Farmed Pangasius

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Seafood Watch

Seafood Report

Farmed Pangasius
Swai (Pangasius hypophthalmus)
Basa (Pangasius bocourti)

© Scandinavian Fishing Yearbook/

Final Report
August 26, 2005

Updated December 11, 2007

Teresa Ish, Director of Science, and

Katy Doctor, Science Intern
Sustainable Fishery Advocates
Pangasius Seafood Report December 11, 2007

About Seafood Watch® and the Seafood Reports

Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Seafood Watch® program evaluates the ecological sustainability of
wild-caught and farmed seafood commonly found in the United States marketplace. Seafood
Watch® defines sustainable seafood as originating from sources, whether wild-caught or farmed,
which can maintain or increase production in the long-term without jeopardizing the structure or
function of affected ecosystems. Seafood Watch® makes its science-based recommendations
available to the public in the form of regional pocket guides that can be downloaded from the
Internet ( or obtained from the Seafood Watch® program by emailing
[email protected]. The program’s goals are to raise awareness of important ocean
conservation issues and empower seafood consumers and businesses to make choices for healthy

Each sustainability recommendation on the regional pocket guides is supported by a Seafood

Report. Each report synthesizes and analyzes the most current ecological, fisheries and
ecosystem science on a species, then evaluates this information against the program’s
conservation ethic to arrive at a recommendation of “Best Choices,” “Good Alternatives,” or
“Avoid.” The detailed evaluation methodology is available upon request. In producing the
Seafood Reports, Seafood Watch® seeks out research published in academic, peer-reviewed
journals whenever possible. Other sources of information include government technical
publications, fishery management plans and supporting documents, and other scientific reviews
of ecological sustainability. Seafood Watch® Fisheries Research Analysts also communicate
regularly with ecologists, fisheries and aquaculture scientists, and members of industry and
conservation organizations when evaluating fisheries and aquaculture practices. Capture
fisheries and aquaculture practices are highly dynamic; as the scientific information on each
species changes, Seafood Watch’s sustainability recommendations and the underlying Seafood
Reports will be updated to reflect these changes.

Parties interested in capture fisheries, aquaculture practices and the sustainability of ocean
ecosystems are welcome to use Seafood Reports in any way they find useful. For more
information about Seafood Watch® and Seafood Reports, please contact the Seafood Watch®
program at Monterey Bay Aquarium by calling (831) 647-6873 or emailing
[email protected].

Seafood Watch® strives to have all Seafood Reports reviewed for accuracy and completeness by
external scientists with expertise in ecology, fisheries science and aquaculture. Scientific review,
however, does not constitute an endorsement of the Seafood Watch® program or its
recommendations on the part of the reviewing scientists. Seafood Watch® is solely responsible
for the conclusions reached in this report.

Seafood Watch® and Seafood Reports are made possible through a grant from the David and
Lucile Packard Foundation.

Pangasius Seafood Report December 11, 2007

Executive Summary
Commercial aquaculture production of two Pangasius species in Southeast Asia, basa (Pangasius
bocourti) and swai (P. hypophthalmus), has increased rapidly in recent years. In the early 1990s
imports of these species into the U.S. grew steadily until anti-dumping laws were enforced in
2003 and imports were cut by half. Basa and swai are both native to the Mekong River and
Delta, and the Chao Praya River in Thailand. The two species are well adapted to low oxygen
water environments and can survive on a diet low in fishmeal. Commercial aquaculture for
finfish in Viet Nam continues to use relatively low technology and many operations continue to
use homemade feeds, while others incorporate housing above floating cages. River catfish have
a strong potential to be a sustainable aquaculture species, but the current practice of open cage
aquaculture combined with little or no management of aquaculture operations raises concerns
about the future sustainability of aquaculture operations for Pangasius.

Table of Sustainability Ranks

Conservation Concern
Sustainability Criteria Low Moderate High Critical
Use of Marine Resources √
Risk of Escaped Fish to
Wild Stocks √
Risk of Disease/Parasite
Transfer to Wild Stocks √
Risk of Pollution and
Habitat Effects √
Management Effectiveness √

About the Overall Seafood Recommendation:

• A seafood product is ranked “Best Choice” if three or more criteria are of Low
Conservation Concern (green) and the remaining criteria are not of High or Critical
Conservation Concern.
• A seafood product is ranked “Good Alternative” if the five criteria “average” to
yellow (Moderate Conservation Concern) OR if four criteria are of Low Conservation
Concern (green) and one criteria is of High Conservation Concern.
• A seafood product is ranked “Avoid” if two or more criteria are of High Conservation
Concern (red) OR if one or more criteria are of Critical Conservation Concern (black)
in the table above.

Overall Seafood Recommendation:

Farmed Pangasius: Best Choice Good Alternative Avoid

Pangasius Seafood Report December 11, 2007

Basic biology
Swai and basa are two of 28 species in the family Pangasiidae, of which the majority, including
swai and basa, are in the genera Pangasius. Pangasiidae species are found primarily in
freshwater in countries surrounding the Indian Ocean basin; the largest concentration of
Pangasiidae diversity is found in Southeast Asia (Roberts and Vidthayanon 1991; Gustiano
2003). Both basa, Pangasius bocourti, and swai, Pangasius hypophthalmus, are native to
Cambodia, the Lao People's Democratic Republic (Lao PDR), Thailand, and Viet Nam
( Additionally, swai has been introduced to freshwater systems for
aquaculture throughout Southeast Asia (Roberts and Vidthayanon 1991).

Knowledge of the biology and ecology of basa and swai in the wild is scarce (Hung et al. 2003).
Both species are omnivorous, and feed primarily on plant matter, fruits, and some mollusks
(Vidtayanon 1993); basa consumes more fish and crustaceans than swai (Poulsen et al. 2004).

The natural range of swai is limited to the lower Mekong Basin, which includes Cambodia, Lao
PDR, Thailand, and Viet Nam, and the Chao Praya River in Thailand (Figure 1, Roberts and
Vidthayanon 1991; Poulsen et al. 2004). In the Mekong River, upstream migration of adult swai
begins in November when the water level in the river decreases and continues well into the dry
season, at least until February. In the late dry season, or the start of the monsoon season, a
downstream migration takes place from Khone Falls on the Lao PDR-Cambodia border to the
Mekong Delta (Rainboth 1996; Sokheng et al. 1999; Kottelat 2001; Poulsen et al. 2004). During
the dry season, deep pool habitats serve as important refuge for adult swai, while during the rainy
season, the flood plains and tributaries provide prime feeding habitat (Poulsen et al. 2004).

Pangasius Seafood Report December 11, 2007

Figure 1. (a) Range of P. hypophthalmus. (b) Migration routes of P. hypophthalmus. Both from Poulsen (2004).

Spawning for swai occurs at the beginning of the monsoon season in the main channel of the
Mekong River. Known spawning areas for the southern population of swai range from Kratie to
Stung Treng in northern Cambodia, while spawning grounds for the northern population of swai
remain unknown.

Sexual maturity for swai in captivity occurs at around 3 years of age, although there is no
documentation of maturity for swai in the wild (Van Zalinge et al. 2002). Female swai each
produce about 100,000 eggs per kilogram (kg) of body weight and spawn up to four times per
year. After spawning, the early larval stage of swai drift downstream with the water current and
eventually enter rearing and feeding habitats on the river’s floodplains (Poulsen et al. 2004).

Wild populations
Over their native range, swai stocks are divided into two distinct populations: stocks in the
Mekong River in Cambodia and Viet Nam belong to one population (southern stock); and stocks
above Khone Falls in Lao PDR and Thailand form a separate population (northern stock) (Van
Zalinge et al. 2002; Poulsen et al. 2004). The southern stock is subject to more intense fishing
than the northern stock, and is larger in size (Poulsen et al. 2004).

Swai has been spread more widely outside its native range than basa. It has been introduced to
China, the Philippines, Taiwan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Guam, Bangladesh, and India primarily for
the purpose of aquaculture (Van Zalinge et al. 2002; Pers. Comm., Philippe Cacot, CIRAD,

Pangasius Seafood Report December 11, 2007

2005). There is no evidence of self-sustaining populations of swai escaping from these

aquaculture operations or negative ecological impacts from these operations thus far (FIGIS

Basa ranges throughout the Mekong River as well as the Chao Phraya River system in Thailand
(Figure 2). Little information is available on spawning locations or behavior for basa; however,
research indicates that spawning grounds may be near the headwaters of the Mekong River in the
river’s main channel. Larvae that migrate downstream and are found in Viet Nam are thought to
have originated upstream (Poulsen et al. 2004).

During the rainy season, river floodplains provide ideal rearing and feeding habitat for juvenile
basa, which feed on submerged vegetation. When waters recede at the end of the rainy season,
the young fish move back to the river and migrate upstream to hold out in deeper pools. With
the return of the rainy season, juvenile basa return to the flood plains to feed. This process
continues until sexual maturity when the monsoon rains trigger an upstream migration to
spawning habitats (Poulsen et al. 2004).

Figure 2. (a) Range of P. bocourti. (b) Migration routes of P. bocourti. Both from Poulsen (2004).

Pangasius Seafood Report December 11, 2007

Wild populations
Two distinct populations of basa occur in the Mekong River, a northern and southern population.
The northern population may be divided into two sub-populations, and some research suggests
that the southern and northern populations may be two separate species (Poulsen et al. 2004).

Wild commercial fishery

Commercial fisheries exist for both basa and swai with no effective regulation. For both species
the, now illegal, fishery for larvae (fry) is still an important source of fishing mortality, although
the catch is declining drastically. The fisheries supplying aquaculture operations in Viet Nam
with fry are concentrated in Cambodia, although there are small fisheries for basa and swai fry in
both the Mekong and Bassac Rivers in two provinces of Viet Nam. The most prevalent
commercial fishery for river catfish (including basa and swai) is the bagnet, or dai fishery. This
fishery is a multi-species fishery targeting fish migrating onto river floodplains (Van Zalinge et
al. 2002). This fishery has been banned in Cambodia since 1994 and in Viet Nam since March
2000. However, in both countries the fishery continues to a small degree (Van Zalinge et al.
2002). In general, non-catfish landings go to human consumption and catfish landings go to fish
and shrimp aquaculture feed (Pers. Comm., Philippe Cacot, CIRAD, 2005).

The commercial fishery for swai fry is relatively new, with collection beginning in the early
1980s. The fishery targets only swai, but results in very high bycatch (Bun 1999). Swai
comprise less than 2 percent of landings and the majority of swai landed are sub-adults (Van
Zalinge et al. 2002). The fishery was outlawed in 1994 in Cambodia and in 2000 in Viet Nam,
but continues illegally, still supplying a large amount of fry to aquaculture (Bun 1999; Van
Zalinge et al. 2002). There is a general thought that wild-caught fry are better quality than
hatchery-reared fry (Trong et al. 2002). The dai fishery exhibits high seasonality, with peaks in
early June, coinciding with the May-August spawning period (Van Zalinge et al. 2002).

In addition to being caught in the dai fishery, swai are taken in other small but important
fisheries by gillnet, hook-and-line gear, seines, trawls, and, to a lesser extent, traps and stunning
with explosives. Fortunately extensive education programs have led to a decline in the use of
explosives in recent years. In these other fisheries, swai can comprise over 6 percent of landings,
the majority of which are sub-adults. Estimates show that over 2,000 tons of swai are caught
annually in Cambodia alone; however, actual landings may be up to three times this amount
(Van Zalinge et al. 2002).

Less information is available for the basa fishery than for the swai fishery. Like swai, basa
aquaculture is shifting away from wild-caught fry towards hatchery-reared fry, but aquaculturists
still often prefer wild-captured fry (Bun 1999). Until recently, the aquaculture industry relied
completely on the wild capture of fry and juveniles for stocking aquaculture cages (Van Zalinge
et al. 2002); now only a few of the fry used in aquaculture are wild-caught (Pers. Comm., Kwei
Lin, ret. Asian Institute of Technology, April 13, 2005).

A commercial fishery for adult basa occurs during the upstream migration over Khone Falls on
the Lao PDR-Cambodia border, where adult basa are caught in large numbers. Additionally,

Pangasius Seafood Report December 11, 2007

basa are taken occasionally by gillnet in the main channel of the Mekong River throughout the
basin (Baird 1998; Poulsen et al. 2004).

Aquaculture systems
Aquaculture has a long history in the Lower Mekong Delta (Lazard and Cacot 1997). There are
more than 30 fish and prawn species, both introduced and native species, cultured in the Lower
Mekong Basin (Phillips 2002). Methods of culture vary widely from simple subsistence ponds
to large, industrialized shrimp ponds. Commercial production of river catfish occurs either in
earthen ponds or in cages and pens in natural water bodies (Hung et al. 2003).

Swai is the predominant finfish produced in the Mekong Delta region (Phillips 2002). Basa is
produced at much lower levels due to the fact that it is less hearty, grows slower, and is more
expensive to produce (Edwards et al. 2004). The fecundity of basa is also up to 10 times lower
than that of swai, and basa has a much lower tolerance for poor water quality than swai (Pers.
Comm., Philippe Cacot, CIRAD, 2005). In addition to a lower production cost, swai also has a
higher dress-out weight than basa; 3.1 kg of swai are required to produce a 1 kg fillet, whereas
3.7–3.8 kg of basa is required to produce the same sized fillet (Edwards et al. 2004). Production
of basa and swai can be unpredictable, mostly due to the lack of control of the quality and
quantity of farm-made feeds (Edwards 2004). Basa was, at one time, the primary fish for export
to Asian markets, as swai was thought to be dirty and of poor quality. Due to the ease of
production, swai aquaculture was cleaned up and export of swai has increased under the name of
basa. True basa is still preferred locally, and will sell for one third more than swai. The basa
that is exported goes to a specialty market (Pers. Comm., Philippe Cacot, CIRAD, 2005).

Cage and pond aquaculture systems are used for both basa and swai; use of one system over the
other depends on the country (Table 1). Fry are wild-caught or hatchery-reared, and kept in
ponds until the grow-out stage (Figure 3). Fish reach marketable size at 1 – 1.5 kg (Hung et al.
2003) after about 8 months of culture, starting from fingerlings (approximately 2 months of age)
(Edwards et al. 2004).

Pangasius Seafood Report December 11, 2007

Table 1. Importance of farms and types of farms for P. bocourti and P. hypophthalmus. Scale ranges from +, low
potential or importance, to +++, high importance. No mark means the species is not farmed in the region. Adapted
from Edwards (2004).

Figure 3. Aquaculture timeline for both cage and pond production. From Trong (2002).

Pond culture is the predominant method for producing swai (by area in 1999), at nearly ten-fold
the production area of the next most common method. Other common aquaculture methods for
swai include cage culture, ditch culture, and rice-paddy/field culture (Hung et al. 2003; Edwards
2004). Most farms in the Lower Mekong Delta are small-scale, while farms in the Bassac River
in the Mekong Delta are large cage-culture operations (Phillips 2002). In Lao PDR, Thailand,
and Viet Nam, river catfish aquaculture operations use more pond culture than cage culture,
whereas aquaculture operations in Cambodia use primarily cage aquaculture (70% of
Cambodia’s total aquaculture production) (Hung et al. 2003; Edwards 2004).

Pangasius Seafood Report December 11, 2007

Table 2. Aquaculture production areas and estimated fish fingerling production in the Lower Mekong Basin for all
finfish cultured (based on 1998-2000 statistics). From Phillips (2002).

Pond culture
Pond aquaculture of river catfish has been a tradition in the Mekong Delta and River Basin for
several hundred years. Before more technologically advanced methods were introduced in the
20th century, farmers in Viet Nam integrated systems of gardens, ponds, and livestock quarters
for combined agriculture and aquaculture, a method known in Viet Nam under the acronym
VAC (Edwards et al. 2004). Pond culture tends to use less advanced technology than cage
culture, and pond culturists tend to use a higher proportion of homemade feeds as well as depend
on natural feeds in ponds that are fertilized with animal wastes and poly culture with other fish
species, such as carps, Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), and kissing gourami (Helostoma
temmincki). These practices tend to give farmed fish’s meat a muddy flavor and yellowish color.
These characteristics are not favored by international markets, thus cage aquaculture is the
preferred method of operation for fish being produced for export (Trong et al. 2002). Despite the
higher risks of high stocking densities and poor water flow, which lead to such undesirable
characteristics as yellow flesh, pond culture constitutes 50% of total river catfish aquaculture in
Southeast Asia (Cacot 2004).

Cage culture
In modern cage aquaculture, cages are placed and maintained in natural water bodies and consist
of wood or steel frames with nylon mesh (near Ho Chi Minh City) or inox screens, and are
attached to drums for floatation (Edwards 2004; Pers. Comm., Philippe Cacot, CIRAD, 2005).
Cages in the Mekong River Delta range from 50 to 1600 m3 in size, and larger cages commonly
include living quarters for workers on the surface above the submerged cages (Phillips 2002;
Pers. Comm., Philippe Cacot, CIRAD, 2005).

Pangasius Seafood Report December 11, 2007

At one time, basa was the predominant species cultured using cages (Figure 4, Trong et al.
2002), while swai dominated total aquaculture production (cage and pond aquaculture).
Currently, the culture of swai using cages has increased to surpass cage culture of basa (Pers.
Comm., Philippe Cacot, CIRAD, 2005).

Figure 4. Proportion of different catfish species in the Mekong Delta in cage production, 1996.
From Trong et al. (2002).

Scope of the analysis and the ensuing recommendation:

This analysis covers aquaculture production for basa, P. bocourti, and swai, P. hypophthalmus,
in Southeast Asia, primarily in Viet Nam and Cambodia.

Availability of Science
Numerous reports on river catfish aquaculture have been published by the Mekong River
Commission in Cambodia; however, at this time, no formal stock assessments have been
performed for wild populations of basa or swai. Most peer reviewed papers available on basa or
swai are on nutritional needs and husbandry for aquaculture of these species.

Market Availability

Common and market names:

Scientific names: Pangasius bocourti (basa), previously Pangasius pangasius; Pangasius

hypophthalmus (swai) (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus, Van Zalinge et al. 2002), previously
Pangasius sutchi and Helicophagus hypophthalmus (Roberts and Vidthayanon 1991).

Pangasius Seafood Report December 11, 2007

Common names:
Basa: bocourti catfish, basa catfish, river catfish.
Swai: basa, sutchi catfish, striped catfish, silver striped catfish, river catfish, and tra (in

Market names: white roughy, royal basa (Australia;, 2004),

Mekong catfish, pangas catfish, basa catfish (, 2001), China sole, Pacific dory
(Australia, Cohen and Hiebert 2001).

Seasonal availability:
Basa and swai are available year-round.

Product forms:
Basa and swai are available fresh and frozen.

Production statistics:
Much of the finfish produced in Southeast Asia is consumed locally, although there is a large
export market. Swai is the predominant species reared for export, while basa, considered a
superior product, is, for the most part, consumed domestically (Pers. Comm., Philippe Cacot,
CIRAD, 2005). In 2003, production of basa was estimated to be between 10,000 and 50,000
tons and production of swai was estimated to be greater than 100,000 tons, with production
steadily increasing. The government of Viet Nam hopes to increase production of basa to 50,000
– 100,000 tons by 2010 while maintaining the production of swai at its current rate (Figure 5,
Edwards et al. 2004). In Viet Nam, in 2004, production of river catfish for the export market
alone reached 350,000 tons, 90% of which was swai (Pers. Comm., Philippe Cacot, CIRAD,

Figure 5. Annual production of Pangasius spp. for export in the Mekong Delta, Viet Nam.
From Hung et al. (2004).

Pangasius Seafood Report December 11, 2007

Import and export sources and statistics:

After normalizing trade between the U.S. and Viet Nam, imports of basa and swai to the U.S.
increased to over 20 million pounds (Mydans 2002). This large increase in imports of farmed
river catfish led Congressman Charles Pickering (R, Mississippi), along with Congressmen Ross
(D, Arkansas) and Berry (D, Arkansas), to introduce a bill in 2003 as part of the Country of
Origin Labeling that would prevent imports of basa and swai from being labeled “farm raised
catfish” (HR 2439) in order to avoid confusion with U.S. farm-raised catfish. The Ministry of
Fisheries in Viet Nam agreed to rename the products, and exports of swai from Viet Nam have
since been required to be labeled as one of three names, Mekong catfish, pangas catfish, or basa
catfish, while exports of basa from Viet Nam must be named basa, basa bocourti, or bocourti
(, 2001). Following allegations of dumping by Vietnamese vessels,
Congressman Ross also voted to deny Viet Nam status as a “most favored nation”
(, 2002). In 2003, the international trade commission sided with U.S. domestic
catfish producers and supported their claims that Vietnamese vessels were dumping
(, 2003) and imposed penal duties on Viet Nam. Within a few months, imports
of basa and swai from Viet Nam into the U.S. fell by about 50% (

In the U.S., basa and swai sell for about half the price of channel catfish farmed domestically,
but, though they account for 90% of imported catfish, represent only a small percentage of
catfish available on the U.S. market ( In 2003, the U.S. imported 46
million pounds of basa and swai combined. The Vietnamese government recently agreed to limit
exports of basa and swai to the U.S. to 2002 levels, and despite decreases in the import of swai
and basa, overall imports of seafood products from Viet Nam have grown substantially since
trade was normalized with Viet Nam (Department of Commerce,

Analysis of Seafood Watch® Sustainability Criteria for Farm-raised Species

Criterion 1: Use of Marine Resources

Feed use in Pangasius spp. aquaculture is widely varied throughout the four countries that
produce the majority of farmed swai and basa (Vietnam, Thailand, Lao PDR, and Cambodia).
Much of the information available on feed use in aquaculture operations in these countries is
region-specific. Additionally, since half of the feed used in river catfish aquaculture is
homemade, there is limited uniformity in feed use in aquaculture operations.

Until recently, in Vietnamese river catfish cage culture systems, 95 to 97% of cages used
homemade feed (Phu and Hein 2003). Current estimates indicate, however, that 50% of swai
and basa cages use homemade feed and 50% use manufactured feed (Pers. Comm., Philippe
Cacot, CIRAD, 2005). Small-scale farmers use an integrated fisheries/aquaculture system that
uses low-value fish species (trash fish), taken from marine or freshwater systems (Edwards 2004)
either through bycatch or targeted fisheries, for aquaculture feed. Homemade feeds vary widely
in their ingredients and nutritional value (Edwards et al. 2004), and can have low and
occasionally imbalanced nutritional value, which results in low yield of marketable fishes; high

Pangasius Seafood Report December 11, 2007

fat accumulation in fish abdomens due to these low nutritional feeds reduces the proportion of
fillet meat in the final, processed fish (Phu and Hein 2003).

Manufactured pelleted feed is of significantly higher cost that homemade feed, as manufactured
feeds use imported fishmeal and soybean cake (primarily from the U.S.), instead of the local
sources of “trash fish,” which are thought to be of low quality (Edwards 2004; Pers. Comm.,
Philippe Cacot, CIRAD, 2005). Materials for making homemade feeds, on the other hand, are
locally available and cheap. The price of homemade feed is about US$0.12 – $0.13 per kilogram
(kg) of feed, and the price for manufactured pelleted feed is around US$0.27 – $0.30 per kg of
feed. Hence the feed cost for producing one kilogram of fish can range from US$0.31 – $0.39
for homemade feed and US$0.38 – $0.45 for manufactured pelleted feed (Phu and Hein 2003);
however, these values will vary greatly depending on the feed conversion ratio (FCR), which
will be affected both by protein content and rearing structure in the aquaculture operation. The
recent decline in the use of homemade feeds has, in part, been due to the establishment of a feed
industry, increased large-scale production of swai, and a shortage of trash fish, as well as the
relationship between trash fish and pathogens such as Vibrio spp. (Pers. Comm., Philippe Cacot,
CIRAD, 2005).

Feed conversion ratio

The feed conversion ratio (FCR) is the amount of dry feed required to produce one unit of wet
fish (Weber 2003). The FCR is a tool used by operators to measure the efficiency of the feed
system, and varies with the type of aquaculture operation, the type of fish being reared, and the
type of feed being used.

Due to the low-tech nature of river catfish farms, feeding may not operate at its most efficient,
especially considering the common use of homemade aquaculture feeds. Feeds vary in protein
content and moisture content, and homemade feeds especially vary in the type of trash fish and
the amount of trash fish used in the feed (Pers. Comm., Kwei Lin, ret. Asian Institute of
Technology, April 13, 2005). FCRs vary accordingly with each variation within the different
types of feeds. Homemade feeds, with unknown moisture content, typically result in the highest
FCRs of any type of feed. Subsequently, FCRs are typically lower for homemade feeds
supplemented by manufactured feeds, depending on cost, and even lower for manufactured
pelleted feeds. Phu and Hein (2003) indicate FCRs for homemade feeds range from 2.7 to 3.0
and FCRs for manufactured pelleted feeds range from 1.4 to 1.5.

FCRs also vary with stocking densities and water quality associated with the rearing structure of
the aquaculture operation. In experiments done on aquaculture feed, Hung (2001) calculated
FCR under a number of conditions for both basa and swai. FCRs for swai ranged from 1.34 –
1.82, with higher values for day feeding than for night feeding, while FCRs for basa had a much
larger range, from 1.21 – 2.19, with the highest FCR values occurring with 1, 2, or 3 feedings
during the day. Other studies have calculated an average FCR for all Pangasius catfish, under all
feeding regimes, of 2.5 (Table 3, Edwards et al. 2004).

Pangasius Seafood Report December 11, 2007

Table 3. Aquaculture using trash fish. From Edwards et al. (2004).

Comparing the FCRs from different sources (see Table 4) yields a wide range within each river
catfish species and within aquaculture feed types. In general, manufactured feeds have lower
feed conversion ratios that homemade feeds. In Table 4, below, both the calculated and averaged
FCRs from Edwards et al. (2004) are outliers, while the empirical FCRs by Hung et al. (2001)
rest in the middle of the overall ranges for FCRs from all the sources in the table and were
calculated from a controlled experiment. Because this empirical finding of FCR is from a
controlled experiment, the variation from consumption of naturally occurring feed or inefficient
feeding technique is eliminated, so it represents the best calculation of FCR. The study of FCRs
in Table 4 is based on this median. The final FCR, at the bottom of Table 4, is a weighted
average of all the different estimates for FCRs (Table 4).

Table 4. Comparison of FCRs. FCRs less than or equal to 1 could come from high use of naturally occurring food
items or over estimation of FCR from non-specific information on feed use.

Swai Basa
Homemade Manufactured Homemade Manufactured
N/A 1.34 – 1.82 N/A 1.21 – 2.19
(Hung et al. 2001)
1 0.933 1.4 1.267
(Edwards et al. 2004)1
2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
(Edwards et al. 2004)
(Phu and Hein 2003) 2.7 – 3 1.4 – 1.5 2.7 – 3 1.4 – 1.5

Pers. Comm., Cacot, 1 3 1.6 – 1.8 3 1.6 – 1.8

FCR (weighted average) 2.45 1.71 2.51 1.78

Inclusion rate
The inclusion rate is the amount of marine, or freshwater, resources used in aquaculture feed. As
with FCRs, inclusion rates vary greatly by feed type. Manufactured feed is the most consistent
feed type, and optimal inclusion of fishmeal for omnivorous species, like Pangasius spp., in

Combined weight equal to one of the cited FCR studies.

Pangasius Seafood Report December 11, 2007

manufactured feed is 4%. Fish oils are included in manufactured feed at 2 – 3% (Pers. Comm.,
Philippe Cacot, CIRAD, 2005). Homemade feed for swai originally consisted primarily of
chopped up trash fish in Chau Doc in Viet Nam, but has been replaced by a cooked mixture of
rice bran and marine trash fish at a 2:1 ratio (Edwards 2004). This method results in a much
higher inclusion rate (33%) than manufactured feed (Phu and Hein 2003; Edwards et al. 2004);
however, much of the trash fish in homemade feed comes from processing waste or bycatch of
low-value fish (Edwards et al. 2004), and all parts of the trash fish are used in the feed. The
amount of trash fish used varies seasonally and regionally, and can lead to overfeeding when
trash fish are abundant, and underfeeding when trash fish are scarce. This variation in use in turn
results in inefficient feed conversion. For fish farmers who can afford it, dried fish can
supplement feed when trash fish are unavailable; however, the quality of this feed can be poor
(Heng et al. 2004).

With increased use of trash fish for aquaculture feeds, as well as for livestock feeds, there is
concern about a possible reduction in fish products available for human consumption (Phillips
2002; Edwards et al. 2004). These concerns are especially significant as much of the final
aquaculture and livestock products generated in Southeast Asia are exported.

Transfer efficiency
Transfer efficiency is the efficiency at which the fish harvested for aquaculture feed are
converted from whole fish to fishmeal or fish oil. Tyedmers (2000) estimated the transfer
efficiencies of wild fish from four different sources: South American fishmeal; British Columbia
herring meal; Gulf of Mexico menhaden oil; and British Columbia mixed fish oil. Reduction of
whole fish to fishmeal or fish oil depends on five characteristics: the species being reduced; the
season during which the fish are captured and hence the condition of the fish at the time of
capture; whether round fish or fish wastes are being reduced; the freshness of the fish upon
processing; and the efficiency of the reduction plant. Reduction efficiencies range from 16 –
22% for fishmeal and 2 – 12% for fish oil.

Ratio of wild fish to farmed river catfish

After obtaining values for feed conversion ratios, inclusion rates, and transfer efficiencies, the
ratio of wild fish input to farmed fish output, or the amount of wild fish needed to produce 1 unit
of farmed fish, can be determined through the following equation.
⎡1 ⎤ ⎡1 ⎤
manufactured ⎢ (i m ) + (io )⎥(FCR ) + homemade⎢ (i m ) + (io )⎥(FCR ) = input : output
1 1 (1)
⎣ cm co ⎦ ⎣ cm co ⎦

In this equation, cm is the transfer efficiency from whole fish to fishmeal, co is the transfer
efficiency from whole fish to fish oil, im is the inclusion rate of fishmeal, and io is the inclusion
rate of fish oil. To determine the average ratio of wild fish used in swai and basa aquaculture to
farmed swai and basa produced, the calculation, below, uses the mean values for cm and co of
19% and 7%, respectively, values for im and io for manufactured feed of 4% and 2.5%,
respectively, and values for FCRs for homemade feed of 2.45 and 2.51 and for manufactured
feed of 1.71 and 1.78 for swai and basa, respectively. For homemade feed, the inclusion rate for
fishmeal is estimated at 36.5% and the inclusion rate for fish oil is not applicable, as no fish oil is

Pangasius Seafood Report December 11, 2007

used in homemade feeds. The transfer efficiency for homemade feed is 100%, as whole fish are
used in the production of homemade feeds. Using these values, the average ratio of wild fish
used to farmed swai produced is approximately:

0.50[5.263(.04 ) + 14.286(.025)](1.71) + 0.50[1(.365)](2.45) = 0.93

And the average ratio of wild fish used to farmed basa produced is approximately:

0.50[5.263(.04 ) + 14.286(.025)](1.78) + 0.50[1(.365)](2.51) = 0.96

Table 5. Coefficients to calculate wild inputs:aquaculture outputs.

Conversion efficiency
Homemade feeds Manufactured feeds
Whole fish to fishmeal 100% 19%
Whole fish to fish oil N/A 7%
Inclusion of fishmeal 33 – 40% (36.5%) 4%
Inclusion of fish oil N/A 2 – 3% (2.5%)
Feed Conversion Ratio (swai) 2.45 1.71
Feed Conversion Ratio (basa) 2.51 1.78

As production increases and stressors such as competition, poor water quality, and increased
disease also increase, conversion efficiency decreases.

Stock status of the reduction fishery

The general “trash fish” designation for marine resources used in fishmeal for aquaculture feed
includes a number of species of fish and invertebrates. The majority of these species are landed
in the nearshore fishery (Edwards et al. 2004). Uses for trash fish include direct human uses,
either as fish sauce or fish flesh, livestock feed, and aquaculture feed; the fishery for trash fish
accounts for 25% of local finfish landings. Often, the human uses for trash fish are the lowest-
value uses, and livestock production, as well as high value aquaculture production, such as of
grouper or shrimp, are the highest value uses for trash fish (Edwards et al. 2004).

There are concerns about overfishing in the nearshore fishery (Edwards et al. 2004); however,
the Mekong stingray (one of the Dasyatis spp.) is the only species captured in the fishery for
trash fish that is identified by the IUCN (World Conservation Union) as a species of concern
( Imported manufactured feed comes from a number of sources, so it is
difficult to determine the reduction fishery providing the fishmeal used in the feed.

Pangasius Seafood Report December 11, 2007

Table 6. Species comprising the “trash fish” group used in aquaculture feed. From Allen et al (2004).

Pangasius Seafood Report December 11, 2007

Source of seed stock

Supply of seed stock for swai and basa aquaculture has traditionally been dependent on
collection of wild Pangasius spp. fry from rivers (Cacot et al. 2003; Edwards et al. 2004). Most
of the spawning grounds for both basa and swai are located within the borders of Cambodia
(Poulsen et al. 2004). Fishers usually target swai fry; however, they are often unable to identify
fry at the species level and some fish farmers have reported a mixture of Pangasius species in
their ponds. In the wild fishery, non-Pangasius species are thrown back or used as fish feed (Bun
1999; Van Zalinge et al. 2002); an estimated 5 – 10 kg of fish of species other than swai or basa
are killed for each kilogram of river catfish fry caught (Phuong 1998). Bycatch of non-target fry
is much higher in Viet Nam than Cambodia, most likely due to the lower numbers of fry within
Viet Nam’s waters. Furthermore, the average size of fry in Viet Nam is larger than in Cambodia
(Van Zalinge et al. 2002).

The fishery for river catfish fry was outlawed in Cambodia in 1994 and in Viet Nam in 2000, but
continues illegally, still supplying fry to aquaculture (Bun 1999; Van Zalinge et al. 2002). It is
unclear the extent to which this practice is still in use; however, the increase in hatchery
production and enforcement indicates that capture of wild river catfish fry is declining; a 1000-
fold decrease in wild-caught fry has been observed in the An Giang province in Viet Nam (Van
Zalinge et al. 2002). Anecdotally, the number of wild-caught fry has dropped to almost zero,
with hatchery fry dominating the supply to aquaculture operations (Pers. Comm., Kwei Lin,
Asian Institute of Technology, ret., April 13, 2005).

There are many small scale nursery hatcheries for swai and basa fry in Viet Nam (< 1 ha in area)
that now provide seed stock to Vietnamese river catfish farms. These hatcheries produce enough
fry for the local market and for export to Cambodia (Edwards et al. 2004). The first artificial
propagation of Pangasius spp. catfish occurred in Thailand in 1959 and has since expanded
throughout Southeast Asia (Trong et al. 2002). In 1999, more than 270 million swai and basa fry
and fingerlings were produced by a number of state and private hatcheries (Van Zalinge et al.

Table 7. Estimated numbers of swai fry caught in the dai fishery in Viet Nam, An Giang province. From Van
Zalinge et al. (2002).

Pangasius Seafood Report December 11, 2007

The use of marine resources in aquaculture operations for basa and swai ranks as a moderate
conservation concern. Feed conversion ratios for aquaculture feed for these omnivorous species
are relatively high, and the inclusion of trash fish in feeds is moderate. The high use of
homemade feed, while it results in a worse feed conversion ratio for both swai and basa feeds,
also results in a low input of wild fish because whole fish are used; the transfer efficiency for
homemade feed is 100%. Some concerns exist, however, about the source of the trash fish used
in homemade and manufactured aquaculture feeds. Primarily composed of bycatch, trash fish
used in aquaculture feed comes from nearshore and riverine fisheries, which are considered fully
exploited. The source of seed stock for swai and basa aquaculture varies by operation. While
capture of wild fry for seed stock is now illegal, it continues at low levels. High levels of
bycatch and decreased catch per unit effort (CPUE) of wild swai and basa raise concerns about
the continued illegal fishing for river catfish fry. Thanks to enforcement and increased hatchery
production of fry, the amount of wild-caught fry in the marketplace is continuously declining.

Use of Marine Resources Rank:

Low Moderate High Critical

Criterion 2: Risk of Escaped Fish to Wild Stocks

Frequency and impact of escapes

Aquaculture systems in Southeast Asia are typically enclosed or semi-enclosed structures, like
ponds, rice fields, or cages suspended in natural bodies of water. Cage culture is the most
common large-scale type of aquaculture system in Southeast Asia and the most common type for
river catfish in Viet Nam (Phillips 2002). In cage culture, water is free to exchange between the
cage and the natural water body in which the cage is suspended. Despite the cage system being
open to the environment, it seems unlikely that escapes occur very frequently because the cages
are situated in calm water; however, there are no data documenting the frequency or infrequency
of escapes of farmed fish from cage culture.

Hatchery programs for swai and basa are still nascent, with focuses on milt management, egg
production, and larval rearing (Hung et al. 1999; Cacot et al. 2002; Hung et al. 2002; Cacot et al.
2003; Hung et al. 2003), as opposed to selection for certain traits. Furthermore, most of the
research on husbandry and larval rearing focuses on higher value basa, rather than swai.
Additionally, a small fraction of the supply of swai and basa fry and fingerlings for aquaculture
still comes from wild sources (Bun 1999; Van Zalinge et al. 2002), thus farm-reared swai and
basa are still genetically similar to their wild counterparts.

There are concerns regarding hybridization between basa and swai, and hybrids have been
observed in local markets. No studies on hybridization, particularly female swai/male basa
crosses, were available for this report. Reportedly the Vietnamese government has effectively
controlled the production of hybrids (Pers. Comm., Philippe Cacot, CIRAD, 2005).

Pangasius Seafood Report December 11, 2007

The open cages that dominate river catfish aquaculture are open to the surrounding water bodies
in which they are suspended, and are thus inherently susceptible to escapes by farmed swai and
basa. In the case of Pangasiid aquaculture in Southeast Asia, however, the impact of escapes is
minimal, as swai and basa are native to the region. In addition, the early stages of artificial
hatcheries, which engage in minimal artificial selection for genetic traits, means that fish
produced in aquaculture are still ecologically and genetically similar to wild stocks. That being
said, as husbandry techniques improve, and hatcheries begin selecting for traits favorable to
aquaculture, escapes may become a concern.

Risk of Escaped Fish to Wild Stocks Rank:

Low Moderate High Critical

Criterion 3: Risk of Disease and Parasite Transfer to Wild Stocks

In 2002, a study by Crumlish (2002) identified the bacteria Edwardsiella ictaluri, a disease
native to channel catfish in North America, in farmed swai cultured in the Mekong River Delta.
This was the first instance of this disease being observed in Pangasiids. The study makes no
comment about where the disease originated. In a study by Yuasa et al. (2003), this same disease
was also identified in farms in Indonesia. Again, the study did not attempt to explain the source
of the bacteria, but Yuasa et al. (2003) did mention that the strain infecting Indonesian swai is
more similar to the strain infecting Vietnamese swai than that infecting channel catfish (Ictalurus
punctata) in the U.S. Transmission of the disease may have been vertical, from hatchery seed
stock, or horizontal, from wild fish, but ultimately its source is unknown. It also remains unclear
as to whether the bacteria were introduced from abroad or were present locally but previously

Although it seems as if a new disease is emerging, there have been no data to show that wild
swai stocks have been affected by new diseases. Additionally, no evidence exists for
amplification or retransmission of native diseases from farmed stocks to wild stocks or vice

While there have not been any documented cases of the newly introduced E. ictaluri in wild
populations, there is no reason to suggest that transmission from farmed fish to wild fish is not
likely. Due to this uncertainty, along with the dominance of the open cage system in Pangasiid
farms and uncertainty about the health of wild Pangasiid populations, the risk of disease transfer
to wild swai and basa stocks ranks as moderate.

Risk of Disease Transfer to Wild Stocks Rank:

Low Moderate High Critical

Pangasius Seafood Report December 11, 2007

Criterion 4: Risk of Pollution and Habitat Effects

Effluent effects
While both pond and cage aquaculture systems are used for swai and basa, cage aquaculture is
the more technologically advanced method, thus it is utilized more for the export market. The
cages utilized are essentially open net pens placed within the Mekong River Delta, so effluent
from the aquaculture operations is not treated before flowing out of the cages into the
surrounding environment. Some polyculture for cage culture exists, where river catfish are
reared with carps, Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), or kissing gourami (Helostoma
temmincki), but this is not common in larger scale production (Trong et al. 2002).

There is concern regarding pollution from cage effluent, as well as regarding deterioration of
water quality and an increase in observed fish disease outbreaks (Phillips 2002). Combined with
high water temperatures, ammonia, nitrates, and organic matter released in fecal wastes lead to
rapid growth of algae and aquatic plants, and can result in severe algal blooms and
eutrophication of water bodies. Low levels of dissolved oxygen in natural water bodies resulting
from the decomposition of plants and other organic matter could have affects on local fisheries,
water quality, and other local resources (Pers. Comm., Philippe Cacot, CIRAD, 2005). The
Mekong River Delta, however, could be at a lower risk to effluent effects than reservoirs or
coastal areas, as in the Mekong River Delta the water is already polluted by activities other than
aquaculture (Phillips 2002). Additionally, due to the six-month flood season, leftover
aquaculture feed and wastewater is periodically flushed out to sea (Edwards et al. 2004). The
Vietnamese government also suggests that the carrying capacity of the Mekong River is high if
factories are prohibited from discharging effluents into the river (Edwards et al. 2004), while
others observe that the impact of fruit and rice production contributes significantly more to
environmental degradation than does aquaculture (Pers. Comm., Philippe Cacot, CIRAD, 2005).

Habitat effects
Siting and locations for cage production in the Mekong River Delta is relatively benign. The
environment in this region is already highly degraded from non-aquaculture sources, and the area
is heavily used by a large human population. Additionally, large-scale cage aquaculture serves a
dual purpose when combined with housing, which is built above submerged aquaculture cages
(Phillips 2002). This method may aid in reducing impacts on land from development.

In the Mekong River Delta, typical stocking densities of basa and swai are 200 – 300 fish/m3
(Phillips 2002) or 100 kg/m3 (Trong et al. 2002), which are considered intensive production
levels. Ponds with low flow must be stocked at much lower levels to maintain fish health.
Typical low-flow pond stocking densities are 18 fish/m3 (Cacot 2004). Flow in cage and net pen
operations is highly variable due to strong seasonal affects, so intensive aquaculture, relative to
flow, during the dry season may be minor during the rainy season. Feeding rates vary with the
availability of feed (Heng et al. 2004), meaning that the quantity of wastes also varies, further
contributing to high variability in effluent. Other variations in effluent come from variability in
feed type and quality. Homemade feed is less stable than manufactured feed, and typically has a
higher feed conversion ratio than manufactured feed, thus the use of homemade feed can also
lead to increased water pollution (Edwards 2004).

Pangasius Seafood Report December 11, 2007

The predominance of cage culture for farming basa and swai and the high stocking densities
within cages means that there is a clear risk of pollution and habitat effects. This risk is
tempered, however, by characteristics of the Mekong River Delta. The degraded state and high
flow of the river means that effluents have less of a total impact on the region. Overall,
therefore, the risk of pollution and habitat effects from swai and basa aquaculture is deemed

Risk of Pollution and Habitat Effects Rank:

Low Moderate High Critical

Criterion 5: Effectiveness of the Management Regime

The rapid growth of finfish aquaculture in the Mekong River Delta has highlighted the need for
clear and effective management of aquaculture operations and supporting fisheries. In general,
the government of Viet Nam has acted in a pro-aquaculture manner, supporting the industry as a
means to develop impoverished regions and alleviate hunger. Viet Nam has adopted a plan to
build aquaculture capacity and has shifted resources from research to farm assistance (Phillips

Regulation and BMPs

Best management practices (BMPs) have not yet been built into management of swai and basa
aquaculture. There are no requirements for starting an aquaculture system, and home ponds are
quite common, though such ponds do not result in large-scale production (Edwards 2004). The
rapid growth of aquaculture in Southeast Asia has prompted increasing discussion about
environmental impacts. The Mekong River Commission (MRC), in its publications, repeatedly
states the need for regulating feed, siting, brood stock, and pollution (Phillips 2002; Trong et al.
2002; Commission 2003).

Increasing exports of swai and basa from Southeast Asia have meant that international
regulations must be met. In order to meet European Union (EU) and Japanese import
regulations, 125 Southeast Asian companies have banned the use of antibiotics and drugs that are
regulated in those markets. These companies are subject to regular inspections by independent
parties and processors exporting to international markets, which require that fish be free from
chemical residues before harvest. Furthermore, 175 out of 300 processors in Southeast Asia now
adhere to Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) regulations

Currently, management of finfish aquaculture in Southeast Asia is weak. Most regulation comes
from import regulations in other countries. The lack of management for siting of farms and
BMPs to control escaped fish and pollution are a concern for the long-term sustainability of

Pangasius Seafood Report December 11, 2007

aquaculture of river catfish. Due to the poor state of management on all levels, effectiveness of
management of swai and basa aquaculture in Southeast Asia ranks ineffective.
Effectiveness of Management Rank:

Highly Effective Moderately Effective Ineffective Critical

Overall Evaluation and Seafood Recommendation

Pangasius have many qualities that are conducive to sustainable aquaculture, including: a low
need for fish protein; high feed conversion; rapid growth; the ability to thrive in poor water
quality; and low risk of harm from fish escapes in the regions where they are farmed, due to
ecological and genetic similarity with wild stocks. However, current aquaculture operations for
Pangasius are of moderate conservation concern. Despite laws that prohibit the capture of wild
Pangasius fry for stocking aquaculture operations, the practice continues to the detriment of wild
stocks. Additionally, emerging diseases, like a new strain of E. ictaluri, raise concern about
increased infection amongst wild fish. The sources of infection and current wild infection rates
are unknown, however, thus there is great uncertainty surrounding this risk. Furthermore,
treatment options, such as antibiotics added to feed, are undesirable because fish are farmed in
open systems, however some import markets ban the use of certain antibiotics and drugs. With
regards to pollution, the open systems of cage culture, the most common aquaculture method
used for farming Pangasius, are less of a concern because cages are typically placed in highly
environmentally-degraded areas. The Mekong River Delta is a large drainage with numerous
urban areas within its watershed, which contribute many pollutants and nutrient sources to the
river. This combined with annual flushing of the river system by monsoon floods means that the
net impact of aquaculture on the river is relatively low. However, excess aquaculture feed and
feces from farmed fish, reared at a range of stocking densities, still do flow freely into the
surrounding environment. Finally, finfish aquaculture is poorly regulated. Aside from
requirements put on production and processing by importing countries, no management plan for
Pangasius aquaculture exists. Generally poor management and moderate concerns over several
other criteria results in an overall seafood recommendation of “Good Alternatives” for farmed
Pangasius. Should additional evidence of environmental impacts arise or should production
techniques become less sustainable over time, farmed Pangasius may warrant a recommendation
of Avoid to consumers and businesses.

Pangasius Seafood Report December 11, 2007

Table of Sustainability Ranks

Conservation Concern
Sustainability Criteria Low Moderate High Critical
Use of Marine Resources √
Risk of Escaped Fish to
Wild Stocks √
Risk of Disease/Parasite
Transfer to Wild Stocks √
Risk of Pollution and
Habitat Effects √
Management Effectiveness √

Overall Seafood Recommendation:

Farmed Pangasius: Best Choice Good Alternative Avoid

Seafood Watch® thanks Philippe Cacot, Professor Kwei Lin, and an anonymous reviewer for
their insightful reviews of this seafood report.

Scientific review does not constitute an endorsement of Seafood Watch® on the part of the
reviewing scientists. The Seafood Watch® staff is solely responsible for the conclusions reached
in this report.

Pangasius Seafood Report December 11, 2007


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