Causes and Effects of World I

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The text discusses various theories about the causes of World War 1 and the roles of secret societies and influential figures.

The text suggests that World War 1 was brought on not by nationalist rivalries but by 'sinister revolutionary forces operating behind the scenes', including secret societies.

The B'nai B'rith was a fraternity organized in 1833 by the League of the Twelve Just Men of the 'Illuminati' secret society to bring about the 'messianic rule of the Jews over all other people'. Its leader was Lionel de Rothschild.



The 1914-18 conflict was not brought on by
nationalist rivalries, as popularly supposed,
but by sinister revolutionary forces operating
behind the scenes.

Captain Kenneth McKilliam

The Lusitania

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Trench World War I

German advance into Belgium & France WWI

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The 1914-18 conflict was not brought on
by nationalist rivalries, as popularly
supposed, but by sinister revolutionary
forces operating behind the scenes.

Captain Kenneth McKilliam
Reprinted with permission from Spearhead, Jan./Feb.
A Publication of the British National Party
Box 446, London SE23 2LS England


In 1833 The League of the Twelve Just Men of the 'Illuminati' secret
society organised a fraternity, the B'nai B'rith, to bring about the
fulfilment of the 'Covenant,' the supposed messianic rule of the Jews over
all other people. The leader was Lionel de Rothschild, who founded the
Rothschild's bank in London. Father Nathaniel was himself the son of
Meyer Amschel Rothschild, the founder of the Rothschild banking clan
and one who worked with Adam Weishaupt to establish the Order of the
Illuminati on May 1st (May Day) 1776.

In 1848, Karl Marx (real name Mordecai Levi) was commissioned by the
League of the Twelve Just Men to write the Communist Manifesto, based
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on the Babylonian Talmud and the writings of Weishaupt. In the same
year, revolutions broke out all over Europe and beyond against the
established order.

The Jew Blumenthal, editor of Judisk Tidshrift in Sweden, wrote in issue

no. 75 of that paper in 1929:". . Only recently our race has given the world
a new prophet, but he has two faces and bears two names: on the one side
his name is Rothschild, leader of all the capitalists, and on the other side
Karl Marx, the apostle of those who want to destroy the others.-

Rene Gros wrote in Le Nouveau Mercurie (Paris, 1927): "The two

internationals of Finance and Revolution work with ardor; they are the
two fronts of the Jewish International ... There is a Jewish conspiracy
against all nations."

Benjamin Disraeli wrote in The Life of Lord George Bentinck (1852):

"The influence of the Jews may be traced in the last outbreak of the
destructive principle in Europe . . . the abrogation of property is
proclaimed by the secret societies, which form the provisional
governments of Europe, and men of Jewish race are found at the head of
every one of them. The people of God co-operate with atheists, the most
skilful accumulators of property ally themselves with Communists, the
peculiar and chosen people touch the hand of all the scum of Europe, and
all because they wish to destroy that ungrateful Christendom which owes
to them even its name, and whose tyranny they can no longer endure."

In 1840 the Jewish poet Heine wrote: "Communism, though little

discussed now and loitering in hidden garrets on miserable straw pallets,
is the dark hero destined for a great if temporary role in the modern
tragedy --- it would be war, the ghastliest war of destruction; the second
act is the European and world revolution, the grand duel between the
destitute and the aristocracy of wealth; and in that there will be no
mention of either nationality or religion; there will be only one fatherland,
the globe, and only one faith, that is happiness on earth. How could the
dream end? I do not know; but I think that eventually the great sea serpent
(Great Britain) will have its head crushed and the skin of the northern
bear (Russia) will be pulled over its ears. There may be only one flock

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and one shepherd with an iron staff (the Jews) --- one free shepherd with
an iron staff and shorn alike, bleating alike human herd (of mixed
breeds): the future smells of Russian leather, blood, godlessness, and
many whippings. I would advise our grandchildren to be born with very
thick skins on their backs."

Disraeli wrote: "Governments do not govern, but merely control the

machinery of government being themselves controlled by the Hidden
Hand." The Paris magazine Peuple Juive (January 9th, 1919) said: "The
world revolution which we will experience will be exclusively our affair
and will rest in our hands. This revolution will tighten the Jewish
domination over other people."


The controlling masters, through the Illuminati, organised secret societies

to get the ordinary folk interested in their plans. Among these was the
Narodna Odbrana Masonic Lodge, founded in 1911. The Pan-Slav
movement which aimed to get self-government for the Slav nations of the
Austro-Hungarian Empire was organised by Dr. Karl Kramarsch. The
Narodna Odbrana Lodge, on instructions from a higher authority,
planned the assassination of the Austrian Archduke, Franz Ferdinand.
This was rather odd, since the Archduke was in favour of
self-government for the Serbs. The Austrian Archduke had been
'condemned to death' two years previously, for it was printed in La Revue
international des societes secretes on September 15th, 1912: "Possibly
some day we win understand the remark made by the Swiss about the
Archduke, the heir presumptive to the Austrian throne: 'He will die on the
steps of the throne.’ "

The assassination, contrary to popular believe, was carried out, not by a

Serb nationalists, but a Jew, Gabriel Princip, who had been armed by the
freemasons. The Kolnische Volkszeitung of November 1914 clearly
stated at the time of the trial of Princip, which lasted until the Spring of
1916, that the assassination was planned by the Narodna Odbrana
Masonic Lodge. The Badische Beobachter of June 1917 stated that the

( Page 5 )
international lodges must take the full responsibility for political
propaganda and for the murder of the Archduke.


After the assassination of the Archduke, Austria sent in troops to

discipline the Serbs. Russia, fearing an outbreak of revolutions in the
Balkans, came to the assistance of Serbia. The Austrian Emperor wanted
peace but the Khazar Jew financiers wanted war and the agents of the
latter were in all the chancelleries of Europe and were set to carry out
their policy.

Austria threatened Serbia. Russia threatened Austria. France had a pact

with Russia. Germany had a pact with Austria. The Rothschilds and their
affiliates were not interested in how much blood might be shed nor in
how much property might be destroyed as long as their plans were carried

In 1833, the independence of Belgium had been accepted and Britain had
signed an agreement to defend this independence. When German troops
marched through Belgium to get at France, the 'British' press put out lying
stories about Belgian babies on the points of German bayonets -- just to
raise the heat of British 'public opinion,' and, as a consequence, Britain
sent in troops to protect Belgium. Right up to the outbreak of war,
although Britain and Germany had been engaged in trade rivalry, their
governments were at peace --- a peace which had seemed to be secure for
all time.

The British Ambassador to Germany at the outbreak of war was Sir

Edward Goschen, a member of the Jewish family which conducted the
London international banking house of Goschen and Cunliffe. Sir
Edward was descended from Georg Goschen of Hamburg. Information
was leaked out through the international banking system, just as is done
today. The Khazar Jews knew all the secrets and formulated their policy

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This terrible war caused the slaughter of millions of the best men of
Europe, but on the first Christmas Day of the war on the Western Front
the spirit of the occasion was seen with British and German soldiers
openly fraternising on the battlefield. This had to be stopped, and the
false propaganda was put out about German 'atrocities,' leading to further
fraternisation being forbidden. In a stupid frontal attack on the Somme by
incompetent generals the flower of British manhood was sent to slaughter
--- a 'holocaust' of which, of course, we seldom hear.


The plans of the Illuminati for this war were: to gain the gold in the
Russian imperial banks for the international bankers; to gain Palestine as
a national state for the Jews; and to establish a Communist state in Russia,
with the idea that this would merely be the first of such states.

Rabbi Reichorn wrote in Le Contemporain (July 1st 1860): "We shall

drive the Christians into a war by exploiting their national vanity and
stupidity. They will then massacre each other thus giving place to our

The periodical Jewish World of London frankly published, in its issue of

the 16th January 1919: "The international Judaism forced Europe to war
(1914-18) not only to seize a large part of the gold (in the imperial
Russian banks) but also to start a new Jewish world by the help of that

The Russian Jews (Khazars) had forced the issue of Palestine as a state
for the Jews at the first Zionist conference in Basle on the 29th, 30th, and
31st August 1897, and it was agreed at that conference to work for
Palestine as a future Zionist state. Asher Ginsberg, writing in Ahad
Ha'am, proclaimed that the Jews not only formed a nation but must have
a Jewish state in Palestine. Max Nordau stated in 1903: "Let me tell you
the following words as if I were showing you the rungs of a ladder
leading upwards and upwards: Herzl --- the Zionist Congress --- The
English Uganda Proposition --- the future world war --- the peace
conference; there, with the help of England, a free Jewish Palestine will

( Page 7 )
be created." Nordau was an initiate and an Illuminatus who knew the
plans of those at the centre of things.


Dr. Nahum Sokoloff stated: "Jerusalem will one day become the capital
of world peace." Chaim Weizmann, a Jew from Russia, came to Britain
and within a few years he had a succession of British Governments
carrying out his plans for setting up a Jewish state in Palestine --- such
was the powerful influence in this country even this far back.

Marcus Eli Ravage, a Rumanian Jew, wrote in The Century Magazine

(January 1929): "You have not begun to appreciate the depth of our
guilt. We are intruders. We are subverters. We have taken your natural
world, your ideas, your destiny, and played havoc with them. We have
been at the bottom, not merely of the latest Great War (1914-18), but of
nearly all your wars, and not only of the Russian Revolution but of every
other revolution in your history."

The American Hebrew, printed on September 10th, 1920, said: "The

Bolshevik Revolution in Russia was the work of Jewish brains, of Jewish
dissatisfaction, of Jewish planning, whose goal was to create a new order
in the world. What was performed in so excellent a way in Russia, thanks
to Jewish brains and because of Jewish dissatisfaction and by Jewish
planning, shall also, through the same Jewish mental and physical forces,
become a reality in the world.


DR. ELLIS POWELL, editor of London Financial News, was in 1917 a

persistent agitator for a full investigation of the 'hidden hand' which
seemed to be at work against the national interest in the middle of the
Great War. As editor of one of Britain's most influential financial
newspapers, he said in the course of an address to a meeting held in the
Queen's Hall in London on most influential financial newspapers, he said
in the course of an address to a meeting held in the Queen's Hall in
London on March 4th, 1914: "In this supreme crisis in our history an

( Page 8 )
Englishman is not permitted to speak to fellow countrymen and women
without ever --- present risk of naturalised Germans presenting writs.
Lawyers employed by a dozen wealthy pro-Germans will scan every
word I utter to see if by some technicality, some legal trickery, they can
either shut my mouth while trickery is consummated or at least crush me
by the aid of pro-German influence in eminent legal circles."

Dr. Powell did not know then, as we know now, that those people to
whom he referred were not Germans at all, they were German-speaking
Khazar Jews. Andre Sheradine wrote in Le Mystification des Peuple
Allies: "For some years a group of financiers whose families are for the
most part of German-Jewish origin has assumed control of political
powers and exert a predominant influence over Lloyd George (the British
Prime Minister): The Monds, Rufus Isaacs, Sassoons, those known as the
representatives of international banking interests, dominates old England,
owns its newspapers, and controls elections."

The international banking houses of the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds

had joined together and now the whole world was their oyster. They had
delayed setting up their First World War until they had secured control of
the United States monetary system by means of the Federal Reserve Act,
passed in 1913, and they began issuing the dollar as an interest-bearing
debt to themselves. Their purpose having here been accomplished, their
planned war broke out in Europe within a year --- all the blame for this
being placed on the German Kaiser, who had no knowledge of their plan.


Before October 1916, the Khazar Jews were pro-German. The German
emancipation edict of 1822 had guaranteed the Jews all available rights
in Germany while in other countries Jews were controlled by quotas
according to their numbers in the community. In Germany, the Jewish
Bleichroeder Bank in Berlin was the Kaiser's personal bank. The Kaiser
had provided the World Zionist Organisation with a handsome
headquarters in Berlin and had assisted Theodore Herzl, the founder of
Zionism. The Warburgs in Hamburg were the largest merchant bankers.
The head of the world's largest enterprise, the German General Electric

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Company, was a Jew, as were the heads of the two great steamship
companies, the Hamburg-America Line and the German Lloyd Line. The
Zionists had promised victory to Germany. They had hoped for a German
victory which would give them Palestine --- that country was then under
Turkish rule and the Turks were the allies of the Germans. The Zionists
moved their headquarters from Berlin to London and began to press for
the war to be extended to Turkish territories. At the time, Colonel T. E.
Lawrence was stirring up the Arabs to revolt against the Turks and had
promised them self-government when the war was over.

Proposals were made to the British Prime Minister, Herbert Asquith, by

a Jewish cabinet minister, Herbert Samuel, for the establishment of a
Jewish state in Palestine in which it was intended to settle about 3-4
million European Jews. Asquith was not in favour, having accepted the
opinion of Lord Kitchener and his military advisers that the war could
only be won (if at all) on the main battlefield of Europe. He was therefore
against opening up a second front in Palestine.

In June 1916, Asquith sent Kitchener in the cruiser Hampshire to meet

and confer with the Russian Imperial High Command. Kitchener was the
hero of the British public at the time and was the one man who might have
sustained Russia in the war. An anti-Zionist, he was a formidable obstacle
both to world revolution and to the Zionist enterprise for Palestine. The
Hampshire disappeared at sea along with Kitchener. The official report
stated that the ship had struck a mine. The Naval Attache at the German
Embassy in August 1985 stated that there were no German mines in the
area at the time. Was a bomb placed on board the Hampshire before she
left port? The only people who would have gained by Kitchener's death
were the Zionists, for support for Russia in the war would have interfered
with their plans for world revolution and for Palestine.


During the first three years of the war, the German General Ludendorff
kept more than half his troops on the Russian Front. In July 1915, the
Russian Army had lost 3,800,000 men out of 7,000,000. They had been
starved of arms and ammunition. The British Government had arranged

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with Vickers Maxim for supplies of these much needed items to be sent
off to Russia but none had arrived at the front. The founder of the Vickers
armament combine was Sir Ernest Cassell, a business associate of Jacob
Schiff of Kulm Loeb & Co. of New York. Vickers had been linked up
with Maxim Nordenfelt in 1897. During the war, another Jew, Sir Basil
Zaharoff, who came from a family of Odessa Jews, played an important
part in the international armaments industry. The failure to supply the
Russian Army with the promised weapons and ammunition was one of
the causes of that army's collapse.

There was a revolution in Russia in February 1917, and Kerensky (real

name Aaron Kirbiz) headed the provisional government that emerged. On
March 5th, 1917, the Czar abdicated. The German Imperial General Staff
demanded the withdrawal of Russian troops from the Eastern Front and
this was brought about with the co-operation of one Alexander Israel
Lazarevitch, alias Helphand, alias Parvus, working with the international
banker Max Warburg. Lenin was sent across Germany in a sealed train
with finance supplied by the Warburgs and with the banker's
representative Olaf Aschberg. Jacob Schiff of the banking firm of Kuhn
Loeb financed Leon Trotsky (real name Bronstein) and Trotsky, with 275
Jewish thugs, traveled from New York with American passports and
supplies of gold to join up with Lenin and bring about the Russian
Revolution of October 1917.

This revolution took Russia out of the war and enabled Ludendorff to
move his divisions to the Western Front. This left Britain and France
fighting Germany alone and they were worried that they would lose the
war. The Zionists, as mentioned earlier, had moved their headquarters to
London and increased their pressure on Britain to get Palestine as their


Britain was on the verge of defeat and Germany offered honourable

surrender terms. Her peace offer asked for neither indemnity nor
reparations. Germany offered to restore the territorial status and political
independence of every country as they had existed in 1914. This offer

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was on the table before the British Cabinet and only needed Britain's
signature. The Cabinet seriously considered accepting it and was on the
point of doing so when the Zionists realised what was happening and
offered to railroad the United States into the war as Britain's ally --- on
the condition that Britain undertake to hand Palestine over to the Jews
after the war.


In October 1916, an agreement was concluded in London between the

British Government and the World Zionist Organisation. The defeat of
Germany and her ally, Turkey, would enable Palestine to be handed over
to the Zionists. This agreement transformed 'pro-German' Jews into
'pro-British' Jews. Britain placed at the disposal of the Zionists in London
its secret codes and cable facilities whereby the Zionists could inform
their people throughout the world about the British pledge to turn
Palestine over to the Jews as compensation for bringing America into the
war. This information was sent by Zionists in the British War Office to
their counterparts in Washington, and Britain began training Jews in the
use of codes and international diplomatic cable facilities.

The reality of the October 1916 agreement was known to the Germans
shortly after it was concluded. Germany therefore exercised great care
not to commit any act which could undermine international law and give
the United States cause to declare war against her. The Germans regarded
the activities of the Zionists as a stab in the back in view of the 1822 edict.

Lloyd George, now British Prime Minister, had been fooled by the
Zionists. The Jews in America did not believe that Britain would honour
the agreement and so, under pressure from Zionists in London, Lloyd
George sent Josiah Wedgewood to the United States with documentary
evidence of the October 1916 Agreement. Wedgewood was met by
Colonel Mandel House, who was connected with the Rothschilds, and he
was able to convince a meeting of 51 Zionist leaders of the veracity of the
agreement that Britain would turn over Palestine to the Jews at the end of
the war.

( Page 12 )

The Jews had set up the revolutionary movement to unseat what they
termed 'imperial governments,' but imperial governments, reasoned
Theodore HerzI, had the power to assign Palestine to the Jews. The
Zionist bargaining offer to the imperial governments was to rid Eastern
Europe of Jewish revolutionaries and to provide a friendly outpost in the
strategic location of Palestine. A faction headed by Chaim Weizmann,
however, was opposed to this plan and believed in swamping Palestine
with Jews until their number there was strong enough to be invulnerable.
Jews were very active in revolutionary affairs in the lands in which they
lived. Hundreds of thousands of Jewish Socialists rejected Zionism. They
were engaged in world revolution to destroy the established order and
they realised that if they abandoned what they called the 'working class
struggle' on their home grounds they would lose all influence on the
class-conscious workers who were anti-Zionist. In the end, all sections of
the Jewish movement accepted the alliance with the British following the
Balfour Declaration, which promised Palestine to the Jews.


Long before 1917, Jacob Schiff had it all planned to bring the United
States into the war. When Woodrow Wilson was campaigning for
re-election as President in 1916, he promised the voters that if elected he
would keep America out of war in Europe, but he had, in fact, secretly
given his word to the very opposite effect.

In the United States, as in Britain. Zionists either own the mass media
directly or control it by indirect means such as advertising pressures.
Today, they have their fingers in all the areas of mass information:
newspapers, magazines, radio, television, book publishing, the film
industry, and other forms of popular entertainment. Even in the second
decade of this century their influence in these fields in America was
already extremely strong --- apart, of course, from television, which had
then not yet been invented. To get the United States into war, it was
necessary for them to use all this influence in order to build up a hatred

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of Germany. This they did by portraying the Germans at every
opportunity as uncivilised monsters.

In 1915, the armed merchantman Lusitania was torpedoed in the Irish Sea
by a German U-boat. The Lusitania had been registered as an auxiliary
cruiser and was carrying arms and explosives for the Allied war effort.
The German High Command had warned by advertisements in American
newspapers that the Lusitania was serving in this capacity and that, being
in consequence a legitimate war target for German vessels, she was an
unsafe ship for Americans to travel on, so that if the latter did travel on
the Lusitania they would do so at their own risk. Notwithstanding this, the
American authorities allowed the Lusitania to sail from the United States
to Europe, carrying American passengers. When she was sunk, American
lives were lost. Winston Churchill, the First Lord of the Admiralty, had
in fact withdrawn the two cruisers accompanying the Lusitania without
informing its captain --- giving rise to the suggestion that the sinking of
the ship had been regarded as a desirable event for the effect that it would
have on public opinion. It was later established that the Lusitania was
carrying explosives. (see The Times of August 6th, 1982).1

Upon the sinking of the Lusitania, headlines immediately appeared in

American papers reporting the event and accompanied by articles and
editorials that vehemently denounced the supposed "barbarity" and
"inhumanity" of submarine warfare.2 The British government's hopes that
the sinking would Almost a year later, headlines in the American press
reported that the S.S. Sussex had been torpedoed and sunk while crossing
the English Channel on March 24, 1916, and that twenty-eight American
passengers on the ship, whose names and addresses were given, had
perished. This was a deliberate lie --- the Sussex was found by the Royal
Navy to be safely tied up at her berth in the Thames.


In the meantime, President Wilson had been blackmailed by Samuel

Untermeyer, a Zionist New York attorney of the firm Untermeyer,
Guggenheim and Marshall. Samuel Untermeyer was a multi-millionaire.
Woodrow Wilson, while President of Princeton University, had indulged

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himself in an adulterous liaison with Mrs. Mary Allen Peck and had
written her letters in which, it is said, he promised to marry her when both
were free. When Wilson's first wife died on August 6, 1914, he evidently
reconsidered his promise to Mrs. Peck, and she seems to have taken no
action until she needed desperately to raise $30,000 for her son. She
placed her claim in the hands of Samuel Untermeyer, who, seeing the
opportunity for blackmail, demanded from Wilson a very large sum of
money,3 threatening he would otherwise file suit on behalf of Mrs. Peck
for breach of promise and thus publish the letters, which would ruin
Wilson's political career. Wilson had no money but Untermeyer said he
would pay the money if Wilson would appoint his nominee to the first
vacancy on the United States Supreme Court. By this method the Zionist
Louis Braneis became a member of the Supreme Court.

Justice Brandeis was the most politically influential of all the Zionist in
the United States. He gave it as his opinion to Woodrow Wilson that the
sinking of the Sussex by a German U-boat, with the loss of United States
citizens on board, justified a declaration of war by America against

On the 2nd April 1917, President Wilson, fully aware that the story of the
sinking of the ship was a cruel hoax, addressed both Senate and Congress.
He pleaded with them to declare war on Germany. He informed Congress
that a German submarine had sunk the S.S. Sussex in the English
channel!4 The United States declared war on Germany on the 6th of April

This hoax was exposed after General Pershing's troops were already
fighting in Europe. Arthur Ponsonby later wrote in his book Falsehood in
Wartime: “There must have been more lying in the world from 1914 to
1918 than at any other period." The Rt. Hon. Francis Nielson wrote on
pages 149-150 of his book Makers of War: "In America Woodrow
Wilson, desperate to find a pretext to enter the war, found it at last in the
sinking of the Sussex in mid-channel. Someone invented the yarn that
American lives had been lost. With this excuse he went to Congress for a
declaration of war. Afterwards the Royal Navy found that the Sussex had
not been sunk and that no lives had been lost." Nielson was later hounded

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and forced to resign his seat in Parliament and eventually to flee the

Winston Churchill referred to the declaration of war by the U.S. against

Germany stating: "America should have minded her own business and
stayed out of World War One. If you hadn't entered the war, the Allies
would have made peace with Germany in the Spring of 1917. Had we
made peace, there would have been no collapse of Russia followed by
Communism, no breakdown in Italy followed by Fascism, and Germany
would not have signed the Versailles Treaty which has enthroned Nazism
in Germany. If America had stayed out of the war, all these 'isms would
not be sweeping the Continent of Europe and breaking down
parliamentary government, and if England had, made peace early in
1917, it would have saved over 1 million British, French, American, and
other lives."


The Treaty of Versailles rearranged the map of Europe in such a way as

to ensure that another war would be inevitable. The international bankers
and financiers demanded that their newly established Communist state,
the Soviet Union, should be recognised. Lloyd George, enlightened too
late in the day, as was Churchill after World War II, wrote of these
events: "The international bankers and financiers swept statesmen,
politicians, journalists, and jurists all to one side and issued their orders
with the imperiousness of absolute monarchs."


Because the Zionists had manipulated the American people to get the
United States into the war, the British implemented the Balfour
Declaration. Britain, by this time, was under the control of the Jews. The
Balfour Declaration established that Palestine would become a home for
the Jews, despite the promises made to the Arabs by T. E. Lawrence
(Lawrence of Arabia) that they would have self-government after the war
for their help in defeating the Turks. Lawrence was discredited and

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embittered. He was killed in very suspicious circumstances --- which
suggest that he was regarded as knowing too much.
The secrets of all the belligerent parties were known to the bankers, for
the Warburgs international bank had members of their family both in
Germany and the United States and were in touch with the Rothschilds
throughout the war. In this war the Anglo-Saxons and Celts and their
racial cousins, the Germans, slaughtered each other for the benefit of their
common enemies. Millions of the finest men of both sides lost their lives

Clausewitz, a student of war, wrote: "modern wars are the pursuit of

policy by other means: that is to say, wars are prime fights between the
populations of A and B for the benefit of C."

In consequence of World War I:

(1) Germany lost the war and came under the control of the
Jew-controlled Weimar Republic.

(2) Russia was destroyed. Its intelligentsia and farming communities

were slaughtered, and she became the base for future world revolution.

(3) The gold contained in the Imperial Russian banks was shipped off to
New York to Kuhn Loeb & Co. by Lenin and Trotsky.

(4) Palestine was handed over to the Jews.

(5) Britain ended the war in enormous debt --- to be increased on a vastly
greater scale as a result of World War II. Largely under the pressure of
her international creditors site began her abdication from empire.

*1. [When the wreck was first examined by divers, it was obvious that the
hull of the Lusitania had been blown open by a terrific internal explosion
that had been detonated by the first torpedo from the German submarine.
See Colin Simpson, The Lusitania (Now York, 1972), pp. 142f. of the
Ballentine reprint (1974). The fact that the Lusitania was carrying a large
cargo of munitions was probably known to Lord Mersey, the High

( Page 17 )
Commissioner in charge of the official inquiry into the sinking; under
extreme pressure from the British Government, he rendered a false
decision and, disgusted with what he privately termed "a damned dirty
business," he immediately resigned his office, informing the Prime
Minister, --- henceforth I must be excused from administering His
Majesty's justice." --- Editor.]

TRAVELERS intending to
embark on the Atlantic voyage
arc reminded that a state of war
exists between Germany and
her allies and Great Britain and
her allies; that the zone of war
includes the waters adjacent to
the British Isles; that in
accordance with formal notice
given by the Imperial German
Government, vessels flying the
flag of Great Britain, or of any
of her allies, are liable to
destruction in those waters and
that traveller sailing in the war
zone on ships of Great Britain or
her allies do so at their own risk.

The text of the advertisement.

From Win Simpson's The Lusitania

*2. [The lead was taken by the New York Times which had been
purchased in 1896 by a wealthy Jew, Adolph S. Ochs, who, with the

( Page 18 )
support of his fellow tribesmen, made it into the foremost newspaper in
the United States, distinguished for both comprehensive and accurate
reporting, except, of course, in matters that directly affected Jewish
interests. The American press, on the whole, howled in harmony,
although there were honourable exceptions in the editorials of some
newspapers that were still owned and controlled by Americans. The
German government had been informed by its espionage service that the
Lusitiania carried a large cargo of high explosives and other munitions of
war, but its official allegations after the sinking were either suppressed or
discounted in the press. It was not possible, however, to conceal entirely
the fact that for a week before the Lusitania sailed advertisements,
warning Americans of the danger of traveling on British ships that were
running the German blockade of the British Isles, appeared in many of
the fifty newspapers to which the prepaid advertisements had been sent.
There was much agitation about the supposed "barbarity" and
"ruthlessness" of torpedoing enemy liners without warning. It is true that
by a convention established when naval operations were conducted
entirely by surface craft, passengers and crew of merchant ships that
attempted to run a blockade were given an opportunity to leave the ships
in boats before the ships were seized and/or sunk. German submarines
followed this procedure until shortly before the sinking of the Lusitania.
On 28 March 1915, the small British liner Falaba was stopped by a
German submarine and given ten minutes in which to disembark
passengers and crew. The captain of the ship obtained extensions of the
allotted time while summoning assistance by wireless, and it was only
when a British gunboat appeared that the commander of the submarine
torpedoed the ship, which was carrying thirteen tons of high explosives
and blew up, killing an American passenger. So far as the Lusitania was
concerned, the commander of the German submarine knew from his copy
of the authoritative British publication, Jane's Fighting Ships, that the
Lusitania had been fitted as an auxiliary cruiser with concealed six-inch
guns, and rightly judged that it would be suicidal for him to surface his
submarine and give warning of his intention to torpedo it. After the
sinking of the Lusitania, the legal department of the U.S. Government
reported that, in terms of international law, "Germany had every right to
sink the Lusitania" (the full text of the report is given by Colin Simpson,
op. cit., p. 182), but the report was suppressed by Robert Lansing, an

( Page 19 )
agent of international banking interests, who had been appointed
Undersecretary of State. He evidently kept the report from the knowledge
of his superior, the Secretary of State, William Jennings Bryan, who,
nevertheless, resisted pressures for war against Germany until he was
forced to resign on June 8, 1915, shortly after a witness, who swore that
he had seen the concealed cannons on the Lusitania, was kidnapped by
the American Secret Service and imprisoned incommunicado on false
charges until he could be secretly deported to Switzerland. --- Editor.]

*3. Untermeyer increased Mrs. Peck's demand from $30,000 to $250,000

to make it impossible for Wilson to pay the blackmail, according to
Colonel Curtis B. Dall's F. D. R. (2d edition, Washington, D.C., 1970),
pp. 140 f. Colonel Dall's many years of intimacy with both Jewish
financial circles in New York City and the occupants of the White House
make his evidence authoritative. He was able to quote the substance of
the conversation between the blackmailer and the President of the United
States, in which Wilson, thought he might be able to raise $100,000, a
sum which Untermeyer rejected as inadequate before he was struck with
the “happy idea" that his friends would pay the $250,000, if Wilson
appointed Brandeis to the Supreme Court. In those days, when Americans
still had real money, $250,000 was a very large sum, indeed, the
equivalent in gold of $5,600,000 at the present depressed price of gold,
and of many times that amount in purchasing power. It is not known what
Mrs. Peck received for the compromising letters, she may have been
given her $30,000, if she was lucky. Untermeyer's typically Jewish
operation succeeded not only because Wilson was so weak as to submit
to the blackmail, but also because Wilson was well aware that he owed
his election to the Presidency to the Jews, who trained him for the office
and procured his election by preying upon the vanity of Theodore
Roosevelt and inciting him to organize a Third Party to split the
Republican vote. Colonel Dall reports that the Jews boasted that they had
led Wilson around "like a poodle on a string" while teaching him what he
must do when elected to the Presidency. --- Editor. 1

*4. [After the faked report of the sinking of the Sussex, Wilson, egged on
by his masters, addressed to Germany an ultimatum demanding the
cessation of submarine warfare. It was, of course, an act of unprecedented

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effrontery for the executive of an ostensibly neutral nation to dictate to a
belligerent nation how it should conduct a war for its own survival, but
self-righteous little prigs, inflated by messianic hallucinations, have no
sense of decency. Germany submitted to the outrageous threat and
recalled all of her small fleet of submarines, but actual starvation in
Germany as a result of the British blockade prompted the German
government to rescind its agreement to discontinue the use of submarines
and to inform the United States. That gave the pretext for Wilson's
oratory about the supposed sinking of the Sussex when he demanded that
the Congress declare war on Germany as a holy Crusade for "mankind"
on April 6, 1917, almost exactly two years after Dr. Bernhard Dernberg,
at a meeting in New York, had prophetically declared, --- The American
people cannot visualize the spectacle of a hundred thousand, even a
million German children starving by slow degrees as a result of the
British blockade, but they can visualize the pitiful face of a little child
drowning amidst the wreckage caused by a German torpedo." The
American people, now under Jewish rule, are paying the penalty for their
folly. --- Editor.]

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About The Author
Kenneth Roderick McKilliam (1911-1992) was educated in Sydney. Australia
and in 1934 went 10 the University oj Queensland. Two years later he attended
London University where he obtained an honours degree in psychology and
sociology. As a volunteer soldier he saw service in the Somalian Military
Administration and was later attached to the East African command H.Q. After
the war he spent sixteen years in Africa as an Educational and Community
Development Officer.
He was active in church and social work and was a licensed reader in the
dioceses of Mombasa Namirembe. Upper Nile, and, Canterbury. He made
extensive study tours of Australia, Asia and Africa.
While in Africa, he became increasingly frustrated as to why all his efforts were
being thwarted by those in power back in London. When it was explained to him
who really held this power, he was at first incredulous and inclined to disbelief,
but then he decided to do his own research and thus came into an awakening
He served God and his nation with total commitment by involving himself fully
in the politics of the day. He was active first in the National Front, a Party
started by some of the finest and most honourable men to live during the 20th
Century, (before a controlled and biased media attempted to ruin its reputation)
Later, he threw his energies into the British National Party. His motives were to
preserve the once great British Empire and the British people: to keep them free
from foreign rule and invasion, which is fully in accordance with Old Testament
Law as well as the basic statutes of this land, which are still in force.
In his own words: “When I came back from Colonial Service, having seen what
was going on behind the scenes I wanted to let my own people, my own kinsfolk,
know exactly what was going on against them; particularly in the break-up of
the Empire and Commonwealth which I had quite a lot of knowledge about. A
lot of things are being put out in the world today which are wrong, which are
lies, and therefore my whole purpose is to bring to my own people, my own kith
and kin, the fact of these lies and that high treason is being committed. There-
fore, what I intended was to give them the actual factual information and let
them form their own opinions, because a lot of my own people are in the dark”.
He was a member of British Israel, and was totally convinced that the British
and related peoples round the world are the true Israel of God. Today, there are
a growing number of Christians in the Commonwealth nations who are coming
into an awareness of this knowledge, and the implications and responsibilities
it carries. Bible prophecy stales that the twelve tribes scattered among the
nations will be reunited and their true identity revealed to them.

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Contact us for details of
audio tapes and articles
Dr. Wesley A. Swift

Rev. Dr. Bertrand Comparet, A. B., J. D.

Rev. William Gale


Pastor Don Campbell

New Crusade Christian Church

Calling The People of Britain
Celtic-Anglo-Saxon-Nordic-Germanic Kindred in Europe
and overseas realms

Tel. No. 07936364949 E-mail [email protected]

( Page 23 )


At last the bible makes sense!

At last we know its meaning.

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