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Indian Farming 68(01): 13–16; January 2018

Selected integrated farming system models

for enhanced income
A. P. Srivastava1
Former National Co-ordinator (NAIP),
Krishi Anusandhan Bhavan II, New Delhi 110 012

Under National Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP), supported by The World Bank and
implemented by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (2006-14), an effort was made to
enhance income of the rural people living in selected disadvantaged regions through technology-
led innovation systems. Very often emphasis on one component in rural areas, particularly among
those people whose livelihood is threatened can not lead to overall livelihood improvement of a
household. Accordingly, interventions in IFS mode (crop-livestock-aquaculture) were planned and
demonstrated, keeping in view the overall need of the area, available technological options, market
accessibility both for input and produce etc.

Key words: Income, Integrated farming system, Models

S OME of the Integrated Farming

System models demonstrated
with success are discussed here. These
are integrated rice–fish-poultry farming
system in 12 villages of Cuddalore,
Villupuram, Nagapattinam and
Thiruvannamalai districts of Tamil
Nadu at Annamalai University;
Integrated rice-fish farming model at
Asom Agricultural University in
Lakhimpur, Kokrajhar and Karbi
Anglong districts; Makhana was
integrated with fish and water
chestnut to enhance farmers income
as compared to makhana alone at
ICAR Reseach Complex for Eastern
Region, Patna; Integrated pig/ poultry- Fig. 1. Integrated rice-fish-poultry model
fish-vegetable farming system model in
Lakhimpur, Kokrajhar and Nadu (Fig. 1). The intervention ranged from 17 to 27%.
Karbianglong districts of Assam included transplanted rice in 200 m2
under Assam Agricultural University, area, 20 poultry birds kept in cages of Integrated rice-fish-vegetable model
Jorhat etc. size 1.8 m × 1.2 m × 1 m and 100 Integrated rice-fish farming model
fingerlings (Rohu, Mrigal, Catla, followed by vegetable crops, utilizing
Integrated rice–fish–poultry farming Common Carp) in trench of 20 m2 the residual moisture and nutrients
system area. The results indicated annual added by activities of fish, was
Annamalai University increase in net return per household promoted in a total area of 160 ha by
demonstrated integrated rice–fish- by ` 33,000/- to ` 50,500/ha/year Assam Agricultural University in
poultry farming system on 430 farm for two and three crops, respectively. Lakhimpur, Kokrajhar and Karbi
holdings in 12 villages of Cuddalore, Poultry manure addition due to Anglong districts (Fig. 2). A unit
Villupuram, Nagapattinam and poultry dropping was 11.4 to 19.6 area of 2,800 m2 was put under this
Thiruvannamalai districts of Tamil tonne/ha and also pest suppression system. Major emphasis was on

Indian Farming
January 2018
Fig. 2. Integrated rice-fish vegetable model at Jalkuwari

replacing the existing low yielding Integrated pig/

rice varieties with high-yielding poultry-fish-
varieties like Ranjit, Gitesh, Jalashree vegetable farming Fig. 3. Integrated pig-poultry-fish-vegetable system
Trenches were made on the sides of system model
rice field with a depth of 0.6 m and About 98% of total population of present yield of redgram in Bidar
0.6 m width to accommodate the fish backward districts of Asom lives in district are 2,700 kg/ha and 829 kg/
species (Rohu, Mrigal, Catla, the rural areas. Pig rearing is one of ha respectively. To bridge this yield
Common carp and Silver carp). After the alternative livelihood options for gap (1,871 kg/ha) redgram
harvesting rice crop, vegetables most of the people. However, they transplanting was considered an
(french bean, chilli and knolkhol) are mostly rearing local breed in the viable option. To further add to the
were cultivated in the field. Net backyard with poor condition. As a income, an Integration Farming
economic benefit per household per result, income from pig rearing is System model of Redgram (BSMR-
annum from this intervention was less. Integrated farming system with 736) and Bengalgram (JG-11) crop
` 29,000.00. Rice production cross breed pigs/poultry, fish and with vermi-composting, Azolla
increased from 2.97 tonne/ha horticulture as well as improved cultivation and poultry was
(baseline value) to 4.6 tonne/ha. method of rearing was demonstrated developed and demonstrated in Bidar
Besides, beneficiary farmers got an for enhanced income, by Asom district of Karnataka. Integrated
average of 41 kg fish and 1.7 tonnes Agricultural University, Jorhat in model was productive and profitable
vegetable from 2,800 m2 rice fields. Lakhimpur, Kokrajhar and as it has generated an average income
Karbianglong districts of Asom of ` 1,53,200/HH/year to 240
Integration of makhana with fish and (Fig. 3). The results indicated that on households (H H) against an average
singhara (water chestnut) an average a farmer can get an pre intervention income of ` 63,700.
Makhana was integrated with fish income of ` 54,500/ and ` 90,000
and water chestnut to enhance from poultry- fish- vegetable and pig- Specialized integrated farming system
farmers income as compared to fish- vegetable system, respectively. model
makhana alone at ICAR Reseach The Specialized Integrated
Complex for Eastern Region, Patna Redgram-based integrated farming Farming System (SIFS) is ‘Practice
(Fig. 4). The technology was system for Bidar, Karnataka of integrated farming system in
demonstrated in an area of 50 ha Redgram or pigeon pea (Cajanus which, while each component is
with 96 beneficiaries in Darbhanga cajan) is popularly known as Tur or interdependent but perform to its
Sadar Block. The results revealed Arahar in India. It is one of the optimum level and one or more
that makhana gave a total net profit major pulse crop of northern components can be raised to the level
of ` 7,90,636 with an employment Karnataka. It is one of the most where it serves the level of self-
generation of 9,437 man-days per important commercial crops of employment venture’. Based on
year; fish showed an additional net dryland farmers. Bidar district is studies conducted in Barabanki and
income of ` 4,65,677 with an considered as pulse bowl of Raebareilly district in Uttar Pradesh,
employment generation of 889 Karnataka where in pulses like a different model each for landless,
man-days/year whereas water blackgram, greengram, redgram and small landholders and marginal
chestnut generated an additional net Bengalgram are major crops farmers was recommended.
income of ` 25,010 with an cultivated in an area of 206,717 ha.
employment generation of 335 Among these pulses, the share of Enhanced income through high value
mandays/year. redgram is to the extent of 65,642 poultry race ‘Kadaknath’
ha. As estimated, the potential and An Indian poultry breed,

Indian Farming
January 2018
Fig. 4. Integrated makhana-fish-singhara system

The models and estimated income were as follows: Research Institute, Izatnagar, was
Category Model Input cost Output evaluated for its profitability and
(`/annum) (`/annum) reduced use of chemicals in
Landless/sub-marginal Poultry (300 chicks × 4 cycles), 21,000 255,000 commercial crops like tomato and
farmers Bovine (3-5 no.), Azolla, Fodder banana with adopters and non-
on rented/waste land adopters. The studies were conducted
Small landholders Banana (300 seedling), Poultry 36,600 380,000 in two major banana and tomato
(1 acre) (200×4 cycle), Fodder, Gladiolus/veg, growing areas of the Barabanki
Dairy (6-8 adult), Azolla district (Trivediganj and Haidergarh).
Landholding (1 ha) Banana (460 seedling), Poultry 504,000 1,125,000 Results showed an overall increase
(200×4 cycle), Guava (60 plants) in yield up to 22.43 and 15.62% in
Goats (30), Gladiolus/veg. the adopters of tomato and banana
Dairy (20 adult), Azolla
which simultaneously increased the
gross profitability to 20.11 and
‘Kadaknath’ is native to Jhabua beneficiary (Fig. 5). The farmers 17.39%, respectively. The use of
district of Madhya Pradesh. This were educated on technologies for plant-protection chemicals was 47.33
breed is famous for its meat quality, scientific poultry production, balance and 33.36% lower than the non-
texture, and flavour and has special feeding, handling of feeder and adopters in tomato and banana,
medicinal value in homeopathy. Due drinkers, health management and respectively. Adopters gained an
to its meat and alleged medicinal marketing. This new Kadaknath average gross income of ` 2.78 lakh
properties, it fetches high price and is production technology reduced the from one acre while the non-adopters
in high demand in Madhya Pradesh mortality rate from more than 50% obtained a gross profit of ` 2.36 lakh
and adjoining states. However, it was to 10-12%. The birds gained the from one acre of crop. Adopters
observed that the population of this body weight in faster way and sprayed their crops with pesticide /
bird was declining rapidly and it was attained saleable weight of 1.10 kg in fungicide combination only for 7.333
under threat of extinction and genetic 105-120 days. On an average, an times while the non-adopters used
erosion. An attempt was therefore individual beneficiary got the net chemical sprays for 11.067 times.
made for conservation and income of ` 90,000 to 1,00,000 /
promotion of this high value Indian beneficiary/ year. Due to success of Introduction of high value vegetable
poultry race under NAIP by this intervention, number of low cultivation under three tier system
RVSKVV, Gwalior. A suitably cost poultry sheds have increased to Under this system, three models
designed low cost shed and one 162 and are further increasing. A were introduced in backward districts
hundred poultry chicks of ten days hatchery was further supported by of Bihar by ICAR Research Complex
old were made available to each NAIP to ensure supply of chicks. for Eastern Region, Patna and
farmers were able to grow three
Impact of CSR-BIO on increasing the different vegetables on the same piece
profitability of horticultural crops of land at a time. The cost benefit
The CSR-BIO is a product ratio of the three models was 1:3.78,
developed using consortia of effective 1:3.22 and 1:2.53 respectively. The
synergistic microbes in combination economics of the three tier models is
with dynamic patented media and given in Table 1.
dynamic substrate to cater the The intervention has made a big
growth requirement of commercial impact in and around Vaishali
crops in soils of pH 9.0 to 9.35. CSR district. The area under three tier
BIO, developed under NAIP by system increased from 72 NAIP
Fig. 5. Conservation of Kadaknath poultry consortia led by Indian Veterinary supported household to 220

Indian Farming
January 2018
Table 1. Income from three tier vegetable system in Vaishali (Bihar) Farming System mode covering crop-
Model Upper Middle Lower Net Income, livestock-aquaculture were planned
Rs/year and demonstrated, considering the
1 Bitter gourd Cowpea Elephant foot yam 3,60,000 overall need of the area, available
(Cv. Palee) (Pusa Komal) technological options, market
2 Pointed gourd Okra Cucumber (Kareena) 2,29,000 accessibility both for input and
(Cv. Dandari) (Parbhani Kranti) produce etc. These resulted in
3 Pointed gourd Okra Amranthus 2,25,000 increased percolation; reduced
(cv. Dandari) (Okra Anamika)
evaporation due to subsurface
storage; low risk of breaching/
additional household. This moves downward to be retained and damage in heavy rain; the natural
intervention was also demonstrated available in the soil profile for longer drainage line is not disturbed and
in north Bengal and NEH area by time in the fields located in the valley further development of washes,
respective consortia. portions; reduced downstream flash gullies stopped due to controlled
Off-site benefits : These benefits flood due to in-situ water runoff movement; low-cost as
include the construction of terraced conservation; increased stream flow compared to check dam and simple
portion and sunken ponds has in dry season; and reduced technology easily understood by
reduced the runoff movement and downstream siltation. Thus, it is a farmers.
soil erosion process in the fields in simple technology, which only
the valley portion tremendously; the requires de-silting of the sunken
lower fields are getting sufficient ponds after few seasons. 1
Residence: 142/GH-13, Paschim Vihar, Delhi
moisture as the runoff water retained 110087. Corresponding authors’ e mail:
in the treated area gets percolate and SUMMARY [email protected]
recharge the soil moisture profile and The interventions in Integrated

National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture

The National Mission For Sustainable base/assets available/created through prioritize and approve projects under
Agriculture (NMSA) is one of the eight watershed development and soil NMSA. Standing Technical Committee
Missions outlined under National Action conservation activities /interventions under (STC) will provide knowledge support and
Plan on Climate Change. The strategies MGNREGA, RKVY, IWMP etc. It will rely on technical feed back to the PSC and NAC to
and programme of action outlined in the Integrated Farming System (IFS) for decide the policy content or change in any
Mission Document, that was accorded ‘in enhancing productivity and minimizing risks component if required. CRIDA, CAZRI,
principle’ approval by Prime Minister’s associated with climatic variabilities. ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region
Council on Climate Change, aim at (ii) On Farm Water Management: This and selected SAUs will be represented in
promoting sustainable agriculture through will focus primarily on enhancing water use the STC. At State level, State Level
seventeen deliverables focusing on ten key efficiency by promoting efficient on-farm Committee will oversee planning and
dimensions of Indian agriculture. During XII water management technologies and implementation of the Mission. States may
Five-Year Plan, these measures are being equipment. set up an autonomous State Mission for
embedded and mainstreamed onto on- (iii) Soil-health Management: The soil- Sustainable Agriculture for implementation
going/proposed Missions/ Progammes/ health management will aim at promoting of NMSA. At district level, District Mission
Schemes of Department of Agriculture and location as well as crop specific sustainable Committee will be entrusted with project
Cooperation through a process of soil-health management including residue formulation, implementation and monitoring
restructuring and convergence. The NMSA management, organic farming practices by of NMSA. NMSA envisages concerted
as a restructured Mission for XII Plan shall way of creating and linking soil fertility maps mechanism for monitoring and evaluation
cater to 5 Mission Deliverables. Remaining with macro- , micro- nutrient management, with involvement of scientific institutions
Mission Deliverables are being addressed appropriate land use based on land type, and implementing agencies including line
through other Missions/ Schemes including judicious application of fertilizers and departments. Information and
those by DARE and DAHD&F. The NMSA minimizing soil erosion. communication technology will be deployed
has been conceptualized by subsuming (iv) Climate Change and Sustainable extensively for ensuring transparency in the
Rainfed Area Development programme, Agriculture: Monitoring, Modelling and implementation process and effective
National Mission on Micro-Irrigation, Networking monitoring of the Mission.
National Project on Organic Farming, This networking will provide creation and OUTCOME
National Project on Management of Soil- dissemination of climate change related
health and Fertility and Soil and Land Use information and knowledge by way of NMSA is expected to transform Indian
Survey of India under its domain. NMSA will piloting climate change adaptation/ agriculture into a climate resilient production
accord special focus for development of mitigation research/model projects in the system through suitable adaptation and
rainfed areas, resource conservation, water domain of climate smart sustainable mitigation measures in the domains of both
use efficiency and soil health management. management practices and integrated crop husbandry and animal husbandry.
NMSA will also replicate the learning of the farming systems suitable to local agro- These measures will help in absorption of
National Initiatives of Climate Resilient climatic conditions. improved technology and best practices
Agriculture being implemented by ICAR in and promote suitable coping mechanisms
select blocks on pilot basis. The proposal is Programme implementation for climatic and non-climatic stresses.
being processed for consideration of NMSA will have a three tier structure for While primary focus of NMSA will be on
Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs. planning, implementation and monitoring of conservation and sustainable use of natural
various components. At national level, resources for food and livelihood security, it
Programme components: National Advisory Committee (NAC) under will also expand its coverage primarily to
(i) Rainfed Area Development: This Chairmanship of Secretary (A&C) will rainfed areas by integrating farming
component has been formulated in a provide overall guidance for planning. systems with livestock and fisheries, so that
‘watershed plus framework’, i.e., to explore Project Sanctioning Committee (PSC) agricultural production continues to grow in
potential utilization of natural resources chaired by Mission Director, NMSA will a sustainable manner.

Indian Farming
January 2018

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