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Medicinal Plants: Historical and Cross-Cultural Usage Patterns


PURPOSE: An attempt is made to review the prevalence of medicinal herb use in different societies and
the various lines of evidence for its effectiveness for particular health needs and the alleviation of disease
METHODS: Published scientifically collected data and anecdotal reports representing numerous
populations are compiled and evaluated. Original research findings from Caribbean, American, and
Caribbean-American samples are included in the comparisons.
RESULTS: Medicinal plant products have been successfully administered both externally and internally
in several different forms for a wide range of health problems cross-culturally since prehistoric times.
Certain toxic effects and contraindications have also been recorded.
CONCLUSIONS: Many botanical medications contain curative bioactive chemical ingredients which
have proven to be valuable as primary or supplemental therapies when carefully applied. Further research
will ultimately clarify their appropriate roles in the treatment of diseases and injuries as well as in preventive
health maintenance.
Ann Epidemiol 2005;15:686–699. Ó 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

As the author notes in the final section of this article, interest in HISTORICAL BACKGROUND
botanical medicine has been augmented in recent years by the The healing properties of various plants are recognized and
study of complementary and alternative medicine. The article utilized by other primates. A number of species of monkeys
surveys botanical medicaments and provides an extensive and apes have been observed to repeatedly consume
bibliography for epidemiologists who may be pursuing studies in particular botanical species containing chemical compo-
this field. nents that act as analgesics, anti-microbials, anti-inflam-
Editor matories, immunostimulants, anti-diarrheals, digestive
aids, and fertility regulators (1–2; 3, p. 156–165).
INTRODUCTION A recent review article on this intriguing subject reports
Several diverse lines of evidence indicate that medicinal that monkeys, gorillas, chimpanzees, and humans select
plants represent the oldest and most widespread form of some of the same plants for the management of similar
medication. Until the last century most medicines were diseases, injuries, and other health problems (4).
derived directly from plant or animal sources. Despite the There is also ample archaeological evidence indicating
increasing use of factory-made synthetic drugs, natural that medicinal plants were regularly employed by people
organic healing materials have persisted as the ‘‘treatment of in prehistoric times. In several ancient cultures botanical
choice’’ for a multitude of health problems in populations products were ingested for biomedically curative and
throughout the world. psychotherapeutic purposes. Through extensive experi-
The purpose of the present article is to review previously mentation the biodynamic activities of the phytochem-
published and original data on the historical uses and ical plant constituents were gradually discovered and
current applications of botanical medicines in a variety of exploited for specific medical and psychiatric applica-
different societies and cultures. Special attention is focused tions. Evidence suggests that the early healers were well
on the scientific evidence for the effectiveness of herbal aware of the mind–body interconnection and the
remedies. important role of patient relaxation in medical treat-
ments and in health restoration and rehabilitation (5–7).
In a recent review article Merlin (8) evaluates different
lines of archaeological evidence regarding psychoactive
plant usage in a variety of prehistoric cultures in the ‘‘Old
From the Department of Anthropology, University of Miami, Coral
Gables, FL. World’’ (Eastern Hemisphere).
Address correspondence to: Dr. R. A. Halberstein, Department Some of the earliest known written records also deal with
of Anthropology, University of Miami, P.O. Box 248106, Coral Gables, the subject of healing with medicinal substances. The
FL 33124-2005. Tel.: (305) 284-2535; Fax: (305) 284-2110. E-mail:
[email protected] ancient Egyptians of 3000 to 6000 years ago are credited
Received June 22, 2004; accepted February 1, 2005. with developing an elaborate and effective pharmacological

Ó 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 1047-2797/05/$–see front matter

360 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10010 doi:10.1016/j.annepidem.2005.02.004
AEP Vol. 15, No. 9 Halberstein 687
October 2005: 686–699 MEDICINAL PLANT USAGE

collection of numerous curing materials obtained from Botanica and Critica Botanica (both published in 1737) and
natural resources. Nunn (9, p. 137) states: ‘‘By far the most Philosophica Botanica (1751) deal with the subject of the
common form of treatment recommended in the medical precise identification of plants and their characteristics,
papyri was the use of drugs, drawn from a very wide range of including catalogues with Latin terminology of all species
animal, mineral, and vegetable substances and administered known at that time. In Species Plantarum (1757) Linnaeus
in a variety of ways. The ancient Egyptians were renowned recorded detailed descriptions of over 5900 plant species.
for their skill in this respect.’’ The Egyptian doctors These landmark publications continue to be consulted by
prescribed sedatives, analgesics, gastrointestinal disorder botanists, herbalists, horticulturalists, and taxonomists.
remedies, and medicines for urinary tract diseases and the Another indication of the lengthy history of botanical
common cold (9, p. 153–161; 10, p. 444–446). Plant extracts medicine is found in its global, cross-cultural distribution.
were prepared and taken internally, applied topically, and From its original inception in prehistory, medicinal plant
administered by fumigation and vapor inhalation. The exploitation has gradually spread, by both independent
Egyptians are also credited with the early medicinal use of discovery and cultural diffusion, to all corners of the earth.
wine, castor oil, marijuana, opium, mints, and beer made Organized, systematic collections of traditional herbal
from barley and wheat (11). Oakes and Gahlin (10, p. 445) remedies have been described by anthropologists and
point out that ‘‘The Egyptians were the first people to use ethnobotanists in all countries and ethnic groups surveyed
a number of drugs that modern studies have proved would so far (20–23).
have been medicinally effective.’’
Plant-based therapeutic treatments continued to be
augmented later by health-care practitioners in ancient
Greece 3000 through 1500 years ago. Dioscorides, an CURRENT RESEARCH DIRECTIONS
authority on herbs who lived in the first century A.D., is Despite the cross-cultural, universal nature of herbal
noted for assembling 24 detailed books on over 600 curative medicine, scientific research concerning its effectiveness
plants and their proper uses under the title De Materia has only recently been conducted. In his ‘‘urgent’’ call to
Medica, the earliest known designation of that terminology action, Naranjo (24) noted that over 20,000 medicinal
(12, p. 521; 13, p. 357). plants were recently inventoried in by the World Health
Following those developments additional discoveries of Organization (WHO), and at the time of that publication
useful medicinal plants resulted from experimentations in (1995) 250 of these had been analyzed to identify their
several early historic cultures 1000 to 2000 years ago in biodynamic chemical components. Since it has been
China, India, and Tibet. The herbal specialist was estimated that at least 25% of the active compounds in
recognized as a powerful and influential professional in currently prescribed synthetic drugs were first identified in
these societies (14–17). About 1000 years ago healers in the plant sources (25), the investigation of phytochemicals and
Aztec and Maya Indian cultures of Mexico and Central their potential healing qualities will be increasingly
America were experimenting with natural curing substan- important in the future.
ces. Evans (18, p. 477) notes that Post-Classic ‘‘Mesoamer- Several plants contain biodynamic ingredients that have
icans developed a large and effective pharmacopoeia, been verified as medicinally beneficial through repeated
formulae for medicines concocted from animals, minerals, field/clinical testing and laboratory analyses. The following
and especially plants.’’ According to Berdan (19, p. 156), are some of the best known and most widely used examples:
the ancient Aztec healers exploited at least 132 medicinal 1) Willow tree (Salix caroliniana and related species)d
herbs for the treatment of specific ailments ranging from possesses acetylsalicylic acid, a major component of aspirin;
pimples and nosebleeds to gout and epilepsy. Respiratory 2) Poppy flower (Papaver somniferum)da source of opium,
and gastrointestinal infections were addressed with remedies morphine and codeine; 3) Foxglove plant (Digitalis
produced from a combination of different herbal products, latana)dcontains digoxin, a heart medicine; 4) Cinchona
and some of the preparations were prescribed to prevent tree (Cinchona officinalis)danti-malarial drug quinine is
certain diseases. extracted from the bark; 5) Dogbane plant (Rauwolfia
Another major advancement was achieved in the 18th serpentina)danti-hypertensive, tranquilizing drug reserpine
century with the revolutionary taxonomic work of Swedish obtained from the bark; 6) Pacific yew tree (Taxus
naturalist Carolus Linnaeus, whose classifications of thou- brevifolia)danti-cancer drug taxol extracted from the
sands of botanical species provided the foundation for the bark; 7) Periwinkle flower (Catharanthus roseus)dsource
standardized documentation of the relationships and of anti-cancer drugs vinblastine and vincristine; 8) Aloe
evolutionary histories of medicinal plants. His classic plant (Aloe vera and related species)dsource of aloin used in
Systema Naturae (1735) established the framework for dermatologic and other topical medicines; 9) Saw palmetto
modern biological taxonomy, and his famous works Genera berries (Serenoa repens)dcontain sterols and fatty acids
688 Halberstein AEP Vol. 15, No. 9
MEDICINAL PLANT USAGE October 2005: 686–699

proven beneficial for prostate gland disorders; 10) Garlic extracts of the Impatiens flower (Impatiens glandulifera)
(Allium sativum)dclinical evidence indicating immunity- have been prescribed in the treatment of nervous disorders
enhancing, blood pressure-reducing, and cholesterol-lower- (38; 39, p. 17–18).
ing effects (26–29). Virtually all plant parts have been tested and prescribed
A growing list of additional plants with purported for their therapeutic value: roots, stalks, stems, pods, seeds,
therapeutic qualities await further scientific investigation leaves, berries, entire flowers, petals, buds, shoots, rhizomes,
to confirm their bioavailability, physiological effects, and pollen, twigs, branches, vines, barks, thorns, saps, resins,
potential healing efficacy: Black Cohosh (Cimicifuga race- gums, fruits, juices, etc. (40–42). Some wild species of
mosa), Camphor (Cinnamomum camphora), Echinacea medicinal plants or their parts are consumed directly
(Echinacea angustifolia), Ephedra/‘‘Ma Huang’’ (Ephedra without modification. In most cases, however, there are
sinica), Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium), Ginger (Zingiber specific preparation procedures, beginning with the careful
officinale), Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba), Ginseng (Panax ginseng), sowing, fertilization, watering, tending, cultivation, and
Goldenseal (Hydrastis candensis), Hawaiian Noni (Morinda harvesting of each individual species.
citrifolia), Hawthorn (Crateaegus laeviagata; C. monogyna), Herbalists in different cultures have historically played
Lignum vitae (Guaiacum officinale), Milk Thistle (Silybum close attention to their target plants’ habitats and micro-
marianum), Peppermint (Mentha piperita), St. John’s Wort environments, including latitude and longitude, soil quality,
(Hypericum perforatum), Senna (Cassia angustifolia), Valeri- exposure to sun and rainfall, amount of shade, wind
an (Valeriana officinalis), and Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) characteristics, temperature variations, animal and insect
(30–34). activity, and pollution level. Particular methods are
The potential applications and possible side effects of characteristically employed to collect, process, store, and
botanical medications are now being intensively investi- preserve the resulting botanical products (43–46).
gated on a number of research fronts. Various types of data Several techniques are used by traditional herbalists to
are being collected, processed, and compiled through obtain the beneficial phytochemical components from the
double-blind clinical trials, biochemical assays of specimens, selected species. By far the most common method cross-
analyses of informant interviews and anecdotal reports, and culturally is boiling, either in water or a specially designated
the observation of traditional herbalists and their diagnostic mixture of liquefied materials, to produce a safe and
and herbal preparation procedures in different cultures. digestible plant-based medication. Heating a raw plant in
This work is now yielding an ever-increasing stockpile of a fluid medium not only aids the extraction and concentra-
cross-cultural evidence for future comparative research tion of curative substances, it also acts to eliminate poisons
(35–37). and impurities prior to consumption (47–50). Nevertheless,
A long history of trial and error has led to the correlation there are hundreds of plants that are potentially poisonous
of particular herbs with the amelioration and/or complete for humans and numerous deaths have been documented
curing of certain diseases. The physical characteristics of the following their accidental or unregulated intake (51, 52).
plants, including size, shape, color, texture, and taste have The various routes of administration of herbal medica-
traditionally served as important criteria in their selection tions are typically chosen according to both the consistency
for therapeutic purposes. The choice of yellow plants such as of the preparation and the disease or condition under
Dandelions (Taraxacum officinale) for jaundice and urinary treatment. The majority of botanically-based remedies are
conditions, the heart-shaped leaves and red flowers of consumed orally in the form of a tea or other drink
Heart’s Ease (Viola tricolor) for cardiac disorders and blood containing either diluted or concentrated chemical ingre-
diseases, and ‘‘scaly’’ plant parts such as pine cones (Pinus dients. The teas are generally produced by one of two related
mugo) for dermatological conditions represents a component methods. In the process of ‘‘infusion,’’ boiling water/liquid is
of a folk healing system called the ‘‘Doctrine of Signatures’’ poured over a particular quantity of finely cut or chopped
ascribed to various medical traditions ranging from Amer- leaves, stems, flowers, roots, or fruits for several minutes.
ican Indian to ancient Chinese. The plants’ physical traits ‘‘Decoction’’ involves the prolonged and more thorough
are thus interpreted as providing clues or ‘‘signatures’’ to boiling and soaking (‘‘steeping’’) of harder plant parts such
their appropriate medical value. Vernacular (common) as branches, twigs, bark, seeds, uncut roots, or the entire
names of many other medicinal herbs have likewise been compacted plant. In each case the resulting liquefied
traced to these pre-scientific associations as well, such as mixture is strained and cooled. Both procedures allow for
Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium), Liverwort (also called the release and recovery of the plants’ water-soluble
Liver LeafdAnemone hepatica), Self-Heal (also called medicinal constituents (37, 53, 54).
Heal-all and WoundwortdPrunella vulgaris), Toothwort Plant extracts are also processed or refined to produce
(Dentaria diphylla), Boneset (Eupatorium perfoliatum), and therapeutic tinctures, syrups, sauces, oral sprays, tablets,
Eyebright (Euphrasia rostkoviana). By the same token, encapsulated powders, snuffs, and sublingual lozenges.
AEP Vol. 15, No. 9 Halberstein 689
October 2005: 686–699 MEDICINAL PLANT USAGE

Tonics and potions are taken on a regular basis in numerous (Juniperus communis) and Watercress (Nasturtium officinale)
cultures for general preventive medicine, enhanced disease have been recommended to promote urination and thus
resistance/immunity, rejuvenation, and as a ‘‘booster’’ for expel toxins. Expectorants help to remove mucous accu-
rapid recovery following an illness or injury. Other methods mulation and include products of the Soapwort plant
of ingestion of botanical products include the inhalation of (Saponaria officinalis) and the Sweet Violet flower (Viola
aerosols, aromatic oils, and vaporized plant juices or teas, as odorata). Extracts of the Australian Tea Tree (Melaleuca
well as absorption via rectal or vaginal suppositories. Solid alternifolia) and the Elecampane flower (Imula helenium)
materials such as barks, gums, berries, roots, etc., are also have been prescribed for many years as antibiotics. Topical
chewed to obtain healing components (43, 55, 56). antiseptic cleansers known as astringents have historically
Organic plant matter is also attached externally in been distilled from the Witch Hazel plant (Hamamelis
cultures worldwide. In making a poultice, for example, herbs virginiana) and Oregano (Origanum vulgare). Preparations
are ground or crushed and combined with hot water or other from the German Chamomile flower (Matricaria recutita)
liquid plus a suspension vehicle, such as flour or corn meal, and French and English Lavender flowers (Lavandula
to create a medicinal paste or plaster. The resulting mixture angustifolia; L. dentate) have been employed as sedatives
is placed directly on cuts, wounds, bruises, sprains, arthritic and tranquilizers. Tonics created for general strength-
joints, strains, burns (including sunburn), insect and animal building and disease prevention have been derived from
bites, dislocations, rashes, swellings, wrinkles, and other the root of the Yellow Gentian (Gentiana lutea) and the
painful injuries or dermatological irritations. For these and dried whole Buckbean (Bog Bean) plant (Menyanthes
other integumental problems, plants have also traditionally trifoliate) in several different cultures found in northern
yielded therapeutic raw materials for hygienic creams, temperate zones. Natural analgesics and anesthetics have
salves, balms, lotions, powders, ointments, lubricants, been produced from a variety of species including the
emollients, oils, dressings, cleansers, etc., and such items Mandrake root (Mandragora officinarum) and Wintergreen
are commercially available as well in most countries today oil (Gaultheria procumbens). Purgatives have historically
(35, 44, 45). been obtained from the seeds of both the Castor Oil tree
The dispensing practices of herbalists and their recom- (Ricinus communis) and the Psyllium plant (Plantago
mended dosages of botanical medicaments vary by culture psyllium). Diabetes has been managed by traditional healers
and individual healing professionals. Intake schedules for with Cerasee (Momordica charantia) and Eucalyptus (Euca-
particular herbal remedies are designated according to lyptus globus). Herbalists have frequently recommended
chronological variables such as time of day or month, digestive aids such as dried leaves of the Fennel plant
associated physical activities such as before sleeping or after (Foeniculum vulgare) and seeds of the Anise spice (Pimpinella
exercise, and developmental milestones such as during anisum), and laxatives have been produced from different
pregnancy or after menopause. Pharmacological licensing parts of the Papaya fruit (Carica papaya). Products obtained
and/or credentials may or may not be required in order to from the Autumn Crocus flower (Colchicum autumnale) have
perform such services. In many Caribbean societies, for been used in many countries since ancient times to lower the
example, healers and herbal specialists acquire their body’s uric acid levels in the treatment of gout. In many
positions through inheritance (‘‘transmission’’) since it is healing systems dentists have used Bloodroot (Sanguinaria
believed that these skills and abilities are passed down canadensis) and several plants containing the colorless
through family lines by way of birthrights and visions rather aromatic oil eugenol (C10H12O2) in the form of toothpastes,
than lengthy training and apprenticeship (35, 43). Laguerre powders, mouthwashes, and other agents promoting oral
(57, p. 42) says the following about traditional Caribbean health. From a cross-cultural and historical standpoint, two
healers: ‘‘Healers may be the third, second, or even the first of the most frequently prescribed ethnomedicines for
generation in a family, including those who have not been psychiatric disorders are Banisteriopsis inebrians (‘‘Ayahua-
formally educated but have simply received their knowledge sca’’ or ‘‘Visionary Vine’’) and Cannabis sativa (‘‘Hemp’’),
in a dream or through the mediums of spirit posses- both of which are brewed into a tea or smoked to induce
sion..The process of transmitting knowledge from one euphoria, mental stimulation, or other types of psycholog-
generation to the next is a complex one, and the end result is ical benefits (43, 44, 58–61).
not always identical.’’ Anthropological research in a substantial number of
In many traditional healing systems herbal medications societies has revealed the longstanding custom of birth
are classified according to their actual or potential bio- control and fertility regulation through the use of
dynamic effects on the body. For example, stimulants such as medicinal plants. While some species have been exploited
Cayenne Pepper (Capsicum frutescens) and Tobacco (Nico- for their purported ability to enhance sexual potency,
tiana tabacum) have been prescribed to increase blood flow others have been applied toward reducing the opportunity
and raise energy level. Diuretics such as the Juniper fruit for fertilization through their inhibiting phytochemical
690 Halberstein AEP Vol. 15, No. 9
MEDICINAL PLANT USAGE October 2005: 686–699

TABLE 1. Plants prescribed for fertility-related applications in the Caribbean*

Species Preparation Applications

Aloe barbadensis Leaf decoction Emmenagogue, Menstrual regulator, Childbirth aid, V.D. treatment
Aloe vera Leaf decoction Abortifacient, Emmenagogue
Ambrosia hispida Leaf infusion Emmenagogue, Childbirth aid, Menstrual regulator
Argemone mexicana Stem decoction Emmenagogue
Arthemisia absinthium Leaf decoction Abortifacient, Emmenagogue
Bryophyllum pinnatum Leaf infusion Anti-gonorrheal, Dysmenorrhea
Carica papaya Fruit, Leaf decoction Lactation stimulant, Abortifacient, V.D. treatment
Casearia ilicifolia Leaf decoction Abortifacient, Emmenagogue
Cassytha filiformis Plant decoction Sex stimulant, Aphrodisiac
Eleutherine bulbosa Bulb decoction Abortifacient
Eryngium foetidum Plant decoction V.D. treatment
Fevillea cordifolia Stem decoction Abortifacient
Gnaphalium viscosum Flower decoction Abortifacient, Emmenagogue
Gossypium barbadense Root decoction Abortifacient, Uterine stimulant
Guaiacum officinale Plant, Leaf decoction Abortifacient, Emmenagogue
Haematoxylon campechianum Plant decoction Abortifacient
Hamelia patens Plant, Leaf decoction Abortifacient
Ipomoea pescaprae Leaf decoction Pregnancy aid
Leonotis nepetaefolia Leaf, Stem decoction Abortifacient, Emmenagogue
Momordica charantia Plant decoction Abortifacient
Nepeta cataria Leaf infusion Menstrual regulator, Aphrodisiac, Emmenagogue
Pterocarpus officinalis Bark, Wood decoction Abortifacient
Rhoeo spathacea Leaf infusion Abortifacient, Anti-gonorrheal
Rhytidophyllum auriculatum Leaf decoction Abortifacient
Rivinia humilis Plant decoction Anti-gonorrheal
Ruta chalepensis Plant decoction Emmenagogue
Stemodia durantifolia Plant decoction Emmenagogue
Tabebuia bahamensis Leaf decoction Sex stimulant, Aphrodisiac
Tabebuia heterophylla Leaf decoction Anti-gonorrheal
Tetragastris balsamifera Bark decoction Aphrodisiac
Tournefortia bicolor; T. hirsutissima Leaf infusion Abortifacient, Emmenagogue
Turnera ulmifolia Leaf decoction Menstrual regulator, Abortifacient, Emmenagogue
*Data from Halberstein (35, 43) and Weniger, et al. (62).

effects upon the reproductive systems of both men and indicate that high blood pressure is an endemic public
women. Field studies in Brazil and Paraguay, for example, health problem there (46). Since synthetic drugs have only
resulted in the identification of 35 and 38 plant species, relatively recently been introduced on a large scale in the
respectively for contraception and other fertility-related region, the indigenous populations have relied mainly upon
indications. While the chemical actions and physiological ethnomedical treatments including local botanical resour-
effects of these plants remain unclear, informant reports ces. Field research in several Caribbean countries has
indicate consistent success with their employment (62–66). revealed the regular intake of numerous herbal teas and
Several herbal preparations have traditionally been pre- other brews reported to reduce blood pressure. Biochemical
scribed in different cultures as abortifacients. Kay (67, assays of these concoctions have disclosed the presence of
p. 275–276) documents the ongoing use of a number of anti-hypertensive chemical components whose bioavail-
these in Mexican and North American Indian populations. ability is activated during boiling and other medicinal
The author identifies three pharmacologically active preparation procedures (35, 43, 44, 68). The following
phytochemicals which have delivered positive results for biodynamic constituents have been found in measurable
that purposedaborine, furanoquinoline, and thujone. quantities in the 16 most frequently prescribed medicinal
Table 1 lists a number of plant species that have plants for hypertension in the Caribbean: reserpine,
traditionally been prescribed by herbalists in the Caribbean alstonine, quercetin, rutin, linoleic acid, gamma-amino-
for fertility-related issues. butyric acid, and methanol (69). All these substances pos-
The use of botanical products in the treatment and sess verified anti-hypertensive properties in the human body
prevention of hypertension is also well-documented. and are classified as vasodilators, diuretics, electrocardiac
Surveys conducted in the Caribbean over the past century modifiers, nervous system depressants, and antiadrenerics.
AEP Vol. 15, No. 9 Halberstein 691
October 2005: 686–699 MEDICINAL PLANT USAGE

TABLE 2. Medicinal plants used to treat high blood pressure in the Caribbean*
Species Preparation Geographic distribution

1. Ambrosia hispida Leaf infusion Cuba, Dominica, Turks and Caicos

2. Argemone mexicana Plant decoction Jamaica, Bahamas, Turks and Caicos
3. Artocarpus altilis; Leaf infusion Trinidad, Bahamas, Jamaica, Guyana,
Artocarpus communis St. Kitts, Martinique
4. Bryophyllum pinnatum Leaf infusion St. Kitts, Trinidad, Turks and Caicos, Bahamas
5. Bursera simaruba Bark and Root decoction, Leaf infusion Bahamas, Jamaica
6. Carica papaya Fruit decoction, Leaf infusion, Bermuda, Curacao, St. Kitts, Trinidad
Juice ingestion
7. Catharanthus roseus Plant decoction Bahamas, Guadeloupe, Curacao, Trinidad,
Tobago, St. Kitts, Martinique
8. Citrus aurantifolia; Citrus aurantium Leaf infusion Bahamas, Curacao
9. Cordia cylindrostachya Leaf infusion Guyana
10. Guaiacum officinale Leaf infusion, Fruit juice ingestion Bahamas; Guadeloupe; Curacao; Turks and Caicos
11.Mangifera indica Leaf infusion Curacao; Trinidad; Tobago
12. Melicoccus bijugatus Leaf infusion Bahamas
13. Momordica charantia Plant decoction, Leaf infusion Aruba; Curacao; St. Kitts; Trinidad; Martinique
14. Rivina humilis Plant decoction Turks and Caicos
*Data from Halberstein (69, 70).

Many of these compounds are now contained in synthetic Already acclaimed for their role in prophylactic disease
commercially-produced blood pressure medications. Hypo- prevention, the elemental nutrient contents of various
tension (low blood pressure) has also traditionally been foodsdvitamins, minerals, proteins, etc.,dhave also been
treated with medicinal plants in the Caribbean, including isolated and tested for their possible medical value with
teas made from leaves of the chocolate tree (Theobroma positive results. Calcium supplements have been prescribed
cacao) and the aromatic evergreen shrub (Rosmarinus for osteoporosis in adults, various forms of iron have proven
officinalis) (68–70). The most frequently used anti- beneficial for anemia, and protein pills have been recom-
hypertensive medicinal plants in the Caribbean are listed mended to help reverse the effects of growth retardation in
in Table 2. children (78, 79). A recent series of clinical trials
The recent chapter by Mills (71) serves as a useful guide demonstrated that high dosages of ascorbic acid (vitamin
to clinically tested herbal drugs. Two topical volumes by C) significantly promoted rapid healing following dental
J. A. Duke comprehensively summarize our exponentially extractions. Long known as a preventive against scurvy and
expanding knowledge of phytochemical actions and appli- gum disease, ascorbic acid (C6O8C6) also acts as an
cations (72, 73). These publications clearly indicate the important catalyst in several physiological processes in-
direction of future research on medicinal plantsdthe volved in socket repair and healing after the loss or removal
rigorous scientific evaluation of medicinal plant products of a tooth (80–83).
and their potential effects on the human body and health.
Since there is no sharp dividing line separating food and
drug, it is not surprising that various edible plants have been
sources of both nutrition and medicine in different cultures. ORIGINAL DATA: CARIBBEAN-AMERICANS
Thus, the nuts from the Almond tree (Prunus amygdalus) IN MIAMI, FL
could be considered as either a meal or a possible cancer The ancient custom of medicinal plant usage continues to
preventive. Cranberry juice (Vaccinium macrocarpon) is be adaptive today in many populations and is gaining
a refreshing drink in some societies and a powerful renal/ popularity in others. A recent field study of a sample of 290
urinary tract treatment in others. The health benefits of red Caribbean-born adults aged 28 to 85 years living perma-
wine have likewise been touted in numerous cultures for nently in Miami, FL delineated that nearly two-thirds
centuries (74, 75). A wide assortment of food additives (65.2%) reported the regular intake of traditional herbal
derived from vegetation, including flavorings, seasonings, remedies (84). A wide selection of medicinal plants are
condiments, and appetizers also have purported medicinal readily available in Miamida survey published in 1992
qualities. A number of species of mints (e.g., Mentha counted 57 ‘‘botanicas’’ (medicinal herb shops) within the
piperita) and spices (e.g., AllspicedPimenta dioica), for city limits (85), and a follow-up analysis of the same
example, have served the dual purpose of garnishing and geographic area by the present author in 2004–2005
healing (76, 77). indicates that the number of such establishments has grown
692 Halberstein AEP Vol. 15, No. 9
MEDICINAL PLANT USAGE October 2005: 686–699

to 89, an increase of 56% (this study). The proprietors herbal remedies. A larger percentage of Americans are
claimed the healing regimens found there deliver therapeu- purchasing and exploring the applications of medicinal
tic benefits for physical disorders ranging from flatulence plants than ever before. Dissatisfaction with the high costs
(Caraway seedsdCarum carvi) and dandruff (Marigold and potentially hazardous side effects of factory-made
oildCalendula officinalis) to cancer (Angelica rootsd pharmaceuticals has been partly responsible for this trend
Angelica archangelica), diabetes (‘‘Brazilian stick’’ aka ‘‘Palo (87, 88). On the same page of a recent book, Freeman (89, p.
de Brasil’’dHaematoxylum brasiletto), and AIDS (Mistletoe 439) makes the seemingly paradoxical, but nevertheless
branches and leavesdViscum album), as well as a broad true, statements that ‘‘Herbal medicines are the fastest
spectrum of psychological problems. While certain species growing category of alternative therapies in the United
are recommended and sold to relieve pain, none were States’’ and ‘‘Physical evidence of the use of herbal remedies
available in any of the stores specifically for arthritis. dates back approximately 60,000 years, and more than one
The healers on duty handle both acute and chronic quarter of prescription medicines have been developed from
conditions. Diagnoses and prescriptions are available on the herbs.’’
premises on a walk-in basis. All the healers and other Additional research emphasis in the field of medicinal
employees said they had received extensive personal plants is required in the future on issues of safety, toxicity,
training on an individual basis from established professio- proper dosages, contamination, and potential interactions
nals in the field. They indicated that they obtained their with synthetic and other natural drugs. Recent deaths
products from special nurseries or their own personal garden attributed to the recreational use of species of Ephedra and
plots. In some cases seeds or plants were imported from other reports of poisonings caused by an herbal diabetes remedy
U.S. cities or foreign countries. have resulted in stricter regulations established by the U.S.
Other applications of the herbs available in the Miami Food and Drug Administration (90, p. 214). Another well-
botanicas include their use in religious worship, in potions for documented example is the large number of deaths and
spells to protect against evil forces, to bring good luck, and as injuries resulting from the overdose of extracts of Coca
part of spiritual cleansing. The stores also serve as outlets for leaves (Erythroxylon coca). These events underscore the
a variety of religious artifacts and paraphernalia including need for more intensive investigations of the physiological
charms and amulets, special clothing and regalia, literature, and psychological effects of botanical medicaments. To
art objects, small musical instruments, dolls/statues and further reduce the possibility of human poisonings, methods
effigies, and other indispensable items necessary for rituals as might also be developed to neutralize the phytotoxins, often
well as the maintenance of health and spiritual balance. considered to function as the protective chemical ‘‘defense
Sacrificial animals can be provided upon request. Inter- mechanisms’’ of a plant which repel animal species and thus
viewees agreed that botanicas also offer spiritual advice and enhance its survival. Ongoing research is now focusing upon
consultation, and they function as important social network the possible hazards of herb–synthetic drug interactions and
centers where clients and the general public can meet and new procedures to compress and energize natural plant
‘‘connect’’ to discuss religious issues and health-related materials. One goal of this work is to design more powerful,
matters. faster-acting botanical formulations that in some cases
A parallel example of ongoing interest in botanical might replace the potentially dangerous or addictive
health resources co-existing alongside the rapid develop- factory-made drugs currently prescribed for severe pain,
ment of modern biomedicine was observed in urban Puerto fiery inflammations, troublesome allergic reactions, etc.,
Rico. An investigation of 802 subjects visiting out-patient (91–93).
clinics of five health centers recorded 57% as regularly using In recent years, a number of trends have begun to
medicinal plants. They were most commonly taken for threaten the world’s phytochemical resource base, including
gastro-intestinal conditions, elevated blood pressure, sleep rainforest destruction and associated land ‘‘development,’’
disorders, kidney diseases, and respiratory ailments. The elevated soil and water pollution levels related to the by-
single most frequently used plant was Citrus aurantium products of urbanization, and the over-harvesting of drug
(Bitter/Sour Orange)d39% of respondents indicated its use plants. Fortunately there is also a counter-trend underway to
for various therapeutic purposes (86). preserve natural botanical resources through an increasing
emphasis on conservation by way of botanical gardens,
arboretums, greenhouses, herbariums, tissue cultures, prop-
agation laboratories, and seed banks (90, pp. 200–202).
PROSPECTS FOR THE FUTURE The discovery of the healing powers of a myriad of
Renewed interest in complementary and alternative med- plants represents one of the most significant accomplish-
icine (CAM) in the U.S. and elsewhere has stimulated ments in human medical history. This vital, but as yet
increased awareness and experimentation with legendary understudied field still requires a great deal of ‘‘catch-up’’
AEP Vol. 15, No. 9 Halberstein 693
October 2005: 686–699 MEDICINAL PLANT USAGE

work in the future. As Sumner (90, p. 16) points out, Barlow, M.G. and Nelson, M.P. (1985) Medicinal Botany.
‘‘Plants can cause hallucinations, arousal or sedation, heart Pocatello, ID: Spice West.
palpitations, fatal poisoning, or successful healing, depend- Barnard, N.D. (1998) Foods That Fight Pain. NYC:
ing upon the species and its chemical components.’’ Harmony Books.
Additional careful research will eventually allow for the Barnes, J., Anderson, L. and Phillipson, J. (2002) Herbal
accurate sorting and compilation of this immense quantity Medicines (2nd ed.). London/Chicago: Pharmaceutical
of useful information. Press/Jamco.
Barrett, M. (ed.) (2004) Handbook of Clinically Tested
Herbal Remedies. Binghamton, NY: Haworth Press.
Bascom, A. (2002) Incorporating Herbal Medicine into
Clinical Practice. Philadelphia: Davis.
Bensky, D. and Gamble, A. (2004) Chinese Herbal
The appended bibliography of 202 books on herbal Medicine: Materia Medica (3rd ed.). Seattle, WA:
interventions, with publication dates of entries ranging Eastland Press.
from 1847 to 2005, hopefully establishes a suitable starting Bianchini, F. and Corbetta, F. (1985) The Complete Book
point for further investigation. The data found in these of Health Plants: Atlas of Medicinal Plants. NYC
works are arranged in different formats. General surveys and Crescent Books (Crown).
catalogs are available for either large geographic regions or Blackwell, W.H. (1990) Poisonous and Medicinal Plants.
specific cultural sub-groups. Some volumes are organized Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
according to particular treatable diseases and other health Blumenthal, M., Brinckmann, J. and Dinda, K. (2003) The
conditions. Several of the books focus upon clinical ABC Clinical Guide to Herbs. Binghamton, NY:
applications and chemical constituents, while others could Haworth Press.
serve as field guides for proper botanical identifications and Boulos, L. (1983) Medicinal Plants of North Africa.
classifications. Some of the publications deal with topics Algonac, MI: Reference Publications.
such as cultivation, preparation procedures, and safety Bratman, S. and Girman, A. (eds.) (2003) Mosby’s
regulations. Religious and ritual uses of medicinal plants are Handbook of Herbs and Supplements and Their
also covered. The majority of the items include historical Therapeutic Uses. St. Louis: Elsevier (Mosby).
information. Bremness, L. (1988) The Complete Book of Herbs. NYC:
Viking Press.
Brun, V. and Schumacher, T. (1987) Traditional Herbal
Reference Resources Medicine in Northern Thailand. Berkeley: University of
Aikman, L. (1977) Nature’s Healing Arts: From Folk California Press.
Medicine to Modern Drugs. Washington, DC: National Buchman, D.D. (1996) Herbal Medicine (rev. ed.). NYC:
Geographic Society. Wings Books.
Anderson, F.J. (1977) An Illustrated History of the Herbals. Burcher, H., Cramer, M., Damico, C., et al. (2001) Herbal
NYC: Columbia University Press. Medicine Handbook. Springhouse, PA: Springhouse
Arvigo, R. and Balick, M. (1998) Rainforest Remedies: 100 Corp.
Healing Herbs of Belize (2nd ed.). Twin Lakes, WI: Lotus Carpenter, D.O. (2001) Nursing Herbal Medicine Hand-
Press. book. Springhouse, PA: Springhouse Corp.
Ayensu, E.S. (1978) Medicinal Plants of West Africa. Carper, J. (1988) The Food Pharmacy. NYC: Bantam Books.
Algonac, MI: Reference Publications. Castleman, M. (1991) The Healing Herbs: The Ultimate
Ayensu, E.S. (1981) Medicinal Plants of the West Indies. Guide to the Curative Power of Nature’s Medicines.
Algonac, MI: Reference Publications. Emmaus, PA: Rodale Press.
Bajaj, Y.P. (1988) Medicinal and Aromatic Plants. NYC: Castner, J.L., Timme, S.L. and Duke, J.A. (1998) Field
Springer-Verlag. Guide to Medicinal and Useful Plants of the Upper
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