How To Paint A Tritonal Camouflage On A Panzer Iv: Victrix Games

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The document discusses different types of paints like acrylics, enamels, oils and lacquers and their properties. It also provides steps to create a tritonal camouflage scheme and various weathering techniques.

The different types of paints discussed are acrylics, enamels, oils and lacquer paints. Acrylics dry quickly but can be thinned with water. Enamels and oils need a thinner like white spirit and dry slowly over hours. Lacquers are thin and easy to airbrush with alcohol as thinner.

The steps described to create a tritonal camouflage are priming the model, applying the dark yellow base color with an airbrush, adding shades and highlights also with an airbrush, and then applying decals and markings.


Victrix Games

Color chart Camouflage Weathering Paints

robably, many
Dunkelgelb Olive green (XF-58 Tamiya) Tan for 3 Tone (A.MIG-1510) of you have nev-
er used enamels
Dark base (A.MIG-901) Chocolate brown (UA 205, LifeColor) or oils. Most
Dark Brown (A.MIG-1005)
wargamers only use
acrylic paints to paint
Base (A.MIG-902)
Tracks and accesories Chipping effects their models, such
as Citadel or Vallejo.
Light base (A.MIG-903) Black Templar (Citadel Contrast) Chipping (A.MIG-044) These paints dry in sec-
onds and are thinned
Highlights (A.MIG-904) Cygor brown (Citadel Contrast) Highlights (A.MIG-904)
with water. However,
to generate the weath-
ering effects we need
Streaking effects to use another type of
paint: enamels and oils.
Sludge oil brush (A.MIG-3532) These need a specific
thinner (White Spirit or
Rust oil brush (A.MIG-3510)
turpentine essence) and
dry slowly (in hours or
even days!). You can see
Dusty earth (A.MIG-3523) other features of these
paints below. In addi-
Earth clay (A.MIG-3524)
tion, I will use a third
type: lacquer paints
(Tamiya Color). These
Dust Effects (Pigments) paints are very thin and
easy to airbrush, and I
European earth (A.MIG-3004)
normally use them to
paint small camouflage
Dark earth (A.MIG-3007) spots of soft edges. They
Legend: are like acrylic paints,
Acrylic paint
Enamel/oil based paint
although alcohol works
Lacquer better as a thinner. 1
Acrylic and enamel / oil paints
Acrylic paints Enamel / oil paints
- Thinned in water - Thinned in White Spirit or similar
- Brush cleaned with water Vs - Brush cleaned with thinner
- Dry in seconds - Dry in hours
- Once it is dry, it is impossible to wipe it away - After hours, it is still possible to wipe it away

Step 1 – Primer coat

e start removing the cast flashes with a modelling knife.
Next, we can assemble the model using plastic glue. Try Airbrush couple of thin layers of the primer
to avoid cyanoacrylate (super glue) given that this type
of glue is in fact more fragile (it solidifies as crystal),
while the plastic glue “melts” the two plastic pieces together. Be-
fore starting to paint the model we need to apply a primer. This
step is essential, since the primer will facilitate the application of
the paint and will make it more durable. Given that these models
are meant to play, you can imagine how important it is. In addi-
tion, some weathering effects are very aggressive. I normally use a
neutral colour for the primer, such as grey, which is covered very
nicely by any colour, dark or light. I recommend you to apply
the primer either with a spray or with the airbrush, but avoid
using the brush. The former creates a homogeneous and thin la-
yer, while the later can create odd textures or cover some details.

Step 2 – Dark yellow (dunkelgelb)

o paint the dark yellow or dunkelgelb we will use the specific thinner, although these are interchangeable since it is
airbrush and acrylic paints. If you do not have one, just water with soap and other chemicals to improve the paint
you can always use a brush but forget about shades and flow. Therefore, you only need one bottle. Some acrylic paints
lights: use directly the plain base colour (in this case, are indeed already prepared to be airbrushed, such as Model Air
dunkelgelb base). However, I encourage you to get an airbrush. from Vallejo or AMMO paints, and we do not need to thin these
Nowadays it is rather inexpensive –for 100-200 eur you can get a any further. In my case, I still thin them with a little bit of thinner
decent set of airbrush plus air compressor– and it will make your given that I like to work with semi-transparent layers. This gives
life much easier, as well as it will open a new window of oppor- me more room to create soft transitions: the different number of
tunities to paint your models. My bedside airbrush is a Renegade layers will create a more or less intense colour.
Krome from Badger with a 0.2 mm needle, and I normally use
2 bars of pressure (60 psi). I have a regular air compressor with Technically, we can directly apply the “real” colour on our tank,
a tank, which ensures a constant supply of air. Like any other such as the dunkelgelb base. However, our tiny models are really
acrylic paint, we always need to thin it with water or with the small and they reflect a very insignificant amount of light, which
corresponding thinner. Each acrylic paint suppliers provide a means they look very dark to our eyes even though we are using

lightning styles
Color modulation Panel lighting Zenithal light 2
the real colour. As a result, it is advisable to apply shades and it saves times and creates consistency among vehicles (they are
highlights to create contrast, so that the scale model look more painted with the same colours). Accordingly, I used here three
real. There are different methods to apply highlights in scale paints from the colour modulation set for dunkelgelb from
models, such as zenithal light, panelling and color modulation. AMMO: dark base (A.MIG-901), base (A.MIG-902) and light
The most common one – and the easiest- is the zenithal light. base (A.MIG-903). There is no need to mix anything, just open
We consider a single light focus (the sun) and apply the lights ac- the bottle and use it. I started airbrushing the darkest colour and
cordingly. Just fix the airbrush in a diagonal on top of the model then progressively I applied the base and then the light. It is very
and press the trigger. However, I prefer a more elaborated meth- important that we do not totally cover the previous colour, or we
od, the colour modulation. This method creates a huge contrast will lose the transition effect. To create sharp contrasts follow-
between panels, resulting in a very interesting effect. Instead of ing the colour modulation method we can use different tools to
considering a single light source, we consider several of them. mask the adjacent panels, such as masking tape, auto-adhesive
For every single panel or surface, we apply a different set of lights putty (Blu-Tack) or a simple piece of paper. This is important to
and shades. The maximal expression of this method is achieved work one panel at a time and create the maximal contrast. Do
when we combined the darkest point of one panel with the light- not worry if this is not perfect, since 1:144 scale models are very
est one of another adjacent panel (see the scheme below). You tiny and therefore challenging. Just try to get nice contrasts in
might think that this method is unreal, and you are right. How- the tiny panels.
ever, remember that we are painting a tiny plastic tank, which
is unreal too. If we want our tiny tank to catch the attention of Finally, the last highlight is applied with a normal and sharp
the audience, we need to create contrast. And this is especially brush. We use a lighter colour, highlights (A.MIG-904), to paint
important when the surfaces of our scale model are very small. the small details such as rivets, hatches, etc and other small sur-
faces. Once again, the goal is to create contrast.
For the dunkelgelb we can use a dark yellow colour for the base,
and then mix it with a dark brown for the shades and white for
the lights. However, I prefer to use ready-made colours because

Use masks to create sharp contrasts between panels. The last highlight is applied with the brush.

This is the final result of color modulation. Although unreal, it creates interesting contrasts. 3
Step 3 – camouflage

or these tanks, I decided to apply a tritonal camouflage Carefully the airbrush, we start painting the camouflage spots.
(dark yellow, olive green and chocolate brown) using It is extremely important that before applying the paint on the
soft-edges spots. If you remember, for the Panther tank tank, we first try the airbrush on a piece of paper. If you are happy
we used Blu-Tack to mask the camouflage so that we with the dilution, then move to the tank. Never start applying the
could generate hard-edges spots. Here, we are not going to use paint directly on the model. First paint the spots with one color,
any mask. Instead, we will directly apply the camouflage paint and then with the second. Work with thin layers and try not to
with the airbrush, which will create blurred edges spots. For this apply too much paint on the surface. The semi-transparent lay-
purpose, I like to use lacquer paints such as Tamiya or LifeColor. ers of the camouflage colors will allow you to exploit the lights
These paints have a very thin pigment so that they are easily air- and shades we created for the dunkelgelb, so that the camouflage
brushed creating very soft layers. To have more control, I nor- spots will also show slight colour transitions. If you apply too
mally thin the paints 50% with their corresponding thinner or much paint, you will cover these.
just water. For the olive green I used XF-58 (Tamiya), whereas for
the chocolate brown I used UA 205 (LifeColor).

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Paint green spots with ameboid shapes. Then, brown spots adjacent to the green ones.

Here you can see a comparison between two versions of a the tritonal camouflage. On the left, the Panzer IV shows a soft-edges ca-
mouflage; whereas on the right, the Panther shows a hard-edges camouflage. Can you spot the differences? Right, the camouflage
on the Panther looks sharper, with more interesting contrasts. This is due to two reasons: 1) the Panther has larger surfaces than the
Panzer IV, so that the panels reflect more light and we have more space to create a contrast between shades and lights; and 2) we painted
hard-edge camo spots with its own lights and shades. In contrasts, we only applied a single tone for each camouflage colour on the
Panzer IV. In addition, the blurry effect of the soft-edge camouflage contributes to erase the contrasts we created with the colour mo-
dulation on the dark yellow. However, both versions are interesting and you can even combine them in different platoons of your army. 4
Step 4 – Transfers, TRACKS and varnish
nce we are happy with the base colour and camou- paint with a beige or grey colour the tracks, and with a red brown

flage, we can put the transfers and paint other parts we paint the exhaust and fire extinguisher. And finally, with black
with acrylic paints, such as the tracks and tools. To we paint the rubber of the track wheels. For this I found very use-
avoid the icing effect of the transfers is very impor- ful the new Contrast paints from Citadel given its fluidity.
tant to remove as much as possible the transparent
part of the transfer and use specific products to fix and conform Finally, before starting with the weathering effects done with
the decal, such as the Ultra Decal fixer from AMMO. In addition, enamels is extremely important to protect what we have done
a correct order of varnishes will help: 1) cover the surface with so far: apply couple of layers of satin varnish with the airbrush
glossy varnish, 2) apply the decal using the decal fixer and 3) covering every part of the vehicle.
apply a layer of satin or matt varnish. On the other hand, we can

Remember to apply satin varnish before continuing with the next steps

Step 5 – filter
he first weathering effect after painting the camou-

flage is a filter, and it is an enamel. Therefore, prepare
an old brush and the White Spirit. A filter consists in
a very thinned paint whose goal is to slightly change
the colour of a surface. This is very useful for exam-
ple when we force too much the highlights of the dunkelgelb
with white, so that the surface it does not look dark yellow an-
ymore, but cream. By using a dark yellow / orange filter we can
recover the original dark yellow colour. We can also use a filter
to create different weathering effects, such as dust if we use the
appropriate colour.

Here, I used a brown filter for tritonal camouflages (A.MIG-1510),

which not only will help to recover a little bit the dark yellow,
but it will also harmonize the three colours used for the camo.
To apply a filter, we need a flat brush (a rounded one will also
work). After loading the brush with the filter, we discharge the Apply the brush strokes in the same direction.
most part of it on a piece of paper, and then we move to the tank.
Applying the brush strokes in the same direction we cover the
whole vehicle. Remember that to clean the brush you cannot use
water, but you should use White Spirit instead. I normally let it
cure overnight, since otherwise we can accidentally remove this
layer in the following steps. 5
Step 6 – Wash

he second weathering effect is a wash, which is also tle properly, with a thin brush we apply the wash only on the
done with an enamel. Like the shades from Citadel or recesses (pin-wash). WE DO NOT APPLY the wash over the
any acrylic wash or ink, a wash is a diluted paint whose whole tank. No. Remember: exclusively on the recesses. Do
idea is to highpoint the recesses with a dark color, de- not worry much if you accidentally put too much paint or if it
fining each element of the tank. This serves to create even more is in the wrong place. Wait one hour or so until the enamel is
contrast. Note that acrylic washes once are dry, we cannot touch partially dry (it does not look wet or does not reflect light an-
them. Instead, Enamel washes cure in hours so that we can eas- ymore). Then, using a cotton swab or a brush moistened with
ily remove the excess or even remove completely if we do not White Spirit or turpentine we carefully remove the excess of
like it, as you will see. An acrylic wash does not allow this. the wash. The idea is to keep the wash only on the recesses.

I used a ready-made enamel wash from AMMO, the wash Brown Sometimes we remove too much enamel from the recess-
for German Dark Yellow (A.MIG-1000). Note that you can al- es, or in fact some recesses are not deep enough. In such cas-
ways prepare your own wash by thinning a dark brown oil or es, I normally use a thin brush and a dark brown acrylic paint
enamel colour with White Spirit, but once again these ready- (such as Dark oxide 302, Vallejo) to manually paint the recess.
to-use products are handy and save time. After shaking the bot-

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Apply the wash exclusively in the recesses. After 1h, remove the excess.

Step 7 – Chipping effects

ut aside the enamels and White Spirit for this step. In addition, we can paint now with different brown colours and
Next, we will apply the chipping effects and scratch- metal the tools, boxes and other stowage, so that they will be
es, and we are going to use acrylic paints for this. The weathered at the same time as the tank.
idea of this step is to show exposed metal areas where
the original paint wore off. I normally do this effect in two steps.
First, I use a lighter colour than the base (in our case, the light-
est dunkelgelb color we used: highlights, A.MIG-904) which
serves to create superficial scratches and chipping effects. That is,
scratches that did not reach the metal. Second, I use a dark brown
colour such as Chipping (A.MIG-044) to paint deeper effects,
which expose the bare metal. We should paint the dark spots in-
side or close to the light ones, since the light colour around the
dark one will create volume. However, do not paint all the light
chipping effects with the dark colour! Only a few. Combine both
types: superficial and deep chipping effects. To paint these effects
I use a thin and sharp brush, and carefully paint the chipping ef-
fects on the edges of panels and exposed areas. For the scratches,
I apply a quick brush stroke using tip. It is very easy to overdo
this effect, and therefore remember that when weathering tanks,
“sometimes less is more”. Try not to fill the tank with chipping
effects, and always follow the logic: chipping effects should be To simulate rust on the exhaust you can use different tones of
in the most exposed or utilized areas, such as hatches and edges. red brown and orange, and simulate chipping effects with each
one, layer after layer. 6
1 2

Use the light color to create superficial scratches Then, use the dark color to simulate exposed metal

Step 8 – Streaking effects

or the next step we again will use enamels and oils. Streaking effects are applied in two steps: first, we paint thin
We are going to create streaking effects (rust, sludge, lines of the different oil colours in each vertical or inclined pan-
dust, etc) on vertical surfaces. The great advantage of el. Second, after waiting a few minutes, using a flat brush mois-
enamels/oils is that we can easily paint a vertical line tened with White Spirit we blend the oils applying vertical brush
and then blend it to create an interesting blurred streaking effect. strokes, from the top to the bottom. Do not worry if you remove
This cannot be done in the same way with acrylic paints. We can the most part of the oil. We can repeat the same process several
use the ready-to-use products from AMMO for streaking effects, time to build several layers of streaking effects. However, note
although in this case I will directly use oils. I normally use two or that these effects should be subtle. Perhaps here and there we
three different colours for the streaking effects. The colour choice can paint a more notorious streaking effect. But once again, do
depends on the effect we want to create (i.e. light brown for dust) not overdo this effect. You can also work more carefully a sin-
and the colour of the surface (i.e. a green streaking effect will gle streaking effect using a thin rounded brush rather than a flat
be barely visible on a green surface). Here, I picked two: a very brush to blend the line little by little.
dark brown (A.MIG-3532) and a red brown (A.MIG-3510). The
former serves to create general dirt while the second will give a
nice rust tone.

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Paint vertical lines with oils. Blend the lines with White Spirit. 7
Step 9 – Weathering effects on horizontal panels

e cannot paint streaking effects on flat or horizontal spirit. In this case we do not want to remove the excess as we did
surfaces (we do not have the gravity effect!). Instead, in with the streaking effects. Instead, we want to distribute it over
these panels we can create accumulations of dirt or rust. the horizontal surface. Using this technique, we can create points
For this step I used the same two oils we used for the of interest by applying the oil only on some areas or part of these
streaking effects: dark brown and red brown. First, we apply a lit- areas, rather than all over the whole surface.
tle bit of oil in the desired area, and then we blend it with White

Apply oils on close to different details and then blend them. You can also create some points on interest in some parts.

Step 10 – Dust effects

e can also use oils to create a minor dust effect on the create a short of wash. In this case, I used the second option.
lower part of the tank and schürzen. Here, I used another I picked couple of pigments: Europe earth (A.MIG-3004) and
two oil brushes from AMMO: dusty earth (A.MIG-3523) dark earth (A.MIG-3007) and mixed them 50% with White Spir-
and earth clay (A.MIG-3524). I applied a little bit of oil it. Note that these two colours are indeed very similar to the oil
around the lower part of the tank, and then I blend it using White colours we used previously. This is for the shake of consisten-
spirit. Once again, we do not remove the oil here like when doing cy. Then, using a brush we apply the “wash” on the tracks and
streaking effects, but we blend and extend it around the lower again on the lower parts of the tank, the same areas we previously
part of the tank. Note that I mostly use the light dusty earth oil, worked with oils. Remember that weathering effects are creat-
but I added a little bit of earth clay to create a subtle different ed by the combination of several layers of effects, using different
tone in some parts. You can play around with different oil colours products and methods. We need to wait until the White Spirit is
depending on what you want to simulate. fully evaporated. This can take the whole night, although we can
speed it up using the airbrush. Once is totally dry we can use a
Next, we will use a different product: pigments. Pigments are cotton swab or an old brush to extend and remove the excess of
normally sold as powder, and they can be utilized in different pigment. Fnally, we can use a graphite pencil (or a regular soft
ways. For example, we can use them directly from the jar to cre- pencil) to mark the metal parts of the tracks.
ate subtle dust effects, or we can mix them with White Spirit to

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Apply a little bit of oil on the lower part. Then, blend the dots with white spirit. 8
3 4

Apply the mixture of pigments and thinner on the tracks. Let it dry oand/or use the hairdryer.

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Remove the excess of pigment. Mark the metal parts with a pencil.

Step 11 – Final touches

n addition, using acrylic paints we can paint the crew painted these accesories while painting the tank, so that I ap-
and some other details of the stowage if we wish. Addi- plied the same weathering effects on them. However, this is
tionally, I painted some jerry cans separately and I now not strictly necesary, since the crew could have added some
glued them on top of the tank using cyanoacrylate. I fresh stuff on the tank. Play with this to tell a story! 9
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