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Wit and Humour

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Wit and Humour

UNIT-2 Wit and Humour

A. Reading:

The Dear Departed


The Dear Departed" is a famous one act play of William Stanely Haughton. Humour and satire

competes in every dialogue of the play. Abel Merry Weather is an old man. His daughters are

Mrs. Amelia Slater and Mrs. Elizabeth Jordan. They love only father’s assets but not father. Once

they found their father was dead. They start dividing the assets and liabilities. They think of

insurance amounts. Their husbands- Henry Slater and Ben Jordan also participate in their work.

After some time grand daughter, Victoria announces that the grand father got up.

D'ye : Do you (used in awkward situation)
Precocious (adj) : intelligent / gifted / talented
Bureau (n) : a writing desk with drawers
Daft (adj) : stupid / silly
Pinch (v) : steal
Mantelpiece (n) : a shelf projecting from the wall over the fireplace
Usher (v) : lead / show the way / welcome
Complacent (adj) : self-satisfied / unconcerned
Chirpily (adv) : cheerfully and actively
Snug (v) : warm, comfortable and protected from the cold
Overdue (adj) : not paid by the expected time
Swindling (v) : cheating somebody for property or money
Transfixed (v) : became motionless in fear
Chuckling (v) : a quiet laugh of mild amusement or satisfaction
Clad (adj) : wearing a particular type of clothing
Malicious (adj) : hatred / harmful

Idioms, Phrases and Phrasal Verbs

The Dear Departed (idm): This is an idiomatic expression. This means ‘the dead
person’. This phrase is used by people to avoid the word ‘dead’.
Get her own way (idiom): To persuade other people to allow her to do what she wants (to do
what she wants in spite of opposition)
Call into (phr) : call to a person to come to some place
Be off (phr.v) : go away / depart / leave
Would never do (phr.) : not appropriate / not suitable in some way
For ages (idiom) : for a long time
Talk over (phr. v) : speak with others about something / have a discussion
Set foot (idiom) : enter
Breaking down (phr. v): failing to function
Arrange with (phr.v) : plan something to include something
Drive a hard bargain (idiom): work hard to negotiate agreements in one’s own favour
Got her eye (idiom) : looked at / noticed
Get rid of (phr. v) : throw away / remove / discard as undesirable
Get off (phr.v) : (here) remove / take off
Take off (phr.v) : remove
Run up (phr.v) : move quickly to some place
Stagger in (phr.v) : walk
Irritating air (phr.) : annoying impression
Give way (idiom) : collapse or fall down suddenly
Down the street (phr.) : in the same street
On purpose (idiom) : intentionally / deliberately
Put up with (phr.v) : tolerate / bear
Nothing short of (idiom): strongly showing the quality of / equal to
Turnover (phr.v) : put someone under the control of someone
For certain (idiom) : without doubt / definitely
Pick up (phr. v) : buy / collect / gather
stockinged feet (phr) : wearing socks, but not wearing shoes

B. Reading:
The Dear Departed

Daughters and sons-in-law were shocked to the news. Abel surprises to see the displacement
of bureau and wall clock. He announces that he is going to change the ‘Will’ in the name of a
person who takes care of him. He also announces that he is going to marry Mrs. Sharrocks at
Philips Church. He invites them to the marriage.
Gingerly (adv) : in a careful way
Poke (v) : push
Tomfoolery (n) : foolish or silly behaviour
Vindictive whisper (n) : talking about someone in a harsh, hasty manner
Double-faced (adj) : hypocritical/ deceitful / dishonest
Thumping (v) : hitting hard
Will (n) : legal document that says what is to happen to somebody's property after his / her
Fancy (v) : want / feel like
Consternation (n) : unemotional and skilful
Ring-o-Bells (n) : the name of a restaurant
Handier (adj) : easier

Idioms, Phrases and Phrasal Verbs

What the devil (phr.) : old fashioned way of showing annoyance or displeasure. This phrase
is always used in questions.
Took by surprise (idm) : surprised somebody / happened unexpectedly so that somebody is
slightly shocked
What the dickens (idm) : (old-fashioned and informal) used in questions instead of ‘devil’ to
show that you are annoyed or surprised
Put on (phr.v) : wear
At a loss (idm) : puzzled
Nothing short of (idm) : as bad as/ as same as/ more or less the same as something bad
In black (phr.) : in dark or black clothes as a sign of mourning at somebody’s death
Bits of things (phr) : property
Put up with (phr.v) : bear / look after / treat
Out of senses (phr.) : silly and senseless /crazy and irrational.
A good while (idm) : for quite some time / or a long time
Look after (phr.v) : take care of somebody or something

C. Reading:
The Brave Potter
Marguerite Siek collected many short stories from different Indian languages. ‘The Brave
Potter’ is one of them. One heavy rainy night, tiger rested near a hut. There it was shocked to
the words of an old woman. In the mean time a potter comes there in search of his lost
donkey. In the darkness he mistook the tiger instead of donkey. Morning villagers wonder to
see the tiger tied to a tree. The news reaches the king. He calls the potter and asks him to lead
the army in the war to protect the kingdom. Because of fear on riding a horse he strongly
holds a tree. Opponent army sees the potter coming with the uprooted tree. All escapes in
fear. The enemy king begs pardon.
Blinding (adj) : very bright
Thatched (adj) : covered with dried straw
Palm-wine (n) : toddy / fermented palm juice drunk by village folk (thaati kallu in Telugu)
Muttered (v) : spoke something unheard
Saddle (n) : a leather seat for a rider on a horse
Stirrups (n) : metal rings that hand down on each side of a horse's saddle, used to support the
rider's foot
Pawing (v) : touching something repeatedly with a paw
Hooves (n) : a short jump by an animal with all feet together
Crashing (v) : falling
Reins (n) : long leather bands held by a horse rider to control it
Sentry (n) : guard / a soldier whose job is to guard something
Uprooted (v) : pulled a tree or a plant out of the ground
Cheering crowds (phr) : a large gathering of people shouting in joy

Idioms, Phrases and Phrasal Verbs

Nod off (phr.v) : fall asleep
Would rather (v. phr) : prefer to
Broke out (phr.v) : started
Your Majesty (phr) : way of addressing a king or a queen
Gates of the city (phr) : in the old times a city was protected by huge strong walls and doors
against attacks by the enemy
At dawn (phr) : early morning / at the time of sunrise
Bare hands (phr) : (here) without any weapon in hands
Cheering crowds (phr): a large gathering of people shouting in joy?
Daft : silly, idiotic
Swindle : cheat, con, cozen, deceive, defraud, dupe
Malice : animosity, bitterness, enmity, hate, grudge
Plump : fat, fleshy, stout, obese, bonny
Obvious : exposed, liable, open, clear
Poke : punch, push, shove, pierce, thrust
Consternation: alarm, dread, fear, fright

Malice x goodwill
Vulgar x refined, cultured
Splendid x squalid
Giant x dwarf
Reward x punishment

Summative Assessment Paper-1 13E

Time: 2 Hours 45 Minutes
Marks: 40
Section – A:
Reading Comprehension

(Questions 1-7): Read the following conversation from ‘The Dear Departed-I’

Mrs. Slater : (sharply) Victoria, Victoria! D'ye hear? Come in, will you?
Mrs. Slater : I'm amazed at you, Victoria. I really am. Be off now, and change your dress
before your Aunt Elizabeth and your Uncle Ben come. It would never do for them to find you
in colours with grandfather lying dead, upstairs.

Victoria : What are they coming for? They haven't been here for ages.
Mrs. Slater : They're coming to talk over poor grandpa's affairs. Your father sent them a
telegram as soon as we found he was dead. (A noise is heard) (Henry Slater, a stooping,
heavy man with a drooping moustache, enters. He is wearing a black tailcoat, grey trousers, a
black tie and a bowler hat.)
Henry : I'm wondering if they'll come at all. When you and Elizabeth quarrelled she said
she'd never set foot in your house again.
Mrs. Slater : She'll come fast enough after her share of what our father's left. You know how
hard she can be when she likes. Where she gets it from I can't tell.
Henry : I suppose it's in the family. (pause) Where are my slippers?
Mrs. Slater : In the kitchen; but you want a new pair, those old ones are nearly worn out.
(Nearly breaking down) You don't seem to realize what it's costing me to bear up like I am
doing. My heart's fit to break when I see the little trifles that belonged to father lying around,
and think he'll never use them again. (Briskly) here! You'd better wear these slippers of my
father's now. It's lucky he'd just got a new pair.
Henry : They'll be very small for me, my dear.
Mrs. Slater : They'll stretch, won't they? I'm not going to have them wasted. (She has
finished laying the table.) Henry, I've been thinking about that bureau of my father's that's in
his bedroom. You know I always wanted to have it after he died.
Now, answer the following questions. Each question has four choices. Choose the correct
answer and write (A), (B), (C) or (D) in your answer booklet. (4x1=4 marks)

1. In The passage ‘D’ye hear?’ means…

A. Daddy and you hear
B. Do you hear?
C. Dear boy hear?
D. Deaf or dead hear?

2. What do you mean by ‘they’ in the expression "What are they coming for?"
A. Amelia and Slater
B. Slater and Jordan
C. Victoria and Abel
D. Elizabeth and Jordan

3. Where was the bureau?

A. In the hall
B. In Abel’s bedroom
C. In Slater’s bedroom
D. In Jordan’s drawing room

4. What type of text is this passage?

A. Biographical sketch
B. Description
C. One act play
D. narration

Answer the following questions in two or three sentences. (3x2=6 marks)

5. Who sent a telegram? To whom he sent that?

6. Mrs. Slater had been thinking about a furniture item of her father’s what was that?

7. Do you support the behavior of Slater’s couple? Why or Why not?

(Questions 8-12): Read the following conversation.

Victoria : Oh, Grandpa, I’m so glad you’re not dead.
Mrs. Slater : (in a vindictive whisper) hold your tongue, Victoria.
Abel : Eh? What’s that? Who’s gone dead?
Mrs. Slater : (loudly) Victoria says she’s sorry about your head.
Abel : Ah, thank you, Vicky, but I’m feeling better.
Abel : Why, Ben, you are in mourning! And Lizzie too. And Melia, and Henry and
little Vicky! Who‘s gone dead? It’s someone in the family. (He chuckles.)
Mrs. Slater : No one you know, father. A relation of Ben’s.
Abel : And what relation of Ben’s?
Mrs. Slater : His brother.
Ben : ( to Mrs. Slater) Damn it, I never had one.
Abel : Dear, dear. And what was his name, Ben?
Ben : (at a loss) Er-er. (He crosses to front of table.)
Mrs. Slater : (Right side of table, prompting) Frederick.
Mrs. Jordan : (Left side of table, prompting) Albert.
Ben : Er-Fred –Alb-Isaac.
Abel : Isaac? And where did your brother Isaac die?
Ben : In-er-in Australia.
Abel (rising) : Well, I suppose you’ve only been waiting for me to begin tea. I’m
feeling hungry.
Mrs. Slater : (taking up the kettle) I’ll make tea.
Abel : Come along, now, sit you down and let’s be jolly. (Abel sits at the head of the
table, facing spectators.)

Now, answer the following questions. Each question has four choices. Choose the
correct answer and write (A), (B), (C) or (D) in your answer booklet. (3x1=3

8. Victoria is so glad because …….

a. Issac dead
b. grandpa was not dead
c. No one is dead
d. grandpa gives her a chocolate

9. Who is hungry?
a. Abel
b. Jordan
c. Slater
d. Victoria

10. "Hold your tongue" means ………

a. holding the tongue with hand
b. licking
c. stop talking
d. talk with low voice

Write answers for the given questions in one or two sentences (2x1=2 marks)

11. Who’s gone dead?

12. Did Issac die in Australia?

Section – B:
Vocabulary & Grammar
(Questions 13-17): Read the passage given below. Five sentences in the passage
are numbered (13-17) at the beginning. Each of these sentences has an error.
Correct and rewrite them in the answer booklet.
(5x1=5 marks)

13. Varanasi is locate on the North Eastern part of India. Hindu pilgrims go to there to
purify their souls.
14. To the Hindus Varanasi is a holiest pilgrimage center to all.

15. Thousands of pilgrims visit this wholly city every year.

16. As early as four o'clock at the morning the pilgrims are seen making their way to the
famous bathing steps known as Ghats. (17) From there they board row boats to the
holy river ganges to take bath. In doing this the pilgrims believe that their sins would
be washed away.

(Questions 18-22): Complete the passage choosing the right word from those
given below it. Each blank is numbered and for each blank has four choices (A),
(B), (C) or (D) given. Choose the correct answer from these choices and write
(A), (B), (C) or (D) in your answer booklet.
(5x1=5 marks)
It was one of those October days when it was a pleasure to be alive. The sky was
……………….(18) and the air was cold and sharp with a …………… (19) of wet
earth as the morning sun warmed the chilled countryside. And then I caught
…………. (20) of a lonely be struggling to find the pollen of a final floor. Where had
he been, this sad worker, doomed so soon to ……………… (21) ? I marveled at his
energy as he climbed along so many bare stalks. Finding nothing, he flew on and
disappeared from sight. I continued my walk to a country …………… (22) where,
sitting outside, I contentedly sipped my bear, musing all the while on the mixed
fortunes of life.

18. A. blew B. blue C. below D. bloom

19. A. scent B. cent C. sent D. send

20. A. site B. cite C. sight D. side

21. A. dye B. day C. dry D. die

22. A. in B. inn C. sin D. seen


Section – C:
Creative Writing (Discourses)
(Question 23) : Convert the play, "The Dear Departed" into a story. (10 marks)
Imagine that you were a reporter of a TV channel and got a chance to face
interview with Abel Merry weather. Write the imaginary interview briefly.
?? (Question 24): Write a diary entry about a funny incident you have witnessed.
(5 marks)


1. B

2. D

3. B

4. C

5. Mr. Slater sent telegram. He sent to Elizabeth and Jordan.

6. She had been thinking about a bureau. That was her father’s and it was in his

7. I don’t support their behaviour. Because, they were interested in sharing properties but
not responsibilities.

8. B

9. A

10. C

11. Nobody was dead. They felt Abel has gone dead

12. No, he didn’t. He was only an imaginary character.


13. locate - located

14. a holiest - the holiest

15. wholly - Holy

16. at the morning – in the morning

17. ganges - The Ganges

18. B

19. A
20. C

21. D

22. B


23. Story:
Abel Merryweather was an old man. He had two daughters, Mrs. Slater and Mrs.
Jordan. Mrs. Slater found that his father was dead. She informs Mrs. Jordan and her
husband Ben. Before the arrival of Mr. and Mrs. Jordan they discuss and decide to
bring down the bureau and clock. While bringing, Victoria asks her father about their
sudden work. Her father answers nothing. Mr. and Mrs. Jordan arrive there. They
discuss about the health of Abel and insurance premium. They want to announce the
obituary news in the newspaper. Victoria put them in a confusion that grandfather
went to Ring-o-Bells but not paying for premium. They give priority to have tea than
to see Abel. Mrs. Slater calls Victoria and tells her to go and bring bureau key. She
reluctantly goes up and says grandfather is rising from the bed. All of them shock to

Abel comes down. While coming he surprises about the arrival of Jordans. He asks
the same. He says that he had head ache, and slept quiet. He observes the bureau and
wall clock in Henry’s room. He annoys to that. He tells them that he decided to alter
the will. He would like to alter the will on the name of those who takes care of him till
his death, all his property goes to them.

Abel announces his marriage with Mrs. Shorrocks at Philip’s Church. He invites
everybody. The two sisters and their husbands become speechless.

9. Interview:
Sada : Good morning Mr. Abel. Welcome to TV 3.
Abel : Good morning.
Sada : Tell me about your family.
Abel : I have two daughters, two sons-in-law and a grand daughter.
Sada : Whom do you like most in your family?
Abel : I love my granddaughter Victoria most. She is innocent and loves me much.
Sada : I heard news about your marriage!
Abel : Yes. I am going to marry Mrs. John Shorrocks.
Sada : Why are you going to marry at this old age?
Abel : Good question! My daughters are not looking after me. They wait for my death to
collect insurance amount. I need love and care. Mrs. Shorrocks came forward to look after
me. She is also facing the same problem. So we decided to marry each other.
Sada : Bold decision. What is the response of your family members to your idea?
Abel : Obviously they disagreed to my proposal. But I need to think of myself.
Sada : Will you give any part of your property to your daughters?
Abel : No! Not at all. I only give it to a person, who looks after me.
Sada : Thank you very much Mr. Abel for spending with us.
24. Funny incident from Diary

Hanu’s Diary
Sunday, 2nd June, 2014.
Today we all enjoyed very much. A funny thing made us to laugh again and again. We played
"Thief-Police" game. Neelu, Sonu, Muni also joined with me. In that game Muni acted as
thief. As part of the game, Muni pulled Sonu’s bag. Then Sonu shouted "Thief… Thief". All
of a sudden few strangers saw that incident. They caught Muni and beat him. We ran to him
and explained the strangers about the game.
I never forget today’s funny incident in my life time.

Summative Assessment Paper-II 14E

Time: 2 Hours 45 Minutes
Marks: 40

Reading Comprehension
(Questions 1-7): Read the following passage.
A woman was visiting Hyderabad for the first time. She wanted to see the Charminar.
Unfortunately, she couldn’t find it, so she asked a police officer for directions.
"Excuse me, officer, how do I get to the Charminar?"The officer replied, "Wait here at
this bus stop for the number 65 bus. It’ll take you right there." She thanked the officer
and he drove off.
Three hours later the police officer returned to the same area and, sure enough, the
woman was still waiting at the same bus stop. The officer got out of his car and said,
"Excuse me, but get to the Charminar, I said to wait here for the number 65 bus. That
was three hours ago. Why are you still waiting?"
The woman replied, "Don’t worry, officer, it won’t be long now. The 56th bus just went

Now, answer the following questions. Each question has four choices. Choose the correct
answer and write (A), (B), (C) or (D) in your answer booklet. (4x1=4 marks)

1. The passage is about………………..

A. Charminar tour
B. the bus no. 65
C. The route to Charminar
D. a humorous incident

2. What did she ask the officer?

A. about bus no. 65
B. about bus no. 56
C. the bus to get to the Charminar
D. the route to Charminar

3. What was the feeling of the officer to see the woman at bus stop after 3 hours?
A. Surprised
B. got angry
C. laughed himself
D. felt pity
4. Why was she still waiting at the bus stop?
A. waiting for the bus no. 65
B. waiting for the 65th bus
C. waiting for the 65th bus of bus no. 65’s
D. waiting for the 56th bus

Answer the following questions in two or three sentences. (3x2=6 marks)

5. Why was she waiting hours together?

6. Did the police officer give wrong direction to her7. There must be a communication
gap between woman and officer. What was that?
Questions 8-12): Read the following poem.
Lightly, O lightly we bear her along,
She sways like a flower in the wind of our song;
She skims like a bird on the foam of a stream,
She floats like a laugh from the lips of a dream.
Gail, O gaily we glide and we sing,
We bear her along like a pearl on a string.
Softly, O softly we bear her along,
She hangs like a star in the dew of our song;
She springs like a beam on the brow of the tide,
She falls like a tear from the eyes of a bride.
Lightly, O lightly we glide and we sing,
We bear her along like a pearl on a string.
- Sarojini Naidu

Now, answer the following questions. Each question has four choices. Choose the
correct answer and write (A), (B), (C) or (D) in your answer booklet. (3x1=3

7. Who are singing?

A. Bangle sellers
B. Palanquin bearers
C. Indian weavers
D. Porters

8. How is ‘she’ floating in the poem?

A. like a flower in the wind
B. like a bird on the foam
C. like a laugh from the lips of a dream
D. like a star in the dew

9. In all these lines poet use …………………….. technique.

A. simile
B. metaphor
C. personification
D. onomatopoeia

Write answers for the given questions in one or two sentences (2x1=2 marks)
10. What is the meaning of the expression "a tear from the eyes of a bride"?

11. Few lines are repeated in the poem. Do you feel that they are necessary? Why?

Vocabulary and Grammar
(Questions 13-17): Read the following passage given below focusing on the
underlined parts and answer the questions given at the end as directed. (5x1=5

It was dark(13). Thick black clouds covered the evening sky. The thunder roared and
the strong wind shook the branches and leaves of the trees in the forest. Pit. . . pat . . .
pit (14), drops of rain fell. Then the lightning flashed and split the black sky with its
blinding light. Soon it was raining heavy (15).

An old tiger ran through the rain looking for shelter. He was wet and cold and his
house (16) was far away. While hurrying to his shelter he saw an old hut. With a sigh
of relief the tiger crawled under the thatched roof and lay down by the door. Except
for the sound of the rain all was quiet. Before he could nod off, however (17), he
heard something heavy being dragged inside the hut. This was followed by the voice
of a woman.

12. Choose an appropriate antonym from among the given options. A. murky
B. shady
C. gloomy
D. bright

13. Meaning of the expression ‘pit.. pat.. pit’.

A. sound of the rain drops
B. water pouring into pit
C. raining heavily
D. sound of the clouds

14. Use the correct form of the word.

A. heavier
B. heaviest
C. heavily
D. more heavy

15. Use the correct word.

A. shelter
B. cave
C. hut
D. home

16. Choose an appropriate synonym from among the given options.

A. though
B. whenever
C. moreover
D. wherever
(Questions 18-22): Complete the passage choosing the right word from those
given below it. Each blank is numbered and for each blank has four choices (A),
(B), (C) or (D) given. Choose the correct answer from these choices and write
(A), (B), (C) or (D) in your answer booklet.
(5x1=5 marks)

Sravani and Yamuna are good friends. Yamuna is the class leader. Sravani goes to
school ………. (18) Yamuna daily. One day teacher gave project work to the students.
Sravani finished her project work several days …………. (19) the deadline. Yamuna
was unable to complete the project work ……………. (20) her sister’s marriage. The
next week teacher gave another project work. So Yamuna should complete second
project work ………….. (21) first one. This time also Yamuna failed to complete her
project works. So teacher appointed Sravani ………………….. (22) Yamuna as class

17. A. along with

B. according to
C. in spite of
D. in place of

18. A. along with

B. ahead of
C. in spite of
D. in place of

19. A. for the sake of

B. in addition to
C. in spite of D. due to

20. A. according to
B. in addition to
C. in spite of
D. in accordance with

21. A. ahead of
B. in advance
C. in place of
D. apart from

Section C:
Creative Writing (Discourses)

(Question 23): Imagine that you are the grandfather in the play, "The Dear Departed".
Write a letter to your friend, Venkatesh inviting him to your marriage at ‘Ring-o-Bells
with Mrs. John Shorrocks. Don’t forget to say why you are going to get married at
this age.

You can include the following:

a) Time of wedding
b) Place of wedding
c) Details of the bride
d) Behaviour of the daughters
e) Reason for marrying at this
f) Cordial invitation
10 marks)

Write a letter to the editor to any leading News magazine about old age problems and
human relations.

(Question 24): Prepare a wedding invitation card for Abel Merryweather’s

(5 marks)



1. A

2. D

3. A

4. B

5. She thought 65th bus takes her to Charminar. So she was waiting for 65th bus.

6. NO, he didn’t. He gave the right direction to her.

7. He told her to get the bus no. 65 to go to Charminar. But she misunderstood as 65th

8. B

9. C

10. A

11. Here ‘tear from the eyes of a bride’ is a symbol for purity in nature and weight less to

12. Yes, they are necessary. They give a musical touch to the poem. Repeated rhythm
gives beauty to the poem.


13. D
14. A

15. C

16. B

17. A

18. A

19. B

20. D

21. B

22. C


23. Letter to a friend.

Yorkshire, London,
1st April, 2015.

Dear Friend Venkatesh,

I am very happy to inform you that I am going to get married with Mrs. Jon Shorrocks
in St. Philip’s Church, at 12’O clock on next Monday.
You may wonder to know this. But situation demanded to do so. My two daughters
are not looking after me. I need someone to look after me. I need pure love and care at
this age. I also decided to alter my will. I would like to alter in the name of my new
wife, who will take care of me till death; all my belongings go to her.
So as a friend you can understand my situation. This is not only my problem but also
many. In these days children are not looking after their parents. They are not taking
this responsibility. Hence we should take care of ourselves.
I cordially invite you to attend the function without fail.

Yours affectionately,

Letter to Editor:

25th March, 2015.

The Editor,
Indian Express,
Banjarahills, Hyderabad.
I would like to explain the readers about an important issue through your esteemed
daily. Old age become a curse to the senior citizens.
Now a days most of the parents are living in old age homes or away from children.
The so called modern generation is neglecting their parents. The old people (parents)
are deserved to be treated with a great love and care. It is the responsibility of the

Unfortunately many sons and daughters are not looking after parents. In this
mechanical life money is loved but not relations. Where ever you go, temples, cross
roads, bus stops you can see number of old people begging. This is practical situation
of every town and city of India. Health problems, poverty, helplessness and loneliness
are compelling them to commit suicides. It is definitely a crime. The land of the
values is becoming value less.

One should take care of their parents at old age. There should be a clear cut
government act on it. There should be a mechanism to follow up.

I request you to focus on this and publish articles to inculcate moral and ethical

Yours truly,

24. Marriage Invitation card

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