Data Book

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Indicate your answer as

(a) if the data in statement I alone are sufficient to answer the question;
(b) if the data in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question;
(c) if the data in either in I or II alone are sufficient to answer the question;
(d) if the data even in both the statements together are not sufficient to answer
the question;
(e) if the data in both the statements together are needed;
2. A wheel of radius 2 meters is turning at a constant speed. How many revolutions
does it make in time T?
I:T = 20 minutes.
II: The speed at which a point on the circumference of the wheel is moving is 3
meters per minute.
1) a 2) b 3) c 4) d 5) e
3. Are the integers x, y and z consecutive?
I: The arithmetic mean (average) of x, y and z is y. II. y-x = z-y
1) a 2) b 3) c 4) d 5) e
4. If a and b are both positive, what percent of b is a?
I a = 3/11 II b/a = 20 1) a 2) b 3) c 4) d
5. Is the length of a side of equilateral triangle E less than the length of a side
of square F?
I: The perimeter of E and the perimeter of F are equal.
II: The ratio of the height of triangle E to the diagonal of square F is 2(Root
of3): 3(Root of 2)
1) a 2) b 3) c 4) d 5) e
6. How many ewes (female sheep) in a flock of 50 sheep are black?
I: There are 10 rams (male sheep) in the flock. II: Forty percent of the
animals are black.
1) a 2) b 3) c 4) d 5) e
Direction (Q7-Q11): A museum curator must group 9 paintings F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M,
N, O in 12 spaces numbered consecutively from 1-12. The paintings must be in three
groups, each group representing a different century. The groups must be separated
from each other by at least one unused wall space. Three of the paintings are from
the 18th century, two from the 19th century, and four from the 20th century. Unused
wall spaces cannot occur within groups. G and J are paintings from different
centuries. J, K and L are all paintings from the same century. Space no. 5 is
always empty. F and M are 18th century paintings. N is a 19th century painting.
7. If space 4 is to remain empty which of the following is true?
1) Space no. 10 must be empty.
2) The groups of paintings must be hung in chronological order by century.
3) An 18th century painting must be hung in space 3.
4) A 19th century painting must be hung in space 1.
8. If the 20th century paintings are hung in spaces 1-4 which of the following
cannot true?
1) Space 8 is unused 2) Space 9 is unused 3) F is hung in space 6
4) N is hung in space 9
9. If the paintings are hung in reverse chronological order by century, the unused
wall spaces could be
1) 1, 5 and 10 2) 1, 6 and 10 3) 4, 7 and 8 4) 5,
8 and 12
10. Which of the following is a space that cannot be occupied by a 19th century
1) Space 1 2) Space 6 3) Space 8 4) Space 11
11. If J hangs in Space 11, which of the following is a possible arrangement for
spaces 8 and 9?
1) F in 8 and M in 9 2) K in 8 and G in 9 3) N in 8 and G in 9
4) 8 is unused and H in 9
12. A can do a work in 8 days, B can do a work in 7 days, C can do a work in 6
days. A works on the first day, B works on the second day and C on the third day
respectively that is they work on alternate days. When will they finish the work. (
which day will they finish the work)
1) 7 7/168 days 2) 7 11/168 days 3) 8 7/168 days 4) 11 7/168 days
13. Convert 100 111 000 from binary to base 8 1) 460 2) 470 3) 480
4) 490
14. A dice is numbered from 1 to 6 in different ways. If 1 is adjacent to 2, 4 and
6, then which of the following statements is necessarily true?
1) 2 is opposite to 6 2) 1 is adjacent to 3 3) 3 is adjacent to 5
4) 3 is opposite to 5
15. In a club there are male and female members. If 15 female quit then the number
of females will become double the number of males. If 45 males quit no. of female
becomes five times the number of males. Find the number of females.
1) females:170,males:85 2) females:175,males:80 3) females:160,males:85 4)
16. A dice is numbered from 1 to 6 in different ways if 1 is opposite to 5 and 4 is
opposite to 3, then
1) 4 is adjacent to 3 and 6 2) 4 is adjacent to 2 and 6 3) 4 is adjacent to 5 and
6 4) 6 is adjacent to 3 and 4
17. A train travels in 36 kmph. How many meters it will travel in 3 minutes.
1) 1800 2) 5000 3) 1.8 4) 180
18. Four usual dice are thrown on the ground. The total of numbers on the top faces
of these four dice is 13 as the top faces showed 4, 3, 1 and 5 respectively. What
is the total of the faces touching the ground?
1) 12 2) 13 3) 15 4) Cannot be determined
19. The octal equivalent to the binary (11010)2 is
1) 26 2) 28 3) 24 4) 32
20. A dice is numbered from 1 to 6 in different ways. If 1 is opposite to 5 and 2
is opposite to 3, then
1) 4 is adjacent to 3 and 6 2) 2 is adjacent to 4 and 6 3) 4 is adjacent to 5
and 6 4) 6 is adjacent to 3 and 4
21. Today is Monday .After 61 days, it will be _______?
A)Wednesday B)Saturday C)Tuesday D)Thursday
22. The last day of a century cannot be ________?
A)Tuesday B)Wednesday C)Thursday D)Friday
23. The angel of elevation of a ladder leaning against a wall is 60 degrees and the
foot of the ladder is 4.6 mts away from the wall. The length of the ladder is
A)7.8 m B)8.7m C)2.3m D)4.6 m
24. What percentage of numbers from 1 to 70 have square that end in the digit 1?
A)1 B)14 C)20 D)21
25. Two numbers A and B are such that the sum of 5% of A and 4% of B is two �third
of the sum of 6% of A and 8%of B. Find the ratio of A:B?
A)3:4 B)4:3 C)2:3 D)1:1
26. What is the sum of two consecutive even numbers, the difference of whose
squares is 84?
A)42 B)46 C)49 D)36
27. Introducing Suchendra, Naman says,�She is the wife of only nephew of only
brother of my mother.� How Suchendra is related to Naman?
A)Wife B)Sister C)Sister-in-law D)Data is inadequate
28. If A+B means A is the sister of B;A*B means A is the wife of B,A%B means A is
the father of B and A-B means A is the brother of B. Which of the following means T
is the daughter of P?
29. If P$Q means P is the brother of Q;P#Qmeans P is the mother of Q;P*Q means P is
the daughter of Q in A # B $ C * D,who is the father? A)B
30. A,s son B is married with C whose sister D is married to E the brother of B.
How D is related to A?
A) Sister B)Sister-in-law C)Daughter�s-in-law D) Cousin
31. Mayur Sait can complete making of a sofa set consisting of three pieces in 60
hours. He was able to complete this job in 40 hours with the assistance of Ganguly.
If Mayur Sait received Rs.12600 as his share for the work done, how much would both
Mayur and Ganguly would have charged for this work?
a) Rs 18900 b) Rs 25200 c) Rs16000 d) none of these.
32. Gopalakrishna Gandhi can complete work of painting a house in 36 hours.
Ramakrishna Mukhopadhyay can complete the same work of painting a house in 24
hours. Both of them work together and complete the painting work and receive Rs.
90000 as total contract amount, how much will Gopalakrishna Gandhi get out of this?
a) Rs 54000 b) Rs 36000 c)Rs 48000 d) none of these.
33. Venkatesan can complete a job in 48 hours. Balajee can complete the same job in
72 hours. Both of them worked together for twelve hours. A dispute arose between
the two and Balajee left the work incomplete. Thereafter Venkatesan took the help
of Adhvaith and completed the job in another 24 hours. The total compensation for
the work done was Rs. 49200. How much Adhvaith has to be paid for the work done by
a) Rs.3600 b)Rs.2400 c)Rs.6400 d)Rs.4100
34. Akilan and Ramesh Raman are good friends. On a Friday, they went to a
restaurant near their college. After the dinner, both of them hired a bicycle each
and left to their places in opposite directions. Akilan started cycling towards
north at 10 kmph and Ramesh Raman started cycling at 8 kmph towards south. It was 8
pm when they started. If their residences are 45 kms apart, by what time both would
have reached their homes?
(a) 10.00 PM (b) 10.30PM (c)11.00PM (d)11.30 PM
35. The great Chinese mathematician, Lee Quan used to write fantastic stories in
which he embedded a number of brain teasers and curious puzzles.In one of his
famous books, he created a character Tory. Tory travels to dream worlds and meets
strange persons like Green King and Mare Harch.After conversing with Tory in their
dreams both Green King and Mare Harch started moving in clouds towards each other.
Green King moved at a speed of 1200 kmph and Mare moved at a speed of 1800 kmph.
The initial distance between them was 6000 Km. After flying they met each other
exactly at 2.00 AM. Can you guess the time when they last conversed with Tory ?
(a) 3.00AM (b) 10. 00 PM (c) 12.00AM (d) 1.00 AM
36. Roshan and Kishan are good friends. Roshan purchased a second hand Ferrari free
of duty for Rs 84 lakhs. Kishan can drive his Mercedes at an average speed of 44 km
per hour while Roshan was able to drive Ferari 3 times faster than Kishan. After a
nice garden dinner in a Full Moon day they moved in opposite directions with the
above stated speeds. When will both Roshan and Kishan would be 880 kilo meters
apart from each other?
(a)4 hrs after (b)4 � hours after (c) 5 hours after (d) 5 � hours
37. Ritika is a student of a famous Engineering College in Ongole. She wanted to
buy a mobile phone but she is not inclined to disturb her father who is a farmer. A
local Bank was ready to extend a loan for purchase of mobiles by students on simple
interest. She chose a phone that costs 1500. The interest rate on the loan is 12%.
If the loan is to be paid back in weekly installments over 2 years, calculate:
1. The amount of interest paid over two years
2. The total amount to be paid back
3. The weekly payment amount
(a) 300, 1800, 18 (b) 320, 1820, 22 (c) 350, 1850, 25 (d) 360,1860,
38. Sherin, wanted to buy two mobile phones, one for her personal use and another
for official use. She is keen to have two phones and two numbers to monitor the
expenses. Another reason for her to buy a dedicated phone for official use is the
availability of a provision to claim official phone expenses. Sherin borrowed two
loans at simple interest, one for Rs.1800 at 7% per annum and the other for Rs.1700
at 8% per annum for the same period. She paid Rs.1310/- as total interest. Find the
period for which she borrowed the money.
(a) 3 years (b) 6 years (c) 5 years (d) 6 (1/2) years
39. Ganesh is running a cool drinks shop near the famous Tiruchanoor temple. There
is a large flow of traffic of tourists all through the day. The temple authorities
do not permit the tourists to bring mobile phones inside the temple. Ganesh safe
keeps mobiles of tourists for a fee of Rs.10/- per mobile.He also sells a few
brands of mobiles to tourists who want to buy new ones for a price. Julius, a
tourist wanted to buy a mobile from Ganesh. The selling price of the mobile was
Rs.3900/-. Julius was not having enough money and persuaded Ganesh to take a
cheque. The tourist issued a cheque for Rs.4750/- and took the difference amount in
cash from Ganesh. Ganesh did not have a bank account for himself and so he
preferred to hand over the cheque to his sister�s husband and took the amount less
Rs.50/- towards bank charges. 5 days later, Ganesh received a phone call from his
brother in law that the cheque given by Julius was returned unpaid.Bank charged
Rs.100/- as handling charges. Ganesh's efforts to trace Julius was not fruitful.
Ganesh paid the amount + 100 to his brother in law and took back the cheque. The
cost price of the mobile was 3120/-. How much actual and notional gain or loss is
made by Ganesh in the whole transaction?
(a) Loss 4120 and 4900 (b) Loss 4210 and 4980 (c) Gain 4900 and 5700 (d)
Gain 3900 and 4700
40. In the General Body meeting of "Saidapet Friends Recreation Club", a discussion
about improving infrastructure was held between members. At the end of the
discussion, the Secretary said, "Costs to the Club will Rs 31200 and I propose that
this expense be equally bared by the members". Everyone agreed to the proposal.
However, after the infrastructure improvement project, four members resigned from
the club leaving the remaining members to pay an extra Rs 260 each. How many
members did the Recreation Club originally have?
(a) 24 (b) 32 (c ) 36 (d) 38
41. A batsman scores 23 runs and increases his average from 15 to 16. find the runs
to be made if he wants top inc the average to 18 in the same match. 1) 48 2) 45
3) 36 4) 39
42. Convert 3 from decimal to base 2 1) 0011 2) 0100 3) 0101 4)
43. A man sells apples. First he gives half of the total apples what he has and a
half apple. Then he gives half of the remaining and a half apple. He gives it in
the same manner. After 7 times all are over. How many apples did he initially have?
1) 126 2) 127 3) 256 4) 257
44. A dice is numbered from 1 to 6 in different ways. If 1 is adjacent to 2, 3 and
5, then which of the following statements is necessarily true?
1) 4 is adjacent to 6 2) 2 is adjacent to 5 3) 1 is adjacent to 6 4) 1 is
adjacent to 4
45. The sum of (6E)16 and (3B)12 is
1) 157 base 10 2) 137 base 11 3) 166 base 8 4) 192 base
Direction (Q46-Q47): Marks A as answer if statement 1 alone is sufficient to
answer the question
Marks B as answer if statement 2 alone is sufficient to answer the question
Marks C as answer if statement 1 and 2 together are sufficient to answer the
question but neither statement alone is sufficient to answer the question
Mark D as answer if both statement 1 or statement 2 is sufficient to answer the
46. What is the difference between monthly income of Ram and Chaaru
Statement 1: Ram earns Rs 6000 less than Shaam Statement 2: Chaaru earns Rs 6000
more than Shaam.
1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D
47. Is x divisible by 28?
Statement 1: x is divisible by 20 Statement 2: x is divisible by 84
1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D
48. Given the following functions
(1) f(n a b c ) = ac if n=1 (2) f(n a b c) = f( n-1 a c b) + f( 1 a b c) +
f( n-1 b a c ) if n > 1
Then what is the value f(2 a b c ) = ?
1) f( 2 a b c ) = a + b + c. 2) f( 2 a b c ) = ab + ac + bc.3) f( 2 a b c ) = 2a +
2b + 2c. 4) f( 2 a b c ) = 2a + b + c.
49. A group of friends goes for dinner and gets bill of Rs 2400. Two of them says
that they have forgotten their purse so remaining make an extra contribution of Rs
100 to pay up the bill. Tell the no. of person in that group.
1) 8 persons 2) 10 persons 3) 7 persons 4) 6
50. If all the 6 are replaced by 9, then the algebraic sum of all the numbers from
1 to 100(both inclusive) varies by 1) 60 2) 30 3) 300 4) 330
51. If the sum of n terms of two series of A.P are in the ratio 5n+4:9n+6. Find the
ratio of their 13th
terms? (a) 129/231 (b) � (c) 23/15 (d) None of the above
52. If the letters of the word "rachit" are arranged in all possible ways
and these words are written out as in a dictionary, what is the rank of the word
"rachit"?(a) 485 (b) 480 (c) 478 (d) 481
53. Ravi's salary was reduced by 25%.Percentage increase to be effected to
bring the salary to the original
level is ____? (a) 20% (b) 25% (c) 33 1/3% (d) 30%
54. A and B can finish a piece of work in 20 days .B and C in 30 days and C and A
in 40 days. In how many
days will A alone finish the job? (a) 48 (b) 34 2/7 (c) 44 (d) 45
55. How long will a train 100m long travelling at 72kmph take to overtake another
train 200m long
travelling at 54kmph? (a) 70sec (b) 1min (c) 1 min 15 sec (d) 55

Direction (Q56-Q60): There are five friends Sachin, Kunal, Mohit, Anuj and Rohan.
Sachin ia shorter than Kunal but taller than Rohan. Mohit is tallest. Anuj is a
little shorter than Kunal an little taller than Sachin.
56. If they stand in the order of their heights, who will be in the middle?
1) Kunal 2) Rohan 3) Sachin 4) Anuj 5) None of these
57. If they stand in the order of increasing heights, who will be the second?
1) Anuj 2) Sachin 3) Rohan 4) Kunal 5) None of these
58. Who is the second tallest?
1) Sachin 2) Kunal 3) Anuj 4) Rohan 5) None of these
59. Who is the shortest?
1) Rohan 2) Sachin 3) Anuj 4) Kunal 5) None of these
60.Who is taller than Anuj but shorter than Mohit?
1) Kunal 2) Rohan 3) Sachin 4) Date Inadequate 5) None
Direction (Q61-Q65): A cube painted red on two adjecent faces and black on the
faces opposite to the red faces and green on the remaining faces is cut into sixty-
four smaller cubes of equal size.
61. How many cubes have less than three faces painted? 1) 80 2) 24
3) 28 4) 48
62. How many cubes are there which have no face painted? 1) 16 2) 4
3) 8 4) 32
63. How many cubes are there with three faces painted? 1) 4 2) 8
3) 16 4) 24
64. How many cubes have only one face painted? 1) 8 2) 16 3) 24
4) 32
65. How many cubes have one face green and one of the adjacent faces black or red?
1) 8 2) 16 3) 24 4) 28
66. Mark A as answer if statement 1 alone is sufficient to answer the question
Mark B as answer if statement 2 alone is sufficient to answer the question
Mark C as answer if statement 1, 2 and 3 together are sufficient to answer the
question but neither statement alone is sufficient to answer the question
Mark D as answer if either statement 1 or statement 2 is sufficient to answer the
P, Q, R, S and T are five friends. Their mean age is 18. What is the age of R ?
Statement 1: P's age is 18 Statement 2: Q's age is 2 years less than T and T's
age is 6 years less than S
Statement 3: R's age is 6 years more than B's age and 4 years more than T's age.
1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D3
67. What is Reen's rank in the class?
I. There are 26 students in the class II. There are 9 students who have scored
less than Reena
Mark your answer as
(A) if the data in statement I alone are sufficient to answer the question
(B) if the data in statement II alone are sufficient answer the question
(C) if the data either in I or II alone are sufficient to answer the question
(D) if the data even in both the statements together are not sufficient to answer
the question
(E) if the data in both the the statements together are needed
1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 5) E
68. Every pupil in a school was given one ticket for a concert. The school was
charged a total of $6000 for these tickets, all of which were of equal value. What
was the price of one ticket?
If the price of each ticket had been one dollar less, the total cost would have
been 1,200 less.
If the price of each ticket had been $2 more, the total bill would have increased
by 40%.
A. statement 1 alone is sufficient, but statement 2 alone is not sufficient to
answer the question
B. statement 2 alone is sufficient, but statement 1 alone is not sufficient to
answer the question
C. both statements taken together are sufficient to answer the question, but
neither statement alone is sufficient
D. each statement alone is sufficient
E. statements 1 and 2 together are not sufficient, and additional data is needed to
answer the question
1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 5) E
69. Three types of tea the a, b, c costs Rs. 95/kg,100/kg and70/kg respectively.
How many kgs of each should be blended to produce 100 kg of mixture worth Rs.90/kg,
given that the quantities of b and c are equal.
1) 70, 15, 15 2) 50, 25, 25 3) 60, 20, 20 4) 40,
30, 30
Direction (Q70-Q74): Convert the given binary numbers.
70. (11011110110010101101)2 = ( )16 1) (DACED)16 2) (DACAD)16 3) (DECAD)16
4) (DECA7)16
71. (1100010101010010001)2 = ( )8 1) (1422521)8 2) (1425221)8 3)
(1425121)8 4) (1452121)8
72. (11010101)2 = ( )10 1) (213)10 2) (211)10 3)
(231)10 4) (113)10
73. (11111011)2= ( )8 1) (374)8 2) (373)8 3)
(272)8 4) (353)8
74. (11100111)2 = ( )8 1) (342)8 2) (377)8 3) (344)8
4) (347)8
75. There are 600 tennis players 4% wear wrist band on one wrist Of the remaining,
25% wear wrist bands on both hands How many players don't wear a wrist band? 1) 432
2) 423 3) 453 4) 415
76. ? : BGLQ : : YDIN : VAFK(a) EKNS (b) DKMT (c) DLMS (d) EJOT
77. NLO : RPS : : ? : ZXA (a) VUW (b) VTR (c) VTW (d) TRP
78. A man speaks the truth 3 out of 4 times. He throws a die and reports it to be a
6. What is the
probability of it being a 6? (a) 3/8 (b) 5/8 (c) 3/4 (d) None of the
79. A team of 200 wagers undertakes building work of a bridge. The total time
allocated to build the
entire bridge is 20 days. After 10 days since start, 200 more wagers join the team
and together the team
completes the bridge in required time. If the original team do not get those 200
extra wagers, how many
days they would be behind schedule to complete building the bridge?
a) 10 days b) 20 days c) 15 days d) 1 days
80. A team P of 20 engineers can complete a task in 32 days. Another team Q of 16
engineers can
complete the same task in 30 days. Then the ratio of working capacity of 1 member
of P to that of a
member of Q is _____? a) 3:2 b) 4:3 c) 2:5 d) 3:5
81. The price of Machine D equals the sum of the prices of machine A, B and C whose
price are in the
ratio 2:3:4 respectively. If weights of A, B, C and D varies as square of its
individual price and difference
of weight of D and A, B and C together is 9880 kg. Then what is the weight of D?
a) 15390 kg b) 14790 kg c) 15800 kg d) none of these
82. If 4:6 is the ratio of number of girls and boys in a computer coaching class.If
50% of girls and 40% of
boys are degree holders then the percentage of the candidates who are non-degree
holders is ____?
a) 12% b) 38% c) 56% d) 49%
83. The time showed by an analog clock at a moment is 11 am then 1234567890 hours
later it will show
the time as: a)11am b)11pm c)5am d)4pm
84. The time showed by the clock at a moment is 8 am then the respective time of
after and before
42896 hours is ______? a)4 pm & 12 am b)6 am & 4 pm c)5 pm & 7 am
d)3 am & 3 pm
85. The minimum number of digits required to form every number which is greater
than 900 and less
than 9,000 is _____? a) 39 b) 72 c) 49 d) 81
86. Find the difference of the minimum number of numbers required to form every
number from 1 to
1234 and 1 to 4321? a) 9 b) 7 c) 4 d) 3
87. Find the next number in the series 1, 3 ,7 ,13 ,21 ,31,____? (a) 43 (b) 33
(c) 41 (d) 45
88. A person travels 12 km in the southward direction and then travels 5km to the
right and then
travels 15km toward the right and finally travels 5km towards the east, how far is
he from his
starting place? (a) 5.5 kms (b) 3 kms (c) 13 kms (d) 6.4 kms
89. If "PROMPT" is coded as QSPLOS ,then "PLAYER" should be
90. A person travels 6km towards west, then travels 5km towards north ,then finally
towards west. Where is he with respect to his starting position?
(a) 13km east (b) 13km northeast (c) 13km northwest
(d) 13km west
91. Pipe A can fill a tank in 5 hours, pipe B in 10 hours and pipe C in 30 hours.
If all the pipes are open, in
how many hours will the tank fill / empty completely?
(a) 6 min. to empty (b) 6 min to fill (c) 9 min. to empty (d) 9 min. to fill
92. If A speaks the truth 80% of the times, B speaks the truth 60% of the times.
What is the probability that
they tell the truth at the same time? (a) 0.8 (b) 0.48 (c) 0.6 d) 0.14
93. X�s father�s wife�s father�s granddaughter uncle will be related to X as
(a) Son (b) Nephew (c) Uncle (d) Grandfather
94. If in a certain code " RANGE&quot ; is coded as 12345 and
"RANDOM" is coded as 123678. Then the code for the word
"MANGO" would be _______?
(a) 82357 (b) 89343 (c) 84629 (d) 82347
95. Six bells commence tolling together and toll at intervals 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12
seconds respectively. In
30 minutes how many times they toll together? a) 4 c) 15 b) 10 d) 16
96. X varies inversely as square of y. Given that y = 2 for x = 1. The value of x
for y = 6 will be
equal to _____? (a) 3 (b) 9 (c) 1/3 (d) 1/9
97. If 10% of x = 20% of y, then x : y is equal to ______? (a) 1 : 2 (b) 2 : 1
(c) 5 : 1 (d) 10 : 1
98. A starts business with Rs.3500 and after 5 months, B joins with A as his
partner. After a year, the profit
is divided in the ratio 2 : 3. What is B�s contribution in the Capital?
(a) Rs. 7500 (b) Rs. 8000 (c) Rs. 8500 (d) Rs. 9000
99. Ronald and Elan are working on an assignment. Ronald takes 6 hours to type 32
pages on a computer,
while Elan takes 5 hours to type 40 pages. How much time will they ta

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