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Literature - Learner's Material. Philippines: Vibal Group, Inc., pp.219-222

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At the end of the discussion, the students should be able to:
1. identify the characters, conflict, scenes, settings and lesson in "Thank You,

2. match the different scenes present in story "Thank You, Ma'am" by

Langston Hughes;

3. show kindness in different situations involving people in need.

4. create a letter of gratitude for someone who did admirable things for


Topic: “Thank You, Ma’am” by Langston Hughes

Reference: Almonte, L. R., Flandez, L. L. A Journey Through Anglo-American
Literature –Learner’s Material. Philippines: Vibal Group, Inc., pp.219-222.
Materials: projector and white screen, laptop, speakers, big book and
PowerPoint Presentation.



1. Opening Prayer
Good Afternoon, everyone!
Let us start our day with the presence of
Almighty God. Anthony, please lead the (Anthony will lead the prayer.)

Again, Good afternoon 9- Micah! Good afternoon, Ma'am!

Before you sit down, kindly pick up all

the pieces of papers or garbage that
surround you and arrange your chairs. (Students will pick up all the pieces of
papers or garbage that surrounds them
and will arrange their chairs.)

You may now take your seats. Thank You, Ma’am!

How's your day class? Good, Ma’am.

2. Checking of Attendance
That's nice to hear 9- Micah! So today is
another day, another afternoon and
another chance to learn something new,
particularly in English subject. But before
we formally start, let us check first if you
are physically present in my class.
Monitor, kindly name those who are (Monitor will check the attendance.)
absent for today.

3. Checking of Assignment
Thank you, Micaella! Yesterday, before I
dismiss you. I asked you to bring
something for today's discussion. Can
you remind the class about that Eduard? Ma’am, you asked the class to read the
short story entitled “Thank You, Ma’am”
and to bring art materials like colored
paper, paste, and scissors.
Very good! Thank you, Eduard!
Group 1 do you have art materials? Yes Ma'am.

Group 2? Yes Ma'am.

Group 3? Yes Ma'am.

And Group 4? Yes Ma'am.

Very good! We are going to use that

materials later in the activity.

4. Review of Previous Lesson

Now, I want you to go back at exactly
3:30 pm during our English class
yesterday and tell me the things that you
learned from that discussion. Starting
from the literature that we discussed,
what is the title of it? Ida B. Wells- Barnett and her Passion for
Justice, Ma'am

Very good, can you give me the name of

the author of "Ida B. Wells-Barnett and
her passion for Justice"? Yes, Angelo? Mr. Lee D. Baker Ma'am!

That’s right! According to Lee Baker, who

is Ida B. Wells? Can you describe to me
this particular woman, Gladys? She is a fearless anti-lynching crusader,
suffragist, women's advocate, journalist,
and speaker.
That is a well-versed description Cristine,
Thank You! Where is the birthplace of
Ida B. Wells? Her birthplace is in Holly Springs,

Excellent! How about the age and place

where she died? Ida B. Wells-Barnett died in Chicago
Illinois in 1931 at the age of sixty-nine.

Exactly! Can you give me the details, just

a short story on how Ida B. Wells-Barnett
began her first fight against racial
discrimination, Ejay? Ma'am it was started when a white man
asked her to give up her seat on the train
and ordered her to go in the smoking area
of the bus.

And how did Ida B. Wells-Barnett react

after that? She refuses to obey the white man and
when the conductor tries to drag her out
of her seat, Ida bite the man on the back
of his hand.

Very Good! So what lesson does this

story impart to all of us, Nathaniel? We must know how to fight for our rights
and let us stopped the stigma of
discrimination and injustice we
experienced in the society, Ma’am.
Very well said class!

B. Motivation

It seems that all of you are ready to

move on and start a new lesson. To give
you the gist of today's topic. Let us do
this simple activity entitled "Stop and
React" Are you excited?
Yes, Ma’am!

Here is the instruction to accomplish

“Stop and React!” Since it is now a "ber"
month. October in particular, I want you
to close your eyes and imagine that you
are in the street full of Christmas
decorations, children are running around
with their new clothes and stalls are
playing a Christmas song like this (Students will listen to the song).
(Teacher will play the song).

While the song is playing, I want you,

class, to pass this ball in any direction
that you want. And once that the song
stopped, your imagination will also stop
along with the passing of the ball and the
last person who got the Christmas ball
will have to stand up and answer the
question that I prepare. Did you
understand? Yes Ma'am.

Are you sure? Sure Ma'am!

With that, let us start the activity.

(Teacher will play the song). (Students will pass the Christmas ball).

(Teacher will stop the song). (A student who has the ball will stand up).

Ok. Naim. Wow, you are the last person

to hold the ball. So here is my question
for you. While you are enjoying the spirit
of Christmas, you came across to this
particular woman.

She is holding her baby and she has this

Can you describe this woman, Lesly?
cup which I believe is used as a bag for the
That's correct Naim! This woman is a
beggar. Do you think this woman and her
baby have a good place to sleep and
I believe No, Ma'am!

If you see them during Christmas, what

emotion will you feel? Happy, sad, angry
or nothing. Whatever I don't even know
them kind of feeling?
Sad, Mam

Sad, why? Because it is Christmas season and they

should celebrate it in their home, not on
the street.

That's nice of you to say that. But what

can you offer to this kind of people
Lesly? What are you going to do with the
sadness that you felt for them? I will help them, Ma’am. Maybe I can give
them foods and drinks and some money
so they can celebrate Christmas with a full
Wow, it seems that you are very stomach.
much sympathetic Lesly! Thank
you so much!

Let us proceed class.

(Teacher will play the song.) (Students will pass the Christmas ball.)

(Teacher will stop the song.) (A student who has the ball will stand up.)

Ok, Charlie. Hi! Similar to what we did

with Lesly, I want you to imagine the
happiness that Christmas brings ok? Yes, Ma’am.

But this time you are not walking in the

street but you are driving a sports car.
Now, take a look at the picture
projected. While you are enjoying the
Christmas vibe inside your sports car.
You saw this particular picture, can you
describe the man here? Ma'am, the man is old and weak. Aside
from that, I also notice that he is lying on
the street.

That is a very detailed description

Charlie! Upon seeing him, what are you
going to feel? Happy, sad, angry or
Angry, mam.
Angry, why? Because he is disturbing
your Christmas vibes? No, mam. Because the man is old but he
doesn't have a companion that could
guide him if he wants to go on a place.
Very good justification! What are you
going to do now? You saw him in that
state. He cannot stand and he doesn't
have anyone to help him. I will go out in my sports car and help the
man to stand up. I will also ask him to ride
with me and accompany him to the place
he wants to visit.

Excellent Charlie! Can you give him a

round of applause? (Students will clap their hands.)

Class, this particular activity is a

manifestation of real life scenario. The
emotions that your classmate felt when
they saw this particular pictures, their
willingness to help, their sympathy, their
care for this particular people is just a
symptom of one single concept. Can you
guess that term class? Kindness.

Correct! It is what we called Kindness.


On this particular hour, we are going to

witness the real face of kindness and its
implication to the human race. Today,
we are going to talk about the literature
written by Langston Hughes entitled
"Thank You, Ma’am". Can you repeat the
title class? "Thank You, Ma’am".

But before that, let us meet first the man

behind this beautiful short story. Mr.
Langston Hughes. Can you please read
the description of the author? James Mercer Langston Hughes was an
American novelist, poet and playwright
whose African-American themes made
him the primary contributor of Harlem
Renaissance of the 1920s.
In this literary piece, we will witness how
Langston Hughes used his creativity in
presenting lesson we learned from daily
life encounters.
While discussing the "Thank You, Mam."
We will meet some mystery words. For
us to completely comprehend and to
fully understand the story, we must
unlock the meaning of this words. Are
you ready class? Yes, Ma’am.

P_ _ r _ _: a bag used especially by a

woman to carry everyday personal items.
What is that? Purse Ma'am!

Very Good! Class. Let us proceed to the

next one.

_ u _ d _ : it is a type of shoes made

from leather. Is there anyone who knows
the answer? Suede shoes, Ma'am!

Excellent! Let us proceed to the last one.

_ u _ : pull (something) hard or suddenly.

What is this word? Tug, Ma'am!

Very good.

Now that we are done with the

appetizer, let's move on to our main
course, the story of "Thank You, Ma'am."

At the beginning of the story, a particular

woman was introduced. Can you
describe to me the woman presented in
this picture? She is a large woman walking in the street
Good! And what is the time during this
particular scene class? At exactly 11 o'clock in the evening.

Correct! In this particular scene also, a

woman is holding a thing, what is that
class? A purse Ma'am.

Can you give me again the definition of a

purse? A bag used especially by a woman to carry
everyday personal items.

What do you think of the purpose of this

large purse? What do you think is the
content of this purse? Hammer and nails Ma'am.

Very good. According to the story, what

is the name of this woman? Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones.

That's right! After giving us an

introduction to Mrs. Jones, another
character was revealed as the narrative
progresses. Take a look at this picture

Can you describe what happened in this

The boy is tailing the Mrs. Jones.
particular picture class?

Very good! In the picture, the boy is

tailing the Mrs. Jones, can you give me
Ma'am the boy is known as Roger.
the name of this boy class?

That is true! What do you think the boy

is doing in this picture aside from tailing
Ma'am it seems that the boy is planning
Mrs. Jones class?
something bad against Mrs. Jones.

Roger is planning to steal the purse of

Correct! What is he planning to do class?
Mrs. Jones.

Exactly! And do you think he succeeded?
Yes, class! That is correct! In fact, in just
one tug the strap of the purse was
actually broke. So what happened after
that? Does he run away after he snatch
the bag? No Ma'am.

No, why? What happened after he

snatches the purse? He stumbles in the street because of the
weight of the purse.

Exactly! And at that moment, Mrs. Jones

gripped the shirt of the boy and asked
him a question. Can you give me the
question that Mrs. Jones asks to Roger? "Aren't you ashamed of yourself?"

Very Good! How did Roger respond to

Mrs. Jones question? Ma'am, he answered this statement "Yes

Very good, after Roger admits that he is

ashamed of what he did to Mrs. Jones,
the woman asked the for reason why he
did that if he knows that it will only
humiliate him. What is the answer of the
boy to Mrs. Jones class? "I didn't aim for it, Ma'am".

Would you believe Roger class? Would

you believe his statement that he did not
really aim for the purse to steal? No.

What are you going to do with this

snatcher and liar boy? Punish him, Ma’am.

Okay, you want to punish him. And what

kind of punishment is that? Put him to jail.

Put him to jail. That's it. But you know

the class, Mrs. Jones is not like us.
Instead of putting him to jail she dragged
Roger to a specific place, and where is Mrs. Jones dragged the boy into her
that class? house.
That is true, class! Mrs. Jones decided to
go home together with Roger. What is
Mrs. Jones reason for doing so? To make him wash his face, Ma'am.

Exactly. Even though the boy tries to

steal her purse, she allows him to go into
her house and wash his face. Why class?
What do you think is the reason of Mrs.
Jones for doing it? Because she knows and observe Ma'am
that Roger doesn't have anyone else in
their home to take good care of him.

Very good! Now let’s proceed. While

Roger is cleaning his face, Mrs. Jones for
the second time around, asks the reason
why he decided to take her purse. What
is this thing that Roger wants to have in
exchange for the purse class? A suede shoes Ma'am!

Wonderful class! A suede shoes. Can you

describe to me again the suede shoes
class? It is a type of shoes made from leather.

Nice! And when Mrs. Jones heard about

this shoes what is this simple yet
meaningful statement that she said
class? "You could've ask me."

Very well said! What is the message

behind the sentence "You could have ask
me"? Mrs. Jones wanted Roger to know that he
should not snatch bag or purse just
because he wants shoes. But instead, he
could ask Mrs. Jones some money in the
proper way, because she is willing to give
money to Roger.
Why? What is the reason why Mrs. Jones
is very much sympathetic to Roger? Because according to her Ma'am, she,
herself were young once and she also
wanted things, she could not get. And
above all of that, Mrs. Jones admits that
she has done things which she doesn't
want to share with anyone else. Even
God. Because she is ashamed of it.
You are very much on point class!
Excellent! And after that meaningful
conversation between them, Mrs. Jones
kindness does not end there. She
prepares a meal for Roger also. What are
the dishes that she prepares class? She has lima beans, cocoa, and ham. For
dessert, she gives a half of her cake to

As the night deepened, this scene in the

picture happened. Can you describe it to
me, Rassel? Mrs. Jones give money to Roger Ma'am
for him to buy the suede shoes that he

Very good! How much is that money

Patrick? $10 Ma'am.

Very good! If we convert that to

Philippine peso, how much do you think
is that if one dollar is equivalent to 56
pesos? Php 560.00 Ma'am.

Wow, you are very good at math class!

Now, if you are Roger what kind of
emotion will you feel given the facts that
you tries to snatch the purse but instead
of putting you to jail you are given a
chance to clean your face, eat a nice
meal and get $10 for a suede shoes? I will be very much glad and thankful
Ma'am because I experience the act of
kindness that I don't deserve.
Indeed, my dear students! Your answer
is very much similar to what Roger felt
during that time. He badly wants to
express her gratitude towards Mrs. Jones
but doesn't know how to do so. After a
while, Roger started to utter a sentence
that sums up what he felt towards Mrs.
Jones in their extraordinary encounters.
What is that class? "Thank You, Ma'am!"

Did you understand the story? Yes Ma'am!

Do you like it? Yes Ma'am!

Do you have any question? None Ma'am!

Point of clarification? All scenes clear

class? Clear Ma'am!

D. Generalization
If that's the case, let us try to summarize
the important point starting from the
author. Can you give me the name of the
man behind this literary piece, class? James Mercer Langston Hughes Ma'am.

Very Good, can you describe James

Mercer Langston Hughes? He is a poet and novelist and a pioneer of
Harlem Renaissance.
That’s right, class! Okay, let us proceed
now to the story itself. Who can give me
the settings of the story? When and
where did the story take place? At first, the story happened in the street
at 11 o'clock in the evening and then
proceed in the apartment of Mrs. Jones

Very good! How about the characters in

the story. Can you give me the 2 main
characters in the story and the
description about them? The characters present in "Thank You,
Ma'am is Mrs. Luella Bates --- who is
described as the large woman who
showed kindness to a boy named Roger.
Roger is a boy who tried to steal Mrs.
Jones purse for him to buy a pair of suede
That is right! Let us try to know the
conflict of the story now. Who can give
me the meaning of conflict class? The problem in the story.

Very good! What is the problem or the

struggle in the story class? When the character of Roger doesn't have
a money to buy a suede shoes so he tries
to steal Mrs. Jones purse.

Excellent! How did the character resolve

the problem? The problem resolved when Mrs. Jones
decided to forgive Roger and give him the
money for the pair of suede shoes.

Very Good, Class! Now who among you

have the guts to stand up and point out
the best scene that we witness in the
story. Of course, you can be bias and
personal for this one. I just want to know
what a particular scene creates a great
impact on you. (Student will answer.)

Value Infusion:
Thank you for sharing your answer.
Today we witness a very simple yet
meaningful story happened between
Mrs. Jones and Roger. From our
discussion class, what do you think is the
moral or lesson of the story? I realized Ma'am after our discussion that
kindness is really innate to human. Yes,
maybe other people did things to us that
is very much upsetting but we always
have this tendency to forgive and to
understand the situation they are in. I
think Ma'am that is the real essence of
being a human.
That is a superb analysis class! Give
yourselves a round of applause.

E. Application

To assess if the lesson of the story

"Thank You, Ma'am" really touches your
heart. Let us do a simple activity. I want
you to form a circle with your group
mates, and take out the materials that I
asked you to bring. I will give each group
an envelope containing your task. I need
you to collaborate with your group
mates and do your designated work
within 10 minutes.

(Teacher will disseminate the envelopes).

Group 1 kindly read your task. Situation 1: You are a student of Parada
National High School. Every day, you
witness how your teachers prepare and
study their everyday Instructional
Materials and lesson. To express your
gratitude towards them, create a letter of
gratitude showing how much you
appreciate their efforts for the students to

How about for group 2? Situation 2: You are applying for a

scholarship or financial assistance for your
studies. The barangay captain of your
community wrote a letter of
recommendation for a faster approval of
your application form. Write a letter of
gratitude to your barangay captain for
serving as your source of reference.

Group 3, your task please. Situation 3: Travelling is one of your

hobbies. On your last destination, a good
friend of yours allows you to stay in their
house for a couple of weeks and
accompanies you to your daily adventure.
Write a letter of gratitude expressing how
much you value time and hospitality that
she showed.

And for the final group, please read your Situation 4: Your school celebrated its
task. 35th Founding Anniversary. Part of the
program is a competition of beauty and
brain. Your classmates voted you as one
of the contestant of the said event. All
throughout the preparation, your mother
stays by your side and always have her
support. You are deeply moved by her
actions. Write a letter of gratitude as an
exchange for your mother's effort and
Thank you so much, group
representative. Here are the rubrics for
your activity.
(Teacher will explain the rubrics). (Students will do their tasks).

Okay class, time's up! Let us hear your

letter of gratitude.
Group 1 Group 1 will present their work.

Group 2 Group 2 will present their work.

Group 3 Group 3 will present their work.

Group 4 Group 4 will present their work.

Direction: Match the scenes presented in "Thank You, Ma'am" at Column A
to its descriptions at Column B. Write the answer on the space provided.
Capital letters only.

Column A Column B
A. Mrs. Jones dragged Roger to
her house.

B. Roger gladly accepted the
$10 and expressed her
gratitude towards Mrs.


C. A large woman was walking

in the street at 11 O’clock in
the evening.
D. Roger is planning to steal the
purse of the woman.

_____________5. E. Mrs. Jones prepared meal for



1. Read the story of "Sorry, Wrong Number" by Lucille Fletcher

2. Write 10 unfamiliar words that you found in the story.

Reference: Almonte, L. R., Flandez, L. L. A Journey Through Anglo-American Literature –

Learner’s Material. Philippines: Vibal Group, Inc., pp.240-250.


Rufina Llaguno Astilla

Student Teacher



Teacher II

Head Teacher III

Principal IV

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