Mathematics Teachers' Level of Knowledge and Practice On The Implementation of Higher-Order Thinking Skills (HOTS)

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Mathematics Teachers’ Level of Knowledge and Practice on the

Implementation of Higher-Order Thinking Skills (HOTS)

Article  in  Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education · January 2017

DOI: 10.12973/eurasia.2017.00601a


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6 authors, including:

Abdul Halim Abdullah Mahani Mokhtar

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Universiti Teknologi Malaysia


Dayana Farzeeha Umar Haiyat Abdul Kohar

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Universiti Teknologi Malaysia


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EURASIA Journal of Mathematics Science and Technology Education
ISSN 1305-8223 (online) 1305-8215 (print)
2017 13(1):3-17
DOI 10.12973/eurasia.2017.00601a

Mathematics Teachers’ Level of Knowledge and

Practice on the Implementation of Higher-Order
Thinking Skills (HOTS)
Abdul Halim Abdullah
Faculty of Education, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, MALAYSIA
Mahani Mokhtar
Faculty of Education, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, MALAYSIA
Noor Dayana Abd Halim
Faculty of Education, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, MALAYSIA
Dayana Farzeeha Ali
Faculty of Education, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, MALAYSIA
Lokman Mohd Tahir
Faculty of Education, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, MALAYSIA
Umar Haiyat Abdul Kohar
Faculty of Management, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, MALAYSIA

Received 24 January 2016 ▪ Revised 17 July 2016 ▪ Accepted 10 October 2016

This study aims to identify the level of knowledge and practice on the implementation of
higher-order thinking skills (HOTS) among mathematics teachers at a secondary school in
the district of Terengganu. The study focused on the aspects of curriculum, pedagogy and
assessment and compared them with demographic factors of the respondents. It used the
quantitative approach and adopted descriptive survey method involving 196 respondents.
Also, inferential analysis was conducted using Pearson correlation and Multivariate Analysis
of Variance Test (MANOVA). The findings showed that the level of knowledge and practice
of the assessment aspect was the weakest. Also, there was a relationship between the level
of knowledge and practice of HOTS in each aspect. Significant differences exist in the level
of knowledge and practice in the implementation of HOTS based on demographic factors
such as gender, the location of school and exposure in the HOTS course.
Keywords: higher-order thinking skills (HOTS), curriculum, pedagogy, assessment

To help Malaysia achieve its Vision 2020, one of the objectives of schooling is to develop
thinking skills among students (Nooraini & Khairul Azmi, 2014). In general, thinking skills are
divided into low-order thinking skills (LOTS) and high-order thinking skills HOTS. The

© Authors. Terms and conditions of Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) apply.
Correspondence: Abdul Halim Abdullah, Faculty of Education, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 UTM Johor
Bahru, Johor, Malaysia,
[email protected]
M. Mokhtar et al.

Ministry of Education (MOE) (2013) stated that HOTS is the ability to apply knowledge or
methods to solve problems creatively, innovatively and consequently able to create a new
dimension based on the knowledge that has been learnt.

HOTS was widely introduced in 2013 by the MOE to pursue the continuation of critical
and creative thinking skills (CCTS) (MOE, 2013). The three key components which lead to the
implementation of HOTS are changes in curriculum, pedagogy and assessment (MOE, 2013).
Meanwhile, the elements of co-curricular, community and private supports, capacity building,
and the resources will also support the needs of the three most important components. HOTS
are implemented explicitly in the aspect of the curriculum since the curriculum standard
document emphasises the ability of students to apply, analyse, assess and create knowledge
through the process of teaching and learning in schools (MOE, 2013). Therefore, suitable and
effective pedagogy needs to be applied in classrooms for students to be trained as creative,
innovative and critical thinkers. Teaching and learning styles in Standard Curriculum for
Primary Schools (SCPS) and Standard Curriculum for Secondary School (SCSS) also
emphasise the principles of HOTS. It is inclined to the theory of constructivism in which
students construct their knowledge as well as associating the existing knowledge with the
newly learnt knowledge (Nurazilawati et al., 2013). Furthermore, HOTS are implemented in
the assessment framework so that students can assess their ability to solve higher-order

Mathematics is an important subject in school, and it is also among complex subjects

(Jamil et al., 2008). The implementation of HOTS in the teaching and learning of mathematics
is essential to change the stigma of the society on the difficulty of mathematics. HOTS can also
attract students to foster their interest in mathematics. Tengku Zawawi et al. (2009) said that
mathematics will be appreciated as an easy and fun subject if students are given the
opportunity to build their understanding, attitude, and creativity. HOTS are consistent with
this notion because one of the indicators highlighted in HOTS is to create continuous learning
and instil creativity among individuals.

The implementation of HOTS in Malaysia applies Bloom‘s taxonomy thinking order.
According to Thompson (2008), with a view to creating a generation of students who cover all
stages and elements of HOTS, mathematics teachers can use the framework of Bloom‘s
taxonomy and integrate it in implementing HOTS in mathematics. The MOE (2012) states that
HOTS is an important model, and therefore it has to be implemented in the country’s
education system. It is because HOTS promote continuous learning and contribute various
benefits to the country in the future. The elements of HOTS are capable of generating new
knowledge and skills as well as suitable to be adapted to everyday life which evolves over
time (Forster, 2004; Tan et al., 2006). Malaysia has also emphasised the application of HOTS
elements in the Education Development Plan for Malaysia (PPPM) 2013-2025 (MOE, 2012).

EURASIA J Math Sci and Tech Ed

Level of Knowledge and Practice of Teachers in the Aspect of Curriculum

Curriculum specification standard covers aspects of objectives, content, methods and
assessment in the curriculum (Abdul Rahim, 2007). After the curriculum is established,
teachers should play their roles in ensuring the achievement of all the aspects stated in the
curriculum. According to Atakpo et al. (2008), change in thinking and attitude of the teachers
should also be created to ensure that teachers are open minded to accept knowledge and actual
information about the curriculum as well as the policy that is introduced into the national
education system. Therefore, knowledge and understanding on HOTS elements are essentially
needed. This notion is supported by Salleh (2003); the main factor that determines the success
of curriculum dissemination is the ideology or knowledge of those who do the dissemination.
The knowledge of curriculum is also one of the fundamental knowledge which teachers need
to acquire (Shulman, 1987; Tengku Zawawi, 2009).

The practice of teaching and learning are undertaken by teachers have a close
relationship with the knowledge from the aspect of the curriculum. According to Wilkins
(2008), there is a significant association between knowledge and proficiency of teachers in a
syllabus (SP) and their classroom teaching He also argued that weak proficiency on
educational content among teachers may cause absence of confidence in carrying out teaching
activities for their students. Therefore, acceptance of the teachers on the introduction of HOTS
in mathematics should be taken into consideration for determining the level of HOTS
programme practices in the process of classroom teaching and learning. According to Amiza
et al. (2012), implementing curriculum changes at a larger scale and is very difficult to
implement if the existing curriculum has been adopted for so many years.

Level of Knowledge and Practice of the Teachers from the Aspect of Pedagogy
According to Sabri et al. (2006), most teachers are not proficient in understanding the
problems of learning and do not know how to adapt to the appropriate techniques, methods
as well as approaches to help students develop mathematics knowledge dynamically and
progressively. Anthony and Walshaw (2009) stated that teachers who have deep knowledge
of pedagogy can build better procedural skills to challenge and encourage the students’ ideas.
As HOTS focus on holistic student participation in learning, the current pedagogy allows
teachers to manage learning based on the desired strategy (Abu Bakar, 2013). According to
Anthony and Walshaw (2009) and Bales and Saffold (2011), every teacher needs the knowledge
of pedagogical content to help students develop and expand the level of understanding on the
basic knowledge of mathematics.

The practice of teaching and learning which is implemented by classroom teachers

depends on the knowledge of pedagogy possessed by them (Nelson & Sassi, 2000). Murray
(2011) said that a teacher who can reflect on the teaching should be able to determine the level
of acceptance by the students, the use of teaching techniques that are impactful to the students
and what strategies can be modified to ensure that all students can achieve the set learning

M. Mokhtar et al.

objectives. One of the methods for teachers to enhance students’ thinking skills is to use
appropriate questions and effective questioning techniques (Supramani, 2006). This notion is
also recognised by Adams (2011), who stated that questioning the HOTS questions can
improve the students’ understanding of mathematical concepts because they will know the
strategy in solving problems and put efforts to prove that every solution has its justification.

Level of Knowledge and Practice of the Teachers from the Aspect of Assessment
In addition to the knowledge of curriculum and pedagogy, teachers also need to be
proficient on the aspect of assessment for HOTS implementation in mathematics. Nenty et al.
(2007) and Hwa and Lim (2008) highlighted that assessment plays a major role in mathematics
education. One of the factors which influence the effectiveness of assessment is the
understanding and knowledge of teachers on how assessment being carried out in the
education system (Makeleni & Sethusha, 2014; Rasidayanty, 2014). Rasidayanty (2014);
Makeleni and Sethusha (2014), argue that teachers need proper programme and training to
enhance their knowledge on assessment to improve assessment in schools and classrooms.
Every teacher needs in-depth knowledge and skills to assess students in accordance with the
specific strategy that is only appropriate for assessing specific objective (Hammond, 2006).

One of the shifts in PPPM 2013-2025 is to upgrade the education quality to international
standard by adopting HOTS practices, and this has led to the reshuffling of assessment and
examination systems of the country (LPM, 2013). To achieve the objective, Ganapathy and
Kaur (2014) argued that all teachers should ensure that classroom assessment and training
focus on the elements of HOTS and not only the answer all the questions. Effective assessment
is when teachers can recognise levels of students’ learning and also acknowledge the
effectiveness of their teaching activities (Nenty et al., 2007; Rasidayanty, 2014). Thus, teachers
also need to be proficient in every type of assessment to ensure that the assessment adopted
in the classroom is in line with the students’ ability. According to Zhang and Judith (2003),
every test or assessment undertaken by teachers needs to have the continuity with learning
besides applying the elements of HOTS.


The objectives of this study are to:

1. To identify the level of knowledge and practice of the teachers from the aspect of the
curriculum, pedagogy and assessment in the implementation of HOTS.

2. To study the relationship between the level of knowledge and practice of the teachers on
the implementation of HOTS from the aspects of the curriculum, pedagogy, and

3. To explore the different levels of knowledge and practice of HOTS according to

demographic factors.

EURASIA J Math Sci and Tech Ed

This study used the quantitative approach and focused on the descriptive survey
method. It was conducted in 37 secondary schools in the district of Kuala Terengganu. The
researchers chose simple random sampling method to determine the respondents of the study.
Based on the table of Krejcie and Morgan (1970), this study involved 196 mathematics teachers
as the respondents. The profile of respondents is shown in Table 1. The dependent variables
of the study were the effects on the level of knowledge and practice of secondary school
mathematics teachers in the implementation of HOTS from the aspects of the curriculum,
pedagogy, and assessment. The demographic factors of gender, age, academic qualifications,
grade, and years of experience in teaching mathematics, school locations and participation in
HOTS courses were stated as independent variables. It was because the researchers wanted to
examine whether the demographic statistics were related to the level of knowledge and
practice in the implementation of HOTS from all the three aspects or not. The study of
knowledge and practice of the secondary school mathematics teachers on the implementation
of HOTS, the main statistics used was a set of questionnaire which was in the form of closed
questions and applied the Likert scale. This study applied descriptive and inferential statistics
by using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 16.0 in performing data analysis.
The level of knowledge and practice on the implementation of HOTS for each aspect was
analysed by using descriptive statistics which analysed frequency, percentage, and mean
values. The relationship between knowledge of the practice of all aspects of the
implementation of HOTS was analysed through inferential statistics using Pearson correlation
method as the dependent and independent variables, and they were represented by interval
scale (Chua, 2013; Noraini, 2013). Multivariate Analysis of Variance Test (MANOVA) was
applied by the researchers to know the difference of each demographic factor on the
dependent variable.

Table 1: Profiles of respondents

Demographic Factors Frequency(n) Percentage (% )
Male 50 25.5
Female 146 74.5
< 30 years 2 1.0
30 – 39 years 65 33.2
40 – 49 years 85 43.4
≥ 50 years 44 22.4
Doctor of Philosophy 0 0.0
Master 10 5.1
Academic Qualifications Degree 171 87.2
Diploma 13 6.6
Certificate 2 1.0

M. Mokhtar et al.


All items in section B of the questionnaire on the level of knowledge in the aspect of
curriculum showed the relatively high overall mean of 3.91. The findings on the teaching and
learning of HOTS from the aspect of curriculum showed an overall mean value of 3.73.
Meanwhile, the results of correlation between the level of knowledge on the practice of HOTS
from the aspect of the curriculum were found to have moderately strong positive correlation
and significant (r=0.52, p<0.01). From the aspect of pedagogy also the findings of the analysis
indicated that teachers have a high level of knowledge with an overall mean value of 3.71. The
findings on the teaching and learning practice of HOTS from the aspect of pedagogy also
showed a high score with an overall mean value of 3.81. The relationship between the level of
knowledge on the practice of HOTS from the aspect of pedagogy was positive and moderately
strong as well as significant (r=0.54, p<0.01). The findings on the knowledge of HOTS from the
aspect of assessment showed an overall mean value relatively low compared to the knowledge
of HOTS from the aspect of curriculum and pedagogy in which the value was 3.59.
Furthermore, the overall mean for teaching and learning practice of HOTS from the aspect of
assessment was also low with the value of 3.58. The relationship between the level of
knowledge on the practice of HOTS from the aspect of assessment was positively weak and
significant (r=0.46, p<0.01). The level of knowledge should be in line with the practice for the
implementation of HOTS to be systematic and smooth. Based on the analysis of the findings,
there was a strong positive correlation and significant (r=0.68, p<0.01) between the level of
knowledge on the implementation of HOTS as a whole in the classroom (Iran, 2004; Chua,
2013; Noraini, 2013). The correlation between the level of knowledge and practice as a whole
was positively strong.

In addition, the MANOVA test analysis was carried out to see whether there were
significant differences between individual demographic factors on the level of knowledge and
practice of HOTS among the teachers. The MANOVA analysis in aggregate or overall
(Multivariate Tests) used Pillai’s Trace value as it was comprehensive and suitable for a
different number of respondents for each category involving independent variable (Grice &
Iwasaki, 2007). Meanwhile, the results of data analysis were also carried out separately (Tests
of Between-Subjects Effects) as the researchers wanted to get more accurate results by using
Bonferroni alpha value (0.05/8=0.00625). According to Grice and Iwasaki (2007); An et al.
(2013), the use of Bonferroni can control the problem of Type 1 Error, which often occurs in a
study. Table 2 shows a summary of the differences of each demographic factor on the
dependent variables and described in detail by the researchers for each of the aspect.

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Table 2: Summary of analysis showing the differences among demographic factors on the level of
knowledge and practice of HOTS
Demographic Factor
Experience in
MANOVA Test c Job Locatio Course
Gender Age teaching
Qualifica Grades n Exposure
Curriculum X X X X X X /

Pedagogy X X X X X X X

Assessment X X X X X / X
Overall X X X X X X /
Curriculum X X X X X X X
Practice of

Pedagogy X X X X X X X

Assessment X X X X X X X
Overall X X X X X X X
Overall / X X X X / /
Note: / = there is a difference, x = there is no difference

The results of the study found that there was a major effect of the demographic factor of
gender which was significant (F (6,189) =2.29, p<0.05). Another analysis on the dependent
variables found that the eight elements had no significant differences based on Bonferroni
alpha level (0.05/8=0.00625). The MANOVA test results showed that there was no major effect
of gender on all of the dependent variables in this study. Based on the Bonferroni alpha level,
the results showed that significantly, the level of knowledge and practice of HOTS was not
influenced by gender. The results of multivariate Pillai’s Trace also indicated that there was
no effect of age, academic qualifications, grades for the teaching post and years of mathematics
teaching experiences on the level of knowledge and practice of HOTS. The MANOVA test
analyses were performed on all dependent variables separately, and they clearly showed that
there were no significant differences between the four categories of age, five categories of
academic qualifications and experiences in teaching mathematics as well as the eight
categories of grades for the teaching post on the knowledge and practice of HOTS. These
results indicated that age, academic qualifications, grades for the post of instruction and
experiences in teaching mathematics among the samples of the study did not influence their
level of knowledge and practice of HOTS.

Meanwhile, the results of the multivariate Pillai’s Trace test indicated that the locations
of schools affected the eight dependent variables since the results were significant (F (6,189)
=2.373, p<0.05). However, MANOVA test analyses which were performed on all dependent
variables separately showed that there were significant differences between the two categories
of school locations on the level of knowledge of HOTS from the aspect of assessment (F (1,194)
= 0.713, p<0.00625) only. These results indicated that the locations of the schools where the
samples were posted influenced the level of knowledge of HOTS from the aspect of their

M. Mokhtar et al.

assessment. The latest results of multivariate Pillai’s Trace showed that exposure to the HOTS
courses affected the eight dependent variables since the results were significant (F(6,189)=2.29,
p<0.05). The MANOVA test analyses performed on all dependent variables separately showed
that there were significant differences between the two categories exposure to HOTS course
on the level of knowledge of HOTS from the aspect of curriculum (F(1,194)=14.164, p<0.00625)
and the overall level of knowledge of HOTS (F(1,194) = 11.526, p <0.00625). These results
indicated that the exposure of HOTS course of the samples influenced the level of knowledge
of HOTS from the aspect of the curriculum and their overall knowledge of HOTS.

The overall mean value of the item on knowledge of HOTS from the aspect of the
curriculum was 3.91. Knowledge of thinking skills, which is stated as one of the aspirations in
the Malaysian Education Development Plan (PPPM), is an item which was agreed by the
majority of respondents in the study and received the highest mean value of eight other items.
This result showed that the mathematics teachers were sensitive to their surroundings and
aware of the current issues in the implementation of HOTS in PPPM. Ifwan (2013) and
Rosyahaida (2014) also explained that HOTS were made as one of the key elements highlighted
by PPPM and all teachers need to know and understand it. Meanwhile, the item of
understanding and knowing to differentiate all the six cognitive levels, namely two cognitive
levels in lower order thinking skills (LOTS) and four cognitive levels in HOTS had a mean
value of 3.59 and were the two items that received the lowest mean value as compared to other
items. Most teachers know the cognitive levels of Bloom’s taxonomy in principle, but they still
do not understand the differences and functions of each level in LOTS and HOTS (Nenty,

The level of practice from the aspect of curriculum needs to be fine-tuned by the teachers
because knowledge alone will not help the implementation process of HOTS in mathematics.
The findings showed that 83.1% of respondents agreed and strongly agreed that they practised
the application of HOTS in teaching and learning based on the knowledge of mathematics
content. This item was agreed by most respondents as the previous studies had also shown
that teachers needed the knowledge of the contents of the subject before being able to practise
it in the classroom effectively (Yeam, 2007). As known to the general public, the educational
system in Malaysia is putting an effort to set aside the stigma of exam-oriented education.
However, the findings showed that the respondents still be bound by this condition as most
of them chose not sure in the item scale of ‘prioritising the teaching of HOTS more than just
finishing off the syllabus’. Therefore, this item obtained the lowest mean of just 3.29 and it
clearly indicated that teachers still hold on to the belief of completing the syllabus first to
ensure students’ excellent scores in examinations (Shamsiah et al., 2010; Abdul Razak & Nor
Asmah, 2010; Azhari & Zaleha, 2013).

EURASIA J Math Sci and Tech Ed

Based on the findings of the study, with the highest mean value of 3.84, it was found that
the majority of the teachers learn how to encourage the students to cultivate thinking habits.
The implementation of HOTS also able to instil the habits of developing a higher level of
thinking skills among students rather than just memorising facts (Siti Marlina, 2013).
Meanwhile, with a mean value of 3.51, the third item in section D ‘knowing what thoughtful
questioning techniques’ was the lowest mean value. According to Noresah (2007), the
thoughtful questioning can be defined as questions which require thinking to find the right

A creative minded society is an important asset in creating human capital that possesses
HOTS. The results of the analysis showed that teachers encouraged the students to give new
ideas from creative thinking with the highest mean value of 4.03. However, Azhari and Zaleha
(2013) and Norsita and Zainal (2014) showed different results when they stated that teachers
know how to develop students’ creative thinking, but still they did not practice it in the
classrooms. The findings also indicated that the item that was less practised by the respondents
was ‘using eight different types of i-THINK mind map’ which the mean value was 3.27.
Although the MOE is actively promoting the use of mind map as a form of teaching aid which
is appropriate for HOTS (MOE, 2012), most teachers only adopt some parts of the mind map,
and they are not proficient in all the eight types of mind mapping.

Assessment is an important aspect and should be the main concern in determining the
direction of a programme or national education system. Thus, HOTS elements in the subject
of mathematics assessment need to be emphasized since it can measure teachers
understanding on the implementation of HOTS in mathematics classroom (Nenty et al., 2007;
Serdyukova, 2015). Based on the findings, it was found that the highest value of mean was that
the teachers knew the general characteristics of HOTS questions. Most of the respondents
chose the scale of agree and strongly agree in this item because they knew the HOTS questions
in general, but it did not mean they knew it in specific. This was clearly shown in the fifth item,
which was the lowest mean value because most teachers were not sure if they knew the nine
principles of assessment of HOTS item or not. The findings of this study showed that the
mathematics teachers still did not have in-depth knowledge of HOTS from the aspect of
assessment, and this could have an impact on the implementation process of HOTS in
mathematics at schools.

The teachers’ level of practice in the implementation of HOTS in mathematics from the
aspect of assessment showed that the teachers had the effort to prepare the students towards
diverse problem-solving strategies. This item obtained the highest mean value of 3.90 as most
of the teachers were beginning to realise that the diversity of strategies was able to increase
the students’ knowledge of HOTS. Chew and Shashipriya (2014) stated that most of the
teachers believe that the students need to understand facts or concepts before they are
encouraged to practise thinking skills. The results of the analysis also showed that respondents
did not use PISA related questions during discussions because the mean value was low (3.23).

M. Mokhtar et al.

Chew and Shashipriya (2014) also highlighted that some teachers believe that thinking can
lead to the slow process of delivering education, and it burdens the teachers.

The findings showed a moderately strong and significant positive correlation existed
(r=0.52, p<0.01) between the level of knowledge and practice of the mathematics teacher in the
implementation of HOTS from the aspect of the curriculum. According to Mohsin et al. (2008)
and Muzirah and Farhana (2013), the curriculum is regularly updated so that it can produce
quality students and meet the requirements of the current market. However, society needs to
know that most of the time what is being practised in schools differs from what is stated in the
curriculum (Muzirah & Farhana, 2013). Various constraints on the implementation of the
curriculum can be the cause of the discrepancy.

The findings of the analysis also showed a strong and significantly moderate positive
correlation (r=0.54, p<0.01) between the level of knowledge on the practice of the teachers in
the implementation of HOTS from the aspect of pedagogy. Anuar and Nelson (2015) said that
a competent teacher should have a high level of pedagogical knowledge as it can help the
teacher to select appropriate and effective teaching strategies. Sole dependence on textbooks
does not help teachers in their teaching sessions whereas knowledge on diverse teaching
techniques and methods as well as bright ideas can help students to optimize their thinking
(Jonathan et al., 2013). This fact shows that the knowledge of pedagogy is closely related to the
ability of the teachers to implement HOTS with the students effectively.

The assessment element was the last element considered by the researchers in this study,
and it was found that it has a weak significant and positive correlation with the value (r=0:46,
p<0.01). The knowledge of HOTS assessment is critical because it aims to help teachers to
improve teaching methods and enhance students learning (Serdyukova, 2015). However, most
teachers are still weak in the aspect of assessment because they are not exposed to the
knowledge of assessment thoroughly and accurately. The knowledge of HOTS assessment is
related to the practice of HOTS as Anthony and Walshaw (2009) stated that effective teachers
can teach students on how to conduct assessment and evaluation on their work without fully
expecting help from the teachers.

The findings showed that there was a strong and significant positive correlation (r=0.68,
p<0.01) between the level of knowledge on the practice of teachers in the overall
implementation of HOTS. According to Caroline and Abdul Said (2014), to implement the
process of teaching and learning which adopts the element of thinking skills is a complex
matter and it is not as easy as being assumed by the general society. Their studies also
explained that lack of knowledge was one of the major constraints for the teachers to practise
the process of HOTS in the classroom. There is a strong correlation between knowledge and
practise of HOTS. It is because, through knowledge, teachers can tailor the teaching methods
according to the needs of their students. Teachers who know how to nurture the habits of
thinking among the students and often offer the opportunity to the students to challenge their
ability will enrich the students with knowledge and skills of HOTS (Cope, 2014).

EURASIA J Math Sci and Tech Ed

Although demographic factors can have a certain impact on the success of educational
policy, it cannot be used as obstacles to implementation of the policy. Based on the findings,
the demographic factors of gender, location, and exposure to HOTS courses have certain
influences on the implementation of HOTS. While demographic factors of age, academic
qualifications, grades of teaching post and years of experience in teaching mathematics did
not have any influence the level of knowledge and practice in the implementation of HOTS in

According to Qistina and Fredelis (2010); Aminuddin (2014), currently the majority of
educators in Malaysia are female and there is a shortage of male teachers. Based on the study,
gender is clearly a factor to be taken into account in establishing the country educational
system. Although the overall analysis demonstrated that gender had significant differences,
the results of separate analyses showed no difference regarding gender and the level of
knowledge and practice of HOTS. Nevertheless, the analyses showed that male teachers were
more dominant and had higher mean values in most categories of the dependent variable than
the female teachers.

Next, the location of schools also gave significant difference to the knowledge and
practice on the overall level of implementation and knowledge of HOTS of the teachers in the
aspect of assessment. Mathematics teachers who work in rural areas have high knowledge and
diverse strategies in applying HOTS. According to Canadian Council on Learning (2008), most
of the teachers in rural areas have the advantage of practising effective teaching and learning
because the number of students is lesser than the schools in the urban areas. The atmosphere
in rural schools is regarded to be more comfortable due to the smaller class size, and the
students appreciate the lessons taught by the teachers (Canadian Council on Learning, 2008).
Indirectly, this situation can strengthen the relationship between teachers and students as well
as two-way learning can be implemented as planned.

Participation in HOTS courses is the last demographic factor that has significant
differences on the level of knowledge and practice of HOTS among the mathematics teachers.
Based on the findings, it was found that the degree of knowledge of HOTS among the
mathematics teachers from the aspect of the curriculum and overall is different between the
teachers who have and never participated in HOTS courses. It is because the course content
provided by MOE focuses on the introduction of HOTS (MOE, 2012). Previously, teachers only
knew Critical and Creative Thinking Skills (CCTS) but not in detail.

The study on the level of knowledge and practice of secondary school mathematics
teachers on the implementation of HOTS can display the level of understanding and the
current reality in the learning and teaching of mathematics. The main impact of this study is
clearly visible since teachers and society can see the implementation of HOTS from three
important aspects namely curriculum, pedagogy, and assessment. Previously, not all teachers
knew that these aspects are strongly supportive towards the implementation of HOTS in

M. Mokhtar et al.

mathematics at schools. The perception that curriculum is the only concern of the MOE and
should not be meddled by teachers need to be changed because only teachers know the path
of the curriculum in schools and the level of achievement of a programme that should be
implemented on students (Ornstein & Hunkins, 2004).

Next, competence on the aspect of teaching pedagogy is essential since a well-designed

curriculum is futile if teachers or group of implementers have no knowledge on pedagogical
practice (Mc Aleavy et al., 2013). The knowledge of pedagogy on the implementation of HOTS
in the process of teaching and learning should be understood and practised by all teachers
because they are the ones who need to use different teaching methods or strategies to produce
proficient students in HOTS (Rosma et al., 2012; Caroline & Abdul Said, 2014). This study
shows that the aspect of assessment was still at a non-satisfactory level as compared to the
other two aspects. Consequently, many teachers are still unable to move away from the
practice of exam-oriented education system and teacher centred (BPK, 2012; Caroline & Abdul
Said, 2014). The results of this study highlighted how demographic factors influenced the level
of knowledge and practice in the implementation of HOTS among the mathematics teachers.
One of the results of this study also showed that the exposure of teachers in HOTS courses has
given deep impact on the level of knowledge in the implementation of HOTS. Therefore,
courses or training on the knowledge and implementation of should be continuously done for
teachers to keep abreast of any change and improvement in implementing the knowledge and
skills of HOTS in mathematics teaching and learning (Caroline & Abdul Said, 2014).

The authors would like to thank University Technology Malaysia and Ministry of Education
for their financial support. This work was supported by the TIER 2 Encouragement Grant no.

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