Surviving Panzer IV Variants
Surviving Panzer IV Variants
Surviving Panzer IV Variants
IV Variants
Last update : 2 October 2018
Listed here are the tanks in the Panzer IV variants family that still exist today.
Jagdpanzer IV/70 (Vomag) – U.S. Army Center for Military History Storage Facility
Anniston, AL (USA)
Photo taken by an Austrian UN-officer in the 80s and provided by Rudi Ehninger
Nashorn – U.S. Army Center for Military History Storage Facility, Anniston, AL (USA)
Previously part of the Aberdeen Proving Ground museum
Picture from the owner, September 2018
Flakpanzer IV Wirbelwind
Militärhistorische Ausstellung Flugabwehr, Kiel (Germany)
This vehicle was previously part of the Aberdeen US Army Ordnance Museum, USA (USA AFVs register)
Jagdpanzer IV early L/48 front armour plate and gun + PzKpfw. IV or StuG IV front hull
Armoured Weapons Museum, Land Forces Training Centre, Poznań (Poland)
On 28 November 2009, a front armour plate with mantlet and gun were recovered from a private terrain near the Citadel. It was
probably destroyed during the battle of "Festung Posen" in 1945. Funding this vehicle is a historical mystery because no historical
source evert mentioned the use of any Jagdpanzer IV during the battle of Poznań (even the people who organized this action expected
a Russian tank or a gun). The parts of Jagdpanzer were dug in the ground of a garden after the war and the owners forgot its
existence (Rafał Białęcki).
The front hull part was found in Krzewata, Poland (Piotr Lewandowski). The restoration process :
Bob Fleming
5 or 6 Jagdpanzer IVs – Previously on an army base some 65 kms north of Damascus (Syria). These
vehicles went most probably in the King of Jordan’s collection