Two Approaches To Language
Two Approaches To Language
Two Approaches To Language
Olga Dmitrievna Vishnyakova
Ekaterina Matievskaya
Moscow, 2018
1. Introduction
2. Two approaches to language
3. Difference between synchronic and diachronic approaches
4. Synchrony and diachrony in terms of other fields of knowledge
5. Conclusion
6. References
Language is a unique ability of human beings that allow them to maintain verbal
and non-verbal communication with the whole world. Without a language, there would
be no interaction at all.
Language is a system. A system is a set of interrelated and interdependent
elements. If any element is removed from the system, it will not be able to function or
its functioning will not be sufficiently effective. So, the speech consists of four systems
that form a common system of language.
Language needs to be analysed and researched, thus lexicology appeared.
Lexicology (gr. lexikos - referring to a word, logos - teaching) is a branch of the science
of a language that studies the vocabulary of a language, or vocabulary.
The vocabulary of the language is an internally organised set of lexical units,
interconnected, functioning and developing according to the laws inherent in the
Russian language.
In lexicology, 1) the word is studied as an individual language unit, its meaning;
2) the place of the word in the lexical system of the language; 3) the history of the
formation of modern vocabulary; 4) the relationship of the word to the active or passive
vocabulary; 5) the place of the word in the system of functional styles of the modern
Russian language (neutral, scientific, business, etc.). Lexicology studies the vocabulary
of the language in its temporary development, since over time various changes occur
in the vocabulary of the language, as well as identify the reasons for these changes.
In this paper, main approaches to language will be discussed.
In the XIX century, ancient languages and the search for the "parent language"
were considered to be a worthy object of linguistics as a science. The study of living
languages was provided to the school, sharply delimiting this area from science. The
successes of dialectology describing living dialects, learning the languages of peoples
living in colonial dependence, and the need for more serious teaching of native and
foreign languages have put forward new tasks for linguists: to create methods of
scientific description of this state of the language without regard to its origin and past.
Practice has caused a theoretical understanding. The largest scientists of the late
XIX – early XX century. - F. F. Fortunatov, I. A. Baudouin de Courtenay, F. de
Saussure and others - put forward the theoretical foundations of the scientific
description of a given language in a given era. FF Fortunatov developed the principles
of descriptive grammar1, I. A. Baudouin de Courtenay divided linguistics into static
(descriptive) and dynamic (historical), distinguishing between phonetics and grammar
the phenomena of coexistence. But perhaps the most thoroughly examined this
question by F. de Saussure.
Its main thesis is that: “at any given moment, speech activity implies both an
established system and evolution; at any moment, the language is both a living activity
and a product of the past”. Thus, two approaches to language were implemented:
synchronic and diachronic.
The synchronic approach analyses the similarities and differences of languages
at a given point of time by focusing on their structural features and characteristics and
by using phonological, morphological and syntactic explanations including semantic
and pragmatic aspects.
The diachronic approach studies the development of language in time by paying
attention to affinity between languages and historical transmutations of sounds and by
striving for the reconstruction of principal languages. It produces descriptions how
languages are genealogically related.
It should be emphatically stressed that the distinction between the synchronic
and the diachronic study is merely a difference of approach separating for the purposes
of investigation what in real language is inseparable. The two approaches should not
be contrasted, or set one against the other; in fact, they are intrinsically interconnected
and interdependent: every linguistic structure and system actually exists in a state of
constant development so that the synchronic state of a language system is a result of a
long process of linguistic evolution, of its historical development.
A good example illustrating both the distinction between the two approaches and
their interconnection is furnished by the words to beg and beggar. Synchronically, the
words to beg and beggar are related as a simple and a derived word, the noun beggar
being the derived member of the pair, for the derivative correlation between the two is
the same as in the case of to sing in singer, to teach in teacher, etc. When we approach
the problem diachronically, however, we learn that the noun beggar was borrowed from
Old French and only presumed to have been derived from a shorter word, namely the
verb to beg, as in the English language agent nouns are commonly derived from verbs
with the help of the agent suffix -er.
The theoretical understanding of the difference between synchrony and
diachrony (statics and dynamics) was initiated by V. Humbolt. He did not use the terms
"synchrony" and "diachrony", but this does not mean that he did not see the difference
between these two approaches to the language. In his report "on the comparative study
of languages as applied to the different epochs of their development," he divides
comparative linguistics into two sections: the study of the organism by language and
the study of languages in the state of their development. According to V. Humbolt,
synchrony has less influence than diachrony.
The most common form of application of the synchronic approach to the study
of language is the study of the modern living language. I. A. Baudouin de Courtenay
worked under conditions in which the dead of the language in writing were used in
linguistics. But the primary form of the existence of a language is living or oral
Unlike I. A. Baudouin de Courtenay, F. de Saussure defined synchronic rather
than diachronic as the main approach. The advantage of synchrony over diachronic F.
de Saussure saw first of all that it is the synchronic consideration of which the language
system is available as such, whereas diachronic linguistics deals with changes that
occur not in the language, but in the speech of individual speakers.
So, after nearly a century of development of the concept of synchronous-
diachronic linguistics, it became quite obvious, how useful was the idea of strictly
separating the two plans for considering a language and what serious consequences it
had for improving various methods of describing a language. At the same time, despite
the fact that synchronicity was originally contrasted with diachrony in linguistics, both
processes were recognised as interdependent and mutually complementary: for
example, the fact that the diachronic process can be detected through the descriptions
of synchrony in the form of an ordered system rules, the order of which corresponds to
the diachronic sequence of transformations. Note that the thesis of F. de Saussure still
remains relevant, according to which the synchronic aspect dominates the diachronic
one, “For the present language is the only reality for speaking people” [Saussure, 1933,
p. 57]. Thus, synchronic linguistics can be understood, in a certain sense, as a science
of the status of a language; therefore, it is to some extent more static linguistics.
Diachronic linguistics in this sense can be called evolutionary linguistics.