Hec Hat - 1: Antonyms Quantitative

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19. Prestige( Fame)  Reputation

1. Dazed( Confused)- Understanding Quantitative
2. Aggravate( irritate)  Help 21- 0.2/0.24 in simplest form
3. Diminish ( decrease)  Enlarge 22- 5+ 7i Conjugate
4. Delusion ( Artificial)  Reality 23- 5x = 54/52, so what is x ?
5. Mobility (Motion)  Pause 24- 300 box of apples. 25 apples in
6. Factitious ( Artificial)  each box. If 30% box are spoiled.
7. Complying ( Obey)  So how many apples are unspoiled
8. Haphazard (Random) Particular in the remaining boxes? 24

9. Conspiracy ( disrespect)  loyalty 25- Derivative of (ay+b)6

10. Stumble  26- Two polygons are similar
Answer: if their corresponding
SYNONYMS angles are congruent and the
measures of their corresponding sides
are proportional
11. Hinder (barrier)  Obstruct
27- 32+31+30 =
12. Dogmatic ( Asooli)  stubborn
28- 3/5 are red balls. Total balls are
13. Acquit ( blame)  Exonerate
60 so Remaining balls are ?
14. Defunct ( not functioning or dead) 
Obsolete (liveless) 29- 0.34 x 10-3 =
15.Skeptic (Doubt or unbeliever)  30- Ratio of amad,fahad and
Doubter/Disbeliever mehmood was 5:3:2 and fahad has
16. Mitigate ( reduce )  60Rupees so total money will be Ans
17. Sluggish( Dull)  Slow/Inactive
18. Fertile 31- (4x 105)+ (7x106) =
32- 3 bars can made 16 metal rods 45- a2 = 2 then (a+1/a)(a-1/a) =
so 64 bars can made how many metal Answers is 3/2
rods ? 12
46- 64/10000 =
33- An equilateral triangle is a
47- √(x+3) = √x+√3
triangle in which
0 −2 6 4
Answer is (all three sides are equal ) 48- [ ]- [ ]=
1 3 −2 0
34- A=hb x ½ and h was 6 and b was 49- medium of 20,25,30 is = Answer
8 so Answer is 24. was 25
35- If a circle has a radius of 8 50- 13.6 x 15.6 =
inches. What is the area of the circle ? 51- 40 apples are 25% so 100% will
Answer is 200. be 160
36- (6-3i) (4+2i) = Answer is 30 52- If a shopkeeper decrease the
37- If one angle is 30 degree, 2nd product price by 25%.then now how
angle is 45 degree so other angle will much percentage increase to set the
be = Answer is 105 degree of triangle original price? Ans is 33
38- 80/0.25 in simplest form 53- (x2/2)+(x2/2)+(x2/2)+(x2/2) is
equal to
39- a:b is 6: 7 and b:c is 3: 5 so a:b:c
will be = Answer is 18:21:35. 54- Average ages of Ali, Umer and
saif is 13 years and 6 months. if
40- 4/(x-11) = 1/(3x) =
average age of Usman is 15 years and
41- cos90 = Answer is Zero 6 month find average of all four
42- (3/4b) + (5/6b) = Answer is person ? Answer is 14 years
43- (2(x+5)-3)/4 = (5-(3-x))/3 = 55- 3 Lights , turn simultaneously
Answer is -6.5 approx -7 at 8 pm so 3 light one, is 3 minutes,
44- 3√x = 4 so Answer is 64. 2nd is 2 minutes and 3rd is 5 minutes
on then
( after 8 hours 10 minutes it will turn
on simultaneously)
56- A (7,6) and B(-4,9) so line
segment of AB=?
Answer is

Compiled by Saad Mustafa

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