Note of Use of The Linear Solver in Aster

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Note of use of the linear solveurs

1 Goal
linear solveurs are in fact omnipresent in the unfolding of the operators of Code_Aster because
they are often hidden with deepest of other digital algorithms: nonlinear diagram, integration in time,
analyze modal etc They often consume of it the major part of time CPU and the memory. The choice
and the complete parameter setting of the necessary linear solvor are carried out via the keyword
factor SOLVEUR. It is present in most orders of calculation (STAT_NON_LINE, THER_LINEAIRE,
This note of use is complementary to user's documentation keyword SOLVEUR[U4.50.01]. She
wants to be an intermediate link between “the simple” theoretical documentation of keyword and that
(with each solvor a reference material is leaned).

The first part of this note gives one overall vision various linear solveurs available, of their perimeter
of use and their average performances in term of robustness and CPU/mémoire consumption.
The following chapter gathers some advices to use the parameters as well as possible of SOLVEUR
according to the cases: size of the system, its digital properties, consumption CPU and memory… To
finish, one details certain parameters of SOLVEUR in order to help the user in one advanced use of
this functionality of the code.
related problems of improvement of performances (RAM/CPU) of a calculation and use of
parallelism are also briefly approached. They are the object of specific notes, respectively, [U1.03.03]
and [U2.08.06].

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1 Goal...................................................................................................................................................... 1
2 Various linear solveurs available.......................................................................................................... 3
3 Some advices of use............................................................................................................................ 7
4 Recommendations on the external products........................................................................................ 9
5 Links with parallelism .......................................................................................................................... 11
5.1 General information..................................................................................................................... 11
5.2 Independent calculations.............................................................................................................. 11
5.3 Parallelization of the linear systems............................................................................................ 12
5.4 Distribution of modal calculations................................................................................................ 13
6 Indicators of performance of a calculation ......................................................................................... 15
7 Additional information on the keyword................................................................................................ 16
7.1 Detection of singularity and keyword NPREC/STOP_SINGULIER/RESI_RELA ......................... 16
7.2 Solveur MUMPS (METHODE=' MUMPS')................................................................................... 20
7.2.1 General information............................................................................................................ 20
7.2.2 Perimeter of use................................................................................................................. 20
7.2.3 Parameter RENUM............................................................................................................. 21
7.2.4 Parameter ELIM_LAGR2.................................................................................................... 21
7.2.5 Parameter RESI_RELA...................................................................................................... 22
7.2.6 Parameters to optimize management memory (MUMPS and/or JEVEUX) ....................... 23
7.2.7 Parameters to reduce time calculation via various techniques of acceleration/compression
............................................................................................................................................ 26

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2 Various linear solveurs available

These linear solveurs are in fact omnipresent in the unfolding of the operators of Code_Aster
because they are often hidden with deepest of other digital algorithms: nonlinear diagram, integration
in time, analyze modal etc They often consume of it the major part of time CPU and the memory. The
choice and the complete parameter setting of the necessary linear solvor are carried out via the
keyword factor SOLVEUR. It is present in most orders of calculation (STAT_NON_LINE,

This keyword makes it possible to choose between the two classes of solveurs: the direct ones and the
iterative ones. Concerning direct, one has the classical algorithm of “Gauss” (SOLVEUR/METHODE='
LDLT'), of a factorization multifrontale (‘MULT_FRONT’) and of external (‘MUMPS’). For iterative, it
is possible to call on a combined gradient (‘GCPC’) or with certain tools of the public bookstore

Only MULT_FRONT, MUMPS, PETSC are paralleled. The first in OpenMP, two others in MPI and
OpenMP (hybrid parallelism). But all the solveurs are compatible with a parallel treatment (via MPI) of
elementary calculations and the assemblies. And this, that these treatments are initiated right before
the use of the linear solvor itself, or, in another operator (for example the pre one/postprocessings).

Let us detail a little the operation of each one of them:

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Direct Solveurs
/‘MUMPS’ Direct Solvor of multifrontale type with swivelling. This solvor is
obtained by calling it external product MUMPS developed by
CERFACS/IRIT/INRIA/CNRS (cf Copyright §4). Matric storage except
solvor is MORSE. As starter of the solvor, one makes conversion with the
internal format of MUMPS: i , j , K ij , centralized or distributed.
For Code_Aster, its principal interest lies in its capacity to swivel
lines and/or columns of the matrix during factorization in the event of
small pivot. This possibility is useful (even essential) for the models
leading to positive nondefinite matrices (except boundary conditions); For
example, “mixed” elements having degrees of freedom of the type
“Lagrange” (incompressible elements…).

This method is paralleled in distributed memory (MPI) and in shared

memory (OpenMP). It can be carried out on several processors (via small
the Astk interface
In parallel MPI (mpi_nbcpu&mpi_nbnoeud), MUMPS distributes its
data naturally (matrix, factorized…) between the hearts of the various
allocated nodes of calculation. What accelerates calculations largely and
makes it possible to reduce the occupation memory necessary, by
process MPI, to launch calculation. This RAM consumption can be
reduced even more via parameters GESTION_MEMOIRE or RENUM
In term of memory, the bottleneck can then be on the level of space
JEVEUX. To reduce this last, one can distribute the matrix Aster

MUMPS also rests on one second level of overlapping parallelism

within parallelism MPI (hybrid parallelism) and based on OpenMP. This
second level of parallelism is mainly activated in calls to the subjacent
mathematical bookstores (BLAS, LAPACK). Contrary to the MPI, it is a
parallelism with shared memory and thus limited to the only hearts of
nodes of calculation (ncpus).

To accelerate the large studies (NR at least > 2.106 ddls) one can
moreover activate options of acceleration/compression of MUMPS
(starting from the v5.1.0) via keywords
/‘MULT_FRONT’ Direct Solvor of multifrontale type developed in-house EDF R & D.
Matric storage is MORSE (or ‘CSC’ for ‘Compressed Sparse Column’)
and thus proscribed any swivelling. This method is paralleled in shared
memory (OpenMP) and can be carried out on several processors (via
small the Astk interface Options/Options of launching/ncpus).
The initial matrix is stored in only one object JEVEUX and its factorized is
distributed on several, therefore it can be discharged partially and
automatically on disc.

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/‘LDLT’ Direct Solvor with factorization of Crout by blocks (without swivelling)

developed in-house EDF R & D. Matric storage except solvor is
MORSE. As starter of the solvor, one makes conversion with the internal
format of LDLT: ‘line of sky’ (‘SKYLINE’). There is a pagination of the
completely skeletal memory (the matrix broken up into blocks is managed
in memory and is independently discharged on disc progressively) which
makes it possible to pass from large case but which is paid by accesses
expensive discs.
Moreover, this solvor allows to factorize only partially the matrix. This
possibility is “historical”. It makes it possible to factorize the matrix in
several “times” (several work) to even modify with the flight the last lines
of this factorized. Today, one does not imagine well the interest of this
functionality except for certain methods (known as discrete) of contact-
friction where one has, intentionally, placed in the last lines of the matrix
the terms concerning the nodes likely to be in contact. Thus, as iterations
of pairing, the relations between these nodes changing, one erases then
recomputes that these last contributions of factorized. It is a typical
example where the astute use of an algorithm enough frustrates little to
bring major profits (in time).

Iterative Solveurs
/‘GCPC’ Iterative Solvor of standard gradient combined with pre-packaging
ILU k  or based on one factorized single precision (via MUMPS).
The storage of the matrix is then MORSE. With incomplete Cholesky, the
factorized initial matrix and its incomplete are stored, each one, in only
one object JEVEUX.
With factorized the single precision, the preconditionnor is much more
expensive (in CPU/RAM), but it is carried out in single precision and its
calculation can be pooled during several resolutions (problem of the type
multiples second members, e.g. STAT_NON_LINE).
/‘PETSC’ Iterative Solveurs resulting from the external bookstore PETSc
(Argonne Laboratory). Matric storage except solvor is MORSE. As starter
of the solvor, one makes conversion with the internal format of PETSc:
‘CSR’ for ‘Compressed Sparse Row’. PETSc allocates contiguous blocks
of lines step processor. This method is paralleled in distributed
memory (MPI) and can be carried out on several processors (via small
the Astk interface Options Options of launching /mpi_nbcpu
When PETSc uses a preconditionnor based on MUMPS (PRECOND='
LDLT_SP'), it also profits from the potentially hybrid parallelism of the
direct solvor. But best accelerations of PETSc occur rather by privileging
the first level of parallelism, MPI.

Caution: solveurs PETSC and MUMPS being incompatible into sequential,

one generally privileges MUMPS. To use PETSC, it is thus necessary often
to launch a parallel version of Code_Aster (since it is necessary to
requesting one processor).

Solveur perimeter Robustness CPU Memory Details

MULT_FRONT Universal Solvor. +++ Séq: ++ +
To disadvise for //: ++ OOC1 On 4/8 hearts.
modelings requiring (speed-
swivelling (mixed EF of up~2)
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Solveur perimeter Robustness CPU Memory Details

MUMPS Universal Solvor, solvor +++ Séq: ++ --
of reference //: +++ IC To 512 hearts
(sp~30) +
LDLT Solvor universal (but +++ Séq: + + Rather
very slow on OOC small cases or
large case). cases of mean
To disadvise for size which can
modelings requiring draw part of
swivelling (mixed EF of partial
X-FEM, factorization.
incompressible…) .
Possible partial
factorization (discrete
GCPC Real symmetrical - Séq: ++ +++ With LDLT_INC
problems except those (LDLT_INC) + (LDLT_IN not too much not
requiring obligatorily a + C) to increase it
detection of singularity (LDLT_SP) ++ level of
(modal calculation, (LDLT_SP) pre-packaging.
buckling). Sometimes very
especially into
nonlinear with
PETSC Idem GCPC but - Séq: ++ ++ Rather robust
compatible with the (LDLT_INC) + IC algorithms:
nonsymmetrical one. + //: +++ GMRES.
(LDLT_SP) (sp~4) Often very
effective into
nonlinear with
Figure 2. - 1: Synoptic of the linear solveurs available in Code_Aster.

• To be completely exhaustive, one can specify that some (rare) digital operations are
operated with a parameter setting “fixed” solvor. This one is thus inaccessible to the users
(without overload software). Among those, one finds certain resolutions of the discrete
methods of contact-friction (reserved for LDLT ), the search for rigid modes into modal,
calculations of modes of interfaces (reserved for MUMPS or with LDLT )… Each time
functional reasons or of performance explain this not very transparent choice.

1 OOC for ‘Out-Of-Core’. I.e. one will release from the RAM memory by discharging on disc part of the
objects. That makes it possible to compensate for the swap system and to deal with problems much larger.
According to the algorithmic one, these accesses additional discs can be penalizing. The opposite way of
managing is “it In-Core” (IC). All the data-processing objects remain in RAM. That limits the size of the
accessible problems (with the swap system near) but privileges speed.
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3 Some advices of use

If one wishes2 to change linear solvor or to adapt his parameter setting, several questions
must be approached: Which is the type of problem which one wishes to solve? What are they the
digital properties of the linear systems met? etc.
One lists below and, in a nonexhaustive way, several questions which it is interesting to be posed
when one seeks to optimize the aspects linear solveurs. Of course, certain questions (and answers)
are cumulative and can thus apply simultaneously.

In short:

The method by default remains the internal multifrontale MULT_FRONT. But for fully profiting
from profits CPU and RAM which gets it parallelism, or to solve one problem numerically often
difficult (X-FEM, incompressibility, THM), one recommends the use of the external product MUMPS.
The more the problem is of big size, the more one advises to use parallelism MPI and the technique of
acceleration/compression (ACCELERATION/LOW_RANK_SEUIL).
If, despite everything, on a given data-processing platform, the problem does not pass in memory,
resorts it to the iterative solveurs of PETSC can be a solution (if their functional perimeters allows it).
Let us note that by default they use in “writing pad” MUMPS as a preconditionnor (option PRE_COND='
To go further in savings of it space memory , one can also degrade the pre-packaging (calculation
will be probably longer) by choosing one of the other préconditionneurs of PETSC (‘LDLT_INC‘…).

In non-linear, to gain in time , one can also exploit several parameters of relieving ( SYME in
nonsymmetrical) or interactions “nonlinear solvor/linear solvor” (REAC_PRECOND, NEWTON_KRYLOV.).
For nonlinear problems conditioned well (thermics…), the recourse to one MUMPS “released” (
MIXER_PRECISION/FILTRAGE_MATRICE) can bring very significant profits report. In the same way,
into linear as into nonlinear, with PETSC without preconditionnor (PRE_COND=' SANS').

For more details and advices on the employment of the linear solveurs one will be able to consult
the note of use [U4.50.01] and the associated reference materials [R6…]. The related problems of
improvement of performances (RAM/CPU) of a calculation and, use of parallelism, are also the object
of detailed notes: [U1.03.03] and [U2.08.06].

Which is the type of problem to be solved?

• Resolution of many systems with the same matrix (problem of the multiples type second
members3) ⇒ solveurs MULT_FRONT or MUMPS (if possible while disabling RESI_RELA and
• Standard parametric calculation into linear ⇒ a first test with MUMPS by leaving the
parameters by default, then all others runs while disconnecting RESI_RELA or with
• Parametric calculation into nonlinear with a well conditioned matrix ⇒ a first test with
MUMPS while exploiting the parameters of relieving
(FILTRAGE_MATRICE/MIXER_PRECISION or SYME if one is in nonsymmetrical). Then, if a
point of optimized operation (consumption CPU/RAM) were elucidated, to use it for all the
others runs.
One can also test MUMPS but, this time, as preconditionnor single precision of PETSC/GCPC
(LDLT_SP). The interest is then to reactualize it only periodically (REAC_PRECOND).

Which are its digital properties?

2 Or if, quite simply, it is necessary to exploit this parameter because calculation does not pass on the
selected software platform, or with consumption in times and memory incompatible with the constraints of
the study.
3 It is the case, for example, in thermomechanical chaining when the characteristic materials do not depend
on the temperature or, into nonlinear, when the tangent matrix is seldom reactualized.
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• Linear system conditioned good 4(<104) ⇒ solveurs MUMPS+MIXER_PRECISION or

• Difficult linear system (bad conditioning, mixed finite elements, prevalences of Lagranges…)
⇒ solvor MUMPS.

Does one need a very precise solution?

• One can be satisfied with one very approximated solution 5 ⇒ solveurs GCPC or PETSC with
• One is wanted precise solution or, at least, a diagnosis on its quality and the digital
difficulties of the system to be solved ⇒ solvor MUMPS while activating NPREC and

How to optimize consumption time/RAM memory of the linear solvor?

• Time ⇒ solvor MUMPS by disabling the OOC (GESTION_MEMORE=' IN_CORE') even
RESI_RELA. Parallel calculation hybrid MPI/OpenMP (cf Doc. U2 on parallelism). On the
problems of big size use of compressions low_rank and accelerations via keywords
• Memory ⇒ solvor MUMPS while activating
GESTION_MEMOIRE=‘OUT_OF_CORE'/MATR_DISTRIBUE and in distributed parallel mode. Or
iterative solvor of Krylov type: GCPC/PETSC+LDLT_SP.
Into nonlinear, if the matrix is well conditioned and/or nonsymmetrical, one can also exploit
the parameters of relieving of MUMPS (FILTRAGE_MATRICE, MIXER_PRECISION and
SYME) or to use an iterative solvor by reducing the cost of the pre-packaging. One will find
more details in the discussion of §7.2.6.
• Memory ⇒ solvor PETSC while activating MATR_DISTRIBUE and in distributed parallel

This is a problem border of very big size (> 5.10 6 degrees of freedom) ?
• Robust Solvor ⇒ solvor MUMPS with optimizations preceding memories and compressions
• Solveurs of the “last chance” ⇒ iterative solveurs (with a low level of pre-packaging).

How to optimize the total performances of my calculation?

• Note of use [U1.03.03].

How to carry out, gauge and optimize a parallel calculation?

• Note of use [U2.08.06].

4 Either the typology of calculation informs about this information (it is known for example that it is often the
case of thermics), or it in addition is obtained (for example, by making a preliminary test with MUMPS and
by activating the keyword RESI_RELA+INFO=2).
5 Nonlinear calculations convex, prospective calculation or calculation whose quality of the mechanical
solutions of interest is controlled in addition.
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4 Recommendations on the external products

To solve the many linear systems that it produces, Code_Aster can be pressed on external products.
This section document the use of these products within the framework of Code_Aster while referring to
a use and a classical installation.

The recommended versions are:

• Renuméroteurs/partitionneurs MONGREL 5.1.0/PARMETIS 4.0.3 and (Pt)SCOTCH TAPE

(compiled in entirety 64 bits with MUMPS5.1.2consortium, cf notices below).
• Direct Solvor and preconditionnor: MUMPS 5.1.1/5.1.2 (public versions) and
5.1.1/5.1.2consortium (versions in restricted access).
versions consortium in restricted access are installed by default with EDF. Their source codes
cannot be redistributed outside EDF. They potentially get an access to exploratory features in
phase lead compared to the public versions (cf keywords ACCELERATION/LOW_RANK_SEUIL).
In addition, the version 5.1.2consortium is compiled with the versions 64 bits of the external
rénuméroteurs (( BY) MONGREL , ( PT) SCOTCH TAPE and PORD ). That makes it possible
code_aster to solve very large models finite elements (> 10 7 degrees of freedom) via the choice
of MUMPS, is as a direct solvor (METHODE=' MUMPS'), maybe as a preconditionnor (

• Iterative Solveurs and préconditionneurs: PETSc 3.8.2.

For MUMPS 5.1.2 Copyright is the following (licence CeCILL-C V1):

Copyright 1991-2018 CERFACS, CNRS, ENS Lyon, INP Toulouse, Inria,

University of Bordeaux.

This version of MUMPS is provided to you free of load. It is

released under the CeCILL-C license,,
except for the external and optional ordering PORD,
in separate directory PORD, which is public domain (see PORD/README).

You edge acknowledge (using references [1] and [2]) the contribution of
this package in any scientific publication depends upon the uses of
the package. Please uses reasonable endeavours to notify the authors
of the package of this publication.

[1] P.R. Amestoy, I.S. Duff, J. Koster and J. there. The Excellent one,
With fully asynchronous multifrontal solver using distributed dynamic
scheduling, SIAM Journal of Matrix Analysis and Applications,
Flight 23, No 1, pp 15-41 (2001).

[2] P.R. Amestoy, A. Guermouche, J. there. Excellent and

S. Pralet, Hybrid scheduling for the parallel solution of linear
systems. Parallel Computing Flight 32 (2), pp 136-156 (2006).

Ace has counterpart to the access to the source codes and rights to Copy,
modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
with has limited warranty and the software' S author, the holder of the
economic rights, and the successive licensors cut only limited

In this respect, the user' S attention is drawn to the risks associated

with loading, using, modifying and/or developing gold reproducing the
software by to use in light of its specific status of free software,
that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also
therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced
professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
encouraged to load and test the software' S suitability ace glances to
requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or
to Be ensured and dated, more generally, to uses and operate it in the
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same conditions ace glances security.

The fact that you are presently reading this means that you cuts had
knowledge of the CeCILL-C license and that you accept its terms.

For MUMPS 5.1.2consortium, Copyright is the following:

Copyright 1991-2018 CERFACS, CNRS, ENS Lyon, INP Toulouse, Inria,

University of Bordeaux.

This version of MUMPS (the software) is not public and should Be

considered confidential. It is reserved to the members of the MUMPS
consortium. You should suppress it and any Copy you might cuts
obtained yew you are not has member of the MUMPS consortium.

Ace defined in the membership agreement, you, ace has member, are
granted access to this version of the MUMPS software with has free
not-exclusive license limited to the length of your membership
and with limited redistribution conditions: should you wish to
redistribute this not-public version, it shall only Be allowed
to C so in Object Codes forms.



For PETSc 3.7.3, Copyright is the following (licence BSD clause n°2)

Copyright (c) 1991-2016, UChicago Argonne, LLC and the PETSc TEAM Development
All rights reserved.

Redistribution and uses in source and binary forms, with gold without
are permitted provided that the following conditions are puts:

* Redistributions of source codes must retain the above copyright note, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary forms must reproduce the above copyright note,
list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or
other materials provided with the distribution.


MONGREL is distributed under Apache licence v2.0 available under

SCOTCH TAPE is distributed under licence CeCILL-C V1 available under .

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5 Links with parallelism

Foot-note: for more information one will be able to consult the note of dedicated use to parallelism

5.1 General information

Often a simulation Code_Aster can to profit from important profits of performance by distributing its
calculations on several hearts of a PC or one or more nodes of a centralized machine.
One can to gain in time (with parallelism MPI and OpenMP parallelism) as in memory (only via MPI).
These profits are variable according to the requested features, their parameter settings, the data file and
the software platform used: cf figure 5.1.1.

Figure 5.1.1. _Example of savings of time gotten by parallelism MPI of Code_Aster v13.0, and with
that hybrid, MPI+OpenMP (+ compressions low-rank cf [U4.50.01]) of Code_Aster v13.1. Comparisons
carried out on the CAS-tests of performance perf008d and perf009d and on the centralized machine

In Code_Aster, by default, calculation is sequential. But one can activate various strategies of
parallelization. Those depend on the stage of calculation considered and the selected parameter setting.
They are often cumulative or chaînables.
There are three big classes of problems parallélisables, the second being most current:
• that is to say simulation can be organized in several independent subcalculations (cf. § 5.2),
• either it is not the case but:
◦ this one remains dominated by or not linear linear calculations (operators
◦ this one remains dominated by modal calculations divisible underfrequential bands

To have one estimate of the time spent by an operator and thus of the prevalent stages of a calculation,
one can activate the keyword MESURE_TEMPS orders DEBUT/POURSUITE (cf [U1.03.03]) on a standard
study (possibly shortened or edulcorated).
In all the cases, one will advise to divide largest calculations into various stages in order to separate
those purely calculative6, those concerning of postings, postprocessings and of handling of fields7.

5.2 Independent calculations

6 Possibly of various types (n°2 category or n°3 quoted previously) and which will gain with being carried out
in parallel.
7 Who will be often faster into sequential because of the risks of cloggings at the time of the accesses
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When simulation can be organized in various subcalculations Aster independent (cf figure 5.2.1),
the tool Astk [U1.04.00] proposes an adapted functionality (cf [U2.08.07]). This one distributes these
subcalculations on various resources machine and recovers their results. It is a parallel diagram “data-
processing” completion.
Limit being, for the moment, that all these unit calculations must be able sequentially to be carried out each
one on the selected machine (what can sometimes pose problems of resources memory, cf [U4.50.01]).

Figure 5.2.1. _: Parallelism of independent calculations.

5.3 Parallelization of the linear systems

When this simulation cannot break up into subcalculations Aster similar and independent, but that it
remains dominated nevertheless by linear calculations or nonlinear (operators
STAT/DYNA/THER_NON_LINE , MECA_STATIQUE … cf. § 5.3), one can organize a specific parallel
It is founded on distribution of the tasks and of structures of data implied in handling of linear systems
. Because they are these stages of construction and resolution of linear systems which are often more
soliciting in computing times and resources memory. They are present in most operators because they are
hidden with deepest other algorithms “plus trades”: nonlinear solvor, modal and vibratory calculation,
diagram in time…

The first stage of the parallel diagram relates to the distribution of the finite elements of the model on all
processes MPI. Each process MPI will thus manage only the treatments and the data associated with the
elements of which it has the load. The construction of the linear systems in Code_Aster (elementary
calculations, assemblies) is some then accelerated. One often speaks about “ parallelism in space ”. It is
a parallel diagram rather of a “data-processing” nature.

Once these built portions of linear system (cf figure 5.3.1), two cases arise:
• that is to say it following treatment is naturally sequential and thus all processes MPI must
have access to total information. With this intention these ends of linear systems are gathered and
thus the following stage neither will be accelerated, nor will not see lowering its consumption memory.
It is generally of an end of operator, a postprocessing or a linear solvor not paralleled in MPI
• that is to say it following treatment accepts parallelism MPI, it acts then mainly linear solveurs
HPC MUMPS and PETSC. The parallel flood of data builds upstream is then transmitted to them (after
some adaptations). These packages of linear algebra reorganize then, in-house, their own parallel
diagrams (with a algebraic vision). One speaks then about parallel diagram of a “digital” nature rather.
This combination “data-processing parallelism”, on the level of assembly of the linear system, and,
“digital parallelism”, on the level from its resolution, the 2 via MPI, is the most current combination.

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Figure 5.3.1. _Organization of parallel diagram MPI of construction and resolution of the linear systems.

• Let us note that at the conclusion of the cycle “construction of system linear – resolution of this
one”, some is the scenario implemented (sequential linear solvor or parallel MPI), the vector solution is
then transmitted, in entirety, with all processes MPI. The cycle can thus continue some is the following

Moreover, one can to superimpose or substitute for this parallelism MPI (which functions on all the
platforms), another level of parallelism managed this time by OpenMP language. This one is however
limited to the fractions of machine sharing the same memory physically (PC multi-hearts or nodes of waiter
of calculation).
It does not make it possible to lower consumption memory but on the other hand it accelerates certain
types of calculation and this, with a granularity lower than that of the MPI: it gets a better acceleration even
if the flood of data/treatments is not very important. It is a parallel diagram of a “data-processing” nature
which intervenes mainly in the basic operations of algorithms of linear algebra (via for example bookstore
BLAS and certain stages of solvor MUMPS).

This parallelism can be:

• that is to say cumulated with parallelism MPI of MUMPS by accelerating calculations within
each process MPI. One obtains a hybrid diagram then parallel with 2 levels.
• that is to say to replace parallelism MPI by accelerating the resolution of system linear with

5.4 Distribution of modal calculations

When simulation cannot break up into calculations Aster independent, but that it remains dominated
nevertheless by generalized modal calculations (operators INFO_MODE and CALC_MODES ), one can
organize a specific parallel diagram (cf 5.4.1).

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FigRUE 5.4.1. _Organization of parallel diagram MPI of distribution of modal calculations and resolutions of
the associated linear systems.
It is founded on distribution of modal calculations independent: each one being in charge of a sub-band
frequential .
This parallel diagram of a “data-processing” nature purely gets only savings of time (except if one it office
plurality with MUMPS ). It can however be mixed with the preceding parallel diagrams:
• chaining between various operators: parallelism MPI of construction of linear matrices
(in for example CALC_MATR_ELEM) and modal resolution in CALC_MODES.
• office plurality , within CALC_MODES , by activating parallelism MPI (even OpenMP) of
the direct solvor MUMPS . One obtains a hybrid diagram then parallel to 2 or 3 levels.

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6 Indicators of performance of a calculation

For more information one will be able to consult the note of use [U1.03.03]: ‘Indicating of
performance of a calculation (time/memory)’.

During a simulation Code_Aster, postings by default trace in the file message (.mess) certain
dimensioning characteristics of calculation. One finds in particular, for each operator Aster :
• Characteristics of calculation (many nodes, of equations, Lagrange, size of the matrix…),
• Memories JEVEUX floor (to pass into Out-Of-Core) and optimal (to pass in In-Core),
• Memory required by certain external products (e.g. MUMPS),
• Times CPU, system and “user” (elapsed),
• The ventilation of spent time following the stages of calculation (elementary calculation,
assembly, resolution of the linear system, unloading on disc).
This last description of spent times can be declined according to various reading levels (synthetic
impression, detailed and detailed by increment of calculation) via the parameter
MESURE_TEMPS/NIVE_DETAIL orders DEBUT/POURSUITE. In parallel mode, one adds the median
value, on all the processors, of the times spent like their standard deviation.

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7 Additional information on the keyword

Significance of the various parameters of the keyword SOLVEUR are the object of the user's
documentation [U4.50.01]. This one must be synthetic to help the user in a standard use of the code.
For a more advanced use some additional information can prove extremely useful. This chapter
recapitulates these elements.

7.1 Detection of singularity and keyword

The crucial step of the direct solveurs (SOLVEUR=_F (METHODE='
LDLT'/‘MULT_FRONT’/‘MUMPS’)) in term of consumption. However it can stumble in two cases:
problem of construction of factorized (structurally or numerically singular matrix) and digital detection
of a singularity (more significant approximated process). The behavior of the code will depend on the
case, of the parameter setting of NPREC/STOP_SINGULIER/RESI_RELA and of the solvor used. The
combinative one of the cases is described in the table attached.

Standard type of Construction of Digital detection of singularity (S).

solvor/of problem factorized
In the event of
problem that does In the event of singularity that does occur?
LDLT/MULT_FRONT Stop in Case n°1: One factorizes a dynamic matrix in
ERREUR_FATALE an operator of dynamics (cf R5.01.01 § 3.8,
Stop in ERREUR_FATALE if it is the matrix of
work of the algorithm.
Emission of one ALARM if it is about a stage of
the test of Sturm.
In these two cases STOP_SINGULIER no
incidence has on the process and NPREC must
be positive.


Stop in ERREUR_FATALE in the phase of
postprocessing of the linear solvor.


Emission of one ALARM in the phase of
postprocessing of the linear solvor. Spotentially
vague olution step detected by the linear solvor.
Except a possible including process (Newton…)
there is no digital parapet to guarantee the
quality of the solution.


 Launching of processus of division step of
time. One rebuilds a new problem for another
increment of time/loading.
MUMPS Stop in Case n°1/4: If NPREC> 0, even behavior that
ERREUR_FATALE LDLT / MULT_FRONT (one finds the cases n°1 to
4) .

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Standard type of Construction of Digital detection of singularity (S).

solvor/of problem factorized
In the event of
problem that does In the event of singularity that does occur?
Case n°5: If NPREC<0 and RESI_RELA>0,
Detection of disabled singularity but one
measures the quality of the solution in the linear
solvor. If the system is singular, its conditioning
will be very high and the quality of resolution will
be very bad. If this quality of resolution is higher
than the value parameterized in RESI_RELA:

Case n°6: If NPREC<0 and RESI_RELA<0,

Detection of singularity and measurement of the
quality of the solution both disabled. Except a
possible including process (Newton…) there is
no digital parapet to guarantee the quality of the

Table 7.1-1. Behavior of the code, according to the parameter setting, when digital factorization detects
problems (bad setting in data, digital instabilities, strong conditioning…).

One compares some digital details of the two types of criteria of detection ( LDLT/MULT_FRONT
versus MUMPS) of singularity in the table below:

Characteristics/Standard LDLT/MULT_FRONT MUMPS

of solvor
Criterion Room with each degree of freedom Total for all them degrees of
(relative value) freedom
Term tested Absolute value of the diagonal term Infinite standard of the line/column
of each line of the line corresponding to the
Detection of the number of Always Yes except at the time of problems
line (ISINGU in the with construction of factorized
Supply amongst lost Yes, except at the time of problems Not
decimals with construction of factorized
Désactivable Not Yes

Table 7.1-2. Differences in the processes of detection of singularity according to the solveurs.

However, beyond the differences in implementations and of the error messages (such solvor points a
degree of freedom, such other solvor another degree of freedom), two classes of direct solveurs,
LDLT/MULT_FRONT and MUMPS, generally conclude with the same type from diagnoses in the event
of problems8.
They point a defective setting in data: blockings redundant or, on the contrary, absent;
superabundant linear relations due to contact-friction; very heterogeneous numerical data
(term of penalization too large) or illicit (negative Young modulus…).


8 Cf CAS-tests erreu03a and erreu04a.

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• In the worst case, it is necessary to adjust the value of NPREC (to increase or decrease by
1) to lead to the same report. In general, the singularities are so obvious, that the
parameter setting by default is appropriate completely.
• Contrary to the two other solveurs, MUMPS do not specify the number of lost decimals, on
the other hand the activation of its quality standard (for example RESI_RELA=1.10 -6 )
constitute an ultimate effective parapet against this kind of hitch.
• It normal and is assumed that it degree of freedom detected either sometimes different
when a digital parameter is changed (solvor, renumerotor, pretreatments…) or data
processing (parallelism…). All depends on the order in which each processor treats the
unknown factors of which it has the load and of the techniques of swivelling/balancing
possibly put in work. In general, even different, the results contribute to the same
diagnosis: to re-examine blockings of its setting in data.
• To obtain matric conditioning9 of his “rough” operator (i.e. without the possible
pretreatments operated by the linear solvor), one can use the combination
important (> 10 12 ) the presence of at least a singularity betrays then. On the other hand,
if the overcost calculation of the detection of singularity is painless, that of the estimate of
the conditioning and the quality of the solution is less (up to 40% in time elapsed; cf. §

To be more precise, there are 9 distinct cases listed in the table below. They are based on exact or
approached nullity 10 terms “pivots” (cf [R6.02.03] §2.3) selected by the phase of digital factorization of
the direct solvor considered. The first case appears during digital factorization itself (numerically or
structurally singular matrix). The second case comes from the phase of postprocessing activated at
the conclusion of this digital factorization.

Firstly the user must take the advice lavished by the message of alarm (listed in the table below). If
that is not really enough, the advanced user can try to exploit the digital parameters of the solvor
(renumerotor…), even on the criterion NPREC when it is about a pivot almost no one.

Type of problem Information available The Councils

Matrix not being based on Setting in data (limiting conditions,
a grid. Number of line (if MF/LDLT). characteristic materials…).
Null pivot To test MUMPS (if MF/LDLT).
Matrix not being based on Number of line, Idem.
a grid. Many lost decimals (if MF/LDLT).
Pivot almost no one.
The pivot is one degree of Number of component line/node/(if Setting in data (limiting conditions,
freedom physics except X- MF/LDLT). characteristic materials…).
FEM. To test MUMPS (if MF/LDLT).
Null pivot.
The pivot is one degree of Number of component line/node/, Rigid mode of body blocked evil
freedom physics except X- Many lost decimals (if MF/LDLT) (defect of blocking).
FEM. If calculation comprises contact it is
Pivot almost no one. not necessary that the structure
“holds” only by the relations of
The pivot is one degree of Number of component line/node/(if The level-set (crack) passes very
freedom physics MF/LDLT). close to the node considered
X-FEM. (increase NPREC until 10).
Pivot almost no one.
The pivot is Lagrange Number of line (if MF/LDLT). Linear relations enters degrees of
related to a linear relation freedom superabundant
enters degrees of (CONNECTION, contact…).

9 With the direction resolution of hollow linear system, cf papers of M.Arioli/J.Demmel/I.Duff.

10 Controlled by NPREC (cf [U4.50.01] §3.2).
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Type of problem Information available The Councils

freedom. Setting in data (limiting conditions,
Null pivot. characteristic materials…).
To test MUMPS (if MF/LDLT).
The pivot is dependent Number of line, Linear relations enters degrees of
Lagrange with a linear Many lost decimals (if MF/LDLT). freedom superabundant
relation between degrees (CONNECTION, contact…).
of freedom.
Pivot almost no one
The pivot is one degree of Number of line (if MF/LDLT). Superabundant blocking.
freedom of Lagrange Blocking concerned. Setting in data (limiting conditions,
related to one blocking of characteristic materials…).
a degree of freedom. To test MUMPS (if MF/LDLT).
Null pivot
The pivot is a degree of Number of line. Superabundant blocking.
freedom of Lagrange Blocking concerned.
related to a blocking of a Many lost decimals (if MF/LDLT).
degree of freedom.
Pivot almost no one

Table 7.1-3. Various cases of detection of singularity and associated advices.

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7.2 Solveur MUMPS (METHODE=' MUMPS')

7.2.1 General information
solvor MUMPS currently developed by CNRS/INPT-IRIT/INRIA/CERFACS is one direct solvor of
multifrontal type, paralleled (in MPI) and robust, because it makes it possible to swivel the lines and
columns of the matrix during digital factorization.
MUMPS provides an estimate of the quality of the solution u (cf keyword RESI_RELA) matric
problem K u=f via concepts ofdirect error relative (‘relative forward error’) and of error opposite
(‘backward error’). This ‘backward error’,  K , f  , the behavior of the algorithm of resolution
measures (when all is well, this reality is close to the precision machine, that is to say 10 -15 in double
precision). MUMPS calculates also an estimate of the conditioning of the matrix,  K  , which
translates the good behavior of the problem to be solved (real ranging between 10 4 for a problem
conditioned well up to 1020 for very badly conditioned). The product of both is one raising of the relative
error on the solution (‘relative forward error’):
∥ u∥
C st⋅ K⋅  K , f 
By specifying a strictly positive value with the keyword RESI_RELA (e.g. 10-6), the user indicates that it
wishes to test the validity of the solution of each linear system solved by MUMPS with the ell of this
value. If the product  K ⋅ K , f  is higher than RESI_RELA the code stops in ERREUR_FATALE,
by specifying the nature of the problem and the values accused. With posting INFO=2, one details
each term of the product:  K , f  and K  .

To continue calculation, one can then:

• To increase the tolerance of RESI_RELA. For the badly conditioned problems, a tolerance of
10-3 is not rare. But it must be taken with serious because this kind of pathology can seriously
disturb a calculation (cf notices following on conditioning and §3.4).
• If it is the ‘backward error’ who is too important: it is advised to modify the algorithm of
resolution. I.e., in our case, to exploit the parameters of launching of MUMPS (TYPE_RESOL,
• If it is the conditioning of the operator who is in question, it is advised to balance the terms of
the matrix, apart from MUMPS or via MUMPS (PRETREATMENTS= 'YES’), or to change the
formulation of the problem.

• Even within the very precise framework of the resolution of system linear, there exists in
many ways to define the sensitivity to the rounding errors of the problem considered (i.e.
its conditioning). That retained by MUMPS and, which refers in the field (cf Arioli,
Demmel and Duff 1989), is indissociable ‘backward error’ of the problem. The definition
of the one does not have a direction without that of the other. One thus should not
confuse this kind of conditioning with the concept of matric conditioning classical.
In addition, conditioning provided not MUMPS takes into account the SECOND MEMBER
of the system as well as the HOLLOW CHARACTER of the matrix. Indeed, it is not
worthwhile to take account of possible rounding errors on worthless matric terms and
thus not provided to the solvor! The degrees of freedom corresponding “do not speak
each other” (seen spyglass finite element). Thus, this conditioning MUMPS respects the
physique of the discretized problem. It does not dip back the problem in the too rich
space of the full matrices.
Thus, the figure of conditioning displayed by MUMPS is much less pessimistic
than the standard calculation which another product can provide (Matlab,
Python…). But let us hammer, that it is only its product with the ‘backward error’, called
‘forward error’, which has an interest. And only, within the framework of a resolution of
system linear via MUMPS.

7.2.2 Perimeter of use

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It is a universal linear solvor. He is deployed for all the features of Code_Aster.

In addition, the use of solvor suffers from small not very frequent limitations and which one can
circumvent easily if necessary.
• In mode CONTINUATION one saves on file only objects FORTRAN77 ofAster and thus not
external occurrences of products (MUMPS, PETSc). Thus attention with the use of the orders
burst within this framework (NUME_DDL/FACTORISER/RESOUDRE). With MUMPS, it is not
possible of TO FACTORIZE or of TO SOLVE a linear system built at the time of a run
preceding Aster (with NUME_DDL).
• In the same way one limits the number of occurrence simultaneous of MUMPS (and PETSc)
to NMXINS=5. During the construction of its problem via burst orders, the user must take care
not to exceed this figure.

7.2.3 Parameter RENUM

This keyword makes it possible to control the tool used to renumber the linear system 11. The user
Aster can choose various tools divided into two families: the tools “frustrate” dedicated to a use and
provided with MUMPS (‘AMD‘,’MFA‘,’QAMD‘,’PORD‘), and, “rich’ libraries more and more “sophisticated”
that it is necessary to install separately (MONGREL ‘PARMETIS’/‘‘, ‘PTSCOTCH’/‘SCOTCH TAPE‘).

choice of the renumerotor a great importance has on consumption memory and time of the linear
solvor. If one seeks with to optimize/regulate the digital parameters bound to the linear solvor, this
parameter must be one of the first to be tested.

Product MUMPS breaks up its calculations into three stages (cf [R6.02.03] §1.6): phase of analysis,
digital factorization and descent-increase. In certain cases, the stage of analysis can prove to be
prevalent. Shears because the problem is numerically difficult (many blockings, connections or zones
of contact, incompressible elements…), that is to say because the two other stages were very reduced
thanks to parallelism (cf. [U2.08.06]). It can be then interesting to parallel this stage of analysis (via
MPI). That makes it possible to accelerate it and lower its consumption memory. This is carried out by
choosing one of the parallel renuméroteurs proposed: ‘PARMETIS' or ‘PTSCOTCH‘.
The choice of such a parallel renumerotor, if it often improves the performances of the stage of
analysis of MUMPS, can nevertheless degrade those of two other following stages MUMPS.
Nevertheless, if the principal problem were to reduce the concommation memory of this stage of
analysis or if the following stages of MUMPS profit from sufficient parallelism (or compression, cf
parameters ACCELERATION/LOW_RANK_SEUIL), the assessment can be overall positive.

In addition, at the time of parallel modal calculations (operator CALC_MODES), one sometimes
observed of speed-UPS disappointing because of an inappropriate choice of renumerotor. In this case
there one noted that the choice of a “sophisticated” renumerotor was against-performing. It is to better
impose on MUMPS simple ‘MFA‘or’QAMD‘, rather than’MONGREL‘or’PARMETIS‘(often taken
automatically in mode’CAR‘).

7.2.4 Parameter ELIM_LAGR2

Historically, direct linear solveurs of Code_Aster (‘MULT_FRONT’ and ‘LDLT‘) did not have D’ algorithm
swivelling (which seeks to avoid accumulations of rounding errors per division by very small terms). To
circumvent this problem, the taking into account of the limiting conditions by of Lagranges
(AFFE_CHAR_MECA/THER…) was modified by introducing Lagranges doubles. Formally, one does not
work with the initial matrix K 0

K 0= [ K
blocage u
0 lagr ]
but with its doubly dualized form K2

11 So, in particular, limiting the phenomenon of filling of factorized, cf [R6.02.03] §1.7.

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From where a overcost report and calculation.

K 2= blocage
blocage blocage u
1 lagr 1
−1 lagr 2 ]
Like MUMPS have faculties of swivelling, this choice of dualisation of the limiting conditions can be
called into question. By initializing this keyword with ‘YES’, one does not take any more account but
of one Lagrange, the other being spectator 12. From where a matrix of work K 1 simply dualized

K 1= blocage
blocage 0 u
0 lagr 1
−1 lagr 2 ]
smaller because the extra-diagonal terms of the lines and the columns associated with these
Lagranges spectators are then initialized to zero. A contrario, with the value ‘NOT’, MUMPS receives
the usual dualized matrices.

For problems comprising of many Lagranges (up to 20% of the numbers of total unknown
factors), the activation of this parameter is often paying (smaller matrix). But when this number
explodes (>20%), this perhaps against-productive process. The profits carried out on the matrix are
cancelled by the size of factorized and especially by the number of late swivellings that MUMPS must
carry out. To impose ELIM_LAGR2=' NON' can be then very interesting (for example: profit of 40% in
CPU on the CAS-test mac3c01).
One disconnect also temporarily this parameter when one wishes to calculate the determinant of
the matrix, because if not its value is distorted by these modifications of the terms of blocking. The
user is informed of this automatic modification of parameter setting by a message dedicated (visible in
INFO=2 only).

7.2.5 Parameter RESI_RELA

Value by default=-1.d0 into nonlinear and modal, 1.d-6 into linear.

This parameter is disabled by a negative value.

By specifying a strictly positive value with this keyword (e.g. 10 -6), the user indicates that it wishes to
test the validity of the solution of each linear system solved by MUMPS with the ell of this value.
This careful approach is advised when the solution is not it not even corrected by another algorithmic
process (algorithm of Newton, detection of singularity…) in short in the linear operators
THER_LINEAIRE and MECA_STATIQUE. Into nonlinear, the criterion of detection of singularity and the
correction of Newton are sufficient parapets. One can thus disconnect this process of control (it is what
is made by default via the value -1). Into modal, this detection of singularity is an algorithmic tool to
capture the clean modes. This detection is the object of a specific parameter setting dedicated to each
If the relative error on the solution estimated by MUMPS is higher than resi the code stops in
ERREUR_FATALE, by specifying the nature of the problem and the values accused.
The activation of this keyword initiates also a process of iterative refinement of which the objective is
to improve the solution obtained. This postprocessing profits from a particular parameter setting
(keyword POSTTRAITEMENTS). It is the solution resulting from this process of iterative improvement
which is tested by RESI_RELA.

• This process of control implies the estimate of matric conditioning and some descent-
increase of the postprocessing of iterative refinement. It can thus be enough expensive,
in particular in OOC, because of the I/O RAM/disque at the time of the descent-increase

12 To maintain the coherence of the structures of data and to keep a certain legibility/data-processing
maintainability, it is preferable “to bluff” the usual process while passing of K 2 with K 1 , rather than with
the optimal scenario K 0 .
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(up to 40%). When sufficient parapets is put in work one can disconnect it while
initializing resi with a negative value.

7.2.6 Parameters to optimize management memory (MUMPS and/or JEVEUX)

In general most of times calculation and peaks RAM reports of a simulation Code_Aster are ascribable
to the linear solveurs. The linear solvor MUMPS do not escape the rule but the wealth from its internal
parameter setting and its fine coupling with Code_Aster spare a certain flexibility with the user. In
particular with regard to the management of consumption in RAM memory.

In fact, at the time of a peak report occurring for a resolution of system linear via MUMPS, the RAM
memory can break up into 5 parts:
• Objects JEVEUX except the matrix,
• Objects JEVEUX associated with matrix (generally SD MATR_ASSE and NUME_DDL),
• Objects MUMPS allowing to store the matrix,
• Objects MUMPS allowing to store factorized,
• Objects MUMPS auxiliaries (pointer, vectors, buffers of communication…).

Coarsely, part 4 is most cumbersome. In particular, it is much larger than parts 2 and 3 (factor of at
least 30 due to the phenomenon of filling cf [R6.02.03]). These last are equivalent cuts some but one
is exerted in space reserved for JEVEUX, while the other, lives in the space complementary allocated
by the manager of task to the job. As for the two other parts, 1 and 5, they often play a marginal part 13.

To decrease this consumption memory, ituser Aster have several arms of lever (most of the time
• Parallel calculation centralized on N hearts (part 4 divided by n ) or distributed (parts 3 and
4 divided by n ).
• Distributed parallel calculation + MATR_DISTRIBUEE (perimeter of use limited): parts 3 and
4 divided by n , part 2 divided by a little less n .
• The activation ofOOC of MUMPS (keyword GESTION_MEMOIRE=‘OUT-OF-CORE'): part 4
decreases by the 2/3.
Knowing that before each call to the cycle ‘digital analyse+factorisation’ of MUMPS, one
systematically discharges on disc the largest objects JEVEUX part 2.

The Councils:
Within sight of the elements precedent, an obvious tactic consists in rather passing calculation in
parallel mode distributed (value by default) than into sequential. Centralized parallel mode not
bringing anything from this point of view 14, it is not to consider. If however, one remains dependent on
a particular mode, here the advices associated with each one:
• In sequential mode: the principal profits will come from activation from
GESTION_MEMOIRE=' OUT_OF_CORE' (on problems of reasonable size).
• In distributed parallel mode: passed about ten processors, itOUT_OF_CORE do not get much
any more of profit. MATR_DISTRIBUEE can then help in certain situations.

If these strategies do not bring profits sufficient, one can also try into nonlinear (at the cost of possible
losses of precision and/or time) to release the resolution of the linear system (FILTRAGE_MATRICE,
MIXER_PRECISION) even those of the process including (tangent matrix rubber band, reduction of
the space of projection into modal…). If the matrix is well conditioned and if one does not need to
detect the singularities of the problem (thus not modal calculation, buckling…), one can also try an
iterative solvor (GCPC/PETSC+LDLT_SP).

13 But not always. Thus part 1 can end up being expensive when one calculates much step of time, when one
charges with the projected fields or when a law of behavior handles many internal variables. In the same
way, part 5 can become considerable during a parallel calculation on a large number of processor.
14 It is mainly used to test and validate new developments as well as parallel studies.
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Solution Profit in RAM Overcost in time Loss of

memory precision
Parallelism +++ On the contrary, saving of time None
GESTION_MEMOIRE= ++ Weak except so many descent- None
‘OUT_OF_CORE’ increase
(limited perimeter)
Relieving of the ++ Variable Variable.
resolutions Possibility of
FILTRAGE_MATRICE, nonconvergen
(limited perimeter)
To change solvor: +++ Variable Variable.
GCPC/PETSC+LDLT_SP Possibility of
(limited perimeter) nonconvergen
Table 7.2-1. Synoptic of the various solutions allowing
to optimize the memory during a calculation with MUMPS.


To activate or disable faculties OOC of MUMPS who then will discharge entirely on disc the real part of
the blocks of factorized managed by each processor. This functionality is of course cumulable with
parallelism, from where a larger variety of operation to adapt to the contingencies of execution. The
OOC, just like parallelism, contribute to reduce the RAM memory required by processor. But of course
(a little) to the detriment of time CPU: price to be paid for the I/O for one, communications MPI for the

Caution: During a parallel calculation, if the number of processors is important, the size of objects
MUMPS déchargeables on disc becomes low. The passage in OOC can then prove to be against-
productive (weak profit in RAM and overcost in time) compared to the IC mode parameterized by
This phenomenon occurs all the more precociously as the size of the problem is low and it is all the
more sensitive as many descent-increase are carried out 15 in the solvor.
Roughly speaking16, below 50.103 degrees of freedom by processors and if one has sufficient RAM (3
or 4 Go) by processor, one can undoubtedly rock in IC.

• For the moment, during an execution MUMPS in OOC, only the vectors of real containing
factorized (entirely) are discharged on disc. The vectors of entireties accompanying this
structure of data (of size quite as important) do not profit yet from this mechanism. In
addition, this unloading does not take place that after the phase of analysis of MUMPS.
In short, on very large case (several million degrees of freedom), even with this OOC, of
the contingencies memories can prevent calculation. One leaves in theory with one
ERREUR_FATALE documented.
• In MUMPS, so as to optimize the occupation memory, the main part of the entireties is
coded in INTEGER*4. Only the entireties corresponding at an address memory are
transcribed in INTEGER*8. That makes it possible to address problems of bigger size, on
architectures 64 bits. this cohabitation short/long entireties to optimize the place memory
was extended to certain large objects JEVEUX.
• When Code_Aster finished assembling the matrix of work, before passing “the relay”
with MUMPS, it discharges on disc the largest objects JEVEUX dependent on the
resolution of the linear system (SMDI/HC, DEEQ, NUEAQ, VALM..). And this in order
to leave the most RAM possible place to MUMPS. In mode GESTION_MEMOIRE='

15 For example, in one STAT_NON_LINE with much of iterations of Newton and/or iterations of iterative
16 That depends much on the study.
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AUTO', if this place memory is not sufficient so that MUMPS functions in IC, one
supplements this release partial of objects JEVEUX by a general release of all the
releasable objects (i.e. nonopen in read/write). This operation can get much profits when
one “trails” in memory much objects JEVEUX peripherals (projection of fields, transitory
length…). On the other hand, this massive unloading can make waste time. In particular
in parallel mode because of cloggings of the access coeurs/RAM.

This parameter is usable in the operators MECA_STATIQUE, STAT_NON_LINE, DYNA_NON_LINE,
only in parallel is not distributed (AFFE_MODELE/ DISTRIBUTION METHOD equal other that
CENTRALIZE). This functionality is of course cumulable with GESTION_MEMOIRE=‘OUT_OF_CORE',
from where a larger variety of operation to adapt to the contingencies of execution.

In parallel mode, when the data are distributed JEVEUX upstream of MUMPS, one redécoupe not
inevitably structures of data concerned. With the option MATR_DISTRIBUEE=' NON', all the
distributed objects are allocated and initialized with the same size (the same value as into sequential).
On the other hand, each processor will modify only the parts of objects JEVEUX it has the load. This
scenario is particularly adapted to the distributed parallel mode of MUMPS (by default mode) because
this product gathers in-house these incomplete floods of data. Parallelism allows then, in addition to
savings of time calculation, to reduce the place memory required by the resolution MUMPS but not that
necessary to the construction of the problem in JEVEUX.

This is not awkward as long as RAM space for JEVEUX remain much lower than that necessary by
MUMPS. Like JEVEUX store mainly the matrix and MUMPS, its factorized (generally of tens of larger
time), the RAM bottleneck of calculation is theoretically on MUMPS. But as soon as one uses a few
tens of processors in MPI and/or that the OOC is activated, as MUMPS distributes this factorized by
processor and discharge these pieces on disc, the “ball returns in the camp of JEVEUX”.

From where the option MATR_DISTRIBUEE who recuts the matrix, with just of the nonworthless terms
for which the responsibility the processor has. Space JEVEUX required falls then with the number of
processors and goes down below RAM necessary to MUMPS. The results of figure 7.2-1 illustrate this
profit in parallel on two studies: a Pump LAUGH and the Epicure tank.

Figure 7.2-1: Evolution of RAM consumption (in Go) according to the number of processors, Code_Aster v11.0
(JEVEUX standard MATR_DISTRIBUE=' NON' and distributed, resp. ‘YES’) and of MUMPS OOC.
Calculations carried out on a Pump LAUGH (perf009) and on the tank of the study Epicure (perf011).

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• One treats here data resulting from an elementary calculation (RESU_ELEM and
CHAM_ELEM) or of a matric assembly (MATR_ASSE). Assembled vectors (CHAM_NO) are
not distributed because the induced profits report would be weak and, in addition, as they
intervene in the evaluation of many algorithmic criteria, that would imply too many
additional communications.
• In mode MATR_DISTRIBUE, to make the joint the end enters of MATR_ASSE room with
the processor and MATR_ASSE total (that one does not build), one adds a vector of
indirection in the form of one NUME_DDL room.

7.2.7 Parameters to reduce time calculation via various techniques of

These two keywords activate and of techniques of acceleration/compression of MUMPS
control . Those can significantly reduce the computing time of large studies, and this, without
restriction of the perimeter of use, and, with potentially little or not of impact on the precision, the
robustness and the total behavior of simulation.
They are generally interesting only on problems of big sizes (NR at least > 2.10 6 ddls) . noted
profits on some CAS-tests of performance and studies Aster vary 20% to 80% (examples of figures
7.2-2/7.2-3). They increase with the size of the problem, its massive character and they are
complementary to those gotten by parallelism and the renumerotor.

One supplements here the description of these features of the document [U4.50.01].

When one chose an acceleration based on compressions ‘low-rank’ (values ‘LR‘and’LR+‘keyword

ACCELERATION), the rate should be defined of these last. This rate is indicated by the keyword
LOW_RANK_SEUIL . It controls the criterion of truncation of the digital algorithm of compression 17.
Roughly speaking , more this figure is large, for example 10 -12 or 10 -9 , more compression will be
important and thus more the savings of time can be interesting.
However, if this value is too large (for example >10 -9 ), the factorized matrix can be too approximated
and the vector solution to prove thus too vague! In a nonlinear process it is not always so serious
because the algorithm of including Newton can correct the shooting!
On the other hand, into linear or to deal with numerically difficult problems (incompressible finite
elements, X-FEM…), it should then be made sure that the resolution included well the procedure of
post-treatments corrective (cf iterative refinement, keyword POSTTRAITEMENTS ). In fact, in this case
where when one seeks to establish a compromise between performance and precision, the value
POSTTRAITEMENTS=' MINI' (+ RESI_RELA<0 ) is often to privilege compared to the by default

To be exhaustive, let us note that the actual value of this keyword can also be worthless, compression
will be done then except for the precision machine, or to become negative, compression will use the
relative threshold then
The first value makes it possible to profit from a little compression without any impact on the precision
(for functional tests or expert testimonies).

17 Alternative with truncation of a factorization QR: RRQR for ‘Rank Revealing QR’.
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Figure 7.2-2: Example of profits gotten by compressions low-rank on the case benchmark perf008d
(parameters by default, management memory in OOC, N=2M, NNZ=80M, Facto_METIS4=7495M,
conditionnement=107). One traces, according to the number of activated processes MPI, the times
elapsed spent by all the stage of resolution of system linear in Code_Aster v13.1, his peak RAM
report, as well as the factor of acceleration gotten by BLR.

In short, the criterion of approximation of the algorithms of compression of MUMPS is fixed according
to the following rule:
truncation except for the precision machine.
the truncation of the algorithms of compression uses directly lr_seuil .
the truncation of the algorithms of compression is based on the relative threshold pointed
out above.

Figure 7.2-3: Example of profits gotten by compressions low-rank on the case benchmark perf009d
(parameters by default, management memory in OOC, N=5.4M, NNZ=209M, Facto_METIS4=5247M,
conditionnement=108). One traces, according to the number of activated processes MPI, the times
elapsed spent by all the stage of resolution of system linear in Code_Aster v13.1, his peak RAM
report, as well as the factor of acceleration gotten by BLR.

• For the moment, the profits of compressions low-rank relate to only the second phase of
calculation of MUMPS, that of digital factorization, which is often most expensive. These profits
thus depend on the importance of this stage compared to the other stages of the linear solvor
(construction on NUME_DDL, analyzes and descent-increase). Let us recall that one can easily
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trace the cost of this stage of factorization (item #1.3) by activating the detailed monitoring of the
costs in times of each stage of calculation (keyword DEBUT/MESURE_TEMPS [U1.03.03]).
• Apart from the tools for compressions in them-even, the strategy low-rank implies two
overcosts, one in the stage of analysis 18 and the other at the digital end of the factorization 19. But,
on the big problems, those are generally quickly compensated by the profits gotten by this
• For the moment these profits relate to only the computing time, consumption memories remain
similar even slightly higher (auxiliary vectors for compression) than those of a calculation ‘full-
rank’ standard.
• For reasonable thresholds of compressions (<10 -9) impact on the quality of the results and the
related ‘outputs’ (detection of singularity, calculation of determinant and the criterion of Sturm…)
are often negligible20 . Beyond that, it is not completely any more guaranteed. The good behavior
and the robustness of calculation can suffer from it. This parameter setting is to be limited to a
use “released” direct solvor or preconditionnor21 for an iterative solvor of Krylov.

18 Preselection of the eligible dense blocks and construction of the structures of data related.
19 The compressed dense blocks are decompressed after use before approaching the last stage of descent-
increase, because this one is still treated in ‘full-rank’. With terms, it will be it-also treated in ‘low-rank’ and
this overcost will disappear.
20 Concerning, the quality of the result it is all the more true, if the procedure of postprocessing were activated.
21 Features to come: for example for a use in time that direct solvor “released” (cf keywords
FILTRAGE_MATRICE/MIXER_PRECISION ) or as a preconditionnor (cf methods PETSc/GCPC + LDLT_SP
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