Selected Integrated Farming System Models PDF
Selected Integrated Farming System Models PDF
Selected Integrated Farming System Models PDF
Under National Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP), supported by The World Bank and
implemented by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (2006-14), an effort was made to
enhance income of the rural people living in selected disadvantaged regions through technology-
led innovation systems. Very often emphasis on one component in rural areas, particularly among
those people whose livelihood is threatened can not lead to overall livelihood improvement of a
household. Accordingly, interventions in IFS mode (crop-livestock-aquaculture) were planned and
demonstrated, keeping in view the overall need of the area, available technological options, market
accessibility both for input and produce etc.
Indian Farming
January 2018
Fig. 2. Integrated rice-fish vegetable model at Jalkuwari
Indian Farming
January 2018
Fig. 4. Integrated makhana-fish-singhara system
The models and estimated income were as follows: Research Institute, Izatnagar, was
Category Model Input cost Output evaluated for its profitability and
(`/annum) (`/annum) reduced use of chemicals in
Landless/sub-marginal Poultry (300 chicks × 4 cycles), 21,000 255,000 commercial crops like tomato and
farmers Bovine (3-5 no.), Azolla, Fodder banana with adopters and non-
on rented/waste land adopters. The studies were conducted
Small landholders Banana (300 seedling), Poultry 36,600 380,000 in two major banana and tomato
(1 acre) (200×4 cycle), Fodder, Gladiolus/veg, growing areas of the Barabanki
Dairy (6-8 adult), Azolla district (Trivediganj and Haidergarh).
Landholding (1 ha) Banana (460 seedling), Poultry 504,000 1,125,000 Results showed an overall increase
(200×4 cycle), Guava (60 plants) in yield up to 22.43 and 15.62% in
Goats (30), Gladiolus/veg. the adopters of tomato and banana
Dairy (20 adult), Azolla
which simultaneously increased the
gross profitability to 20.11 and
‘Kadaknath’ is native to Jhabua beneficiary (Fig. 5). The farmers 17.39%, respectively. The use of
district of Madhya Pradesh. This were educated on technologies for plant-protection chemicals was 47.33
breed is famous for its meat quality, scientific poultry production, balance and 33.36% lower than the non-
texture, and flavour and has special feeding, handling of feeder and adopters in tomato and banana,
medicinal value in homeopathy. Due drinkers, health management and respectively. Adopters gained an
to its meat and alleged medicinal marketing. This new Kadaknath average gross income of ` 2.78 lakh
properties, it fetches high price and is production technology reduced the from one acre while the non-adopters
in high demand in Madhya Pradesh mortality rate from more than 50% obtained a gross profit of ` 2.36 lakh
and adjoining states. However, it was to 10-12%. The birds gained the from one acre of crop. Adopters
observed that the population of this body weight in faster way and sprayed their crops with pesticide /
bird was declining rapidly and it was attained saleable weight of 1.10 kg in fungicide combination only for 7.333
under threat of extinction and genetic 105-120 days. On an average, an times while the non-adopters used
erosion. An attempt was therefore individual beneficiary got the net chemical sprays for 11.067 times.
made for conservation and income of ` 90,000 to 1,00,000 /
promotion of this high value Indian beneficiary/ year. Due to success of Introduction of high value vegetable
poultry race under NAIP by this intervention, number of low cultivation under three tier system
RVSKVV, Gwalior. A suitably cost poultry sheds have increased to Under this system, three models
designed low cost shed and one 162 and are further increasing. A were introduced in backward districts
hundred poultry chicks of ten days hatchery was further supported by of Bihar by ICAR Research Complex
old were made available to each NAIP to ensure supply of chicks. for Eastern Region, Patna and
farmers were able to grow three
Impact of CSR-BIO on increasing the different vegetables on the same piece
profitability of horticultural crops of land at a time. The cost benefit
The CSR-BIO is a product ratio of the three models was 1:3.78,
developed using consortia of effective 1:3.22 and 1:2.53 respectively. The
synergistic microbes in combination economics of the three tier models is
with dynamic patented media and given in Table 1.
dynamic substrate to cater the The intervention has made a big
growth requirement of commercial impact in and around Vaishali
crops in soils of pH 9.0 to 9.35. CSR district. The area under three tier
BIO, developed under NAIP by system increased from 72 NAIP
Fig. 5. Conservation of Kadaknath poultry consortia led by Indian Veterinary supported household to 220
Indian Farming
January 2018
Table 1. Income from three tier vegetable system in Vaishali (Bihar) Farming System mode covering crop-
Model Upper Middle Lower Net Income, livestock-aquaculture were planned
Rs/year and demonstrated, considering the
1 Bitter gourd Cowpea Elephant foot yam 3,60,000 overall need of the area, available
(Cv. Palee) (Pusa Komal) technological options, market
2 Pointed gourd Okra Cucumber (Kareena) 2,29,000 accessibility both for input and
(Cv. Dandari) (Parbhani Kranti) produce etc. These resulted in
3 Pointed gourd Okra Amranthus 2,25,000 increased percolation; reduced
(cv. Dandari) (Okra Anamika)
evaporation due to subsurface
storage; low risk of breaching/
additional household. This moves downward to be retained and damage in heavy rain; the natural
intervention was also demonstrated available in the soil profile for longer drainage line is not disturbed and
in north Bengal and NEH area by time in the fields located in the valley further development of washes,
respective consortia. portions; reduced downstream flash gullies stopped due to controlled
Off-site benefits : These benefits flood due to in-situ water runoff movement; low-cost as
include the construction of terraced conservation; increased stream flow compared to check dam and simple
portion and sunken ponds has in dry season; and reduced technology easily understood by
reduced the runoff movement and downstream siltation. Thus, it is a farmers.
soil erosion process in the fields in simple technology, which only
the valley portion tremendously; the requires de-silting of the sunken
lower fields are getting sufficient ponds after few seasons. 1
Residence: 142/GH-13, Paschim Vihar, Delhi
moisture as the runoff water retained 110087. Corresponding authors’ e mail:
in the treated area gets percolate and SUMMARY [email protected]
recharge the soil moisture profile and The interventions in Integrated
Indian Farming
January 2018