Us 4936961
Us 4936961
Us 4936961
U.S. Patent Jun. 26, 1990 Sheet 1 of 3 4,936,961
U.S. Patent Jun. 26, 1990 She 3 of 4,936,961
3A 3 C (5 O NONE
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within the molecule, exceeds the bonding force of the
METHOD FOR THE PRODUCTION OF A FUEL molecule, and hydrogen and oxygen atoms are liberated
GAS from the molecule as elemental gases; and (F) collecting
said hydrogen and oxygen gases, and any other gases
Related Application that were formerly dissolved within the water, and
This is a continuation-in-part of my co-pending appli discharging the collected gases as a fuel gas mixture.
cation Ser. No. 081,859, filed 8/5/87, now U.S. Pat. No. The process follows the sequence of steps shown in
4,826,581. the following Table I in which water molecules are
subjected to increasing electrical forces. In an ambient
Field of Invention O state, randomly oriented water molecules are aligned
This invention relates to a method of and apparatus with respect to a molecular polar orientation. They are
for obtaining the release of a fuel gas mixture including next, themselves polarized and "elongated' by the ap
hydrogen and oxygen from water. plication of an electric Potential to the extent that cova
lent bonding of the water molecule is so weakened that
15 the atoms disassociate and the molecule breaks down
Numerous processes have been proposed for separat into hydrogen and oxygen elemental components. Engie
ing a water molecule into its elemental hydrogen and neering design parameters based on known theoretical
oxygen components. Electrolysis is one such process. principles of electrical circuits determine the incremen
Other processes are described in United States patents tal levels of electrical and wave energy input required
such as 4,344,831; 4,184,931; 4,023,545; 3,980,053; and 20 to produce resonance in the system whereby the fuel
Patent Cooperation Treaty application No. gas comprised of a mixture of hydrogen, oxygen, and
PCT/US80/1362, published 30 April, 1981. the other gases such as air test were formerly dissolved
OBJECTS OF THE INVENTION within the water, is produced.
It is an object of the invention to provide a fuel cell PROCESSSTEPS
and a process in which molecules of water are broken THE SEQUENCE OF THE RELATIVE STATE
down into hydrogen and oxygen gases, and a fuel gas OF THE WATERMOLECULE AND/OR
mixture including hydrogen, oxygen and other gasses HYoROGEN/OXYGENAOTHER ATOMS:
formerly dissolved within the water is produced. As (AMBIENT STATE) RANDOM
used herein the term "fuel cell” refers to a single unit of 30
the invention comprising a water capacitor cell, as here POLARIZATION OF MOLECULE
inafter explained, that produces the fuel gas in accor MOLECULAR ELONGATION
dance with the method of the invention. Brief Descrip COVALEN BOND
tion of the Drawings RELEASE OF GASES
FIG. 1 illustrates a circuit useful in the process. 35
FIG.2 shows a perspective of a "water capacitor In the process, the point of optimum gas release is
element used in the fuel cell circuit.
FIGS. 3A through 3F are illustrations depicting the reached at a circuit resonance. Water in the fuel cell is
theoretical bases for phenomena encountered during subjected to a pulsating, polar electric field produced
operation of the invention herein. by the electrical circuit whereby the water molecules
are distended by reason of their subjection to electrical
Description of the Preferred Embodiment polar forces of the capacitor plates. The polar pulsating
In brief, the invention is a method of obtaining the frequency applied is such that the pulsating electric
release of a gas mixture including hydrogen and oxygen field induces a resonance in the molecule. A cascade
and other dissolved gases formerly entrapped in water, effect occurs and the overall energy level of specific
from water consisting of: (A) providing a capacitor, in water molecules is increased in cascading, incremental
which the water is included as a dielectric liquid be steps. The hydrogen and oxygen atomic gases, and
tween capacitor plates, in a resonant charging choke other gas components formerly entrapped as dissolved
circuit that includes an inductance in series with the gases in water, are released when the resonant energy
capacitor; (B) subjecting the capacitor to a pulsating, 50 exceeds the co-valent bonding force of the water mole
unipolar electric voltage field in which the polarity cule. A preferred construction material for the capaci
does not pass beyond an arbitrary ground, whereby the tor plates is a stainless steel T-304 which is non-chemi
water molecules within the capacitor are subjected to a cally reactive with water, hydrogen, or oxygen. An
charge of the same polarity and the water molecules are electrically conductive material which is inert in the
distended by their subjection to electrical polar forces; 55 fluid environment is a desirable material of construction
(C) further subjecting the water in said capacitor to said for the electrical field plates of the "water capacitor”
pulsating electric field to achieve a pulse frequency employed in the circuit.
such that the Pulsating electric field induces a reso Once triggered, the gas output is controllable by the
nance within the water molecule; (D) continuing the attenuation of operational parameters. Thus, once the
application of the pulsing frequency to the capacitor frequency of resonance is identified, by varying the
cell after resonance occurs so that the energy level applied pulse voltage to the water fuel cell assembly,
within the molecule is increased in cascading incremen gas output is varied. By varying the pulse shape and/or
tal steps in proportion to the number of pulses; (E) amplitude or pulse train sequence of the initial pulsing
maintaining the charge of said capacitor during the wave source, final gas output is varied. Attenuation of
application of the pulsing field, whereby the co-valent 65 the voltage field frequency in the form of OFF and ON
electrical bonding of the hydrogen and oxygen atoms pulses likewise affects output.
within said molecules is destabilized such that the force The overall apparatus thus includes an electrical cir
of the electrical field applied, as the force is effective cuit in which a water capacitor having a known dielec
3 4.
tric property is an element. The fuel gases are obtained plates of the chamber also increases in strength. As a
from the water by the disassociation of the water mole result, the co-valent bonding between atoms which
cule. The water molecules are split into component form the molecule is weakened -and ultimately termi
atomic elements (hydrogen and oxygen gases) by a nated. The negatively charged electron is attracted
voltage stimulation process called the electrical polar toward the positively charged hydrogenatoms, while at
ization process which also releases dissolved gases en the same time, the negatively charged oxygen atoms
trapped in the water. repel electrons.
From the outline of physical phenomena associated In a more specific explanation of the "sub-atomic'
with the process described in Table 1, the theoretical action that occurs in the water fuel cell, it is known that
basis of the invention considers the respective states of O natural water is a liquid which has a dielectric constant
molecules and gases and ions derived from liquid water. of 78.54 at 20' C. and 1 atm pressure. Handbook of
Before voltage stimulation, water molecules are ran Chemistry and Physics, 68th ed., CRC Press (Boca Ra
domly dispersed throughout water within a container. ton, Florida (1987-88), Section E-50. H2O (water).
When a unipolar voltage pulse train such as shown in When a volume of water is isolated and electrically
FIGS. 3B through 3F is applied to positive and negative 15 conductive plates, that are chemically inertin water and
capacitor plates, an increasing voltage potential is in are separated by a distance, are immersed in the water,
duced in the molecules in a linear, step-like charging a capacitor is formed, having a capacitance determined
effect. The electrical field of the particles within a vol by the surface area of the plates, the distance of their
ume of water including the electrical field plates in separation and the dielectric constant of water.
creases from a low energy state to a high energy state 20 When water molecules are exposed to voltage at a
successively in a step manner following each pulse-train restricted current, water takes on an electrical charge.
as illustrated figuratively in the depictions of FIG. 3A By the laws of electrical attraction, molecules align
through 3F. The increasing voltage potential is always according to positive and negative polarity fields of the
positive in direct relationship to negative ground poten molecule and the alignment field. The plates of a capaci
tial during each pulse. The voltage polarity on the 25 tor constitute such an alignment field when a voltage is
plates which create the voltage fields remains constant applied.
although the voltage charge increases. Positive and When a charge is applied to a capacitor, the electrical
negative voltage "zones' are thus formed simulta charge of the capacitor equals the applied voltage
neously in the electrical field of the capacitor plates. charge; in a water capacitor, the dielectric property of
In the first stage of the process described in Table 1, 30 water resists the flow of amps in the circuit, and the
because the water molecule naturally exhibits opposite water molecule itself, because it has polarity fields
electrical fields in a relatively polar configuration (the formed by the relationship of hydrogen and oxygen in
two hydrogen atoms are positively electrically charged the covalent bond, and an intrinsic dielectric property,
relative to the negative electrically charged oxygen becomes part of the electrical circuit, analogous to a
atom), the voltage pulse causes initially randomly ori 35 "microcapacitor” within the capacitor defined by the
ented water molecules in the liquid state to spin and plates.
orient themselves with reference to positive and nega In the Example of a fuel cell circuit of FIG. 1, a water
tive poles of the voltage fields applied. The positive capacitor is included. The step-up coil is formed on a
electrically charged hydrogen atoms of said water mol conventional torroidal core formed of a compressed
ecule are attracted to a negative voltage field; while, at ferromagnetic powdered material that will not itself
the same time, the negative electrically charged oxygen become permanently magnetized, such as the trade
atoms of the same water molecule are attracted to a marked "Ferramic 06; "Permag” powder as described
positive voltage field. Even a slight potential difference in Siemens Ferrites Catalog. CG-2000-002-121, (Cleve
applied to inert, conductive plates of a containment land, Ohio) No. F626-1205. The core is 1.50 inch in
chamber which forms a capacitor will initiate polar 45 diameter and 0.25 inch in thickness. A primary coil of
atomic orientation within the water molecule based on 200 turns of 24 gauge copper wire is provided and a coil
polarity differences. of 600 turns of 36 gauge wire comprises the secondary
When the potential difference applied causes the winding.
orientated water molecules to align themselves between In the circuit of FIG. 1, the diode is a N1198 diode
the conductive plates, pulsing causes the voltage field 50 which acts as a blocking diode and an electric switch
intensity to be increased in accordance with FIG. 3B. that allows voltage flow in one direction only. Thus, the
As further molecular alignment occurs, molecular capacitor is never subjected to a pulse of reverse polar
movement is hindered. Because the positively charged ity.
hydrogen atoms of said aligned molecules are attracted The primary coil of the torroid is subject to a 50%
in a direction opposite to the negatively charged oxy 55 duty cycle pulse. The torroidal pulsing coil provides a
gen atoms, a polar charge alignment or distribution voltage step-up from the pulse generator in excess of
occurs within the molecules between said voltage five times, although the relative amount of step-up is
zones, as shown in FIG. 3B. And as the energy level of determined by pre-selected criteria for a particular ap
the atoms subjected to resonant pulsing increases, the plication. As the stepped-up pulse enters first inductor
stationary water molecules become elongated as shown 60 (formed from 100 turns of 24 gauge wire 1 inch in diam
in FIGS. 3C and 3D. Electrically charged nuclei and eter), an electromagnetic field is formed around the
electrons are attracted toward opposite electrically inductor, voltage is switched off when the pulse ends,
charged voltage zones -disrupting the mass and and the field collapses and produces another pulse of
charge equilibrium of the water molecule. the same polarity; i.e., another positive pulse is formed
As the water molecule is further exposed to an in 65 where the 50% duty cycle was terminated. Thus, a
creasing potential difference resulting from the step double pulse frequency is produced; however, in a pulse
charging of the capacitor, the electrical force of attrac train of unipolar pulses, there is a brief time when pulses
tion of the atoms within the molecule to the capacitor are not present.
5 6
By being so subjected to electrical pulses in the cir the water bath; and the capacitor does not discharge.
cuit of FIG. 1, water confined in the volume that in The water molecules are thus subjected to a continu
cludes the capacitor plates takes on an electrical charge ously charged field until the breakdown of the co-valent
that is increased by a step charging phenomenon occur bond occurs.
ring in the water capacitor. Voltage continually in As noted initially, the capacitance depends on the
creases (to about 1000 volts and more) and the water dielectric properties of the water and the size and sepa
molecule starts to elongate. ration of the conductive elements forming the water
The pulse train is then switched off; the voltage capacitor.
across the water capacitor drops to the amount of EXAMPLE I
charge that the water molecules have taken on, i.e. 10
voltage is maintained across the charged capacitor. The In an example of the circuit of FIG. 1 (in which other
pulse train is then reapplied. circuit element specifications are provided above), two
Because a voltage potential applied to a capacitor can concentric cylinders 4 inches long formed the water
perform work, the higher the voltage potential, the capacitor of the fuel cell in the volume of water. The
more work is performed by a given capacitor. In an 15 outside cylinder was 0.75 inch in outside diameter; the
optimum capacitor that is wholly non-conductive, zero inner cylinder was 0.5 inch in outside diameter. Spacing
(0) current flow will occur across the capacitor. Thus, from the outside of the inner cylinder to the inner sur
in view of an idealized capacitor circuit, the object of face of the outside cylinder was 0.0625 inch. Reaso
the water capacitor circuit is to prevent electron flow nance in the circuit was achieved at a 26 volt applied
through the circuit, i.e. such as occurs by electron flow 20 pulse to the primary coil of the torroid at OKH, and the
or leakage through a resistive element that produces water molecules disassociated into elemental hydrogen
heat. Electrical leakage in water will occur, however, and oxygen and the gas released from the fuel cell com
because of some residual conductivity and impurities or prised a mixture of hydrogen, oxygen from the water
ions that may be otherwise present in the water. Thus, molecule, and gases formerly dissolved in the water
the water capacitor is preferably chemically inert. An 25 such as the atmospheric gases or oxygen, nitrogen, and
electrolyte is not added to the water. argon.
In the isolated water bath, the water molecule takes In achieving resonance in any circuit, as the pulse
on charge, and the charge increases. The object of the frequency is adjusted, the flow of amps is minimized
process is to switch off the co-valent bonding of the and voltage is maximized to a peak. Calculation of the
water molecule and interrupt the sub-atomic force, i.e. 30
resonance frequency of an overall circuit is determined
the electrical force or electromagnetic force, that binds
the hydrogen and oxygen atoms to form a molecule so by known means; different cavities have a different
that the hydrogen and oxygen separate. frequency of resonance dependent on parameters of the
Because an electron will only occupy a certain elec water dielectric, plate size, configuration and distance,
tron shell (the shells are well known) the voltage ap 35 circuit inductors, and the like. Control of the produc
plied to the capacitor affects the electrical forces inher tion of fuel gas is determined by variation of the period
ent in the co-valent bond. As a result of the charge of time between a train of pulses, pulse amplitude and
applied by the plates, the applied force becomes greater capacitor plate size and configuration, with correspond
than the force of the co-valent bonds between the atom ing value adjustments to other circuit components.
of the water molecule; and the water molecule becomes 40 The wiper arm on the second inductor tunes the
elongated. When this happens, the time share ratio of circuit and accommodates to contaminants in water so
the electrons between the atoms and the electron shells that the charge is always applied to the capacitor. The
is modified. voltage applied determines the rate of breakdown of the
In the process, electrons are extracted from the water molecule into its atomic components. As water in the
bath; electrons are not consumed nor are electrons in 45 cell is consumed, it is replaced by any appropriate
troduced into the water bath by the circuit as electrons means or control system.
are conventionally introduced in an electrolysis pro Variations of the process and apparatus may be evi
cess. There may nevertheless occur a leakage current dent to those skilled in the art.
through the water. Those hydrogen atoms missing elec What is claimed is:
trons become neutralized; and atoms are liberated from 50 1. A method of obtaining the release of a gas mixtur
the water. The charged atoms and electrons are at including hydrogen and oxygen and other dissolved
tracted to opposite polarity voltage zones created be gases formerly entrapped in water, from water, consist
tween the capacitor plates. The electrons formerly ing of:
shared by atoms in the water co-valent bond are re (A) providing a capacitor in which water is included
allocated such that neutral elemental gases are liberated. 55 as a dielectric between capacitor plates, in a reso
In the process, the electrical resonance may be nant charging choke circuit that includes an induc
reached at all levels of voltage potential. The overall tance in series with the capacitor;
circuit is characterized as a "resonant charging choke' (B) subjecting the capacitor to a pulsating, unipolar
circuit which is an inductor in series with a capacitor electric charging voltage in which the polarity
that produces a resonant circuit. SAMS Modern Dictio does not pass beyond an arbitrary ground, whereby
nary of Electronics, Rudolf Garff, C) 1984, Howard W. the water molecules within the capacitor are sub
Sams & Co. (Indianapolis, Ind.), page 859. Such a reso jected to the electric field between the capacito
nant charging choke is on each side of the capacitor. In plates;
the circuit, the diode acts as a switch that allows the (C) further subjecting the water in said capacitor to a
magnetic field produced in the inductor to collapse, 65 pulsating electric field resulting from the subjec
thereby doubling the pulse frequency and preventing tion of the capacitor to the charging voltage such
the capacitor from discharging. In this manner a contin that the pulsating electric field induces a resonance
uous voltage is produced across the capacitor plates in within the water molecules;
7 8
(D) continuing the application of the pulsating charg field applied to the molecules exceeds the bonding
ing voltage to the capacitor after resonance occurs force within the molecules, and hydrogen and oxy
so that the energy level within the molecules is gen atoms are liberated from the molecules as ele
increased in cascading incremental steps in propor mental gases.
tion to the number of pulses; 5 2. The method of claim 1 including the further steps
(E) maintaining the charge of said capacitor during of collecting said liberated hydrogen and oxygen gases,
the application of the pulsating charging voltage, and any other gases that were formerly dissolved with
whereby the co-valent electrical bonding of the in the water and discharging said collected gases as a
hydrogen and oxygen atoms within said molecules fuel gas mixture.
is destabilized, such that the force of the electrical 10 sit is