criteria - IF(E49<=1,"Mild",IF(E49<=3,"Normal",IF(E49<=6,"Vigou

Note: you can wrtie formula or letter inbetween "" or v

If you want to enter Message : write message in between " and "

If you want to enter value, just write value itself

=CHOOSE(units,Q_US,Q_SI) =CHOOSE(units,Q_US,Q_SI)

Press CONVERT(A9,"mmHg","Pa")
Temp CONVERT(B9,"C","K")
ABS(Value ) you get absolute value irrespective of + or negative sign in the result
Example Value is -103
absolute value : 103

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri

Temp 30 31 32 29 26
Rain 0 0 0 4 6

TRUE OR FALSE Items To Test Result

USE SINTEX 500 800 1 =AND(C4>=100,D4>=100)
AND 500 25 0 =AND(C5>=100,D5>=100)
25 500 0 =AND(C6>=100,D6>=100)
12 1 =AND(D7>=1,D7<=52)

AGE Birth date : 7-Mar-51

Years lived : 67 =DATEDIF(C8,TODAY(),"y")

and the months : 8 =DATEDIF(C8,TODAY(),"ym")
and the days : 10 =DATEDIF(C8,TODAY(),"md")

5 x = 9.

Take logarithms to base 10 of both sides:

log(5 x) = log(9)
Now log(5^x) = x*log(5) 5 x = 9.
x =LOG(9)/LOG(5) =
x · log(5) = log(9)

Solve for x:

IF A^ n = B
B^( 1/n) = A

log ( 10 5.7 ) = 5.7 =5.7 *LOG(10) where LOG(10) = 1

(A^a)^b = A^(a*b)

e -kT = P
or say
-kT = ln(P)

use the fact that to get rid of a − sign and write the answer as:

The properties of logarithms are:

Property 1: the logarithm of a product:

Property 2: the logarithm of a quotient:

Property 3: the logarithm of an exponential:

These properties are very useful for simplifying a logarithm or for combining several
logarithms into one logarithm. Another useful property can be gotten by letting x = 1
in property 2 or by letting m = −1 in property 3:

Property 4: the logarithm of a reciprocal:

1/(Pr^-0.33) = Pr^0.33

Tube Bundle Db = do*((N/k1)^(1/n1))

diameter N = Number off tube , do is tube OD
Value of Constant :Δ Pitch =1.25do
No Tube k1 n1
1 Δ PT,1-Pass 1 0.319 2.142
2 Δ PT,2-Pass 2 0.249 2.207
3 ΔPT,4-Pass 4 0.175 2.285
4 ΔPT,6-Pass 6 0.0743 2.499
5 □ PT,1-Pass 1 0.215 2.207
6 □ PT,2-Pass 2 0.156 2.291
7 □ PT,4-Pass 4 0.158 2.263
8 □ PT,6-Pass 6 0.0402 2.617
Value of Constant : □ Pitch =1.25do
Shell Clearance, 0.0016 Shell Dia < 635
Ref: C & R 0.0032 Shell Dia > 635

Fouling, R = m².ᴼC/w
Aquous Salt Soln 0.00025
CW 0.00025
Steam 0.0001
Steam Condensate 0.0002

Thermal Cond Kcal/m.h.° k, W/m°C

Carbon Steel 38.69 45.00
Copper 324.42 377.30
Inconel 12.95 15.06
Monel 21.28 24.75
Nickel 52.09 60.58
Stainless Steel 13.54 15.75
say : $D$15:$D$28

0.678 Nq
mn number )
0.678 Nq
result column)

ends on D/T
W/D Ratio


ular references.

Suitable-Change Dish thickness "," SELECTED DISH THICKNESS O.K. ")

47>=0.7,"High", "Moderate"))

mula or letter inbetween "" or value replacing cell D35

Sat Sun Average
28 27 29 =AVERAGE(D4:J4)
3 1 2 =AVERAGE(D5:J5)



x =LOG(9)/LOG(5) = 1.365212 Online Design:
Tera : 10^12
Giga : 10^9
Mega : 10^6
Kilo : 10^3
hecto : 10^2
deka: 10
deci : 10^-1
centi : 10^-2
mili: 10^-3
Micro or ppm ( Parts per million) : 10 ^ -6
Nano or ppb ( Parts per billion) : 10 ^ -9
Pico or ppt ( parts per trillion): 10^ -12
ppq (parts-per-quadrillion, 10^−15)
Million = 10^6 = 10 Lakhs
Billion = 10^9
Billion = 1000 Million= 100 Crore
Tonne = 1000 Kgs
Kgs = 2.20462 U.K. lbs
Kgs = 2.20462 US lbs
Molar Volume = The molar mass (M) divided by the mass density (ρ).


Absolute zero of temperature – 273.15 °C
Acceleration due to gravity, g 9. 807 m/s2
Avogadro’s number,(Na) : 6.022x10^26/kmol 6.02049239681E+26
Base of natural logarithms, e 2.71828

The number e is a mathematical constant that is the base of the

natural logarithm: the unique number whose natural logarithm is
equal to one. It is approximately equal to 2.71828
Boltzmann’s constant, k : 1.381 x 10^–26 kJ/ 1.381*10^-26
Faraday’s constant, F 9.648 x 10^7 C/kmol
Universal Gas constant, R 8.3143 kJ/kmol K 1.9871651
Permeability of vacuum, µo 1.257 x 10^–6 H/m OR
Permittivity of vacuum, εo 8.854 x 10^–12 F/m
Planck’s constant, h: 6.626 x 10^–37 kJ/s
Velocity of light in vacuum, c 2.998 x 10^8 m/s
Volume of perfect gas at STP : 22.41 m³/Kmol
Gravitational Force - g
9.81 m/sec²
1 32.18661 Ft/sce²
4.17*10^8 Ft/hr²

B..P of water Tb = 373.1243 K = 99. 9743 °C

(at a pressure of 1.013 25 bar)

Standard (SCFM) reference conditions are 14.7 psia ( 1ATM) and 60°F(15ᴼC)

Normal reference conditions are 1.013 bar and 0°C.

1.013 25 Bar
101.325 Kpa
Atmospheric 0.101325 Mpa

0.022413968 meters3 / mol
( At 101.325 kPa = 1 atm and 273.152 K )

If Antoine Coff is known for the Formula :

LOG(P) = A -B/(C+T) where P is in mmHg & T in degree Centigrade
and You want Antoine Coeff for Formula :
where P is in mmHg & T in degree Kelvin
To get newCoeff : Multiply A & B with
To get New Factor C : reduce old C with

Fluid Pressure Calculation

Pressure difference = density x g x height

ΔP = -ρ*g*h

This type of equation can be solved for P by making a substitution of the type

fitting the boundary conditions gives

ρ= 1.1565
Calculate Density of Air = ρ at T
p= 101300
g= 9.80665
h= 1000
R= 287.05
T= 305.15
ΔP = ρ*g*h Pascals or Kg/m.sec²
ΔP = 11341.2
P at Height h = 89958.8

ENTER Customary US Multiply to =

1 volume gallons 3.785412
1 length in 25.4
1 area ft² 0.09290304
1 heat flux Btu/h-ft²-°F 5.678263
1 conductivity Btu/h-ft-°F 1.730735
1 Heat transfer Btu/hr 0.2931
1 Heat Load KW 860.42
1 heat flux Kcal/Kg.C 1.163
1 flowrate gal/min 3.785412
1 fouling ft²-h-°F/Btu 0.1761102
1 pipe sizes inches
1 spec heat Btu/lb-°F 4.1868
1 length feet 304.8
1 velocity ft/s 0.3048
1 area ft² 0.09290304
1 pressure psig 6.894757
1 mass flow lb/h 0.4535924
1 heat of vap Btu/lb 2.326
1 dynamic viscosity lb/ft-h 0.0004133789
1 density lb/ft3 16.01846

ENTER SI Unit (Metric Unit) Multiply to =

1 volume liters 0.2641720373
1 length mm 0.0393700787
1 area m² 10.7639104167
1 heat flux W/m²-°C 0.1761101943
1 conductivity W/m-°C 0.5777892052
1 Heat transfer W 3.4118048448
1 Heat transfer w 0.8604571818
1 flowrate liters/min 0.2641720373
1 fouling m²-°C/W 5.678262815
1 pipe sizes DN
1 spec heat kJ/kg-°C 0.2388458966
1 length millimeters 0.0032808399
1 velocity m/s 3.280839895
1 area m² 10.7639104167
1 pressure kPa(g) 0.1450377439
1 mass flow kg/h 2.204622476
1 mass tonne (1000 kgs) 2204.62
1 heat of vap kJ/kg 0.4299226139
1 dynamic viscosity kg/m-s 2419.0881537495
1 density kg/m3 0.0624279737
Example 10,000 PPM salt = 10,000 gm Salt/1000000gm water
1% = 10,000 mg/L
10,000 PPM = 1.00 %

API Gravity can be calculated as:

API = (141.5 / SG) - 131.5 (1)

API = Degrees API Gravity
SG = Specific Gravity (at 60ᴼF)(at 15ᴼC)

MMSCFD: Million Standard cubic feet of gas per day

1 MMSCFD at 15ᴼC = 0.3265 m³/s
m³/s 3.0628 MMSCFD at 15ᴼC

Density to Sp. Gravity of Vapour-Gas

Density 0.023348 lb/ft³
At Oper. Temp 188.6 ᴼF
At Oper. Press 9.03 Psi(ab)
Temp ᴼR 648.27
Gas Compressibility 1
Now, Sp.Gr = (Density : lb/ft³)*(Temp ᴼR)/(2.7*Press-Psi*Cr)
Sp, Gr. Of Vapor-
0.62 g/cc at 15ᴼC and atm press
38.8 lb/ft³ at 15ᴼC and atm press

1 Kg.m/s²
1 X 10^5 dyne
0.1019716 Kg-Force
1.0 Newtan = Pound - Fource
0.0001003613 ton
7.23301 Poundal
Pound - Fource = 4.4482000 N
1.0 32.1866 lbm∙ft/s2
4.4482 N
1.0 Kg Force 9.8066 N

1 N Kg.m/Sec²


1 Pascals = 1 N/m²
1 Pascal 1 Kg./m.Sec²

Steam Sat Temp to Press Relation

101.32 Kpa(Abs)
1.013 Bar(Abs)
Compressibility is 1.02
100.0 ᴼC = 1.0332 Kg/cm².ab
to 1.03
14.70 assumedPsi(Abs)
760.0 actual and use in
Vap Den 0.603 kg/m³

ρVAP =(MW/22.413968)*(P-Bar/1.01325)*(273.15/TᴼK)

Steam ρVAP =(18.015/22.413968)*(P-Bar/1.01325)*(273.15/TᴼK)

Torque (T)
1 ft lb 1.3558 Nm
HP = Torque (ft-lb) *RPM/5252
T-(ft-lb) = 5252*HP/RPM

Ft/sce² 0.3048 m/sec²
m/sec² 3.281 Ft/sce²

Thermal Conductivity
Kcal /˚C = 1.1628 Watt / m ˚C
1.0 1.731 Watt / (m K)
Btu / (hr ft oF)
1.488164 kcal / (h m oC)
0.577892 Btu / (hr ft oR)
1.0 w/m.K 0.002388 Cal/cm.Sec.K
0.8598451 kcal / (h m oC)

Heat Flux
BTU/Ft².ºF.per inch 0.14422 Watts / Meter - ºC
BTU/Ft²-Hr ºF Per Ft 1.488 Kcal/M².Hr -ºC Per Mt

Surface Tension
Dynes/Cm. or
0.001 N/m
1.0 milliN/m =
N/M = 1000 Dynes / Cm.
1.0 Dynes /cm 1 mJ/m²

Viscocity (Kinematic)
Unit : 1 m /s = 10 St = 10 cSt = 10.764 ft2/s= 38750 ft2/h
2 4 6

Cst = C.P.* Sp.Gr. =0.22ssu-(180/ssu)

10,000 Micropoise
0.001 Kg/m.sec
1.45*E^-7 lbf-s/in2
2.42 lb/hr ft
C.P =

C.P = 0.000672 lb/sec. ft
0.001 N.Sec / m²
0.001 Pascal-Sec.
1.0 1 mPas.sec
Here m means mili or
1 mNs/m 2 1/1000th part
1.0 N.Sec / m²
1.0 Kg/m.sec
Pascal-Sec. = 10 Poise
1000 C.P.
1000 mNs/m 2
Reyn 1.0 1 lbf-s/in2

Specific Heat or Heat Capacity

1.0 Kcal / Kg.˚C
1.0 Btu/(lbm oF)
4,186.80 J/ (kg K)
0.2388459 kcal/(kg oC)
1.0 1 kJ/(kg K)
0.2388459 Btu/(lbm oF)

1 N.m = 1 Joule
Power or Energy
550.22136 ft.lbf/sec
745.6999 N.m/sec
1.0 H.P (Elec) = 745.6999 Watt
641.4 Kcal/hr
76.07 kgf.m/sec
809.31 Lb.m/hr
0.860 Kcal/hr
1.0 watt =
1.0 N.m/sec
1.00 Joule/sec
1.0 MW = 860437.3 Kcal/hr
1 Gcal 3.9675 mmBTU

Heat Of Vaporisation
Btu / lb 2.326 Kj / Kg
1.0 Kj / Kg 0.430 Btu / lb
Kcal/Kg 4.187 Kj / Kg

Heat Transfer
1 watt 3.4118048448 Btu/hr
1 watt 0.8604206501 Kcal/hr
1 Kcal/hr 1.1622 watt
1 BTU 0.2521644 Kcal

Heat Transfer. Coeff.

B.T.U./ h r. ft^2 .ᴼF 567.83 W/m² ᴼK
B.T.U./ h r. ft^2 .ᴼF 488.24 Kcal/ h r. m^2 .ᴼC
100 W/m² ᴼK 17.611 B.T.U./ h r. ft^2 .ᴼF
Kcal /hr.m².˚C 116.3 W /m² ˚C
W /m² ˚C 85.98452 Kcal /hr.m².˚C
Fouling Resistance
Hr.Ft² -ºF Per BTU 176.1102 m ².ºC Per KW
1 Hr-Ft² -ºF Per BTU 0.2048 m².Hr. ºC Per Kcal
m². ºC/ W 5.678 Hr-Ft².ºF/BTU

Calculate Power H.P for 3 Phase AC current

ENTER P (Watt) = √3 x I(A) x Volts x P.F.
Voltage: 440 Volts Three Phase V =
Current 35 Amps Single Phase V' = V/(3)^0.5 =
Power factor 0.95 KVA = KW/Power Factor
I = P(watt)/(√3×pf
Power H.P 34.0


Where P is power (Watt or kWatt)

ω is the angular velocity (radians per sec)
The one round of shaft = 2*π Radians

ω= (2*π/60)*RPM
ω= 0.1047197551 x RPs
Calculation HP to Shaft Torque
Motor HP 15
Power-P 11185.5 watt
RPM 36
Angular Velocity of Shaft , ω Radians/sec
The one round of shaft = 2*π Radians
ω= (2*π/60)*RPM
3.770 Radian/sec
Torque-T = P/ ω
2967.0 N.m

100,000 Pa or N/m²
0.986923267 Atm
750.0616827 mm Hg ( Torr)
10197.16213 mm H2O
1 Bar 1.019716 Kg/cm²
14.50377377 psi
29.52998751 in Hg
401.463076 in H20
0.1 N/mm²
1 N/m²
1 kg/m.s²
0.10197 mm H20
1.4504x10-4 psi
1x10-5 Bar
4.03x10-3 inch H20
1 Pa =
0.336x10-3 Ft H20
0.1024 mm H20
0.295x10-3 inch Hg
7.50E-03 mm Hg
0.1024 kg/m2
0.993x10-5 atm

0.070307 kg/cm²
6894.76 N/m²
0.0689275 Bar
6894.756 Pascals
1 psi = 6.894757 Kpa
0.00689476 Mpa
51.71 mmHg
0.0680272 atmosphere
0.703772786 meter

1 Kg/cm² 98066.4 Pa or N/m²

1000000 Pa or N/m² 10.20 Kg/cm²
1000000 Pa or N/m² 0.102 Kg/cm²
1 N/m² 1.0 Pa

0.0981 N/mm² or Mpa
98.0665 KN/m²
1 Kg/cm² 28.9603 inch.Hg
0.0064516 Ton/in²
0.2048005243 lb/ft²

Material Stress Value

144.93 Psi
0.07252 ton/inch² (US)
0.0647500 ton/inch² (UK)
1000000 Pascals or N/m²
1 N/mm2 = 10 Bar
10.197 Kg/cm²
0.1020 kgf/mm²
0.0102 Ton/cm²

60 ᴼC 333.15 ᴼK
1 ᴼK 1.8 ᴼR
60 ᴼC 140 ᴼF
140 ᴼF 599.67 ᴼR
212 ᴼF 100.0 ᴼC

Energy or Work Joule = J·N·m

1 BTU 0.000252 Thermies
1 BTU/Hr 0.29307 Watts
1 Kcal 4184.0006 Joules

1 BTU per pound-ºF 4.1868 Jouls per Gram-ºC

1 BTU/lb 2.326 Jouls per Gram-
1 J/kg = 4.299x10 Btu/lbm = 2.388x10-4 kcal/kg

Mass Velocity
1 Pound Per Foot² Hour 0.0013662 Kilo Per Meter² -Sec

1 in lb 0.1129 Nm
1 ft lb 1.3558 Nm
1 inch.Ton. 248.9 N.m

1 lb/in 0.1751 kN/m

Enthalpy of Formation
1 kJ/mol 0.239 Kcal/mol

Henry's Constant
1 (N/m²)/(Kg/m³) = 0.0098687457




Henry’s Law Constant for Compound in Water

1 atm/mol fraction =1/55556 atm/(mol/m3)
=1/548.295 kPa/(mol/m3)

mass transfer coefficient

1 lb/h/f³ =
1 lb/h/f³ =

A similarly simple transformation can be used if the common logarithm should be exchanged by the
natural logarithm. It is sufficient to multiply the A and B parameters by ln(10) = 2.302585.
when A,B,C const for LOG(P) = A-B/(C+TᴼC), P is mmHg and you want unit in Pascals
Add in "A" : Equivalent to "LOG(New Unit/(oldunit)" = LOG(101325/760)

you get
LOG(P) = Apa -B/(C+TᴼC), P now in Pascals

when formula is in ln(p)=A-B/(C+TᴼK) and P is in Pascal ,

substract "A" with 4.89277(viz.LN(101325/760) to get "P" value in mmHG

to changeformula from LN to LG , divide 'A" & "B" by 2.302585

for change T from ᴼK to ᴼC add value for "C" 273.15

Calculate Density (ρmix) of the gas/liquid mixture:


ρmix = Gas/liquid mixture density at flowing pressure and temperature, kg/m3

p = Operating pressure, kPa (abs)

dL = Liquid relative density (water = 1,)

use average value for hydrocarbon-water mixtures) at standard conditions, dimensionless;

R = Gas/liquid ratio at normal conditions;

T = Operating temperature, K

Z = Gas compressibility factor, dimensionless.

Average Density of Liquid Mixture

is the mass fraction (not the mole fraction) of component i in the mixture.
Average Molecular Weight of Liquid Mixture

is the mole fraction of component i in the mixture.

AverageThermodynemic Property of mixture

Cp ( Average ) = Cp(i)*X(i) + Cp(ii)*X(ii)

where Cp(i) and Cp(ii) are property of two diff. pure compound at that temp.
X(i) and X(ii) are mole fraction of comp. (i) and Comp. (ii) in mixture

The Universal Gas Constant - Ru -

in alternative Units
atm.cm3/(mol.K) : 82.0575
atm.f3/(lbmol.K) : 1.31443
atm.f3/(lbmol.oR) : 0.73024
atm.l/(mol.K) : 0.08206
bar.cm3/(mol.K) : 83.14472
bar.l/(mol.K) : 0.08314472
Btu/(lbmol.oR) : 1.9859
cal/(mol.K) : 1.9859
erg/(mol.K) : 83144720
hp.h/(lbmol.oR) : 0.0007805
inHg.f3/(lbmol.oR) : 21.85
J/(mol.K) : 8.314462
kJ/(kmol.K) : 8.314462
J/(kmol.K) : 8314.472
(kgf/cm2).l/(mol.K) : 0.084784
kPa.cm3/(mol.K) : 8314.472
kWh/(lbmol.oR) : 0.000582
lbf.ft/(lbmol.oR) : 1545.349
mmHg.f3/(lbmol.K) : 999
mmHg.f3/(lbmol.oR) : 555
mmHg.l/(mol.K) : 62.364
Pa.m3/(mol.K) : 8.314472
psf.f3/(lbmol.oR) : 1545.349
psi.f3/(lbmol.oR) : 10.73
Torr.cm3/(mol.K) : 62364
Kpa*m³/K.mole.ᴼK :8.314472
Mpa.cm3/mol.K 8.314472
32 ºF 0
70 ºF 530
70 ºF 294
38 ºC 100
0 ºC 492
255 ºC 528
500 ºR 40
492 ºR 0
492 ºR 273
688 K 779
466 K 193
606 K 1091

S.G.: 1.000
3917859.46411724 lb/hr 7832
2228 gpm 1114673
1114673 lb/hr 506062
22885 kg/hr 50461
30 gpm 6.8
0.5 m3/hr 2.2
272.5 m3/hr 272500
99500 kg/hr 99.5

Pressure and Head

S.G.: 0.930
1 barg 15
1.7883 psig 0.125
12.33 kPa 1.7883
1 psig 7
10 psig 24.7
1 Kpa 7.5
92.5 Torr or mmHg 12.33
1 kPag 0.145
1 kPaa -100.3
1 kPag 102
1 psig 2.48
1 m 9.12
1 in 0.23133
1 mmH2O 0.01
1 kPa 0.11
1 psi/100ft 22.62
92.5 Torr or mmHg 12.33
12.33 kPa 1.7886
1.7886 psig 0.125

0.44 m 1.44
5 m 5000
4.00 ft 1.219
32.81 mm 1.29
0.04572 mm 0.00015

48.9 kW 65.53

37.4 lb/ft3 599
1000 kg/m3 62.4

16 m3 101
35.98 ft3 1.02

Dipole Movement
1 Debyes = 10−18 statC·cm
= 10^−10 esu
= 1⁄299,792,458×10−21 C·m
≈ 3.33564×10−30 C·m

≈ 0.393430307 ea0
≈ 0.20819434 eÅ
≈ 0.020819434 e·nm

M) and 60°F(15ᴼC)

d 0°C.

s in mmHg & T in degree Centigrade

s in mmHg & T in degree Kelvin

fference = density x g x height

Pascals or Kg/m.sec²

The change in pressure depends on density, but ρ depends on the pressure as follows:

The solution for the change from the ground(Reference point)

( P0) to height h ( Ph ) gives
g is Gas Constant
m is molecular mass of one molecule
k is Boltzman Constant

Pa or Kg/m²


liters 3.785412
mm 25.4
m² 0.09290304
W/m²-°C 5.678262815
W/m-°C 1.730735
W 0.2931
Kcal/hr 860.42
W/m² °C 1.163
liters/min 3.785412
m²-°C/W 0.1761102
kJ/kg-°C 4.1868
millimeters 304.8
m/s 0.3048
m² 0.09290304
kPa(g) 6.894757
kg/h 0.4535924
kJ/kg 2.326
kg/m-s 0.0004133789
kg/m3 16.01846

Customary US RESULT
gallons 0.2641720373
in 0.0393700787
ft² 10.7639104167
Btu/h-ft²-°F 0.1761101943
Btu/h-ft-°F 0.5777892052
Btu/hr 3.4118048448
Kcal/h 0.8604571818
gal/min 0.2641720373
ft²-h-°F/Btu 5.678262815
Btu/lb-°F 0.2388458966
feet 0.0032808399
ft/s 3.280839895
ft² 10.7639104167
psig 0.1450377439
lb/h 2.204622476
lb 2204.62
Btu/lb 0.4299226139
lb/ft-h 2419.0881537495
lb/ft3 0.0624279737
ility is 1.02

use in
Here m means mili or
1/1000th part
440 Vplts
ase V' = V/(3)^0.5 = 254 Volts
/Power Factor

The kilopound per square inch (ksi) is a scaled unit derived from psi, equivalent to a thousand psi (1000 l
They are mostly used in materials science, where the tensile strength of a material is measured as a large
ksi are not widely used for gas pressures.
In the base units of SI, one Pascal can be expressed as
1 Pa = 1 kg / 1 m * s2
1.0 Mpa = 10.1972 kg/cm²
1.0 Mpa = 0.10 Kg/mm²

1.0 ksi 6.89476 Mpa

1.0 ksi 70.307237 kg/cm²
0.70307 Kg/mm²
1 Ksi 70.307237 kg/cm²






should be exchanged by the

rs by ln(10) = 2.302585.
in Pascals


nd at that temp.
(ii) in mixture


mmHg or Torr
ft H2O




from psi, equivalent to a thousand psi (1000 lbf/in2).
e strength of a material is measured as a large number of psi.
Specific Heat Ratio
Heat capacity ratio for various gases[1][2]
Temp. Gas γ Temp. Gas γ Temp.
−181 °C 1.597 200 °C 1.398 20 °C
−76 °C 1.453 400 °C Dry air 1.393 20 °C
20 °C 1.41 1000 °C 1.365 −181 °C
100 °C H2 1.404 2000 °C 1.088 15 °C
400 °C 1.387 0 °C 1.31 20 °C
1000 °C 1.358 20 °C 1.3 −115 °C
2000 °C 1.318 100 °C CO2 1.281 −74 °C
20 °C He 1.66 400 °C 1.235 20 °C
20 °C 1.33 1000 °C 1.195 15 °C
100 °C H2O 1.324 20 °C CO 1.4 19 °C
200 °C 1.31 −181 °C 1.45 19 °C
−180 °C 1.76 −76 °C 1.415 19 °C
20 °C 1.67 20 °C 1.4 15 °C
0 °C 1.403 100 °C 1.399 360 °C
20 °C Dry air 1.4 200 °C 1.397 15 °C
100 °C 1.401 400 °C 1.394 16 °C

Find out Cp at Temperature T for the gas
It can be rather difficult to find tabulated information for CV, since CP is more commonly tabulated.
The following relation, can be used to determine CV:
CV=CP−nR where n is the amount of substance in moles.

Specific Heat ratio is Cp/Cv

For Ideal Gas like Air it is = 1.4 between temp 0 to 200C

Gas γ
NO 1.4
N2O 1.31
N2 1.404
Cl2 1.34
CH4 1.32
NH3 1.31
Ne 1.64
Xe 1.66
Kr 1.68
SO2 1.29
Hg 7
C2H6 1.22
C3H8 1.13
The Individual Gas Constant - R
The Individual Gas Constant depends on the particular gas and is related to the molecular weight of the gas. The va

In the imperial system the units for the individual gas constant are f lb/slug oR. In the SI system the units are J/kg K

The Individual Gas Constant for some gases:

Individual Gas Constant - R The Universal Gas C

Imperial Molecular
SI Units
Units Weight
(f lb/slug Lit.ATM/K Lit.ATM/K (g/mole)
(J/kg K) atm.cm3/(mol.K) : 82.
R) g.K gmole.K

Argon, Ar 208 2.05 81.98 39.94 atm.f3/(lbmol.K) : 1.3

319 3.15 81.85 26
Acetylene atm.f3/(lbmol.oR) : 0.
Ammonia 488 4.82 81.87 17 atm.l/(mol.K) : 0.0820
Dioxide, 1130 188.9 1.864 82.043 44.01
CO2 bar.cm3/(mol.K) : 83.1
Monoxide 297 2.93 82.10 28.01
, CO bar.l/(mol.K) : 0.08314
189 1.87 82.07 44
acid Btu/(lbmol.oR) : 1.985
12420 2077 20.50 82.05 4.003 cal/(mol.K) : 1.9859
, H2 24660 4124 40.70 82.05 2.016
erg/(mol.K) : 8314472
Methane -
natural 3099 518.3 5.11 82.04 16.04
gas, CH4 hp.h/(lbmol.oR) : 0.00
N2 1775 296.8 2.93 82.07 28.02
inHg.f3/(lbmol.oR) : 2
O2 1554 259.8 2.56 82.04 32
J/(mol.K) : 8.314462
C3H8 189 1.87 82.24 44.09
kJ/(kmol.K) : 8.31446

SO2 130 1.28 82.20 64.07
acid) J/(kmol.K) : 8314.472
Air 1716 286.9 2.83 82.02 28.97 (kgf/cm2).l/(mol.K) : 0
2760 461.5 4.55 82.07 18.02
vapor kPa.cm3/(mol.K) : 831
kWh/(lbmol.oR) : 0.00
lbf.ft/(lbmol.oR) : 154
mmHg.f3/(lbmol.K) :
mmHg.f3/(lbmol.oR) :
mmHg.l/(mol.K) : 62.3
Pa.m3/(mol.K) : 8.314
psf.f3/(lbmol.oR) : 154
psi.f3/(lbmol.oR) : 10.
Torr.cm3/(mol.K) : 623
weight of the gas. The value is independent of temperature.

stem the units are J/kg K.

The Universal Gas Constant - Ru - in alternative Units

atm.cm3/(mol.K) : 82.0575

atm.f3/(lbmol.K) : 1.31443

atm.f3/(lbmol.oR) : 0.73024
atm.l/(mol.K) : 0.08206

bar.cm3/(mol.K) : 83.14472

bar.l/(mol.K) : 0.08314472

Btu/(lbmol.oR) : 1.9859

cal/(mol.K) : 1.9859

erg/(mol.K) : 83144720

hp.h/(lbmol.oR) : 0.0007805

inHg.f3/(lbmol.oR) : 21.85

J/(mol.K) : 8.314462

kJ/(kmol.K) : 8.314462

J/(kmol.K) : 8314.472
(kgf/cm2).l/(mol.K) : 0.084784
kPa.cm3/(mol.K) : 8314.472
kWh/(lbmol.oR) : 0.000582
lbf.ft/(lbmol.oR) : 1545.349
mmHg.f3/(lbmol.K) : 999
mmHg.f3/(lbmol.oR) : 555
mmHg.l/(mol.K) : 62.364
Pa.m3/(mol.K) : 8.314472
psf.f3/(lbmol.oR) : 1545.349
psi.f3/(lbmol.oR) : 10.73
Torr.cm3/(mol.K) : 62364
Gas Constants
8.314390E+00 J/mol.K
8.314390E+00 Pa.m^3/mol.K
8.205670E-02 atm.l/mol.K
1.987190E+00 Btu/lb-mol.R
1.073000E+01 psi.ft^3/lb-mol.R
6.236310E+01 mmHg.l/mol.K
1.987190E+00 cal/mol.K
Avogadro Number
6.022137E+23 /mol
Boltzmann's Constant
1.380658E-23 J/K
1.380658E-16 erg/K
8.617385E-05 eV/K
Speed of Light
2.997924E+08 m/s
Element Charge
1.602177E-19 C
Faraday Constant
9.648531E+04 C/mol
Plank Constant
6.626076E-34 J.s
1.054573E-34 J.s /2 pi
Heat Exchanger Tube
Tube Diameters Tube Gauges
US SI Min Max
0.250 6.35 18 27
0.375 9.53 14 24
0.500 12.70 13 24
0.625 15.88 12 24
0.750 19.05 10 24
1.000 25.40 8 24
1.250 31.75 8 24
1.500 38.10 8 24
2.000 50.80 4 24

Wall Thickness
Gauge BWG ISG Brown&Sharp
4 0.238 0.232 0.204
5 0.220 0.212 0.182
6 0.203 0.192 0.162
7 0.180 0.176 0.144
8 0.165 0.160 0.128
9 0.148 0.144 0.114
10 0.134 0.128 0.102
11 0.120 0.116 0.091
12 0.109 0.104 0.081
13 0.095 0.092 0.072
14 0.083 0.080 0.064
15 0.072 0.072 0.057
16 0.065 0.064 0.051
17 0.058 0.056 0.045
18 0.049 0.048 0.040
19 0.042 0.040 0.036
20 0.035 0.036 0.032
21 0.032 0.032 0.029
22 0.028 0.028 0.025
23 0.025 0.024 0.023
24 0.022 0.022 0.020
25 0.020 0.020 0.018
26 0.018 0.018 0.016
27 0.016 0.016 0.014

Heat Exchanger Pipe Nozzle Sizes

ID Pipe Size ID Pipe Size Nozzle Wt Nozzle Wt
in in mm DN kg lb
1.049 1 26.6446 25 1.363636 3
1.61 1.5 40.894 40 1.818182 4
2.067 2 52.5018 50 2.727273 6
3.26 3 82.804 80 5.454545 12
4.26 4 108.204 100 7.727273 17
6.357 6 161.4678 150 12.72727 28
8.329 8 211.5566 200 20 44
10.42 10 264.668 250 25.45455 56
12.39 12 314.706 300 40.90909 90
13.624 14 346.0496 350 53.63636 118
15.624 16 396.8496 400 66.36364 146
17.624 18 447.6496 450 77.27273 170
19.564 20 496.9256 500 91.81818 202
23.5 24 596.9 600 125 275
Reference: Page 37 | Ernest E. Ludwig' Applied Process

NP Pitch Type dO (m) PT (m)

inches 8 10
Inner Diameter of SHELL
metres 0.2032 0.254
1 Triangular 0.01905 0.0238125 33 69
1 Triangular 0.01905 0.0254 33 57
1 Square 0.01905 0.0254 33 53
1 Triangular 0.0254 0.03175 15 33
1 Square 0.0254 0.03175 17 33
2 Triangular 0.01905 0.0238125 32 58
2 Triangular 0.01905 0.0254 28 56
2 Square 0.01905 0.0254 26 48
2 Triangular 0.0254 0.03175 16 32
2 Square 0.0254 0.03175 12 26
4 Triangular 0.01905 0.0238125 48
4 Triangular 0.01905 0.0254 44
4 Square 0.01905 0.0254 48
4 Triangular 0.0254 0.03175 24
4 Square 0.0254 0.03175 24
6 Triangular 0.01905 0.0238125
6 Triangular 0.01905 0.0254
6 Square 0.01905 0.0254
6 Triangular 0.0254 0.03175
6 Square 0.0254 0.03175
8 Triangular 0.01905 0.0238125
8 Triangular 0.01905 0.0254
8 Square 0.01905 0.0254
8 Triangular 0.0254 0.03175
8 Square 0.0254 0.03175
Tube Count [Fixed Tubes]
est E. Ludwig' Applied Process Design for Chemical & Petrochemical Plants, 3rd Ed, Vol.3 (1999)

Shell & Tube Exchangers

Tube Count
12 13.25 15.25 17.25 19.25 21.25 23.25 25 27 29

0.3048 0.33655 0.38735 0.43815 0.48895 0.53975 0.59055 0.635 0.6858 0.7366
105 135 193 247 307 391 481 553 663 763
91 117 157 217 277 343 423 493 577 667
85 101 139 183 235 287 355 419 495 587
57 73 103 133 163 205 247 307 361 427
45 65 83 111 139 179 215 255 303 359
94 124 166 228 300 370 452 528 626 734
90 110 154 208 264 326 398 468 556 646
78 94 126 172 222 280 346 408 486 560
52 62 92 126 162 204 244 292 346 410
40 56 76 106 136 172 218 248 298 348
84 108 154 196 266 332 412 484 576 680
72 96 134 180 232 294 360 424 508 596
72 88 126 142 192 242 308 366 440 510
44 60 78 104 138 176 212 258 308 368
40 48 74 84 110 142 188 214 260 310
80 116 174 230 294 372 440 532 632
66 104 156 202 258 322 388 464 548
54 78 116 158 212 266 324 394 460
34 56 82 112 150 182 226 274 338
44 66 88 116 154 184 226 268
94 140 198 258 332 398 484 576
82 124 170 224 286 344 422 496
94 132 174 228 286 352 414
66 90 120 154 190 240 298
74 94 128 150 192 230
Standard Shell Sizes, Inside Diameter Shell Thickness
inches inches mm mm mm
) 7.981 10.02 203 255 16.075
10.02 12 255 305 18.05
12 13.25 305 337 18.85
13.25 15.25 337 387 18.6

15.25 17.25 387 438 19.4

31 33 35 37 17.25 19.25 438 489 19.2
19.25 21.25 489 540 19
0.7874 0.8382 0.889 0.9398 21.25 23.25 540 591 18.8
881 1019 1143 1269 23.25 25 591 635 18.6
765 889 1007 1127 25 27 635 686 25.4
665 765 865 965 27 29 686 737 25.2
481 551 633 699 29 31 737 787 25
413 477 545 595 31 33 787 838 25.8
846 964 1088 1242 33 35 838 889 25.6
746 858 972 1088 35 37 889 940 25.4
644 746 840 946 37 39 940 991 25.2
462 530 608 688 39 42 991 1067 25
402 460 522 584 42 45 1067 1143 25.2
788 904 1024 1172 45 48 1143 1219 25.4
692 802 912 1024 48 54 1219 1372 25.6
590 688 778 880 54 60 1372 1524 25
422 486 560 638 60 66 1524 1676 25.4
360 414 476 534 66 72 1676 1829 25.8
732 844 964 1106 72 78 1829 1981 25.2
640 744 856 964 78 84 1981 2134 25.6
536 634 224 818 84 90 2134 2286 25
382 442 514 586 90 96 2286 2438 25.4
318 368 430 484 96 108 2438 2743 25.8
682 790 902 1040 108 120 2743 3048 25.6
588 694 798 902 120 132 3048 3353 25.4
490 576 662 760
342 400 466 542
280 334 388 438
Shell Thickness Flange Weight
OD, inches OD, mm lb kg
8.625 219.075 28 13
10.75 273.05 40 18
12.75 323.85 61 28
14 355.6 83 38

16 406.4 106 48
18 457.2 108 49
20 508 148 67
22 558.8 204 93
24 609.6 204 93
26 660.4 210 95
28 711.2 230 105
30 762 240 109
32 812.8 260 118
34 863.6 270 123
36 914.4 185 84
38 965.2 300 136
40 1016 310 141
43 1092.2 330 150
46 1168.4 360 164
49 1244.6 380 173
55 1397 420 191
61 1549.4 460 209
67 1701.8 505 230
73 1854.2 550 250
79 2006.6 590 268
85 2159 630 286
91 2311.4 675 307
97 2463.8 720 327
109 2768.6 805 366
121 3073.4 890 405
Tube Materials and Thermal Conductivities
W/m-°C Btu/h-ft-°F
Aluminum 225.0 130
Brass (75% Cu, 30% Zn) 124.6 72
Bronze (75% Cu, 25% Sn) 26.0 15
Cr-alloy (0.5% Cr) 42.2 24.4
Constantan (60% Cu, 40% Ni) 24.2 14
Copper 380.8 220
Iron 45.0 26
Magnesium 164.4 95
Molybdenum 110.8 64
Nickel 74.4 43
Steel (1% C) 34.6 20
Steel (1% Cr) 46.7 27
Steel (18% Cr, 8% Ni) 20.8 12
Zinc 100.4 58

1 conductivity Btu/h-ft-°F 1.730735 W/m-°C 1.730735

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