Teach Learn PDF
Teach Learn PDF
Teach Learn PDF
Theories of
Instructional Observed
Design Teaching
Features Practices
* Adapted from Language Teaching Methodology by Theodore S. Rodgers, Professor
Emeritus, University of Hawaii.
* Adapted from “Foreign Language Education in the United States: Trends and
Challenges” by Renate A. Schulz.
Constructivist Theory
Constructivist theory emphasizes the importance of the learner’s active
construction of knowledge and the interplay between new knowledge
and the learner’s prior knowledge. Effective international language
instruction will provide opportunities for students to construct and
create their own understanding of how to make meaning from what
they hear and read, and how they use their understanding to construct
and create their own meanings in speech and writing. Myriam Met
(“Middle Schools”) describes a constructivist approach to the learning
of international languages in the text that follows:
In order to construct knowledge of a new language, students need
exposure to the target language. This exposure makes the
transmission of meaning in second languages accessible and
understandable to students. Internalizing the relationship between
meaning and the forms used to convey it is essential for production;
students cannot spontaneously produce language they do not
understand. In the first phase of internalization, students learn to
understand what is heard by matching meaning with language.
Learners need to notice features in the input (vocabulary, syntax,
discourse markers) to which they can assign meanings. Through a
carefully implemented sequence of instructional activities, students
can be assisted to move through the construction of meaning.
Students should be provided with comprehensible examples of new
structures as used in authentic situations and extended spoken and
written texts, as well as many opportunities to hear, understand,
and match language with meaning.
Characteristics of Effective Programs
It is well known that almost all young children acquire their first
language naturally in the course of normal development and that they
can acquire a second language simultaneously if their second language
environment is similar to that of their first language environment.
Numerous research studies have shown that adolescents and young
adults can be quite efficient language learners (again with the exception
of acquiring native-like pronunciation) in situations in which exposure
to the language is limited to a classroom setting. As Swain and Lapkin
(“Canadian Immersion”) point out, “Older learners may not only
exhibit as much success in learning certain aspects of a second
language as younger learners, but they can also accomplish this
learning in a shorter period of time” (150).
There are several factors or characteristics of effective second/
international language programs. In a review of the international
literature on effective languages programming, Pufahl, Rhodes, and
Christian (Other Countries) identified and summarized a number of
additional factors or characteristics of successful program models.
An Early Start
As can be expected, time is a factor. Many international respondents
reported that beginning language study early promotes achievement of
higher levels of language proficiency. Seven of the countries that were
studied have widespread or compulsory education in
second/international languages by age eight, and another eight
countries introduce second/international languages in the upper
elementary grades. In many cases, a second second/international
language is offered or required in the elementary grades. What is
essential for the development of a lasting and usable competence in a
second/international language is a lengthy, well-articulated, high-
quality instructional sequence. This means that if language proficiency
is the major goal of instruction, then the length of formal language
study needs to be four years or more.
A Well-Articulated Framework
Instruction must be well-articulated in a continuous, sequentially
planned and executed curriculum through which students progress
without interruption from the beginning of their second/international
language study to high school graduation. Several respondents noted
the importance of a well-articulated curriculum framework that
motivates and guides the development of an effective system of
second/international language education. Many European countries
have adapted their second/international language teaching at the
national level to the frameworks and standards articulated by the
Council of Europe’s language policy and activities. A Common European
Framework of Reference for Languages, developed and revised over the
past decade, has had high impact. The Framework is a planning
instrument that provides a common basis and terminology for
describing objectives, methods and approaches, skills, practices, and
assessments in language teaching, and it is used for planning
syllabuses, examinations, teaching materials, and teacher training
programs throughout Europe.
Similar developments have emerged in Canada and the United States.
The Western Canadian Protocol, Common Curriculum Framework for
International Languages (2000) was an attempt to improve the
effectiveness of international language education in western Canada by
providing a common well-articulated framework for the development
of language-specific curriculum.
Rigorous Teacher Education
One of the most often cited factors related to excellence in second/
international language education is a well-trained teaching corps.
* See Appendix A: Glossary for definitions of terms.
Viewing and representing are language arts in their own right. Students
need to learn the techniques and conventions of visual language to
become more conscious, critical, and appreciative readers of visual
media, and more effective creators of visual products.
Films and video productions increase students’ experiences, much as
written texts do, and they offer similar opportunities for discussion.
Films also provide rich opportunities to explore the similarities and
differences between visual and written language. Students may
enhance their own products and presentations by using visuals with
written text and/or sound.
Students may use visual representation for both informal and formal
expression. Drawing or sketching may, in fact, be the first and most
natural way for some students to clarify thinking and generate ideas.
They may also use tools such as frames, maps, webs, and other graphic
organizers to comprehend parts and their relationships. Visual tools are
especially useful because they can represent the non-linear nature of
thought and show relationships among ideas. For beginning learners of
Spanish Language and Culture, visual tools may be an effective way to
facilitate and demonstrate comprehension.
Students may use representation to express their mental constructs of
the ideas, theories, or scenes in written texts. Events, ideas, and
information may be depicted in graphic organizers, storyboards,
murals, comic strips, or collages. After studying visual media, students
make informed use of design elements in developing charts, slides,
posters, and booklets. Other creative forms of expression, such as
music, drama, dance, or mathematics, can be a means of representing
students’ understanding of a topic or a concept. The inclusion of
representing as a language art extends the means by which students
can communicate and demonstrate their learning in authentic ways.
Three Types of Language Learning
As students actively use the language arts, they engage in three kinds
of language learning:
! Students learn language: Language learning is a social process that
begins in infancy and continues through life. Language-rich
environments enhance and accelerate the learning process.
! Students learn through language: As students listen, read, or view,
they focus primarily on making meaning. Students use language to
increase their knowledge of the world.
! Students learn about language: Knowledge of how language works
is a subject and a discipline in itself and is fundamental to effective
• Syntax is simple, sentences are short, texts are also short or made up
of short sections.
• High frequency vocabulary is used.
• The meaning is clarified by the use of illustrations and other
contextual clues.
• The topic is familiar to the student.
• The content is interesting and/or relevant to the student.
As students become more proficient, the written texts to which they are
exposed can more closely resemble the normal language of a native
speaker with fewer visual supports. In order for students to continue to
learn, input should always be just a little beyond their current
The term “written interpretation” is a reminder that the objective of
reading is to interpret the meaning of the text. Activities such as
reading aloud, while they have their place in the second language
classroom, are more suited to practising good pronunciation or learning
the correlation between sounds and spelling than to developing
comprehension. For beginning readers of Spanish it is difficult to attend
to the meaning of a text at the same time as the sound-symbol system.
Teaching Written Production
Research on teaching writing shows that student achievement is higher
when the teaching approach emphasizes writing as a process, rather
than writing as a product.
In the traditional product-oriented approach, form and correctness are
the focus of attention. The teacher provides drills on specific skills,
makes many of the major decisions for the students (e.g., topic, length,
what form the text will take), and is the only audience. Students are
asked to concentrate on following rules, to work alone, and to
constantly pay attention to technical matters such as grammar and
spelling. They usually write only one version of the text, which the
teacher corrects. Because no one else will read the writing, students
often pay little attention to the teacher’s comments.
Research has clearly shown that a concentration on grammar actually
slows students’ development as writers because the insistence on
correctness reduces their willingness to experiment and invent.
Grammar instruction that relates directly to students’ writing, and is in
response to their needs, is effective in improving writing.
Social language learning strategies are actions learners take that involve
interactions with native speakers of the Spanish language or
interactions with other learners of Spanish in order to assist or enhance
their own language learning. For example, asking another student for
help to understand a text written in Spanish, or asking a native speaker
for an unknown vocabulary item would be social language learning
Affective language learning strategies are methods students use to
regulate their emotions, motivation, and attitudes to make themselves
more conducive to learning.
Language use strategies are actions taken to enhance communication.
These strategies are often used with no intention of trying to acquire
language, but instead with the intention of improving communication.
The language use strategies in Senior 1 to Senior 4 Spanish Language and
Culture: Manitoba Curriculum Framework of Oucomes are organized
according to the three communicative modes: interaction, interpretation,
and production.
General learning strategies refer to actions taken by learners to enhance
their own general learning. As with language learning strategies,
general learning strategies are divided into three sub-categories:
cognitive, metacognitive, and social/affective. There is a distinctive
similarity between language learning strategies and general learning
strategies; the determining difference, however, is whether the purpose
of the application of the specific strategy is the learning of the language
or of other concepts. Often, the other concepts include subject-area
concepts, such as social studies or health concepts.
The strategies that students choose depend on the task they are
engaged in as well as on other factors, such as their preferred learning
style, personality, age, attitude, and cultural background. Strategies that
work well for one person may not be effective for another person or
may not be suitable in a different situation. For this reason it is not
particularly useful to say that students should be able to use specific
strategies at a particular grade level. The goal is to help students
become more active, more self-directed, more autonomous, and more
expert in choosing the strategies that work best for them. Effective
language learners tend to use more strategies and to apply them in a
more appropriate fashion than less effective learners. A global list of
strategies that will benefit students can be found in Appendix E of this
Spatial Drawing it, sketching it, How can I use visual Active imagination
visualizing it aids, visualization, Colour schemes
colour, art, or Designs and patterns
metaphor? Drawing guided imagery
Mind mapping
Painting pictures
Bodily-Kinesthetic Dancing it, building a How can I involve the Body language
model of it, doing a whole body or use Dancing—folk or creative
hands-on activity hands-on experience? Drama/acting
related to it Inventing
Martial arts
Physical gestures
Physical exercises
Playing sports and games
Music Singing it, chanting it, How can I bring in Creating music
finding music that music or environmental Environment sounds
illustrates it, putting on sounds, or set key Humming
background music while points in a rhythmic or Listening to music
learning it melodic framework? Music performance
Music composition,
Percussion vibrations
Rhythmic patterns
Tonal patterns
Vocal sounds and tones
Naturalist-Physical World Observing it, classifying How can I relate the Discovering, uncovering
it, appreciating it student’s learning to Observing, watching
the physical world? Forecasting, predicting
Sorting and classifying
Building environments
What students will do: What students will do: What students will do: What students will do: What students will do:
• Write telegrams • Dub cartoons, TV • Identify elements of • Write an alternative • Prioritize solutions to
• Arrange lines of shows a particular literary ending to a story cultural dilemmas
dialogues • Command others form • Predict • Express and justify
• Fill out authentic step-by-step to • Analyze the lyrics of consequences if opinions on creative
forms for the target prepare a typical popular songs to other historical products of the
country cultural dish compare both events would have culture
• Explain proverbs, • Produce questions cultures’ resulted differently • Give and support
slang with correct perspectives • Write titles for a opinions about issues
• Listen for sequence pronunciation • Compare points of play, story, or article • Evaluate TV shows,
• Explain the “What? • Apply a cultural view found in two • Write headlines in movies, cartoons
Who? Where? How? custom to a real-life editorials newspaper style on • Write an editorial
Why?” situation in the • Analyze a story, current issues in the giving and supporting
• Give description of target country poem, and other target country own opinion
scenes from a video • Interview classmates authentic materials • Predict future • Express the pros and
presentation on their daily • Analyze a scene in events cons of policies
• Describe pictures activities the target culture • Write a diary of an • Give and support the
from the target • Plan a menu for • Find evidence to imaginary trip decision in a mock
country occasions typical of support opinion • Extend a story trial
• Define words the target culture • Compare students’ • Hypothesize the • Write an ambassador
• Listen and • Make shopping lists customs with the reaction to different with suggestions for
paraphrase in English for various cultural, target culture’s situations based on the resolution of a
a conversation heard social events • Conduct a survey the cultural beliefs real-world problem
in the target • Apply rules of and analyze the • Compose a poem, • Justify decisions of
language correct cultural results skit, role play, sites to visit in the
• Draw picture from protocol while • Analyze the typical advertisement target culture
verbal information dining in the target foods of the target • Create hypothetical • Read an editorial in a
of a target culture’s country country for real-world situations target-country
scene or object • Classify words, nutritional value found in the target newspaper; respond
poems, authentic • Identify the best culture and send response
materials, genre route to a historic • Create an • Evaluate best World
• Apply gestures site in the target infomercial Wide Web pages for
learned to an country source of current
authentic situation • Play the role of a events in the target
• Apply reading tourist who bargains country
strategies to for merchandise in
understand authentic the target country
! allow for choice within ! use open-ended ! allow for concrete or real-
assignments and projects. questioning strategies. life investigations and
! use compacting. ! use interdisciplinary units.
! teach coping skills.
! allow students to make ! allow in-depth enrichment
independent plans for learning. ! allow students to suggest
independent learning. modifications in the
! allow time with like- content of their learning,
! provide mentoring or intellectual peers. the process which they
apprenticeship with use to learn, and the
professionals. ! use accelerated pace of
instruction. product they produce to
! teach entrepreneurship. show their learning.
! allow dual enrollment or
! use theory of multiple early admission ! clearly communicate
intelligences. opportunities. criteria and parameters to
avoid students taking
! use tiered assignments ! remove time and space unacceptable risks or
which are more complex restrictions to allow for a creative detours.
or abstract. long-term integrated plan
of study.
! use Socratic questioning.
! provide more difficult or
! use critical and creative abstract resources.
questioning strategies.
Adapted from the list compiled by members of CH.A.D.D. (Children with Attention Deficit Disorders) in
Meeting The Special Needs of Students. Mission Hills, CA: Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 1997, p. 10.
As students begin to use authentic texts, they will need to be taught
skills for delving beyond the literal meaning.
“Whenever we encounter the unknown we attempt to understand it in
terms which are part of our familiar world and our understanding of it.
[…] Comparison therefore needs to be part of the teacher’s explicit
methods…” (Byram and Zarate). By exposing students to experiences
of other modes of behaviour, either in the form of real-life experiences
(e.g., food) or through media (e.g., television programs), and then
having them compare these experiences with their own modes of
behaviour, they will begin to understand that their own way is not the
only way, but just one of many ways that are influenced by culture. If
students in the class are from a variety of cultural backgrounds, this
understanding will be reinforced even more.
Personal experience of elements of another culture is not, in itself,
enough to counteract the tendency to reject that which is different. It is
through a process of reflection and discussion following the experience
that students can become aware of the process of socialization, of the
natural tendency to stereotype, to reject that which is different and to
see it as a threat to one’s identity. In early stages of learning, this
discussion may take place in English until students have the
vocabulary and structures to begin to express their feelings and
thoughts in Spanish.
The experience of contact with a new cultures, reflection on that
experience, and the varied responses of other students in the class who
may be from different cultural backgrounds can take students one step
further than just knowledge of that culture. Ideally they will come to
understand the concept of culture and the phenomena (e.g.,
ethnocentrism, empathy, stereotyping, exoticism, discrimination,
culture shock) that are characteristic of the relationship with other
Integration with Other Subjects
Intercultural competence can be developed in courses other than
second language courses. Social studies and language arts are the
subject areas where integration is most easily achieved. A process of
collaborative planning between the Spanish teacher and the social
studies or language arts teachers can be fruitful for both. In addition,
students benefit from seeing the links between areas of study,
transferring knowledge from one domain to another, and making
connections that might otherwise have gone unnoticed.
(second language)
best practices
current research
personalized approach
learner-centred classroom
lesson plans that reflect the
WCNP Common Curriculum Framework
for Spanish Language and Culture
variety of assessments • inclusive practices
teacher expectations • diversity • technology
professional activities • ethical conduct and
meaningful learning experiences
integration of the target culture
connection with other disciplines
Direct Instruction
Direct instruction is highly teacher-directed and is historically one of
the strategies most commonly used. It is used for providing
information or developing step-by-step skills. This strategy works well
for introducing other teaching methods or actively involving students
in knowledge construction.
Interactive Instruction
" Brainstorming
" Categorizing
" Circle of Knowledge
" Cooperative Learning
" Cultural Presentations
" Information Gap
" Interactive Language Tasks
" Language Experience
" Learning Cycle
" Surveys and Interviews
" Debate
" Problem Solving
Experiential Learning
" Field Trips
" Focused Imaging
" Games
" Role Play
Independent Study
" Computer-Assisted Instruction
" Logs and Journals
" Free Writing
" Personal Dictionaries
" Learning Contracts
" Research Projects
Direct Instruction Methods
Direct instruction methods are highly teacher-centered. They are often
used in the following situations:
! daily, weekly, and monthly review
! presenting new material
! conducting guided practice
! providing feedback and correctives
Este es tu coche/carro.
Este es el tuyo.
Este es nuestro coche/carro.
Este es el nuestro.
Aquí está la tarea.
Aquí está la mía.
Aquí están sus deberes.
Aquí están los suyos.
4. Move a word or phrase to another place in the sentence. Moving
elements around in the sentence encourages students to use a
variety of different sentence structures and to recognize the limits
imposed by normal word order. It also sensitizes students to subtle
changes in meaning communicated by changes in word order. An
example follows:
Rápidamente cruzó la calle corriendo.
Ella cruzó la calle rápidamente corriendo.
Ella cruzó la calle corriendo rápidamente.
Students may find another way of changing the sentence.
Case Studies
Case studies are usually descriptions of real or imaginary situations
that are either unresolved or have a controversial theme. They are used
for group discussion and for the generation of ideas and solutions. Case
studies are a useful strategy for looking at misunderstandings between
people of different cultural groups. They can be used as individual
assignments or as small group assignments. Discussion of what has
been learned is a valuable follow-up to a case study approach.
Cloze Procedure
The Cloze Procedure is an open-ended method in which a selected
word or phrase is eliminated from a written or oral sentence or
The teacher eliminates a word or phrase from the sentence. Students
complete the sentence with a word that “makes sense.” The teacher
may select random words or a specific part of speech. This can be
expanded to the more difficult task of finding a word that makes sense
when only the initial letter of the word is provided.
Cloze is effective when it
! provides opportunities for creativity
! develops the use of precise vocabulary
! focuses on the use of precise and correct communication
! increases comprehension skills
! provides opportunities to use Spanish
The cloze procedure is most often used with written texts and is
particularly effective if done with groups of students rather than
1. Choose a written text (or write a text) appropriate to the students’
level. Leave the first sentence untouched, then delete a number of
words from the rest of the text, leaving the last sentence untouched
as well. There are a number of ways of deciding which words to
• delete every seventh word (fewer for beginner level students,
more for more advanced students)
• delete key words related to the topic of the sentence
• delete words that have a particular grammatical function (such as
all the adjectives, or all the pronouns).
Replace the words with blanks of equal length so that there is no
clue as to the length of the words that have been deleted.
2. Ask the students to read the text and try to fill in the missing
words. They can use any clues they can find in the text, or any
knowledge they have of the topic or the language to try to discover
what the missing words might be. The text must make sense when
it is complete.
3. Ask the students to explain why they think a particular word fits
the blank in the sentence. If there is more than one suggestion, the
students can discuss their reasons for each choice and decide which
is the best. The sharing of ideas and interpretation strategies is an
important aspect of this instructional method.
If the students have never done this kind of exercise before, do several
together with the whole class before having them work independently
in small groups. Model the process of looking for clues in the text by
“thinking aloud” as you go through the text with the students.
The object of the activity is not necessarily to find the original word. If
the students are able to fill the blank with a word that makes sense and
fits the sentence grammatically, it does not need to be the word
originally in the text.
Make a list of the strategies used to fill in the missing words and post it
in the classroom. Add to the list as new strategies are introduced.
The cloze procedure can be used on the opening paragraphs of a longer
text that the students will be reading to help them focus on key words
for the reading and to encourage them to use their background
knowledge of the topic to improve comprehension.
This procedure can also be used orally to encourage students to predict
what is to come. While reading aloud, stop and have students listen
carefully to predict the next word or phrase in the sentence.
The cloze procedure can also be employed to assess the students’ use of
a variety of interpretation strategies and their awareness of particular
language patterns and structures.
Language Development
The cloze technique helps students become aware of interpretation
strategies they are using and learn new strategies by listening to the
explanations of their fellow classmates. It helps them learn to use the
context and their prior knowledge to make intelligent guesses about
unknown words they may encounter in their reading.
Graphic Organizers
Graphic organizers are visual representations of texts or groups of
related ideas, words or thoughts. They can take a variety of forms,
some of which have a specific name, depending on what they are
representing and how they will be used. Some examples are frames,
mind maps, webs, concept or semantic maps, story maps, Venn
diagrams, and flow charts.
The teacher provides a specific format for learning, recalling, and
organizing linguistic or cultural concepts learned through Spanish.
Graphic organizers are beneficial when they are used to
! help students visualize abstract concepts
! help learners organize ideas
! provide a visual format for study
Consequence Diagram/Decision Trees—A graphic organizer method in
which students use diagrams or decision trees to illustrate real or
possible outcomes of different target cultural actions or situations.
Students visually depict outcomes for a given problem by charting
various decisions and their possible consequences.
Consequence diagrams/decision trees are effective tools to
! help in transferring Spanish-language learning to application
! aid in predicting with accuracy
! develop the ability to identify the causes and effects of decisions
! aid in clarifying positive and negative statements
Lo Lo que Lo
que queremos que
sabemos saber aprendimos
Características Características
individuales Características individuales
Purpose: To clarify central concepts or ideas; to collect specific
examples for an idea or behavior.
Thinking Skills: Specifying, categorizing
How to use: In the Looks Like column, list all the behaviors or
observable characteristics related to a topic; in the Sounds Like
column, list all the sounds or audible characteristics, including possible
verbal messages.
*As described and illustrated in Bellanca
Looks Like / Se ve como Sounds Like / Parece como
nodding head / asentir con la cabeza “I can live with it.” / “Puedo vivir con ello.”
eye contact / contacto visual “Good idea.”/ “Buena idea.”
smile / sonrisa “That will help us.” / “Eso nos ayudará.”
attention / atención “I see your point.” / “Te entiendo.”
When introducing graphic organizers for the first time, model their use
in a simple situation, going step by step through the process,
explaining what you are doing at each step and why. Use the same
graphic organizer on several occasions, getting more and more student
input each time. As students gain more understanding and skill, they
can be given more opportunity for discussion about how different
elements should be represented and what they should be linked to.
Once students are accustomed to using a particular type of graphic
organizer, they can begin to use it independently in small groups. The
form of familiar graphic organizers can be posted in the classroom as a
resource for students as they work.
Second language learners may need some preparation before working
on a graphic organizer to build their vocabulary on the topic. They
might watch a short film, read a text (or listen to someone else read), or
brainstorm ideas and categorize them. Throughout the preparatory
activity and the development of the graphic organizer, the teacher can
supply any vocabulary that the students are lacking.
For beginners or younger students, pictures can be used instead of, or
in addition to, words.
Use different colours and shapes to add more meaning to the graphic
organizer. For example, use wool or string of different colours to show
links between words or ideas.
Prepare labels of the words associated with a theme or topic and have
students organize them, showing the connections they think are
important. When they are happy with their arrangement, they can glue
the labels on a large sheet of paper or attach them to a bulletin board
with tacks or staples.
People construct knowledge based on what they already know. Graphic
organizers are used to organize and represent knowledge, and help the
learner construct new meanings in a subject. The goal of this method is
not to find the “right answer” or the “correct” graphic organizer. It is to
improve understanding of texts or to explore how ideas or words relate
to each other.
Understanding can be expanded by discussing different visual
representations and seeing how others’ interpretation is different from
one’s own.
llovizna frío/congelación
parcialmente nublado lluvia
lluvia helada
condiciones atmosfércas
despejado precipitaciones
The following graphic organizer is a story map that shows the principal
elements that are present in most fiction. Story maps can be used to
help students understand the structure of a story, to see common
patterns from one story to another, to assess their understanding of a
specific story, to make predictions before beginning to read or listen to
a story, or as a planning tool when preparing to write a story.
• vegetación, costa, terreno
• clima, tamaño
Language Development
Graphic organizers are used for a wide variety of purposes in the
second language classroom. They can help students
• organize information they have heard, viewed, or read
• remember vocabulary by making connections with words or phrases
they already know
• plan an oral or a written text
• better understand the way texts of different types are structured and
• prepare for a listening, reading, or viewing activity by anticipating
what they might hear or see
• learn new concepts by relating them to what they already know
• represent what they know about a topic.
A discussion is an oral exploration of a topic, object, concept, or
experience. All learners need frequent opportunities to generate and
share their questions and ideas in small and whole class settings.
Teachers who encourage and accept students’ questions and comments
without judgement and clarify understandings by paraphrasing
difficult terms motivate students’ interest in using the Spanish
language and the exchange of ideas.
This method can be used to teach almost any language rule. Here are
some examples:
1. Pronunciation (hard sound versus soft)
cien casa gana gira
cuenta guante general
circo cola gol
2. Grammar (singular/plural)
el libro los libros
la casa las casas
3. Spelling
inteligente intelligent
artista artist
acción action
4. Verb Tenses
Ayer estudié mañana estudiaré
Language Development
Having students discover or deduce the rule themselves usually leads
to a better understanding of the grammatical rule or concept. It also
develops their ability to learn language independently. Being able to
deduce rules from multiple examples is an effective language learning
Reflective Discussions
Reflective discussions encourage students to think and talk about what
they have observed, heard, or read.
Reflective Thinking—A method in which students reflect on what was
learned after a lesson is finished, either orally or in written form.
Two possible approaches to reflective thinking are (1) students can
write in a journal in their own words: the concept learned, comments
on the learning process, questions, and interest in further exploration;
(2) students can answer an oral questionnaire addressing such
questions as “Why did you study this? Can you relate it to real life?”
Reflective thinking strategy is an effective tool to
! help students assimilate what they have learned
! help students connect concepts to make ideas more meaningful
! foster additional opportunities to use the target language in a
meaningful setting
Cooperative Learning
Cooperative learning is a method in which students work together in
small groups to achieve a common goal, while communicating in
Spanish. Cooperative learning involves more than simply putting
students into work or study groups. Teachers promote individual
responsibility and positive group interdependence by making sure that
each group member is responsible for a given task. Cooperative
learning can be enhanced when group members have diverse abilities
and backgrounds.
After organizing students into groups, the teacher thoroughly explains
a task to be accomplished within a time frame. The teacher facilitates
the selection of individual roles within the group and monitors the
groups, intervening only when necessary, to support students working
together successfully and accomplishing the task.
Cooperative learning is an effective tool to
! foster interdependence and pursuit of mutual goals and rewards
! develop leadership skills
! increase the opportunities to use Spanish in authentic,
communicative situations
! increase participation of shyer students
! produce higher levels of student achievement, thus increasing self-
! foster respect for diverse abilities and perspectives
Cooperative learning embraces a number of interactive instruction
methods that involve students working in small groups to complete a
task or project. The task is structured in such a way that involvement of
each group member contributes to completion of the task. Success is
based on the performance of the group rather than on the performance
of individual group members.
Cooperative learning stresses interdependence and promotes
cooperation rather than competition. Establishing and maintaining
cooperative group norms develops the concept of a community of
learners. Cooperative learning activities are carefully structured to
include five basic elements:
Positive Interdependence: Each member of the group is concerned
about the performance of other group members as well as their own.
All individuals must succeed for the group to succeed.
Individual Accountability: Each member of the group is responsible
for the work of the group.
Face-to-face Interaction: Students work in environments that facilitate
communication and cooperation.
Social Skills: Students are directly taught the human interaction skills
that enable groups to function effectively.
Group Processing: Group members have opportunities to receive
feedback on how their group has been functioning and make plans to
Cooperative learning activities can be structured in many ways (see
applications below), but these five elements should be present in some
form or other.
1. Positive interdependence can be structured into group activities in
a number of ways:
• Students have a common goal (e.g., every member must
contribute to making a single product or all members of the
group must improve their score on a quiz).
• Students receive the same reward for completing the task (e.g.,
their group project is displayed in the school or each group
member receives bonus points to add to their individual score).
• Students share one set of materials or information (e.g., the group
gets one large sheet of paper, one set of coloured pencils, one
ruler, and one eraser to produce a map).
• Each member of the group is assigned a complementary and
interconnected role (e.g., in a group of two, one person cuts and
the other glues; or in a group of four, students share the roles of
reader, writer, timekeeper, and noise monitor). Direct teaching of
different roles within the group may be necessary. Rotate the
roles so that all students have the opportunity to develop their
skills in different roles.
• Each member of the group is responsible for carrying out one
step of an overall task that needs to be done in step-by-step order
(e.g., when preparing a dish, one group member is responsible
for gathering ingredients, another for measuring, another for
mixing; or when producing the final copy of a letter, one student
checks the spelling, another checks the grammar, another checks
the page layout, and another checks for capitalization and
• Students work together against an outside force or constraint
(e.g., team members try to beat their previous team score on a
quiz or they try to find the most words related to food in a set
period of time).
• Members of the group choose a group name, motto, logo, flag,
song, or chant to help establish a feeling of identification with the
1. Informal Groups
Informal groups are usually small (two or three students) and
short-term (a single activity or class). Groups can be formed very
quickly by asking students to turn to their neighbour and do
something together for a few minutes. Some examples of what
students can do in informal groups are
• guided exercises such as practising dialogues and cloze activities
• brainstorm or come up with lists of words, ideas, and so on
• express a personal opinion on a film, a song, a current event
• give a brief report on strategies they have been trying, Internet
sites they have visited, and so on
2. Home Groups
Home groups are often small as well, but are usually maintained
for a long period of time, often throughout the whole course. It is
important that members of a home group feel at ease with each
other since they will be working together over an extended period
of time. Students can be asked to name three or four other students
they would like to work with and these suggestions can be used to
constitute the home groups.
A home group provides on-going support, both socially and
academically, for every member of the group. Learning a second
language can be stressful for some students, but they will learn
better if they are relaxed and confident.
Home groups can provide support to students in a number of
• checking homework
• correcting notes
• studying for exams
• discussing strategies
• exchanging information about opportunities for using the
language outside the classroom
• discussing problems
3. Jigsaw
The jigsaw method is a way of organizing cooperative learning
groups to share the workload on larger projects. It involves several
steps and two different kinds of groups.
• The students start in their home group or base group. The
teacher explains how the project will be organized, outlines what
the students’ responsibilities are, teaches the social skills that will
be worked on throughout the project, discusses assessment, and
so on. Within the home groups, each student accepts to work on
a particular aspect of the project, to become the “expert” on that
part of the project for their group.
1 2 1 2 1 2
3 4 3 4 3 4
• Students from each home group who will be the “expert” for
their group on the same topic come together to form expert
groups. In their expert groups, they work on the particular aspect
of the project they are responsible for, and decide how they will
present this or teach it to the other members of their home group.
1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4
1 2 3 4
1 2 1 2 1 2
3 4 3 4 3 4
Language Development
The language needed to work effectively in small groups can become
an important component of a second language class, provided the time
is taken to explicitly teach the vocabulary and structures necessary.
Almost all of the functions set out in the Applications component of the
curriculum guide will be necessary at some time or other in cooperative
group activities.
It is important to make clear to students that communicating in Spanish
is an expectation of their work in cooperative groups. Making it part of
the assessment, assigning a language monitor as one of the roles, and
teaching ways of helping each other are different ways of doing this.
Cultural Presentations
A cultural presentation is an exhibit that is focused on aspects of the
target culture.
Students work in groups to create exhibits that represent a particular
aspect of the target culture.
A cultural presentation is an effective tool to
! develop critical thinking skills
! develop the ability to select important high points
! encourage creativity and individuality
! deepen specific knowledge of the target culture
Ideas for Spanish Cultural Participation and Research Projects
If you like to draw, paint, build, cut, paste, or if you like the visual arts,
consider the following:
• Make a map of a Spanish-speaking country or region. It should
focus on a special topic such as agricultural products, manufactured
items, costumes, geography, etc.
• Make a poster about a famous Spanish-speaking person (artist,
scientist, political/historical person, athlete). Include a short
biography and describe highlights of his/her career, when he/she
lived, why important, etc.
• Imitate a famous Hispanic artist’s painting or style in a painting of
your own creation. Include a paragraph about the artist, which
highlights his or her style of art and time period (Picasso,
Velazquez, Goya, Miró, Rivera, Zurbarán are just a few starters).
• Make your own reproduction of a painting by a famous Hispanic
artist. Include a paragraph about the artist, which highlights his or
her style of art and time period (Picasso, Velazquez, Goya, Miró,
Botero are just a few starters).
If you can sew or use your hands well, consider the following:
• Sew a regional or historic Spanish costume. Document when and
where the costume is from and who would wear this type of
clothing. Model the costume for the class if it's full size. Bring the
doll if you dress a doll.
• Build (using kits if you like) models of a famous building or
monument of a Spanish-speaking country. Include a brief report
about the monument or building. What is it called? When was it
built? What was its purpose? Who had it built? What is it used for
today if it has changed from its original purpose?
If you like to read or write, consider the following:
• Read a Spanish magazine or newspaper article (Yes, in Spanish!).
Summarize the main points you learned in an outline or a graphic
organizer. (See your teacher for magazines you can use. You can
also find newspapers and magazines online.)
• Read a Spanish novel in translation.
• Read a Spanish children’s book. Write a short plot summary in
English and a list of new words learned. (There are lots in the
• Read up on some aspect of Spanish culture (e.g., family, table
manners, manners when visiting someone else, participating in
sports, etc.), and then write a letter to a friend as though you were
living in a particular Spanish-speaking culture and describing to
your friend what life was like for you living there. There are great
books available to use as resources. See your teacher for ideas.
• Read up on an aspect of a Spanish-speaking country’s history and
write a series of journal entries as though they were written by a
person who had lived through them.
• Write to the tourist offices of various cities in a Spanish-speaking
country requesting information. Submit a copy of your letter,
materials received, and a write-up. Use these materials to decide
where you would go on your ideal Spanish vacation, and present it
visually (e.g., in a poster, an ad campaign to convince someone else
to visit there, an “infomercial” video to be used as advertising for
the area, etc.). Let your creativity be your guide for how to present
what you learn.
• Learn about various Spanish gestures and body language and make
a video of yourself using those gestures with appropriate comments
in appropriate situations or present them live to the class.
• Perform a scene from a Spanish play for the class in Spanish or
English, but identify the playwright and time period.
• Read up on an important event in the history of a Spanish-speaking
country, and then write a skit based on that event. (This could be a
scientific discovery, a battle, a beheading, an invention, the defeat of
the Spanish Armada, etc. Let your own interests be your guide.)
• Attend a concert or performance featuring Hispanic music or
• Visit a record store that carries a large selection of Hispanic music.
Listen to songs available to listen to. Read about the songs. Report
on what you learned, what you liked, etc.
• Listen to a mariachi band and talk to the band members. List the
songs they played. Find out the names of their instruments in
Spanish. Get an autograph from them.
• Watch MTV International with Daisy Fuentes, record or videotape
songs in Spanish for the class, and complete a teletarea form
(viewing log) for the viewing.
• Watch two hours of Spanish programming on local TV and fill out
teletarea forms (viewing logs) for what you watched.
• Watch the news five times in Spanish and summarize the headlines
on a teletarea form (viewing log).
If you like sports, consider the following:
• Learn the Spanish vocabulary for a sport commonly played in a
Spanish-speaking region or country. Present your knowledge in a
poster that includes illustrations and Spanish terms for key
vocabulary, or teach the class the basics of the game in Spanish.
• Make a video for a sport with a narration in Spanish. (You may use
a game from television and create your own narration for a five-
minute period of the game.)
• Watch an hour of sports such as lucha libre or boxeo on Spanish-
speaking TV, and complete a teletarea form (viewing log).
• Learn the Spanish vocabulary for a sport commonly played in
Spanish-speaking countries. Teach the class the key vocabulary you
Information Gap
In an information gap activity, each person has certain information that
must be shared with others in order to solve a problem, gather
information, or make decisions.
Questions asked in second language classes are often “display”
questions. In other words, the person asking the question already
knows the answer and is, in effect, simply prompting his or her partner
to demonstrate that they know the vocabulary in question. No real
communication takes place. Information gap activities involve a real
exchange of information, although the situation might be an artificial
Information gap activities are often done in pairs, although they can be
teacher-led or involve groups of students.
Information gap activities can be highly structured or fairly open-
ended. In either case, they are most often used for reinforcement of
previously learned vocabulary and structures.
• Explain the activity to the students. Make sure they understand that
they cannot show the information to their partner. They must
communicate verbally.
• If necessary, review the vocabulary and structures that will be
needed to complete the activity.
• Once students have completed the activity, they can assess the
accuracy of their communication by comparing the information
they have.
When preparing the information gap activity, try to make the situation
as realistic as possible so that the questions asked and the answers
given are the same as or similar to what might happen in real-life
Make sure that the students have a purpose for exchanging
information, for example, a task to complete, a puzzle to solve, or a
decision to make.
The first time you involve students in information gap activities,
demonstrate in front of the whole class, so that students understand
that they cannot just show their information to their partner.
Information gap activities can be organized in many different ways.
The following are a few examples of activities involving pairs of
• Ask students to draw the same picture (e.g., a house)
simultaneously. (Drawings may be done on adjacent computers
using a drawing program.) Students must together choose where to
draw the house, its size, what colour different parts are, and so on.
• Student A has a chart showing results of a survey (e.g., what time
different people get up and go to bed), but some of the information
is missing. He or she must ask student B, who has the missing
information, in order to answer a question—who sleeps the longest?
• Student A has a map showing the location of a number of buildings.
Student B must ask questions to find out how to get from where he
or she is to the building they need to find (e.g., the post office [el
Communication gap activities can also involve groups of students:
• Students are asked to write a short text (e.g., a description of a
family member). After they have gone through the usual process of
drafting, writing, and editing, and the teacher has corrected the text,
they rewrite the text with some information left out (e.g., Francisco
has blue eyes and ______ hair. [Francisco tiene los ojos azules y el pelo
______.]). Other students read the altered text and ask questions to
fill in the missing information.
• Jigsaw activities are also information gap activities. For example,
each student in the home group is given part of a text on the topic
of the unit. The information in the text will usually be needed to
complete a specific task. Together they have the whole text, but no
single student has all the information. Students regroup with other
students from different home groups who have the same part of the
text, and they work together to understand all the information.
They then return to their home group to share the information with
the others and complete the task together.
Teacher-led information gap activities can involve the teacher asking
questions for which he or she does not already know the answer.
Alternatively, they might take the form of guessing games (e.g., Guess
which classroom object is in the bag. Is it a pencil? Is it a notebook?).
Language Development
Information gap activities provide students with opportunities to
practise vocabulary and grammar structures in more interesting ways.
Motivation is usually high because forms and functions are used for a
real, although contrived, exchange of information.
• Students can use words from the text in their own writing or to make
personal dictionaries or word banks.
• Students can copy their own sentence or the whole text. They can
add illustrations to help them recall the meaning.
• Cut the words apart and have the students put them back in the
correct order.
It is important to accept the contributions of all students and to use
their own words in the text. Errors can be corrected by the whole group
together after the text is complete.
During the process of correcting the text, model the use of appropriate
strategies such as using references to check spelling and grammar.
Keep the texts fairly short, especially for younger students.
This method can also be used with small groups or individuals, and is
suitable for students of all ages.
Use this method to write texts of all kinds, including fiction.
This method is particularly effective for students who have some oral
fluency, but have not learned to read or write the language. Students
find the text easy to read because it is written in their own words. This,
in turn, increases their self-confidence and their motivation to read
Students are motivated by this method because their own language and
life experiences are valued. They can show the texts with pride because
they have written them and are able to read them.
Use the Language Experience method to reinforce oral language and to
teach reading. It is not suitable for introducing new concepts.
This method is also a way of producing texts for reading in situations
where it is difficult to find texts that are at the appropriate level for
students or on topics that are relevant and of interest to them.
Language Development
The Language Experience method is one of the most effective for
teaching reading and for second language acquisition in general.
• It integrates listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The students
are exposed to the vocabulary and structures in both written and oral
• By beginning with texts that the students themselves have
composed, the reading and writing process is directly connected to
the experiences and previous knowledge of the students.
Students collect information from a sample of people to determine the
frequency of particular responses. They then analyze the data and
prepare a report on the results. Using surveys as an instructional
method can also develop students’ numeracy as well as their creative
and critical thinking.
The first time students do a survey, it is helpful to go through the
procedure at least once as a whole class. After they have more
experience, they will be able to plan and carry out a survey in small
There are basically four steps to a survey: planning, collecting the data,
organizing and displaying the data, and summarizing and interpreting
the data.
1. The planning stage involves deciding which questions to ask,
formulating the questions, deciding whether the questions will be
asked orally (interview) or in writing (questionnaire), choosing the
sample of people to survey, and dividing up the work among the
students involved. It is at this step that explicit teaching or review
of structures for asking questions may be needed.
2. The survey is then carried out in the agreed way. Students can
survey other students in the class or school, people in the
community, or even people in another community via email or
3. Once the data have been collected, they must be organized and
displayed. The usual method for displaying survey results is some
kind of graph. With a little planning in advance, a survey activity in
the Spanish class can be integrated with what students are learning
in mathematics class. Looking at a variety of different kinds of
graphs and interpreting them will provide students with examples,
ideas, and models of language to use.
4. Interpreting the findings of a simple factual survey is relatively
easy. However, if the survey has gathered information about
opinions or values, there is much more room for interpretation.
Students may present their findings orally or in writing. In either
case, they may benefit from analyzing other reports of the findings
of surveys such as might be found in newspapers or magazines.
The language for reporting results of surveys is somewhat different
from ordinary conversation. Students need to see and analyze reports
on survey results to discover typical ways of organizing texts of this
type, typical sentence patterns, as well as some specialized vocabulary.
A survey can be carried out on almost any topic. The information
gathered can be strictly factual (e.g., month and year of birth, number
of people in the family), or it can be more subjective (e.g., likes and
dislikes, opinions on a specific topic).
The kind of graph used to represent the results can vary with the age
and level of mathematical understanding of the students.
Language Development
Surveys are useful for language development because they provide an
opportunity for repetition in an activity where there is a focus on
meaning and a purpose. They also provide a natural context for asking
questions, using numbers, and making comparisons. If graphs or other
visual representations of the results are prepared by students, learning
outcomes for viewing and representing can also be achieved.
A debate is a discussion in which arguments are presented for and
against a statement or resolution. The debate topic begins with “Que se
tome la resolución de . . .” Debates can take place between two people, or
two teams, or can involve an entire class. One side defends the
resolution by taking the affirmative view, while the other side (the
opposition) argues against the resolution.
Problem Solving
Problem Solving is a learning method in which students apply
knowledge to solve problems.
The students discover a problem; problems can be constructed by the
teacher or can be real-world problems suggested by the students. The
students define the problem, ask a question about the problem, then
define the characteristics of possible solutions, which they research.
They choose a promising solution that best fits the criteria stated in the
definition of solutions, and then test the solution. Finally, they
determine if the problem has been solved.
Problem solving is an effective tool to
! allow students to discover relationships that may be completely
new to them
! adapt easily for all grade levels and special needs students
! develop the ability to construct new ideas and concepts from
previously learned information, skills, and strategies
! promote communicative competence in Spanish
Independent Study
Students should be able to continue to learn after they have left the
structured learning environment of the school. If the knowledge,
abilities, attitudes, and processes associated with independent learning
are to be acquired, they must be taught and enough time must be
provided for students to practise.
Independent study is very flexible. It may be initiated by student or
teacher; it can include learning in partnership with another individual
or as part of a small group. It can be used as the major instructional
strategy with the whole class, in combination with other strategies, or it
can be used with one or more individuals while another strategy is
used with the rest of the class.
It is important to assess the abilities students already possess. Specific
skills and abilities may then be incorporated into assignments tailored
to the capabilities of individual students.
Computer-Assisted Instruction
This method refers to any instructional program in which the computer
performs, manages, or supports some or all of the teacher functions.
Logs and Journals/Diarios de registro o Diarios
Logs and journals can be used as a way to hold private conversations
in Spanish with the teacher. Dialogue journals are vehicles for sharing
ideas and receiving feedback in Spanish. This dialogue can be
conducted by email where it is available.
Students write on topics on a regular basis, and the teacher responds
with oral or written advice, comments, and observations in a
conversation. In the early stages of learning a language, students can
begin by adding a few words and combining them with pictures.
Logs and journals are effective tools to
! develop communication and writing skills
! create a positive relationship between the teacher and the student
! increase student interest and participation
! allow the student to direct his or her own learning
! provide opportunities to use Spanish
A journal is a notebook in which students record their personal
reflections, questions they are wondering about, ideas, words or
expressions they want to remember, or feelings they have about
experiences in class. Logs are usually more objective, for example,
observations on learning activities, lists of books read or films watched,
notes on learning strategies, and so on.
If students have little or no experience using a log or journal, it is a
good idea to model the process by doing a collective journal on large
chart paper. Begin by discussing the reasons for keeping a journal and
ways it can be used, so that they can better understand the process and
the purpose.
• Always begin by noting the date of the entry.
• Specific questions can be asked, especially when students are new to
journal writing, to give them some guidance about the kinds of
things to write about.
• Provide regular opportunities for students to write in their journals,
for example, a few minutes before or after an activity depending on
what they are writing about.
• Students choose whether or not to share their journal entries with the
teacher or their fellow students.
• If students do decide to share parts or all of their journal, teachers
can respond individually with questions or comments to extend
thinking. Since the primary purpose of the journal is not to practise
writing, teachers should not correct the grammar, spelling, or
punctuation in student journals.
• Encourage students to regularly reread what they have written in
their journals and reflect on it.
When doing a collective journal, be sure to go though all the steps of
journal writing, including reflection on previous entries, so that
students have a model at all stages.
Some students need more guidance in journal writing. They can be
given specific questions to answer or sentence stems (e.g., Mi parte
favorita del día es ...) to get them started.
Although journals are not usually evaluated, they can be a source of
useful information and can help the teacher guide the student’s
If students are having difficulty expressing their thoughts in words,
suggest that they add drawings or other visual representations to
express their meaning.
The different types of journals and logs have different purposes and are
used in different contexts.
1. Personal Journals/Diario personal
• Personal journals are often used for students to record their
emotional reactions to learning the language and experiencing
the culture, and to note their aspirations for travel, education, or
other personal uses of their knowledge about the language and
• Students should be reassured that their writing will remain
private if they so wish.
• The personal journal can be particularly effective for reflection on
experiences with a new culture, since reactions to different ways
of doing things are often of an emotional nature rather than
2. Dialogue Journals/Diario comunicativo
• Dialogue journals are for journal writing in situations where
another person, often the teacher, responds to what the student
has written. The resulting journal resembles a conversation in
written form.
• The teacher’s response to what the student has written should
focus on the content rather than the language. The response can
be in the form of comments or questions which encourage the
student to extend their thinking or reflect on their experience.
• Respond regularly to journals. Other students, parents, or other
interested persons can also respond to dialogue journals. Make
sure they understand the purpose of the journal and are able to
respond in a respectful and thoughtful manner.
3. Learning Logs/Diario de aprendizaje
• Learning logs are very useful for increasing the students’
awareness of how they learn (metacognitive learning strategies)
and thus developing their strategic competence.
• Students benefit from discussion about what they are learning,
why they need to know specific aspects of the language or
culture, and how they are learning. The discussion helps them
develop the language they need to write effectively about their
learning and problem-solving processes.
Free Writing
Free Writing is a method for encouraging students to express ideas by
writing in Spanish.
After reflecting on a topic, students respond in writing for a brief time
to a Spanish prompt, a quote, or a question.
Free writing is an effective tool to
! develop the ability to link previous knowledge and experience to a
! develop creative and critical thinking skills
! provide opportunities to express and share ideas in written form
! encourage students to value writing in the target language
Personal Dictionaries/Diccionarios personales
Personal dictionaries consist of words that are familiar and significant
to students. These words, which students use frequently in oral
contexts, can form the basis of reading and writing vocabularies. Word
sources included dictated stories and captions, journals and other
writing efforts, as well as students’ own oral vocabulary. For language
learning, personal “banks” or collections of key words are valuable
resources. Students may compile word collections to expand their
reading and writing vocabularies.
Learning Contracts/Contratos de aprendizaje
Students and teacher work together during the designing, running, and
evaluation of personal contracts. Learning contracts may be used to
guide students as they work towards learning outcomes related to
using Spanish for fun and personal enjoyment, for example, or the
development of metacognitive strategies.
Research Projects/Proyectos de búsqueda
Students may be involved in research projects individually, as partners,
or as members of small groups. Research projects are effective in
developing and extending language skills. While doing research,
students practice reading for specific purposes, recording information,
sequencing and organizing ideas, and using language to inform others.
A research model provides students with a framework for organizing
information about a topic. Research projects frequently include these
four steps:
• determining the purpose and topic
• gathering the information
• organizing the information
• sharing knowledge
Step Four: Teacher Presents a Main Story that Students Retell and
Small groups of mini-stories are designed to prepare students to
narrate, read, and write a larger main story that uses the vocabulary
from the mini-stories. When the entire group of mini-stories has
been mastered by the class, the teacher then repeats Step Three to
introduce the main story. Once the main story has been presented
and acted out, it is reinforced with readings and exercises from the
textbook. As with mini-stories, students build upon the main story,
using their existing language skills to embellish the plot, personalize
the characters, and create revisions.
Students need to do a variety of activities before the role play in order
to acquire the vocabulary and structures they will need to communicate
in the situation they are given. The role play itself provides an
opportunity to practise using this vocabulary and these structures in
realistic situations, in other words, to bring together and fine tune their
previously acquired knowledge.
It is often helpful to incorporate an element of tension into the
situation. This “pressure for response” can take the form of a challenge,
a surprise, a time constraint, or the suspense of not knowing. Tension is
what works in a drama to impel the students to respond and take
Role play is a natural extension of the traditional methods of reading or
memorizing dialogues, or of writing skits consisting of short
conversations. The advantage of role play is that it places students in a
situation which more closely resembles real life, situations where they
do not know exactly what the other person is going to say. Role play
also provides opportunities to develop other knowledge, skills, and
attitudes, depending on the situation. The following examples are only
meant to suggest some of the possibilities:
• Begin by role-playing fairly routine situations like asking for
directions using a map, ordering a meal in a restaurant from a menu,
or buying something in a store. The students must play their roles
without a script or a pre-determined dialogue. Gradually introduce
variations into the situations; for example, the customer in the
restaurant wants something that is not on the menu, or the store
clerk is very insistent.
• Students work in pairs, one playing the role of interviewer, the other
the person being interviewed. The person being interviewed may be
a real person, a character from a story, or a person in a particular role
such as the mayor of a large city. The interviewer should have a
specific focus for the interview, a particular event to discuss, or a
point of view on a particular topic. Both students will need time to
prepare for the role play, but they should not write out the interview
in advance.
• Imagine a situation, typical of those experienced in the country of
origin, which provided the impetus to emigrate to Canada. Role-play
a family discussion where some members of the family want to leave
and others want to stay. This could be followed by another role play
of the same family five years later, after they have moved to Canada.
Is the experience what they expected?