Teachers View On The Role-Play of The Authorities in The Implementation of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTs) in Preschool2

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Teacher's View On The Role-Play Of The Authorities In The

Implementation Of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTs) In

Suppiah Nachiappan, Rosma Osman, Abdul Halim Masnan, Mazlina Che Mustafa,
Hashimah Hussein, Sandra Suffian, Sangkari Chandra Sehgar, Noor Athirah Sukri &
Abilashini Kumar
To Link this Article: http://dx.doi.org/10.6007/IJARBSS/v8-i4/4007 DOI: 10.6007/IJARBSS/v8-i4/4007

Received: 06 Mar 2018, Revised: 13 Apr 2018, Accepted: 18 April 2018

Published Online: 21 April 2018

In-Text Citation: (Nachiappan et al., 2018)

To Cite this Article: Nachiappan, S., Osman, R., Masnan, A. H., Mustafa, M. C., Hussein, H., Suffian, S., … Kumar,
A. (2018). Teacher’s View On The Role-Play Of The Authorities In The Implementation Of Higher Order
Thinking Skills (HOTs) In Preschool. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social
Sciences, 8(4), 194–201.

Copyright: © 2018 The Author(s)

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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
Vol. 8 , No. 4, April 2018, E-ISSN: 2 22 2 -6990 © 2018 HRMARS

Teacher's View On The Role-Play Of The Authorities

In The Implementation Of Higher Order Thinking
Skills (HOTs) In Preschool
Suppiah Nachiappan1, Rosma Osman2, Abdul Halim Masnan3,
Mazlina Che Mustafa4, Hashimah Hussein5, Sandra Suffian6,
Sangkari Chandra Sehgar7, Noor Athirah Sukri8 & Abilashini
1,2 3,4,5,6,7,8,9 Faculty of Human Development, Sultan Idris Education University
Email: [email protected]

This study aims to identify teachers' view on the role played by the authorities involved in the
implementation of higher order thinking skills (HOTs) in preschool. The data were obtained
through interview questions from respondents which consisted of 10 teachers from 10 schools
from Taiping district. The data was analyzed using the Hermeneutic method which is the
interpretation of text to metatext. Results showed that, the authorities involved in the
implementation of higher order thinking skills (HOTs) in preschool has taken the necessary steps
in introducing HOTs but it is still in its early stages following its implementation in the preschool
level has not been well-structured yet. As conclusions, teachers still need specific guidance
through courses and workshops to improve the HOTs skills implementation in preschool. As the
implication of this study, the Ministry of Education Malaysia, State Education Department,
District Education Office and Headmasters should improve the implementation of HOTs through
specialized courses and workshops to ensure that teachers could successfully implement HOTs
in preschool teaching and learning.
Keywords: Preschool, Higher Order Thinking Skills, Hermeneutics Method, National Preschool
Standard Curriculum, Teacher’s View

A transformation had been carried out on the Malaysian Education system via Malaysia
Education Blueprint (MEB) 2013-2025. This transformation was carried out in a holistic manner
involving preschool education up to higher education studies, prioritizing Higher Order Thinking
Skills (HOTS) as one of the main aspect in teaching.

International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
Vol. 8 , No. 4, April 2018, E-ISSN: 2 22 2 -6990 © 2018 HRMARS

This necessity is on par with the requirement of both economic and technology growth as
well according to the marketability rate in the global economic market. A human capital quality
is the identity if a strong education system of a country. With that in mind, in the year 2015, all
schools commenced 21st century learning skill in order to increase and enhance cognitive skill to
produce innovative student based on the Malaysia Education Blueprint 2013-2025 (MOE 2013).

Therefore, preschool education has also undergone a change through the Curriculum and
Assessment Standard Document by incorporating HOTS as one of the main focus areas in
teaching (MOE, 2016). Among the criteria emphasized in the formulation of National Preschool
Standard Curriculum is the Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) which are explicitly stated in the
Writing Standard. Teachers need to translate Learning Standards with an emphasis on HOTS in
teaching and learning process in the classroom.

In learning sessions, teachers often face different pupils in terms of their abilities.
Teachers’ expertise plays an important role in determining teaching and learning strategy. This
means that teachers can define approaches, choose methods and set specific techniques that
suits the student's development and ability. The chosen strategies and techniques, besides
serving as a potential to stimulate students to actively learn and it also help to analyze concepts
or ideas and strive to attract students and to produce meaningful learning. Thus, this study will
be seen as a form of resolution to facilitate the implementation of the Higher Order Thinking
Skills at preschool level effectively.

Problem Statement
A.Rahman, Jamaludin and Zamri (2015) stated that most teachers did not emphasize the thinking
skills of the students in their teaching. Teachers are more about trying to achieve their teaching
objectives and to complete their syllabus. According to Sharifah Nor (2012), there are a few
reasons why thinking skills are not emphasized. Some teachers think that pupils are to first
master the facts and concepts of a subject before to be encouraged to think.

The study conducted by Nooriza and Effandi (2015) in analyzing the need for teachers to
integrate HOTS finds that the module is an important requirement raised by the teacher.
Teachers believe that the modules can be used as reference, giving clearer understanding of
HOTS and improve teachers' confidence to implement HOTS in teaching. Lack of materials that
contain specialized learning units integrating HOTS is one of the reasons teachers need to
modulate the module to materialize the agenda. Next requirement is stated sources of resources
such as materials for hand-exploration activities. Teachers also need resource materials that have
specific aspects such as resource materials that emphasize on Questions and Answer materials
that contain suggestions for hands-on activities.

Many recent studies have focused on the implementation of HOTS at primary level
(Nooriza & Effandi, 2015; & A. Rahman, Jamaludin & Zamri, 2015), at secondary school level
(Suhaimi, Baharuddin, Hasnah, Norasykin & Zaleha, 2014), and at the institutions of higher
learning (Yee, Jailani, Widad, Razali, Tee & Mimi, 2015).

International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
Vol. 8 , No. 4, April 2018, E-ISSN: 2 22 2 -6990 © 2018 HRMARS

Therefore, this study is aimed at analyzing the role of the parties involved in implementing
HOTS at preschool level.

Literature Review
In the study of the Higher Order Thinking Skills Integration in Mathematical Teaching and
Learning: Teacher Needs Analysis (Nooriza & Effandi, 2015) also shows that in order to integrate
HOTS, teaching modules are an important requirement for teachers. The lack of specific teaching
materials in integrating HOTS is one of the reasons that led to the need of module to succeed the

According to Dinc (2011), the problem of lack of teaching materials is a common thing for
educational institutions. However, in the aspect of module effectiveness at preschool level,
Zakiah, Azlina and Yeo (2013) study found that there was a significant difference in the
understanding of child prenumbering experiences between experimental groups and control
groups. The findings show that the use of the learning approach modules through play has
improved the level of understanding of preschool children prenatal experiences.

In the context of preschool education, there is no further study in the country that leads
to the adoption of HOTS among preschoolers. Early childhood education provides unlimited
opportunities in developing children's thinking skills (Birbili, 2013). The results of Birbili (2013)
study found that the effort in enriching the experience and stimulating the children's thinking
skills was gradually reduced. This is because preschoolers find it difficult to ask open-ended
questions and attract children to higher thinking.

Research Objective
i. Analyze the teacher's view in the role of the parties involved in the implementation
of HOTS in preschool

Research Methodology
This study is a descriptive study using the Hermeneutic analysis. Hermeneutic analysis is a
qualitative method that emphasizes aspects of uniqueness and abnormality in an investigative
study. The Hermeneutic analysis sees each individual as a unique and distinctive character, having
its own emotions, thoughts and behaviors. Following Rickman (1967), the form that gave birth to
the expression of human feelings and thoughts may be considered as texts that may be analyzed
and interpreted in the context of Hermeneutics.

This method emphasizes the interpretation of the text in socio-cultural and historical
context by exposing the implied meaning of a text or work investigated (Suppiah 2013; 2014).
The initial document explains that a philosopher, Martin Heidegger, used the Hermeneutical
method in 1889-1976. However, Hermeneutics has been spearheaded by Schleimarcher and
Dilthey since the 17th century and continued by Habermas, Gadamer, Heidegger, Ricoeur and
others in the 20th century.

International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
Vol. 8 , No. 4, April 2018, E-ISSN: 2 22 2 -6990 © 2018 HRMARS

Hermeneutic's approach can be interpreted as an analysis of human behavior, especially

to achieve a deep understanding of human interaction process (Loganathan, 1992; 1996). Due to
aspects of human behavior are psychological, Hermeneutics analysis approach is a psychological
approach. Qualitative methods are best suited to this study as this study is closely related to
human behavioral psychology.

According to Mueller (1997), Hermeneutics is an art of understanding and not as a

material that has already been understood. Hermeneutics is also part of the art of thought and
philosophy. Therefore, in order to interpret the knowledge of language, it is important to
understand the individual's knowledge.

One should remember the meaningful experience that has ever been passed about an
event or event that affects itself directly or indirectly. The method used in the Hermeneutical
approach begins with text. Furthermore, the information or information contained in the text
was subsequently used to generate themes or categories from a set of texts (Suppiah, 2003).
The design of this study uses Hermeneutik analysis as a methodology used to interpret transcript
of interview questions to analyze the views of preschool teachers on the parties involved in
implementing HOTS.

Questions 1, 2 & 3: The role of MOE / State Education Department / District Education Office /
Headmaster in implementing HOTS at preschool level
MOE provided courses and assistance in implementing HOTS as well as providing more guidance
on appropriate teaching methods for preschool. MOE also entrusted the officers responsible in
organizing HOTS implementation workshops. State Education Department and District Education
Office are conducting HOTS related courses as well as providing assistance to preschool teachers
to enhance knowledge on HOTS. State Education Department and District Education Office also
provided facilitators to assist schools and teachers in implementing HOTS in preschool through
workshops and courses. In addition, State Education Department and District Education Office
also provided feedback in the form of evaluation of the students’ achievement in the terms of
the teaching skills, which is the ability of the students to make decisions based on reasoning and
logic. State Education Department and District Education Office also conducted skills monitoring
on teachers teaching approaches. Headmasters also provided assistance to teachers through
email sharing, interviews, brochures and many more. Headmasters also carried out periodic
observations on teaching and learning process preschool teachers through review of teacher's
daily lesson plans and encourage teachers to place at least one HOTS element in daily Teaching
and Learning process. In addition to providing periodic assistance and observation, the
headmaster also provides the appropriate environmental and infrastructure facilities for the
Teaching and Learning process process to be more effective.

Question 4: Does MOE / State Education Department / District Education Office / Headmaster
clarify the role of teachers in the implementation of HOTS in the classroom?

International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
Vol. 8 , No. 4, April 2018, E-ISSN: 2 22 2 -6990 © 2018 HRMARS

The MOE has provided explanations on HOTS through courses given to the headmaster and key
trainer. Headmasters play a big role in identifying teachers who implement HOTS teaching in the
classroom through courses, obtaining information from time to time and classroom observations.

Question 5: Does MOE / State Education Department / District Education Office / Headmaster
disclose skills related to HOTS to teachers in the workshop or training given?
MOE / State Education Department / District Education Office / Headmaster reveals the skills
associated with the implementation of HOTS such as skills to ask students questions and
instructional measures for students. Headmasters also revealed activities such as training,
workshops and weekly meetings by sharing expertise information from outside parties.

Question 6: Does MOE / State Education Department / District Education Office / Headmaster
demonstrate the effective use of HOTS in teaching in the classroom?
Headmasters have demonstrated some HOTS usage activities that are appropriate to preschool.
Headmasters also formed a group of teachers to demonstrate effective demonstration of HOTS
to other teachers. Participants also provided exposure on HOTS skills through workshops and
courses held in implementing HOTS teaching in the classroom. District Education Offices also
presented demonstrations and explain in detail the implementation of HOTS.

Question 7: Does MOE / State Education Department / District Education Office / Headmaster
provide assistance to teachers in solving problems faced by teachers to implement HOTS in the
The MOE / State Education Department / District Education Office / Headmaster has provided
the assistance needed by teachers in solving the problems faced in implementing HOTS in the
classroom. They also provided HOTS services from experienced teachers and provided funding
for HOTS teaching aids. Occasionally, the parties involved also provided assistance in terms of
suggestions, views and opinions on the implementation of HOTS.

Question 8: Does MOE / State Education Department / District Education Office / Headmaster
monitor the implementation of HOTS teaching neatly through observation in the classroom?
MOE / State Education Department / District Education Office / Headmaster has monitored the
implementation of HOTS in preschools such as recording the implementation of HOTS, making
observations and guiding teachers in the implementation of HOTS through discussion.

To create a creative and critical generation and to be competitive globally, PPPM 2013-2025 has
placed Higher Order Thinking Skills as a branch of thinking skills in transforming the education
curriculum from preschool to national and secondary schools. However, in order to implement
HOTS at preschool level, besides teachers and students, the parties involved, such as MOE / State
Education Department / District Education Office and Headmaster, play an important role in the
implementation of HOTS. There are several factors that cause HOTS implementation at preschool
level to remain poor. This is because, there are still many teachers who do not understand the
concept of HOTS. Teachers also assume that HOTS are the same as KBKK. In addition, the role of
the MOE / State Education Department / District Education Office is still in its early stages.

International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
Vol. 8 , No. 4, April 2018, E-ISSN: 2 22 2 -6990 © 2018 HRMARS

Therefore, there are some suggestions that the implementation of HOTS at preschool level can
be enhanced together. Among the suggestions are:

Teachers need to be provided with more comprehensive disclosures about HOTS through
courses and workshops. To reinforce the readiness of teachers towards HOTS, continuous
training is needed. Therefore, teachers can apply HOTS techniques and methods more well-
planned during Teaching and Learning process. The duration of each course and workshop should
also be carefully crafted so that teachers obtain enough knowledge, skills and attitudes.

Next, teachers need to be exposed to the concept of innovation in education. Through

this concept of educational innovation, teachers can make a big difference in controlling Teaching
and Learning process in the classroom. Therefore, in the innovation it is recommended that
teachers use strategy variations and techniques that can actively involve students.

Lastly, the Ministry of Education Malaysia (MOE) has introduced Information and
Communication Technology in education in line with the development of today's technology
which includes infrastructure, filling and teacher training. Teachers can use technology tools
during the teaching and learning process to reinforce creativity and critical thinking skills of
preschool students. If teachers are able to use these technologies and apply them correctly, the
teaching and learning process will have a meaningful impact on students.

In conclusion, the transformation of the Malaysian Education Blueprint 2013-2025 strongly
emphasizes the concept of HOTS in education curriculum to produce a generation that can think
critically and holistically. Teachers also play a role in determining their teaching and learning to
have the HOTS elements as required in the Revised National Preschool Standard Curriculum
2017. Through the emphasis of the HOTS element in everyday teaching and learning, it can train
higher level thinking such as applying, analyzing, evaluating and creating. Teachers are also seen
to require special guidance in implementing HOTS. Therefore, MOE / State Education
Department / District Education Office and Headmaster need to improve in providing appropriate
courses, workshops and training for preschool teachers so that teachers can prepare themselves
for HOTS at preschool level.

We would like to extend our gratitude to Research Management and Innovation Centre (RMIC)
Sultan Idris Education University and Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) for approving the
research grant for the study.

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Vol. 8 , No. 4, April 2018, E-ISSN: 2 22 2 -6990 © 2018 HRMARS

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