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A dvanced G E reen nergy &C ontrol

Over and Under protection relay


OUV Series
April 2018

02/26230107 :‫ ! س‬- ‫ ا زھ ا د دة – ا ھرة‬- ‫ز – ش ل ن ر ح‬8

8z Block –Belal ben Rabah St. – AlnozhaAlgadeda – Cairo – Egypt – Tel/Fax: 02-26230107
Website: www.agec-eg.com
www.agec E-mail: [email protected]

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Content Page
1. Safety cautions 3
2. Features 3
3. Device identification 4
3.1 Front 4
3.2 Back 5
4. Operation procedures 7
4.1 Start up 7
4.2 Settings 7
4.3 Faults 14
5. Technical Specifications 17
5.1 Electrical Specifications 17
5.2 Mechanical Specifications 17
5.3 Mechanical Protection 17
5.4 Electrical protection 17
6. Panel Cutout 18
7. Ordering information 18

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*For your safety, please read the following before using.

1. Safety Cautions
1. It must be mounted on Panel.
ay give an electric shock.
2. Do not connect terminals while power is on.
ay give an electric shock.
3. Do not disassemble and and modify this unit. If it is necessary please
contact us.
ay give an electric shock / cause fire.
4. Please check the terminals
terminal numbers before connecting power lines.
May cause fire.
5. While cleaning the unit, do not use water or an oil-based
oil based detergent.
ay cause an electric shock / fire and so the unit will be damaged.
6. check the polarity before connecting terminals.
May cause fire.

2. Features:
1- Measure and display the real value of the input 3 phase AC voltage (L-N).
2- Measure and display the real value of the output DC voltage.
3- AC over (ANSI 59) and under voltage (ANSI 27) limits protection can be
adjusted via display.
4- DC over (ANSI 59) and under voltage (ANSI 27) limits protection can be
adjusted via display.
5- Indicate the fault in LCD.
6- All settings stored in EEPROM.
7- Numerical LCD (16 * 2). 2)
8- Parameters adjust via keypad.
9- Change over Form C relay for each protection function.
10- One Normally open relay Form A for common alarm.
11- Five programmable relays.
12- Five indication Leds for each relay.
13- Auto / Manual resetset option.

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3. Device identification

3.1. Front

2 DC = 126V (Normal) 3
4 222V 220V 221V

5 6
7 8

10 14
11 12 13

1 Numerical (16*2) LCD display shows measurements, settings and faults.

2 DC voltage measurement.
3 Normal operation for the relay.
4 AC 3 phase voltage measurement.
5 Up arrow key (increase parameter value in edition mode).
6 Down arrow key (decrease parameter value in edition mode).
7 Menu/ESC key (enter and exit in edition mode)
8 Enter/RESET key(store parameter value and enter in edition mode,reset.in protection mode).
9 Healthy Led.
10 Programmable relay 1 indication Led.
11 Programmable relay 2 indication Led.
12 Programmable relay 3 indication Led.
13 Programmable relay 4 indication Led.
14 Programmable relay 5 indication Led

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3.2. Back
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Aux Supply
R5 50-270 VDC/VAC
AC 3Ph (380VAC) 110 / 220 VDC

E N L1 L2 L3 - +
R3 R2 R1.Gen
24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17
16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9

1 Normally Open of internal relay (250VAC – 2 A) for programmable relay 4.

2 Common of internal relay (250VAC – 2 A) for programmable relay 4.
3 Normally Close of internal relay (250VAC – 2 A) for programmable relay 4.
4 Positive or Line of the aux. supply.
5 Negative or neutral of the aux. supply.
6 Normally Open of internal relay (250VAC – 2 A) for programmable relay 5.
7 Common of internal relay (250VAC – 2 A) for programmable relay 5.
8 Normally Close of internal relay (250VAC – 2 A) for programmable relay 5.
9 Common of internal relay (250VAC – 2 A) for general relay 1.
10 Normally Open of internal relay (250VAC – 2 A) for general relay 1.
11 Normally close of internal relay (250VAC – 2 A) for programmable relay 2.
12 Common of internal relay (250VAC – 2 A) for programmable relay 2.
13 Normally Open of internal relay (250VAC – 2 A) for programmable relay 2.
14 Normally close of internal relay (250VAC – 2 A) for programmable relay 3.
15 Normally Open of internal relay (250VAC – 2 A) for programmable relay 3.
16 Common of internal relay (250VAC – 2 A) for programmable relay 3.
17 Positive of the DC output & batteries.
18 Negative of the DC output & batteries.
19 Not connected.
20 Phase 3 of the 3 phase AC voltage of the device.
21 Phase 2 of the 3 phase AC voltage of the device.
22 Phase 1 of the 3 phase AC voltage of the device.
23 Neutral of the 3 phase AC voltage of the device.
24 Earth of the device & Station.

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• General relay can be changed between NO / NC using internal
jumper in the device
• Default of the relay is NO

Figure 1 Figure 2

Figure 3 Figure 4

• Long press on the lock key as shown in Fig.1

• Pull up the relay while holding the lock from the housing as showm
in Fig.2
• In Fig.3 jumper of the general relay is marked by an elipce.
• In Fig.4 Zoomed in view of the jumper.

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4. Operations Procedures:
4.1 Start up :
First when connect power to
t the device the LCD will show the following:
TEL: 02-26230107

Then shown the for example:


DC = 125 V (Normal)
222V 215V 219V

4.2 Settings :
To adjust
st the protection parameters we go to “edition
edition mode”
mode by
pressing MENU/ESC key for 3 sec until the screen shows
show :
->AC Settings
DC Settings

Using and keys you can select between different parameters like
DC settings and Reset settings.

To set AC settings Press then appear

->AC ovr active
AC ovr value

To activate AC over press Enter/Reset in the previous

ious screen.

Then appear
->AC ovr Enable
AC ovr Disable*

Press Enter/Reset to activate AC over , your selection will be

marked by (*)
->AC ovr Enable*
AC ovr Disable

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To set the other values of AC over press Menu/ESC in the
previous screen then appear

AC ovr active
->AC ovr value

To set AC over Value press Enter/Reset then

AC ovr value
AC ovr=250 V

To increase the
e AC over value press up arrow key
To decrease the AC over value press down arrow key
To store settings press ENTER/Reset key the display will show

AC ovr value
Save ok

Then appear
AC ovr value
->AC ovr hys

Press Enter/Reset to set AC over hysteresis value

AC ovr hys
AC ovr hys.=5 V

To increase the AC over hys value press up arrow key

To decrease the AC over hys value press down arrow key
To store settings press ENTER/Reset key the display will
AC ovr hys
Save ok

Then appear
AC ovr hys
->AC ovr delay

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Press Enter/Reset to set AC over delay value

AC ovr delay
AC ovr del.= 6 S

To increase the AC over delay value press up arrow key

To decrease the AC over delay value press down arrow key
To store settings press ENTER/Reset key the display will show:

AC ovr delay
Save ok

Then appear
AC ovr delay
->AC ovr relay

Press Enter/Reset to set AC over relay

AC ovr relay
AC ovr rel->1

To scroll between the AC over relays press up arrow key &

To select the desired press ENTER/Reset key the display will

AC ovr relay
AC ovr rel->1*

Your selection will be marked by (*)

Press down arrow key until shows:

AC ovr relay
AC ovr rel->save

Press Enter/Reset to save

AC ovr relay
Save ok

Page 9 of 18
Then appear
AC over relay
->AC undr active

Press down 5 times then appear

AC undr relay

Press Menu/Escape to get back to main screen in Edition Mode.

->AC settings
DC settings

Press Menu/Escape again to get back to Main screen

DC = 125 V (Normal)
222V 215V 219V

*Do the previous steps for all parameters

Page 10 of 18
To set AC under options :

Long press for

DC = 125 V (Normal) ->AC
>AC settings
222V 215V 219V 3 sec DC settings

AC over relay ->AC

>AC over active
5 Times
->AC under active AC over value

->AC undr enable AC un enabled

AC undr disable* Save ok

Use & to AC undr value AC undr active

set value then to AC undr = 180 V ->AC
>AC undr value

AC undr value AC undr value

Save ok ->AC
>AC undr hys

AC undr hys Use & to AC undr hys

Save ok set value then to AC undr hys.5 V


AC undr hys AC undr delay Use & to

-> AC undr delay AC undr del.=5 S set value then to

AC undr delay AC undr delay

->AC undr relay Save ok

To next Page
Page 11 of 18
From previous page
Use & to
AC undr relay scroll between relays , press AC undr relay
AC undr relay->1
>1 to save AC undr relay->1*
Your selection is marked by

AC undr relay AC undr relay Press without

hold until screen
Save ok AC undr relay->save shows


AC undr relay ->AC settings Press without

hold until screen
->Escape DC settings

DC = 125 V (Normal) Reset Settings

222V 215V 219V ->Escape

Do the previous steps for all parameters

For DC input value selection:

Long press for
DC = 125 V (Normal) ->AC
>AC settings
222V 215V 219V 3 sec DC settings

->DC i/p select AC settings 1 Time

DC over active -> DC settings

->DC I/P=110 V * Use & to DC I/P=110 V

DC I/P=220 V select then to Save ok

To next page
Page 12 of 18
From previous page

AC settings ->DC
>DC over active
-> DC settings DC over value

DC = 125 V (Normal)
222V 215V 219V

* Your selection will be marked by (*)

*For Reset settings options:

Long press for

DC = 125 V (Normal) ->AC settings
222V 215V 219V 3 sec DC settings

2 Times

->Manual reset * DC settings

Auto reset ->Reset
>Reset settings

Use & to Auto reset

select then to Enable ok

DC = 125 V (Normal) Reset settings

222V 215V 219V ->Escape

Your selection will be marked by (*).

Page 13 of 18
Parameters list:
Parameter ANSI Default Min Max Unit
DC Range 110 110 220 -
AC over voltage active
activ - Enable - - -
AC over voltage value (U>) 59 250 130 320 V
AC over hysteresis 5 0 30 V
AC over delay 5 0 30 sec
AC over relay - R1&R2 - - -
AC under voltage active - Enable - - -
AC under voltage value (U<) 27 180 110 270 V
AC under hysteresis
teresis 5 0 30 V
AC under delay 5 0 30 sec
AC under relay - R1&R3 - - -
DC over voltage active - Enable - - -
DC over voltage value (U>) 59 142 66 153 V
DC over hysteresis
teresis 5 0 30 V
DC over delay 5 0 30 sec
DC over relay - R1&R4 - - -
DC under voltage active - Enable - -
DC under voltage value (U<) 27 76 55 132 V
DC under hysteresis
teresis 5 0 30 V
DC under delay 5 0 30 sec
DC under relay - R1&R5 - - -
Reset settings - Manual - - -

4.3Faults :
When any fault occurs:
The LCD will show the fault.
The Aux relay for the function will be active (NO & COM closed).
The fault red led related to the relay will be on.
In case of faults in Auto reset mode the related relay for each
protection function will reset automatically only if the reason of fault
disappeared like over , under voltage ……etc.
In case of faults in manual mode resetting the related relay for
each protection
ion function is done by pressing ENTER/RESET

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In case of AC faults, the LCD will show any of the following:

AC is over AC is under
AC input=260 V AC input=110 V

• In case of AC Over the general and the related relay will be

• In case of AC Under the general and the related relay will be
• If the AC value returned back to the user’s set value the LCD will show
Any of the following:

AC is normal <O> AC is normal <U>

Delay time= 4 S Delay time= 4 S

• In case of returning from the user’s over set value AC is normal will be
quoted by <O>.
• In case of returning from the user’s under set value AC is normal will
be quoted by <U>.
• After delay time is up screen goes back to main screen.

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In case of DC fault, the LCD will show any of the following:

DC is Over DC is under
DC input= 202 V DC input= 42 V

• In case of DC Over the general and the related relay will be

• In case of DC Under the general and the related relay will be

• If the DC
C value returned back to the user’s set value the LCD will
Any of the following:
DC is normal <O> DC is normal <U>
Delay time= 4 S Delay time= 4 S

• In case of returning from the user’s over set value DC

C is normal will be
quoted by <O>.
• In case of returning from the user’s under set value DC
D is normal will
be quoted by <U>.
• After delay time is up screen goes back to main screen.

If manual reset mode is enabled the fault will be locked even if the
fault reason disappeared until pressing to reset the related
relay of the fault.
If manual reset mode is enabled the fault can be cleared by
pressing ENTER/RESET key even if the fault reason is not
If Auto reset mode is enabled the fault will disappear automatically
if the fault reason disappeared.

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5. Technical Specifications:
5.1 Electrical Specifications:
Aux Power supply :50 to 270 VDC / VAC
DC Voltage range : 110 VDC or 220 VDC
AC Voltage range :380 VAC/3Ø
Frequency range : 50 Hz
Range of protection
Over Voltage – U>(ANSI 59) 0.6 Un to 1.4 Un.
Reset factor 1.15 Un.
Under Voltage– U< (ANSI 27) 0.5 Un to 1.2 Un.
Reset factor 0.9 Un.

Aux relay: 4 Free contact (NO,COM & NC) 2A @ 250VAC
Alarm: 1 Free contact (NO) or (NC) 2A @ 250VAC

5.2 Mechanical Specifications:

Dimension :96 mm * 96 mm * 112 mm.
Panel cutout :92 mm * 92 mm ± 1.

5.3 Protection Specifications

Temperature :-5oC to +60oC
Enclosure IP : IP 45
The enclosure is isolated according to standard EN 60439-1
The enclosure is protected against external mechanical shocks.

5.4 Electrical Protection:

Over and under AC input voltage which can be adjusted.
Over and under DC output voltage which can be adjusted.

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6. Panel Cutout 92±1


(Unit: mm)

7. Ordering information
OUV Over / Under Voltage protection relay Sires.
0 AC Over protection deactivated.
1 AC Over protection activated.
0 AC Under protection deactivated.
1 AC Under protection activated.
0 DC Over protection deactivated.
1 DC Over protection activated.
0 DC Under protection deactivated.
1 DC Under protection activated.
0 Earth Leakage protection deactivated.
1 Earth Leakage protection activated.
Outputs 1 1 Form C relay + Serina 12 V.
2 4 Form C relay + 1 Form A relay
DC range A 110 DC voltage.
B 220 DC voltage.
C 110 and 220 DC voltage.

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